20 February, 2025


Gnanasara Receives Fast Track Bail For A Second Time In A Day

The General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) Galagoda Atte Gnanasara who was arrested by the Police Organised Crimes Division (POCD) was released on bail by the Colombo Additional Magistrate today.

He was arrested this afternoon by the POCD on charges of obstructing police officers from exercising their duties during an incident in 2014 at the Nippon Hotel, when he forcefully entered a press conference organised by several Buddhists monks and Muslims and demanded monks to leave the press conference.

Gnanasara didn’t even have to wait an hour under arrest, and received the bail within an hour of his arrest.

Earlier today, Gnanasara was released on bail and an arrest warrant issued by the Fort Magistrate was cancelled after he surrendered to the courts over a contempt of court case.

Gnanasara is yet to be arrested by the police over charges of inciting racism and creating religious disharmony. The warrant was issued on May 25. Police earlier said that they couldn’t arrest him as he was in hiding.

Latest comments

  • 39

    Sri Lanka is the only country in the world that treats extremely dangerous criminals with velvet gloves.

    Only certain selected criminals are entitled to this privilege though as there is discrimination here too just as in every other sphere in this land.

    • 30

      Gandasara has done a “Hirunika”. Remember she was released an hour after arrest for abduction charges. This is a right reserved by corrupt SL Judiciary only for criminals too sensitive to touch. Cheers!

      • 25

        So then why the masses say, that the Judiciary is independent ? I am speechless.

        Benie, I really dont know why the people behave so. I hate to come back to Srilanka to even see anyone. I am so fed up.

      • 14

        Ben Hurling ——Is Pillayan still in custody not being charged after one and half years in prison for crimes yet to be spelled out at the courts? ———–I am told there are several Tamils still in custody not being charged for unknown crimes for many years some of them of course for more than 15 years. —————————————————————————–The Judiciary must be very generous in some cases and applied in an expeditious manner when it comes to certain section of the population. ——————————————————–Is there anyway we can offshore the justice function and hire a few honest colour, race, religion, region, gender, caste, …… blind legal officers?

        • 4

          Dear Vedda

          Why Cry Foul. Time for Pillaian and others to get themselves a saffron Robe and shave their head. Hey presto the problem is solved.. That is Sri Lanka. The Land blessed by Buddha!


          • 3

            Levi—————–Good idea. —————————–If and when the Sangha’s popularity waned they may want to appear cleaning and weeding out the rogue thugs from their amidst, the shaven headed recent converts will be conveniently blamed and hanged by their b***s saving the real saffron clad thugs for future purposes. —————Brilliant I am glad you too are helping the Sangha to maintain its status quo. ……… Beware you may have to put up with two saffron clad thugs, Gnanasara as well a Pillayan. You love multiplying the problem don’t you? Bravo.

    • 18

      Mr Labourer, ………………..
      What are you talking about?? Haven’t you seen the statement released by “Athi Pujya”. “His Excellency” Malwatte MahaNayaka G…n Wahanse today…. endorsing this SB hero Ganasara?? Read it… All these happen after that endorsement……… This Gnanasara is just a messenger.. There are 100,000 Gnanasaras and their big bosses are all over the country.. All those wise spiritual leaders are our Sinhalese Buddhist heritage.. Just learn to live with it…

      • 4

        Can’t you see the truth. This is what Buddha preached for a good life this is what Buddhism is about. They are the true guardians of Buddhism and that is the way of life!

      • 6


        Although this comment does not warrant any reply due to its poor quality, I take this opportunity to convey a message to Buddhists.

        The most despicable slandering/insults against Chief Prelates, Buddhist Monks and Buddhists are in place even though Buddhism is protected by the Constitution itself. If this country is being declared a Secular country as proposed in the New Constitution, I am sure Buddhists can imagine the disastrous fate of our religion although 70.2% are Buddhists.

        It is in this light, I wish to stress the point which had also been emphasized by “The Most Venerable Chief Prelate of the Asgiriya Chapter”, that all Three Chief Prelates, Maha Sangha and Sinhalese Buddhist Patriots should act in unison in protecting the country.

        While respecting the rights of other religions although they don’t reciprocate, it is imperative that Sinhalese Buddhists take measures that are of paramount importance and highly necessary to safeguard Buddhism. We must understand the actual reason as to why a proposal of a secular state emerged in our Sinhalese Buddhist country.

