18 September, 2024


GMOA Does Stunning U-Turn On Kurunegala Hospital Director Weerabandara Who Led Persecution Against Dr Shafi

In a remarkable turn of events, the Director of the Kurunegala Teaching Hospital Dr Sarath Weerabandara has been issued a summary transfer after a complaint by the Government Medical Officers Association.

In its letter to the Ministry of Health, the GMOA points to Dr Weerabandara’s inefficient management of the hospital, his arbitrary handling of affairs at the hospital and a list of 13 charges against the director. The GMOA told the Ministry in its letter that Dr Weerabandara’s poor management of the hospital would put lives at risk during the COVID-19 crisis. Responding swiftly to the GMOA’s complaint, the Ministry of Health transferred the director with immediate effect.

Dr Sarath Weerabandara

Weerabandara was a close confidant of SLPP strongman Wimal Weerawansa and led the May 2019 witch-hunt against the Muslim surgeon from Kurunegala, Dr Mohammed Shafi. In collaboration with the DIG Kurunegala and the SSP of the area, aided and abetted by the Kurunegala Magistrate whose wife was an anesthetist at the Kurunegala Teaching Hospital, Weerabandara manufactured a forcible sterilization scandal that eventually drove the Muslim doctor and his family out of his home-town. An exhaustive CID investigation into the charges leveled against Dr Shafi found the entire scandal to have been manufactured, a criminal conspiracy to persecute a Muslim surgeon and taint his family with links to terrorist groups in the aftermath of the Easter Sunday bombings. ASP Tissera and former CID IP Nishantha Silva led the investigation which included a B report of 210 pages the department submitted to the Kurunegala Magistrate’s Court.

Evidence even surfaced that some of the women who had complained against Dr Shafi had been offered money to lodge complaints.

At the time the GMOA stood stoically with Dr Weerabandara, even mobilizing its members to prevent a three man commission appointed to investigate the alleged scandal by the Health Ministry from entering the Kurunegala Teaching Hospital to conduct an inquiry. The controversy raged for months with Weerabandara and his cohorts claiming that Dr Shafi had surreptitiously sterilized Sinhalese women during C-Section surgeries. On several occasions Weerabandara, whose specialty is dentistry, took the law into his own hands by announcing investigations against Dr Shafi and attempting to make interventions in court in Dr Shafi’s magisterial inquiry in order to dispute tests performed in the course of a CID nvestigation on women claiming to have been rendered barren as a result of Dr Shafi’s alleged tampering with their reproductive systems.

At least one of the female complainants was found to have been three months pregnant when she claimed Dr Shafi had sterilized her without her permission and subsequently gave birth.

The Muslim doctor was arrested and detained for two months on the false charges. Once the CID disproved the charges against Dr Shafi, the senior cops involved in the scandal were transferred by order of the National Police Commission but Weerabandara remained in his position, owing to the patronage of powerful SLPP politicos and the GMOA which was offering him protection from censure and an inquiry by the Ministry of Health then run by Minister Rajitha Senaratne. By the time the Muslim doctor was released on bail, his family had been run out of town, with leading schools in Kurunegala and tuition classes expelling his three children.

All the major players in the Dr Shafi scandal were eventually linked to the SLPP, which was stoking anti-Muslim sentiment in the aftermath of the Easter attacks across the country, in a bid to help its candidate to victory at the November presidential election.

Leading the charge was Dr Channa Jayasumana of the Rajarata University who first made the false claims on his Facebook page, a well known supporter of the Rajapaksas and the SLPP. Also stoking tensions and whipping Sinhalese women into a frenzy was Athuraliye Rathana, the former JHU monk who supported Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s candidacy in 2019. Weerabandara who fuelled the scandal within the hospital at which Dr Shafi worked, has been nominated as a candidate from Kurunegala on the SLPP ticket for the parliamentary election.

After the election of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa this coterie managed to get the Dr Shafi case reopened. ASP Tissera who led the investigation for the CID was also investigated about his methods. The reopening of the Shafi case has also formed part of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s witch-hunt against former CID Director Shani Abeysekera.

