By Ayathuray Rajasingam –
The period during Mahinda Rajapaksa’s regime was a massive violation of human rights with his brother Gotabaya Rajapaksa as Defence Secretary, and a threat to the peace and happiness of the public. Life was not easy for any one as it was a struggle made of lessons which continue to be a mixture of Good and Evil. However, countries in Asia are fortunate to have great religious teachers at intermittent periods who had preached that Life is a Gift of God for peaceful living. Yet the political, economic and social had great impact on the lives of the people. The egoistic politicians and their stooges made inroad and affected the concept of peace in the people. Though there are various views on the concept of life, Hinduism is of the view that no sooner the Soul emanates from the Supreme Soul (God), God also gives the Soul an impeccable body to fulfill its noble mission on earth. Life has challenges in its journey and has to overcome such obstacles with patience. Peace and happiness lies deep at such patience.
When Gotabaya Rajapaksa assumed power, he issued orders reducing the prices of goods, increase the taxes on imported items, to attend to the affairs of the public, etc., at the inception, while taking political revenge on his rivals and there were instances of planned abductions of officials with the view to deviate the attention of the public. Yet it is a surprise why Rishard Badurdeen and Hisbullah were not arrested when both were closely associated with the Islamic terrorist Saharan of National Thowheed Jamaath. In fact, there was a news item to the effect that a challenge was thrown by Rishard Bathiudeen to arrest him. Further, a Tamil officer named Thavapriya (who is a mother & attached to the Agricultural Services at Sammanturai) was assaulted by a superior officer named J.L.A.Karcik while on duty. Moreover, a Buddhist monk had assaulted a Christian father in the presence of police officers. Peace and happiness are in question when reinforcing Sinhalese hegemony in his regime in addition to the looming of political revenge. Though the policies of Gotabhaya Rajapakse appears to be good, he has avoided the burning issue of the Tamils, while mentioning that he would preserve the unitary character of Sri Lanka and abiding by the wishes of the majority Buddhists, there should be some hidden agenda which is likely to affect the harmony of all races and the rule of law is at stake. Moreover, when Gotabaya Rajapaksa says that the 13th Amendment cannot be implemented, he should have been aware that the 13th Amendment was a bi-product of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord which was signed by two countries and cannot be abrogated unilaterally and this should have been explained to the Mahanayakas. He has failed to give reasons for not implementing the 13th Amendment.
But Gotabaya Rajapaksa has forgotten that happiness and peace relate to state of mind and are closely interwoven. Happiness that lasts can lead to blissful state of mind that would be similar to peace. Happiness is in the Soul and not where else. The Soul is the highest heaven and greatest temple of worship. Religious scriptures mention that If a person is evil, the whole world appears to be evil to him.
There is a difference between peace and happiness. Peace is everlasting whereas happiness is temporary. Happiness seeks company whereas peace is content with alone like Lord Buddha on meditation. Happiness is mindless like some politicians seeking revenge on rivals whereas peace is mindful and more matured. However, a good state of mind which leads to new thoughts for the benefit of the people will lead to success – thus implying happiness to maintain a person’s good state of mind. But the reluctance of releasing the Tamil political prisoners who are languishing jail, Gotabaya’s good state of mind have become a question mark at a time he wants to give foremost place to Buddhist teachings. Had Lord Buddha been alive what would have happened to the Tamil political prisoners who are languishing in prisons?
Gotabaya Rajapaksa has to bear in mind of the concept of Karma – What goes around, comes around. The theory of Karma is a major belief in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, etc. Each person has a mission in his or her life, which is the result of all his or her infinite past karma. When a person has more than his needs, try to help and distribute the excess and not to build a higher fence to protect them. Getting back up is living. Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. What is send out it comes back. What is sown it will have to be reaped. What you give, you will get it. What you see in others, it exists in you Even in the case of the arrest of Ranjan Ramanayake one ponders whether he has any CDs provided by a woman as there is a news item about a beauty parlour in Wattala which was patronized by prominent politicians. (Photos show Policemen smiling & Ranjan Ramanayake hugging police officers when arresting). The great secret of true success, of true happiness is the man who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish man, is the most successful.