        The West/India/US/INGO/NGO funded and maneuvered political blackmailing and bargaining at the expense of Sinhalese Buddhists should be ended. The unity of Sinhalese Buddhists is the only key to overcome that issue. Division will only make us weak which paves the way for some undesirable minority elements backed by the above-mentioned, fishing in troubled waters to fulfil unrealistic demands that are detrimental to the unitary state and the existence of Buddhism which have been protected by our valiant ancestors over thousands of thousands years. Our future Sinhalese Leader should be someone who has the backbone to not to give in political pressure emanating from minority parties backed by foreign elements. All Buddhists should get together and vote for One Leader.

        • 3

          And that one dealerbis Gnanasara? So now the govt to is pussy footing on the crimes committed by Gnana to be using him as a tool to garner BUDDHIST votes…now tgatvGnana comes as a winner in these issues AFTER REFUSING TO ATTEND COURT …THREATENING IT N CHALLENGING IT…his next challenge is to contest in 2020…Gota can stay home …so can MS RW n Champuka….from now in SL is going down a slippery slope..await the 2nd screening of a 1983..

        • 0

          Dear Champa

          Sure Buddihism needs Protection. So are the Criminals who call themselves Buddhists. I pity all the Ploititions who are under the custody of their body Guards. We ordinary citizens are free to go about without anyone peeping at us as body guards. Please Give the Top protection to the Gundasara all problems solved. He will no longer face threats as he will enternally be under the protection of body guards. This can also be applied to all other prelates. Buddhisam is saved. We ordinary men are free to move about .


        • 0

          ” Our future Sinhalese Leader should be someone who has the backbone to not to give in political pressure emanating from minority parties backed by foreign elements”
          Are you rooting for your BF Wimal Sangiliwansa? The scourge of Google and Coke plus promoter of Lemon Puff?

    • 22

      It’s starting to look like the BBS is state manufactured terrorism by the Rajapaksas that is now being used and protected by the President Maithripala Sirisena too!!

      • 4


        The BBS is an independent Buddhist national organization which operates within the law of the country.

        The LTTE was the only terrorist organization which existed in Sri Lanka which remains as a proscribed terrorist outfit even after its elimination. There are concerns about Sri Lankan soil being used for ISIS activities and I believe that our Inteligence Service is on high alert and capable of thwarting any such attempt.

        The former or the current Presidents have nothing to do with any type of terrorism. Your imagination seem to have no limit.

        • 6


          You are right BBS operates under the law. But its activities appear to be close to and may lead more towards that of LTTE. It is the duty of our leaders to have an eye on them and let the legal system take care of it independently. ISIS activity in Sri Lanka is a myth. I don’t know from where you get your intelligence on ISIS!
          Which lord Buddha’s preaching is BBS following??

          • 2

            Pseudo eusence masquerading in essence!- the tiger in the liar is just looking for sheep to cling on toppi peretu – could do 2 birds with one stone than individual.

            • 3

              Show your brain if you have one rather then writing trash. Explain to me why you don’t agree with my post!

              • 0

                Show your brain if you have one rather then writing trash.-
                yours is tucked in your butt- original Eusence (red logo) construction of sentences is totally different from your grammar.because you are not the california based dud of school teacher essence but a para -demla just like the new pseudo Jim Softy.
                demalas always fu**ed under the palmyrah tree not the kuddai yata at galle face green

                • 3

                  More trash talking!
                  Keep writing, some day you may write something intelligent.

          • 2


            One thing you don’t know what the LTTE is. About ISIS, you don’t even know that a recruitment drive was underway quite sometime now involving Asia.

            • 4

              I know what ltte is more than you. Read my posts over the years. That’s why Tamil terror supporters appear to hate me.
              Give me your evidence on recruitment drive of ISIS in Sri Lanka. That’s what I expect from you, not, you repeating unsubstantiated claims.
              By the way, you didn’t answer my question on BBS’s following of lord Buddha?? Why?

              • 1

                “”Give me your evidence on recruitment drive of ISIS in Sri Lanka. “” you are aware of it as much as the world of CIA/FBI are. who do you think the rebels of syria and daesh are, for the russians to bomb anything that moves- when the bomb went off at St petersburgh the rebels rejoiced like PLO on 9/11 but Bojo was the first to say how sorry he was and spontaneously the russian army general told him he would wipe uk off the map.
                When you are not aware of current affairs do not mess with ISIS.

