By Thambu Kanagasabai –
The UN covenant on civil and political rights which came in to effect in 1966, lays down the right and principle of self-determination under Article 1 as follows:-
“All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that they freely determine their political status and thereby pursue their economic, social and cultural development”.
UN adopted this principle bearing in mind the countries whose peoples were ruled by repressive dictators or colonial masters. This provision in addition targets “all peoples”living in all countries offering them the choice to exercise this right without any political hindrance from the rulers of those countries.
The recognition of self-determination rights was first applied successfully in the 1960s to several countries ruled by colonial powers, particularly in Africa. Since then several other countries like East Timor, Kosovo, and South Sudan exercised this right and earned the international endorsement and recognition. As such, this principle now is firmly established as an international legal principle.
This scope of this UN Article thus covers peoples who are victims of state discrimination, racially or religiously massacres, genocide or facing a slow and steady extinction due to overt and/or covert measures of the governments in power.
The non-application or denial of these rights of self-determination to the Tamil people in Sri Lanka who have been subject to an agenda of genocide since independence in February 1948 is deeply disappointing and defies reasoning. This Article goes on to point out the historical, political and legal justification for the Sri Lankan Tamils to exercise this right as a matter of legal principle.
Historical Reasons
Legends of Sri Lanka mention the ‘Yakshas’ ‘Rakshas’ and Nagas as the original inhabitants of Ceylon [Now Sri Lanka] living in all parts of the country. Chronicles of Sri Lanka however point to the existence of Nagas in the periods before BC 500. Sri Lanka was then called ‘Naga Land’ and in confirmation one can mention names and various places commencing with the alphabets
‘Naga’ like ‘Nagar Kovil’ ‘Nagamunai’ Nagalingam, Nagamma etc. Nagas also inhabited various parts of India where names of places like Nagpur and Nagapattinam still exist. Nagas worshipped the snake Nagam or Cobra’ which practice is still followed by both Sinhalese and Tamils. Nagas in the process of the embraced Saivaism and continued the observance Saivaism until Buddhism was introduced during the Devanampiya Tissa’s rule in BC 247. While Nagas in the south became Buddhists, and later Sinhalese speaking Sinhalese language which attained its full form, with a mixture of Pali, Sainskrit, Prakit and Tamil as Mudaliyar’s comments in his lecture in Colombo in 1918 stated “Sinhalese which came from nowhere had its origin in Ceylon and was built up with Tamils as its framework and Sinhalese is the child of Pali and Sainskrit.” Many Tamils in the North also became Buddhists and with the rise of Saivaism in South India during the 7th century, Tamil in the South India, Tamils in Sri Lanka concentrated in the North East and West embraced Saivaism and have remained so.
As Professor Paul. E. Peiris stated in 1917 [Nagadipa and Buddhist remains in Jaffna JRAS Journal No. 70 p12 – 18]
“I suggest that the north of Ceylon [Now Sri Lanka] was a flourishing settlement before Vijaya was born.” According to Mahavamsa, 58 kings ruled Ceylon [now Sri Lanka] from BC 483 to AD 352 and out of these eight were Tamil Kings and seven were Naga Kings. The Tamil Chiefs were also ruling the East with Batticaloa as the capital. The Tamils continued their rule until 1833 when the British got rid of the rules by Kings in the North and East, and brought under the control of Colombo based British officials and Governors, thus ended the sovereignty of Tamils in the North and East of Sri Lanka. With the independence of Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan successive Governments embarked on a programme of discrimination, marginalization, Sinhalisisation and Buddhisisation on aiming at assimilation, disintegration and ultimate disappearance of Tamils as a race and nation in Sri Lanka. History of Sri Lanka carries the rules and existence of Tamils for more than 3000 years and so their right to self-rule is not whimsical, illusory or fanciful.
Political Justification
Communalism and the concept of Sinhala domination in the politics of Sri Lanka was set in motion from 1921 when ”the pledge given by Sinhalese leaders James Peiris and Edmund Samarawickrema to the Tamil Leaders that a parliamentary seat would be reserved for a Tamil Representative, Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam in the western province was broken” which heralded the rift between Sinhalese and Tamils which led to the formation of Tamil Mahajana Sabai in August 21 headed by the cheated Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam who promoted the “union and solidarity of ‘Tamil Akam’ the Tamil Land.” Tamil Nationalism and Sinhala Nationalism thus began to grow menacingly and is now well rooted and firmly entrenched in the politics of Sri Lanka.
The following discriminatory legislations, pogroms, and violent acts directed against Tamils from 1948 to 2009 form part of the agenda of Buddhistsation, Sinhalisation and Militarisation being carried out by successive Sinhalese governments since independence.
[1] Citizenship Act 1948, Indian Pakistani Residence Act 1948 which snatched the citizenship and voting rights of Indian Tamil, thus weakening the political voice of Tamils.
[2] The initiation of Sinhala colonization by the United National Party Government in 1949 in the Eastern province to change the demographic pattern. From then on the Sinhala colonization schemes have been continuing unhindered and have now been extended to Northern Province.
[3] Buddhisisation is accompanying the colonization with buildings of Buddhist Viharas in Tamil areas and erection of huge Buddha statutes in Tamil areas where hardly any Buddhist worshipers exist. Building Buddhist Viharas and Buddha statutes adjacent to the ancient Hindu Easwaram Temples to belittle their sanctity and historical importance. Eg. Katargamna, Thiruketheeswaram, Munneswaram etc. A move is underway to erect a 61 feet Buddha statute in Nainativu [Northern Province] to demonstrate it as a landmark of Sri Lanka being a Buddhist country.
Militarization: Out of a total of 200,000 strong Army, 150,000 are stationed in the north, 30,000 in the east and the rest for other seven provinces. The security forces are in control of 6740 acres of private lands in the north, only 700 acres released so far after 2015. The process of seizure of lands is still continuing and 118 sites are now located to be seized for the use of security personnel. With a government of good governance in action and a country free from terrorism, with peace said to be prevailing, one wonders as to the need for the said heavy military presence in Tamil areas. Answer is – this forms part of the ‘Sinhalization’ agenda, and keeping the Tamils under check and surveillance.
The entrenched culture of impunity enjoyed by state and security personnel, only a handful convicted since 1958, makes ‘accountability ‘a dirty word in Sri Lanka.
The Sinhala only act of 1956 and the Standardization Act of 1972 further relegated the Tamil language with the Tamil students being denied of admissions to universities on merit, leaving them angry, frustrated and resorting to militancy. The 1956, 1958, 1971, 1977. 1983 massacres directed against the Tamils in all parts of the Island by the Security forces with state blessing and support and support were aimed to make them feel as unwanted inferior citizens or aliens in their own country.
The crushing of non-violent agitations with brutal force during 1960s proved the determination of Sri Lankan Governments to nip in the bud any form of resistance. The disruption of Tamil Research Conference in Jaffna in 1974 and the burning of Jaffna Public Library [One of the best Library in the East – with volumes of old scripts in leaves of Palmirah] in May 1981 were acts of cultural genocide to obliterate the Tamils of their culture, learning and proud history.
The war between Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [LTTE] and the Sri Lankan armed forces from 2006 to 2009 provided the opportunities to wipe out as many number of Tamil civilians as possible, and the war harvested about 146,679 lives of innocent Tamils fully fulfilling the requirements of the crime of genocide. In the advancement of Buddhisisation, the constitution of 1972 guaranteed Buddhism as the foremost religion, and imposed the duties to project and foster it on the state, as statutory duties. This provision has thus enabled the Buddhist Monks and state to take whatever steps in the name of Buddhism with no questions asked, enjoying the state patronage.
The DRACONIAN Prevention of Terrorism [PTA] Act of 1979 and the sixth amendment to the constitution in 1983 were acts targeting the Tamil youths and Tamil political agitations which blanketly licence the arbitrary exercises of powers by state personnel keeping the rule of law at bay and striking at the fundamentals and basics of judicial process and review. The bitter experiences of Tamils from 1958 to 2004 at the hands of Sinhala political leaders, who exhibit good political will at first and then succumbing to chauvinism, are many. Breaches of Pacts, Accords and Agreements like Banda-Chelva pact, Dudly-Chelva Agreement, Premadasa-LTTE and Chandrika,Ranil-LTTE Accords, besides various peace talks held in various cities in and outside Sri Lanka until 2006.
The Prevention of Terrorism Act of 1979 specifically targeting the rebelling Tamil youths and the sixth amendment which was enacted after the mayhem in 1983 were aimed at the Tamil polity to silence their voices for equal rights and justice and thus further alienated the Tamils from national and mainstream politics.
All the above recorded political events were calculated deliberate acts committed by state and its security forces along with the supporters against the Tamils only with the objective to ensure the severance and gradual disappearance of an ancient race and nation in Sri Lanka.
The Tamils are thus now left to ensure their existence with no other alternative but to resort to the right of self-determination granted in the UN Covenant. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 has its preamble even endorsed the right to rebellion against tyranny and repression, so that human rights should be protected by the ‘rule of law’
Legal Justification
The legitimacy to call for self-determination is further buttressed by the commission of the crime of genocide by the Sri Lankan Governments with acts of commission and commission inflicted since independence as part of the agenda of genocide involving culture, language, religion and history.
Genocide as defined in the UN Convention covers any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or part of a national ethnical or religious group which includes;
- Killing members of the group or
- Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group or
- Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of the life calculated in whole or in part.
Without any iota of doubt, Tamils are falling within the ambit of the above provisions, namely Tamils are members of an ethnical group who have been killed and are victims of serious bodily and mental harm. In addition they also suffered intolerable conditions of life during the war causing destruction of their lives, like blockade of food and medical supplies to more than one hundred thousand in the last stages of war. The whole world witnessed the genocidal war, but closed their conscience and mouths to speak out and so far has not recognized it as ‘genocide’ despite USA calling massacres in Sudan, Bosnia, Rwanda and Cambodia and even ISIS killings of Yazidis as genocide. The calls for justice for and self-determination for Tamils are just and lawful which need to be addressed without delay. Exercise of this right does not mean only secession but could opt for confederation, Union of Regions or even Federalism.
Tamil National Alliance has called for self-determination, so also Tamil People’s Council. The Labour Party Leader of the opposition in England as well as the political leaders in Canada have also recently endorsed the right of self-determination. The Tamils in the 1977 general election gave the mandate for self-rule. The INDO-Sri Lanka Accord of 1987 [signed by the then Prime Ministers of India and Sri Lanka] recognized the North and East of Sri Lanka as the historically habituated traditional homelands of Tamils.
Ranil Wickremesinghe – Prime Minister during the period when the 2002 Peace Accord was signed with LTTE recognized and demarcated the boundaries of North and Eastern Provinces in the 2002 peace accord recognizing the de facto Tamil State of LTTE. Tamils have ruled the Island in BC 177 with Senan and Guttikan as Kings until AD 295. 14 Tamil Kings ruled Sri Lanka at different periods. From AD 1240 to AD 1618 Twenty Tamil Kings ruled the North as Kingdom of Jaffna until the entry of Portuguese while various Tamil district rulers also remained at the helm in the Eastern province.
With all options of struggles unarmed and armed snuffed out by the Sri Lankan Security Force, the only option is to agitate for the right of self-determination. The UN and International community will be discarding their duties and responsibilities, if they fail to call for the exercise of this right of self-determination to the Tamils who otherwise are doomed to be written off as a chapter in the history of Sri Lanka.
Call for referendum to determine the political status of people based on self-determination is not an infringement of the provisions of the sixth amendment which only prohibits political agitations calling for a separate state. A Nation which is a victim of pre-programmed genocide is hoping for justice from the UN and International community to ensure its survival and preservation of its culture, language, history and religion in Sri Lanka.
Thamilan / May 8, 2016
I dont know as to why you educated professionals write such articles to the Colombo Telegraph. These articles should be addressed to members of the Govt; in Sri Lanka.They all know as to what you are writing. But if they deliver that Govt; will immediately fall?
Celeo / May 8, 2016
Looks like your statistics are incorrect. I counted around 15 Tamils Kings as follows:
SENA & GUTTILA 237-215 BC Two Tamil Chief`s who killed King Suratissa and captured the throne at Anuradhapura.
ELARA 205-161 BC (the Just) A Tamil Prince of the Chola Dynasty from South India ruled the country for 44 years.
PULAHATHA 103-100 BC Tamil Chief reigned supreme for three years and was murdered by his Chief Minister, Bahiya.
BAHIYA 100-98 BC Chief Minister of Pulahatha Ruled for two years with the Chief Panayamara as Prime Minister who also murdered him and took power.
