11 February, 2025


Gnanasara Further Remanded

BBS General Secretary Galagoda Atte Gnanasara Thera was further remanded until February 16 by the Homagama Magistrate today.

Buddhist monk Gnanasara who was released on bail yesterday for contempt of court, was remanded again yesterday on charges of threatening Sandya Ekneligoda, the wife of the missing person Prageeth Ekneligoda.



Latest comments

  • 20

    Please don’t let him out – keep him under lock and key!

    • 2

      not to revenge but to bring the man with higher aggression potential to bring back to normal life – please keep the man away from any human assocaition.

      Lanken Prison and law and order authorities should reform their working guidelines or the like paragragph in order to rehabliitate Ghanasara like wrong persons.
      That way can open doors for a sound society at least in the future.
      Germany and several other progress states have the kind of prison rehablitation centres there the prisoners of diverse kind but with the potential of the getting back to normal are being treated professionally.

      US prison system is poorly structured. We must not follow up Americans.

    • 2

      Please psychologists, sociologists and the like professionals please word together with current regime to turn this society to good.
      At least then the future generations will be thankful to you.

      A) Law and order, disipline should be given the highest priority as it is the case in Germany, Japan and other countries where people will have to respect the laws

      B) They should leave the regligions be away from lanken politics. They should better work for the reconciliation of the torn societal structure. We dont need univesity educated psychologists, Hamuduruwos, muslim, christan priests can help teaching younth the way they have to behave well.

      • 1

        If Rajavassas did A) and B) Sri Lanka whould ve been much better place at present. NOPE! Their true side eleviated and start robbing harrasing murdering people to stay in power forever. They were so stupid to not to realize that Majority of the Sri Lankans are smart, intelligent and only 10 years of Bull S can be done. Next time they have to go home.

    • 0

      If this man – with higher aggression potential be freed – allowing to get on human association…

      it is better all wild park animals to allow free – former and latter have no diffierence at all.

      Even being in the jail, not being able to control his orifice – is a greater mistake that his parents and gurus had to correct long ago.

      If we see, cobra, we take every actions to be away, or keep it away, very same should be applied here, inroder bring this creature to sense, keep him in jail at least until he becomes normal.

  • 19

    In the Gnanassara Thero issue the question is whether thuggery and intimidation will prevail against the established judicial process, law and order. The much despised Thera has hardly any respect for established rules of conduct in the country. This unabashed thug in cloth relies heavily on the fact he is a Buddhist priest and since he wears the yellow robe, he is well above the law. As a civilised society we must not allow this raucous rowdy to have his own way. The courageous Magistrate hearing his case brings dignity to the rule of law in the country.

    The Thera does not live by the lofty standards required of a pious, peaceful Buddhist priest. He continues to subject Lankan Buddhism to disrepute. His BBS and hangers-on are nothing but a fascistic outfit relying on inflaming communal dissension to remain in the public eye.

    Already the BBS has circulated a video that is going viral where a woman slanders President Maitripala in raw filth – as a pressure tactic to release the Thera.


  • 10

    Jail is nothing new to him, right?

  • 21

    Good one, this two legged animal disguised as a Monk should be incarcerated for life with continuous case hearing like, Nippon Hotel case, A & B murders and mayhem and all racist related acts.

    • 7

      The rogue in robes is well on the way to permanent remand. The name of the game is life imprisonment. All kudos to the Magistrate

  • 12

    My heart bleeds for him…. NOT !!

  • 19

    This thug must be disrobed and caged for good. He is a disgrace to Buddhism and the Sinhalese people. How can a real monk sink so low to abuse a widow of a man murdered by his paymasters the Rajapaksa brothers?

  • 15

    A good example for those who don the Robes with Ulterior Motives!

  • 15

    Throw away the key!

  • 7

    Buddharakhita Thero, the main accused in the SWRD assassination case (1958), behaved far better in public and did not disgrace the sihuruwa – until he was implicated in the killing. If Gnanassara Thera is treated lightly this will give the wrong signal to hundreds of Gnassara Theras waiting on the wing watching intently as to how matters will turn out. What this rogue Thera does is to challenge the very integrity and strength of our judicial system.

    Even in the SWRD murder case there was much pressure both on the political leadership and the judiciary to treat the matter leniently since, it was argued, the good name of the Sangha was involved. But, the respected men of government, the clergy and the judiciary saw to it that the law was upheld – to the applause of the country and the world.

    A.D.J. Perera

  • 6

    He should be kept in solitary confinement. This man only causes strife in the country, by his rabble rousing, and bigoted ways. He should be held accountable for his many crimes, thuggery, threats, and incitement,

    This man is a disgrace to his robes, and should be kicked out of the clergy.

  • 3

    Hats off to the Magistrate who does his job without cowing down to anyone. Sandya Ekneligoda is a woman whom we should try to emulate not brand as a terrorist, simply because I fail to find any other woman who would go this far to get justice done to her dead husband. I as a Sinhalese am extremely very proud of her, whatever some rascals may say of her.

  • 6

    This shows that the state was the main culprit in obstruction of justice although the courts and police took the blame for ten long years without a place to turn to. Thank god there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

  • 2

    Replay to sarojini
    Typical Sri Lankans are those who are guilty, go after less intellegence stupid dumb morons like GANDASARA to create social unrest thinking that the courts will deviate from investigating the current case. This is obvious what does gandasara has to do with ekiliyagoda? Why was he protesting in fron of the courts for this case? There were many othere cases why this specific case which is related to gottaba matta. YOU STUPID B. GROW UP! Another stupid rajavassa supporter!

    • 1

      Rohan, believe or not this bloody Ghanasara will have to be set free since the stupid supporters could go protesting days – they will work the devious agendas of Rajapakshes. Did you see it today, the man telling someting else, but opening an office today… that is how his tactics work. These men are born criminals. People are not wise enough to get it. What matters is the stance of majority – which is so stupid in lanken nation. They dont want Rajapakshes to be convicted. They just want to see their rice packets and any culprits further being bred as had been the case during the last few years.

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