19 February, 2025


Has Trump Really Lost The Presidential Election?

By Amrit Muttukumaru

Amrit Muttukumaru

It is an understatement that President Donald Trump is an enigmatic and larger than life personality. He is revered by tens of millions of Americans and passionately disliked by an equal number. The results of the yet to be concluded Presidential Election would indicate that contrary to the impression peddled by most of the mainstream media, Trump has seemingly obtained the support of a fair number of minorities which include African-Americans and Hispanics. It is a fact that Trump with over 72 million votes has obtained the largest chunk of votes ever obtained in a presidential election with the exception of the over 77 million votes accrued by his opponent former Vice President  Joe Biden.

This writer is not stating that Trump will eventually win the Presidential Election. What he is emphatically stating is that there is credible doubt on the assertion propagated by the  mainstream media that Joe Biden has been lawfully elected. The reasons for this doubt include:

1) There is no debate that by far the most transparent mode of voting is through ‘in-person’ voting on the day of the election itself. In this form of voting there is no doubt that Trump was by far the winner. It is perfectly understandable that in the context of the Covid virus, there would inevitably be an unprecedented influx of mail-in voting not witnessed in ‘normal’ times. It is obvious that ‘mail-in’ voting is less transparent than ‘in-person’ voting. It is also obvious that ‘mail-in’ voting is far more susceptible to abuse than ‘in-person’ voting. What boggles one’s imagination is that there was a vast preponderance of mail-in votes for Biden in the vast majority of cases throughout the United States.

2) Are we to conclude that the Democrats are more vulnerable to attacks from the Corona virus??

3) There is credible evidence of several instances of abuse of ‘mail-in’ voting. As to whether this is sufficient to make a difference to the result has to be determined through DUE PROCESS. The abuse include credible allegations of (i) dead people voting (ii) determining authenticity of ‘mail-in’ votes which include verifying signatures being hampered (iii) in some instances Republican ‘observers’ of the counting of ‘mail-in’ votes having to use binoculars  and of windows being ‘boarded-up’.

4) Why did not the impressive Republican Senate success in several states translate into similar gains for Trump? It is disingenuous for anyone to claim this as proof there was no wrongdoing.

5) The United States has the ‘state-of-the-art’ resources and experience to carry out opinion polls and forecasts. After all it was America’s George Gallup who pioneered public opinion polls through his celebrated Gallup poll. In this milieu, how could the several opinion polls pointing to the runaway victory of Joe Biden be all so wrong unless there were base motives to influence the electorate in favor of Joe Biden?

6) To date none of the states have certified Biden’s purported victory. Hence, how can he be invested with the title ‘President-Elect’? In Sri Lanka we only have access to CNN on ‘Dialogue’ TV and this writer has heard some CNN presenters even referring to a ‘Biden Administration’! What right has the media to do this? Is it reasonable to expect anyone to ‘concede’ victory to another party simply because the media demands it? I emphasize, I am not holding a brief for Trump. I am only stating a principle.

7) Jake Tapper, a prominent CNN Anchor has even seemingly ‘threatened’ the employment prospects of Trump supporters under a Biden Administration by stating on twitter on 9 November 2020:

“I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not easy — but at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity.”

Does this not indicate the raw bias of CNN against Trump?

8) One of the most internationally acclaimed CNN anchors is Christiane Amanpour. I urge readers to listen to Liz Harrington Rips CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on the subject of the alleged corruption of Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden and determine whether Amanpour is squirming with embarrassment or not?

What does it say of Joe Biden and the credibility of Amanpour and CNN?


This writer re-iterates he is not holding a brief for President Donald Trump. All he is stating is that there are credible reasons to question the purported ‘victory’ of former Vice President, Joe Biden peddled by the mainstream media. These have to be credibly laid to rest through due process and not through media edict.

Much is also being made of foreign leaders congratulating Joe Biden. How can they do so when there is no official certification?  The applause of some leaders particulars from European NATO countries must be viewed from President Trump’s demand that they contribute an equitable share to the budget of NATO!

This writer has several reasons to oppose some of Trump’s policies which include his harmful approach to climate change, inequitable approach to the long festering Palestinian issue and inappropriate handling of issues of race. But this is no reason to overlook glaring questions on the integrity of the just concluded Presidential Election.

