11 February, 2025


Groundwater Contamination Due To Burial Of Covid-19 Dead Bodies

By Jowsi Abdul Jabbar –

Jowsi Abdul Jabbar

The Muslim community in Sri Lanka is dismayed by the enforced cremation of dead bodies by the authorities. It has now become a tug a war among the professionals. This article aims at shedding light into scientific background of the issue. The reason for the denial of burial rights is ground water contamination as explained by the health authorities. 

However various local and international experts claim that the coronavirus does not accumulate within dead bodies and the virus is not found to be water borne. The term groundwater contamination was specified in the guidelines published by the ministry of health and repealed suddenly. It was stipulated to cover in the body bag and coffin, and buried at six feet depth (deep burial) then it was specified as (exact sentence is quoted) “it should not contaminate with the groundwater”.

Here  confusion arises to which phenomenon the phrase refers to. It was later perceived to include the environmental concern of the burial from the academic discourses of various people who advocate for cremation. Therefore the tricky piece of the “groundwater contamination” due to burial of dead bodies is such that it has two aspects, namely change of environmental conditions and viral spread via water and both are weighed out of proportionally.

When religious clergy or ignorant politician tend to emphasize for respecting religious values and merely quoting WHO provisions in hope for a solution without establishing sound argument in light of scientific facts; the issue takes political turn. There is a popular outcry from the majority Sinhala Buddhists for following science than religion and equal treatment irrespective of creed or race.   It is very crucial to note that in Islamic jurisprudence something that is unhealthy or unsafe is not obligatory to be undertaken. 

Let us have closer look into the both aspects 

1. Decay of body and pollution from organic compounds  

Burial of dead bodies is an ancient practice by mankind for centuries. When dead bodies are buried certain change of conditions of environment occurs due to biodegradation of organic matter and seepage of leachate from the bodies to ground water or surface water. 

However little attention is paid by the community and the government even for very higher level of pollution from  garbage and sewage. If we quantify the BOD. COD. total Nitrogen  Phosphorus, and heavy metals ect. (in comparison) one may conclude that the pollution due to  dead bodies is very insignificant

Prevailing situation of the country enables people to come up with undergraduate course work type articles and  bluster about the pollution providing quantities of leachate ect. However no test results around the burial grounds were provided to support their argument. 

Even if there is a significant harm is envisaged that can be mitigated by the application of science (so-called). For example Insulation, leachate collection and treatment are widely practiced engineering applications. It is unfortunate to note that some perceived as experts portray as if there is no mitigation to be done. Hence it is very disturbing to accept this discrimination by the well-informed Sri Lankan Muslim community.

On the other hand cremation may seem to be a better solution for making sure no virus is left however it can cause irreparable air pollution. Scientific evidence proves that crematoriums emit harmful  pollutants which are associated with serious health problems for which children are vulnerable. These pollutants include mercury, dioxins, dibenzofurans, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and hydrogen chloride

2. Spread of Virus in the groundwater

 Upon death of the patient,  virus stop replication of its RNA from the host cells and they begin to die. It remains inactive in side the body and on the surface for a little time. When the body is prepared for disposal most of the virus vanish  from the applied sterilization agents. Though for the sake of ensuring maximum safety, it is assumed that some virus remain in the dead body. When the body is buried there is a very little possibility for the pathogen to come out of the body bag and coffin. However it is once again assumed that some virus to enter into groundwater..

The virus SARS-COV-2 that causes COVID-19 disease is an enveloped one, with a fragile outer membrane. Generally, enveloped viruses are less stable in the geo- environment and eventually die off. So it can be concluded that it is impossible for disease Covid 19 to spread via  the the ground water due to burial. However there has been very high attention and  publicity in the media  due to  the panic situation in the country. It is not a secret now that certain media spew racial hatred. It was an exaggeration 

Further to that the following instances where  virus release into the ground water is provided to support the inability for viruses to transmit via groundwater Virus may be released into the water ways and ground water from the people who are contagious while they are in  quarantine or unidentified condition This has been never accounted because Covid19 is not yet found to be a water spread. Water from bodies of  living animal  and leachate from the dead animals is directly discharged to the ground. Viral spread from this too seldom concerned.


