6 February, 2025


‘Gota Can Roll It And Shove It’ – JVP Leader Lambastes Political Victimization PCoI Report

President Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa was the target of a blistering tongue-lashing by JVP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake this week about the executive’s flagrantly despotic plans to unseat critics from Parliament and strip them of their civic rights through what he called a ‘Kangaroo Court’.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake

President Rajapaksa’s tainted Commission to investigate claims of political victimization was really an attempt to give immunity to the perpetrators of true acts of political vengeance, Dissanayake told supporters at a meeting at the National Library auditorium on Tuesday (2). The seminar was titled “Kakkille Komisama”.

“Who killed Lasantha Wickrematunge? That was not political revenge, that was politically motivated murder. Did we attack Poddala Jayantha and Keith Noyahr until their limbs were broken and disappear Prageeth Ekneligoda? Those aren’t acts of political revenge. Those were politically motivated deadly assaults. Sarath Fonseka was dragged to the Navy HQ and imprisoned for a year. Who did that? Did we do that? Wasn’t that an act of political revenge?” said Dissanayake in a highly charged speech.

The JVP Leader said the Presidential Commission on Political Victimization had been set up specifically to hide the perpetrators behind these heinous crimes. “You are the one who should be the true target of this commission,” Dissanayake said directly addressing the President.

He scoffed at recommendations by the Presidential Commission that he and other MPs should be stripped of their civic rights and expelled from Parliament.

“Do you think that we are so worried about losing our civic rights? That might be relevant to other politicians. Never to us. Our political movement continued even when our party was banned in this country. People could not even whisper the name of our party without being arrested, abducted or assassinated. So what is the big deal about civic rights? So we lose them for 7 years, so what?” Dissanayake said.

“Aney Mr Gotabaya, take that piece of paper, roll it and shove it…hmm” Dissanayake exclaimed to wide applause.

Dissanayake said he and his colleagues were not willing to subject themselves to an Illegal, arbitrary and insane punishment. The President was mistaken if he believed that by taking their civic rights, they could stop the NPP and its allies, he said.

“We are going to take this battle to Gotabaya Rajapaksa. We are ready to defeat your illegal manouvers. We are ready to defeat your arbitrary rule. We are ready to defeat your insanity. Try and lay a hand on us,” Dissanayake warned.

The National People’s Power movement led by the JVP will hold a series of meetings and rallies under Covid-19 guidelines to create public awareness about President Nandasena’s exercise in insanity with his presidential commissions set up to crackdown against his political opponents Colombo Telegraph learns. (By Chinthika De Silva) 

Latest comments

  • 50

    Brother AKD,
    Blind 6.9 millions of voters made him the president. This was amidst all the facts based on various allegations on high crimes, him to have perpetrated . Now he behaves as if a chamelion wears a gold chain.

    Now it is too late. I really dont know why our sinhalayas are that stupid.

    • 7

      “When the enemy is a biological virus – which cannot be abducted, killed or tortured into silence and is entirely impervious to propaganda campaigns – he is at a loss”.

    • 3

      Dear LM,
      What do you mean by using that image of a chameleon wearing a gold chain?
      Lots of children are being shown this story on You-tube:

      Has that got anything to do with the sort of thing that AKD is saying here?

      • 8

        Dear SM,
        no, that was only focused on the estranged behaviour of GOTA after becoming a leader. Look at his one and only program – ගම සමග පිලිසන්දර .
        My grannys would have said – that happens once unqualified ones are appointed such positions. අවැදගත් මිනිසුන්ට තානන්තර ලැබුනාම , I dont know about you guys, this we already knew long before Rajaapkshes returned to power.

        We knew that SIRISENA should not have become the president. We also knew that Nandasena should not have become the successor.

      • 3


        AKD is selective in his observation and condemnation of Gota’s actions and mostly inaction.
        I am yet to hear from AKD about the long protest march being organised from Pothuvil to Polikandy, demanding the state to stop random actions of land grabbing under the pretext of Archeology, Muslim Janasa (burial of their COVID19 victims and Rs 1,000 pay rise to the up country worker, although three days have passed.

