8 September, 2024


Hindus Shocked And Perturbed By BBS Statement – ‘Sri Lanka Is The Country Of Sinhala Buddhists’

“We are shocked and perturbed to read a News item appearing in the front page of a Tamil Newspaper on Friday (today) under the heading ‘Sri Lanka is the Country of Sinhala Buddhists. There is no place for those who do not accept this’.” says the All Ceylon Hindu Congress.

Rajapaksa and Kandiah Neelakandan

“All Ceylon Hindu Congress wish to point out that such an outrageous statement by “Bodu Bala Sena” is an act which may create further social and religious hatred among the citizens of this land. We are also constrained to observe that this statement is not only in violation of the Constitution but also in breach of the laws of this country. Therefore immediate steps should be taken to put an end to this sort of propaganda.” issuing a statement they further said.

We publish below the statement in full;

We are shocked and perturbed to read a News item appearing in the front page of a Tamil Newspaper on Friday (today) under the heading “Sri Lanka is the Country of Sinhala Buddhists. There is no place for those who do not accept this”‘.

All Ceylon Hindu Congress wish to point out that such an outrageous statement by “Bodu Bala Sena” is an act which may create further social and religious hatred among the citizens of this land. We are also constrained to observe that this statement is not only in violation of the Constitution but also in breach of the laws of this country. Therefore immediate steps should be taken to put an end to this sort of propaganda.

Having experienced, during the last few decades, the unfortunate consequences and repercussions of “Sinhala Only” cry, needless to point out that “Buddhism Only” cry will only further deteriorate the situation in this country and affect the nation badly. Therefore we appeal to His Excellency the President, the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition and all other Parliamentarians to forthwith put a full stop to this dangerous trend of propaganda.

On behalf of the Hindus and all other citizens who value peace and harmony in this country, we urge all Tamil Ministers and other Tamil Members of Parliament also to make note of this and take all necessary steps in that direction.


17 th May,2013

Read the original statement here

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  • 0

    We are just losing it! No direction, No objective. The people in the driving seat have no idea where this journey is heading.

    I guess they might be under the impression that they are still in control of the steering wheel – But sadly it is like the situation of the little child who sits on daddy’s lap and thinks he is driving!!!

    Dear Mr. President! We want the OLD YOU back! You were not this!!!

    • 2

      They all originally come from Bihar so undoubtedly it will be the Sinhala Buddhist state of India. That is exactly where the warlord from meeharaktota will take the nation to.

      • 1

        However, these BBS people have not said it is the Exclusive traditional Homeland of the sinhala Buddhists, as some of these shocked Hindus and Bishop Rayappu Jospeh had been ready to say, in regard to the “Exc;usive Tamil Homeland”.

        I hope both the Tamils, and the Sinhalese, learn that there is nothing exclusive, and that we share the same piece of land that is going to be greatly reduced in size as global warming hits us.

        • 0

          Question? Who is Funding and Promoting the BBS?

          Answer: Who has to gain from this?
          1. Norway, West, USA, some others.
          2. Christian Fundamentalists and Other Christians.
          3. Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinists.
          4. Sinhala Buddhist Traders
          5. Tamils Christians.
          6. The current regime.

          Who Loses: The Sinhala Buddhist people, the Muslim People, and the country as whole.



          Western role in the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) of Sri Lanka
          Posted on May 18th, 2013
          by Anura Alahakone, USA
          It is well-known that US has taken a lead role in combating, and sometimes fostering Islamic extremism in many parts of the world. Its support for the Taliban in Afganistan by arming them against the Soviets is well known. The US has also supported Islamic groups to create tension is some African states to counter other tendencies.

          In many of these moves, and in some of its UN lobbying, the US uses third parties to cover its hand. Norway has figured prominently as one of the not-so-hidden hands of Western foreign policy in this regard. Canada and Britain have figured in extraordinary renditions of prisoners who were whisked away for torture by US agents operating in other countries.

