13 February, 2025


Are Muslim Men Against Equality?

By Rizani Hamin

As a Sri Lankan Muslim woman working on women’s rights issues, this is unfortunately a question that my sisters and I ask ourselves almost everyday. 

More so in light of information surfacing about drastically contradicting viewpoints on key issues amongst members of the 2009 government appointed Committee, which was set up to recommend reforms to the 1951 Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA). 

The debates surrounding the MMDA in Sri Lanka – similar to the debates around issues involving Muslim women globally – have become, to put in simple words – a gender war. 

The division between men and women on opposing sides of the debates is becoming more and more distinct. Muslim women have been at helm of advocacy and activism for MMDA reforms for decades, amidst everyday allegations of ‘feminist, western, Zionist, anti-marriage, anti-Muslim and anti-Islam agendas’ and despite repeated risk, threat and intimidation faced by women from members of the same community. 

The number of supportive Muslim men who truly believe in equality of men and women and are willing to articulate and advocate for it – we can literally count on our fingertips. 

The split of opinions within the 2009 Committee is no surprise, as indicated last year with ACJU’s alternate reportIn fact it is well documented that the biggest opposition for progressive MMDA reforms has been from Muslim men who are considered religious and community leaders and who supposedly hold the ‘best interest of the Muslim community at heart’. However it is the limited reaction from some and absolute silence from other ordinary Muslim men, whom we hoped are more in touch with everyday realities, that has been more appalling. 

So what is it? What is so wrong about Muslim women asking for a law that will guarantee rights for both husbands and wives and promotes a marriage based on mawaddah wa rahmah (love and compassion), rather than harm and fear?

What is so impossible about a law that will guarantee legally, that Muslim children get the same protection of their rights as the rest of their non-Muslim peers? That having the minimum age of marriage as 18 means children have more opportunity for education and skill development so they have more options in life and are able to pursue them if they choose to do so? Will this hurt or help the Muslim community if our children have more time and chance to develop their potential?

What is so satanic about Muslim women upholding their belief in a humane religion of Islam and demanding for a MMDA that will limit the possibilities of discrimination and injustice against women and instead safeguard marriages?

What is so WRONG with this?

Wouldn’t it be beneficial for marriages, families and our community as a whole, if the rights of women were protected and guaranteed under a law, rather than allowing for legal loopholes where Muslim women can be left vulnerable and hurt?

Do we want a family law that will actually uphold the values of a ‘family’ or do we want a law that is more likely to break up families? Where bad men can marry young and marry many and divorce at their own will, with little to no repercussions or responsibilities?

What kind of marriages are these? What kind of marriages are we Muslims trying to promote?

Do Muslim men actually think it is a privilege for them to be able to have these so-called ‘God-given’ rights over women under the MMDA?

Is the right to legally hurt and harm a life-partner a PRIVILEGE?

Logically, why would any Muslim woman want to marry a Muslim man who has to right to take another wife without her decision, consultation or consent, who is able to give their daughters in marriage before 18 or who is able to divorce her at any time, without any reason?

Logically, why would we give up our God-given rights as an individual and complete human being for marriage to a man who can harm us under a law that is supposedly in the name of religion.

We hear this time and again that the advent of Islam granted women revolutionary and unparalleled rights – so what happened to this progress? With the spirit of equality that Islam brought to women over 1400 years ago – shouldn’t Muslims actually be leading the charge and be the staunchest advocates of gender equality in the current day?

But instead, we’re still debating archaic laws that limit and restrict the rights of Muslim women, while the rest of the world forges ahead in human progress.

Why are all those who are advocating for rights of Muslims in Sri Lanka – not supportive of MMDA reforms that embodies this spirit of gender equality?

The MMDA is not based on the Islam that I know and believe. I refuse to accept this cruelty and injustice as a Muslim. I refuse to accept a family law that treats me less than my Muslim husband just because I am a Muslim woman. No. 

What we need is a Muslim family law that is an example of kindness, empathy and justice – one that is seeking to strengthen the family by protecting the rights of spouses. One that truly reflects the currently realities of Muslim families and enables children to grow in a safe and loving environment where both their parents feel they are valued and are equal in the family.   

An egalitarian family law is going to strengthen us, but only if we eliminate the possibility of harm and discrimination. It is going to strengthen our partnerships and our ability to make valuable contributions to our communities and our country. So why is that so hard to understand?

For anyone who has the best interest of our community at heart – supporting a family law based on equality for Muslim men and women should be the start of the efforts towards equality for the Muslim community.  

To believe in equal rights for Muslims and demonize the efforts of Muslim women in achieving equality – is hypocrisy of the highest order.

So the time has come for Sri Lankan Muslim men to decide on whether to support equality for Muslim women or to allow injustices to continue in the name of religious and minority rights.

There is no middle ground, or ‘compromise’ to be made here. Men who are not supporting positive and progressive reforms to the MMDA, are clearly not on the side of justice and equality for all Muslims because you cannot have one without the other.  

So, what will Sri Lankan Muslim men choose to do?

Latest comments

  • 11

    Rizani Hamin,

    ACJU is not all Muslim men. According to you, who are the ordinary and extraordinary among Muslims men? (LOL). If you see there are only a few men who are opposing MMDA, then you are unlucky to be surrounded by those extraordinary Muslim men according to your own terms.

    How many Muslim women have you seen fighting for MMDA reforms? You’re exaggerating the numbers. According to your own version, those extraordinary Muslim women who fight for reforms are less than what we can count on our fingertips. A few like you coming out on online media is not going to take your voice anywhere, especially in SL. You need to energize “ordinary” Muslim women and transform them to be ‘extraordinary’ at a ground level.