Swami Vivekananda and Jesus Christ focused on the subject of ‘faith in God.’ Swami Vivekananda said that the three essential of Hinduism are belief in God, in the Vedas as revelation, in the doctrine of Karma and transmigration. Jesus said ‘Give God your weakness and he will give you his strength’. Jesus also stressed on the importance of ‘Faith’. ‘Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness’. There is nothing wrong in allowing the Christian missionaries to spread the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ that would penetrate the hearts of the people. Likewise the teachings in Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism will stress on the importance of peace and happiness in life and will not harm the people. It is not sufficient to carry the pinnacle in Buddhist ceremonies but should demonstrate his genuine faith in Lord Buddha.
Peaceful living denotes happiness. There is happiness when the needs of a person is fulfilled to his satisfaction. Hence happiness is a feeling of contentment. Happiness and enlightenment are interwoven with satisfaction of a person’s needs. Needs differs from person to person. Lord Buddha said ‘Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.’ Lord Buddha discourages revenge from the very inception. Forgiveness is the best remedy instead of taking revenge. All religion focused on the concept of forgiveness which is a powerful weapon for happiness and peace.
The political witch-hunt by Gotabaya Rajapaksa over shadowed the concept of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a ‘no’ to vengeance, a promise to the future and a ‘yes’ to peace. It is a mistaken belief of falling into the habit of seeking revenge and not a better option. Vengeance is the passion to get even using bad intentions. It is the burning desire to reciprocate the pain someone gave – an eye for an eye. ‘An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind’ Gandhi said.
Gotabaya Rajapaksa has yet to realize that forgiveness has the power to move us from a past moment of pain and unshackle us from our endless chain of reactions. It creates a new situation in which both the wrongdoer and the wronged can begin a new way. Forgiveness lightens the load of past wrongs and pains that we are burdened with. It frees us for whatever fairer future lies amid the unknown potential of our tomorrow.
Revenge is about retaliation. The motive of revenge has mostly to do with expressing rage, hatred, humiliation, etc. Revenge is a transformation of shame into pride. Revenge cannot be morally justified. However, revenge and justice should not be confused. In some countries justice is utilized to take revenge. This is a real lesson that all politicians should bear in mind when they are in power. Instead of taking revenge or being anger or jealousy or being superiority, it is better to learn that no one is stranger and make the world as his own along with others. This is the best way to get rid of ego. This is a self-culture that mould a life of purity, perfection and nobility in the phenomenal world. It is then a person can be peaceful and happy
Lord Buddha said desire and ignorance lie at the root suffering. The basic cause of suffering is the attachment to the desire to have (craving) and the desire not to have aversion. When he yields into his desires, he become a slave to these which eventually denies peace and happiness in life and this is what has happened to Gotabhaya Rajapakse. Even Swami Vivekananda said ‘all we can do is to shed down all desires, hates, differences, put down the lower self, commit mental suicide as it were. Keep the body and mind pure and healthy, but only as instruments to help us to god.
It is not the question of the popularity of Gotabaya Rakapaksa’s father or his relatives were members of the State Council, but the efficiency according to change of time that matters. No doubt Napolean I brought glory to France and was great, whereas Napolean III who became President after a Referendum failed to bring glory to France due to lack of diplomacy. The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There’s only one moment for every one to live with the CHANGING WORLD as ideas are changing, technologies are changing, life style is changing, etc.
Even though the inner lust for revenge remains, the rulers should not give in to it, because it can lead them deeper into endless repetition of the old unfairness. It is time for rulers to realize that and once ego comes, wisdom leaves … only knowledge is left behind.
In a world where periodic circumstances, loss, sabotage, protests, etc have become daily occurrences amidst shame and disgrace, disappointment and failures, history has shown that the former Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew as a mighty person because of his will power and determination. But in Sri Lanka with the corruption of politicians, history has shown past actions race discriminated people, religion separated people, politics divided people and wealth classified people. In the circumstances, can Gotabaya Rajapaksa be a successful President, if he has noble character, commitment, conviction, courtesy and courage.
Terry / January 7, 2020
…he has avoided the burning issue of the Tamils,
Can you please write down clearly in point form what the burning issues of Tamils are?
Stanley / January 7, 2020
I will point out just one ‘burning issue’ faced by Tamils. It is an exercise you can perform yourself in order to experience personally an unpleasant real-life situation faced daily by the Tamils of this country.
