By Ameer Ali –
“There should be a huge program to make them (bhikkus) aware of what a modern state is. This has to be a secular state and politicians – not monks – should make the decisions. We have not fully developed the idea or understanding of the modern state. Religion should not be a factor… Buddhism is myself, and how I treat you…” ~ (Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thera, 18 July 2006)
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa (PGR) appears to have found a magic solution to the national question of ethnic division and religious turbulence in Sri Lanka, a solution that somehow seems to have escaped the minds of previous political leaders and social scientists. He consistently maintained that the majority is against devolution of power to North and East. On that basis, he has put forward a solution to the national question that has two parts: political exclusion and economic inclusion. The underlying assumption of this solution seems to be that, as the Tamil and Muslim minorities enjoy full employment and higher standard of living, they, and especially the Tamils, would be prepared to stop agitating for power sharing with the majority. The power to rule this country, according to the President, is the exclusive domain of this majority, which is also claiming ownership of Sri Lanka. How can the owners therefore, logically share that ownership with minorities, who, according to owners, are mere tenants?
The president, having been voted into office by Buddhist supremacists, is not in a position or does not want to free himself from their grips and look at the historic contribution pluralism has made to the development of this country over centuries, the democratic structure that has been built since independence to preserve that pluralism, the inner contradiction in his magical solution, and above all the possible reaction from the world at large.
The first issue is to unpack the bundle called majority. This is not the impermanent political majority, which may change after every democratic election, but the permanent Sinhalese ethnic majority, and within that, the Sinhalese Buddhist majority. Even then, it does not include the entire community of Sinhalese Buddhists, but only those who went behind the supremacists led by sections of the Sangha, and voted for PGR at the last election. Within that 52 per cent of votes he received, were tens of thousands of Sinhalese Christians against whom Buddhist supremacists have a long history of intolerance and animosity. (That may erupt again once the supremacists finish with the Tamils and Muslims). There was also a small contingent of voters from the minority communities who voted for PGR. Similarly, within the losing 48 per cent were tens of thousands of Sinhalese Buddhists who did not want to go along with the supremacists. In actual fact therefore, the supremacists are a minority in the total vote bank. To this minority, democracy and pluralism are anathema. They simply want a government by the Buddhists, for the Buddhists and of the Buddhists. The first half of the Presidential solution is therefore meant to satisfy the wishes of this minority.
To enforce his political exclusion, strengthening domestic security becomes a primary necessity. He also wants a government with a two-third majority in parliament to change the constitution in such a manner to reflect “citizens’ wishes”. Who are these citizens? Obviously, that minority, which claims to be the majority.
Regarding security, the April Easter infamy, about which a full and independent inquiry is yet to take place, has licensed the president to take any step necessary, including re-militarization of the country if the situation warranted. Sixty-three promotions in the army – one of the largest in recent times, the appointment of military personnel to civilian positions, and transfers and demotions of the unreliable, are obviously measures to keep the armed forces happy and on the side of the president. The media has already been warned not to spread “lies”, which in other words means not to contradict what the regime says and not to criticise what it does. Exclusionary politics requires all this as precautionary measures to keep opposition in check, and that exclusion can effectively be extended to any group or party that dares to challenge the regime. Sri Lanka’s democracy is clearly under stress.
Economic inclusion, the other half of the magic formula is a conciliatory gesture to grumbling minorities and to tell them that the so called majority would not object to allow Tamils and Muslims become partners in and beneficiaries of state sponsored programs of economic development. It is particularly addressed to the Tamil community. Even so, given the recent experience of adverse reaction by the supremacists towards the economic achievements of minorities, it is doubtful whether they would endorse a policy of unrestricted inclusion. One of the reasons for BBS inspired violence against Muslims in recent years was commercial envy. The supremacists could not tolerate a few retail Muslim establishments doing extremely well. They also did not want to see Muslim petty traders retailing their goods in Sinhalese areas. A number of Muslim commercial establishments were attacked, looted and burnt, and some bhikkus joined BBS members to lead a campaign urging Sinhalese customers to boycott Muslim businesses. Given this sad experience one is not sure whether the so called majority would welcome the president’s strategy of economic inclusiveness without setting limitations.