Whatever the final outcome, the US has lost its moral authority to uphold democratic values to the rest of the world and its mainstream media has taken a severe beating to its credibility. Even the US based social media monoliths such as Twitter, Facebook and Google have taken a major blow to their credibility.  Most of all, the people of the US are left thoroughly confused. All this will impact on the rest of the world given the pivotal position of the United States.

Latest comments

  • 18

    Dear Mr. Amrit Muttukumaru,
    I don’t see any logic of your argument. You can’t make any conclusions without any evidence.

    • 19

      Mr. Amrit has apparently run out of local windmills to attack. Even the alleged bond scam is history. Attacking the current military run regime would be injurious to Mr. Amrit’s well-being. So he may be forgiven for this illogical tirade against Joe Biden. Where was Amrit when Trump won the Presidency with a minority of the popular vote?
      “This writer re-iterates he is not holding a brief for President Donald Trump” . Perhaps this writer is a humourist then?

      • 5

        Does this ring a bell?:
        Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
        I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.

    • 6

      I do not know whether Triumph lost the elections, but apparently He has lost himself.

      • 0

        Kanapathy Varunan,
        Don’t worry too much about not knowing something. You’ll catch up on some like the way you did on he losing himself!

    • 0

      Mr. Ajith,
      You are correct…
      But some of you idiots wanted to do the same when GR was elected as president.

  • 13

    The media has a vested interest in having Biden elected. It was the same with Mahinda/Gotabaya and the character assassination of Ranil.

  • 9

    One more conspiracy theory not unlike his earlier ones against U-no-Hoo.

  • 14

    To imagine such a vast conspiracy spread out over all those many States that Biden won, in a country like USA, is indeed far fetched.
    In all the counting centres, republicans had their representatives and other neutral observers.
    All the apparent “reasons” adduced regarding misconduct of the election is like hanging on to cobwebs as none of them can be proved. Thus giving many “reasons” hoping one will fire or each giving 1% credence will add up to something.
    Bringing in the media and its unreliability has very little relevance to the election proper. The statement ”unless there were base motives to influence the electorate in favor of Joe Biden?” is meaningless as :
    1. The media has always slanted news, (not actual fibbing) as is done everywhere and to imagine every media outlet is scrupulous dead centre, is asking the impossible. This type of media slant was there always with Fox News being worst offender till Trump and Fox News fell out of step. CNN Al Jazeera BBC all have their agendas.
    2. Your point 5 contradicts itself. Even if the USA has such polls experience and resources, it is only a poll arrived at by extrapolation of a small sample. So errors can result in actual value but very unlikely in the general trend.

  • 8


    As of yesterday, we have reverted to the belief that the earth is flat as well. The whole roud earth thing was perpetrated by CNN and Amanpour. We all should listen to Fox news and lou dobbs

  • 17

    Another reason the mail-in ballots counted last favoured Biden had a very good basis.
    While Trump asked his people to dare the Covid and vote on election day direct to show that he had the pandemic under control, the Democrats asked their voters to be careful and do their duty by voting early by mail-in ballots and not expose themselves.
    So when counting began with direct votes first, Trump had a slightly better lead, but when the mail-ins started, the direction reversed.
    This is why Trump is casting allegations regarding mail-in being suspect, after his protégé, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, tried to buckle postal voting and the Supreme Court intervened.

  • 17

    Mr. Muttukumaru,

    You live in Colombo, right?

    You should stick to writing about the SL issues you know; don’t show your stark ignorance here.

    We had to register with the state elections board online, using driver’s license or other state-issued ID, and make a request to vote by mail. The state issues mail-in ballots only to those who are properly and legitimately registered to vote. This is the same system that has been used for absentee ballots ( legitimate absence, like being deployed in the military or business travel) every election, but because of Covid the system was opened up without the usual specific cause. I have voted by mail in some previous elections as well.

    The D’s, who acted responsibly on mask wearing and social distancing, were encouraged by their leaders and activists to vote early, and went for mail-in votes overwhelmingly. Trump supporters waited to vote in person because the idiot was repeatedly talking up fraud with mail-in vote.