          In Sri Lanka, Western policy was directed through the secessionist politics of the Tamil Nationalism. This provided a stage for global capitalism to move in, with Ranil Wickremasinghe and Chandrika Kumaratunga willing partners. However, this agenda was thwarted by the rise of the Rajapaksa government which exploited the growing anger of the majority of the country that realized that the carpet is being pulled from under them, with the sovereignty and decision making in the country passing into the hands of Norway, Japan, India and internationally funded NGOs.

          Rajapaksa used a policy of dividing up the opposition and offering perks to woo support, to bring most of the Sinhala polity as well as the Muslims behind him. Using a large cabinet to shield the weakness of his minority government, Rajapaksa won a war that had been declared `un-winnable’ by the West which funded the Tamil Tigers, and harboured individuals like Anton and Adele Balasingham who openly supported programs declared by the UN to be crimes against civil societies.

          Western analysts realized that until and unless the Sinhala polity is divided, the Western program cannot go ahead. The Tamil nationalist program thrived in the last three decades only because the Sinhalese were divided equally between the United National party (center right) and the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (center left). The US keeps track of Islamic groups and knew of the Wahabist-Islamic incursions in Sri Lanka, and the growing resentment against it among certain nationalist sections of the Sinhalese.

          The strategists in the Pentagon invoke their standard formula for situations like this. It lines up its defense establishment with the defense establishment of the target country (Sri Lanka), and gets one of its henchmen (e.g., Norway) to support the anti-Islamic radical groups at a variety of levels. This has been done not only by the so-called “one-shot” support given to the BBS, but also by giving financial aid to selected Buddhist temples. This is the standard approach to buying up political support where there is none.

          In effect, the West needs a Buddhist NGO in Sri Lanka, just as it needed an Islamic NGO in Afghanistan against the Soviets. However, here it is playing a more subtle game, check-mating the Wahabi Islamists in Sri Lanka, gaining support from a section of Buddhists, while alienating and diminishing the power of the Jathika-Hela Urumaya that led the vanguard against Norway at Mavil Ara, and actually fielded Buddhist monks at Sri Lankan elections. Thus the rise of the BBS fits in very well with the strategy of the West.

          However, some members of the Rajapaksa government, as well as some leaders of the Buddhist political program are clever strategists. They have realized that they too can use (the covertly western-supported) anti-Islamism of the BBS to their own advantage in winning back some of the assets that have been encroached upon by Islamist expansion. This is of course a popular move among the Sinhala nationalist merchant class which is prepared to compromise on Buddhist teachings for a bit more of Buddhist hegemony.

          Sri Lankan Buddhists do not have a strong moral figure like the Dalai Lama who successfully maintained the Tibetan effort against China on the high moral road for many decades. Now, the Dalai Lama has retired from that struggle and how it will spiral onwards is any-body’s guess. The Dalai Lama has expressed his sadness about the events in Sri Lanka and Burma, but it is easy to dismiss him as being mis-informed. Indeed, he is not informed about these events per se. He is making his statements based on the general principles of Buddhism that demand that every matter be solved by discussion, compromise and compassion, without violence. That is the high moral road that the Buddha indicated to the Lichchavi kings in regard to governance, some 26 centuries ago, with his seven rules.

          The BBS is a militant group which in effect implies that Buddhist principles have to be re-enforced by strong-arm tactics. Some church fathers as well as Western anti-Islamists who have been irked by Islam’s inroads all over the world are delighted by the new developments. They don’t have to openly sully their hands!

          The withdrawal of Muslim support from the Rajapaksa government is also attended with glee by Western strategists who noted how Rajapaksa had used such support in UN fora for thwarting international sanctions against his government.

          The western NGOs that existed in Sri Lanka so far have been headed by Tamils, Christians, or noted international wheeler-dealers. If the BBS can become a Southern Sinhalese NGO that can be manipulated by the West, an immediate objective of the West would be achieved.

