Sri Lanka High Commissioner in United Kingdom, Chris Nonis has resigned after he was assaulted mercilessly by Sajin Vass Gunawardena, the Monitoring MP for the Ministry of External Affairs at a house in New York.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who returned to Colombo from New York, after attending the UN has ordered the state and private media to blackout the news and not report anything on this matter. He personally spoke to everyone concerned.
The incident took place at the house of Dilan Ariyawansa, who is now Director of Sri Lankan Airlines in New York. He has thrown a dinner for many members of Rajapaksa’s team taking part in UN General Assembly. Ariyawansa was originally sent to New York as an employee-manager of Sri Lanka Travel Inc. in 2000 by Lalith Kotelawala and was involved in many controversies.
One of the persons who took part in the dinner told the Colombo Telegraph that among those who took part in the dinner were Nonis, Foreign Secretary Kshenuka Senewiratne and Sajin Vass Gunawardena.
In a highly intoxicated state, Gunawardena MP has got involved in an argument with Nonis. He called him a “bloody pariah” and accused him of using the words “fucking bitch on Kshenuka Seneviratne.” He has raised his hands and given Nonis a thundering slap forcing him to fall on the ground. Thereafter, Gunawardena has continued to kick High Commissioner Nonis. His toe was hurt because of this and he was walking with a bandage.
Nonis did not sit for the string hopper, chicken curry and seeni sambol dinner. He drew to the five star New York Hotel Rajapaksa stayed and gave his resignation. The next morning he took a flight from New York to London.
Nonis complained to a member of the Sri Lanka delegation Rajapaksa will not take any action against Gunawardena. He had revealed Rajapaksa told him I will deal with the fellow but nothing will happen, he said.
Casiboy / September 30, 2014
Nonis a [Edited out]
Pradeepa / October 1, 2014
Chris Nonis’s house rent in London is £18,000 (British sterling pounds 18,000= Rupees 38,70,000.00). Sri Lanka government pays this huge sum of money from the tax collected from poor Sri Lankans. most of the countries spend around £7,000-8,000 for High Commissioner’s house rent. This is called “Ashcharyaya!”
Know All / September 30, 2014
Why is anyone surprised with all this? MR’s administration is mostly made up of uncouth, boorish, vulgar, uneducated thugs. And what will the big man do? Don’t hold your breath!
Twak / September 30, 2014
Sajin Vass has amassed more wealth in this country than all other thugs before him. He is known to have multiple personaly owned airplanes and helicoptors in Sri Lanka, multiple estates, even a giant elephant he keeps cages like a mouse for 40 years. He is a Stalin or Hitler of the modern era who makes our country resemble to the world North Korea and Syria. He was drunk and fighting in a diplomatic city and during the United Nations events? I am not surprised because I have lost faith in our leadership including the President and this sham of a corrupt government. Sajin Vass is the baggage boy who hand carries millions and millions out of the country and into bank accounts abroad, property in the US and EU, and God only knows what else. One day the dishonorable Sajin Vass will punch, drink, swill and kick others including his lovely prostitutes he is seen with. Disgusting.
Nilanta / September 30, 2014
That thug should get out to save SL
Nilanta / September 30, 2014
He is aline gentleman who raised the stature of SL to grate heights, but there is no room for gentleman at the ministry
Jayantha / September 30, 2014
No respectable academic, Professor, scholar,educated, qualified or honest Gentlemen can serve the country which under siege by thugs, criminals, crooks and looters. All the educated, experienced and honest scholars and Professionals are been kicked out from our foreign Ministry and are been replaced by uneducated cronies and stooges by the ruling crook Rajapakses who use their condom theory on every one of them and Dr.Chris Nonis is the latest victim.
Those thugs recruit same minded thugs to hold high and reputable positions so that they could control and rule the country with a fisted hand.
That’s why Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike said that uneducated, uncultured and uncivilized thugs and morons rule our country, and today what she told has came to light.
It is time for people to take back our country from Thugs, criminals and looter to save it from the criminals and thugs.
Sritharan / October 1, 2014
Yes you ask your friend Ranil to take the country back from criminals.
Ranil government will give you a better offer for your container business.
You are an oppotunist.
Sugath / October 1, 2014
Chris nonis left NHS just before he was [Edited out]. If you are suffering [Edited out]. He had no option and [Edited out] to President and got this job. So you can not compare Chris Nonis with other respectable academic, Professor, scholar,educated, qualified or honest Gentlemen
Maha Bijja / September 30, 2014
All Boot lickers who got Medamoolana Watalappam santhosam finally get their own asses kicked. So be prepared. So many on line. May be it’s GLP next in line.