    You can’t forever be card-board activists online for article “wow” and put the blame on someone or something else. Get your hands dirty, understand the current situation of poor, uneducated Muslim women from street to street, make them aware of the situation (90% of so said ordinary Muslim women have no idea about what MMDA or its equivalence in Tamil language also, let alone its negative impacts on them), mingle with non-English speaking, poor Muslim women, get out of your vehicles and go into every nook and corners to talk to them.

    How can women fight for women rights when yourselves are divided based on social statuses?
    Instead of doing the real things, you have discussed the matter among your own sisters and coming up with an article is so boring or it only suggests you’re a hobby writer. :-)

    • 10

      Look who just woke up. Seems like you don’t know about the women on the ground agitating for reforms.. some of them have been threatened and abused by their community leaders. But yeah how would you know that right, just pass judgement on those doing something about it.

      • 10

        Not a zealot:

        Don’t just read what I wrote. Try to understand what I am saying. Women getting agitated is not going to help you win your rights. Do something effective, just because everyone writes articles in CT, don’t do that while 90% Muslim women have no idea of what’s good and bad in MMDA. Why don’t these funny writers go into real lives of Muslim women and fight for their freedom? If these sort of writers think their limitations end at CT, I suggest them do some worthwhile contribution to the community like giving some free English classes to poor kids around, rather than creating mess out of MMDA with half-knowledge

      • 3

        The Geneva patriots are the ones who are trying to destroy the divine rules of the Ummah. These western lackey women can always walk naked if they chose, but do not destroy the god sent gifts to a happy married life. Why marry anyway, you can chose to live together. Anyway, no one will care about you. By the way, pass on your contact, so that we could have a bang without commitment.

    • 12

      The sort of comments are the types made by bigoted hobby commenters. Instead of pontificating as to what Rizani should be doing why not set an example yourself?
      Start talking MMDA1951 with ACJU Chair Mufti Riziwi. Your very first sentence is “ACJU is not all men”. Find out how many women are in ACJU.

      • 8


        Seriously? LOL. And do you know that it’s your own comment falls and gets the top-most ‘bigotted’ award here? Let’s me tell you, this sort of not so well-thought articles is a good nourishment for a narrow, prejudiced minded people like you who await an opportunity to shed some crock tears and trample on others forgetting the backyards :-)

        I, as well as many other men, can definitely start doing more than talking to Mufti Rizvi, as long as you’re ready to come out with this writer holding a placard to protest in front of ACJU’s office, and that is the sprite that is needed to win the reforms, not just another CT bla..bla…bla..to waste time.

        Are you in Colombo to join us or coming down to kick Mufti Rizvi together?

    • 8

      You are a chauvinist! it is all written in your comment mate!

      • 7

        If you guys are too pig-headed to listen to what I say, obviously I will look like a chauvinist for you – Not my mistake :-)

    • 6

      Rizani Hamim,

      RE: Are Muslim Men Against Equality (of Women)? Re:MMDA

      Muslim Men are Against Equality (of Chattel)?

      Muslim Men consider women to be Chattel, per the Tribal Traditions of 7th century, which Prophet Mohamed tried to disband, but the tribals managed to resurrect many of their chattel traditions.

      Per MMDA Muslim women are Chattel, things, that are owned by men.

      Who gives equality to chattel, things, “Badu”?

      Is your TV, chattel, equal to you?

    • 0

      She doesn’t even publish her picture in the article, how can she come out to fight for other women? First, the change has to start with her.

  • 7

    Rizani Hamim
    Whoever you are you have opened a devils comment box here. Now there going to be hundred of Islam bashing comment from hundreds waiting for an article like this to pour there jealousy and hatred on Islam and Muslim. You must be reading CT, why don’t you clique the comments written on other articles by Muslims (Islam or Muslim related) and see. If you are a wise woman you can form an activist group and contact educated prominent Muslims, Islamic Organizations and also write in Muslim newspapers or newsletters and fight for changes. You say we are debating on an archaic law and at the same time saying above “Islam gave women revolutionary and unparalleled rights” What kind of double standard talk is this? Family and marriage law is from Islamic jurisprudence and MMDA just following it although there are room to make amendments but not doing it. It was based on Sharia built on Quran and Sunna of Prophet Muhammed, then this too should be archaic for you. Are you a Muslim, an idiot lacking Islamic knowledge or a non-Muslim writing with a Muslim name? No Muslim giving their daughter below the age of 12, you can’t even dream about it. No Muslim giving there daughters in marriage if they are studying, those poor family who cannot afford to give education might give but that is also when the daughters are well above 16 years. Have you statistic to prove otherwise? An old man can marry a girl if the girl is willing. No parents can forcefully but such things not happening. I will give you a story of old Muslim (around 70) who married a girl of 17 or so. This man was fabulously rich merchant.

    • 6

      (Cont) My comment about the old man was not published may be because more than 300 words. Anyway I will make it short here. This old got with the approval of his family to a girl from a very poor family. The girl’s mother after getting the consent from daughter gave her in marriage to this old man. The girl had around 5 younger sisters. The old man had few children with her. He bought a house for each of her sisters, gave education and met all their needs. Gave some girls in marriage with hefty dowries to some good parties. Now tell me did this old man did the right thing or the mother of the girl sinned by giving her daughter to an old man? This is happening everywhere even in Non-Muslim countries. Islam has no compulsion, doing a right thing is not a sin. This Mufti doing a sin by not amending it although there is room to do it. Prophet Muhammed gave his daughters in marriage when they were above 23 years.