        I see not much coverage on non Tamil media.
        The members of police, and STF are placed to prevent march proceeding.
        The reason given was the danger of CORONA spreading rapidly. We know those who join forces have limited intelligence, however aren’t they aware of double standards being practiced.

        In the South people are being allowed to gather in large numbers to praise Gota and his clan, Gota’s visits to Vihares every other dayamid surrounded by saffron brigades, pro protest marches organised by Mahinda’s b***s carriers, …… without the genuine concern about Corona spreading among those gathered.

        Gota, his goons, the established racists, the racist armed forces, SAffron Brigades, . …. treat different people differently, even when under Pandemic.

    • 6


      “Blind 6.9 millions of voters made him the president. “

      You are right 6,853,690 (42%) out of 16,263,885 (100%) electors voted for him.
      However 9,410,195 (58%) out of 16,263,885 (100%) electors didn’t vote for him.

      Yet he gloats
      “At a juncture when our nation’s heritage, its traditions, its national identity and patriotism were under serious threat, more than 6.9 million people elected me as President to provide the leadership needed to reestablish national security and overcome the many challenges facing our country.

      I am a Sinhala Buddhist leader and I will never hesitate to state so. I govern this country in accordance with Buddhist teachings. Within the Buddhist philosophic tradition of peaceful coexistence which gives due respect to all religions and ethnicities, every person in this country irrespective of his or her ethnic or religious identification has the right to enjoy the freedom as equals under the nation’s legal framework.”

      Is there any way we could make him read his ““Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour” for ones?

      Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam, …. even Pol Pot, and Idi Amin too claimed to have had “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”.

      • 2

        Dear Native,
        wie geht es Dir. Gerade bin ich schockiert…

        just now I was shocked having read the article by one Mr Alles who arrived in SL few weeks ago and how he faced it by himself.
        You are dead right. Since WWII, world was lack of another HITLER.
        Srilanka matha has now fulfilled it, … lets see how long they would continue with their REIGN.

    • 3

      Gota must be living in a Sinhala/Buddhist exclusive bunker for he is oblivious what has been happening in the rest of the country, land grabbing under the pretext of preserving archaeology, and grazing commons are being divided into small plots and distributed among Eastern Governor’s (b***s carriers), Vihara’s being established in private lands without the consent of owners, a huge united protest is taking place in the east, ….

      Yet he is seen among saffron brigades almost every other day. His goons warn the general public about the dangers posing large crowds, but not the saffronistas and Gota. He pose like someone who has attained enlightenment.

      Whats wrong with this country, its leaders, the saffron brigades, ….. and Gota’s b***s carriers?

  • 17

    With respect to Hon JVP leader MP am wondering why should he not focus on winning more seats in the North and East…with the diminished voter base in the south JVP need to win the hearts and minds of the public as to why they should have a say in a democracy?? There is huge vacuum for any National parties with National policies in the North and East.

      • 1

        NV: Thanks. That “MAN” (my foot) who leads the procession says: “I came from Colombo”. Money “TALKS”. These are the “Poor” who make ends meet by “Utilizing” the “Available Resources” and I don’t blame him or the likes. I watched it very carefully to see, Pillyan, Karuna, Douglas D, and many others. They were not there, because all of them are so “ATTACHED” to the “COMFORTS” (provided by the taxpayers) and fear abandoning even for few hours would be “Detrimental”. I am somewhat familiar with the streets, but could not locate the exact location. Who knows, it could be in a remote street in Trinco, Batty. Manner. GR’s “Stalwarts” Major Senadipathy, Dulip Jayaweera and Viyathmaga, Denga Denga Peramuna (Saffron Clothed Brigade) must be “Financing” that. If you have any more info. pl. Share with us.Thank you.

        • 3


          “…..but could not locate the exact location.”

          The video clip (my foot) started in front of New Market facing hospital road. Going through Jaffna Bus stand, then Clock Tower Road.