                • 3

                  You are living proof that man can live without a brain!
                  Good luck!!

                  • 0

                    invertebrate! Cowards are shameless muslims and die many times. Eusense is a borrowed name from Swiss innovators and the original wrote just like a school teacher- questioning as always unlike the PC you are.. Try living silently in your muslim Styscraper and shout aLu O akubar!!!

              • 0

                There is plenty of evidence that IS as well as Wahabbi exremists are active in Sri Lanka. While everybody rightly blame Gnanasara fro his violence they ignore the threat that is going to turn Sri Lanka into another Maldives (formerly a Buddhist nation)

                • 1

                  Taraki————“There is plenty of evidence that IS as well as Wahabbi exremists are active in Sri Lanka.”———– What are you doing about it if you have the evidence? ————And what about the intelligence community including RAW all thriving in this island?————- Keep in touch with ISI of Pakistan which coordinates dispersal of Wahabi fanatics. If you do not have the courage to go to the police please let me have the details I will pass the information to the local police through my legal advisors. ————–Please let me have some time to look for a good treatment for your mass paranoia.

                • 2

                  Everybody is talking of ” plenty of evidence” on ISIS! But no one has the capability to show where the evidence is.
                  Don’t respond to me if you cant provide evidence.

                  There is no doubt that Muslims are the fastest growing population in SL. Soon they will surpass Tamils. What are we going to do about it? Nothing. Indonesia went through the same scenario,

        • 3


          “The BBS is an independent Buddhist national organization which operates within the law of the country.

          You are dead right his it operates within the law of the COUNTRY. We perfectly know that there is no enforcement of adequate law and order, that is just limited to the books and paragraphs.
          All these were even in worsened/unacceptable state at the time, MEEHARAKA Rajapakshe governed the nation.
          Yet. today, even if the levels would not have reached to satisfactory levels, there is something in the line of law and order going on in the country today than in the ROYAL days of the highly abusive men.

          • 0

            “”[We perfectly know] that there is no enforcement of adequate law and order, that is just limited to the books and paragraphs.”” thats its only your` personal opinion` because you have no understanding as to how the law works. you have no luck no one will loan you anything.

      • 8

        Silva——–I hear that a 22 year female Rohingya Muslim refugee was raped by a policman earlier today while travelling from the hospital to refugee camp. ———————————— Where was the saffron clad thug at the time of the rape?

        • 0

          Dear Vedda

          Thank God not Buddha. It would have been double rape if not Gang Rape if Gnanasara the stud was present.


    • 21

      These terrorists monks and their handlers are setting up Sri Lanka to become the next Syria/Afghanistan only instead of ISIS it’ll be a war on BBS.

      If this government choose to protect these terrorists instead of taking action against them all is lost for our beautiful country and we will get onto a fast track to failed stat status.

      • 0


        Taking action against them for what?

        Sri Lanka will never become next Syria or Afghanistan and who is going to wage a war against BBS? And for what?

        • 3

          “Taking action against them for what?”
          Taking action against crimes they commit. BBS has no authority to attack, burn or kill any individual citizen or property.
          “Who is going to wage war against BBS?”
          Minority religions.
          Specially, religions with wealthy Islamic middle eastern backing and/or support from Christian western countries. Don’t be so sure that as Buddhist we will have support from any country if we support what BBS is demonstrating. You and I know how much begging and help we got from outside countries to end the brutal Tamil terror war. Do you think we alone could have done so?
          Be real!

    • 7

      Estate Labourer

      Oh, yeah. The elite criminals who used their advanced knowledge, expertise and skills to rob the heart of country’s economy, the Central Bank, are scot free. The company which had used family connections of the former Governor to manipulate Central Bank Bonds in their favour is still continuing its operations in different sectors. The criminals who are directly responsible for the downfall of the economy are not in jail. The Central Bank Bond scam which made people pay a higher interest rate for a period of 30 years was the result of an unbearable tax burden on the country killing local industries and making the poor, poorer. These are unforgivable crimes.