          However, some of the leaders of the BBS may prove to be artful individuals who may not necessarily tow the line of the West, just as the Taliban NGOs created in Afghanistan by the West some decades ago morphed into anti-Western agents. However, the Taliban had enough middle-eastern financial backers when the West withdrew its support. In contrast, the BBS will dry up and loose steam, as soon as it looses its financial backing.

          Here we have to look at the JHU that has become a dormant entity when its financial support dried up with the JHU becoming a compliant partner of the Rajapaksa politics of accommodating all and `shaping up’ problems instead of solving them according to the rule book.

    • 1

      Mr. Neelakandan,

      If I were you, I would take it easy. Not becuase I was born a Sinhalese Buddhist. Therefore tend to take BBS lightly.

      BBS is an ethno religious fascist group. Just like Shiv Sena in India. They are a threat to freedom of Sinhalese Buddhists as well.

      Agree with you. Fascists are dangerous. We must take the kind of hatred BBS try spread very seriously. I also understand why you are so apprehensive about BBS. Given our recent past.

      But, if we are to have an open, free, democratic Sri Lanka we must allow despicable extremists of BBS to express their rubbished ideas freely as well.

      And then beat them back to their tribal caves from an open, transparent public stage. We fight them with our ideas for the future of Sri Lanka.

      No society in the world can make ugliness of groups like BBS go away completely. Nor can Sri Lanka.

      But, we can fight them together. Alongside each other. Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Burghers, Malays and others together.

      We shall overcome.

      PS: Rajapassa clan has impressed nobody so far with their approach to BBS. I am as puzzeled as Mr. Kandiah Neelakandan.

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        • 0

          cannot agree more!!

          • 0

            Agree yourself in florence beach.

    • 2

      Are the BBS any different from the Christian Fundamentalists?

      Both Believe in Myths, Yes their Own Myths, even f confronted with data.
      BBS and Buddhist Ethano Racists
      1. Mahanama Monk Myths
      2. Rebirth, Nirvana and Sansara.
      3. Vijayas grandfather was a lion
      4. Sinhala Chosen race and Buddhist Island ( Bali is Hindu). Lanka should have remained Hindu or Jain. Question. What will happen to the Monks?

      Christians have their own Myths, Original Sins, etc. and still believe even when confronted with data.


      According to a recent National Science Foundation survey, over twenty percent of the respondents believed in the geocentric model popular during the 1500s, that the sun revolves around the earth instead of the other way around. This is old, disproven thinking that comes from the idea that since humanity is God’s creation, naturally, everything revolves around humanity, with humanity at the center of creation. Humanity is thus, special. Anything that challenges the idea that humanity is special is thus a threat against God. After all, you can’t feel the earth move, so it must be stationary. You can’t see the stars move (well, you can with a telescope, something called parallax), but you can’t see it with the naked eye, so thus, the earth must be stationary with the sun moving around it. This is an example of pseudo-intellectualism. You know what you see, but you don’t investigate to see if your assertions are valid under close scrutiny. Fundamentalists cannot afford to indulge in close scrutiny of their ideas, because close scrutiny would most certainly disprove most of what they believe, and they fear, more than anything else, of the erosion of their own faith.

      Now, the Catholic Church’s disagreement with Galileo and Copernicus did not make their ideas less true, which the idea certainly was, and revealed to be true through empirical scientific investigation over a period of years. Instead, the Church deflected the facts as “heresy,” which is something fundamentalists are particularly adept at doing. Ken Ham’s Creation Museum is a testament to this deflection of scientific facts as heresy. By dismissing evolution as nothing more than a “theory,” (which goes to show pure, deliberate ignorance of what exactly a scientific theory is), we see again the application of the ad hominem attack Christian fundamentalists so love to employ when inconvenient facts get in the way.