Colombo Telegraph learns that this powerful pro-SLPP lobby has also been instrumental in urging the President to act against attorney Hejaaz Hizbullah on trumped up charges of involvement in the Easter Sunday attacks. As Dr Shafi’s lawyer, Hizbullah was instrumental in filing the Fundamental Rights petition on the Muslim doctor’s behalf and initially represented him in the Magistrate’s Court case. Hizbullah was arrested by the CID on April 14 and has remained in detention since. He is yet to be given proper access to his lawyers or produced before a magistrate in accordance with the law after three days, even as a suspect being held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. (By Janakie Mediwake)

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  • 39

    GMOA Does Stunning U-Turn On Kurunegala Hospital Director see what is his education doing to the country with his assocites and the Doctors, his arbitrary handling of affairs and how to trust the handling of the present virus valid.Truth is powerful and it prevails

    Never judge someone’s character based on the words of another, Wasting time consentraion for treating sick is directed to untruct the doctors.trying to provide people with proof of deceit, how an ordinary man’s good qualities could become crushing accusations against a guilty man.True ability .Now all evidents are surfacing.

    • 61

      This doctor who has now been attacked by the same groups – have lot do with that Channa Jayasumana or the like low lives.
      I have no sympathy at all this Dr, even if his transfer is against ethics and morals.
      Good riddance not to have sensed it how criminal RAJAPAKSHES and their supporters (GMOA and their supporters in Kurunagala)

    • 45

      Dr Please look back.
      Good riddance to you !:
      There is a saying in sinhala vernacular -if you sit with dogs you will have to face the problems with ticks now or later. Now it is too late. Your degree was thanks to the tax payers funds… but you become so ignorant after you becoming a doctor. This is common to all those incl. ones in GMOA.

      • 39

        “Your degree was thanks to the tax payers funds”. No his degree was thanks to racial discrimination practiced by government shutting out deserving Tamils. GMOA was an honourable trade union looking after the interests of doctors, in which I held the post of Treasurer forty years ago, before leaving the country. With such people who entered medical profession helped by favouritism on racial considerations occupying positions in GMOA, naturally it has gone to the dogs.

        • 10

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
          At the time Sri Lanka gained independence, Demalu were only about 11% but in the Medical College 70% were Vellala Demalu. 60% of Grade 1 schools were in Yapanaya. That is the situation Vellala Demalu preferred and blamed Sinhalayo for discriminating when the Government introduced Standardization to give opportunities to students from areas where education facilities were poor. Standardization discriminated Sinhalayo in urban areas as well and gave opportunities to Demala people outside Yapanaya.

          “No his degree was thanks to racial discrimination practiced by government shutting out deserving Tamils.”

          Stop talking BS, distorting facts.

          • 0

            Do you know how Jaffna District (not other Tamil areas) got the missionary schools.
            The British did not want them in the South, especially Colombo. The Sinhala elite showed no interest in education until sometime in the 20th Century.
            If you compare wealth, the biggest landlords and businessmen were Sinhalese. They resented Muslim and Indian merchants.
            The wealthiest classes were overwhelmingly Sinhalese.
            Standardization did not help the poor schools. It was a flop and had to be altered to a District Quota scheme. That too failed the poor because rich parents knew how to cheat the system.
            Nevertheless, I resent the statement of GS that calls into question the eligibility of a graduate. He, you and I are beneficiaries of free education and many more of Swabasha as well.

            • 1


              “Standardization did not help the poor schools. It was a flop and had to be altered to a District Quota scheme. That too failed the poor because rich parents knew how to cheat the system.”

              Standardization was a flop
              Socialist exconomic policies were flop
              Land reform was a flop
              Indian Ocean a ‘Nuclear Free Zone’ was a flop
              The 1972 Constitution was a the longest suicide note
              Reforming (Messing Up with) Cooperative was a flop

              Dealing with Tamil Youth Militancy was a flop
              Foreign policy regarding East Bengal prior to 1971 was a flop.

              Living together with LSSP, CP … was a flop

              Was there any success story when the weeping widow was enjoying her power between 1970 and 1977?