Burial of dead bodies causes certain insignificant yet repairable change of environmental condition with impossible water spread of covid-19. Whereas cremation causes significant and irreparable air pollution at the expense of religious harmony.


BOD – Biochemical oxidization Demand 

COD – Chemical  oxidization Demand 

RNA – Ribonucleic acid

*Eng. A. J. A. H. Jowsi, Charted Environmental Engineer 

Latest comments

  • 20

    Could you find some ‘scientific’ evidence that suggests that cremation is generally preferred when sanitation is of critical importance.
    Also, can you support with some ‘scientific’ evidence the Muslim mythical belief that dead bodies suffer pain just like living bodies, especially if the soul has left a dead body.
    These kind of ongoing insistence on this matter shows how intransigent Islam as a religion, that created its belief system in the desert, when understanding of life events was lacking.
    You should learn from older, more civilised religions like Christianity (older by 500 years), Buddhism (older by 1000 years) and Hinduism (older by at least 5000 years). None of them stick so stupidly to burial like Islam does!
    Change, change and change.

    • 16

      What is your point genius?
      WHO specifically said burial is an option, and as contrary to your claim most of the western Christianity countries bury their dead, not cremate.
      Even GMOA says in a statement, burial has no health compromises.
      Still your ask for scientific evidence.
      The only “intransigent’ I see is your ignorant pighead.

    • 10

      Science cannot establish matters beyond its scope.

      Only trust can.
        This is how the Lord exists. The doctrine of Islam is that inanimate objects praise the Lord. Does it mean they don’t communicate because we don’t hear them speak?.

      • 12

        Sunil Mapa – There is no such thing as ‘scientific religion’. And, science doesn’t have answers to everything either. Can science find out about your previous birth?

    • 12

      . Sunil – have you updated your self with the data’s ? what scientific proof that still you needed? WHO already confirmed that this Vires will not spread over ground water. hope there are enough scientists at WHO. so the point of scientific view have been already cleared. now as brother community you have to respect Muslims religious believes. and the problem is starting from here only. because of the people who like you with bulk of S*** in the mind. believes are common in any religions even Muslims are ready give up there believes if scientifically proofed that something gonna harm to the community.
      But still guy’s like you in the well of your own racism s***.

    • 6

      I prefer Ford Anglia to Rolls Roye, anyway destination can be reached, if you are a desipilined driver.

    • 4

      Many are changing to new automobiles as they are more practice when driving. Now nearly 2billion and still taking place.
      Please read manual before changing your automobile.

    • 2

      Mr. Jowsi Abdul Jabbar,

      PART ONE
      RE: Groundwater Contamination Due To Burial Of Covid-19 Dead Bodies

      “The Muslim community in Sri Lanka is dismayed by the enforced cremation of dead bodies by the authorities. It has now become a tug a war among the professionals. This article aims at shedding light into scientific background of the issue. The reason for the denial of burial rights is ground water contamination as explained by the health authorities. “

      Thanks for your article trying to sort this cremation-burial controversy based on evidence and science, that is getting into conflict with containing a pandemic, safety practices, beliefs and the implicit racism of a substantial fraction of the Sinhala-“Buddhists”, as evidenced by the media and the open on microphone.//

      The reasons given for cremation vs. burial by the authorities are:
      1. Groundwater contamination
      2. Infection of the burial crew and those who wants to pay last respects.
      3. Given the unknowns of the infection, better to be safe than sorry
      4. (The Implicit underlying Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” racism and disregard to the traditions and the religious customs of the Para-Muslims, is not given by the authorities, but is explicit as revealed in the media by the microphone that was on)//

      The reasons given for burial , even in a pandemic are that:
      1. The body can be safely prepared and buried, by following strict protocols.
      2. The body can be contained in body bag , so that liquids do not leak.
      3. The risk to those who undertake the burial and those who come to the funeral are low,
      4. There is no groundwater contamination
      5. WHO guidelines allow burial


      Let’s apply the scientific method to this cremation-burial controversy to sort out the dispute and sort out fact from fiction and beliefs.