PANAYAMARA 98-91 BC Prime Minister of Bahiya Reigned for seven years and was murdered by his Chief Minister, Piliyamara
PILAYAMARA 91 BC Chief Minister of Panayamara Reigned for seven months and was murdered by his Chief Minister, Dathiya
DATHIYA 90-88 BC Chief Minister of Pilayamara Reigned for two years before he was killed
PANDU 428-433 AD
PARINDA 433 AD Son of Pandu
KHUDA PARINDA 433-449 AD Younger brother of Pandu
TIRITARA 449 AD defeated and slain by Dhatusena within 2 months
DATHIYA 449-452 AD defeated and slain by Dhatusena after a war lasting 3 years
RAJADIRAJA THE GREAT 1007-1019 AD Chola (Tamil) Administration
PARAKRAMA PANDIAN (Parakum Pandi) 1198-1201 Tamil (Pandyan). He ascended the throne deposing Queen Lilavati.
Vibhushana / May 8, 2016
So where did you gain this knowledge? Can you mention the source?
Ken Robert / May 8, 2016
Vibhushana the vile villain of Colombo telegraph
Where is this from?
From mahavamsa!
Celeo / May 8, 2016
Looks like Vibhushana does not even know his basic history, what is said in the Mahavamsa. He only reads some fake website created by a few Sinhala racists.
Native Vedda / May 8, 2016
“Looks like Vibhushana does not even know his basic history,”
Bear with him as he did not hear Mahanama’s voice in his head today.
Vibhushana / May 8, 2016
So would it be correct to say you learn history from the Mahavamsa because its a credible source?
Burning Issue / May 8, 2016
Making fool of yourself is your pastime!
Native Vedda / May 9, 2016
“So would it be correct to say you learn history from the Mahavamsa because its a credible source?”
We believe you.
A lion raped a woman. The first Sinhala was born out of wedlock and out of bestiality. Then the first Sinhala killed the father which was parricide. Then the brother and sister copulated and the next generation was born out of incestuous relation.
I will have to believe it as I can see the how descendants are behaving in this forum and elsewhere.
What a believable history?
Kumarathasan Rasingam / May 9, 2016
It is all facts – can you point out what you need to know. It is all in writing in the constitution and UN charter.
Ravi-Telugu / May 9, 2016
[So where did you gain this knowledge? Can you mention the source? ]
No worry. It is not from Modavamsa chronicle. Therefore we can rely upon without any hesitation and doubt.
sach / May 9, 2016
It is from Mahavamsa idiot
jim softy / May 8, 2016
How about SWRD Bandaranaike ?
His generation was a Neela Perumal
It is the same with Ranil wickramsingham.
Among all these Tamil kings, Sinhale grew up, was thriving and got rid of Tamils.
How come that happened ?
sach / May 9, 2016
And they were all INVADERS from india..your claim is like calling SL is an English kingdom because we lived a 150 years under a english monarch
Celeo / May 9, 2016
The One and Only One invader from India was Vijay who came with 700 thugs. Tamil Eelam was connected with Tamil Nadu by the Rama’s bridge and Sri Lanka was a part of the Chola kingdom. The Tamils had all the legal rights to rule Sri Lanka. Ven. Mahanama concocted a fairy tale to create a Sinhala race to protect Buddhism, and called all the non-Buddhists as INVADERS.
sach / May 9, 2016
Sri Lanka broke up from India 7000 years ago. (or more than that).
There is no mention about any Tamil kingdom in any history whether it is local or foreign sources. They are foreigners cant help if you cannot stock it.
Histocial interpretation is not something that is done for political reasons but technically. Tamils do not know that.
In Jaffna the tobbaco growers were settled in mass numbers. Go and check Dutch Archives.
Let me help you think.
1. who started Jaffna kingdom? A non Tamil
2. When did Jaffna kingdom start? In 13th century
3. Who were Aryachakravarthis? South indian
4. Is tobbaco growing a major thing in North now? Yes
5. Did Dutch brought Keralites for work in plantations? Yes, there are records in Dutch archives
6. How long did Jaffna kingdom exist ? 200 years
7. Did British got Jaffna kingdom from Tamils and did Tamils fight for it? No, Jaffna kingdom ceased to exist after Portugese killed Sankili
8. Where are the origins of so called Vellala caste? In Kerala, TN.So it is there Vellala as a community was formed
9.What are the historical works of Jaffna? very few the oldest being Yalpana Vaipawa Malai written with the backing of Dutch.
10. what are the historical monuments in NE? Buddhist temples mainly and Hindu temples built by Cholas
11. What is the main kovil of Tamils in North? nallur
12. Who built Nallur? Sapumal , adopted son of Kotte king
13. Were tamils aliens in SL? No, tamils lived in SL, there was a tamil presence but they never treated SL as their homeland, it was simply where they made money and not a tamil civilisation..
14. Any source that mentions any tamil kingdom in SL prior to Jaffna in SL? no SLn source
15. Any source that mentions any tamil kingdom in SL prior to Jaffna in foreign sources? none, not even Chola
16. Why did Chola mention the Sinhalas in SL and not Tamil kingdom? Was that invisible to Cholas?
And get a history book and read SL history. This is Sinhala people’s homeland, this is where our language developed, our people built a civilisation. Every historical monument in the country is a proof to Sinhala civilisation. Even the chola inscriptions in Welgam wehera in Trinco call the temple as welgam wehera.
Celeo / May 9, 2016
Sri Lanka broke up from India 7000 years ago but the Rama’s bridge existed till recently until the sea levels rose. Check the google map.
There is no mention about any Sinhala kingdom in any history whether it is local or foreign sources until the 13th CAD Kandy/Kotte.
Dutch Archives does not say anything about settling tobacco growers in Jaffna but it says everything about settling Cinnamon growers from Colombo to Galle.
All your other stupid questions were very clearly answered in this forum by others several times. Please go back and check the CT Archives.
sach / May 10, 2016
Dutch archives does not mention anything about tobacco growers? LOL get a book and read.
Sinhala nation is mentioned in Ashoka’s Allahabad inscription, and many many Hindu religious epics including mahabharata.
Cholas came to SL in 900s. They have mentioned about Sinhala in their sources very well…but NONE about so called tamils in SL.
Mahavamsa mentioned Sinhala is written in 5AD. Sinhala that can be read by an educated sinhala person is still available in Sigiri graffiti and belongs to 8th Century. :)
As I said before welgamwehera temple in Trinco has chola inscriptions and they call the temple by the Sinhala name.
Ravi-Telugu / May 10, 2016
[Sinhala nation is mentioned in Ashoka’s Allahabad inscription, and many many Hindu religious epics including mahabharata. ] & Mahavamsa mentioned Sinhala is written in 5AD. Sinhala that can be read by an educated sinhala person is still available in Sigiri graffiti and belongs to 8th Century. :]
Though the word Sinhala is mentioned to denote nation, it is not mentioned to denote the language even in Ramayana. It is used to denote the people of island.
सिंहलम् siṃhalam [Sanskrit] 1 Tin. -2 Brass. -3 Bark, rind. -4 The island or country of Ceylon (oft in pl.); सिंहलेभ्यः प्रत्यागच्छता; सिंहलेश्वरदुहितुः फलकासाधनम् Ratn.1.
सिंहलाः (siṁhalāḥ) [Sanskrit] (m. pl.) The people of Ceylon.
सिंहद्वीपः (siṁhadvīpaḥ)[Sanskrit] the island of Ceylon.
సింగళము (singaḷamu). [Telugu] n. Ceylon
സിംഹളം (siṃhala)[Malayalam] Ceylon
ചിങ്ങളം and ചിങ്കളം [Malayalam] = ശിങ്ങളം —MC. സിംഹളം or ൦രംഴം Ceylon.
सिंहल (siṃhala), सिंहलद्वीप (siṃhaladvīpa) [Marathi] n The island of Ceylon.
Sīhaḷa [Pali] Ceylon
Nowadays the names सिंहलम् siṃhalam/सिंहलकम् siṃhalakam and लङ्का laṅkā denote Sri Lanka.
However Srimadbhagavatam has mentioned two islands namely Siḿhala and Lańkā as different islands.
जम्बूद्वीपस्य च राजन्न् उपद्वीपान् अष्टौ हैक उपदिशन्ति सगरात्मजैर् अश्वान्वॆषण इमां महीं परितॊ निखनद्भिर् उपकल्पितान्; तद् यथा स्वर्णप्रस्थश् चन्द्रशुक्ल आवर्तनॊ रमणकॊ मन्दरहरिणः पाञ्चजन्यः सिंहलॊ लङ्कॆति.
jambūdvīpasya ca rājann upadvīpān aṣṭau haika upadiśanti sagarātmajair aśvānveṣaṇa imāḿ mahīḿ parito nikhanadbhir upakalpitān; tad yathā svarṇaprasthaś candraśukla āvartano ramaṇako mandarahariṇaḥ pāñcajanyaḥ siḿhalo lańketi Śrī Śukadeva
Gosvāmī said: My dear King, in the opinion of some learned scholars, eight smaller islands surround Jambūdvīpa. When the sons of Mahārāja Sagara were searching all over the world for their lost horse, they dug up the earth, and in this way eight adjoining islands came into existence. The names of these islands are Svarṇaprastha, Candraśukla, Āvartana, Ramaṇaka, Mandara-hariṇa, Pāñcajanya, Siḿhala and Lańkā.
ऎवं तव भारतॊत्तम जम्बूद्वीप-वर्ष-विभागॊ यथॊपदॆशम् उपवर्णित इति.
evaṁ tava bhāratottama jambūdvīpa-varṣa-vibhāgo yathopadeśam upavarṇita iti. SB 5.19.31
evam — thus; tava — unto you; bhārata-uttama — O best of the descendents of Bharata; jambūdvīpa-varṣa-vibhāgaḥ — the divisions of the island of Jambūdvīpa; yathā-upadeśam — as much as I am instructed by the authorities; upavarṇitaḥ — explained; iti — thus.
My dear King Parīkṣit, O best of the descendants of Bharata Mahārāja, I have thus described to you, as I myself have been instructed, the island of Bhārata-varṣa and its adjoining islands. These are the islands that constitute Jambūdvīpa.
Therefore, according to Bhagavatam, both Lańkā and Siḿhala are different Islands as per the authorities.
Celeo / May 10, 2016
“Dutch archives does not mention anything about tobacco growers? LOL get a book and read.”
Every Dutch books and articles talk about Cinnamon growers and NOT tobacco growers. Go back and read, if you need links I can provide you. See Dutch slave trade in the Indian Ocean, see where they settled those slaves. NOT Jaffna but down South.
“Sinhala nation is mentioned in Ashoka’s Allahabad inscription”
Sinhala nation is NOT at all mentioned in Ashoka’s Allahabad inscription, do not create stories.
“and many many Hindu religious epics including Mahabharata”
The mlecha Simhala tribe that the Mahabharata talks about is something else.
“Cholas came to SL in 900s. They have mentioned about Sinhala in their sources very well…”
Nonsense, the Chola inscription of the 12th century talks about the war like Sinhalas, that is because in the 12th century they fought with the Sinhalas.
“Mahavamsa mentioned Sinhala is written in 5AD.”
Can you please tell us the chapter in which Mahavamsa mentioned Sinhala is written (I repeat written) in 5AD?
“Sinhala that can be read by an educated sinhala person is still available in Sigiri graffiti and belongs to 8th Century.”
Ha,ha,ha… please go there and see if you can read and understand it, why did epigraphists like Paranavithana had to interpret them if an educated sinhala person can read it?
“As I said before welgamwehera temple in Trinco has chola inscriptions and they call the temple by the Sinhala name.”
NONE of them are Sinhala names. Just because Pali and Sanskrit names are very similar to Sinhala, do not think that these are Sinhala names.
sach, now when you run please take your G-string with you.
sach / May 10, 2016
No tamil has answered by qn. actually they run with their tail tucked between legs
Celeo / May 10, 2016
Every time it is answered, you run leaving your G-string. Go back and see them on CT archives.
Stanislaus / May 9, 2016
Just one point sach:
Sapumal Kumaraya was Senpaha Perumal before he was adopted!
sach / May 10, 2016
yes..and the point is?
Native Vedda / May 11, 2016
sachoooooooooooooooooooo the Stupid II
“yes..and the point is?”
The point is you are a stupid moronic racist.
Celeo / May 10, 2016
Sempaha Perumal, called Sapumal Kumaraya by the Sinhalese, too was a Tamil (the son of Pannikkan), was adopted/raised by Parakrama Bahu IV. The Parakrama Bahus were Tamils and continuation of the Pandyan Dynasty that ruled Sri Lanka.