    Biden is President-elect in a fair and well-administered election. Not even a majority of Republicans doubts it but they simply humor the clownish Trump and his idiotic base that is clutching at straws. It takes time for a loss to sink-in, and denial is the first stage of grief.

    • 14

      I concur with you Agnos.
      Muttukumaru’s narrative is pathatic, begs beggers belief and for me not worth reading beyond first paragragh.🤣🤣
      What a load of rubbish or as we say here “cod’s wallop”, you are peddling via CT.
      Mr. M this is not anything personal, but please give the readers some smblance your theory next time you put pen to paper or should I say “finger to the keyboard!”

      We are all aware that DT got 74 plus million and all JB needed was/is, a plus one to win. Which you would agree, I Hope.This is the requirement on the “First passs to the post ” system in a democratic election. I rest my case
      There is enough rumour mongers and doom pundits in the readership of various media both local and foreign. Please give us a break

      • 3

        Mr. Nadarajah,

        Biden will win close to 81 million votes when the counting is complete and Trump will win 74 million, and will win the popular vote by 4+%. But the US Presidential election is decided by the electoral college, not by a simple national popular majority.

    • 5

      I can understand your irritation with this article.
      It insults even average intelligence.
      But does it mean that you should prohibit anyone living in Colombo on writing on US affairs?

      • 8


        Generally I am wondering why people in Colombo are writing so many articles on US issues when there are so many issues in Sri Lanka to write about. On occasion, I have said the same to Kumar David and Rajan Philips, even though they don’t show the kind of ignorance that this author does. I am not the editor to ‘prohibit’ anything, but people should consider a ‘strong suggestion.’

        • 4

          The US is seen by many as the most decisive force in all global issues.
          Thus there is a lot of US watching among us atop India watching among Tamils.
          AM has some local pet subjects and pet targets that he has a go at rather often.
          This is the first time he ventured into international affairs– but with foot in mouth.

          • 4

            But a primarily SL audience doesn’t need to know about the US at the level of detail being discussed on CT where people are discussing internal voting mechanisms and debates among politicians at the primaries. Only the extent to which the US issues might affect SL should matter. India is a big neighbor and has been involved in SL for a long time, so India-watching in SL is justified.

            • 3

              But there is much interest among English-educated middle classes; also our media give much publicity to US events,especially elections.
              Increased US involvement in our affairs since 2009 is a factor.
              But what AM says will not carry far even among CT readers, as, like you say, the details do not concern the average reader. And much of it is plain recycled speculation

    • 5

      Agnas, not a significant portion of Republican s would agree with Trump the clown, but some would until 20th January stay protesting for an impossible gain. My worry if that would cost more innocient lives. Need of the hour is to protect them from Covid infections. I think Trump ll have to end up in the jail if he would nt behave normal in coming days. No presidents in the history became this much of a laghing stock to the world but trump, how would he face it after 20th January???😉😌😉😌😉😌😉

  • 4

    Amrit Muttukumaru”This writer re-iterates he is not holding a brief for President Donald Trump. “
    I just want to join the band wagon and write some rubbish. I thank CT for publishing this, it will not see the day light of any other media

    Thank You CT
    Amrit Muttukumaru

  • 7

    Amrit Muttukumaru never wrote whether Rajapakses really won the last election
    or Did Gota really won the Presidential election

  • 13

    Amrit Muttukumaruu has raised some valid points.

    USA is divided right in the middle with no possibility of reconciliation between waring factions.

    Normally the entire country rallies round the newly Elected President. This time it has not happened, may not happen in the near future as well.

    The supremacy of western democracy is now challenged. External enemy is easier to handle, but internal enemies are a different kettle of fish.

    The downturn journey of US has commenced, it will accelerate towards doom.

  • 16

    To: Commentators Concerned

    1) All you guys and gals (with pseudonyms) ‘attacking’ me are kindly requested to comment on the strident ‘attack’ on Joe Biden by his choice of VP ‘running mate’ Kamala Harris.

    2) Kamala Harris who knows a thing or two about Joe Biden has accused him of being ‘FALSE’ and questioned his commitment to RACIAL JUSTICE.

    3) She did so not in ‘ancient’ times but on CNN on 31 July 2019.