          Police tried to stop march organised by Tamils and Muslins because it was told of the dangers posed by Corona.
          Here this ignorant is allowed to march without any mask.
          Maybe Corona won’t attack Sinhala/Buddhists.
          Typical double standards.

          Please find video clips about the protest march Pothuvil to Polikandy:

  • 16

    “Aney Mr Gotabaya, take that piece of paper, roll it and shove it…hmm” Dissanayake exclaimed to wide applause.”

    I am sure Got would love you to shove it up there ….it seems he need some relief

  • 30

    The fighting spirit shown by the JVP is the only way forward at this time.
    The regime is determined not to back down in its determination to create a totalitarian state
    in Lanka. It’s now up to everyone else – parties, civil society, religious orders and trade unions
    to show unity and join together on a minimum programme.

    • 2

      Oh yes KD! We saw JVP’s fighting spirit in 1971, 1983 and 1987-89.

      Never again!

      • 6

        Are you serious? (Not that you are otherwise.)

    • 5

      Before awarding certificates of merit, one should study the record of the party concerned.
      JVP’s opportunism needs scrutiny.
      Has not the JVP been party in a big way to the present state of affairs in the country?

      • 0

        Can someone help me understand my observation

        (1) Why GOSL not touching the PLOTE/TELO and just focus on the FP/TULF leadership?? Is it to honour the agreement with the Indians or Maldives or both??

        (2) Is it to show gratitude for the “services” for the past 40 years to the GOSL.

        (3)Is it good or bad for the JVP now has PLOTE/TELO yo deal with in Jaffna?

        (4) Who would be the winner now FP/TNA leadership is gone?? Mavi will take over?? was it all planned all along since the last election when we had issues running battles in Jaffna between the TNA candidates who won the elections that looked after by Mr Hoole to perfection/accountability etc. Yes it is noted after such wonderful journey one need to take a break to enjoy life without the lime light for very aged Hon Sampanthar. May be this is another favour perhaps??

        (5) Does one get pension should they be stripped of the Civic rights.

        • 0

          If I may add that our Excellencies Government saying to us that they are mindful of all our children took up arms be it JVP or the Tamil Militancy.

          They are delighted they be in the mainstream politics to seek solutions as suppose to the unacceptable methods tried in the past.

          Therefore they are only interested in removing the Ghetto Making and “Children Victimising” ghetto parties/individuals to be removed form our shores forever for a healthier future where we discuss very exciting prospects of a beautiful future away from all the doom and gloom brigade. The misery making and history referencing invalids under oath have done no other man has ever done that is to use our children to murder their opponents in the past.

      • 0

        Dear SJ

        Opportunism you mean – to serve their country men and woman – That is all depends on how JVP serve their constituents now as per the founding principles and their Manifesto – Job scope/Deliverable list/Action List/Mile stone/Progress Report/Surgery reporting and no party politics after the election towards the constituents/town hall meetings/MOM’s published/no hate speeches/technocrats/big bill items – able to develop the Northern Fisheries into a world renowned entity supporting the entire population/technology/only employ Sri Lankans without projudice/ National security and border control/coastal control/marine pollution control for the North and East.

        Educate the public to environmental & waste management.

        • 0

          JVP will be loved by the people of North and East if they can do the above forever. No one would dare touch them either as the other “Turncoats” got killed in the past by the FP/TULF.

          • 1

            Rumble 2021

            “JVP will be loved by the people of North and East if they can do the above forever.”

            JVP had been a Racist party since its inception until the party selected AKD as the leader. AKD is hoping to change its old image with less success. People seem very reluctant to trust its new image that AKD is trying to project.

            AKD may have earned a few Tamil support here and there nevertheless they are still skeptical of its past. With old guards still wielding immense sway within the party a complete transformation and reform are very unlikely.

            In other words you are wrong.

            • 1


              I need some understanding why you think JVP is a racist party please?? what have they changed except violence to democracy perhaps but what else that has changed about them etc??