      • 8

        Dear Ralli,

        I guess you are a decent man, and your story is similar to what I heard from a distinguished Islamic scholar from the West Indies. I got at it by following a link given by Amarasiri or Native Veddah.

        Never mind the lack of scholarship on my part. You story miust be authentic, but one swallow does not make the summer.

        It is wrong for you to request (almost order) Rizani to stop agitating. You are afraid that non-Muslims will start bashing you. I’d like you to answer me straight: these comments are not in chronological order. My other comment appeared before yours. Am I basing you?

        Yes, please answer that question. Am I bashing you?

        • 0


          Can you tell what all those non-Muslim write whenever an article by Muslim (regarding Muslims affair or religion) published in CT? If you say it is not Islam or Muslim bashing you are defending those racist devils. Their writing is similar to their masters writing in western media. I am not telling Rizani not to agitate but to do it in a proper way as I have mentioned above and not to open devils comment box in CT. How many Muslim women or men would have seen her article, definitely very negligible amount and how it is going to have a impact on them? I am not afraid of non-Muslim bashing since those are from low grade human beings. You know most of them say we are following archaic and barbaric religion. Islam appeared 1700 years back and at that time people are more civilized. Other religions are over 2000 years old, at a time people not much civilized and barbaric so it is right to say those religions are more archaic and barbaric. I do not know whether you are bashing until I see your other comments. If time permit I will see those and give you an answer. As for your above comment I don’t see any bashing. Amarasiri is a web ,mania and by seeing what in web you cannot come to a intelligent conclusion.

          • 4

            Rali Ameen,

            “Amarasiri is a web mania and by seeing what in web you cannot come to intelligent conclusion”

            Interesting. This is what is called low IQ. and being brainwashed by the Ulama, Theologians like Mufti Rizvi, and your inability to comprehend. Amarasiri is well aware that the average IQ in Sri Lanka is 79, and the Muslim IQs are in that region.

            The Earth was not spread put like a carpet, the Sun does not go around a stationary earth, and humans evolved out of Primates, who had 48 chromosomes. Please check up your Chromsome #2.

            The Ulama, Theologians like Mufti Rizvi are clueless, brainwashed and ignorant. They were best described by Ibn Rushd, aka Averroes, in te 12th Century.

            Thus, he regrets the position of women in Islam compared with their civic equality in Plato’s Republic. That women are used only for childbearing and the rearing of offspring is detrimental to the economy and responsible for the poverty of the state. This is most unorthodox.


            Ken Miller on Human Evolution


            Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.

            • 1


              I said above you are web mania and you are proving it here. What is IQ, Primates chromosomes, shape of the earth etc has got to do with MMDA. Sri Lankan average IQ is 79 mean your too should have the same. Or are you a white American? If you have knowledge of Averroes philosophy why don’t you write what Averroes said about Sharia and Islam. With your primate chromosomes you cannot do that. Averroes was pursuing philosophy and metaphysics and at no time he gave different views about Shari or Islam. In fact he said Shari although similar to Pluto’s view justice but much superior. You have a wrong view of what Averroes said about women. He said women should not be used only for childbearing and rearing offspring in a different context, that is they should be in equal footing as men on gaining knowledge. God or nature has created women for childbearing and rearing. Averroes being a philosopher will not contradict this natural phenomena. The problem is you are a web mania, reading only but cannot imbibe the truth. That is why you are muddling up everything. Dr. Ken Miller identifies exact fusion of two primates. By any chance is it your gene? Theologian studies the existence of god and religious belief. Mufti Rizvi is just a Ulama not a Theologian. Have you read books written by him on Theology?

              • 5

                Rali Ameen,

                You better read the writings of Ibn Rshd, Averroes, and how he showed that it is knowledge that separates the philosophers from the Theologians and Ulama, who are like parrots, who do not use reason.

                Go and ask your Ulama Mufti Rizvi about:

                1. Flat Earth ( Quran)
                2. Mountains pegged.(Quran)
                3. Sun goes around the earth (Quran)
                4. Adam and eve, (Quran)
                5. Evolution-(Science)
                6,. Reason vs, Revelation: Dispute between Philosophers and Theologians
                7. Prophet’s last sermon, and the rights given to them in that sermon.
                8. The traditions of the Tribals.
                9. Why are the people going around the Kaba 7 times ?From where did this originate? From the KUFFAR? From Where did the Kuffar pick it up? From ABRAHAM? From where did ABRAHAM? WHY?

                Why not ask your “learned” theologians Ulama, Mufti Rizvi, and for that matter from anybody.

                • 0


                  It is not necessary for me to read about Ibn Rushd, Ibn Sinna, Al-Khawarizmi or other Islamic scholars and inventors because I read about them long ago not in web (no computers at that time) but books written by Muslims and non-Muslims. You write Ibn Rushd and Averroes but you web mania does not know it refers to one and the same person, Averroes is Latinized name. Ibn Rushd memorized Quran at age of 10. All these people did not give conflicting views of Quran and Sharia but being Philosophers tried to unite Philosophy and religion. If you know so much about Averroes I said why don’t you give in details what he said about Islamic Marriage and Divorce Law but you are not writing about it because you don’t know head or tail of it. I can give in details about the 9 questions you want me to ask from Rizwi but it will take pages which is not possible here but I will give some short answers. There are abound of web pages which openly attack Islam and there are pages which attack indirectly and sinister way. Since you are a mania, cannot choose which correct or not correct. Now about flat earth it is the Bible and Torah which says earth is flat and also abound in other mistakes and mythology. Is there are website questioning those and ridiculing Bible, no. Muslim can open website to attack them but they don’t resort to such cheap act.
                  Your number 1. Nowhere in Quran it says earth is flat but says spread out or spread like carpet. Quran also says God created heaven and earth for a true purpose and he wrap the night around day and day around night.