    4) Refer link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4fjA0K2EeE (0:26 onwards)

    5) Don’t you think that either Harris is ‘false’ or Biden is ‘false’?

    6) I re-iterate, I am not holding a brief for President Donald Trump. All I am seeking is DUE PROCESS and FAIRNESS in determining the winner.

    Amrit Muttukumaru

    • 10

      Dear Mr. Amrit,
      The subject of the essay was :
      Has Trump Really Lost The Presidential Election?
      “Don’t you think that either Harris is ‘false’ or Biden is ‘false’?”
      Conceding one is false, So how would the falsity of Harris or Biden affect the election.
      Do you imply that because of falsity of H or B, Trump who has uttered more falsities, deserves to win.
      Though Harris said that in 2019, may be, yes I say, may be, they had a talk and Biden cleared up the matter by mid 2020 for them to join together.
      “All I am seeking is DUE PROCESS and FAIRNESS in determining the winner.”
      Aren’t we all. But not on untenable reasons adduced by Trump.
      No offence but this is My View.

    • 9

      Amrit, please do give us a break . All and sundry ,I hope is aware of what was said on the run up to the nomination of the Presidential Canddacy. Certain amount of mud slinging is the essence of democracy. For heve’s sake do not waste people time by defending the undefendable, in my view. and I stand to be corrected Sir.
      But I respect your view. one hundred percent and apologise if I have hurt your feelings and honour. I am sure you are an honourable man. Thats not in question

      Whatever I have said is my candid view and I stand by it. Sadly I had to agree politely to disagree with you
      Hope we are in communication terms

    • 8


      The issue you raise here has nothing to do with what you set out to write in the article.
      It was in the primaries, an intraparty contest. It was widely understood at that time that Harris was making an out of context, exaggerated attack on Biden over a 40 year old busing issue that had lost its relevance. It was partly why Harris’ popularity waned and she soon had to drop out of the primaries. It is to Biden’s credit that he didn’t hold that against her in choosing her as his VP candidate, even though many key Biden supporters and Mrs. Biden were offended and were feeling like ‘Never Kamala.’ Harris publicly said she wouldn’t apologize as it was called a ‘debate,’ but in private she has made some form of apology.

      There is no issue with ‘due process and ‘fairness’ and therefore no need to ‘seek’ it.
      CT is not the place for a tutorial session on US politics to confused retirees in Colombo.

      • 6

        Dear Agnos.
        Being in US you are privy to news at depth. Thank you for confirming my surmise :
        “Though Harris said that in 2019, may be, yes I say, may be, they had a talk and Biden cleared up the matter by mid 2020 for them to join together.”
        It was an obvious presumption on my side, then.

    • 10

      Amrit Muttukumaru:
      I re-iterate, I am not holding a brief for President Donald Trump. All I am seeking is DUE PROCESS and FAIRNESS in determining the winner.
      Donald Trump:
      “DUE PROCESS” … “FAIRNESS” … Who are you? Some kind of Arugula-eating, immigrant-loving, God-denying, Queer Liberal Weirdo? Don’t you realise I’m sick and tired of hearing these politically correct liberal elitist snooty words? YOU’RE FIRED.

    • 1

      Amrit Muttukumaru , What do I know; not much like you do. But, I know that Trump had accepted that Biden won.

  • 13

    Mr Muttukumaru…Bravo. Thanks for the due diligence in going deeper than the surface rats who devour carefully placed media morsels. Yes. There are so many credible reports of voter fraud, the likes of which the US has never before encountered. But the entire mainstream media lemmings and their propaganda devourers (the majority of the public) are immune to asking any questions. They simply consume what is provided without “tasting, then spitting or swallowing”. I am so relieved that a Sri Lankan is questioning the dubious US election result and appealing to DUE PROCESS and FAIRNESS. You have many detractors but you’ve got a fan in me!

  • 3

    IF Biden lost and trump won the faults that trump claim problems and discrepancies with Mail voting fraud still exists and biden deserve to win Every election is decided by the people. as US President claiming the falsification vote is digging his own grave to put US moral authority to uphold democratic values. When he is in the office he has not made procedure to streamline technical hitches to stop “dead people” voting.