        • 10

          This can well be – I agree with you. Dr GS.
          Pleased to hear that GMOA was an honourable TU looking after the interests of doctors then.
          Unfortunately, I have not heard any single good to have done by current day GMOA

          . Alone over the past few years the manner GMOA boys abused their rights letting thousands of patients being neglected – should well be investigated in any civilized country but – no hopes at all today under the brutal duo.
          I have had some information- that those 5 memebers incl. Prez neuro paediatricians have not covered their due working hours, but worked on the agendas of MR and his sinister forces.
          In Germany, if any medical professonal would be found being neglected towards to patients’ requests, no choice but will definitly be subject to a trial. One of my friends lost his medical approbation just because he pretended not to be a MD in a moving train where a passenger found to be a heart patient, was met with emergency situation.

          to be ctd

          • 1

            Yes GMOA was not only an honourable one but also non political. Forty years ago when I was holding the post of Treasurer, there was a strike regarding foreign post graduate study when government tried to prevent doctors from leaving the country and forcing them to sit for local post-graduate exam. Government tried to break the strike by intimidation and threat of arresting office bearers, but of no avail as we stood our grounds. I left my home in Colombo and went to Matara to stay with a friend, in case government tried to arrest me. Finally the mighty JR government was humbled and lifted the prohibition of doctors going abroad. Though majority of doctors were supporters of UNP, they stood together for their rights. What is happening now is that majority of doctors who are supporters of Rajapakse gang are making a mockery of trade unionism.

  • 17

    The GMOA has pulled out an Ivory Snatcher!

    • 44

      But my puzzle why then GMOA stayed mum at the time that Dr Safhi saga came up and that family was hurt by every means. Many researchers argued that falopian tube cant be damaged in that manner by a single doctor – however, Athana Methana Natana Rathana et al with her/his myths succeeded by making it the perception of those racists. Patients were bribed to share their biased views.

  • 35

    In Total all government institutions and its organizations including GMOA do not bother about people, they only bother they are serving the needs of Mahinda family. Health ministry announced that he Corona is fully under control to have this election in June 2020. Election Commission is already agreed to hold election and o give two third majority to Mahinda family. Mahinda now promised to TNA to give all that they wanted. Gota agreed to Trump that they are prepared to get the MCC deal. So, a very good future for Mahinda Family.

    • 14

      GMOA is supposedly a trade union. It is not affiliated to the government.
      It has been severely politicized in the past decade or so.
      Your comments divert attention from the central issue which concerns the earlier unethical conduct of of the GMOA and its surprise change of attitude.
      The CT too is to blame as the article fails to examine the subject (GMOA’s U-turn) suggested by the title and deals with SLPP politics at length.

      • 15

        You are right that GMOA is supposed to be independent trade union. You should expect the Judiciary to independent like many other. Unfortunately, that is not the case in reality for decades. The central issue of this article is GMOA, but it is not the recent case, GMOA become part of SLPP for a long time.

        • 4

          A trade union is not a government body by any standard and cannot be put on par with any statutory body. (I said nothing about its ‘independence’.)
          Many trade unions have political affiliations. But the GMOA is among those not formally affiliated to any party.
          One should be cautious about equating statutory bodies of the government, professional institutions, and trade unions.
          BTW, for the GMOA to have become part of SLPP for a long time, the SLPP founded in 2016 has not been existence for very long.
          The medical profession in the country is communally polarized for a long while. That may explain the GMOA’s conduct in general and early attitude in the Shafi saga. Marrs Hall dominated by medical students has a bad record during the communal violence in the campus in 1983 which preceded the national even by a few months. (Engineering and Arts Faculties ranked among the more civilized.)
          Professional rivalry breeds parochial attitudes.

      • 4

        Dear SJ,

        Could you also share us as to why GMOA acts as the ” SPECIALISTs for COMMUNITY DISEASE CONTROL ” ?
        Why dont we see University Experts (Profs and senior lecturerers in Contagious Disease/Viorlogy/Microbiology) are seen as regular panelists on the TV programs on COVID 19 ?
        And why a Lawyer (as I know from others) be appointed as the minister of Health ? is that because the leadership does not seem to have simple commonsense to see it right ?