      The deforestation of virgin Rainforests and illegal human settling in cleared areas are also serious crimes. No country should tolerate destroying Religious Archaeological Sites which dated back over 2300 years, right? Any sort of religious radicalization which leads to extremism and terrorism should be taken extremely serious, right? I believe you agree with me.

      When you say “Sri Lanka is the only country in the world that treats extremely dangerous criminals with velvet gloves” and not having the backbone to give examples, I thought of filling the vaccum. I hope you don’t mind me turning your subjective comment to an objective. We should not tolerate certain selected criminals as mentioned above, being entitled to this type of privilege. A super comment when combined with mine.

      • 5

        Champa -the Champion of Environment ———“The deforestation of virgin Rainforests and illegal human settling in cleared areas are also serious crimes. “————————————————————————————————————————— The forest cover of this island in 1920 was 49% and in 2010 was 29%. Could you tell us how 49% dwindled to 29% over 90 years? Would you care to tell us where did all those pre and post independence new colonies were planted? ———————————————Can you confirm those new colonies didn’t accelerate deforestation, leave alone the earlier kallathonie colonies since the advent of ancient thugs from our neighbouring country? ————————You are free to consult Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa for a factcheck.

        • 1

          Only veddha indigenous of this island, another Sinhalese too kallathoni… Vijayan where from came here?

          • 1

            “”Only veddha indigenous of this island, “” even the tamil native veddha pseudo nymph came from porriki nadu and porriki nadu came from africa- now your ancestors came from mugabe land please go back Mugabe loves you porrike. your DNA is 29% bangladeshi so you are Royinga in Sri Lanka- ask your lover Obama who approved the bombing of nandikadal.

          • 1

            “”Vijayan where from came here?”” demalas want to play handicap like blacks use the word racist in europe.
            The birds are the rightful owners of planet earth not any thutu dekei vedda.- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_birds_of_Sri_Lanka

      • 1

        ” No country should tolerate destroying Religious Archaeological Sites which dated back over 2300 years, right? Any sort of religious radicalization which leads to extremism and terrorism should be taken extremely serious, right? I believe you agree with me.”
        Again, why not talk about that idiot monk who destroyed the Dambulla Temple? He had the nerve to come on TV yesterday to protest that the Central Cultural Fund is trying to take the temple.
        On another subject, don’t you think that people should not be forcefully converted or made to worship other religious sites?

    • 8

      No Surprise here.We have Para-Indian -Politicians, Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” Racists, Para-Sinhala Mudalalis, JO, the Israelis, etc. in collusion with BBS, in order to attack the Muslims and Christians.———-It is about whose SELF-INTEREST?

    • 5

      Estate Labourer : RE: Ganasara and BBS Terrorism:———————————————————————————————————————————————-
      Who is Behind? —Whose SELF-INTEREST is being served?————————————————————————————————————————————–

      On the attack on the Panadura Muslim Mosque. on may 17th, 5 have been arrested. Who were arrested? ——-One Monk, one police constable, Two Sinhala, ( one a student of Sabaragamuwa Ubiversity Studying Management) and a Tamil, and remanded on the 30th according to Police , So, are the JO and Rajapaksas funding this, in addition to BBS? Are there Tamils in BBS?

    • 7

      Until now I was not able to make a decision on the justice system whether it is there or not but now it is very clear to me, that is justice system and the law and order (was, is, will) never and ever cannot give justice to its citizens. The fundamental to democracy is justice which we never existed in this nation. Is there is anyone can argue that our justice system will deliver proper justice to those crimes committed during the war?

      • 0

        There is no justice system in SL. It’s the survival of the fittest-Darwin’s law and the Law of the jungle.

    • 8

      A Country Without Rule of Law ‘Will Not Succeed’

    • 0

      Great News for the Sinhala-Buddhists!

      Gotama Buddha predicted the coming of next Maitreya Buddha but however the Sinhala-Buddhists always wanted a violent Barbaric Buddha as depicted in the Mahavamsa instead of a peaceful Maitreya Buddha as mentioned in the Tripitika.

      We have a very good news for the Sinhala-Buddhists. Instead of Maitreya Buddha, Gnanasara Buddha has arrived. The Buddha that the Sinhala-Buddhists always dreamed of (always wanted), the Buddha as portrayed in the Mahavamsa, the true Sinhala-Buddhist Buddha, the Barbaric Buddha who can terrorize the non-Buddhists has already arrived in the form of GALAGODA ATTE GNANASARA.