                  • 3

                    Ralli Ameen,

                    1. Your knowledge about Ibn Rushd, his writings, and his disputes with Hamid Al Ghazali, (who advocated revelation over reason), are all very shallow. Ibn Rushd. Clearly showed that Gahzali was in error 17 out of 10 times, in Incoherence of the Incoherence.. These are beyond comprehension for theologians , Ulama and their blind brainwashed followers,. Amarasiri is in possession of the printed translated works of Ibn Rushd as well as some of Ghazali, Incoherence of the Philosophers.

                    2. Averroës, Abū al-Walīd Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Rushd (born 1126, Córdoba[Spain]—died 1198, Marrakech.

                    3. He wrote the Decisive Treatise on the Agreement Between Religious Law and Philosophy, and The Incoherence of the Incoherence (Tahāfut al-Tahāfut), all in defense of the philosophical study of religion against the theologians (1179–80).

                    4. Reforming Islam should be accompanied by treating the Quran as a Book of knowledge, and using reason to interpret revelations, without literally and blindly interpreting the scriptures. Is the Earth spread out like a carpet, does the Sun go around the Earth, as claimed in the Quran and the Bible ( Joshua)? The Islamic Philosopher, jurist and polymath Ibn Rushd, Averroes, and many other Philosophers, including the Mu’tazilites , have stated well over 1,000 years the need to use reason. Unfortunately, for the Muslims, the Theologians, i.e. Ulama prevailed due to political reasons, and revelation was always above reason and observations, and the Theologians were able to maintain their grip on Islam and maintain their hegemony. That is happening today as well. That is why women are still subjugated, and women can’t drive in Wahhabi Saudi Arabia, because they are chattel.

                    • 3

                      Rali Ameen,

                      Correction: Ghazali was in error 17 out of 20 issues, as shown by Ibn Rushd, in 17 out of 20 arguments.

                      That is like getting 15% marks, clearly a fail, cleraly shown in Incoherance of the Incoherence. It was written in the style of a dialogue against al-Ghazali’s claims in The Incoherence of the Philosophers (Tahāfut al-Falasifa), which criticized Neoplatonic thought.

                      Originally written in Arabic, The Incoherence of the Incoherence was subsequently translated into many other languages. The book is considered Averroes’ landmark; in it, he tries to create harmony between faith and philosophy.

                      However, Ghazali did get it right about the Sufis.

                      Ghazali would have abhorred the Devil, Satan , Iblis following Wahhabi-Salafis and their clones such as ISIS etc.

                    • 0


                      Why are you inserting your comment in the middle instead at the end of my full comment. Is it to confuse? Why are you writing Averroes and Ibn Rushd as two different persons even after I pointed out as one person to you. Doesn’t it shows your incoherence? I asked you to write here what Ibn Rushd said about Islamic Marriage and Divorce Law but you are not writing. I know you would have searched the web, didn’t find answers so not writing about it. Also tell me whether Ibn Rushd and other Muslim philosophers followed Islam according to Quran or a innovated type of Islam? For your information all them didn’t not deviate from Quranic teaching and Sunna. Didn’t I tell you above you should have rational, logical mind to understand Quran and not with incoherent mind. If you at least can give good answers with explanations for question here, indeed I will accept you as a learned person otherwise just a brain washed web mania. Earth (ground) is spread like carpet mean on whatever shape it is spread like carpet that is round, sphere, cone or cube. If you take those shapes as huge as earth then for a man on it, it is spread; your incoherent mind. You idiot Ghazali himself a philosopher and only turned away early Muslims thoughts from medieval philosophical speculations. During Ghazali period Ibn Rushd was not born even. Can you give the date they argued and the 17 errors Ghazali made? Even a 5th grade boy will say need reasoning. So do you think if Muslims cannot reason out there will be a 2 billion Muslims today?

                • 0

                  It also says and after that made this egg shaped. If you or anyone having rational insightful understanding based on rational logic will come to the conclusion Quran actually says earth is egg shaped not round, This is what science also says now.
                  Number 2. Mountains are truly pegged on earth with it base or do science say it is floating.
                  Number 3. Quran says sun, moon, earth etc floating in it orbit and if it say sun goes around earth that is, it is how it looks. If you look from earth the sun how do you see?
                  Number 4. Yes there has to be a first man and woman.
                  Number 5. Apes are still swinging on trees but not men. some birds and insect build their own dwelling (nest) but the apes cannot. Don’t you think there is big flaw in evolution.
                  Number 6. If Philosophers are not atheist there won’t be any conflicts with religion likewise if Theologian understand his religion by rational logic there won’t be any conflict with Philosophy.
                  Number 7. This sermon directed to entire humanity and anybody reading this will never say anything bad in it.
                  Number 8. Traditions of all tribes had crept in to Islam and those which does not confirm to preaching of Islam can be discarded.
                  9. People going around Kaba 7 times is a tradition one way of confirming to Ibrahim’s (Abraham) religion. Abraham is not a Kuffar theis worshiping all types of idols.
                  In fact it is absurd even writing all these to a Mania.