        There are enough medical graduates in SLPP, but none of them seen in the CORONA control. Actually, they should not care about the party poltiics right at this critical juncture of the country – but to appoint the due… instead what have they been doing ?

        In Europe, only virologists are on TV screens whenever the high level discussion based on containment of the virus is held. … I have dozens of questions whenever I watch SRILANKEN TV news. almost everyday.

        • 1

          I fear that you already have the answers.
          The SLPP has wide support and membership among professionals. But how does one get involved unless asked.
          Media space is cornered by various interest groups. There are a pushy few who pronounce on everything and use media for self promotion. Without good planning and organization any information is waste.
          A minister need not be a subject expert as there is no way to elect subject experts. (Such appointments are possible under another kind of political system.) What matters is commitment.
          I know a lawyer Chairman of Cement Corporation who studied enough to mobilize specialists from the universities to implement a production boosting system in the early 1980s. Later he got an engineering academic to fix a failure in the production line which would otherwise have cost huge sums to sort out as well as several days of lost production. His appointment was a lucky accident.

  • 29

    Another “I said so” moment . After a long pause yesterday I wrote a comment on Dr. Shaffi and how he was fixed (under Hizbullah was fixed article) without realizing this new development. Lankan LOO and ODOR. Rajapaksas fixed Shaffi for election purposes and this crook with the help of a jealous colleague and her husband (who was in charge of police) few nurses and Rajapaksas supporters (litigants) together , ganged up in framing those charges, and staging this whole drama. A true shit hole like no other.

  • 35

    For me this incident was the final nail in the coffin. I have no doubts that Lanka is failed dysfunctional state with no hopes of any recovery. A simple straight forward medical fact was twisted in hundred different ways by Rajapaksas with the help of public, bureaucrats, judiciary, law officials , GMOA/SLMC media, monks??? and the rest. This is not the first such case, but for me this one is good enough for a final conclusion. In a country with a population of 2.15 Crores, what was simply impossible was claimed as possible by thousands to see an innocent doctor behind bars. Yet people are hoping for recovery ???? DREAM ON.

    • 7

      You said it Chiv. This is a country where even doctors have a feudal mindset. Nobody is able to think for themselves, but are prepared to believe any itinerant monk/gynaecologist/ glyphosate specialist.
      Still, what caused the GMOA’s U-turn?

      • 5

        I think … in today’s doctors behave no different GMOA members .. we can get lot more how they behaved in the country in earlier decades from Dr GS. He can definitely add some facts on this topic. Even in Galle we found tamil surgeons/specialists in early 80ties.

        Glyphosate Specialist (Channa Jaysumanaya) is almsot like a vaccine (inactivated pathogen or half dead pathogens). He is the one to have suggested on holding the elections going by province by province basis. Can you imagine ?

        As a doctor who earned his degree thanks to the tax payers funds – should be able to see it better-

        we are a nation filled with doctors without hearts and lawyers without justice. Basta. All these bred during the high days of Rajapakshe rule.

  • 29

    He is just transferred, not suspended. Soon he too will become a diplomat , so that he can get his free business class ticket to travel to USA , for hair transplant.

    • 27

      I agree. The Rajapaksa’s always rewards the crooks, liars, and war criminals, who do their bidding. This man will get a top job soon in the medical field.

  • 21

    What else can one expect from the swabasha moduled racism oozing from all their pores dedicated loyal bum lickers of the rajapuka clan?
    Most of the GMOA doctors instead of treating the sick especially the poor folk who cannot afford to channel the private doctors or the specilalists.?
    The sooner the health system is reformed foreign volunteer doctors are brought in to the bankrupt Kota Uda sewage canal will enable the fee being able to be and those who just cannot afford to pay any sort of consultation fee will be looked after, sincerely treated with the utmost of respect as equal citizens of mother Lanka irrespective of caste creed or race.
    A drastic harsh revamp of the entire nation has to be done to get rid of all the corruptions, the ills and most important the ugly head of racism which has been the root cause since 1956.
    The corrupt petty-minded racism oozing rajapuka licking GMOA swabasha non-proficient in English sods are the ones that have and has to be first culled.
    Employ them as attendants, gardeners, toilet or lavatory experts etc for the betterment of the country.
    The gift of free education has not done this once cash-rich nation any good.? Cheers, R. J. in a dream world.