      Saadu! Saadu! Saadu!

  • 15

    Banana Republic.

  • 14

    Gnanasaraya the pig out again to kill.

    • 3

      Jehan—— You are lucky to be a talking pig with a name, otherwise you would have been ended up at the Butcher. May the Triple Gem bless you!

  • 15

    The mere fact that he was release within an hour shows there are those with influence who are interfering and protecting him. There are serious charges against him, and he walks out within hours of surrendering? You let a rabid dog out and people are going to get bitten.

    • 4


      The Court issued the arrest warrant for not appearing at the Hearing. When Gnanasara Thero surrendered to Courts, the Thero was released on “previous bail”. The Magistrate has acted in accordance with the law.

      The Judiciary is not a company owned by you or anybody which could alter its decisions according to your whims and fancies or a place which you could influence to fulfil your hatred against another religion.

      The rabid dog you are talking has no ethnicity, right. Therefore, the dog will not be selective in its choice, I believe.

    • 1


      “There are serious charges against him”. Can you please tell us what are these serious charges.

  • 11

    I wonder if we the general public too can get away with avoiding 2 arrest warrants under false pretexts? The law is not equal and is so imbalanced it appears to be a joke. Why should we, the masses bow down to the judiciary or the police when they blatantly violate the very laws they apply to us in full force? In a way Gnanasara is right. This law deserves no respect or recognition from us. Its a one way street for us and a ‘drive as you please’ highway for the others. This has nothing to do with religion or who you support coz at the end of the day whether you are a bbs supporter or a hater doesn’t count. Criminals in saffron robes, politicians, and the rich will always walk free while preaching to us about law & order, while you’ll be given unbearable jail time for far lesser offences. We should stop paying taxes to prop up this corrupt tyrannical system against the masses. Today is the biggest blunder the yahapalana govt made and there’s probably no going back from this. This is it, in 2020 they are finished. We the masses will not tolerate this protection of religious extremism by by the govt. Of course they’ll blame the former govt for doing far less but they were chased out and we elected you so that you would put an end to this problem. We did not elect you en mass to tolerate these media circuses.

    • 1

      the magistrate did not know sufficient law- most come down to ask even sitting lawyers- you have never witnessed classic cases. if he knew enough he would never take a andu paddi job.

  • 5

    Is it why the president hosted an iftar.
    Shame shame shame
    You are a big prawn.

  • 8

    President is guilty of violating fundamental rights.

    • 2

      How much do you understand about our president? He is a saint? He is behind most of the crimes underground. On the surface, he gives bana. Duty Free, bond scam etc., you think he doesnot know? He is part of it. He is playing the main role in almost all the crimes, as MR did. That is our constitution. Ranil wants to change the constitution so that they will more powers. This is hal masso and Mora issue. If you understand the depth, you will see a mora. If you dont, you will see a haal masso. Think twice. Read more.

    • 0


      Whose fundamental rights did he violate?

  • 3

    what is the crimes venerable gnanasara thero committed. nothing. talking against brutal islamism. is it a crime. explain to me please. if so all western leaders including US president must arrested and him jail. Islamism is being refused by whole world but our present leadership president and prime minister trying to white wash them. first president and prime minister should be arrested and put both in jail for injecting oxygen to islamism to carry out brutal crimes.against humanity. that is what taking place everywhere on earth. islamic brutalities. we can see incidance every corner of the world. [Edited out]

    • 4

      You better read the history my friend, Islam has profound history for the opposite of what you have learned from media. Do you have any idea about medias and political Hippocracy? You will only realise this when Buddhism becomes a competing force with the West or if there are enough resources that could be transported to western or other powerful countries. I mean they will find a reason to rape into your country, insult your culture distroy your community structure and take everything away from you . It is always better to learn the world from reliable sources and keep you mind open without being bios.