  • 1

    Muslim countries are able to forcefully exercise their claims and Christian countries do the same. When Buddhists claim a country there is an uproar. It is not like others are being persecuted. They need to be aware that the majority needs some acknowledgment. What is this push against Buddhism. BBS needs to be more cautious in the way they frame statements. Buddhists are tolerant and others have no problems practicing their beliefs unlike some countries that do not tolerate anything other than the state religion. STOP THIS WITCH HUNT AGAINST BUDDHISTS AND IF ANYONE IS MAKING THE BBS TAKE THE WRONG PATH AND ENCOURAGING ISSUES FOR THEIR ADVANTAGE THEY BETTER STOP RIGHT NOW!

    • 3

      When you Sinhala Buddhist are against the Dalai Lama visiting Sri Lanka while the whole world respects him then there is no difference with the BBS.

  • 1


    Are you an ‘Uncle Tom?’

    As long as the Rajapaksas’ are ruling the roost all the Tamils, Muslims and Christians will be nothing more than second class citizens. Please do describe WHO or WHAT this OLD YOU that you want back?

  • 1

    I am not surprised of this news. We have heard similar voices before as well from Top Leaders. Now it is the rule of King Mahinda using BBS to tell.
    1. D. B. Wijetunge was the president, and he said that minorities are ‘vines and creepers’ that grow among the shade giving canopy of the majority.

    2. Country Belongs To Sinhalese, Minorities Cannot Demand says Sarath Fonseka
    I strongly believe that this country belongs to the Sinhalese but there are minority communities and we treat them like our people,` he says.

    `We being the majority of the country, 75%, we will never give in and we have the right to protect this country.

    `We are also a strong nation. They can live in this country with us. But they must not try to, under the pretext of being a minority, demand undue things.`

    • 0


      Man, why be so touchy, sensitive, feeling.

      Different people, from time to time will say all sorts of crazy stuff.

      DB is dead. General SF has matured as a politician.

      World moves on man. So, must we.

      Do not spend major time on minor matters!

    • 0

      If you have such views, many migrated communities inlcuding me though getting all the rights on European soils, but still being minority folks, they should not be gotten their rights. Is that what you are saying ? This should also be common with indian, srilanken, european americans living in the states. Most of them are minority folks in those countries. This is BS, Ajith.

      Political culture in SL should be improved by introducing that each of us srilankens are considered be better than than other based on race and religion. These kinds of classes should be only based on education and civilised values of people. All the reglious leaders should finally start awarness programs focusing on this across the country. It is a time consuming project, but if the leaders would not start it today, even in 2023, we will have the same or surely magnfied problems between the majoritarin and the minoritarian folks in the country.

    • 1


      The Papal Portuguese plan was a Catholic Island.

      We would have been 75% Sinhalese and 75% Catholic Sinhalese obeying the infallible Pope.

      We would have been 25% Tamil and 25% Catholic Tamils obeying the infallible Pope.

      In addition a few Muslim Catholics thrown in.

      No Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim Myths.

      All saved, all sins expunged, and go to the Catholic Myth Heaven.

      Mat be now and then, you had to pay your indulgences.

      • 0

        You are perfect ajit. As a Hindu we have to think about this problem. Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim should join to break this.

  • 0

    BBS and Mahinda Rajaapkse know prefectly well what they want. They want to make SL a S-B country; you may or may not agree about this objective, but have no doubt that this is the goal (‘Outspoken SL’ proves the point). Those who want to oppose this had better stop pussy-footing and prepare to fight it by ALL the means they can muster.

  • 3

    In this entire world, ONLY the Sinhals-Buddhist idiots believe that the majority race in a country are the sole owners of the country and the minority race in a country are stateless aliens. No wonder the Tamils are asking for separation from such an idiotic race.

    • 1

      But the problem is that the tamils asked for a seperate state even before the Buddhist started talking.
      When the Chrisian,Catholic and the others in that caravan has a problem uncle sam with his lap dogs come barking,likewise when the muslims have a problem all the islamic countries interfere,but, there is no one to talk on behalf of the sinhala buddhists when they face a problem.
      So the above others infact have made BBS a neccessity and a reality.