    • 8

      What do you mean by ‘swabasha moduled racism?
      Sinhale is a country where about 75% are Native Sinhalayo. Can’t they have their mother tongue as the official language?

      When English was the official language, descendants of ‘Para’ Dravida slaves had no problem. When Sinhala was made the official language, it was RACISM.

      When ‘God Save the Queen’ was the National Anthem, descendants of ‘Para’ Dravida slaves had no problem and they sang it but when ‘Namo Namo Matha’ was made the National Anthem, they had a problem with opening their mouths to sing the Sinhala National Anthem.

      When Union Jack was the National Flag, descendants of ‘Para’ Dravida slaves had no problem and they happily stood when Union Jack was raised but when ‘Lion Flag’ was made the National Flag their bottoms got glued to the seats.

      “What else can one expect from the swabasha moduled racism oozing from all their pores dedicated loyal bum lickers of the rajapuka clan?”

    • 8

      “dedicated loyal bum lickers of the rajapuka clan”

      We are proud to be the loyal bum lickers of Rajapakshes, the heroes of our nation who liberated one third of the country occupied by ‘Para’ Dravidians and unified the country.

      You guys were the bum lickers of megalomaniac Piripakaran. What did you get by licking the bum of Piripakaran? Absolutely nothing. Only a humiliating defeat from valiant Sri Lankan Armed Forces.

    • 5

      In addition to the humiliating defeat, economic refugees working as toilet cleaners lost their meagre savings. We understand that ‘Koti Diaspora’ guys who extorted from poor economic refugees are having a luxurious life using the left over money due to elimination of LTTE terrorism.

      • 1

        I fear that a good part of the money went into the hands of someone you know well through the now very much forgotten KP.

  • 28

    This is such a shame for our country. To think top people, politicians, Buddhist clergy, doctors, and let’s not fail to mention the racist channel Derana, ALL worked towards framing a good man, a professional who treated women of all religions, and ruining his life.
    ALL THAT FOR WHAT? To win elections? To get the Buddhists to rally around them? To divide the country and cause ethnic tensions? We should be ashamed that a Buddhist country like ours find so called Buddhists like these low lives, who are willing to harm a good man who has done NOTHING to deserve such treatment, and it is appalling that his family suffered in such terrible ways. Is this the Buddhist way?


    Are those who voted for these Rajapaksa’s okay with such racism, intimidation, and false accusations? Is this how a party who seems unable to win on their achievements, wins elections? Turning the majority against the minority? Or are they following the racist Modi style of governing? After ALL GR did make a special visit to India as soon as he was elected.

  • 8

    There are incidence reported everyday from North that Rapist Army and Rapist Police entering into houses in the night and beating mainly women in those houses. Yesterday alone there are three reports appears in he Tamil media. In one cases Rapist Police jumped the house fence and attacked people in that house. Then refused to allow to go to hospital the person beaten by them but took with other house people to police station. In another the other case Rapist Army searching one, not named, but accusing attacked them. The report is rapist army had damaged house properties.

  • 15

    It is a disgrace t Sri Lanka have Doctors like Weerabandara Two weeraya’s are good at lying This is the caliber of people Rajapaks dynasty has in his circle. When did Dentist Weerabandara become a gynecologist? This is the credibility of GMOA which is politically aligned with the Mahinda dynasty.

    • 4

      Weerabandara? It should be really Veera Pandaran a pure Tamil name from South India now Sinhalised to Weerabandara , The story of most Sinhalese especially the low and upper ruling castes , all of recent South Indian largely Tamil immigrant origin , now beating the so called Sinhalese derived from Tamil Chingkallam, Hela derived from Tamil Eelam , Aryan drum. Aryan my foot

  • 14

    GMOA is pissed off that the GMOA Thugs did not get nominations.