    • 1

      Mr. Jowsi Abdul Jabbar,

      PART TWO
      RE: Groundwater Contamination Due To Burial Of Covid-19 Dead Bodies

      Scientific method


      Let’s apply the scientific method and reason to this cremation-burial controversy to sort out the dispute and sort out fact from fiction and beliefs. Afterwards, lets apply the scientific method to the beliefs of those who promote cremation and those who promote burials, and to the after-life beliefs of Nirvana, Nibbana, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Limbo etc.
      The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century. It involves careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation. It involves formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such observations; experimental and measurement-based testing of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement (or elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental findings. These are principles of the scientific method, as distinguished from a definitive series of steps applicable to all scientific enterprises.
      Though diverse models for the scientific method are available, there is in general a continuous process that includes observations about the natural world. People are naturally inquisitive, so they often come up with questions about things they see or hear, and they often develop ideas or hypotheses about why things are the way they are. The best hypotheses lead to predictions that can be tested in various ways. The most conclusive testing of hypotheses comes from reasoning based on carefully controlled experimental data. Depending on how well additional tests match the predictions, the original hypothesis may require refinement, alteration, expansion or even rejection. If a particular hypothesis becomes very well supported, a general theory may be developed.

    • 2

      Mr. Jowsi Abdul Jabbar,


      RE: Groundwater Contamination Due To Burial Of Covid-19 Dead Bodies

      How did the other countries and communities where burial is a tradition due to religion handling it?

      Coronavirus Is Changing The Rituals Of Death For Many Religions


      But global burial rituals are being dramatically changed by the coronavirus pandemic. The Wuhan , China originated COVID-19 does not care.

      The World Health Organization in its March 24 guidance on burials of COVID-19 victims says dead bodies are generally not infectious. But its recommendations that relatives not touch or kiss the body and government rules on social distancing to prevent the spread of disease have upended important funeral and death rituals in virtually all of the world’s faiths.
      Just as the United States now restricts gatherings for funerals, so do countries and religious authorities around the world.
      “It took eight days,” says Majeed, whose father died of COVID-19 in a Baghdad hospital. “It was very difficult arranging the burial.”
      In the Hindu holy city of Varanasi, on the banks of the Ganges River, a lone Hindu priest now recites a truncated daily prayer as a symbolic gesture to the Hindu goddess Ganga, whom faithful believe embodies the river.

      The Indian central government’s new guidelines also prohibit bathing or embalming the corpse of a COVID-19 victim and ban relatives from kissing or hugging the body to avoid any risk of transmitting the virus. The rules are carefully worded, without mentioning any specific religion. But body-washing is typically practiced by Muslims, who number at least 180 million in India, and have faced religious discrimination and attacks in the past.

      After a Muslim politician intervened, the order was withdrawn within hours. Muslims can continue to bury their dead, with the order rescinded.

    • 2

      Mr. Jowsi Abdul Jabbar,

      PART FOUR: Racism
      RE: Groundwater Contamination Due To Burial Of Covid-19 Dead Bodies

      Coronavirus Is Changing The Rituals Of Death For Many Religions

      How are the other countries and communities, where burial is a tradition due to religion handling it?

      Using the Scientific Method, it becomes clear that burial of Covid-19 bodies, adds added risks to those who perform the rituals, as well as to those attending the funerals, especially from those who attend. Apparently, it is less with cremation, provided the temperatures are high enough and everything is incinerated.

      From a scientific point of view, it is safety of those who are living that matters and spreading the virus, and therefore cremation is preferred over burial.

      From a practical and logistical pint of view with safety in mind, burial is too cumbersome and risky for those who are living, and therefore cremation is preferred.