  • 2

    Dear Sir

    USA is a huge Nation and one of the Permanent UN Security Council countries in the world. all these 5 Nations + C20++ manage the rest of us the toilet washers.

    They all play good cop bad cop amongst themselves and even within the Country (good examples the election) as required to maintain their status quo.

    In this instant President Trumps turn was to put the Budgetary issues in Check as they have successfully clawed their way back from having return some of Chinese loans/offset, Palestinian issues, Iranian issues (even killed their military big man against all the norms), put Korea in Check, even wiki like man in custody too…..it is an intelligent management of affairs at the highest level that looks after a Nation that we all wash toilet to make a living with admirations.

    Secondly they needed to bring the tea party and the white supremists on board such the toilet washers can continue to go there after destroying their Nations…just like ourselves.

    Thirdly all accounting is fine except the blacks are always kept at their place and this time with the covid they have legitimised unprecedented amount of postal voting due to covid meant they can all vote without the fear and intimidation from the white supremists intimidations and threads being exposed to more crime.

    • 2

      Yes you are spot on Agnos and LM (leelamalli) the Presidency of USA is decided by electrol college votes and not by popular vote. Thats why Hilary Clinton lost, thogh she had the popular vote.
      This some may say is a travesty of the American voting system. But on the other hand electrol college votes (570) by each state is directly proprtion to the population of each state. The debate of who or what is right is for another day and subject
      Ratnam Nadarajah

    • 2

      Hello Thiaga/Venu
      Yes, it matters most due to geopolitics of the world. No harm in giving a preview to the CT readers of the global situation.
      And as SJ have highlighted above , the US position in the world. Whether we like it not its Uncle same, who has the last say in world affairs.The US dollor is still miter than the sword😂🤣
      Ratnam Nadarajah

      • 1

        Thank you RN.

        Lastly the folks who supported Bernie did not vote for Hilary. How did they elect Hilary the most undemocratic event no one pays any attention???

        Most of the folks who wanted to elect Berni because of the Foreign policy blunders of the Hilary/Obama admin that resulted in more innocents dying in foreign lands.

        The other Trump success was inviting the Russians to clean up the mess in Syria that was created by the Hilary vision of the wold. I would dare say Trump was a better choice vs Hilary then…..wrt world peace/less death around the world? then again it is a superpower world does not make much sense to third world people like ourrselfs??

  • 0

    The third world mentality can be compared to Vaddukottai elections in 1970 what the FP losers did to sabotage peoples wish for change until 1977 to have it TULF way??

    non stop violence to murder their opponents /legal challenges/mis informations to sabotage democracy that let to the the Nation we have today?? 1977 election mandate itself is the most fraud election mandate ever achieved by the TULF in a democracy.

    We have been living by this fraud ever since….we only discuss the provocation and responses by the other but yet to analyse the real facts to date??? yet we are experts at analysing all else in the world as toilet washers??

  • 7

    Amrit Uncle today you proved what a ignoramus person you are ???? I did have my suspicion when you wrote about world cup, Sanga and IPL. This article of yours clears all doubts. You have no idea about the US mail in system. First of all Trump who advised his followers to vote in person officially MAILED IN his vote. He has done so in FL , even prior in state and other elections , he mailed his vote. Absentee voting has been in place where many US residents including military personal mail their votes. The point in true democracy every voice should be heard through their votes. This goes to show regardless a person has stepped out of Lanka, lived or studied abroad, dosent change their Lankan way of thinking .

  • 8

    Sorry, just to add. When confronted Amrit finds his answers in Kamala,s debate point (though it is not related to the matter being discussed ) to defend his version of election illegality in the U.S. Amrit debates are just discussion which are mostly selling pitch. It is almost like the annual corporate report, which is loaded with spin, to show why a person claims he/she is better than their opponent. I guess you did not hear much about, colleagues and other Republicans had to say about Trump. There was one guy here thought Prof David knows about US election process just because he had lived there. Like Amrit when a person has lived in Lanka too, they are just unable to process, that there are better and healthy democratic system else where. FYI today on recount GA found about 2300 mail in votes got missed in Fulton county (last to be counted under pressure a human error and not machine) in which Trump got 800 votes. Otherwise the election result are absolutely fine. Sill goes to show elections results are fair and official. (except for Trump and Amrit). Please do not condescend readers, to overcome your deficiencies.