    • 15

      Dear Buddist1@

      I think now people are realizing that Gotabaya s rule is not all its cracked up to be.
      As of today:

      They have been struggling also begging the public servants for donations
      Those who may have donated seem to be not sure of giving them to RAJAPAKSHES for their own concerns. Pattapal horas are well known to the international community..
      Shameless men would not be able to contain the virus from spread either.
      If FAR POOR NEPAL could manage it with ZERO deaths, why lanken leaders failed ?
      All these should be very clear to the majority of stupid people in the country… then only we can see a better future.

      • 4

        “If FAR POOR NEPAL could manage it with ZERO deaths…”
        Is Nepal’s Left of Centre government a factor?
        Will comparing with Venezuela, Vietnam and North Korea (zero cases hence zero deaths) as well make further sense?

        • 3

          Dear SJ,
          glad to read your well thought comments as always. I read them with a greater desire :)
          I have no idea about the politics in Nepal. But I only know that Nepal’s per capita is 900 US. And many europeans travel to that country just because Da -lama is held as a great religious leader by many countries in western Europe. So seasonal tourists arrivals to SL and Nepal are comparable.

          And my previous comment focused only on the numbers of tests done and the level of containment of COVID 19 would have been measured by the number of deaths.
          Venezulians and Vietnamese have perfromed lot more tests irrespective their political situations.

          And you re right, that there are various strains of the virus being known to the world today with world researchers change their predictions about a second wave day by day.

          Regret to the knowledge of EE – He does not seem to know that the numbers went up in Europe due to various factors ( Age, Climate, BCG vaccination, Winter party culture etc).

          • 1

            Dalai Lama is based in India since the CIA-backed slave-owners’ rebellion failed.
            One of Nepal’s best attractions is Everest. Access to the peak is more friendly than on the Chinese side.
            Nepal’s fertile mountainous regions and friendly people make it an attraction.
            Nepal is poor but not politically backward.
            Tourists are seldom attracted by personalities. It is change of scenery and adventure that motivate many tourists.
            Luckily for Nepal its tourist season (March to May) had not got into full swing, when by March the COVID-19 scare had gripped Europe.

            • 2

              yes, but there are few exceptions. UK’s monarchy and royal family is the main reason behind the milliions of tourists arrivals to that country. This i got to know from a histsorian from UK.
              I am known to eruopeans that have travelled to Nepal in recent years. And agree with you, their touirst season is different to that of SL. That could well be one of the factors, them to have managed it sofar good… and the fact that such countries incl. many in African dont care about the contageous diseases. I know few Nigerians (researchers) that would not take it serious even if they are caught by malaria fever. In SL, malaria infection is held as a serious health threat.
              Not just climatic differences, but BCG, culture and several various factors cause those countries to be able to contain the disease from spread.. however, we as an island with one single main entry into the country could become a model if our leadership could get it. Yet today they dont care much about the thoughts of the experts. This I see as a punishable act. See, while uni dons ( experts in community disease control – epidemiologists) stay away from people’s awarness program, they the rulers work exclusively with GMOA ( not a single member of them come with the expertise in contagious disease related stuff)

              • 2

                Thanks. I agree.
                It is, however, not the Queen (or King) that is the attraction, but a scheme of things that go with the Royalty plus the Royal Palaces etc. The Changing of the Guards is a major attraction.
                It is some kind of nostalgia for some from countries that were rid of the monarchy, and a curiosity for Americans who never had a monarch, except as the ruler of the British Empire.
                As for COVID-19, I doubt if it is the deadly virus it is made out to be. The European/American strain may be a little nastier, but if it is managed well the infected would come out unscathed.
                Who need special care are the vulnerable like the very old and those with severe health conditions.
                There are lessons for the rest of Europe from Germany, Russia and Sweden, each in different ways.
                A badly neglected public health system is to blame for the failure to arrest spread and protect the vulnerable.
                University dons get involved through programmes in such matters. Rarely individuals who are socially motivated act on their own initiative. Not many keep away knowingly. The state and its institutions need to sustain a scheme that draws on intellectual resources.
                On the other hand, professional attitudes have been wrecked by private practice, especially among doctors.