      From a strict religious and cultural point of view of those who prefer burials, Jews Christian, Muslims and others, the traditions and religious beliefs are above the safety of those who are living, and therefore the body must be buried.

      It is all about the Soul. After-life, resurrection etc .based on beliefs, theology and the interpretation given by the respective religious authorities, they all fall short, because there is no evidence for their beliefs, of after-life, Nirvana, Nibbana, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Limbo etc.. They are all are just brainwashed beliefs, lacking evidence. Therefore, based on the scientific method, the safest method of disposing of the body, must be undertaken.
      1. UNFORTUNATELY, The Implicit underlying Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” racism and disregard to the traditions and the religious customs of the Para-Muslims, is not given by the authorities, as explicitly as revealed in the media by the microphone that was on.

    • 2

      Mr. Jowsi Abdul Jabbar,

      PART FIVE : Racism
      RE: Groundwater Contamination Due To Burial Of Covid-19 Dead Bodies

      Coronavirus Is Changing The Rituals Of Death For Many Religions
      Where will the Wuhan-China originated COVID-19 dead end up after-life? Any evidence? The bluffing religious leaders and ideologies are stumped, due to lack of evidence.

      Apr 12, Colombo: The Minister of Health and Indigenous Medical Services has issued an Extraordinary Gazette notification, announcing the new regulations with regards to the Cremation of Corpse of a person who has died of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
      According to the gazette notification, the corpse of a person who has died or is suspected to have died, of COVID-19 shall be cremated at a temperature of 800 to 1200 degrees Celsius for a minimum period of 45 minutes to one hour for complete burning, for the purpose of prevention of any potential biological threat.
      The cremation should be done at a cemetery or place approved by the proper authority under the supervision of such authority, according to the directions issued by the Director General of Health Services.
      No person shall handover the corpse of a person died of or suspected to have died of COVID-19 to any person except to persons who undertake the necessary duties of cremation, nominated by the proper authority.
      Furthermore, the attire and the non-reusable personal protective equipment used by persons who handle the corpse at such cemetery or place, shall be incinerated by placing them with the coffin during cremation.
      The reusable equipment shall be properly decontaminated and disinfected in accordance with the directions issued by the Director General of Health Services.
      The ashes of the corpse may be handed over to the next of kin, at the request of such next of kin, the gazette notification stated.

    • 3

      S M
      Buddhism is not a religion; it’s a philosophy stupid.

      • 1


        But the imbeciles mean Measured IQ 79, prostrate to the monks, and call it Buddha-Agama, Buddha’s Religion.

        Have the imbeciles been taken for a ride by the monks who hijacked Buddhism?

  • 5

    know your limits…. you have no rights what so ever to criticize other religion.. has not your religion told you that….

    do you think you know all, do not you see the limitation of human knowledge with this virus…

    your comments show your upbringing…

    Admin, is these sort of comments are allowed ??/ please take action

    • 3

      I feel that the Top is against the idea of burial in order to intimidate a particular community, So whatever arguments you bring up will fall into deaf ears, ( Little Knowledge is Dangerous) MAY THE BLESSINGS OF THE TRIPLE GEM BE UPON SRI LANKA

      • 2

        Mohel J,

        TTIPLE Gem?

        The third Gem is the Sangha, who hi jacked Buddhism, Buddha and Dhamma.

        The Sangha have been silent and racist.

        If you want the Blessings of the DOUBLE GEM, Don’t prostrate to Sangha, monks, who hijacked Buddhism, the Double Gem.

  • 3

    Science cannot establish matters beyond its scope.

    Only trust can.
      This is how the Lord exists. The doctrine of Islam is that inanimate objects praise the Lord. Does it mean they don’t communicate because we don’t hear them speak?

    • 3

      Mubarak its not trust, its blind faith based on indoctrination from childhood. In Buddhism it is confidence based on reasoning and experience.

      • 1

        Regime Silva
        The problem is not Buddhism, it is only with the Sinhala version of it, when it’s reason is skewed in the experience of nothing else but in the confidence of it’s majority in numbers.
        That’s all.