          • 2

            Rumble 2021: I agree with you. The irony is neither JVP nor the NPP (National Peoples Power) listen and they too are embedded in archaic “Traditional Politics” rather than be “Inventive”. That is “KARMA”.

        • 2

          Have you followed the conduct of the JVP from its beginning?
          Have you at least followed it since the dawn of this century?
          Think before you comment.

          • 0

            Dear SJ/NV/Simon

            I hear you and am hoping someone with National Policies + Environmental policies be in the scene in addition to all other National parties including our current GOSL for a healthy check and balance. I feel North and East have not participated in any healthy National planning because no body took them to that space yet.

            We also need to move away from party politics and into the area of evaluating various interesting things to make the Nation an amazing and futuristic space working with very many scientific innovations selectively applied for her journey? with world partners.

    • 3

      The Tamils are setting yet again an example.
      They are marching from Pottuvil in the East to Polikandy in the North. 459 KM over six days.
      People are joining them in 100’s of thousands. Muslims, Christians, Catholics and political party of all colours.

      Defying court orders defying army barricades defying army violence in heavy rain .!!!!!!

      • 3

        “People are joining them in 100’s of thousands.”
        Do not get carried away and be careful with your numbers.
        I was there when there was even greater enthusiasm in the years between 1956 and 1961.
        How it was all squandered by the FP which had no plan or progtamme ever, except to win elections.

        • 0

          We could always bring some flotillas from Tamil Nadu organised by Nedumaran, Viko etc. 30 min they will all be in Jaffna.

          Would this crowd be bigger than the Diaspora gathering for the Temple events? to pray they come from around the world but not for this?

          Maybe covid no flights and no boats?

        • 1

          yeah SJ 2021 is comparable to 1956

          • 0

            I only hope that the outcome is better.

          • 1


            “yeah SJ 2021 is comparable to 1956”

            Yes however now the lazy dumb-asses have added one more wing to its old “Puncha Maha Balawegaya”, (Weda, Guru, Govi, and Kamkaru), the new and improved war criminals, Ranavirus.

            However S W R D Pandaranayakam was assassinated because he wouldn’t allow the saffron clad businessman Buddharakita to have government contracts.

            Please read the excerpt from DBS’s article on Banda

            “One was the Prime Minister’s refusal to hand over a lucrative shipping contract to a company named Colombo Shipping Lines that was co-founded by Buddharakkita in the name of his associate HP Jayawardena to import rice from Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand. The second was over a sugar manufacturing licence to start a sugar factory costing many crores of rupees. SWRD acting on the advice of Philip Gunewardena and RG Senanayake had refused to give the contract to the company resulting in great financial loss to Buddharakita and his frontman Jayawardena.”

            It appears the present day saffron clad Elle Gunawansa is showing interest in East Container Terminal (ECT).
            Is he up to something?

  • 21

    It is sad that less than a year after the Parliament Elections, and fifteen months after the Presidential, we are in a position to shout it out from the roof-tops that we have about the worst government in the World, and also, we must, at all times communicate to as many of our citizens as possible that we must put the past behind us and make sure we win elections from this point on.
    We don’t get to win by whining and crying foul. It’s good to see you attacking these crooks. The way ahead is dark and murky the road is long and treacherous, yet forward we must go.

    • 11

      Dear SM,.
      ………….and make sure we win elections from this point on………
      Salute to your optimism. There are another few years to tighten the noose on the populace. He moves slowly but surely to consolidate. Gradually MR is sidelined. …win elections ? Yes if held fair and square. Dream on my friend.

    • 6

      Hi SM,
      did not we predict that this would have been the outcome, if people would decide for them ?
      “Lies sound like facts to those who’ve been conditioned to mis-recognize the truth.”
      ― DaShanne Stokes

      • 6

        At the time Gamaralage Sirisena got elected tob e the president. Some thought even „ coconut husk –(පොල් ලෙල්ලක් වුනත් ) could become a leader in this country if MEDIA would outreach the masses. However, Sirisena had no records of high crimes before being elected and came with 48 years of local politics.