Thus, while the first half of the solution will not be acceptable to the minorities, and particularly to the Tamil community, the second half will earn the wrath of supremacists. If the president wants to go ahead with his program come what may, he may have to rely heavily on his security department. The country may turn into a police state. That may have international repercussions. When that happens, the PGR would not be able to defend his strategy with the sovereignty argument. The concept of sovereignty is not absolute in modern times.
Even if economic inclusion allows minorities to prosper, it does not mean that minorities, and especially the Tamil minority, would like to remain politically excluded. It is economic prosperity that enables people everywhere to rise up and demand participation in governance. Iranians under the Shah, Iraqis under Saddam, Libyans under Ghaddafi and today’ citizens of Hong Kong are examples to prove this point.
It is therefore better for the long term stability and prosperity of this nation if PGR revises his discriminatory political strategy and makes it inclusive. Democracy may have its defects but is there a better model than that?
*Dr. Ameer Ali, School of Business and Governance, Murdoch University, Western Australia
Ad / December 20, 2019
Most of the monks are eccentric and don’t practice Buddhism. What can be expected from the followers?
Wimpy Kid / December 21, 2019
Are the ‘poosalis’ of sound mind?
and the loudspeaker ‘Mullas’ can you call them considerate to the
wellbeing of others?
Native Vedda / December 24, 2019
Wimpy Kid
“Are the ‘poosalis’ of sound mind? and the loudspeaker ‘Mullas’ can you call them considerate to the wellbeing of others?”
Therefore can we safely say the saffron brigade is following in the footsteps of Poosaries and Mullahs and not the Awakened One’s middle path?
Niro / December 21, 2019
At virtually any Buddhist event one hears the pious chant “May all beings be well and happy”. Yet it is abundantly clear that for many these are just words that they mouth, while I n their heart what they mean is “May all Sinhala Buddhists be well and happy, to hell with all the others”. Is this what the Lord Buddha taught? What hypocrites are many of the monks and the followers of Buddhism! (I won’t say all, because I know there are some who genuinely follow his teachings).
Do the hypocrites think that chanting the words while having animosity and hatred in their hearts will earn them great merit??
Walk the talk, people, don’t just mouth the words.
Radical Ideas / December 21, 2019
The Sinhala Racist sluts are stupid and blind bats like the Hindutva Racist sluts in India. The Modi and his Brahmin racists are doing in India in fighting Islam in a unique way by trying to do what Myanmar did to the Rohingya Muslims by employing the fake “legal” methods using draconian laws to strip their citizenship to carry out Genocide. All of these Ruling Elites who are in control of the government in each of these countries at present ( India, Myanmar & Sri Lanka) are FULLY BACKED by the US/UK/France/ ISRAEL. They are tied up with them for the implementation of the Zionist plan of destroying Muslim communities by WHATEVER means they have to disrupt the formation of the opposition when they go about destroying the AL AQSA mosque to build the THIRD TEMPLE desicated to the Anti Christ – The Moschiac of the Zionist Jews. What everyone sees in India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka is this same model that the Israel is doing to Palestinians. To throw them out of the occupied territory by legal means. They make illegal methods the legal.
Radical Ideas / December 21, 2019
Narendra Modi openly declares that he wants Muslims who ruled India for more than 1000 years, out. As if he and his Brahmin sluts are non immigrant local natives. The Aryan myth says its progeny originated from Persian region and spread throughout the east and west. Its the GOG & MAGGOG who are calling themselves as the Aryans who are thick bloody RACISTS. Same in Sri Lanka, the ARYAN myth believers are led by the British created GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE MAFIA families by joining hands with the Brahmin Racist sluts like the MODI and his bunch of stupid dumb racist criminals to fight Islam as Islam is the last HURDLE they have to cross to establish the New World Order to kill off billions of NON JEWS to make the world population just 500 million, along with the ZIONIST JEWS as masters and the Hindutva, Sinhala Racist sluts as slaves washing their backs.
Aaliya / December 22, 2019
The Illuminati behind the whole one world order have Satan as their god. They don’t follow any religion- Islam,Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, or Hinduism etc. NO religion will tell you evil is good.