      • 1

        Thailand, Burma, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia & Laos is always there to feed the Lankapotters while BBS playing the apa-noola.

      • 2

        ////But the problem is that the tamils asked for a seperate state even before the Buddhist started talking ////



        • 0

          Dear Cholar,
          You don’t like Bouddist.They are worshipping our tamil God Muruga than us. But you want Catholic to destroy Murugas Temple (Portuguese period).

    • 1

      Hinduism and Buddism are both interrelated religions. No one is going to surprised on above statement. All Ceylon Hindu Congress they need not take any action for this statement. Hindus we are not going to affected too much about this statement.
      We don’t need separation to Religous conversion Hindu into Catholic.

  • 0

    Now that Gnanasara is back we can hear more of this garbage.

    • 0

      Now he’s relieved of the swelling, the right one is back to normal.

  • 0

    Does’nt PTA apply to BBS? Was’nt Tissanayagam charged for writing two articles in a magazine that very few saw and was sentenced to 20yrs.

    Do they practice justice by race and religion in Rajapakstan?

  • 1

    Why are the Hindus Shocked by the Buddhists?

    Don’t be fooled by the Myths of Nirvana, Rebirth and Sansara, and the all night piriths and Bodhi Poojas that are being sold to you by the Monks, for their own self-interest.

    In India:

    1. Enlightened Buddhas Parents were Hindu and after the initial flash of Buddhism, the Indian masses went back to the equilibrium position of Hinduism, with the Brahmin Monks on its hierarchy.

    2.Buddhism offered more or less what Hinduism was offering, less the Gods of Hinduism, and the Caste system.

    3. The Myths of Nirvana, Rebirth and Sansara can only go far, and was not permanent.

    4. The kings did not fully embrace a system and install a Monk hegemony, for the Monks to come between the people and the King.

    In Sri Lanka:

    1. The people were initially, Animist, Jain and Hindu. Yes they were Native Hindus, Sinhala Hindus and Sinhala Jains.

    2. Devanam Piyatissa and his ancestors, including Mahasiva, Pandukabaya and others were all Hindus and Jains.

    3. After the gradual introduction of Buddhism, the people converted to Buddhism. Monks established themselves, and got in between the people and the kings. The kings had to pay homage to the Monks. The monks and kings collectively controlled the people, and the Monks sold the Buddhist Myths of Nirvana, Rebirth and Sansara.

    4. The best example, is the Racist Monk Mahanama Myths of Sinhala Buddhism, Sinhala Buddhist Dharmadeepaya. What Happened to Sinhala Hindus? What happened to Tamil Buddhists?

    5. The current Sinhala Buddhist racism of Budu Bala Sena and others is a manifestation of this. The kings were replaced by the politicians, and they are playing the same game in the 21st century.

    The problem Sri Lanka has are the monks, and Buddhism. India was lucky to have got rid of this baggage.

    Religion is the opium of the masses-Karl Marx, how true in Lanka.

    Besides, there is no such thing as Sinhala Race. There is a Southern Indian Gene Pool.


    There is a Table There that shows the gene diversity and original location of the genes.
    Mediterranean 4%
    Northern European; 2%
    Southwest Asian” 58%
    Southeast Asian 35%

    • 0

      The name Sinhala is a lately adoption to bring about equality among all the adherants of Buddhayanaya under an umbrella, the umbrella was named Sangha-Hala which eventually evolved to become the vulgus Sinhala.

  • 0


    • 2

      You mean time travel, back to the past. But, we’ll miss Buddhism.

  • 0

    It is unfortunate the Sinhala politicians and Gnanasaras only remember the victory from the Eelam battle; how can one forget the years of torment and loss of life and livelihood during the decades of civil war!! And now, they rant and ramble their way back to setting stage for another civil calamity. How foolish and how it proves the Sinhalese only have 14-days’ memory! :) Certainly not a nice thing to say but it is worse we go back to war and communal tensions. This great country is God’s gift to all that live in it, certainly us the Sinhala majority and all our friends and neighbors..even the foreigners that have come to love us and stay here. We need exotic gene infusion to our stale and inbred gene pool that is beginning to show its lack of vigor.