                • 1

                  Dear SJ,
                  I am unusually busy with my HO these days. I will get back to you tomorrow or day after.
                  Thank you for your meaningful thoughts.

                  Stay healthy !
                  P.S The lastest I got to read today is depending on your blood group, the conntainment of COVID 19 virus varies .. I will let you know more tomorrow.

      • 4

        Why don’t you ask the question:
        If poor Nepal could manage it with zero deaths and Sri Lanka with 9 deaths, why the leaders in richest countries failed?
        USA: 1.34 million Cases and 79,373 Deaths
        UK: 215,000 Cases and 31,587 Deaths
        Germany: 168,551 Cases and 7369 Deaths (country that you are proud of)
        Nepal: 109 Cases and 0 Deaths
        Sri Lanka: 847 Cases and 9 Deaths
        (In Sri Lanka about 600 are from Sri Lankan Armed Forces who took a very active role to control the spread of the virus)

        “If FAR POOR NEPAL could manage it with ZERO deaths, why lanken leaders failed ?”

        • 5

          There is now fair suspicion about differences between the virus strains that affected East Asia and Europe.
          In France there are reports that the virus was there already in late 2019.
          The low death rate in Germany is highly commendable as Germany has maintained its social welfare far better than most of the rest of West Europe. Russia too has a low death rate.
          There is no denying that Sri Lanka could have had zero infection after the Chinese female who was treated and returned home.
          There seems to have been a cock-up thrice since, the third being the worst.

          • 0

            This will then be a dillema phrmaa researchers to bring one single vaccine that soon. However, they have been working diehard to bring selective vaccines as I heard it from Moderna and CureVac. There are also several other companies that are all on a race today… let s hope the best.

        • 6


          Why don’t you ask the question:
          If poor Nepal could manage it with zero deaths and Sri Lanka with 9 deaths, why the leaders in richest countries failed?

          It is just that I open my eyes wider-and I rely on most updates about the topics.

          Why cant you guys see it yet, had the govt closed down the airport (main single entrance to the country-BIA) as of early March – how many would have been saved ? Not just 9 deaths only, but entire nation is left to be in anxities today.

  • 20

    Dr. Shaffi contested the 2015 Elections on the UNP ticket and just lost. He was FRAMED during the UNP regime and the UNP did NOTHING for him. There was NO NEED for the UNP to go out of the way. All they needed to do was to Ensure that the Correct Process was followed.

    If those who FRAMED Dr. Shaffi so successfully are SLPPers, what does it tell about the UNP? Doesn’t it say Loudly and Clearly that the UNP is Totally UNRELIABLE, Least Interested in the Welfare of EVEN its Own Members, Highly IRRESPONSIBLE and Grossly INEFFICIENT?

    On the other hand the SLPPers have PROVED that they can Do What they Want and to Hell with Justice and Right and Wrong.

    What a Political Choice for the Sri Lankans.

  • 9

    Forget about this rogue doctor, the police officer & the other conspirators who are not worthy of their positions, it’s the GMOA’s action as a group that is worrisome. During the previous governments term they went on to oppose & initiate strike action on many unconnected things to medical field. Their double standards were exposed when they opposed SAITM which was initiated during their master’s (MR) rule. There was a mum during that time & no sooner the back boneless wheeler dealer Ranil’s government came to power they started protests against all & everything. Land of lotus eaters will never improve or develop with such groups & people with hidden agendas.

  • 4

    Some signs of adherence to Rule of Law and Fair Play but ths was only because of a Complaint by the GMOA putting fear into Gothas mind that the said Dr could turn out to be a liability than an Asset in his claim for fame ( falsley) agains COVID- 19. If not for COVID 19 this woud have been swept under the carpet.

  • 4

    Doctor concept of teamwork has been associated with improved patient safety, more effective care and a better work environment. But this incedent motivation is deferrent
    This Team have spent time to build false charges to another doctor not Enhance professional for safety of patients.

  • 10

    Did the GMOA zombies come to know that dentist Weerabandara had surreptitiously lobotomized them ?

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