One of their key goals is to reduce the world population. One of the best ways to do this is to create religious, racial, political conflicts and have groups of people killing one another. They turn you against your ally and they while being the enemy masquerade as the ally. They also try to create misery in the world.
If you read you will know how all these Hollywood stars have made a pledge to the devil. Some have spoken about it. A lot of wealthy and influential people are members.
Basically the illuminati is King in the world.
People say illumianti is a controversy, but it is an open secret and there is plenty of evidence.
Radical Ideas / December 22, 2019
Aaliya, Absolutely YES. You know the subject very well!!! Excellent. If anyone can’t see it from the Zionist (NWO) angle, you won’t find any clue whatsoever to understand why all these are happening in the same way in all the countries with the same methodologies. UN is their safe haven they created to LEGALLY KILL innocent human beings and to have the permission to ROB the entire World human population. With the Jewish banksters controlling everything, they buy the slaves like the Hindutva Brahmin criminals and the GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE MAFIA who has the expereince and the skills to KILL and DESTROY innocent people of Sri Lanka by manipulating the Race, Religion and caste to their favour and imposing the SINHALA RACISM garbage that purely lives on MUSLIM money coming down from Middle East. They even had the guts to BITE the very hand that feed these VENOMOUS snakes who are dancing with their stupid power which is temporary and which will be switched off soon by the ARAB & MUSLIM nations who are rising up against the ZIONIST AGENDA which is designed to destroy ISLAM from the 2020 onwards according to their plans, a wild dream of the stupid skunks. Let the GOVIGAMA Racists and the Hindutva Brahmins face the bigger ARMIES that will teach them the final lesson that some of the EMPIRES of the ancient times learnt and is no more afterwards. Its all written in the books and the Zionists know it. Everyone is waiting fo the time…..the PROPHESY!
Radical Ideas / December 21, 2019
Rajapakse racists are proud to have a govt., full of racists and not having any Muslim in their govt., playing any role. The same CITIZENSHIP law the BJP implemented by making it an anti Muslim law, GOTA is experimenting to do a similar thing in Sri Lanka. BUT, the stupid skunks are playing these evils at a time when the powerful MUSLIM countries block is getting ready to fight ISLAMOPHOBIA. Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, Qatar, Iran are joining in a grand alliance to checkmate HINDUTVA & THERAVADA BUDDHIST Terrorism unleashed on the Muslims. Imagine, Sinhala Racists getting ready to fight the very same Muslims who are helping its economy… and passing of their shipping via the Iran/Pakistan jointly monitored sea…. Petroleum blockade against the racists will close sown their operation within 24 hours. Let the stupidity progress towards that future moment….
VADC / December 21, 2019
Bring it on, you mf; islam vs rest of the world; ww3 that’s a good war to fight, you will get crushed , by the way why are your terrorist alliance not including saudi arabia your so-called most sacred country, are you really believe your turk, malay, porky, qatar, iran and rest of all islamic countries can go to war with trump’s usa boris’s uk modi’s india putin’s russia xi’s china alliance all are against you barbarians, we will not bow down for your oil money we are not betray our buddhism like pakistanis afghanistanis malays indonesians and all former buddhists who abandoned it for religion of terror and violance, out fear
Radical Ideas / December 21, 2019
Already, the Sinhala Racist establishment have betrayed and buried the Buddhism by going Fascistic and just look around the amounts of friends the guys have lost. The entire so called Super Power (The Zionist block) is going about studying the Islamic end time prophesies to plan the next moves. And all their plans will end up a disaster. The Sinhala Racist leadership cannot by any means say that they DON’T need Muslim money and the Petroleums even to prove the Muppet Lion heroism… The days are dark ahead. Enjoy the coming big War of Zionists that which is going to destroy the 100 years old GOVIGAMA MAFIA RULE……
Radical Ideas / December 28, 2019
Gota and his GOVIGAMA MAFIA Ruling Elite sluts will dance like the CRAZY monkey who got the sword by accident slashing and slicing everything they it sees in its LUNATIC SINHALA RACISM’s ORGASMIC moment WILL SOON END when their DADDY Narendra ( Nara+Indira/ the Chief Devil of the Hell) MODI ( Feminine word of “The Stupid” in Sinhala) falls from his High Position he and his Brahmin sluts gained through a series of frauds committing in the Elections and planting its acolytes in all over the state institutions including the Supreme Court of India. For nearly half a century, it is the Brahmin Racists who are controlling the Supreme Court. All the Brahmins are secretly and openly supportive of the present RSS controls of the state. The same is done in Sri Lanka by the Govigama Ruling Elite Mafia belonging to all parties and groups supportive of Rajapakses taking over the system to implement the remaining Zionist Agenda missions and operations. The major one being WAR on ISLAM and they are going to fail miserably as Muslim countries are polishing their guns to payback the Hindutva and Therevada Terrorism.