  • 2

    This article indicates that the high incidence of infections in cruise ships may be related to fecal,infestation.


    • 4

      Just asking all concerned.!!! How many of you all are Epidemiologists, and Religious scholars. are making comments.

  • 11

    This is a politics of Arrogance by MR and co family. nothing else.. What is the problem if they bury or not… 180 countries do why not Sri Lanka

    • 1

      Why should Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka is different from those 180 countries. Government of Sri Lanka does what is best for Sri Lanka based on expert opinion of Sri Lankans.

      • 3

        E E
        My foot.
        Expert opinion of Sri Lanka has not served the country well.
        The only people who have benefited are the politicians; the so called experts.

  • 5

    Abdul Jabbar: You are an engineer and how much you know about viruses. Besides, you can think. How do you prove that your almighty is responsible even for dead bodies. where does it say. give us details, not just the reference.
    How much you read about ancient viruses found in many places such as glaciers, ice etc., Among the that occurred in the ancient times, virus diseases such as pneumonia, measles, influenza are well known.
    Is there any possibility that burial grounds will be excavated again for reuse.

  • 1

    How much you believe about people saying that muslims, havesome connections to covid-19, world politics etc., etc. ?

  • 7

    New York did a mass burial yesterday of Covid-19 deaths, as their morgues ran out of space. They’re doing in the UK, France & many other countries too.

    • 1

      M JaBir: Not only their morgues, their crematoria or incinerators should be running at full capacity. For the last three or four days, their number of dead perday came close to 2000 per day. Fortunately, Sri lanka is doling well.

    • 1

      M Jabar

      They (NY) did It an Island where people are not inhabiting. In case of massive spread of the disease & had to handle with lot of dead bodies in SL do Muslims have enough space to bury?

      • 0

        Lets Cross that Bridge when we get there. So far, thank God, there have been Only Seven bodies in all, with three being Muslims,

    • 1

      M. Jabir ,

      “New York did a mass burial yesterday of Covid-19 deaths, as their morgues ran out of space. “

      The countries must do what is practical.

      They may not have the capacity to cremate the thousands dead every day.

      Agree burial is the preferred way to dispose the body. However under extraordinary circumstances, need to take extraordinary measures for the safety and benefit of the living.

      Is there a soul? Is the soul a human construct? Is the soul with the dead body? Did the soul leave the body when the person died? Will cremation lead to the end of the soul? The BLUFF of the religious leaders are exposed and they all are STUMPED. They all realize that it is all about the safety of the living.

      • 2

        “Agree burial is the preferred way to dispose of the body” -unquote.
        So far in our country, Muslim Covid-19 deaths were around 3, burying each under 8 feet was not an issue. WHO stipulated ruling is Universal, Kenya a majority Christian nation permits burial of Covid-19 deaths, a Muslim was buried there with Islamic rites 2 weeks ago. In Colombo & its suburbs, the pipe-borne water is already heavily contaminated with raw-sewage, thus the drinking/cooking water budget of the residents is way too high. Toxic Colombo water which most people don’t know is a slow poison, that can be virulent too.

  • 5

    I urge the Lankans to beware of these Taqqia master Moslem monsters who try to justify the extremely lethal burial of the virus dead. This is nothing other than criminal activity.

    In New York the burials are all done on an isolated, uninhabited island, not on mainland. It has been proven unequivocally that viruses can remain in water and moist soil and matter and infect people. In fact famous genomics researcher Jean-Michel Claverie, who studies ancient viruses and bacteria determined that it is possible to revive 30,000-year-old viruses trapped in the permafrost. He proved that a flu virus, smallpox, and some long-lost human infection could be easily revived this way. These microbes are like time travelers — and they could thrive waking up in an age when humans have lost an immune defense against them.
    Jean Michel’s work is now partly classified, to avoid fear from his findings from creating panic. In the US cremation is fast becoming the preferred method due to these reasons. If burial re done a special permit that studies hydrology and ground contamination must be submitted and even then only in sealed concrete containers are they allowed anywhere within a 25 mile radius from ground water usage.