Celeo / May 10, 2016
“And get a history book and read SL history.”
In Sri Lanka, the history is already twisted many centuries ago and sealed. What we have is not history but his-story (Ven. Mahanama’s story). After several centuries today the myth has become the truth and the Sinhalese believe it as gospel. If anybody tries to undo the twist (after enormous amount of new discoveries) he/she will be considered an unpatriotic traitor or an Eelamist or even a terrorist.
“This is Sinhala people’s homeland, this is where our language developed.”
In the past, Lanka was, from North to South, East to West and the Central highlands the homeland of Tamils of the Hindu faith. With the arrival of Arahat Mahinda, thousands of Tamils of the Hindu faith embraced Buddhism. In the 5th century A.D, Ven. Mahanama thero hatched the Lion story and projected the Buddhists as a separate ethnic group, the ‘Sinhalese’ and made them guardians of Buddhism. With the mixture of Tamil, Pali and Sanskrit languages, evolved the Sinhala language during 8 A.D.
“Our people built a civilization, Every historical monument in the country is a proof to Sinhala civilisation.”
What civilization are you talking about?
Can you prove them as Sinhala? Up to the 13th CAD everything belongs to both Sinhalese and Tamils. Please tell us which sources mention about a Sinhala civilisation in SL. Till the 13th CAD there was nothing separate called Sinhala or Tamil. The SL heritage belongs to all. Only after that the Sinhalese settled as a distinct nation in the South (Kotte & Kandy kingdoms) and the Tamils settled as a distinct nation in the North (Jaffna Kingdom).
“Even the chola inscriptions in Welgam wehera in Trinco call the temple as welgam wehera.”
Velgam Vehera was a Tamil Buddhist Mahayana temple. Tamil Buddhists also used Sanskrit and Pali names such as Vehera for Buddhist temple. It was valikamam that the Sinhalese changed to Velgam, vali+kaamam (Vali means sand, Kaamam means village, sandy village).
sach / May 10, 2016
SL’s history is not twisted actually SL is a place where there are a lot of evidence and sources to construct history. None in South asia has sources for history like SL does.
Sources of SL history are chronicles, stone inscriptions, archaeological ruins and foreign sources. Actually in my comments I deliberately omitted information gained from Mahavamsa which is only one chronicle that records SL history.
I was talking about Chola sources that are found in India and SL And the Ashoka’s allahabad inscription which is again foreign.
Dutch archives is again another foreign source.
The inscriptions in Velgam vehera is not from chronicles. It is specifically mentioned that it is called as Velgam vehera. And dont attempt to pronounce the very simple sinhala name in a different accent to make it sound like tamil that is stupid and foolish.
Without sticking to bogus tamil propaganda get a proper book and read..
And again Mahavamsa is a very good source for history though I have not used it here. Its facts are further proved by what we have in the land now, ancient ruins. All the tanks all the stupas are mentioned in Mahavamsa can be found.
Go and see the stupas in Anuradhapura and in Polonnaruwa and come to Kandy or Nugegoda and see the temples there. You will see the continuation of that civilisation.
And you did not answer a single question I asked. :) why do you find them difficult?
Celeo / May 10, 2016
Anuradhapura & Polonnaruwa were NEVER known as Sinhala kingdoms and has nothing to do with Sinhala. Not a single king of Anuradhapura & Polonnaruwa called themselves Sinhala. Please tell us which chronicles, stone inscriptions, archaeological ruins talk about a Sinhala King or kingdom before the 13th century.
Today the Sinhalese are dominating because they became a majority after the colonials arrived and brought hundreds of thousands of Dalit from South India who converted to Buddhism and eventually became Sinhalese.
Only today after the 13th century, the Sinhalese are trying to claim everything for themselves (labelled after Sinhala), not only Sinhala Vedakama /medicine or Sinhala Avurudda/new year but even the roof tiles are labelled after Sinhala. Before the 13th century, nobody knew what Sinhala was.
The Sinhalese are experts in importing or borrowing everything from others, making a few modifications and then calling them their own. A serious lack of originality in the so called Sinhala culture.
Buddhism that the Sinhalese follow was imported from North India. Sinhala language is nothing but Sanskrit, Pali and Tamil (from North & South India). The Sinhala script was borrowed from the Indian Grantha script. The name of the country ‘Lanka’ was borrowed from the Indian epic Ramayana. The name of their race ‘Sinhala’ was borrowed from the Indian epic Mahabaratha.
The Sinhalese men and women were topless until the arrival of Portuguese. The Sinhalese women were only wearing the reddha, the hatte was introduced by the Portuguese to cover their tops. The Sari was borrowed from India, and the style of wearing sari by the early Kerala women was exactly what the Sinhalese women wear now. The Osari/Osariya (sari that the Sinhalese women wear) came from Kerela. Even the so called Kandiyan traditional dress is not exactly the traditional cultural dress of Sinhalese but a borrowed, altered version of medieval Portuguese dress. Most part of the Kandiyan Costume has the Portuguese influence.
The hunchbacked, top-heavy women of Sigiriya, about which so many misplaced raves have been written, but copies unworthy of the prototypes of the cave paintings of Ajanta, Elora, Pappadakkal, and Sittannavasal in Tamil Nadu, South India and from which they were drawn.
Most of the food the Sinhalese cook/eat including the sweet meats such as the Kavum is Kerala’s cultural cuisines. The traditional food in Kerela is exactly similar to the Sinhalese food, pol sambol, aapa, idiappa, pittu, pol rotti and so on.
The Elephant and other procession in Dalada Perahera is an exact copy of Pooram Festival of Kerala. Sinhala Religious practices such as the Pattini deity worship (as well as the worship of Natha, Vishnu, Kataragama, Saman and Vibhishana) were also introduced to Sri Lanka from Kerala. Sinhala classical poems such as the ‘Perakumba Sinha’ and ‘Kokila Sandesaya’ also bear the Kerala stamp.
What the Sinhalese call Sinhala medicine is actually Ayurveda medicine brought to Sri Lanka from Kerela. Even today the Ayurvedic doctors (Wickramarachi, etc) in Sri Lanka used to go to Kerela for further higher studies.
All the ancient structures (including the irrigation technology) is from South India (Tamil).
All the well-known Sri Lankan musicians/singers (including Amaradeva) went to India to learn music. The so called Sinhala Baila music is borrowed from the Portuguese music and African Kaffiringa.
I can keep on listing, even the British has introduced several, Sinhalese have nothing to call their own (original).
Now sach, please do not run away with the tail between your legs.
sach / May 22, 2016
Replied here
Hamlet / May 13, 2016
Didn’t someone say that History was Bunk?
Mahanama was a South Indian who wrote the Mahavamsa, and the Sinhala Speakers of Sri Lanka, take it as Gospel truth!
Eusense / May 10, 2016
You are too obliging to these separatists. Don’t waste your time giving historical aspects of Sri Lanka to these morons. History has nothing to do with what they are after. Also history is history and what is important is what is current and what the future is.
Please tell them when the Americans leave America and give their country back to the Native Indians Sri Lanka will also look for our ancestors to do the same. And until then nothing will change here in Sri Lanka.
sach / May 10, 2016
but somebody should teach them…we let chelvas and sundares to go ahead with spreading lies and we had to face terrorism due to that
Native Vedda / May 10, 2016
Are you typing to yourself?
Ravi-Telugu / May 9, 2016
Valmiki Ramayana never mentioned invasion from India but mentioned occupation of Ravana of Dandaka Forest upto Ayodhya, represented by his kins.
Indeed, Attested ramayana language is Tamil but not Sinhalese or Elu or Prakrit.
sach / May 9, 2016
The thing is telugu idiot, ramayana is not considered as history but mythology
soma / May 8, 2016
I did not read the artiicle .
Before I waste my time could someone who read it please tell me
1.Does the writer define “Tamil” in the context of a polical solution cover all Tamil speaking people in the island irrespective of their religion or date of arrival or it is confined to Hindu and Christian Tamils excluding those Tamils who practise Islam as their religion and those who work in the plantations?
2.Does he, in advancing his arguments on historical jutifications for self determination to “Tamils” offer any solution to the historical injustice to the Sinhalese of +50% Tamils (Tamil speaking people) occpying areas ooutside North and East ( so called Tamil homeland )?
PROUDMAN / May 10, 2016
I assume you want the answers in sinhale
Uthungan / May 8, 2016
A valid legal justification for the exercise of the Right of Self Determination by the Tamils against discrimination tyranny and oppression and the denial of democratic rights has been presented by the author in his article with emphasis on the fact that the notarious 6th Amendment is only a ploy to blunt the call for equal rights by the Tamils.
Eusense / May 9, 2016
Can you give me any examples of Tamils coming forward with complaints of discrimination, tyranny and oppression and the denial of democratic rights?
Jai_Bolo / May 9, 2016
[Edited out]
Anpu / May 9, 2016
It looks like you have not read the article yet. Read it.
eusense / May 9, 2016
I want to hear from you your side.
Burning Issue / May 9, 2016
You have heard from many people already; people are sick of repeating. It is like flogging a dead horse!
Eusense / May 9, 2016
I have never heard from a single Tamil so far. I have been asking this question in this forum over 50 times!Even RN goes silent on this issue.
Can you answer?
Burning Issue / May 10, 2016
Please stop lying; it does not suit you! I myself had a lengthy debate with you and at the end of it you said whatever! Please leave the people alone as they have better things to do than wasting time with you. The Tamils are determined to achieve their right to given themselves and you have no way of derailing it!
Eusense / May 10, 2016
What debate you are talking about? You have never given a list of Tamil “problems” to me. Why is no Tamil like to list them? What I see is there are no Tamil “problems”. It is a fake scenario that has no value. Just saying Tamils have “problems” don’t cut anymore!
Native Vedda / May 11, 2016
Nuisance the stupid I
“What debate you are talking about?”
The debate is about whether you know the difference between yourself and a knife.
The second debate is about what are reasons for you to sit on your brain.
The third debate is about whether you know how to debate.
The fourth debate is about you know what you are talking about.
The fifth debate is whether you have a brain.
The sixth debate is about you think who you are, do you really know who you are?
The seventh debate is whether what you know about this island can be written in three lines or four lines.
A formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote.
Given the number of thumbs down rest of the forum knows where you stand.
Burning Issue / May 11, 2016
I was expecting you would say that! You are one hell of an embodiment of travesty. I and many have more than adequately given you materials to ponder. You seem to play ignorant to suit your agenda. No Tamil should respond to your cheap gimmick. Many Sinhala intellectuals have begun to speak openly about resolving the national question! They are no longer branded as traitors like before. Your hero MR is no more and the Tamils will achieve their due rights. So if I were you, I would take a deep breath and chill minding my own business.
soma / May 9, 2016
I have said this many times over.
Majority of Tamils(Tamil speaking people) live outside North and East. The day I will feel ashamed as a Sinhalese is the day I observe any tendency among these Tamils to leave Sinhala areas to settle down in the North and East. That day I will join your camp and will be in the forefront of the struggle for a separate political unit for all Tamil speaking people. For the present I am with them for all their apolitical grievances.
KA Sumanasekera / May 8, 2016
Mates, Can we do a Cyprus and finish this “battle” for ever..
Our Sinhala Buddhist inhabitants who make up the great majority of 70 % of the population are already the big losers even after chasing Pirahaparan.
In fact the representatives of their 5.8 Million eligible voters’are being attacked relentlessly by the the UNP Politicians , their UNP Police and the SLFP Sira Faction. in every which way to discredit , disarm and destroy them for obvious reasons.
That is the strategy of the UNP.London, Diaspora England and the West
Then the SLFP betrayers who sold their souls to the West, to get Ranil into power are trying their best to bullshit the people who voted for them.
And keep them under control hoping that the 5. 8 Million will eventually succumb and turn to them..
That will never happen because most of them were not even elected in the first place.
And they are a hated species now in the South.
Poor rural inhabitants in the South are just skin and bone while the rich get fatter and fatter.
Tamil Nationalists, the TNA has already demanded that there should be a referendum in the North and East by themselves to determine the Federal Eelaam, which their CM has submitted to Ranil’s Constitutional Council.
This new demand of the TNA leader Sambandan coupled with the Diaspora Rudra Faction Representative , Vellala CM Vigneswaran’s submission is the final position which UNP has to meet, after their MOU with the West to get in to Government.
All these shenanigans so far is a clear indication that the division of the Nation is unavoidable ,
What the great majority who have been the occupiers of this land since Vijaya must now ensure is that the Division is Surgical like in Cyprus.
Otherwise they are doomed.