Next time you want to perform a transaction on an ATM or CDM do this: When the opening screen invites you to choose the language for the interactive messages, choose ‘TAMIL’ and proceed from there!
If you are a REAL MAN, you will attempt this at least once!
Native Vedda / January 8, 2020
“Can you please write down clearly in point form what the burning issues of Tamils are?”
The burning issues for not just the Tamils but other people as well:
The state has not fully dealt with burning of Jaffna library in 1981.
The state and successive governments haven’t fully dealt with frequent arson attacks on homes, properties, businesses, temples, Mosques, people,….. between 1958 and 2019.
The state hasn’t ………….
The state hasn’t ……….
Now tell us if you never had the opportunity to learn what the burning issues were. You sound like a clever dick. Are you?
Sinhale / January 7, 2020
I also agree with Terry. Please identify the burning issues of Tamils, presumably living in Sri lanka. If you can do that we can constructively enter into a proper discussion rather than tossing various assertions.
Eagle Eye / January 7, 2020
Ayathuray Rajasingam,
Can you please tell Sinhalayo:
• What is it that the Sinhalayo are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala?
• What is it that the minorities do not enjoy because they are the minority which the majority enjoys because they are the majority”?
• What is legally, constitutionally and legislatively given to the majority that is not given to the minorities”?
Ayathuray Rajasingam / January 14, 2020
Eagle Eye,
Now what is your answer to the Sri Lankans when President has pardoned Sgt.Ratnayake who was sentenced to death by a Court for the murder of eight innocent Tamils at Mirusuvil. Is Gota abiding by Lord Buddha’s teachings. How can the Tamils expect justice. If he can pardon a convicted prisoner, why can’t he release the Tamil political prisoners who are languishing in jail for a considerable length of period. I also cannot understand why the CID should show a person from Polonnaruwa to a mother as her missing child. Surely a mother knows her child. Are they trying to cheat the international community. Do you still think Gota as a person of noble character or a person with blood-stained hands. Where is his foregiveness taught by Lord Buddha.
Roy / January 7, 2020
Gota’s reluctance of implementing the 13th Amendment is clear. He has found excuses. After all, he is only a soldier and not an administrator. He should have been aware of the implications of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord. Why is he reluctant to give land & police powers to the Provincial Councils. He has to give an answer to India when the Peace Accord is binding India & Sri Lanka. Moreover, why is he reluctant to release all Tamil political prisoners. Is he trying to appease the Buddhist extremists. As a Buddhist, why can’t Gota stop witch hunting political rivals. What about his brothers’ corrupted cases. He wanted to increase the tax on luxury cars. If so what is his answer to Lamborigini used by Namal Rajapakse. Finally the arrest of Ranjan Ramanayake has become a joke.
ajith / January 7, 2020
Srilanka never had Tamil President, Prime minister, Finance minister. Why couldn’t Gotabaya appoint Karuna Amman as defence secretary instead of Kamal Gunawardena? Why did not SLFP nominate Kathirkamar to PM? Why cannot be Douglous Devananda as a foreign minister or Finance Minister?
Ranjith / January 8, 2020
Chandrika wanted Luxman Kadirgamar as PM, but Mahinda Rajapakse created problems and Chandrika locked Mahinda Rajapakse inside a room. But Luxman Kadirgamar declined to be a PM and wanted to be a Foreign Minister and he did his best. Douglas Devananda is not a lawyer & is not well versed in international affairs. He is not even suitable for a Minister. Karuna Amman & Kamal are notorious characters. Even Gota does not have the noble character. Look at this sentence in this article ‘in Sri Lanka with the corruption of politicians, history has shown past actions race discriminated people, religion separated people, politics divided people and wealth classified people. In the circumstances, can Gotabaya Rajapaksa be a successful President, if he has noble character, commitment, conviction, courtesy and courage’. Do you think Gota will be like Lee Kuan Yew. Gota is communal.
Kala / January 7, 2020
Gota has no policy. He is relying on China & is deceiving India. Why can’t Gota explain to the Buddhist priests that the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord is binding & therefore the 13th Amendment should be implemented. The Peace was entered between two heads of countries and not by Buddhist priests. They have to confine themselves in the monasteries and pray for peace and avoid interfering in politics..