    I urge the Lankans to listen to the researchers and respect science. And never let Moslems fanatics use instances like this to spread dreaded diseases. They are looking for another Easter Sunday massacre, except this time they want it slow and easy, not with high explosives.

    • 3

      Jay Chambers

      “I urge the Lankans to listen to the researchers and respect science. “

      You are right for a change.
      However, why Gota’s goons are given so much power, resources and publicity in this most difficult period?

      What medical expertise Gota’s Goons are adding to understand and medically resolve present Pandemic?

      Gota’s frontline goons (the rana-viruses) should be detained in some form of quarantine or interned until war crime investigations are completed.

      • 3

        Native Vedda, Lanka is an overwhelmingly rather laid back, slow moving country and your people are quite docile and ignorant. The only aggressive people I see are the Moslems who learn all-hating terrible ideological crap in their mosques which are build like fortresses anticipating future battles (and they are well over 80% thoroughly radicalized).
        Among your people Buddhist monks and Christian preachers and also Hindu clerics are, barring a few rare exceptions, mostly ceremonial clergy. They chant melodious Pali stanzas, and other stuff and once the endorphin levels hit the right levels people feel relaxed and pious and they make offerings and get blessings. Life goes on like this. This helps them to accept all kinds of injustices sagaciously. They are relatively undeterred by corruption among politicians and those they elect to offices. After all they know that those are high energy types and they have certain merits that are helpful in difficult times. If nothing else they make emotional speeches and create drama which the people enjoy.
        Your military is a rare winner among all the small militaries in the world. Lets leave aside the geopolitics and realpolitik, even though much help for kinetic warfare and valuable intelligence was from outside, your military did a great job of wiping out the second, third and maybe fourth generation Dalit Dravidian hordes from Tamil Nadu (who called themselves Eelam Tamils). They had a rare carte blanche to liquidate Dravidians, which any full Brahmin from Tamil Nadu or anywhere in Dravidian South India would envy. The current leadership of Lanka under Gotaby is heavily drawn from the officers who executed the battles of that skirmish. After all, why would Gotaby not do that? His average countryman is a docile person who will not fight for anything.
        So stop lamenting about things you cannot change.

        • 1


          “Your military did a great job of wiping out…………….. Dalit Dravidian hordes from Tamil Nadu ( who called themselves Eelam Tamils)

          This type of things happen when you use a pseudonym not match to you.

    • 0

      It seems to be “my way or the highway “ where this community is concerned. Separate schools, different dress , special food , Arabic signboards, Islamic banking , special legal systems- and now one cannot even mention the “M” word for fear of being called a racist .

      • 1

        Is it very different from imposing one’s language on others and demanding special treatment for one’s religion?

    • 1

      Jay Chambers

      “I urge the Lankans to beware of these Taqqia master Moslem monsters who try to justify the extremely lethal burial of the virus dead. This is nothing other than criminal activity.”

      Th criminal activity was committed by the Wuhan China-19 virus, renamed COVID-19 virus, and not by the Mullins, Sinhala, Tamils, Indian, Europeans or the Americans..

      Para Sinhala Para -“Buddhists” are trying to employ the situation, by displaying their racism explicitly.

  • 1

    Spread of Virus in the groundwater

    Dig about 100 graves before in advanced and check a suitable place and every area. And check the conditions with government authority.
    The ashes of the cremated body are thrown on the river and polluted. Many people’s bodies and ashes are placed in the river. Large amounts of ashes from crematoriums along.
    Corono virus is an international virus other countries many as 1000 did not cremate and found suitable place to be buried.

    • 2

      “Many people’s bodies and ashes are placed in the river.” This is wrong. It never happens in Sri Lanka.