They are going to be shafted not only by the minorities, but also by their fellow inhabitants who class themselves as the Elite , English Educated and Upper class.
Unfortunately the great majority of this inhabitant majority do not understand these issues.
SLFP Yahapalana Sira Faction’s main strategy is to keep the poor inhabitants confused and prevent their Leaders from taking the message to them that their future will a disaster if they do not unite together.
That is the mission the West and the Diaspora have assigned to them in the” Contract”..
soma / May 9, 2016
That is why I always say that forced to choose between federalism and separation I will raise my both hands for the latter. Between the two there is only two weeks gap – so why bother?
silva / May 8, 2016
According to Tamilwansa majority of people in Sri lank a are Tamils. They have to right to rule north , south and east. Their barbarism was shown to world by Mr Prabakaran only person who can beat Hitler on the records.
You guys should fight for homeland in Thamilnadu where majority of Tamils live and leave Sri Lanka so rest of the Sril Lankans can live in peace worring about economy more than ethnic differences.
Real Peace / May 8, 2016
I think you are irreversibly mad! You should never say the Tamils should liberate Tamil Nadu. If that happens the Sinhala South of Sri Lanka will be obliterated without a trace. It’s a lot safe if TN is under federal control of Delhi. Stop writing suicidal comments in CT and grow up. I think my Sinhala brothers and sisters should treat this Silva as a Traitor who is promoting complete destruction of Sinhala race in Sri Lanka.
Eusense / May 9, 2016
Why are terrorist Tamils like you (after losing the terror war) always dream that India and Tamil Nadu is so powerful and will take over Sri Lanka at any time? I think India and Tamil Nadu should first build some latrines for their people to defecate before conquering other countries?
By the way, why do Tamils always look for asylum in the West and Australia when their favorite and powerful country India and Tamil Nadu is just few miles away from Sri lanka??
Native Vedda / May 9, 2016
Nuisance the stupid I
“I think India and Tamil Nadu should first build some latrines for their people to defecate before conquering other countries?”
Of course they should. However why do they need more toilets when according to census there are 95,000 people in this island do not have access to toilet.
When are you going to build them 95,000 toilets?
eusense / May 9, 2016
Stupid answer, as SL is not interested in conquering other countries. Now answer the real questions I asked!
Burning Issue / May 9, 2016
Since you already conquered the Tamils in SL!
eusense / May 9, 2016
Isn’t it the other way? Tamil terrorists tried to conquer sri lanka and failed miserably??
Burning Issue / May 9, 2016
Please stop pretending! Sri Lanka gained independence as a unitary state where the Tamils in particular were promised that they will not come to any harm. DS and co pleaded with the Tamils to accept a unitary state! What happened since is there for all to see! It is your state terrorism that gave rise to Tamil militancy; make no mistake.
Tamils endorsed the unitary state of SL on the basis of the 1948 constitution where equality and diversity were enshrined with English as the administrative language. You see now what you guys did. As Dr LF said, if no Europeans had ventured into the island, it would have evolved into federated states naturally! You need to get real and accept that the Tamils have been fundamentally wronged by the Sinhala!
Eusense / May 9, 2016
There was no promises to any one on anything. Tamils have to live as a minority like any other minority in every other country. It is the Tamils who made the GOSL maintain law and order (which you call state terrorism) by engaging in civil disobedience, hartal, demonstrations, anti gov. activities and terrorism. I would say it is the duty of the gov. to make sure law and order and peace is maintained in my country. Any group that disturb this process should be taken to task. This apply not only to Tamils the Sinhalese too. The JVP went through this. Can and will the JVP ask for self determination because of maintaining law and order on them?
If you say state terrorism gave rise to Tamil terrorism, do you think it was the right thing for Tamils to do? If you say yes, don’t complain about consequences!
Are Tamils that stupid even to think that in a 90% Sinhalese country English will be used as the administrative language, specially after independence from a colonial rule??? This is why I always say Tamil leaders took wrong paths in every decision they made on behalf of Tamils, which included terrorism against the country.
Don’t even talk about history. You nor I can’t change a darn thing about history. Who cares whether the Europeans had ventured to the island or not. That is history no body can change anything now. I strongly say Tamils were/are treated similar to the Sinhalese in every aspect in their lives. Tamils need to learn to live as a minority the same way millions of other minorities live in other countries. If you choose not to do so the doors of Sri Lanka are open.
Burning Issue / May 10, 2016
I know you are good at re-writing history; there are ample evidence to this effect!
Yes we Tamils made many mistakes one of them was to trust the gentleman DSS!
You see euse, you are here trying to argue with us is a proof that you are worried sick that you are going to loose control of us! The Tamils will achieve their right to govern themselves; you cannot do a thing about! It is about time you grow up and accept this reality.
Hexar / May 10, 2016
You are comparing apples to oranges and you are also completely missing the point, as many nationalists do when they try to talk about the language act. What infuriated the Tamils wasn’t that English was no longer the official language of the country. No, what made them mad is that before Sinhalese was made the official language of the country, there was a general agreement that both Sinhala and Tamil would be the official languages of the country. Obviously, what happened is different. Also, the Tamils have every right to stage non-violent protests.
Eusense / May 10, 2016
I am not a bit worried or sick that SL is going to loose control because of Tamils like you. Tamils have only 2 options; one to negotiate a reasonable deal for the north (though I don’t believe there is nothing else the Tamils need. They are treated the same way the Sinhalese are treated).
Second, they can opt terrorism again where that will be the end of western support.
Jai_Bolo / May 9, 2016
[Edited out]
Ravi-Telugu / May 9, 2016
[I think India and Tamil Nadu should first build some latrines for their people to defecate before conquering other countries?]
Indians have their latrine in Indian ocean. near Palk Strait. Divayina.
sach / May 9, 2016
yes I have seen videos where Indians relieve themselves at the beach. Is there a fund where we can donate and help you to sh1t properly without being animals?
Ravi-Telugu / May 10, 2016
[ yes I have seen videos where Indians relieve themselves at the beach. ]
eww. you are so special watching these kind of special videos. Great Sachu, the pochu.
keep it down.
soma / May 9, 2016
Really ? The day they (TN) separate from India and threaten Sri Lanka all other states in India are sure to back us.
Native Vedda / May 8, 2016
“Mr Prabakaran only person who can beat Hitler on the records.”
You forget to mention Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Sadammed, Mao, Stalin, Rohana Vijeyweera, Gota, ……….
Karava Revolutionary Velupillai Prabhakaran the founder leader of the LTTE according to karava.org.
You are making VP a hero by comparing him to Hitler. VP’s contribution to humanity could not match with Hitler’s one however his contribution to MR which led to winning a war and two elections for MR and immense services to protecting this island sovereignty when he foolishly fought the invading Hindian army.
It does not qualify VP a great dictator at par with Hitler.
If you are secret admirer of VP, please keep it to yourself.
Vibhushana / May 8, 2016
I am glad the Tamils said they cannot “move on” without knowing the “truth”! Since then many “truths” have been revealed to Tamils. This is another truth in the series of Tamil education.
It feels like a time waste although with Tamils there are things that must be told that ordinarily one would not tell another.
I give you the mother of all scripts – The Brahmi.
Observe the phoneme “Na” at the root of the tree. In 3rd CE before Christ this is how EVERYONE across many lands wrote their “Na”. This was possibly just after west->east global migration.
The way people write the letter “Na” evolves as time goes by. This corresponds to evolution of ethnicity. Where ever pockets of civilisation is found they go their own different ways writing the letter “Na”.
Sinhala breaks away from the formation in 3ce owing to being isolated in an island. That makes Sinhala the oldest script in southern Brahmi family.
The Tamil, Malayalee and Telugu breaks away from the formation almost 600 years after.
The first southern script inscription is found in the island in 10ce. That script therefore is not “Tamil”. Its the script of the common formation that all southern mainland script broke away from.
There is this idea Sinhala is “progeny” of Tamil. That is absolutely far away from the truth as one can get.
The Tamil cannot ever be a “progeny” of Tamil given Sinhala has been in existence 600 years before Tamil!
Anpu / May 8, 2016
You have proved yourself you are a liar and a twsiter
King Wala Gemba / May 8, 2016
A group of scholarly Buddhist monks of the Mahavihara in Anuradapura lead by Ven. Mahanama thero (a nephew of King Dhathusena), observing two groups of people in the 5th century A.D. – Hindus, speaking Tamil and the converts (Buddhists) speaking the new language (Prakrit) – hatched the Lion story of Sinhabahu’s grandson Vijaya and his 700 followers (North Indians), about 1000 years after their alleged landing, with the motive of projecting the Buddhists as a separate ethnic group, the Sinhalese (who will protect the Buddhist dharma in the island) and the Tamils who did not convert to Buddhism were projected as invaders. That is how Sinhala originated and the non-Buddhist (Tamils) became invaders.
Later, the so called ‘Sinhalese’ became a majority after the colonials arrived. The Portuguese and the Dutch colonized hundreds of thousands of South Indian Dalit in the Southern parts of Sri Lanka as menial labourers/coolies for growing/peeling cinnamon, coconut planting/plucking and toddy tapping. These South Indian Dalit converted to Buddhism and eventually got naturalized as Sinhalese. Otherwise, today either the Tamils or the Veddas would have been the majority in Sri Lanka.
sach / May 9, 2016
In Jaffna the tobbaco growers were settled in mass numbers. Go and check Dutch Archives.
Let me help you think.
1. who started Jaffna kingdom? A non Tamil
2. When did Jaffna kingdom start? In 13th century
3. Who were Aryachakravarthis? South indian
4. Is tobbaco growing a major thing in North now? Yes
5. Did Dutch brought Keralites for work in plantations? Yes, there are records in Dutch archives
6. How long did Jaffna kingdom exist ? 200 years
7. Did British got Jaffna kingdom from Tamils and did Tamils fight for it? No, Jaffna kingdom ceased to exist after Portugese killed Sankili
8. Where are the origins of so called Vellala caste? In Kerala, TN.So it is there Vellala as a community was formed
9.What are the historical works of Jaffna? very few the oldest being Yalpana Vaipawa Malai written with the backing of Dutch.
10. what are the historical monuments in NE? Buddhist temples mainly and Hindu temples built by Cholas
11. What is the main kovil of Tamils in North? nallur
12. Who built Nallur? Sapumal , adopted son of Kotte king
13. Were tamils aliens in SL? No, tamils lived in SL, there was a tamil presence but they never treated SL as their homeland, it was simply where they made money and not a tamil civilisation..
14. Any source that mentions any tamil kingdom in SL prior to Jaffna in SL? no SLn source
15. Any source that mentions any tamil kingdom in SL prior to Jaffna in foreign sources? none, not even Chola
16. Why did Chola mention the Sinhalas in SL and not Tamil kingdom? Was that invisible to Cholas?
And get a history book and read SL history. This is Sinhala people’s homeland, this is where our language developed, our people built a civilisation. Every historical monument in the country is a proof to Sinhala civilisation. Even the chola inscriptions in Welgam wehera in Trinco call the temple as welgam wehera.
Celeo / May 10, 2016
All these are answered several times by many and made you run and hide. Last time you ran without your G-string. Again you are repeating the same like a blind parrot. Go and check the CT archives without wasting the cyber space.
jim softy / May 9, 2016
Tamils want to be oldest and most modern too.
Unlike true dinosaurs which vanished and gave rise to others, Tamils don’t like to be dinosaurs, inferiority complex there though among superior feeling Tamils.
Vibhushana / May 9, 2016
[Edited out]
Mallaiyuran / May 9, 2016
At last you found an Aryan professor to prove your theory. But unfortunately it is showing Sinhala scripts started to deviate from Tamil at around 8th Century. That guy is only comparing “NA”. Iravatham and Kamil Zvelebil do not agree with this guy’s theory.
Come on Vibhushana; Are still dying with your Jaffnahistory.com. Please get out of the well. Tamil Brahmi is as old as 6th BC. There are essay appearing there is chance it could be as old as 8th Century BC.
“In 2013, Rajan and Yatheeskumar published excavations at Porunthal and Kodumanal in Tamil Nadu, where numerous both Tamil-Brahmi and “Prakrit”-Brahmi inscriptions and fragments have been found. (Rajan prefers the term “Prakrit-Brahmi” to distinguish Prakrit-language Brahmi inscriptions.) Their stratigraphic analysis combined with radiocarbon dates of paddy grains and charcoal samples indicated that inscription contexts date to as far back as the 5th and perhaps 6th centuries BCE.[8]
The evolution and uniform adoption of this peculiar script would have taken considerable time to spread widely. According K. Rajan, the introduction or evolution or origin of the script in Tamil Nadu might well be before the 4th century BCE due to the uniformity of the script, lack of grammatical errors and the widespread usage.[13
The biggest comedy out all the comedy is some of the earliest Tamil scripts found is from Lankawe! What can tell for that Pity, my friend Vibhishana?