                  • 3

                    Ralli Ameen,

                    You have been brainwashed. You also show lack of knowledge in reason, history,, and in science including biology.

                    Since the Earth is flattened at the poles and bulges at the equator, geodesy represents the shape of the Earth with anoblate spheroid. The oblate spheroid, or oblate ellipsoid, is an ellipsoid of revolution obtained by rotating an ellipse about its shorter axis. It is not egg shaped.

                    Aristotle (350 BCE) argued that the Earth was spherical, based on the lunar eclipse shadows on the moon.

                    Eratosthenes, 300 BCE is best known for being the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth, which he did by comparing altitudes of the mid-day sun at two places a known North-South distance apart. the mid-day sun at two places a known North-South distance apart. His calculation was remarkably accurate.

                    Reason, science, philosophy has nothing to do with being an atheist or a believer. It is all data and good deductive reasoning.

                    Going around the Kaba seven times, was done by the Kuffar, and Islamic history claims that it was Abraham who built the Kaba, and he went around 7 times(?).Why 7 times?

                    From where did Abraham come from? Babylonia..
                    Abraham, Father of the Middle East


                    Babylonians thought that the Sum, the Moon and the 5 planets went around the stationary Earth. Their Astrology was based on that. In Babylon as well as in Assyria as a direct offshoot of Babylonian culture, astrology takes its place as one of the two chief means at the disposal of the priests for ascertaining the will and intention of the gods.

                    If Abraham introduced the tradition of going around the Kaba 7 times, then it was a Babylonian tradition, in keeping with the heavens.

                    • 0

                      I have studied history, Biology as separate subjects Zoology and Botany, Physics, Chemistry and have knowledge to reason out any differences. You idiot Aristotle believed earth as geocentric and sun, moon and stars travel around it. If Aristotle said earth is spherical and Erathosthene calculated circumference of earth where are their writings at least in cuneiform or parchment form, in which Museum or library you can see this. At least ask those who fed this to Wiki where you can see proof. I said atheist philosophers do not include religion in their study, likewise religious philosophers do not include atheism in their studies. Our rational mind should be able to deduce the facts. Abraham (Ibrahin) did not believe in idols or dead people as god and not a Kuffar (non-believer). Abraham is from eastern middle-east. Babylonian culture is thousands of years older than Islamic culture, what this has got to do with Kaba? You are a web mania with a very low IQ, don’t mix up everything like making juice. Muslims do not believe in astrology and Sunni Muslims do not have priesthood.

                  • 3

                    Ralli Ameen, Brainwashed Fundamentalist Wahhabi-Salafi.

                    Read up on the Hadith of Najd.

                    There are three types of people.
                    1. Idiots, who are misled by the brainwashed (Ulema, Priests, Politician etc. some for personal self-interest.) Example: Rali Ameen.
                    2. Brainwashed ((Ulema, Priests, Politician etc. some for personal self-interest.). Example: Rizvi Mufti.
                    3. The knowledgeable, the Intelligent, the Philosophers and Scientists and others who can reason and think. Example: Amarasiri, Ibn Rushd etc.

                    4. Stupidest Muslim Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power
                    5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyCxrL9-C84

                    6. This is not a debate between some Muslim and Neil Tyson. But this video shows the thinking of some very well educated 21’st century Muslim (I don’t know he is ignorant, stupid or dishonest. But he is one for sure) and Neil Tyson speaking in a lecture about how Muslims intellectual power ruined by an ideology. He is the Earth is egg-shaped idiotic Muslim guy.

                    7. Ibn Rushd in his darkest hour
                    8. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/artsandculture/2015/4/9/ibn-rushd-in-his-darkest-hour

                    9. Why would anyone remember Galileo Galilee if he were not individualistic and self-assured enough to confront the ruling dogma of a geocentric universe?
                    10. https://chechar.wordpress.com/category/galileo-galilee/

                    1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says
                    1 In 2 Sri Lankans and Arabs Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Estimated.


                    A quarter of Americans surveyed could not correctly answer that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, according to a report out Friday from the National Science Foundation.

                    • 0


                      Hadith of Najd pointing to innovators of Quran and Sunnah, so Prophet Muhammad was pointing at them. Why should he point to those who strictly follow his Quran and Sunna?
                      1. You are a type of idiot misled by web or Shia etc.
                      2. You are also a brain washed person.
                      3. Compared to Ibn Rushd your an idiotic veddah.
                      4. I already told you what you see in western media is ten commandments for you.
                      5. I don’t follow web mania hobby.
                      6. Egg shape mean end pointed and middle bulges.
                      7. He wouldn’t have seen anything
                      8,9, 10. Web manias reasons.

              • 4

                Rali Ameen, RE: Muslim Women, Islam and Reason

                Your Z score is zero or negative in the distribution, and that is the reason for the difficulty you have in reading and comprehending the cited references and understanding the writings of Ibn Rishd, aka Averroes. This is a general problem with the brainwashed fundamentalists and Wahhbies and their clones, because they lack reason. Just look at the GMAT scores of Wahhabi Saudi Graduates who took the GMAT exam, and they were at the bottom of the world.

                What does ants know about computers? What does brainwashed Wahhabi fundamentalists know about reasoning?


                Regression Plot: The regression plot for GMAT scores and L&V’s (2012) Estimated National IQs is shown below.


                Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz was a Saudi Arabian Islamic scholar and a leading proponent of the Wahhabi form of Islam. He was the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia from 1993 until his death in 1999.


                In 1966, when Ibn Baz was vice-president of the Islamic University of Medina, he wrote an article denouncing Riyadh University for teaching the “falsehood” that the earth rotates and orbits the sun.

                • 0


                  You may consider this as continuation of my above post. What Quran says about earth and universe is confirmed as true not by a web mania like you but by many non-Muslim scientists. You can interpret Quran but cannot translate exactly because of the hidden meanings in every verse. Now for instance it says Allah made man from clay, this looks absurd at a glance but if you try to understand it in a rational logical way, you will see what its says is true. Main building block of your body is carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphate, sulfur etc. The main constituents of clay or earth. Here again you write Ibn Rushd and Averroes as two different person so your Z scores says you are a MODAYA. How can anyone be brain washed if he is capable of thinking rational way. I accept what Wahab did was correct because the reformation he brought were correct. Modayas won’t accept that. If Ibn Baz says earth is not round his faculty of rational logical thinking is zero. Many non-Muslim says same thing, Samuel Robvbothan a writer and inventor (1816-1884) too said earth is flat and enclosed in space. Do you know still people in western countries do not believe in Moon landing and sending robots to Mars? In a way it is their logical thinking since Nasa came out with fabulous stories like building colonies, extracting minerals, having regular travels like going in a bus, alas it is nearly 70 years, moon is just moon and earth is just earth. Now they are hanging on mars. Saudis have more educated people than in Sri Lanak and 50% of them products of western universities. You and your GMAT scores. For you what comes out from west is like receiving 10 commandments from god.

                  • 3

                    Ralli Ameen, Brainwashed Fundamentalist Wahhabi-Salafi.

                    Read up on the Hadith of Najd.

                    Amarasiri has Ibn Rushd’s books(translations), Hamid Al Ghaali’s book, Incoherence of the Philosophers as well as Abdul Wahhab’s Kitabul Tawhud, (translation). Amarasiri KNOWS that Averroes, is the Latinized name of Ibn Rushd,

                    Abdul Wahhab’s brother Suleiman Wahhab wrote a book denouncing Abdul Wahhab and his Wahhabisnm. He was also discredited by the Islamic Scholars a that time, and read up on the Hadith of Najd, WHERE THE IBLIS Satan came from.

                    The Divine Lightning Paperback – January 3, 2011
                    by Imam Sulaiman ibn `Abdul Wahhab (Author),‎ Al-Hajj Abu Ja`far Al-Hanbali (Translator)

                    Whether it be Al-Qaeda, Ahle Hadith, GIA or any other medley of titles, these groups stem from the same source: Muhammad ibn `Abdul Wahhab and his Ikhwan, or ‘Brotherhood’ movement. For the first time in English, the reader has a full historical and theological explanation of Salafi yyah. The author, Imam Sulaiman ibn `Abdul Wahhab, was the fi rst to write about and ultimately fall victim to the movement. Anyone seeking answers – Muslim or not – needs to understand that this tribulation did not begin on a Tuesday in 2001, but in the mind of a false prophet more than 200 years ago.

                    Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted


                    • 0


                      If you know Averroes as Latinized name of Ibn Rushd why did you write them as two person, Modaya. No point you having books because you have incoherent mind. Wahab brother must have been making money on innovated Islam so this rascal must have hated his brother. All over the world in some Muslims countries this is happening and I will just point out one in Sri Lanka. You go to Devatagaha Mosque and tell the trustee of the tomb of saint there that some Muslims are saying you all are committing sin (fitnah) here by encouraging saint worship. He will immediately brand those Muslims as Wahabi and will come out with thousands of reason it is not a sin, otherwise their till won’t get filled. So first you come out with a rational, logical answer who is correct. The so called Wahabi or those filthy innovators for money and power. I am not trying to defend Wahab but anybody who says you should only follow Quran and Sunna of Prophet Muhammad is correct. Otherwise how can I call myself a good Muslim.

                    • 3

                      Dear Ralli Ameen, Feb 12, 2018.

                      The problem you have is that your Z-score of the IQ distribution is either zero or quite negative. That is why you keep writing” If you know Averroes as Latinized name of Ibn Rushd why did you write them as two pperaon, Modaya”

                      Do you have a reading and comprehension problem?

                      Amrarsiri respectfully requests that you read the comment by Amarasiri to Ralli Ameen on February 7, 2018, that said:

                      “The Theologians, Ulama like Mufti Rizvi are clueless, brainwashed and ignorant.They were best described by Ibn Rushd, aka Averroes, in the 12th Century..”

                      aka Averroes means also known as .

                      Perhaps you never heard about Ibn Rushd, aka Averroes, and many others and that is the reason for your confusion. Same with Mufti Rizvi. The error you are making is that you are not learning from your errors and mistakes, and which limits your progress. Prophet Mohamed (Pbuh) said that go even on to China in search of knowledge.

                      Here in this day and age, Amarasiri is throwing knowledge at your face, with data and references, and you refuse to use reason and accept the truth.

                      The Greeks and the Catholic Church finally acceptes the truth of the Heliocentric model and moved on. When will the Muslims, at least those with some common sense accept the truith and move on, as requested by Prophet Mohamed (Pbuh) said that go even on to China in search of knowledge.

                      Ralli Ameen, use reason and grow up!

                  • 3

                    Ralli Ameen, Brainwashed Fundamentalist Wahhabi-Salafi.

                    Read up on the Hadith of Najd.

