By C.V. Wigneswaran –
70 years since February 4th 1948. We Tamil speaking People were told that we had obtained Independence from the Britishers in 1948 and we looked forward to the creation of a happy, contented, prosperous Country free of foreign domination. Mr.Lee Kwan Yue of Singapore had pointed to the then Ceylon as his role model for economic prosperity and communal harmony.
Little did we realize that the Sinhalese political leaders had other ideas. They, as the majority community, had taken full control over all State power and authority from the Britishers and started to harass the minorities under the pretext that they had been discriminated by the Britishers. This was not true. Britishers always gave preference to merit and in open competition the Tamil speaking did well to hold many Government Jobs and other jobs. But discriminatory laws were brought to weaken the Tamil community in every way. After the passing of the Sinhala Only Act there was no doubt that the Tamils had fallen from the frying pan to the fire. Their existence from pre historic times in the North and East of Sri Lanka and their ancient Classical language were overlooked and the language of the majority was made the sole State and Official Language. Many a discriminatory Law was passed and well planned pogroms and riots were effected to evict Tamils from their places of residence in the seven provinces south of the North and East.
It became obvious that Tamils had lost their freedom to the Sinhalese in this process. Still the Armed Forces are occupying the North and East as if we are under siege. The Centre controls all activities political, social and economic in the North and East. It is patent that the State is interested in decreasing the number of Tamils in the North and East and increasing the presence of the majority Community there.
Hence we feel the celebration of Independence from the Britishers has lost its significance due to our coming under the domination and hegemony of the Sinhalese. Until we obtain real devolution of power under a Federal Constitution we cannot retrieve our lost rights in full. Hence how could you expect us as Tamils to celebrate the Fourth of February? I have not discussed this with my Co-Chairmen. But I am sure they will endorse what I say because all of us Tamils feel cheated and let down.
*Justice C.V. Wigneswaran, Co-Chairman, TPC and the Chief Minister of Northern Provincial Council
kettikaran / February 6, 2018
Let me give you examples of significant collective injustice to the Tamil Nation.
In 1971, 1988/89 Sinhala youth – mostly educated-unemployed and from the depressed castes took arms against the State. This was brutally put down – both by the SLFP and UNP led governments during their respective tenures. During the insurrection the JVP destroyed billions of State property, killed many civilians, political leaders and so on. Both Mrs. B’s SLFP regime and the UNP’s pardoned the
JVP, released them en masse from jails and restored them to society. Some of them became Cabinet Ministers and many joined civil society usefully. The Tamil Nation
applauds this correct action.
On the other hand, many Tamil youth from different groups, stung by Standardisation and other unjust laws, rose similarly like the JVP, against the State.
How did the Sinhala State respond to them?. War was virtually declared on the entire Tamil Nation. Involved and uninvolved youth were arrested and thrown into jail contrary to provisions of the Constitution. Although the war was over a decade ago some of these Tamil youth still languish in jail. Thousands were tortured and killed. Valuable agricultural land on which thousands of farming families lived for centuries were commandeered and their owners thrown out. Much of these lands are still denied to the rightful owners while the armed forces – and often their friends and relatives – today benefit in these properties despite protests from the Tamil owners. Even the UN has made strictures against GoSL.
Tamil fishermen are refused permission to go fishing in the seas in their areas whereas Sinhala fishermen from the South are encouraged by the army to enjoy the benefits||||||
It is time the Sinhala civil society and the Buddhist priesthood come to the aid of the grieving Tamils – before further harm comes to the undivided country.
I am sure we will have your understanding.
Sinhala_Man / February 8, 2018
Dear kettikaran,
Many thanks for the nice things said. I’m very tired right now. Will try to respond more fittingly and constructively before we actually vote.
K.Anaga / February 7, 2018
It appears that the only leader of the Tamils is Wigneswaran. He is the person who can speak out without fear or favour. Perhaps he is the right person too as he is not a racist. Both his sons are married to Sinhales. Sampanthar and Sumanthiran have lost their steam .Sapanthar is only keen in Maintaining the post of leader of the opposition and Sumanthiran is thankful for the reward of P>C.
Medalankara de Choppe / February 8, 2018
Sach, you need some blood to drink very day eh? What bolld do you prefer Tamil, Sinhala or hog’s blood after eating some shit.
Gorakaya / February 8, 2018
Wiggie, how right you are. Only the jokers from Rooooyal College, thieves and sadists enjoy the “Independance day”.
Soma / February 8, 2018
Sach your comments is typical of all other adverse comments- piecemeal and half-baked nonsense. Betrays ignorance of true history. It reflects emotional frustration being unable to refute incontrovertible truths.
Re (1) above – When was Sinhala created if not in 7 A.D.? There is nothing called ” Sinhala Prakrit”. Prakrit is an Indian language, parallel to Sanskrit. It was the common man’s language. A distorted, colloqualised form of Sanskrit. Sanskrit was the language of Hindu Scriptures, the Intellingentsia and Brahmincal class. Buddha preached in Prakrit to reach the common man. For example Dharma/ Dhamma, Karma/Kamma, Nirvana/Nibbana, Marga/ Magga etc. Merely because no Tamil inscription was found before 10 A.D, it does not mean there was no Tamil language. It is universally acknowledged that the oldest living languages are Sanskrit, Tamil and Mandarine Chinese. Sinhala language was created only in 7 A.D.. A Tamil Bhikku from S. India named Dhantha, came to Lanka and created the Sinhala alphabet based on the Tamil alphabet.. Sinhala Grammar ,Saddatsangrava is based on the Tamil Grammar, Virasolium.. This is even confirmed by Dr. C.E. Goddakkubura.. Sinhala language contains 90% of Sanskrit and Tamil words with modification. and with some Portuguese/English/Pali words. Even the name Lanka is derived from the original Tamil name “Ilankai”, by deleting the first and last letters.. Sinhala greeting ” ayubowan” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Ayul Bava”. Almost all the Sinhala personal names are of Tamil origin.
(Re) 2 above- Can you quote chapter and page where” Sinhala people” are referred in the Epic Mahabharatha?