The closest resemblance to Tamil-Brahmi is to its neighboring Sinhala-Brahmi. Both seem to use similar letters to indicate phonemes that are unique to Dravidian languages although Sinhala-Brahmi was used to write an Indo-Aryan Prakrit used in the island of Sri Lanka. Apart from Sinhala-Brahmi, there are Tamil-Brahmi writings found in Sri Lanka from Kantharodai in the north to Tissamaharama in the south which are dated to 2nd century BCE.
Vibhishana, do you recognize the shortfall in the above Paragraph? It is saying “The Tamil Brahmi is being used to write an Indo Aryan language. Would you give a hard knock on the head of the guy who wrote it. Would you, when it walks like duck and quack like a duck, you call it a fox? The Grammar is built on Tamil. The letters are Tamils. Most of the words are Tamil. Can you ask them why are they calling it Indo-Aryan Language? It is a sibling of Tamil. You proudly tell it to the writer Vibhushana.
Vibhushana / May 9, 2016
Hello Mallaiyuran,
Well, that will only make sense if an identity called “Tamil” existed that far back – isn’t it?
For example when declaring a UDI (Universal Deceleration of Independence) a nationality requires external recognition.
So the Sinhale has many such external recognition in Tamil – “Chinkalam” in English “Ceylon”, Portugese “Ceylan” and Dutch “Cielo” etc. They all recognise a nation and geography associated with the Sinhala identity.
Where is such recognition of “Tamil” identity? if you can show me 6th BC recognition of an identity called “Tamil” then most certainly I will take your claim seriously.
Native Vedda / May 9, 2016
Didn’t the voices in your head remind you Eelam?
Lanka is the North Indian name.
Find out from your voices.
Vibhushana / May 9, 2016
Hello Veddha,
Many Tamils depend on Mahavamsa as a epitome of historical reference on Sinhale. That is where they run to first for anything.
Given the Tamils have a “Mahavamsa mindset”, are they able to provide even a resemblance supporting material to back up such a phenomena?
After all, there are 2500 years of reference material in there!
Ravi-Telugu / May 9, 2016
[ So the Sinhale has many such external recognition in Tamil – “Chinkalam” in English “Ceylon”, Portugese “Ceylan” and Dutch “Cielo” etc. They all recognise a nation and geography associated with the Sinhala identity.]
what was the name of Sinhala before Lion human hybridization? dear vibheeshana bae
Native Vedda / May 9, 2016
“Where is such recognition of “Tamil” identity? if you can show me 6th BC recognition of an identity called “Tamil” then most certainly I will take your claim seriously.”
Did the Brit call this island Ceylon in 6th BC?
Did the Dutch call this island Cielo in 6th BC?
Did the Portuguese call this island Ceylan in 6th BC?
Did the Sinhalese call this island Sri Lanka in 6th BC?
Didn’t your voices in your head tell you this island was also known as Cerantive, Serendivis, Serendip, Taprobana and Tamraparni?
Didn’t the voices in your head tell you that Admiral Zheng He’s stone inscription was writen in Chinese, Persian and Tamil?
“For example when declaring a UDI (Universal Deceleration of Independence) a nationality requires external recognition.”
Didn’t the voices in your head tell you UDI was first mentioned in 1776 and not 6th BC?
Vibhushana / May 9, 2016
What is Persian doing on the message slab? Is Ceylon the home of Persians?
The Admiral was obviously poorly informed by someone. They did not have the Internet back then.
In 6 BC there was no “England” either. The Anglo Saxons came much later. I think it was Romans occupying most of England at that stage.
I’d be surprised you finding reference to “Tamil” before Bishop Caldwell. The only reason Tamil is called “Tamil” is probably becuase of the Mahavamsa which as used by Caldwell to identify the previously undefined south indian dialect .
Burning Issue / May 9, 2016
Tamil bashing is your past time and everyone on these forums knows that but at least you should endeavour to write plausible materials to support your begotry!
Ravi-Telugu / May 9, 2016
[’d be surprised you finding reference to “Tamil” before Bishop Caldwell. The only reason Tamil is called “Tamil” is probably becuase of the Mahavamsa which as used by Caldwell to identify the previously undefined south indian dialect . ]
It shows your ignorance.
ద్రవిడము (p. 0617) [ draviḍamu ] draviḍamu. [Tel.] n. The Tamil country. ద్రవిడాంగన a Tamil lady. Suca. iii. 290.
ద్రావిడ (p. 0617) [ drāviḍa ] drāviḍa. [Tam.] adj. Dravida; a name usually applied to Tamil. ద్రావిడ దేశము the Tamil country. ద్రావిడులు or ద్రావిళ్లు the Tamil people.
தமிழ் (tamiḻ)-> Pk. damila, daviḍa, davila; -> Old Sinhalese. demeḷ ʻ Tamil ʼ,-> Sinhalese. demaḷā.
Pk. damila-> द्रामिड (drāmiḍa), द्रमिड(dramiḍa), द्राविड (drāviḍa), द्रविड (draviḍa)
it is mentioned in Tolkāppiyap pāyiram (third century BCE) as
வடவேங்கடம் தென்குமரி ஆயிடைத் தமிழ் கூறும் நல்லுலகம்- தொல்காப்பியப் பாயிரம்
vaḍavēṅgaḍam teṉkumari āyiḍait tamiḻ kūṟum nallulagam- Tolkāppiyap pāyiram
சூ. 385 : தமிழென் கிளவியும் அதனோ ரற்றே
sū. 385 : tamiḻeṉ kiḷaviyum adaṉō raṭrē
The word Tamil is attested in Telugu language although it has the vulgar words, దమిళ, దవిడ, ద్రమిల, ద్రమిడ, ద్రవిడ (damiḷa, daviḍa, dramila, dramiḍa, draviḍa
తమిళం(tamiḷaṃ), తమిళము(tamiḷamu)[Telugu] Tamil language
Synonyms అరవము (aravamu)
Native Vedda / May 9, 2016
Are you sure you know what you are writing here in this forum?
A word of caution, Vibushna is a Sangam Tamil scholar. He once wrote Sangam Tamil was a suspect.
Please note he is capable of eating Professors Karashima, Kailasapathy, Meenachi Sundarampillai, Kamil Zvelebil, George L. Hart, K Sivathmaby …………..M Varatharasan, Nakeerar, Tharumy, Kamban, Kalamehap Pulavar, Kalladi Velan, Maha Kavi, …. for breakfast.
sach / May 9, 2016
Is there any historical source to what you say? Please read a proper history book for heavens sake.
Tamil name is given by us, by Mahavamsa. It is mentioned as Dameda.
Ravi-Telugu / May 10, 2016
[It is mentioned as Dameda.]
what is the etymology of Dameda?
sach / May 9, 2016
Did the british call SL as ceylon in 6 th BC? what sort of stupid question idiot! did the Brits exist at that time at all?
Your mother should be spat at for producing an extreme idiot like you
Mallaiyuran / May 9, 2016
“So the Sinhale has many such external recognition in Tamil – “Chinkalam” in English “Ceylon”, Portuguese “Ceylan” and Dutch “Cielo” etc. They all recognise a nation and geography associated with the Sinhala identity.”
Are you citing 300-400 years old names as UDI to establish the 2500 years Mahavamsa Sinhala? Do you have any idea of what are talking about? Can you trace the word “Chigalam” which means Sinhalese or Lankawe in Tamil and what time it was used in it first? There is some suggestion a word similar to that was used to cinnamon, so somebody further suggested that Tamils used Chinkalam as the name for the land of Cinnamon. But first time the “Chinkala Thivue” was was used by Bharati just within 100 years. Other than the Tamil CT writers there is no official word in Tamil as “Chinkalam”.
It is not just the 1200 years old Sinhala Copied the Grammar from Tamil, even the 5000 Sanskriti copied the grammar from Tamil.
Chinkam is a universal word for all Indian languages, including the Indo – Aryan Sanskrit and Pali. It is pure Tamil word. Sinhalese is word originated from the pure Tamil word Chinkam. You may notice, the indo-Aryan Language, Sanskrit is using Chingam, but it has not travelled up to modern Western languages. Now interesting case of Tamil words travelling upward is the numericals Onru, Irandu, Munru….. Sanskrit and some other languages like Sinhala missed the “Ondru” and picked up the rest. But The modern Western Languages have picked even the “Onru”. They use one, un, une….like that. The question is how a Tamil word that Sanskrit did not pick up but it have travelled further upward? In reality when Sanskrit started to pick words from Tamils, it stopped passing upward. The cut off has set in. So these which travelled upward might be from the Proto Dravidian Language(as suggested by researchers one like that might have existed-they are not sure). So Sanskrit picked up one- two- three from not Tamil. This phenomena between Sanskrit and Tamil in the Chinkam and Onru is suggesting, if Tamils has separated from the Proto Dravidian Language (if fact if there one really existed) it was before Sanskrit came to India. The 3000 years old Vedas are written in Classical Sanskrit. So the the Spoken Language must have been present in India for minimum 4000. (Just a rough estimate – may be more than that, in fact 5000 years when the Indus Valley Civilization was being destroyed)
Chinkam did not travel upward. It may not be in the Proto Dravidian language. But Sanskrit has it.
Onru Travelled upward, it may be in the Proto Dravidian Language. But Sanskrit does not have it.
This tells if a Proto Dravidian Language Existed, Tamil had separated from it 5000 years ago, the minimum.
Do your research first before you bring your theories first. Otherwise people who have read other things will not respect your writing.
Vibhushana / May 9, 2016
Read here.
Native Vedda / May 10, 2016
Since you are a well respected Sangam scholar I am relying on you for a good translation of this poem from kuRuntokai by Eelathu Poothanthevanar:
343. பாலை – தோழி கூற்று
நினையாய் வாழி தோழி நனைகவுள்
அண்ணல் யானை அணிமுகம் பாய்ந்தென
மிகுவலி இரும்புலிப் பகுவா யேற்றை
வெண்கொடு செம்மறுக் கொளீஇ விடர்முகைக்
கோடை யொற்றிய கருங்கால் வேங்கை
வாடுபூஞ் சினையிற் கிடக்கும்
உயர்வரை நாடனொடு பெயரும் ஆறே.
-ஈழத்துப் பூதன்றேவனார்.
I am sure you can do it.
Mallaiyuran / May 10, 2016
Vibhushana, I have clearly explained you everything. You are searching shortcutச் just to beat an argument. You are cutting and pasting from a Tamil Dictionary lost use long ago. I do not know when was the particular quotation was revised last time. Some works are as old as 1913.The book’s volumes waiting to be revised and reprinted.
As I said, Bharti had used the Chinkala Thivu in those time. That was the first meaning cited on the Dictionary (we have talked already talked about it too). Then there was/is a long debate about his use Chinhalam for Ceylon. As he is poet, he use any word in any style. But it need not get into Language as official word. Chinkalam is not known as used in classical works to mean the Island of Ceylon in Tamil. That is why his usage is still in in question.
For Example if you go to Jaffna you may hear somebody saying “Kaadai KudikkirEn”. There is no word as Kaadai in Tamil. TheethaNNi is Colloquial and Theeneer is offical. It is the word Kahada brought to north by uneducated store managers and workers from South where they came to work in the 1940s- 1960. Another example: “Chappaddai” is accepted as “Chinese” in Canadian Tamil – more less like a slang. officially there is no Canadian Tamil and the Chappaddai is a usage lost word for “flat”. There is a chance it may not be a Tamil word at all. Even Wikipedia had this as Canadian Tamil word. So, just come from the Tamil Language side not from your shortcuts. So, still the correctness of the Chinhala Thivu (Chinkalam as Ceylon) Parathiyar used is not a settled debate.
Second meaning is “The Sinhalese language, one of 18 languages referred to in Tamil works;” the dictionary has not established what was the name used to refer the Sinhala. It is simply saying Sinhala is a Language which is one the பதினெண்மொழி. I am not sure which Tamil work is using Sinhala and when was it written. I am not sure if the Dictionary is sure of not just Sinhala even the other 17 Languages. For my knowledge, not all 18 languages are uniformly accepted by all experts.
Mallaiyuran / May 10, 2016
The third meaning Kandyan Dance is referred in Tamil as Kandiya Nadanam. Not as Chinkalam. Never anybody Calls Kandyan Dance as Chinkalam.