                    The Iblisic, Satanic Age of Wahhabis,.

                    Saudi Lie About Najd Exposed By Shiekh Imran Hossain – Watch This Video for Latest News


                    This video is about the current situation of KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arab). Sheikh Imran Hossain is going to reveal the secret of holy prophecy about satanic horn comes from “Najd”. Where Najd is actually located and what is the relevance between ISIS, Israel and United States of America. How Saudi’s king Salman and his kingship playing with the hands of these enemies and why is Yemen and Syria in war. If you have any suggestion related to the video, Please massage us. we will regard your opinion.

                    • 1


                      All those wars are politically incited. Main culprits are Israel and US. The so called Shias, Alawites (Syria) and other Muslim cults making it easier for them. Those donkey Sunnis state for false fear of Shia and their power falling into the hand of the biggest satan USA. I am not branding the people of USA as satans but the administrative lobby and Zionist. When you are bringing an argument with me in this forums don’t write links of web pages. I know you are a web mania but try to argue with provable reasons.

                • 0


                  To understand what you say is right explain the question. When a student ask a question from his lecturer he cannot say go and ask from invented that or see websites. So explain my questions correctly or you are an idiot and a web mania. You can see down what I have written about Baz.

                  • 3

                    Ralli Ameen,

                    Truth is the biggest challenge for myth believers, and those who have been brainwashed.

                    Information, correct information, if gathered from true eyewitnesses, by observations, from written reports in books or in the web is information, that if correct must be explained and analyzed. The Catholic Church dismissed the data of Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler, (the Heliocentric Model) and went with Joshua’s interpretation of the Geocentric Model.

                    Joshua prayed that God help the Israelites in their battle by stopping the sun: “Then Joshua spoke to the Lord on the day when the Lord delivered the Amorites before the children of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel: ‘Sun, stand still [dom] upon Gibeon; and you, Moon, in the valley of Ayalon.’” (Joshua 10:12).

                    Believe what you want, but to accept it as the truth, it must pass tests to being accepted as the truth. Amarasiri is no Shia, but an Egalitarian

                    There is circumstantial evidence, and Hadith citations, that point to the Wahhabis are Satanis, Iblisis, and they like to kill people.

                    The Wahhabi sack of Karbala occurred on 21 April 1802 (1216 Hijri) (1801[1]), under the rule of Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad the second ruler of the First Saudi State. Approximately 12,000 Wahhabis from Najd attacked the city of Karbala.[5]:387 The attack coincided with the anniversary of 10th Muharram.[2]:74

                    Wahhabis killed 2,000[2]:74–5,000[3] of the inhabitants and plundered the tomb of Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of Muhammad and son of Ali ibn Abi Talib,[2]:74 and destroyed its dome, seizing a large quantity of spoils, including gold, Persian carpets, money, pearls, and guns that had accumulated in the tomb, most of them donations. The attack lasted for eight hours, after which the Wahhabis left the city with more than 4,000 camels carrying their plunder.

                  • 3

                    Ralli Ameen,

                    Do you have about 2% Neanderthal and about 2% Denisova genes? What about your Chromosome #2 out of the 23 pairs of chromosomes?

                    CARTA: DNA–Neandertal and Denisovan Genomes;Neandertal Genes in Humans;Neandertal Interbreeding


                    This symposium brings together researchers at the forefront of ancient DNA research and population genetics to discuss current developments and share insights about human migration and adaptation. Recorded on 04/29/2016. Series: “CARTA – Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny” [7/2016] [Science] [Show ID: 30971]

                    • 0


                      As pointed out earlier you are web mania and have confused history in favour of Shia’s writings. Battle of Karbala is to get rid of small group of Muslim trying to bring Ali as prophet which Shia’s accept now. That is an innovated Islam to brain wash the Muslim at that time. Some of them are successful although a minority. I wrote, for me to believe you are learned man I asked two questions that is to write clearly write what Ibn Rushd said about Islamic Marriage and Divorce law and whether Ibn Rushd followed Quran and Sunna or innovated Islam. If you know Ibn Rushd and Averroes same person you should have wrote only his real Muslim name. Why do you want to follow a 12 the century writing. If you want to believe the truth from myth you are welcomed to do that. Even you can hold a public forum in an Auditorium and put forward your argument like anti-Muslims do in west. I don’t believe you are a non-Muslim, may be a deranged person or Shia. Never mind whoever you are just prove what you write, don’t write what were in Wiki or Websites. You are writing about DNA and bible’s myths, who cares about it here. If you don’t answer my questions you are simply a donkey and web mania muddling up everything just to show you know everything.

                    • 3

                      Ralli Ameen, Part A: February 14, 2018.

                      Part A : Shariah, the Theologians and Knowledge of Philosophers

                      Q. Are Muslim Men Against Equality of Women? What did Ibn Rushd say about women?

                      //“Those opposing reform speak of the infallibility of the Shariah. They quote Hadith (practices of the Prophet). They also go on the ridiculous notion that the MMDA is Shariah and to change the MMDA is to change the Shariah, failing to understand in the very essence that different types of law compromises the MMDA.”//

                      The Islamic Scholars are hung up on whether the Quran was created and temporal or uncreated or eternal. ( Since the Quran was not edited by Prophet Mohamed, only edited and corrected by the followers who were former tribals, with their tribal viewpoints, especially the tribal Patriarchal viewpoint of 7th Century Arabia, they buried girls).