  • 1

    We The Masses Will Not Tolerate This Religious Extremism………………ARROW……….Are Speaking From Mouth Or From The Otherside…………….Who Has Created Religious Extremism……………Is It Ven Gnanasara Thero OR Who …Who Has Been Destroying The Sinhala Buddhist Heritage Sites,Forest Reservations,And Dancing The Devil …….Arent’ The Muslim Ministers Not Spreading Extremism…..Who Started All This …..Today Justice Was Done To Gnanasara Thero On Behalf Of All Patriotic Citizens ………….Now The Justice Should Be Done To Eradicate Muslim Extremism From This Country If All People To Live Peacefully

    • 3

      Patriotic Pariah, who started extremism here? Who went around delivering hate speech, destroying Muslim’s properties and livelihood? Who used derogatory and filthy languages against Islam? Did Muslim start all these? There are section of Sinhalese whom we call ‘Para Jathikayo’ with their hearts filled with venom, hatred, jealousy. These devils are responsible for everything. I thought we have educated gentlemen in the government and we also know there are para jathikayos also in the government. Only future will tell us whether those honest people in the government and forces will bring peace to the nation. Until then good bye you pariahs.

  • 5

    This proves beyond doubt that under Ministers Wijedasa Rajapakse and Sagala the Justice, Law and Order in the country have gone to dogs. The Mahanayake Theros and the Karaka Sabha do not make any statements against their own who blatantly violate the laws of the country. The Ministers who are to see that Justice, Law and Order of the country is being properly managed are today harboring criminal priests. What has this country come to under these ministers, its time for President Sirisena to take action against these ministers for not properly doing their jobs. This also proves that UN is correct in assessing the Justice, Law and Order situation in the country.

  • 5

    The BBS is akin to an insurance policy the Govt has taken against the opposition. The policy reminds Muslims and Christians that their lives will be miserable under a BBS influenced future Govt. Vanquished Tamils, watch and let Muslims and Christians take their turn. After all, what is good for the goose is also good for the gander, ne ?

    So, catch and release is the order of the day.

    • 3

      vishvajith: “…..So, catch and release is the order of the day”.
      The fugitive was never caught – the HERO surrendered!!

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 1

    Isn’t it the judge’s obligation to check for any pending warrant before he/she grants bail? Was the legal advisor for the judge sleepy? Were the police force thumb sucking when he walked out? What a shame!

    • 2

      Sumar, the police presented the case in such a way that the judge had no option but grant bail

      • 0

        K.Pilla- look into yourself – from speaking to rubber ducks to croak and dagger tunes.- try some prolonged release!

    • 1

      No he got a call from the powers to be and obeyed like a dog. This is nothing new, its how the Sri Lankan Judiciary rolls.

  • 2

    It is so obvious that a deal was struck before his “surrender”.
    With the Police, the Govt and the Judiciary. And who else?
    An absolute shame.

    “Following a meeting of the Karaka Sangha Sabha, the Mahanayake of the Asgiriya Chapter, the Most Venerable Warakagoda Gnanaratana Thera in a strongly worded statement today … the statement said. “Although we do not approve the aggressive behaviour and speech of Bhikku Galabodaatte Gnanasara the viewpoint expressed by him cannot be discarded…”

  • 7

    Thats what wrong with Sri Lanka – cannot trust the politicians, cannot trust the police, cannot trust the judiciary, cannot trust the garbage man, cannot trust even the postman, cannot trust the monks.

    And we call Sri Lanka a Buddhist nation – shame on us.

  • 1

    The bloggers complaining about this Buddhist monk have failed miserably to understand that SRI LANKA is a BUDDHIST COUNTRY. The government or any other agency cannot harm or arrest Buddhist monks. If you know our history , even the Kings of this Sinhala Buddhist Nation have established the rules and regulation on how to deal with Buddhist Institutions and the Buddhist monks (the guardians of our Sinhala Buddhist Nation).
    Non-Sinhala Buddhists see this differently, it is understandable. Sorry fellows, if you don’t like the heat get out of the kitchen.

    • 6

      Buddhist Monks – the guardian of our Sinhala Buddhist Nation?

      No wonder, Sri Lanka is a third world country where we don’t trust our Buddhist politicians, our bribe-taking government institutions, pay or will not take your garbage man, etc.

      Buddhism is slowly destroyed by these thugs in safron robes, we don’t need outsiders. Sure, the fire in the kitchen is caused by marauding Buddhist men killing in the name of their religion.

      • 1

        Goraka, —1slam has ruined the world.

  • 1

    Neither Gnanasara nor Sri Lanka are unique.
    They have counterparts elsewhere.
    Think of Ashin Wirathu and Myanmar for a start.