    • 0

      So, the stale DNA has a defective gene which marks the inbred 2 week memory loss of an average Lankan brain is a fact to ponder vigorously. Mahinda, invigorate all your civic mass to escape from the Alzheimer’s.

  • 0

    What’s wrong with a “Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lanka” with all other ethnic and religious groups living in it? What’s this big issue some groups are trying to create? Remember, the Tamil terrorists were trying to create a Tamil Eelam with only Tamils living in it and all other ethnic and religious groups ethnically cleansed? There are Islamic countries all over the world and no one bothers to make a big fuss about it. Israel is known as the Jewish State of Israel.

    • 0

      Could be because this country also belongs to the minorities and not just the Sinhala Buddhists?

  • 0

    Two statements by Satyendra Nadesan, Adviser to the LTTE and Editor of tamilnation.org

    1. “We look back to our history and back to Tirumular’s Tirumantiram, 5,000 years, and feel that the phrase ‘Tamilum, Saivamum; Saivamum, Tamilum,’ is not just a phrase. It symbolizes a marriage and the interconnectedness of the Tamils, their language and the religion. I don’t think it’s really possible to separate the two…” – in a joint interview he and his wife gave Hinduism Today (http://www.hinduismtoday.com/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=337)

    2. “The sooner the Tamil Christians accept that the Saiva religion is the religion of the Tamils the better” – paraphrasing him at a public meeting in a home in Lancaster, California.

    It seems the chickens are coming home to roost.

  • 1

    Can BBS prove that Sri Lanka is a country only belong to Sinhalese Buddhists.On what basis?Did Buddhism originated in Sri Lanka?or Gouthama Buddha was a SriLankan.?Any thing that ORIGINATE from a country is Belong that country.what ever come from outside is alien to that country. father of Sinhalese Race was from India,the Sinhalese language was Indian origin,it originated from Pali .The language of Buddha.The Preeth that Sinhalese Buddhist Bikkus recite is in Pali not in Sinhalese.. Name any thing,noting is Sri Lankan origin,all from India,Buddhism came to sri Lanka through south Indian Buddhists.The very saffron Robe that Bikkus wear is from India,what they can claim is Sri lankan,Food,RICE,PITTUIDDIAPPAKOSKIS>ASMI<the delicious PAPADANG< KOCHI MIRIS.DRY FISH and many more food stuff.Clothings.the famous RATDHA HATTE<SREE<SARONG AND THE ARIYA SINHALA suit. Take the names of persons,they also from India.All most every thing is Indian origin. Let the BBs before the expel nonsinhalese Buddhists from Sri Lanka,let them bring back all Sinhalese Buddhists,who are well employed and earning UNthinkable income and leading high stranded of lifestyle unimaginable in Sri Lanka from Christian Western and Muslim Middle Eastern countries and place them in same capacity in Sri Lanka. Prevent Sri Lankan government from getting huge sums of money and stop Importing Oil from Muslim and all other Neccesities from Christian countries.cut off from India.and all nonbuddhists countries

  • 0

    This is all that is left for donkeys to boast. There is no other thing that is left to boast other than a hallow bucket.

    After sending almost all of it’s labour to Middle East for slave labour and around the world, these donkeys have nothing left to boast about and now using “Sinhala Buddhist” card.

    The crabs are already starting to boil in the hot pot and very soon will realise where they are.

    Just look at the country and Judg yourselves what you “Sinhala Buddhists” have done to our country you Crooks.

    You have done nothing to Sri Lanka other than Ruined it to the bone. Keep screwing the Sinhala Modayas and other minority population.

    All we see is that absolute Sinhala Kapatiyas “Crooks” taking other Sinhala Modayas “Donkeys” on a big ride.