  • 4

    Please read above as lived in Lanka too long . Thanks.

  • 6

    To: Commentators Concerned (almost all with pseudonyms)

    1) When writing my article I was certain I will be hitting a raw nerve. I am right. I am viciously ‘attacked’ by ‘courageous’ commentators (with pseudonyms) who have gone ballistic. One of them has even made me his/her ‘Uncle’!

    2) I am not a US citizen and hence do not have a vote. Due to the pivotal position of the US in world affairs, I take a keen interest in the politics and economy of the US. As far as the current presidential election is concerned, it is clear to any observer that it has been like no other and I dare say that even without the intervening ‘covid’ it would have been bitterly fought with controversy albeit not to the extent it has now become.

    3) There is no debate that by far the most transparent mode of voting is through ‘in-person’ voting on the day of the election itself. In this form of voting there is no debate that Trump was by far the winner. It is perfectly understandable that in the context of the Covid virus, there would inevitably be an unprecedented influx of mail-in voting not witnessed in ‘normal’ times. It is obvious that ‘mail-in’ voting is LESS TRANSPARENT than ‘in-person’ voting. It is also obvious that ‘mail-in’ voting is far more susceptible to abuse than ‘in-person’ voting.

    4) What boggles one’s imagination is that there was a vast preponderance of mail-in votes for Biden in the vast majority of cases throughout the United States. This is the ROOT of the controversy and we still do not have clarity on this.

    5) I am well aware that ‘mail-in’ voting is nothing new in the US. But what is new and UNPRECEDENTED are the tens of millions involved and what is more interesting is that the preponderance is for your ‘friend’ Biden!

    6) There is credible evidence of several instances of abuse of ‘mail-in’ voting. As to whether this is sufficient to make a difference to the result has to be determined through DUE PROCESS. Why don’t you guys allow this to be played out? The excuse that the lead Biden has will make any investigation redundant will not wash. Given the tens of millions of ‘mail-in’ votes it could make a difference IF there is ‘widespread’ voter fraud.

    7) You guys have excuses even when Kamala Harris accuses Joe Biden of being ‘FALSE’ and questions him on his record on RACIAL JUSTICE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4fjA0K2EeE (0:26 onwards)

    8) Has not your candidate Joe Biden ADMITTED to having “put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”? He has even involved former President Barack Obama in this! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXYHwCI2DBM . I rest my case! If this is an egregious ‘slip up’ what does it say of Biden’s suitability to be US President? What excuse have you got now?

    9) The issue AFTER the election is not on who is the better candidate. It is solely on the INTEGRITY of the election.

    10) I re-iterate, I am not holding a brief for President Trump. In the interest of NATURAL JUSTICE I am merely seeking DUE PROCESS and FAIRNESS. Since to date none of the states have CERTIFIED Biden’s purported victory, what is the indecent hurry to christen Biden ‘President-Elect’? He may well be the winner after due process – till then why don’t you guys ‘hold your horses’? After this you can party!

    Amrit Muttukumaru

    • 5

      Mr. Muttukumaru:
      It’s preposterous that you actually cited #8 as factual evidence of voter fraud by Biden in 2020 but also during Obama’s election wins.
      Could you not comprehend it was just a word fumble on Biden’s part which was being portrayed as admission of fraud by a right wing gutter media?

      Why isn’t Trump having his lawyers go after Biden with that video? Where’s the evidence that there was such am organization in actuality? Where are the details on this organization?

      Dug yourself deeper. Credibility down the drain. All for what? A sensationalistic article on CT.

      Speaking of credibility, no credible evidence yet of voter fraud in the US 2020 election.

    • 7

      Mr. M,
      I don’t think there is any need to debate in detail all the “evidence” you have posted. Just one will do, the video clip showing Biden admitting to voter fraud. One, Biden himself admits to being prone to gaffes. Second, the clip is from a YouTube channel run by Trumpists in a basement. Here is what the much more respected USA Today has to say on the matter:
      “Biden was describing voter protections .Biden made the statement while on the liberal podcast “Pod Save America.” The Oct. 24 podcast, video recording and transcript show Biden was discussing countering voter suppression rather than encouraging voter fraud”
      As a serious commentator (or one apparently ) surely it would have occured to you to check the circumstances instead of simply taking it at face value. You Tube channels , even Biden-leaning ones are not the Washington Post. If these are the sort of news sources you patronise, then, in your own words, I rest my case.
      If you aren’t holding a brief for Trump, I am not holding any for Biden either. I know perfectly well that the US is not run by the guy in the White House. Even Eisenhower ha something to say about that.