    • 1

      SJ: “”Think of Ashin Wirathu and Myanmar for a start.””
      they are worldwide because from time immemorial passion rules the world. go see the statutes of all the men in halls of fame and you realise that even at oxford rationality is the last thing you see in them- even shakespeare gave his second best bed to his wife. Only truth is right and non know what it is because it keeps moving- like tigers trying to snarl their way into the issue as if they are saints then asking for separate nation because they settled in a village without permission.- brits turned a blind eye as usual as long as you are law abiding but once they left the tamils imported SJVC the catholic crusader- his son chandra hasan lived with his sinhala wife secretary- where is demala but meenkara smugglers talking shop in the guise of vedda who is oozing the EU charity and is surrounded by women – what better could he do with a graduation in history?

  • 0

    This is from the “Daily Crap” so known as Daily Mirror.

    “Social Empowerment, Welfare and Kandyan Heritage Minister S B Dissanayake has apologized to the Mahanayake Theras on behalf of the government on the allegations made in their statement. He told a news conference that he felt he was responsible for some of the complaints made by the Theras. “Therefore, I take this opportunity to apologies to the prelates for their annoyance over me or the government,” the minister said. He said the prelates were of the view that the government did not respect Bodu Bala Sena General Secretary Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thera. “As a government we can’t label him a racist. He has also been vocal on some pressing issues and found solutions for them amid struggles. We should admire his perseverance,” the minister said. “

    • 1

      Burt ———–Aren’t you happy that Sangha has just come out during the time of much difficulty/danger and saved Sinhala/Buddhist fascism? ————If you are not then you must be a secular democratic traitor to the country.

  • 1

    The government has realised what is right thing to do. To listen to the majority as it happens everywhere in the world.

  • 0

    I thought will post this link as a reminder on this day when the Kangaroo Courts gave bail to a skin-head in the BANANA REPUBLIC of Sri Lanka.


  • 1

    Badudeen, Sali, Hakeem, etc must be arrested immediately!!!!!!!!!!! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Muslims who are responsible for so many attacks, invasion, claim lands with fraudulent land deeds must be arrested, e.g; the attack on Mangalaramaya and its Chief monk- Madakalapuwa, Willpattuwa jungle destruction and its illegal settlements off illegal immigrants, Eastern province’s Buddhist archeological sites destruction and fraudulent land deeds, invasion of Kuragala, Devanagala, Muhudumaha Viharaya, Deegawapiya,etc

  • 2

    This proves beyond any doubt the assessment of UN is correct. We are a country where Law and Order does not prevail. Judgements are given according to the whims and fancies of the politicians. Gnanasara Thero who submitted bogus medical certificate to courts and had two arrest warrant got bail within minutes. No investigation was made by the Police to find out who harbored him and where he was hiding. If the bail was to be given at least the courts should have found out this information. Politicians have no guts to make correct decisions. DIG openly admits that the police was not able to find Gnanasara Thero. Does this mean we need not only Foreign Judges but also Foreign Police?

  • 0

    This is not news. I told this weeks ago you can’t detain our hero. The laws are for second class citizens

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    jim shitty, pukkasara is a hero? hahahahahahahaha.

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    The welfare and protection of Buddhists/Sinhalese should be basically the responsibility of themselves. All what they have to do is to engage in acts which enshrines Seela, Samadhi and Pragna leading to outer and inner purification.
    These guides and enriches your life, life of others close to and distant to you and eventually society as awhole. They provide guidance and discipline that needed to handle inter-community relations and bridges bonds. As much as you understand yourself which is the most important mission according to Buddhist philosophy and Dhamma they help you to understand and appreciate other human beings irrespective of their creed, origin and other interests.
    The Buddhists priests suppose to be parting with the above message of Lord Buddha will cease to be monks in the real sense if these cardinal principles are violated. This applies to lay persons too. . If you adhere to the above truly and genuinely Buddhism/Dhamma will look after Sinhalese and Sinhalese will be in a better position to protect Buddhism. Collectively all communities will look after both. They will sing praise but not unleash violence and destruction. Please be wise.
    Every reasonable and right thinking Busshist should at this important juncture come out and speak loudly and clearly and condemn the acts of extremist like Gnanasara. They are not doing a service to the Sinhalese/Buddhists or to other sister communities.

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    What a country!

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