Radical Ideas / December 21, 2019
Just look into the recent history of how the Ashkenazi Khazarian Zionist Jews who stole the land in Palestine and converted that into the Rothschild Inc., funded biblically referenced “ISRAEL” for the criminal entity have their own country with total approval for terrorising the NON JEWISH / GENTILES who are the majority in the World Human population. They brought in World War 1 & 2 to upset the already functioning systems in the world after the Zionist funded British invasions and colonial rules to establish their Freemasonic Agenda of the establishment of the New World Order (NWO). The present day Modi’s, Rajapakses and Aung San Suki’s are all coming under this scheme to slowly implement the next levels of the Secret/Open Zionist Agenda of the NWO. The most common thing between the Indian, Myanmar & Sri Lankan system which is hijacked now by the GOVIGAMA MAFIA RULING ELITE sluts of Rajapakses is fighting ISLAM on behalf of their Master ISRAEL. This is what is taking place right now, at this very moment.
VADC / December 21, 2019
as a buddhist anytime I can visit jerusalem and tel aviv without any resistance but the only cities i can’t visit in this planet are mecca and medina then who are the racists jews or muslims? now whole world realizing islam’s true face that’s why your darling Cor- bin received massive defeat in uk like hilary in us, rahul g in india sajith p in sl and all muslim sympathizers will end up in losing side
Radical Ideas / December 22, 2019
Yo Stupendo the Sinhala Buddhist Racist. Check with your Central Bank about where the money is pouring in to run your shitty economy that was destroyed by the GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE MAFIA- The Super Thieves who stole everything and bankrupted the entire nation which is running at 85% of the GDP going for the service of DEBT REPAYMENTS that the very same Zionists trapped the Muppet Lions into futile Racist Wars and the last one to the grave- The Islamophobia which will return in closing down all the money coming doors and blockade of petroleum that will shut down everything. The winning of Modi and Gota are internal arrangements played out with help of the Govigama hierarchy of the UNP securing the Gota’s the Super goon’s victory. It was a shoddy plan that everyone else know but the Sinhala Racists who are dumb asses. Modi has driven the economy of India to the drain. Already 5 millionaires have committed suicide after their businesses were collapsed and fell into huge debts due to BJP mishandling. Modi/BJP won by tampering the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and now the same machines are requested by the Racist slut Mahinda Deshapriya to give Gota the un winnable general election with a 2/3rd majority. No Sinhala Racist party can get a 2/3rd majority EVER unless they have SLFP/UNP helping them to conduct a massive fraud to win it and then the losing party confirming the win as a genuine and giving it the legitimacy. Like how they did to the Presidential race. SL Election system is BIG HOAX where the Govigama sluts always win….
Radical Ideas / December 22, 2019
As a Buddhist you can visit because you guys have sold your soul to the devil. They know that and they are using it for their benefit. Did not the cunning GOVIGAMA Mafia Ruling Elites create the useless Sinhala Supremacist Agenda that destroyed nearly 65 years of productive years to plan and kill and destroy the native minorities for sheer joy of seeing blood and suffering??? Is it Buddhism by the way??? Dont you see that these Govigama Mafia sluts are destroying the spirit of Buddha’s teaching??? These skunks are the enemies of Buddhism but they are promoted and celebrated as the Protectors and Heroes of theSinhala Race. The Zionist Jews love the Sinhala Racists so much for the simple reason that they are fighting the Wars of Jews on behalf of Israel. But, the downside is that the Jews will destroy first the friends before the enemies. Because, the friends can betray them at any moment. Sinhala racists are Untrustworthy and ungrateful cheap bastards.