  • 5

    Amrit, hails from the land like no other where Health Minister threw a clay pot into water and threatened to jump , to get rid of the invisible Virus. Today Aquatic Minister ate raw fish in press meet to show it is harmless to consume. Coconut Minister climbed a tree to show his talents. . I wonder what will the Chicken Minister do, when it is his/her turn to perform ?????

  • 7

    Amrit, your facts from 3 below are absolutely wrong. I sincerely doubt your facts are merely from social media, Lankan media, hearsay and your own bias. 1) Yes this is a unusual election because of the pandemic and absentee mail in votes were introduced. 2) Of course you had your elections in Lanka in the usual way with all precautions and can anyone claim that the present spread was not caused by it ??3) Trump, knew that he may loose the elections and tried every way to stop or sabotage this by going to courts trying to get stay, removing machines from postal service which sort out thousand of mails a day, tried his best to shutdown the postal service, threatened to closed down local post offices and could not succeed 4) It is not a surprise to see the conspiracy theorist coming up with his plan where majority Democrats voted by mail taking all precautions and Biden did not even have one open rally or campaign. 5) Where as Trump did floating all warnings, spreading the infection further causing many deaths (cont)

  • 6

    cont) 6) This was Trump,s master plan to counter his anticipated loss. So he instructed Republicans to hold on and vote in person,( where as he voted by mail) which majority did. 7) On the election day, initially the votes which were polled on that day were counted and Trump lead in the swing states as expected. 8) Trump immediately claimed victory and tried disqualifying mail in votes. 9) Trump planned it such way and sawed the seeds of conspiracy, fraud, votes disappearing —etc—etc months before the elections, so that he could create such doubts. 10) He expected counting to take much more time so that further delay will help his cause, but the postal service was well prepared for such large numbers and were able to give us an idea the very next day. 11) Amrit it is pretty simple to understand but for a guy who saw conspiracy in world cup coin tossing , this may look complicated. Give us a break and do not loose your credibility with such half baked stories.

  • 7

    It is Trump who is not willing to wait not the way you claim. Most states have already rejected his dubious legal claims. You show your ignorance by claiming mail in votes can be tampered all over the world, just because it is done in Lanka. Amrit most these swing states are governed by Republicans who already have verified, each and every votes so that they could release the results, which you claim as fraud.(Trump also tried desperately to stop the count in between) No one is in hurry and Biden proved it by waiting for 3 days. But where is the evidence ????? Amrit to make it simple for you, this is like the cricket match we played as kids when opposition realize they have lost they find all kind of silly reasons to stop the match so that they can claim victory. Get a life.

  • 6

    To: Commentators Concerned

    1) Are not you guys cowering behind ANONYMITY by the use of pseudonyms not embarrassed to even use the word ‘CREDIBILITY’?

    2) Why can’t you be patient and await the states CERTIFYING the results before calling the race for Joe Biden?

    3) The ROOT of the controversy is due to the unprecedented (perfectly understandable) tens of millions of ‘mail-in’ votes due to COVID.

    4) It is almost axiomatic that ‘in-person’ voting on the day of the election is far more TRANSPARENT than ‘mail-in’ voting which is far more susceptible to ABUSE and fraud.

    5) There is no debate that President Trump was by far the winner in terms of the ‘in-person’ voting. There is also no debate that former VP Joe Biden by far obtained the preponderance of ‘mail-in’ votes throughout the United States.

    6) There is CREDIBLE evidence of several instances of abuse in ‘mail-in’ voting. As to whether this is sufficient to make a difference to the result has to be determined through DUE PROCESS.

    7) Why don’t you guys allow this to be played out? The excuse that the lead Biden has will make any investigation REDUNDANT will not wash. Given the tens of millions of ‘mail-in’ votes it could make a difference IF there is ‘widespread’ voter fraud.