But, sadly, I amy not very happy about telling you this, but a common usage for Chinkalam is something unnecessary complicated, vague and Cumbersome is called Chinkalam. Though this a very common usage, I do not think Tamils will accept it as a official meaning too.
Vibhushana / May 10, 2016
Well lets see,
Meaning of -> “சிங்களம் ciṅkaḷam”. We have 2 choices to pick from.
-> Tamils used Chinkalam as the name for the land of Cinnamon – Mallaiyuran
-> Siṃhala. 1. Ceylon – Tamil Lexicon, University of Madras.
Well, gee its a hard one isn’t it?
Anyway, back to the original question I asked you.
can show me 6th BC recognition of an identity called “Tamil” ??
Mallaiyuran / May 10, 2016
Friend, grow up.
Lexicon’s secound meaning (Language- not the land Ceylon)has two parts.
First part, Chinhalam is a current language, – Well that is accepted but it is not established in Tamil history that is how it was used, further the lexicon is first released in 1913. It is not a 1000 years old work like Sudamani Nihandu, It lacks Authoritative. No period of usage is mentioned.
Second part, it is including a comment that the Language is one of the 18 Language where Tamil works take materials.(பதினெண்மொழி). Again no period.
Third, it is quoting a Urai, for the Kandyan Dance. Not the Original Book. Because, there is a doubt exist in the meaning of the Original Work. Even that Urai is latter period one. There is doubt exist the names of the 18 languages which the original work is indicating. You are jumping up down, because you have no idea how the Urai works in Tamil.
“can show me 6th BC recognition of an identity called “Tamil” ??”
I can understand your silliness of the word “Tamil” was not used to Language Tamil can not be an old Language
you are not reading the examples cited by earlier commentators from Tolkappiyam and Thirukural. In Thevarams, there are many times it is mentioned the name of the Language. The Nayanmars have repeatedly said they want to dedicate their life to sing Siva in Chentamil, in their poems (Thevarams). As matter of fact, if you could not understand the earlier comments, which are mainly in Tamil, here Wikipedia, in clean English. The earliest extant Tamil literary works and their commentaries celebrates the Pandiyan Kings for the organization of long-termed Tamil Sangams, which researched, developed and made amendments in Tamil language. Even though the name of the language which was developed by these Tamil Sangams is mentioned as Tamil, the exact period when the name “Tamil” came to be applied to the language is unclear, as is the precise etymology of the name. The earliest attested use of the name is found in Tholkappiyam, which is dated as early as 1st century BC.[54] Southworth suggests that the name comes from tam-miḻ > tam-iḻ ‘self-speak’, or ‘one’s own speech’.[55](see Southworth’s derivation of Sanskrit term for “others” or Mleccha) Kamil Zvelebil suggests an etymology of tam-iḻ, with tam meaning “self” or “one’s self”, and “-iḻ” having the connotation of “unfolding sound”. Alternatively, he suggests a derivation of tamiḻ < tam-iḻ < *tav-iḻ < *tak-iḻ, meaning in origin "the proper process (of speaking)".[56]
“Tamil name is given by us, by Mahavamsa. It is mentioned as Dameda. “ This what you said, but if you try to understand, Mr. Southworth or Mr. Zvelebil, they are not accepting the name found in the Mahavamsa. They think the word “Tamil” was coined by the Tamils themselves. One is it has the “ழ்” sound not found in any language. There is another argument, the old usage for the word Tamil is sweetness, beautifulness …so that is why it came as “தமிழ்”.
It is you, who have not mentioned at least one time the word Chinkalam used in Tamil before Bharati to indicate the language or Land of the people. The word Chinkalam used to mean “Sinhala People” is so far as I see, exclusive for CT comments only.
You are attempting to cut and paste without any interest to establish the cut and paste is right in the context of discussion.
Remember again, Lexcon first released in 1913. Bharati died in 1921.
Ravi-Telugu / May 10, 2016
ചിങ്ങളം (ciṅṅaḷaṁ) and ചിങ്കളം (ciṅkaḷaṁ) [Malayalam] = ശി —MC. സിംഹളം or ൦രംഴം (ഈഴം) Ceylon.
sach / May 9, 2016
Chola inscriptions in 990s talk only about the sinhalas in SL.
When Cholas conquered the northern areas of SL and the Anuradhapura kingdom they had a title to their names called Sinhalanathan at the beginning of their names.
Interestingly Chola sources do not mention anything about Tamils in SL. Had there was a Tamil kingdom in SL cholas would have certianly mentioned it. They did not.
The Welgamwehera in trinco was worshipped by some chola generals and they had paid pooja to it. In the tamil inscription made by them it has specifically called that temple as Welgamwehera the sinhala name. That is because it was the name used at that time.
:) Learn history
Native Vedda / May 10, 2016
sachoooooooooooooooooo the stupid II
Could you cite the reference.
sach / May 10, 2016
why ? go and change it? I will reveal it at the right time ;)
Ravi-Telugu / May 10, 2016
[Interestingly Chola sources do not mention anything about Tamils in SL. Had there was a Tamil kingdom in SL cholas would have certianly mentioned it. They did not. ]
Even Ramayana has not mentioned about Sinhalese or their language or their kingdom. Mentioned were Rakshasas, and Naga and yaksha.
Ravi-Telugu / May 9, 2016
[Sinhala breaks away from the formation in 3ce owing to being isolated in an island. That makes Sinhala the oldest script in southern Brahmi family.]
Vibheeshana bae.
you tried to show that Sinhala breaks away from the formation in 3ce owing. However you have cleverly hide its 8th century Pallava script connection prevailed Tamil Nadu. http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~malaiya/brah11.gif
Since you have read the unintelligible Modavamsa chronicle, your knowledge will be like that.
Rajasingham Narendran / May 8, 2016
Mr. Thambiaiyah Kanakasabai,
Well argued. In fact we have always argued quite well.
Have our great arguments worked before? Will they work this time around? What is the guarantee that we as a people will not end up in another Nanthikadal, despite our very petsuative arguments?
A cat can justify walking on a roof, but what should a cat that had one time too many walked on a hot tin roof and suffered the consequences, be not wary?
Is there another way to bypass the hot tin roof and achieve what we need ( not what we we want) ?
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran
Anpu / May 8, 2016
Dr RN,
So what do we do?????
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran / May 8, 2016
My considered recommendations:
Improved 13th amendment without concurrent list, delegated executive powers to the PCs, ceremonial governorship and related matters.
No merger of the north and east, unless there is a demand from the East.
Police and land powers as defined in the 13th amendment .
A second chamber of Provincial Councils representatives. An executive presidency that functions like an national ombudsman.
A powerful Supreme Council.
A Bill of rights entrenched in the constitution.
Ajith / May 8, 2016
We welcome your recommendations. But who is going to implement those recommendations at least? What is the delay in implementation of these recommendations now by this government? What will happen if this government goes out and Mahinda comes back to power and remove all these recommendations?
soma / May 9, 2016
Dear dr RN
Can you initiate a discussion on these pages (hoping it won’t turn out to be an argument), at your leisure, with invitation to contribute for both sides, on pros and cons of handing over police and land powers to povincincial councils.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / May 13, 2016
Thanks. Shall do so at the earliest opportunity.
Eusense / May 9, 2016
First, I would like to know in plain English what this Tamil “problems” are. Please, divulge the Tamil “problems” to the ordinary Sinhalese people. For example, what problems did you have as a Tamil when compared to a Sinhalese villager from Anuradhapura? Most of these Sinhalese only know Tamils as terrorists because of what went on during the last 30 years.
As I always say any new/additional powers to the PCs should be fought with a collective proposal coming from all PCs.
As far as I am conserned the 13th is dead. The reason I say this is, it was agreed under duress when SL was desperate to end terrorism.
Burning Issue / May 9, 2016
You are wasting peoples’ times again!
eusense / May 9, 2016
No answer to my post??
Burning Issue / May 9, 2016
Are you kidding? You have a very short memory I suppose! You have been adequately answered by many people but you chose to remain ignorant for obvious reasons. You need to grow up and be a good honest man.
Eusense / May 9, 2016
Tamils engaged in a brutal terrorism to kill innocent Sri Lankans for 30 years. In this process they killed many innocent Tamil children and women wiping out a whole generation of Tamils.
But you cant give me list of reasons for all this??
Only thing I heard was “can’t sing the national anthem in Tamil”!! you resort to terrorism for that?? What kind of idiots are Tamil leaders?
Why do you avoid answering this question?
Celeo / May 9, 2016
I’ll give you a small clue about the Tamil problems in Sri Lanka in plain English.
Prior to colonial occupation, Tamils ruled the northeastern part of Sri Lanka, while the Sinhalese ruled the southern regions of the land. Even today, the Tamils are the majority in the Northeast, while the Sinhalese are the majority in the South. One of the main problems is, one majority (Sinhalese) are not only ruling/controlling the other majority (Tamils) but they are also oppressing/suppressing the Tamil rights to self-determination. Tamils should be given Equal rights with respect to state language, state religion, nationhood, education, employment, police powers, land issues, etc. State sponsored colonization should be stopped. Occupied genocidal military should be removed and the lands should be given back to the people, Ethnic cleansing should be stopped. Power and wealth should be equally distributed.
Eusense / May 10, 2016
First I need to tell you that the problems were created by Tamils themselves. If Tamils ruled the northeastern SL as you say they should have defended, fought and chased the colonial invaders to keep the region to them. You could not do that. Now you blame the Sinhalese for that??
Just because an ethnic group is a majority of an area it does not mean it should separate and give up that part of the country. If that happen in places like India, the US and Canada these countries will have several million separate countries within them!!
Sinhalese are not oppressing Tamils in any way. Tamils resort to terrorism rather than negotiations which spoiled the whole situation. The Sinhalese have lost faith and trust of Tamils. That needs to be rejuvenated. Until then there will be no self rule or anything of that sort. Even in the US where 20% of the population is Spanish speaking, Spanish language is not a state language. Every citizen of the US has the same right; to practice their religion, education and employment; similar to SL. But never the right to state language, nationhood or police powers.
Land issues are related to your indulgence in terrorism. The land occupied by the SLDF should be with them until the threat of terrorism is totally evaporated. Your demand for self determination, nationhood, police powers will never happen until the threat of terrorism is gone. Your fake ethnic cleansing scenario does not help you at all. How many Tamils were killed after the end of war? Parayabakaran killed more Tamils than any body else. As long as you bring this fake “ethnic cleansing” scenario nobody is taking you seriously!
Celeo / May 10, 2016
“If Tamils ruled the northeastern SL as you say they should have defended, fought and chased the colonial invaders to keep the region to them. You could not do that. Now you blame the Sinhalese for that?”
It was our own Tamil king of Jaffna, Cankli Kumaran who fought decisively with the Portuguese invaders to defend our land. It was our own Pandara Vanniyan (Kulasegaram Vairamuthu Pandaravanniyan), the native Sri Lankan Tamil chief of Vanni who challenged the British rule.
However, neither the Tamils nor the Sinhalese could defend, fight and chase the colonial invaders to keep the region to themselves. All the 3 kingdoms (Kotte, Kandy and Jaffna) were lost to the colonial invaders. Right from after the fall of Jaffna Kingdom in 1624 to the Portuguese, and then to the Dutch, and the British, the Tamil speaking territory remained as a federal state up to 1833. Only after the fall of Kandyan kingdom to the British, they integrated all the federal states (in 1833) and made them into one unitary state and left the region in 1948. They made it into one single bone and left it for the two dogs (Sinhalese & Tamils) to fight for ever.
“Just because an ethnic group is a majority of an area it does not mean it should separate and give up that part of the country.”
Federalism is the rights of North & East Tamils and its denial has forced them to seek separation. If you take the entire world, only Sri Lanka and South India had a separate Tamil kingdom and a separate Tamil speaking territory where the Tamils are the majority. South India has already established a Tamil speaking federal state known as Tamil Nadu for the Tamils of India. Sri Lanka has not yet established a Tamil speaking federal state for the Tamils of Sri Lanka because the Sinhalese are unable to understand the meaning of federalism.
“If that happen in places like India, the US and Canada these countries will have several million separate countries within them!!”
India, the US and Canada are already having federal states.
“Sinhalese are not oppressing Tamils in any way.”
Then what is 56, 58, 77, 83 riots? The British left the entire country to the Sinhalese without the consent of the Tamils. As soon as the Sinhalese took over, they colonized the Sinhalese in the Tamil areas, they oppressed and deprived the fundamental freedom of the Tamils who were the rightful citizens of a specific territory (land area). Since the Tamils are totally dissatisfied with their treatment (by the Sinhalese), they have all the rights to seek autonomy or complete independence from what they feel is an ethno-religious chauvinist oppressive state.