  • 0

    It is these uneducated “Sinhala Buddhist” crook Lazy thieves who ruined our country ever since Independence.


  • 0

    There is no need to worry about BBS. They do not speak for all Buddhists. They may resonate the thoughts of the racists amongst the Sinhala people who are now being encouraged by the government to initiate a violent branch of Buddhism. For true Buddhists it is a pleasure to share this country with Hindus, Christians, and Islamics, and any other. the Buddha predicted the decline and decay of all things. What the BBS is doing is the hastening of this process in respect of Buddhism. Violence and animosity of the BBS are the very antithesis of Buddhism and the two cannot be reconciled. Any Buddhist who is violent in thought and action does not believe what the Buddha taught and therefore is not a Buddhist. Those who assert the view that that they are using force to preserve Buddhism, are in fact defying Buddhist teaching, and are either ignorant or wilfully sabotaging that wonderful teaching. It is indeed reprehensible that the BBS is sacrificing this non violent religion to further the racist aims of some Sinhala people. We need to realize that the BBS has a short shelf life and carry the seeds of it’s own destruction in it’s credo. Various names have been given to BBS. Likewise we need to correctly name this new ‘Buddhism’ to distinguish it from true Buddhism. In such naming a reference to the Buddha cannot be present. It has to be named after its founder. Should it be ‘Mahasaraism’ , ‘Rajapakism’ or any other is something that will develop in time.

  • 0





    ( and others parts , 01 ,03 , 04 , and 05 )..

    • 0



      Delusions & Hallucinations Are Common in Schizophrenia

      One of the most obvious kinds of impairment caused by schizophrenia involves how a person thinks. The individual can lose much of the ability to rationally evaluate his or her surroundings and interactions with others. They often believe things that are untrue, and may have difficulty accepting what they see as “true” reality.

      Schizophrenia most often includes hallucinations and/or delusions, which reflect distortions in the perception and interpretation of reality. The resulting behaviors may seem bizarre to the casual observer, even though they may be consistent with the schizophrenic’s abnormal perceptions and beliefs.

      For instance, someone with schizophrenia may act in an extremely paranoid manner — purchasing multiple locks for their doors, always checking behind them as they walk in public, refusing to talk on the phone. Without context, these behaviors may seem irrational or illogical. But to someone with schizophrenia, these behaviors may reflect a reasonable reaction their false beliefs that others are out to get them or lock them up.


      SO THERE IS HOPE!!!!!

  • 0



  • 0

    Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country – it was governed for centuries by Buddhist kings and it changed ONLY when the colonials arrived and usurped power.

    Therefore all those living in a fantasy world that Sri Lanka is not a Buddhist country need to wake up.

    No buddhists says others are not welcome but there are restrictions…

    You cant go to UK and say it is a Muslim country can u..

    You cant go to Norway and say it is a Hindu country can u..

    You cant certainly go to Saudi and say it is Christian…

    • 2

      your forgetting something nandana mama before the Buddhism came about there were the Veddas and Sri Lanka truly belongs to them!

      besides which from time immemorial Sri Lanka has has two kingdoms and never ever at peace not just from so called invaders but from in-fighting ever care to remember why Sigiriya was built and who was the king hiding from (from his own brother !!! hhahaahahahaha)

      FYI both UK and Norway dont allow religion to interfere in the matters of the state at all!

      • 0

        Dear Probono Publico
        Why both UK and Norway don’t allow religion they already built as a Christian countries.Now they don’t need to worry about minorities there. It won’t give any perutbation on their ecconomy.

    • 2


      1. Sri Lanka was an animist, Hindu and Jain Country. So was Bali Indonesia.

      2. Buddhism was imported.

      3. It was Monk Mahanam Myths and the entrenched Sangha-Monks, due to self-interest that messed up.

      4. Kings, Monks, Politicians and Monks exploited it.

    • 1



  • 0

    #688 Buddhism is not imported. Buddhism is the sri lanka’s religion,other religion is the imported.And we don’t want find any ones duties or works.lets do something as a real sri lankans together friends.we are one nation.