Asanka / January 10, 2020
Nice… We have found a foreign minister here that has a deep knowledge on foreign policies and how other countries operate. May be Oxford educated…
Shut up mf… talk what you know only. Tamil diaspora suckers… Disgrace the country for $$ and European and American citizenship like Garniar… First learn to look at the reality sincerely. Stop spreading hatred..
Ranjith / January 7, 2020
If Gota wants to abide by the majority Buddhists and give foremost place to Buddhism, then he should abide by Buddhist teachings. If so, what has he lost in releasing the Tamil political suspects. Is there anything the Buddhist teachings about confining Tamil political suspects in prison.
JD / January 8, 2020
Mr. Ayathurei Rajasingham: As Sinhala Buddhists in Sri Lanka has more rights than the Tamils, how about assimilation all the Tamils as Sinhala Buddhists into the main stream. That will solve the problem for ever and Tamil Nadu Tamils protect the Tamil language, Thirukkural Silapatikaram etc. What is your view in that ? I am not talking just conversion and abandoning as Christians do. It is just conversion plus all the rights as humans and no casteism too.
You tak about forgiveness instead of Revenge. It is you Tamils who ganged up with the International community to Harass in Sri Lanka in UNHCR, Hague with ICC and many other harassment.You very well know though Tamils co-operate with the International community harass Sri Lanka, they will get something, but you Tamils never get anything, if we Sinhalas will not give anything to you.
By the way, it is BAPTIST who baptised even JESUS. so, why don’t we prey for BAPTIST instead of Jesus.
JD / January 8, 2020
How can politicians give things that the people will not approve. I know TNA politicians do not like 13th amendment because 13th has tied the hand of TNA. People in Suburban North insist for not giving the 13th amendment, as that strengthen the hands of Vellalar caste to Oppress the other Tamil castes.
K.A. Sumanasekera / January 8, 2020
Not a word about Mr Pirahaparan and his LTTE Dudes..
This Dude must have been happy with a peaceful mind, until Rajapaksa bros put the spanner in the works..
Native Vedda / January 8, 2020
KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera
“This Dude must have been happy with a peaceful mind, until Rajapaksa bros put the spanner in the works..”
It was VP who terminated the war, and commit suicide.
It was Hindians who passed the spanner to VP who immediately saw the immence possibilities and used the spanner to hammer himself …..
It was Hindians in 2005 who paid Tiran A and Tiran in turn passed Rs 185 Millions to VP as advance payment to VP for services to be performed by rigging 2005 presidential elections.
It was the Hindians of Sultanate of New Delhi who encouraged Chandrika to go for full scale war against VP, in early 2005 and trained substantial number of Gota’s Gundas over 4 years.
Almost 11 years since VP won the war for Mahinda, stop gloating, start thinking about the hard life ahead of us.
Asanka / January 10, 2020
Another mother fker spreading hatred and racial discrimination.. I can feel your hatred towards Sinhalese deep down your heart.. Obviously you can’t sleep peacefully can you? What is the hard life you had and have in SL? We all had and have a hard life regardless of the race. Things happened in the past from both sides. Learn to let it go. Learn forget and forgive. Go back to the root of the problem to understand how this whole mess happened. Then you will be able to sleep. Peace out mother fker
Ranjith / January 9, 2020
Pirabakaran is gone. That is not the issue. Is Gota a person of noble character, commitment, conviction, courtesy & courage. If so, why is he reluctant to expose the culprits in the Tajudeen murder case instead of engaging in witch-hunts.
John / January 8, 2020
It was British who built Singapore like Hong Kong. The dictator Lee Kuan was a British proxy who gave the harshest punishment for the simplest offences. The colonialist had sabotaged Sri Lankan economy and political stability, in order to let grow Singapore’s economy. It’s suspected that the colonialist played a role in assassinating SWRD, failed kidnap plot of Sirimawo, etc.
Badudeen, Hakim, Sali, Safi, Hisbulla, etc are responsible for Easter day 1slamic terrorism. But Badudeen is the public enemy number one. Only a screwed lawyer can send these terrorists to jail for the rest of their lives.