Sun / October 1, 2014
Please CT@;
WHY do you allow vulgaer usernames to be used on this forum ?
Mahabijja – big penis – I think in this way, we the ones who have been bound to this forum would feel not decent.
I am not against what this particular BIG PENIS has added. Maharaja and his adminsitration has made every efforts this nation to become what they are today.
Rohana / October 1, 2014
Bijja means Egg Biththraya It is not a vulgar name :)
Kevin / September 30, 2014
Just like the Kandyan Kingdom. Getting too close to the seats of His Majesty’s power means….The more things change the more they are the same…
Thus he often deals with those, whose Children are his Attendants. I mentioned before, that young Men of the best Families in the Land, are sought out to wait upon the King in his Court. These after they have served here some small time, and have as it were but seen the Court, and known his Customs and Manners, he requiteth them by cutting off their Heads, and putting them into their Bellies: other faults none do know. Heretofore, as it is reported, he was not so Cruel, but now none escapes, that serves in his Palace. Then he recruits his Slain out of the Countries, by giving Orders to his Dissava’s or Governors to send him others to Court. Whither they go like an Ox to the Slaughter, but with far more heavy hearts. For both they and their Parents full well know what end the King’s honorable Service will bring them to. Howbeit there is no remedy. Being thus by Order sent unto the Court, their own Parents must provide for and maintain them, until the King is pleased to call them to his Use which it may be will not be in some years. Sometimes it happens, that the Boys thus brought, before the King makes use of them about his Person, are grown too big, and so escape. But those that are employed in the Palace, enjoy this favour, That all such Taxes, Customs, or other Duties belonging to the King, which their Fathers were wont to pay, are released, until such time as they are discharged from the King’s Employment; which is always either by Execution, or by being given to somebody for perpetual Bondmen. During the time of the King’s favour, he is never admitted to go home to Visit his Parents and Friends. The Malekind may come to see him, but no Women are admitted, be it his Mother that bare him. And after he is killed, tho’ for what no man knows, he is accounted a Rebel and Traitor against the King: and then his Father’s House, Land and Estate is seized on for the King. Which after some time by giving of Fees and Gifts to the great ones, they do redeem again: And sometimes the whole Family and Generation perish, as I said before. So that after a Lad is taken into the King’s Palace, his Kindred are afraid to acknowledge Alliance to him. But these matters may more properly be related, when we come to speak of his Tyranny.
He seems to be naturally disposed to Cruelty: For he sheds a great deal of blood, and gives no reason for it. His Cruelty appears both in the Tortures and Painful deaths he inflicts, and in the extent of his punishments, viz, upon whole Families for the miscarriage of one in them. For when the King is displeased with any, he does not alwayes command to kill them outright, but first to torment them, which is done by cutting and pulling away their flesh by Pincers, burning them with hot Irons clapped to them to make them confess of their Confederates; and this they do, to rid themselves of their Torments, confessing far more than ever they saw or knew. After their Confession, sometimes he commands to hang their two Hands about their Necks, and to make them eat their own flesh, and their own Mothers to eat of their own Children; and so to lead them thro the City in public view to terrifie all, unto the place of Execution, the The Dogs follow Prisoners to execution.Dogs following to eat them. For they are so accustomed to it, that they seeing a Prisoner led away, follow after. At the place of Execution, there are alwayes some sticking upon Poles, others hanging up in quarters upon Trees; besides, what lyes killed by Elephants on the ground, or by other ways. This place is alwayes in the greatest High-way, that all may see and stand in awe. For which end this is his constant practice.
Nor is his wrath appeased by the Execution of the Malefactor, but oftentimes he punisheth all his Generation; it may be kills them alltogether, or gives them all away for Slaves.
Dick Turpin / October 1, 2014
Guys like Sajin the Vass should be handed over to ISIS to be put to the sword.
Native Vedda / October 1, 2014
Dick Turpin
“Guys like Sajin the Vass should be handed over to ISIS to be put to the sword.”