        Usually people (I mean homoe sapiens with some knowledge) would not repeat huge mistakes. When someone goes through a traumatic experience, he/she tries to avoid everything that even closely resembles that experience.

        There are enough sayings among sinhalese. The man who has been beaten by a fire-brand dreads the light of even a firefly. (ගිනිපෙනෙල්ලෙන් බැටකාපු මිනිහා කණාමැදිරි එළියටත් බයයි ලු). Obviously nothing seems to work with sinhalayas? Indians report us as srilankens would never adhere to agendas. Can anybody of you please tell me why ? May be they should change their food ? More rice eating covering all three meals to the sizes of RUWANWALISAEYA on their plates should have fooled them over the decades.

        Now it is high time , external political analysts to come with what they have to say about most gullible srilanken nation.

    • 3

      Sinhala_Man: You said it. We know these “BASTARDS” well now. It is time to “Inform” the PEOPLE and allow them to make their own choices – i.e. Well Informed and Free choices. No doubt, it is a daunting task, but MUST be undertaken by Intellectuals PLUS all those who are self dedicated to making our country a “Better” place to live for the future generations.

  • 16


  • 21

    AKD it is time to go and hide. The serial killer will be coming for you now. Who has ever said anything this harsh against Gota the mass murderer and lived to see another day?

    • 6

      Nah! Gotler only kills dogs according to his own words. Not humans.

      • 6

        Gatam@ are u sure that they were all dogs ? Gatam@ are u sure that they were all dogs ?

        Lasantha Wickramatunga – were they dogs ? to my knowledge he was fearless one and only of that kind to have exposed a lot.
        Ekanaligoda – were they dogs ?
        Wassim Thadjudeen – were they dogs ? all became clear but JMO kicked the bucket in between, however, truths will teach them a lession…now or later.
        Those 11 young boys who were ready to leave country for higher studies but ended up being got abducted, raped, murdered possibly for a ransom – allegations were there – Navy commander was behind that
        were those young men dogs `? if one of mine were there, I would have committed suicide with killing those who are in the leadershp today. ::::

        Rathupaswala young boys were killed — were they dogs ? They protested asking the cheapest food item of the human being, which is ” pure drinking water”.
        Unarmed prisoners were killed in number over 23- were they dogs ?
        Journos were killed … number over 40 I guess… – were they dogs ?
        And this list is not limited to this but beyond estimation.

        • 0

          G is an empty clay vessel.
          He will say anything to get noticed.

      • 5

        GATAM, dogs? Dogs meaning the four legged loyal animal that follows you around or what this mass murderer considers a dog, which is a derogatory term used to describe his enemies? Lot of the dogs he killed or had killed were decent humans who challenged this killer and thief on what he did to this country. I heard there are many even Tamils who pander to him because of their business dealings in SL. Yes, you can describe these ones as pigs.

  • 10

    There are people to blame for this scourge including the voters and the enablers like the elections commissioner who blindly accepted the nomination from a US national while sabotaging the candidacy of Naganada to the Muslim sycophant who drafted bogus affidavits and sits as a prime stooge as Justice Minister to the most hated former president Sirisena who scored into his own goal and undermined his own government out of his game gode jealousies. But none of that matters. There are steps being followed by the mad king. His instructions come with blessings from his keepers. The first step was to remove the civil administration of the country and replace it with the military. That was done. Now to first release all the criminals and lock up the investigators. Again mission partially accomplished still more to go. Next, go after all the opposition politicians who would stand in the way starting from the most popular on down. The AG refused to allow the banning of this groups civic rights so Gotler ran into a road block. So now a go around has been set in place to get this step also completed.