The 13th amendment is illegal and an invasion of Sri Lanka’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Indian introduced the 13th amendment at gun point by scaring the old man JRJ. GR must flush The 13 amendment down the pan without any delay!!!! Soon India has to choose Tamils and the 13th amendment or China and America’s presence in Sri Lanka. Indians are worried that America will Balkanize India into 100 pieces if they find a foothold in Sri Lanka. That’s why India is trying to give $ 450 million loan to Sri Lanka instead MCC’s $ 480 million loan.
The most venerable Ampitiye Sumanarathana thero is a hero who has been fighting Muslim terrorism in Eastern province single handedly. But he could have handle the NGO cult leader without slapping him. Even Catholics can’t stand NGO cult menace who claim that they can top up and recharge mobile phones with their divine powers, cure illnesses with only prays, etc.
JD / January 8, 2020
Instead of the present 13th amendment, the home grown solution of revamped Local councils (larger councils but non-partisan council members who have vision for the area) should be incorporated into the 13th amendment. The governor who is directly reporting to the President should help ministries to prioritize island wide administrative and building work. That office should collect information from the public as well as from regional offices and from local council offices
Pon Kulendiren / January 8, 2020
Trying to preach the outcome of Karama to a Strong Buddhist from Ruhuna is a waste of time. Newton’s third law of motion applies to Karma. What is Gota is born to family affected by war in the Northern province? or in the family of the relation of Pirabaharn What Gota promised to Modi in his first official visit to India is different from what he is doing now. For example, Hambantota Harbour lease to China and devolution of powers to North and East. Oath taking ceremony in front of Dutugemunu proves his mentality after living 12 years in California and worked as a UNIX administrator. He would have experienced what racial discrimination is in the US. People learn through experience Gota thinks Tamils issues in North and East could be solved through development work. Can he first release political prisoners? If Mitrei could release Ganasera Thera why can’t Gota release Tamil political prisoners?
Ranjith / January 9, 2020
Pon Kulendram,
Hota is an unreliable character. He is not keeping his word. His state of mind is to make a dispute between India and China and wants to remain as a good person in the eyes of other countries. I wonder whether a strong Buddhist would resort to such tactics.
kali / January 10, 2020
Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s Ego In His Pursuit Of Peace & Happiness
*** He doesnt believe in Peace as he is a War Monger. He doesnt have happiness because the World has deserted him except China and he is barred from visiting China by the big brother for obvious reasons.
Ranjith / January 11, 2020
I agree with you. If he believes in peace why should he spend more money in building Vihares in Kilinochchi. Is this economic development. He should realize that economic development and devolution should go hand in hand. He has to look at Sarawak which is given devolution and unity with Malaysia is still strong. He says something to India and does something here with China. Very soon he realize his blunder.
Pon Kulendiren / January 10, 2020
There is no development without peace among all communities. If Gota wants investment fro the Tamil expatriate population he should solve the ethical issues or give more powers to Nort and east. His digitalization policy is welcome but takes time in the Sri Lankan Admin used to paperwork heap of files and Red tape procedure. can he train all Government servants in IT It will take a few years? Ho many MPs know to use email. twitter? Thie personal secy do all the work through IT. They even never re[ply email
Lankan / January 11, 2020
No one is one has a leg to stand on..Rakapakses are tainted matter how many good things they do from now on, they haven’t absolved themselves of numerous allegations
It doesn’t seem to matter much to Sri Lankans
Lester / January 11, 2020
“Happiness seeks company whereas peace is content with alone like Lord Buddha on meditation. “
Why do these Tamil writers bring Buddhism into every article? Sri Lanka is a secular country. With the exception of monks, very few people spend their whole day thinking about Buddhism. It is Hindus who are obsessed with rituals. And Muslims and Christians who go after conversion.
Ranjith / January 12, 2020
Buddhism is am off shoot of Hinduism. Buddhism is indebted to Hinduism. Even Jawaharlal Nehru said Buddhism is refined Hinduism. Swami Vivekananda also called Lord Buddha as a Great Master. In Sri Lanka, the Sinhalese politicians and Buddhist nonks are engaged in injustices on the pretext of Buddhist teachings. Tamils have no grievances gainst the Sinhalese and wants to co-exist with them.