“Tamils resort to terrorism rather than negotiations which spoiled the whole situation. The Sinhalese have lost faith and trust of Tamils. That needs to be rejuvenated. Until then there will be no self rule or anything of that sort.”
From the day the Sri Lankan Tamils lost their rights to the Sinhalese (via British in 1948) they had been asking for a federal state (that existed until the British removed it in 1833) in a non-violent/peaceful manner for more than 30 years. The Sinhalese came up with several pacts and promises but finally gave nothing to the Tamils other than cheating them and unleashing violence on their non-violent/peaceful campaigns. This forced the Tamils to seek for separation to form a separate country for Tamils which ended up in a war 30 years war. See how much the country lost. At independence in 1948 Sri Lanka was the second best economy in Asia, today we are one of the worst. All because of the foolishness of the Sinhalese in not giving the Tamils their rights.
“Even in the US where 20% of the population is Spanish speaking, Spanish language is not a state language. Every citizen of the US has the same right; to practice their religion, education and employment; similar to SL. But never the right to state language, nationhood or police powers.”
The Spanish speaking people in the US is totally different from the Tamil speaking people of Sri Lanka. They neither had a kingdom nor have a separate Spanish speaking territory. The Tamil speaking people of Sri Lanka have a clearly defined (Tamil speaking) territory, their historic habitat (formally Jaffna kingdom) in the North & East of Sri Lanka as their traditional homeland where they lived for several centuries as a separate nation with their own language, religion and culture.
“Your demand for self determination, nationhood, police powers will never happen until the threat of terrorism is gone.”
It is all going back to Square one, History Repeats itself but still the Sinhalese have not learnt any lessons.. The longer they delay ‘Devolution’ the faster the demand for Separation is going to rise. It will only push the Tamil leaders to seek alternative measures like mobilizing large masses, if not all of the Tamil people (Sri Lanka & abroad), for a Non-violent campaign with Direct Action or even go further by calling for a UN sponsored referendum to be held for the North & East Tamils in Sri Lanka to establish a separate state like Kosovo.
Eusense / May 10, 2016
I wish you and the Tamil separatists well.
sach / May 10, 2016
Jaffna kingdom was not defended by Cankili, and it was built by a kalinga king called Magha and then a fellow from Javaka called Chandrabhanu.
Kandy controlled the east at that time as well
Celeo / May 10, 2016
What rubbish, is this fellow an ignorant fool?
sach, are you alright?
Lying seems to be your past time eh?
Read some very basic history without making yourself a laughing stock.
PROUDMAN / May 10, 2016
Apart from all injustices to the Tamils, mentioned by various commentators on the forum. Look at what the UN Special Rapporteur says after her recent vistt to Srilanka
Sri Lanka’s Diversity Not Reflected In Judiciary, AG’s Office And Police, Says UN
May 8, 2016 | Filed under: Colombo Telegraph,News,STORIES | Posted by: COLOMBO_TELEGRAPH
United Nations Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Mónica Pinto has called for a more acceptable composition of Tamil speaking judges, and police in the country.
Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers – Mónica Pinto
Sinhala_Man / May 10, 2016
Dear Eusense,
While we have all being enunciating all that you have said here, AND we know it to be true, PROUDMAN has here come up with something that we will find difficult to counter. The fact is that it is WE who have always wielded State Power (rightly so, given the population ratio), so it is AGAIN we who have to bear primary responsibility.
I’ve been wondering for three days now what I should post here:
I’ve been chatting with a very old (84 years) Jaffna Tamil friend, who is also a very decent man. There can be no doubt that G.G. Ponnambalam contributed much to this mess. I must write out a comprehensive answer, before which I must rebuff Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam, who is not only dense but also a horrible racist. However, I feel sorry for the man. I am sure that he has performed many a good deed in his life, while I am sure that he has never murdered any Sinhalese. But just watch out for his response; my not hating the man is not going to save me from his wrath.
So, at the end of the day, most social groups have contributed to making a “paka mess” of this lovely island. It is time to forgive, and even forget, so that we can start re-building our society.
Eusense / May 10, 2016
Sinhala man,
There are few things we need to closely look at what the United Nations Special Rapporteur has commented on. “Mónica Pinto has called for a more acceptable composition of Tamil speaking judges, and police in the country” I am sure this is true, there are less of them in Sri Lanka. But why do you say “so it is AGAIN we who have to bear primary responsibility.”?
Look what happened in the past. As Sinhalese did we discriminate against Tamils? My University batch was 50% Tamil during the late seventies. Most of the faculty was Tamil too. Our family physician was Tamil so as the accountant. We bought our jewelry, medicine, news paper all from Tamil businesses in Kandy. Most Tamils lived in good neighborhoods too. Majority of them spoke English and Sinhalese. Do you think we have discriminated Tamils? Even the Kandy Police Superintendent was a Tamil at that time. When the university selection process was changed not only Tamils but Sinhalese from the major towns were also affected. What discrimination, tyranny, ethnic cleansing, Tamil genocide are these Tamils who post in this forum talking about? From their posts I could figure out these are a bunch of lazy, non ambitious delinquents. However, majority of Tamils are getting educated, works hard and improve their lives on their own efforts.
Mónica Pinto should have also glanced at the recent history. For 30 years the LTTE wasted Tamil lives, not only wiped out a full generation of Tamils, it took the remaining young Tamil lives 30 years backwards without a proper education or acquiring of any new skills suitable for the current economy. Under such conditions where does Monica Pinto expect new Tamil Judges and Police to come from?? Does she rightfully blame the 30 year Tamil terrorism for what she is complaining about? If she did unbiased work she should have sighted the 30 year terror war as one major contributing factor for her findings. In general I don’t trust the UN as these are bias and funded by the West to fulfill their interests.
Also, even in this forum when I write about Tamils learning Sinhales for better employment opportunities, all these separatist Tamil posters pounce on me. How does Monica expect Tamil speaking judges and policemen (who refuse to learn Sinhalese) serve a 85% Sinhalese population?
All said and done sadly I can’t agree with your statement “so it is AGAIN we who have to bear primary responsibility.”
Burning Issue / May 11, 2016
You are blatantly a Sinhala Chauvinists and there is no doubt about it at all! I grew up in Jaffna during the seventies and I witnessed the police brutality. The 4th world Tamil conference was disrupted by the police and they killed 4 people. Amirthalungham was slapped across his by a police constable. The same constable was paraded by his colleagues! There was no investment; no jobs; the Sinhala language was forced upon the Jaffna Tamils.
You cannot by using your superior numbers subjugate the Tamils; it is not democracy but majoritarian hegemony. You the Sinhala have done a great disservice to the concept of democracy and Tamils. You Sinhala did not respect the Tamil democratic manifestations and pleading for justice. You cannot force your language on the the Tamil speaking people. You Sinhala constructed two constitutions since 1948, at any stage you cared two hoots about the Tamil sentiments. There was no consultations nor was there mere listening! You took away the section 29 that was there to protect the minorities and brought it the Buddhism as the foremost religion. You cared less about what the Tamils thought. You systematically drove away the Tamil professionals from Sri Lanka. Burnt the Jaffna library and the new market down. Organised and executed pogroms against the Tamils by sending them packing back to the north. Ohh yes you have not discriminated; what a man you are; a complete Sinhala chauvinist and that is what you are!
Make no mistake the Sinhala supremacy is 100% institutionalised in the state machinery lock, stock and barrel that include the police force, the armed forces, and the civil administration. Planting the Buddha statue in the Trinco town and since the end of the war painting the north and east with fresh Buddha statues on state expenses. You blatantly and recklessly cared little even for a second as to what did the Tamils feel about it all. You fabricated the history and archeology rendering the Tamils as invaders and then you expect the Tamils to learn the Sinhala language; what an arrogant fellow you are!
Eusense / May 11, 2016
You are either a sick man or a die hard LTTE member. Why don’t you correct me if I posted anything other than the truth?. Why don’t you Take each sentence of mine and show me where/why they are wrong? You need to stop your anti Sri Lankan rhetoric. First educate your self, improve your life like many other hard working Tamils of SL; That is if you live in Sri Lanka. If you are a diaspora Tamil, first come back to SL and work hard negotiating what you feel the Tamils need. But refrain from engaging in terrorism or supporting terrorism. Next, stop blaming everybody else other than the Tamils and Tamil leaders for your “problems”. Your offensive approach for solving the so called Tamil “problem” won’t work. If you need to get things done use your god given brain and look for a different approach.
Good luck!
Burning Issue / May 11, 2016
You know what your problem is? You subscribe to the Bush’s doctrine; you are either with us or you are a terrorist! You want the Tamils to be docile and be totally submissive! The successive Sinhala Governments tried to force the tamils to be obedient by accepting the Sinhala Buddhist hegemony and evidently it ended up as a total failure. The Tamils embraced violence and VP took total control and driven the Tamils to near destruction. Yet the Tamil resolve to asset their identity and right to self-determination is as rampant as ever. This must tell you that you cannot conquer people but need to accommodate them democratically. This is exactly what the Tamils are asking and they will not relent until a tangible solution is endeavoured.
You can ask questions repeatedly; you can pretend that the Sinhala are egalitarian; you can project that there is no discrimination against the Tamils. No such futile tactics will work. The best thing is for you to come to terms with the fact that there are two nations in Sri Lanka. The majority had an opportunity to build a just nation but it failed with visionless myopic projects. Now SL needs to start anew with a new political arrangement that underpins ethnic composition but galvanised by national Sri Lankan identity. The language issue should be resolved by promoting trilingualism and grater prominence to the English language. This is the way forward and I do not care if you call me a die hard LTTEer!
Celeo / May 11, 2016
Both sach and Eusense used to come with the same questions over and over, even after answering them umpteen times, they simply run away (unable to respond) and then come again with the same questions in another thread. For example, Eusense had been asking ‘what Tamil problems are’ in the forum are for many years. Many people have answered him but still in another thread he will ask the same question again. Sach is even worse, after answering his question, again he will ask the same question on the same thread pretending that he did not see the answer, when you tell him to refer the answer above, he will run away with his tail between the legs. After sometimes, he will come again in another thread and ask the same questions. These people are here for some other purpose.
eusense / May 11, 2016
No tamil has answered my question so far. Just keep saying we have answered is not the answer!
Please answer this question. At least list them like 1. 2. 3. Etc.
Why are Tamils so reluctant to publicize their main problem so much. If I have such a “problem” I would be publicizing it even million times so that millions will know it and will support me.
It still baffles me why no tamil wants to publicize their “problem”. This has given me the conclusion that this is a fake accusation like the fake genocide, ethnic cleansing etc etc.
Trust me, I will not stop asking this question until its answered.
Celeo / May 11, 2016
See, I have answered you in plain English and you are asking again. Now you want me to list them 1, 2, 3… for you to understand.
Tamil problems in Sri Lanka (let me give you a brief)
1. Tamils should be recognized as a nation.
Prior to colonial occupation, Tamils ruled the northeastern part of Sri Lanka, while the Sinhalese ruled the southern regions of the land. Even today, the Tamils are the majority in the Northeast, while the Sinhalese are the majority in the South.
2. Majority (Sinhalese) are not only ruling/controlling the other majority (Tamils) but they are also oppressing/suppressing the Tamil rights to self-determination.
Federalism is the rights of North & East Tamils and its denial has forced them to seek separation. If you take the entire world, only Sri Lanka and South India had a separate Tamil kingdom and a separate Tamil speaking territory where the Tamils are the majority. South India has already established a Tamil speaking federal state known as Tamil Nadu for the Tamils of India. Sri Lanka has not yet established a Tamil speaking federal state for the Tamils of Sri Lanka because the Sinhalese are unable to understand the meaning of federalism.
3. Tamils should be given Equal rights with respect to state language, state religion, nationhood, education, employment, police powers, land issues, etc.
4. State sponsored colonization should be stopped.
The British left the entire country to the Sinhalese without the consent of the Tamils. As soon as the Sinhalese took over, they colonized the Sinhalese in the Tamil areas, they oppressed and deprived the fundamental freedom of the Tamils who were the rightful citizens of a specific territory (land area). Since the Tamils are totally dissatisfied with their treatment (by the Sinhalese), they have all the rights to seek autonomy or complete independence from what they feel is an ethno-religious chauvinist oppressive state.