  • 5

    Chinthaka De Silva & CT: A “BUG THANK YOU” for publishing this video clip. In one of the comments, I gave the link. This must not be related to AKD or any others mentioned in those “Recommendations” of that Presidential Commission to “Pardoned” or “Prosecuted”. This is all about the gross, immoral, and injustice “SYSTEM” that is going to be “ESTABLISHED” in the country. If this is the “WAY” that “JUSTICE” is to be portrayed in the minds of the people, what more hopes for “Rule of Law”, “Independence of the Judiciary, “Respect” for opposition point of view, and most importantly the “Democracy’s FUTURE ” of the country. I am glad AKD has started the strong opposition display and hope the PEOPLE and the COUNTRY in UNITY would rally together to “DEFEAT” this draconian and “Frankstine” move by the Government of Gotabaya Nandasena Rajapakse. That opposition must be portrayed in the International arena and must be taken at UN levels and nip this in the bud. If not a “Dictator” functioning within a “Democracy” (a new form) would be born.

    • 4

      Simon Bro,
      By AKDs remarks, Nandasena s pants are down. Press shy guy would have no big choices. He could take part few media displays next few days, coming colour is no good for the country after March 2021.

      No doubt, we may him having committed suicide in that ” Janathipathi Karyalaya”. Wait and see, I have practised myself to see them with more patience because we known we cant change the conditioned mindset of SINHALA-BUDDHISM injected srilankens. I was born to a so called sinhala buddhist family, but my thoughts and minds are totally different that of theirs.

      • 3

        Dear LL: “… we know we can’t change the conditioned mindset of SINHALA-BUDDHISM injected Sri Lankans”. I disagree. Nothing like trying. I know, being in association with very many of those you refer to as “Sinhala-Buddhism” has begun to understand and ready to re-think in terms of “Independence”, “Freedom” and “Informed” decision making. What is necessary to do is to “IMPRESS” upon them to be “Independent” and address their own “Heart” and “Follow” the “Directives” of their own making. I no more speak to such people as “Slaves”, but “Enlightened”. What they need is “SELF EMPOWERMENT”. I find it works. It is useless hammering at “Rajapakse Clan”, because all of us know well all the “Rajapakse & Co” are corrupt to the core, meaning “Mula Giya Than,Ala Giya Than”. Let us make a “CHANGE”,

        • 1

          Simon Ayya,

          To tell you, you may be right but the process is very low dear. I am now cornered by my family because of my anti- Rajaakshe/ anti racial – but pro SRILANKEN attitude. They interpret it as ” me being caught by NGOs” can you imagine ?
          Each time travellinng to SL ( I travelled back home 2-3 times a year until COVID restrictions came into being), I make my own effort to collect my own info by speaking to TUK TUK men to all other incl University profs (Colombo and Peradeniya) having done so, I am very pessimissitic about any palatable improvment in their thinking. Look at the manner that Dentist who was lately caught by physical assaults on his visit to Kali amma controlled DHAMMIKA pani man. Reported made it clear even ” one medical specialist was also with him ” on that day. MBBS plus post graduate degrees are the qualification for a medical specialist in SL. However their mentality may not be subjected to ” facts”: medical professionals of all people to fall that deep ?
          They should be the experts to know about VACCINES and it being the only wayout to come out of WORLD hitherto pandemics and epidemies.

          • 0

            The process is very slow.

          • 0

            My Dear LL: “I am now cornered by my family…….Don’t worry. Remember what Marc Anthony said at the funeral of Julius Ceaser. “I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke. But I am to speak WHAT I DO KNOW”. Let the whole world speak against you. But DO SPEAK what your HEART tells you. So stand by WHAT YOU KNOW. If you would like, pl. go to YOUTUBE and type “Sathguru” and listen to him, you will get a morale boost to do and tell what you know. Have a nice day Dear.

  • 9

    The first victim in the locking up of politicians who are a threat was Ranjan. The next two could be Ranawaka followed by Dr Rajitha. Eventually there will be no one to lead the charge. The few that do get up the courage to protest the coming economic collapse of the country will be executed by the hands of the waiting military machine. Sri Lanka is well and truly ruined and destined to slide backwards. The only silver lining to all of this is the possibility of Indian Military intervention to the whole sale take over of the country by the Chinese. If not Namal Jung Jing future president of Sri Lanka is a real possibility

  • 4

    When Srilanka was burning Hora Sira was partying in Singapore. All the MPs should be sent home, close down the House of Plunderers and save the country a fortune. No need of the judiciary which is another white elephant. As Chief Justices Sarath Silva and Mohan Pieris and a few more judges it was turned to picnic grounds. Let just be one man rule. The damage one man can do is finite. Thousands of them; the damage is infinite.