Native Vedda / December 24, 2019
“as a buddhist anytime I can visit jerusalem and tel aviv without any resistance but the only cities i can’t visit in this planet are mecca and medina then who are the racists jews or muslims? “
The Jews expect non jews to wear skullcap Kippah when they enter Synagogues, everyone must cover their heads when entering Gurdwara ( Sikhs’ holy place), Hindus ban consuming meat/alcohol before entering their temples, …. short skirts or trousers are banned from wearing inside Vihares, … Pashupatinath Hindu temple strictly control entry into inner court yard, women devotees of menstruating age were not permitted to worship at Sabarimala, There are rules governing how to behave in a religious building, …………..
I am curious why do you want to enter Mecca or Medina given that there are millions of temples, mosques, churches, gurudwaras, vihares, ………………. elsewhere?
If you seriously considering visiting mosques please visit Imam Husayn Shrine or the Place of Imam Husayn ibn Ali in Karbala, or Al-Najaf mosque both in Iraq.
If your only intention is to degrade Islam and Muslims then you should pull your head from wherever it is now and see, hear, … the world without any other obstructions.
Happy Holidays
Happy Festivus
Kamal Agunaratna / December 21, 2019
Title of the article is wrong. How can a man who is proved to have Expertise only the Areas of man killings to bear economic inclusion. And the fact, that B Onion Prices to go up in multiple times,… does not say anything About this so called Talent at ECONOMIC inclusion:’
Lanken People are just idiots. They talk high About that Sinhala voters brought them into power, but…… what changes the idiots made during the last 4 weeks except wall arts and revengeful act on former Ministers ? Leopards would not Change their spots …. is being proved.::::: our gullible majority of People should be punished for this. They would never learn it.
Kamal Agunaratna / December 21, 2019
There is a saying in vernacular Sinhala – urage mas urage aenge thiyala kapanaya ( you cut the pork keeping it on the pig itself). This is what the Nation has been facing today. Nation is represented by dominated stupid masses. They were those 6.9 millions.
Just now, I happened to watch a VIDEO where, MAHINDA Rajakshe just arrived in somewhere by a helicopter…. and People behaved before him, as if he is no second to those black africa kings ,that though looted the states, but People studpidity did not get it .. or would not get it ever.
I have never seen, that RW as the PM of the Nation, showed off, by HELICOPER travels. My mother then happened to repeat me, § my dear son, if those from social scum would get Things, they Always behave as if they cant bear it anymore… to a Show off style.
That is what Rajashes has been doing. People s grievance sare set aside, they just enjoy to the very same manner they did it Prior to 2015. Let me introduce this acronym today.. when addressing any of the Rajapkashes in the future text… rodi ballige puthas (RBP).
I am so down not being abl eto see, why OUR People are this much of stupid…. and what make them further STUPID.. it that 3 times Rice Eating a day?
Amarasiri / December 22, 2019
Most of the monks practice Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhism”, that is a distortion of Buddhism and is an insult to the Buddha.
The imbeciles, Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists “, prostrate to these imbecile monks, and the Para-politicians exploit that, to vote for them. In the prostrating process, their brains move towards their asses.
Only the first six Para-Kings of the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, did not prostrate to them, as there were no imbecile monks .
Mallaiyuran / December 20, 2019
Aanduwa is not following any procedures to handle vegetables’ price. Instead Ministers Speaking the most modaya things.
Very soon Aanduwa going to make a deal with Swiss to send Karuna with diplomatic Passport as refugee, instead Francine Barrister. This is how Karuna can go to Swiss and spy on Nissanka De Silva.
Real Revolutionist / December 21, 2019
Racist Muslims & Tamils have found a new discriminative way to describe the majority community.
What’s this Sinhala Buddhist supremacy?
Just copying the idea, “white supremacy” believed to be in the west.
Are the Sinhalese & Buddhists to sacrifice their majority voice to accommodate minority Tamil/Muslim supremacy in this country?