  • 0

    Bodu bala sena that is our old traditional group those who are fight against the outside intervention.
    Who ask Tamils to come and settled in Sri Lanka we did not invite them to our mother land ( Redda assei naya dagena kanawa wage vadak thamie neada)

  • 1

    “Hindus Shocked And Perturbed By BBS Statement – ‘Sri Lanka Is The Country Of Sinhala Buddhists”
    Hinduism and Buddism are both interrelated religions. No one is going to surprised on above statement. Foolish people made wrong ststements to direct the poeple away from our basics.
    And they are trying to create problem between neighbouring countries and inter related religions for their own benefits(money).Hindus, Buddists and Muslims are neighbouring religious people in this region. We Have to be United here. We must give priority to these religions to join all and improve our ecconomies.

    • 0

      “Hindus Shocked And Perturbed By BBS Statement – ‘Sri Lanka Is The Country Of Sinhala Buddhists”
      Hinduism and Buddism are both interrelated religions. No one is going to surprised on above statement. All Ceylon Hindu Congress they need not take any action for this statement. Hindus we are not going to affected too much about this statement. Because buddist in Sri lanka are worshiping our gods (Hindu Gods) other than Budda. If they are saying it as Buddist Country we should be happy as well.
      And they are trying to create problem between neighbouring countries and inter related religions for their own benefits(money).Hindus, Buddists and Muslims are neighbouring religious people in this region. We Have to be United here. We must give priority to these religions to join all and improve our ecconomies.
      BBS shouldn’t attack on Muslims by getting money from western.

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    Don’t make wrost image about government.Government always try to help people not to make them sad…@757

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    HINDUS: THE RICE BAG CONVERTS FROM BUDDHISM AND JAINISM TO BRAHMNISM _____________________________________________________________________
    The word “Hindu” is foreign made. It was given by Middle Eastern people to the people living near the Sindhu River. The Vedic Brahminists were deeply corrupted, and worshiped all sorts of things, burnt their women and ill treated their people and called it “Dharma”. Following the ancient tradition of Jainism that pre-existed before Hinduism, and later Buddhism, Gautama Buddha and Mahavira clearly warned the early people of the region not to ever go to the wickedness of the Brahminic religions. Buddha himself condemned the idol worship and Vedas. Mahavira and the other Jain Thirtankaras clearly were against Hindu religion. They saw themselves as “distinct and separate” from the Hindus, and considered the Brahmins and worship of Vedic gods as false. India became a Buddhist and Jain nation. It is only much later, the Brahmins came and cooked up lies seeing they are defeated, made “Buddha” into a “incarnation of Vishnu”, strangely disobeying everything Buddha himself taught. The Brahmins later gave 4 sacks of rice and 1 plot of land to all Buddhists and Jains who would convert into Vedic lies, so that their supremacy can come back. This became the mass CONVERSION of Buddhists and Jains to the Hindu religion, the ancestors of the modern day Hindus. Iranians gave the name HINDU. All this was brought by outsiders. The early Buddhist and Jain kings gave shelter to Parsees, Jews, and early Syrian Christians later distorted as HINDU kings. Sashank a Hindu king destroyed the Bodhi tree and persecuted Buddhists. Hindus need to give up their Brahminical madness and return to their true roots, the JAIN AND BUDDHIST roots of India. It is well documented by historians and artifacts and Archeological findings that Jain temples and Jain scriptures existed thousands of years before the first Vedas were written. Hinduism therefore came from Jainism, as a result of corruption and hybrid ideology by the Brahmins. The real pure Dharma of India was Jainism, followed and refined further by Buddhism. Hinduism is an alien outside religion to India. Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism all have one common message: give up Brahministic lies and give up this foreign made name “HINDU” in favor of being Buddhists and Jains. CHEAP RICE BAG converts to Brahminism called HINDUS.

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