    • 7

      Mr dont you think it was their secret plan him to be out of the country ? Master mind of the disaster should have come from MAFIA BOSS MR. Today the bugger cant move from A to B, without aid…. some light is there that MR would kick the bucket in a few months. However, media coverage would show his older videos how he work out in his gym on the cost of tax payers.
      Is it not already – one man s rule ? CT and few would raise the voice, but the majority inf avour of them. Not long they would put him on a craddle and walk around to the manner indian artists are used to do.., will be the scenes to come next.. . this we call Karma restribution to the very slaves who paved the way criminals to get back and continue their mlechcha politics.


      • 2

        What energizes life is hope. Without hope there is no life. From all around there is plenty of din like leaves get rustled by the wind. I tried to communicate with the JVP chaps. They are all waves in the ocean. Several years back AKD read out a long list of public grievances at a rally in Kandy for example 300 kgs of heroine came in a container, judicial and Police corruption and lots and lots but they have got mixed up with ether.

  • 8

    Jaathiya Vinashakarana Peramuna should be wiped out from Sri Lanka politics because they too have turned out to be opportunists. AKD should pay the price for hanging on to elephant’s tail.

    Regarding ECT issue, while all the other Trade Unions signed the letter to the President requesting him not to give it to Indians, JVP Trade Union had refused to sign but their leaders who did not utter a single word against giving Hambantota Port to Chinese by Ranil say Colombo Port is the heart of Sri Lanka and it should not be given to foreigners to fool the public.

    * Did AKD ever raise the question what happened to 973 million Dollars paid by Chinese for Hambantota port?
    * Did AKD condemn Mangala for co-sponsoring the UNHRC Resolution without informing the President or the Parliament admitting Sri Lanka Armed Forces committed war crimes?
    * Did AKD condemn ‘Jadapalana’ Government for signing ACSA and SOFA?
    * Did AKD condemn ‘Jadapalana’ Government when they decided to stop construction of ECT started by ‘Jadapalana’ Government and decided to give that to India and Japan?
    * Did AKD raise any questions when Sumanthiran and Jayampathy spent billions to draft a new Constitution turning Sri Lanka to a Confederation?

    • 9

      Dear EE.
      Correction required on ;
      ….”Did AKD condemn ‘Jadapalana’ Government for signing ACSA and SOFA?”….
      The Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA) was first signed in 2007, according to the JVP MP and it expired on the 5th of March 2017. The agreement was signed in 2007 in complete secrecy and that neither the Cabinet of Ministers nor the Parliament was aware of it’ The Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA), signed by Sri Lankan Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa and U.S. Ambassador Robert Blake. (American to American).
      SOFA is an agreement which was already signed in 1996.
      So both these were before Yahapalanaya and only came up for renewal 10 years later. So who is really responsible?.

      • 2

        Gotabhaya Rajapakshe signed these agreements of shorter versions with expiry dates to get information about LTTE ships parked in high seas to store arms and ammunition. That information helped Sri Lanka Navy to locate those ships and destroy them. Gotabhaya’s SOFA had only 10 pages whereas Ranil’s one had 80 pages valid indefinitely.

        • 1

          “Gotabhaya’s SOFA had only 10 pages “
          Don’t lie. Where is the link?
          “Sinhalayo ” will lie to get out of any situation.

      • 0

        From EE and My View remarks is it not clear to the Sri Lankans how we as a Nation is being taken for ride on the “National question” since 1948???

        Even the SL agreement for UN Military participation was signed by us just after the war?? once more all the concessions were being made because we the citizens screwing things up in the name various political ventures in the name of various causes?? who is to be blamed for this diabolical state of affairs?? us, we??