    8) I have CLEARLY stated that the DAMNING admission by Biden of having “put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” also involving former President Barack Obama may well be an – “EGREGIOUS SLIP UP”.

    9) One of you even shamelessly say – “Biden himself admits to being prone to gaffes”. How many ‘gaffes’ are you going to allow Biden? Is he Presidential material by your own admission?

    10) Please note that none of the mainstream media including ‘Washington Post’ which some of you adulate carried this. Given the well known PARTISAN attitude of most of the so-called ‘respected’ mainstream media including CNN favoring Biden, one has to ‘mine’ for information from alternate sources which may have question marks on credibility. Of course we all know the shameful manner in which the so-called ‘respected’ mainstream and social media have behaved in the run-up to and after the Presidential Election!

    11) Of course one has to be CIRCUMSPECT when citing any media – ‘respected’ or otherwise. In the clip used on the Biden saga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXYHwCI2DBM there is also a reference to a ‘gaffe’ by his VP running mate Kamala Harris which none of the ‘respected’ media carried! This is why this particular clip was used.

    12) Have you guys never heard of the expression ‘out of the mouths of babes comes the truth’? Given the admission by some of you that “Biden himself admits to being prone to gaffes” – could he just maybe- just maybe – be in his second childhood and uttered some MODICUM of the truth in regard to “voter fraud organization”? This must be viewed in the CONTEXT of all the allegations of ‘fraud’ swirling around.

    13) In fairness to Biden, I am still saying it may well be an – “EGREGIOUS SLIP UP”!

    14) Have not CNN and the internationally acclaimed TV journalist Christiane Amanpour been badly ‘CAUGHT OUT’ in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AQm4OYrjDI on the subject of the alleged corruption of Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden? Is not Amanpour SQUIRMING?

    15) The issue AFTER the election is not on who is the better candidate. It is solely on the INTEGRITY of the election.

    16) I re-iterate, I am not holding a brief for President Trump. In the interest of NATURAL JUSTICE I am merely seeking DUE PROCESS and FAIRNESS. Since to date none of the states have CERTIFIED Biden’s purported victory, what is the indecent hurry to christen Biden ‘President-Elect’? He may well be the winner after due process – till then why don’t you guys ‘hold your horses’?

    Amrit Muttukumaru

    • 5

      Amrit dear,
      “what is the indecent hurry to christen Biden ‘President-Elect’? He may well be the winner after due process – till then why don’t you guys ‘hold your horses”
      You could stand in front of a mirror and ask that of yourself, except change “Biden” to “Trump”. Now please don’t tell us that CT put the headline on your article!

      • 3

        Dear OC,
        what happeend to that ATHANA METHANA NATANA RATHANA ? We dont hear anything from him today. … do you have any clue ?

  • 8

    Amrit, we can lead a horse to water but can we make him to drink too ?? “I am not holding a brief for Trump?? “. Many of Trump fans said the same in pre poll survey. Here are some facts for the readers. 1) Biden is approaching the 80 million mark and leads Trump by almost 6 million popular votes(which Amrit believes is plausible by fraud), in ongoing counting , mostly in CA and NY. 2) It is a record for both candidates, the previous was 70 million Obama received in 2008. 3) more than 155 million voted which is 65% eligible voters,which again is all time record beating 1908 elections. 4) Biden win depended on about 45,000 more votes in AZ, GA and WI where Trump won by 77,000.across 3 swing states.) 5) Neither Hillary or Biden refused, to accept the results when Trump won many of those swing states by smaller margins. (Just compare these numbers to the election where MS edged MR in a similar manner.) CT readers, after going through these numbers and reading Amrit ,s response (which I think is pathetic than his article ) can makeup their own mind.

  • 5

    Amrit, today Georgia certified Biden as the winner , after 6 days of hand counting more than 5 million votes. The last time GA picked a Democrat was when Bill Clinton was elected. Isn’t it shocking ?????I am sure you would have loved seeing , Trump lawyer Giuliani,s 90 minutes press meet where his hair dye was dripping all over his sweaty face and he sniffing into a tissue and using the same to wipe his face and head. Indeed a case study “how Covid spreads”?

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