That’s the burning issue we have to settle now.
It’s racists that demand devolution on racial basis.
Everybody is included, in political & economic considerations & majority can’t be excluded in North or East decision making.
Mallaiyuran / December 21, 2019
In Vavuniya an owner of the store push down the young female employee and beat her severely. They hire Tamil women because they are cheap and spendable. If it had happened to Sinhala Woman the entire Vavuniya stores would have been to set fire. This was so easy to do and walk away because she was a Tamil employee. Is there Madame Deepika to talk about that woman’s fundamental rights? Madame would not be inclined because she is a Tamil. Will Aanduwa bring a legislation that beating women at employment or house or any public place is punishable by 7 years imprisonment? Some sector thinks Women are second class. Another sector thinks Tamils are second class. So Lanakwe is a hell for Tamil women.
Real Revolutionist / December 22, 2019
“If it had happened to Sinhala woman the entire Vavuniya stores would have been to set fire”
Before all we want to know whether the story is true or fabricated.
You’ve failed to say whether the owner was a Sinhalese/Muslim/Tamil.
It’s believed that Muslims beat Muslim women but rarely reported that they beat other women.
Wimply Kid / December 22, 2019
Mullaiyuran Aiya
This sort of barbaric behaviour should be condemned
Exploiting Tamil Civilians who are trying to make a honest living is abhorrent.
The police should enforce the law aginst this bloody mudalali and the victim given a fair hearing and compensated.
Mallaiyuran / December 23, 2019
Wimply Kid,
I cannot write here any more detail of the incident. News media showed retrain on releasing any unwanted info to maintain civility. We can complain about our problems, but we cannot become Karunas. My concern is about HRCSL’s bias actions. So, here let’s return to basic Issue. A man using his physical advantage and employer authority, have beaten a woman during the course of employment. These are weak part in the Lanakwe legal system. So HRCSL has to take responsibility and have the Law corrected to protect women and employees, the weaker sector of the community
Fred / December 22, 2019
Whatever has happened to Ameer Ali? He used to write sensibly; alas, seemingly no longer. Consider his statement about “the president having been voted into office by Buddhist supremacists”. How accurate is that? Based on an analysis of the areas GR carried and their demographics it has been reasonably concluded that the majority of those who voted for him were Sinhala Buddhists. AA has not defined the phrase “Buddhist supremacists”. Presumably, the reference is to the likes of the BBS. Some 6.9 million voted for GR. Is AA suggesting that all of them – or even a the majority of them – are “Buddhist supremacists”? The BBS campaigned hard for GR but does anyone really know how many votes they actually secured for GR? It is illogical to assume that because they worked so hard for GR and GR won, that they are due the whole credit for his victory. Their support helped much, but arguably GR will have won even without their support. Like others, AA seems to ignore/miss the fact, that many voted for GR because Sirisena and Wickremasinghe had so stuffed up things, they wanted nothing more of Yahalpanaya – and Sajith was part of that administration. Let’s face it, people may simply also have seen GR as the better alternative. So, let’s not over-state the contribution of the likes of BBS to GR’s victory. AA’s speculation that GR intends only for the majority community to wield political power is a reflection of AA’s own skewed thinking. It is grossly unfair for AA to seize on a word here or a phrase there which GR has uttered to give them a meaning of AA’s own choice. GR is ‘new to the game’ and is apt to use the inappropriate word or phrase. But AA has no such excuse.
Plato. / December 23, 2019
Why cant the Periphery [ All Provinces ] undertake the Economic [Development ] aspect of the Centre? If this is done the Political aspect National Question ] could be addressed!
It appears that President Rajapakse is led by Sinhala Hardliners including a sizable cross-section of Buddhist Monks.If he permits the aforesaid to lead the way he is by no means a Leader but only an Interloper.
He has taken oaths to protect the Constitution when he was installed as President, which includes the 13th Amendment and as such he cant take Liberties in selectively honouring that oath in bits and pieces!
Pygmalion / December 23, 2019
Excluding a Political solution and including an Economic solution to those in minority inhabited provinces is like putting the Cart before the Horse.