  • 1

    At this point in time, what matters most to the average person are his Perceptions of Covid 19 and not the Reality pertaining to the disease as explained by experienced and qualified Doctors, Scientists, Epidemiologists and other knowledgeable Professionals.
    These qualified Professionals can explain till they are blue in the face that burials of Covid 19 victims pose absolutely no threat to the environment or to the people now or in the future, but they will not be able to make people overcome their fear of the disease based on their limited understanding and perceptions. All the explanations that these Professionals offer will simply fly over the heads of the vast majority of the population who simply do not possess the basic scientific knowledge required to even begin understanding the gist of the explanation.
    The Covid 19 virus is only about 6 months old. The learned Professionals cannot rightfully claim that they know everything about it. We were even informed during it’s early days that the virus was especially harmful to the elderly. Within a matter of weeks, this ‘specialist knowledge’ was proved to very wrong. So our qualified Professionals are learning and will continue to learn about this new virus for which a vaccine is 12 – 18 months away. To make matters worse, it is quite possible that in the months ahead, the Covid 19 virus may mutate and there may be a second or third wave of infections.
    Everybody agrees that cremating the body of a Covid 19 victim will preclude the possibility of it being a source of future infection.
    Not everybody agrees that burying the body of a Covid 19 victim will preclude the possibility of it being a source of future infection.
    Perception being more important than Reality, the way out of this Cremation vs Burial debate is very clear.

  • 1

    Let us have closer look into this aspects

    What Do People Do With the Ashes?. pale grey to dark grey powder, How does regulated for polluting output emissions , furnaces which vaporize that would smell.Prevent general air pollution

    • 2

      These are extra-ordinary times and any trouble needs extra-ordinary remedies. People and countries are faced with an unprecedented health problem. Let us give priority to safety first and that way government’s insistence on cremation seems sensible. Once a person breathes his/her last only the corpse remains and it is subject to decay and preserving it in that form is considered injurious to the health of the living persons. Even under normal times Muslims bury their dead within 24 hours. which itself is commendable. Why carry it too far by insisting on burial. Dead body is a dead body and why fight over it unless there are multiple wives and each wants to have a piece of the dead man? Please do not suffer the burden of archaic rites and traditions. Muslim community in Srilanka has become resurgent and modern in every sphere.It is sad to note the educated and intelligent among the community are still backward and clannish when it comes to the question of their religion and practices.

  • 1

    You can not say it does not have any possibility of future infection. Just read about the plagues in the past. Besides, just remember why many agriculturists when they give instructions, they ask some disease plants to be burned or throw it away without mixing. Why is that ?
    [edited out]

  • 2

    Developed countries are giving up on ancient and archaic religions and becoming more rational. That way, they like to question phenomena they don’t understand, rather than put their faiths in mythical entities. Now is the time to focus on winning the war against covid -19 rather than quibble about rituals and traditions. The less said about exceptionalism the better. We need commonality, not a holier than thou attitude. Strong leadership does help in times like these.

  • 4

    It is shame that people are politicising the response of pandemic. People should understand that SL GOV allows the burial of non-COVID19 dead bodies. SL muslims were burying the bodies in normal circumstances. It is always good to take extreme measures to eradicate infectious agent.

    ### There are scientific evidence which says that CoronaVirus can be spread through water.###

    #### potentially virus can enter via gut ###


    ###Virus can survive in cold condition for weeks ####


    #####Through the action of infiltrating rainfall, adsorbed pathogenic organisms can escape from
    the soil particles, mix with the groundwaters beneath the cemeteries and migrate considerable

  • 3

    In an Island with land scarcity, cremation should be made compulsory unless facilities are not available. Putting up tombstones should be completely banned. Some idiots bury the ashes and erect tombstones. Erecting tombstones was introduced by colonial rulers. Demolish all tombstones in cemeteries and use that land for productive purposes.
    Think of the living, not dead.

  • 2

    Who cares what this Charter Engineer says. Listen to the experts. Muslims even if they happen to be experts in their chosen fields should not be taken seriously. They will go against all ethics to lie to their benefit.

    • 0

      “Listen to the experts.”

      Like the retarded Sham.

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