        We are a very uniq bunch jump from the frying pan into a fire all the time……why….when Crewe going to learn?? why blame the GOSL…we do it better for ourself??????

  • 7

    Shouting and crying now is not a solution. Educating and opening the eyes of true Sinhala Buddhists is the right way now. The true Buddhist Sinhala should understand the dangers of the mad kings to the country and to Buddhism. The UNHRC commissioners report is not based on lies. They are based on evidence and truth. It is true that LTTE was a terrorist organization but it is also true that Sinhala political and religious leadership were mislead Sinhala people with lies which lead to violence and discrimination. Just think and analyse why our thousands of Tamils who lived as neighbour’s were murdered in a day light in 1958, 77 and 1983. Why we burnt Jaffna library? Why we shipped Tamils to North and East? Can you justify all this violence? You Sinhalese know well what happened to your children by your military in 1970, 1989! Do you deny that it has not happened to Tamil children in 2009? Our politicians failed to bring the peace and you choose to bring the peace. Let the UN to bring the peace. It is not the will of UN to punish the Sinhalese or Tamils or Muslims. Not a single soldier will be punished. Only those who mislead and directed your children to kill another child will be punished.

  • 8

    There is no room for decency in addressing the extremist sinhala buddhists. You need to go down to their ‘sakili’ level to talk with them.
    The JVP has the correct approach.

    • 0

      Yab man, King is shivering hearing Anura’s thunders. (The fox dwell in Palmyra palm forest doesn’t get scared to leaves trembling to the wind. You remember Old King one time said that, the one scared of ghost wouldn’t built house in cemetery?) Instead of stage speeches, find out something else to deal with your “extremist Sinhala Buddhists”. Anura is not a spent bullet; he is not used yet because he is a dud.

  • 2

    Modaya Anura bobbing sky high will not impress anybody in the Wildlife Sanctuary SinhaLE, Lankawe. We wrote in 2014 him to stop supporting New King with CBK, Sampathar Aiya and Thero, but start to educate Sinhalese. That time this Modaya thought doing that will put the War Hero on the hand of the UN Electric Chair operator. Did he ever asked Ranil’s government to count the bones in Matara hospital ground? If he repeat this King will throw this fool alive in incinerator and tell public that he died of Corona-19.

  • 8

    No point in hitting around the bush. Only solution “travel and financial embargo against SL VIPS and Ministers”.

    • 8

      Buddhist1, yes good idea. These have to be targeted sanctions and not comprehensive sanctions. Comprehensive sanctions hurts everyone in the country. These are not VIPs, these are all hoodlums, drug dealers, underworld thugs, murderers, rapists and thieves. Two biggest killers are Douglas Devananda and Karuna Amman and they are both side kicks of the Rajapaksas. Duminda Silva a drug dealer is a close confidante of the Paksas. Unbelievable and disgraceful.

  • 1

    A golden opportunity for the JVP to turn the Tide. Russians and Burmese have acted.

    Time and Tide wait for no man. Strike while the iron is hot.

  • 0

    Why are you so scared Anura ?

  • 0

    If you come to power promising rice from the moon , you should deliver it
    at least the earth ! And it is a very simple fact that your promise has
    to be honoured before your next promise time is due in politics ! Gota came
    to power hugely displaying his muscles to the gallery that they promoted
    since the time of Dharmapala ! They are where they are today promising to
    punish Muslim Extremists the same way the LTTE was dealt with ! Their
    INTELLIGENT voters wanted some bloodshed and that was the direction
    Modern Thinking of INTELLIGENT majority vote base wanted to travel !
    Democracy was Hijacked in order to achieve that promise . And now ,
    decent people that includes Sinhala Buddhists as well , have to live in fear
    and in stress that any time any kind of violence can be unleashed and the
    Government will be directly involved to politicise the situation in their
    favour . Whatever coming out of Gota’s mouth will be just for preparing
    the ground in that direction . In this game , J V P behaviour is nothing
    WANTS TO DIE FOR IT ! Heaven is after death in all major faiths .

    • 1

      Please read ” at least from the earth.”

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