Why ISIS, why not hand him over to the Sinhala/Buddhist armed forces, Karuna or Mevyn Silva.
kumar / October 1, 2014
At one time Nonis was the hero because he could lie eloquently. Now he is a zero maybe he spoke a half truth. Thats far too much for this regime
sunilp / October 1, 2014
Ladies And Gents !!! Do not forget that Dr. nonis save this government on many occasions…from European union, united nations,and Channel 4 Etc: ..he is a master brain, well educated and NOT a guy who is behind money like others. ( those who did not pass there O/L Exam ) he is a Gentleman. we can be proud of…long life Mr, nonis more power to you sir…
Sandy / October 1, 2014
Who says he saved Sri Lanka from “European union, united nations,and Channel 4 Etc”: Show us, post into this forum with your evidance. He couldn’t convence a single British MP since he assumed office in Sep 2011. So how on earth he did all this what you have said? BIG LIE!!!!!!
how could you say he saves government. Are you half sleep or don’t know the facts?
Former Sri Lankan Diplomat / October 2, 2014
Never in the course of my long career as a diplomat have I experienced, or heard of even in some backward rudimentary State, such a shameless behaviour from a senior government official. If the President has an iota of shame (honestly I don’t think he has) he would have sacked Sajin Vas Gunawardena immediately. It is widely claimed that the reason Rajapakse cannot do that is that he (Sajin) is the collector for Rajapakse and he has been given a Foreign Ministry post to enable him to travel the world under diplomatic cover and bank Rajapakse’s billions in foreign banks.
There is another aspect to this shameless incident. Minister G. L. Pieris and Secretary Kshenuka Seneviratne should also resign – but then they have no shame either!!
There is disturbing news afloat that High Commissioner Nonis may accept an apology and forget the incident.
Let me remind Chris Nonis that Sajin Vas slapped the High Commissioner, Sri Lanka’s foremost diplomat, and not just the person of Chris Nonis. Therefore, if Nonis accepts an apology he is compromising the post he holds in the same way that Sajin Vas defecated on it. Nonis must realise that the post he is holding was held over the years by personalities such as Sir Richard Aluwihare, Sir Claude Corea, Sir Lalitha Rajapakse, Prof. G. P. Malalasekera, Dr.M.V.P. Pieris, and Sajin Vas slapped them all, and if Nonis settles for an apology he is not only betraying all his distinguished predecessors but if also debasing the very post he hold.
What is in issue is not just the conduct of Sajin Vas but the integrity of Chris Nonis as well !!
A former SL diplomat
sama / October 2, 2014
Unfortuantely, you cant expect any good from Rajapakshes regardless of any areas – not exclusivly for Diplomacy.
Check the followings please
a) Education
b) Religious affairs
Lanka Watch / October 4, 2014
Former diplomat,
I belong to the period when Sir Richard Aluwihare
was the high commissioner and other mentioned HCs followed and they were all gentlemen of high calibre. Governments at that time, as a rule, appointed highly educated and internationally respected Sri Lankans as HCs in UK because of the fact that UK was head of the commonwealth. Democracy was born there and HCs had to be knowledgeable in all subjects as most international conferences took place in London at that time and diplomats from various countries including Sri Lanka flocked there in London.They did make decisions unlike the UN of today.
As regards the collectors, the diplomat mentioned in his comments,
KP, the former Ltte fund raiser is the confidant of the Govt now and wonder what is the necessity for new collectors ,as KP has enough experience in this field, like smuggling routes etc & is now jobless as the job of tracing of Ltte’rs is over as they are dead and gone and he could do this job willingly & cunningly, instead of collectors and diplomats hammering each other in foreign lands, feeding headline stories for the media and bring disrepute to the country.
Thanga / October 2, 2014
President Mahendra James Rajapaksa is like the king who goes and torches the houses of his subjects. Sajin Vass Gunawardena is the Minister who gives the fire to the king to help torch those houses. If anyone expects Chris Nonis to resign, he/she is mistaken. The post of High Commissioner, and that too in London, is a luxury that comes only once in your life time. You don’t throw that out of the window merely because Sajin Vass Hunawardena broke his toe finger.
ASHAN MENDIS / October 24, 2014
I recommed Dr Dayan Jayatilake and Prof Rajiva Wijesinghe to be b***h slapped by Vass next who is with me :)
Sylvia Haik / November 1, 2014
I pray the Sri Lankan government don’t remove the security he is entitled to, as going by form, his life may be under threat. It’s the thugs who rule us today. If Nonis claims political asylum in UK it will be the biggest blow to the Rajapakses and a humiliation we will never live down. So much for our country being at peace.