5. Occupied genocidal military should be removed and the lands should be given back to the people/owners.
6. Ethnic cleansing should be stopped.
7. Power and wealth should be equally distributed.
8. Restore the lost Tamil rights by Federalism.
From the day the Sri Lankan Tamils lost their rights to the Sinhalese (via British in 1948) they had been asking for a federal state (that existed until the British removed it in 1833) in a non-violent/peaceful manner for more than 30 years. The Sinhalese came up with several pacts and promises but finally gave nothing to the Tamils other than cheating them and unleashing violence on their non-violent/peaceful campaigns. This forced the Tamils to seek for separation to form a separate country for Tamils which ended up in a war 30 years war. See how much the country lost. At independence in 1948 Sri Lanka was the second best economy in Asia, today we are one of the worst. All because of the foolishness of the Sinhalese in not giving the Tamils their rights.
9. The Tamils cannot wait any more, our above problems needs urgent solution.
The longer they delay ‘Devolution’ the faster the demand for Separation is going to rise. It will only push the Tamil leaders to seek alternative measures like mobilizing large masses, if not all of the Tamil people (Sri Lanka & abroad), for a Non-violent campaign with Direct Action or even go further by calling for a UN sponsored referendum to be held for the North & East Tamils in Sri Lanka to establish a separate state like Kosovo.
Celeo / May 12, 2016
See folks,
As I said, eusense escaped, ran away with his tail between the legs, now he will come back in another thread and ask the same questions again. sach also does the same. These two jokers should be ignored, they are a waste of cyber space.
Native Vedda / May 12, 2016
“These two jokers should be ignored, they are a waste of cyber space.”
Please don’t deny me the fun, of course free of charge.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 11, 2016
Dear Sinhala man AKA Panini Edirisinghe,
You have made an unsubstantiated attack on me calling me dense and a horrible racist.
For your information, I have helped more Sinhalese than Tamils including members of my family.
One Sinhala person whom I helped in 1981 by putting his family in my home in Colombo, prevented my house being burnt in 1983.
Another Sinhala person whom I helped financially, helped me to regain my house from a Muslim tenanat in 1987, by arranging thugs to chase him away.
I have helped several Sinhalese to come to UK by giving letters of sponsorship for visa.
There are few Sinhalese who came to me for financial help in UK, who still owe me money and are absconding.
I am still held in respect by fair minded Sinhalese in UK, as an honest and straight forward person.
I was elected President to three prestigious associations in UK, all with an overwhelming Sinhala majority.
Still I am sought after by those bodies for advice and help.
I have been stating the truth and if it is not palatable to you, it is you who is dense.
I am for justice and equality in every aspect of life and frimly believe that merit should be the criteria.
Therefore your statement about me does not hold water.
Native Vedda / May 11, 2016
“WE who have always wielded State Power (rightly so, given the population ratio)”
Does the emotionally bound majoritarianism give them the right to make most horrendous, fatalistic and stupid decisions? If anything the majoritarianism had enriched a few people and brought petty Pol Pots to power, absolute power at that, and pain to majority people in this island.
Will of the majority people expressed in periodic elections do not reflect the true nature of democracy. It is only a competition among one or more parties. The manifesto pledges mostly irrational, (for example free rice from moon, Sinhala only language Act) have done more harm than any good. You have conveniently left out the important issue of institutionalised racism which is pervasive and entrenched in in this island, a form of tyranny of the majority.
You rightly say “so it is AGAIN we who have to bear primary responsibility.”
I am glad that you are trying your best to put some sanity into Nuisance’s head, hope you succeed.
Dr,Rajasingham Narendran / May 13, 2016
Do not pretend to be the proverbial ostrich!
IF you want to learn , read the UNP election manifesto of 1977 and the subsequent reports of the Parliamebtary Select Committees on the subject.
Eusense / May 14, 2016
Why do you say “Do not pretend to be the proverbial ostrich!”
Why on earth do you think I don’t know what is going on. I know the truth what is going on. Not a single Tamil has answered my question of “Tamil problems”. Only thing they do is list demands! There are no set of laws separate to Tamils. You think there are? There are no discriminator laws. How did you became who you are today with all that discrimination, ethnic cleansing, genocide, suppression, prejudice etc. etc. you write that Tamils are subjected? These are all fake accusations to get attention from foreign powers. You apparently pretend to be the proverbial ostrich! Very well knowing these are all misinterpretations.
I asked you this question “For example, what problems did you have as a Tamil when compared to a Sinhalese villager from Anuradhapura?” Why are you bringing Ostrich story?
I don’t want to read the UNP election manifesto of 1977 because they are all aimed at getting Tamil votes. It is similar to what SWRD did making Sinhalese the state language to win the Sinhalese vote.
PROUDMAN / May 9, 2016
You have forgotten to add
Boot licking of the ruling party.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 10, 2016
Dear Dr. Narendran,
You are talking about improvement of 13th amendment.
North-east merger is part of the 13th amendment.
Without it we are starting at 13 Minus.
The referendum clause was added on the request of JR.
India agreed to it on the assurance given by JR that referrendum will be postponed indefinitely.
Premadsa and Chandrika postponed it accordingly.
It is Mahinda who de-linked it with the help of Supreme court.
During the trial Tamils were not allowed submissions arguing for the merger to remain.
Is this justice.
The then CJ Mr. Sarath Silva has outlined the process for a re-merger of the provinces, which both past and present governments have ignored.
Indo-Lanka is an international agreement between India and Srilanka which neither can change or abrogate unilaterally.
Srilanka courts has no jurisdiction on internatinal agreements.
If Srilanka had reservations about it, it should have taken the matter to internatonalcourt of justice.
You know what the result would be, as Srilanka does not have a valid reason to get it changed or abrogated.
Srilanka government depended on the racist Supreme court to do the dirty work.
Unfortunately, India did not object to it for reasons better known to themselves.
You know what happend to MS/RW when they wanted to abrogate the port city project unilaterally.
China put it’s foot down firmly and MS/RW had to eat humble pie.
You are saying that no merger of north and east unless there is a demand from the east.
The demand for merger among Tamils has increased now, as they are being discriminated by the Muslim ruled council with the tacit approval of government.
Lands belonging to Tamils from which they were driven off during the war and being occupied by Muslims and Sinhalese are not being returned to them, despite court order in some cases.
New Sinhala settlements are being made to distort the ethnic balance in Batticaloa district.
Muslims who aided and abetted with Sinhalese in murder and ethnic cleansing of Tamils are now saying that they are the majority in East and should be the rulers.
There is no attempt by government to settle Tamils from east who were displaced during war and living in north and India, back in their original lands.
If north-east merger is injustice to Muslims and Tamils, no north east merger is injustice to Tamils.
Therefore I suggest that merger be affected after re-demarkaion in a fair manner without giving credit to ethnic cleansing of Tamils or large scale settlement of Sinhalese.
Historically, the original people of east were Veddhas, who have become Tamilised and are the legitimate owners.
Recently a chance discovery proves the existence of a seat of rule of this community in Vaharai area.
Muslims are in east only for 500 years, being settled there by King Senerath, after being persecuted by Portuguese.
Bulk of the Sinhalese are in east only for 80 years, being settled by successive Srilanka governements.
There are traditional Sinhala villages in eastern province.
Remove Amparai electorate and Lahugala AGA division from Amparai district and link it to UVA province.
Remove Gomarankadawela AGA division from Trincomalee district and link it to North-Central province.
By this 90% of Sinhalese will be moved out of eastern province.
Merge the balance areas in East to North.
To compensate for the lost land, Puttalam electorate in Puttalam district be removed and linked to Northern province.
Puttalam electorate has a Muslim-Tamil majority, where urn burial sites which are hallmark of dravidian settlement have been discovered, and the village names are in Tamil.
Once the alteration of boundaries are made and North-east merger is affected, carve out traditional Muslim villages (not recent legal and illegal settlements) into a non-contiguous territory in Pondichchery model into a muslim majority autonomous sub-regional council within the merged north-east.
All the rights enjoyed by Tamils must be granted to Muslims to adminster themselves.
If there is a will among Muslims and Sinhalese to grant justice to Tamils, this is not impossible.
Please remember peace cannot be achieved without justice, and to deny tamils their due is unacceptable.
Native Vedda / May 10, 2016
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
Soma, sach, Nuisance, Vibushna, Dimwit Jimmy, ….. and few others are not here to argue, exchange information and ideas, find truth,…
Since they have their own agenda they don’t mind being stupid morons. They ask the same question over and over again, to tire you out.
If you thought you are educating them you are mistaken.
There is no way you are going to convince these morons or reason out with them, for they have completely different intention to yours. It is not their judgement that should bother you but their intention.
I engage with them just for the fun of it.
eusense / May 10, 2016
Is that the reason you give stupid answers?
Ken Robert / May 8, 2016
Be a wheeler dealer. It is better than harping on ancestry and logic!
Antany Peter / May 8, 2016
“All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that they freely determine their political status and thereby pursue their economic, social and cultural development”.
We all know how you misused the power. Eliminated Prime Ministers, Presidents, MPs, intellectuals, defense forces and innocent civilians. Sorry, you missed few good opportunities, your ideology hasn’t changed. We are not prepared to trust you to manage the North and East. If we do, we are betraying the defense forces who gave their lives to liberate the country from the Asia’s longest brutal civil war.
Tamils’ problem was sorted long time ago, but Tamils weren’t smart enough to accept it. Because their brain works wrongly and looks for ways to create disasters not solutions. When G G Ponnambalam was the leader Sinhalese generously agreed 40:60 solution even though Tamils’ population wasn’t 40% at that time. But Tamils rejected it. Later on Tamils decided to take arms from New Delhi to kill their fellow countrymen. Then second opportunity came through Indo-Lanka agreement. Again Tamils rejected the good offer, but decided to listen to the West and turned their guns against Tamils, Sinhalese and Indians.
If Tamils have little brain, little love for their motherland and people they would have found a solution long time ago. Tamils are the least when it comes to honouring smart people. Jealousy is eating Tamils. Tamils would do anything to undermine their fellow Tamils, even if they have to join with foreign powers. I have been living in Jaffna since last August. I have been to many public events. Indian High Commission and the Westerners are the VIPs not smart Tamils or Sinhalese. Therefore, if we share power with Tamils we are sharing with foreign power. This will lead to a bloody disaster. We have to be on our knees to please the foreign power, if we share power with Tamil leaders.
Antany Peter
PROUDMAN / May 10, 2016
You have forgotten to add your speciality
Boot licking of the ruling party.
Criticising Tamils and Tamil politicians
PROUDMAN / May 10, 2016
Once again my mistake, somehow RN is changed to NV.
Sorry mate.
jim softy / May 10, 2016
Velupille pabakaran was a Sihala fruend. Tamil politicians are sinhala friends.
Kumarathasan Rasingam / May 9, 2016
well written article every Tamils must read. This is very good article for our youths to know our past and how we were treated by the successive Sri Lankan Governments; Our Tamils leaders betrayed by the Sinhalese politicians and still the same situation continues. It is time for Tamils all over the world to expose the truth to the UN and world leaders.
soma / May 9, 2016
Yes, every Tamil child particularly those +50% living in areas outside North and East must be educated on the vile and unpredictable nature of the Sinhalese. That will eventually encourage them to leave and settle down in North East.
Kumarathasan Rasingam / May 10, 2016
Mahavamsa contains accurate historical information as to the names of Kings, their period of rule from BC 247 to AD 352. For the contribution, Mahanama deserves credit, but he also cannot be blamed for the insertion of imaginary events like Yakki Kuveni changing herself to a maiden beauty to seduce Vijaya as well as miracles and unbelievable tales like Lord Buddha and 300 Bikkus flying from North India to Sri Lanka as these types of stories are also stated that “Each Chapter of the Mahavamsa is compiled for the serene joy and emotion of the pious” namely the Buddhist and he never intended it to be an authentic History text book.
Kumarathasan Rasingam / May 11, 2016
after a genocide in several countries the UN demanded referendum and countries like South Sudan, Kosovo, gained freedom. The same can be applied to Sri Lanka also due to the Genocide of 147,000 Tamils in 2009 and several pogroms against the Tamils in 1956, 1958, 1971, 1977, 1983 on wards until 2016. White Van disappearances, torture, rape, land grabs, state sponsored colonization, militarization etc.
The UN Charter clearly states the oppressed have the right to revolt for their freedom. Sri Lanka is under the UN watch – demanding reconciliation and justice to the oppressed Tamils. Sri Lanka cannot easily get away from all the crimes committed against the Tamils.
Ranga / May 22, 2016
get a life Thambu Kanagasabai and Co.
this is mental masturbation…
your endeavour to rule SL was defeated fair and square. Period.
if writing these kind of rubbish and commenting on them makes you happy, then its a sorry way to live your life.
sach / May 22, 2016
Going by the comments I think Celeo and Walagamba is this old fool who wrote this garbage