                      Reading the works of Averroes,( ʾAbū l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn ʾAḥmad Ibn Rushd‎) the top Islamic Scholar of All time, says that he is not hung up.( Some Islamic “Scholars” and others are still hung up on the Earth being spread out like a carpet and moving around the Sun.)

                      On Top, those who understand the “Holy Book”, and therefor by corollary, the Sharia, are:

                      1. The People with knowledge- The Philosophers. The Quran is for them to interpret accurately.

                      2. The Theologians are Literalists*. They are like Parrots. They are literalists. (Example, Ulama, Mufti Rizvi etc.)
                      * adherence to the exact letter or the literal sense, as in translation or interpretation:

                      3. The Common People. They just listen, to whatever, the Theologians say.( Example: Ralli Ameen)

                      Idiotic “Theologians” such as Abdul Wahhab says, idiotic things, the Wahhabi’s, who do not know, do and follow. Example: Ralli Ameen.

                      What did Ibn Rushd say about women? See Part B.

                    • 3

                      Ralli Ameen, Part B: February 14, 2018.

                      Part B : Shariah, the Theologians and Knowledge of Philosophers: Women

                      Q. Are Muslim Men Against Equality of Women? What did Ibn Rushd say about women?

                      Ibn Rushd’s (Averroes)’ views on women


                      Women in Ibn Rushd’s Writings and View

                      By reviewing Bidayat al-Mujtahid, one cannot but notice that Ibn Rushd’s legal judgments, analyses, and fatwas were in keeping with the views of the jumhur al Ulama’ (Islamic scholars). He would state all the possible different opinions, but would sometimes put reason in his final words.

                      Ibn Rushd continues to take an opportunity to discuss quality of women. Here he efficiently makes a woman’s quality equivalent with that of a man, albeit; putting it in a question by asking: “Are women’s own qualities identical with men’s in each category in the state, particularly as guardians…or are they different?”25 He then offers two suggestions: “If women share the same quality/nature of men, it means that women from all classes are equal to men in every rule and command, which doesn’t exclude us from finding among women warriors, governors, and philosophers.”26 If, however, they don’t, Ibn Rushd suggests, “Then women’s role in the state should be restricted to begetting and raising children, because men are not qualified to do that.”27

                      They (women) are equal with men in quality and differ only in levels; if this means that man is more efficient than woman in most of his actions, however, it is not impossible that women perform some activities with higher efficiency, such as practical music.

                      .It is clear that women in such a state can perform the same work that men do, with some exceptions. For this reason, he adds, that one should call such actions as the best of actions.

                    • 3

                      Ralli Ameen, Part C: February 14, 2018.

                      Part C : Shariah, the Theologians and Knowledge of Philosophers: Wahhabies

                      Q. Are Muslim Men Against Equality of Women?

                      Q. Are Wahhabi-Salafis who follow Satan, Iblis, Muslim Men Against Equality of Women and Shia?

                      Q. How to de-brainwash the brainwashed?

                      Regarding Amarasiri, or any other, stick to the issues, not to ad hominem attacks.

                      What did Abdul Wahhab, the Founder of Wahhabism, say about women? About Shia?

                      What does the Hadith of Najd say about the Wahhabi-Salafies, ISIS etc.?
                      Wahhabism is NOT an Islamic School (Madhhab)

                      The Amman Message, a three-point ruling issued by 200 Islamic scholars from over 50 countries, officially recognizes those eight legal schools of thought.
                      • Hanafi (Sunni)
                      • Maliki (Sunni)
                      • Shafi’i (Sunni)
                      • Hanbali (Sunni)
                      • Ja`fari (inc. Mustaali-Taiyabi Ismaili) (Shia)
                      • Zaidiyyah (Shia)
                      • Ibadiyyah.
                      • Zahiriyah.

                      Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted.


                      Al-Azhar University “the (honorable) Azhar University”) is a university in Cairo, Egypt. Associated with Al-Azhar Mosque in Islamic Cairo, it is Egypt’s oldest degree-granting university and is renowned as “Sunni Islam’s most prestigious university”.[1

                      Hadith of Najd


                      Text of the hadith. According to two narrations in Sahih Bukhari, Muhammad asks Allah to bless the areas of Bilad al-Sham (Syria) and Yemen. When his companions said “Our Najd as well,” he replied: “There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there will come out the side of the head (e.g. horns) of Satan.”

                      Where is Najd? That is from Where Abdul Wahhab of Wahhabism originated, presciently predicted by Prophet Mohamed.


      • 1

        This article is pure and simple blasphemy. Muslim women were governed by Sharia for the last 1400 years and Sharia is Allah’s word. Having exposed to alternative ethical systems and liberal ideas through English education (Thanks to non Muslim governments) a few Muslim women are feeling uneasy.

        • 2


          Trying to be blind, following another blind? Look at the world Muslim countries in the world and compare their education system to SL. Then compare the world class intellects these Muslim countries education systems have produced against SL’s book memorizing systems :-)

          IF you’re a frog in the SL well, don’t put that in the showcase, please.

        • 0


          This I am writing in response to your A,B,C here since I did not find a “REPLY” link beside yours. I wrote to you telling you to answer my questions about what Ibn Rushd said about Islamic Marriage and Divorce Law and whether he followed Quran and Sunna of Prophet Muhammad or innovated Islam. Then you must write sentence by sentence clearly and give an answer but again you are writing muddled up bullshit with links thus evading the answer. Now you are a Modaya to me.
          What I said about Wahab is correct because he said only to follow Quran and Sunna. Not only Wahab, anybody saying this is correct. Wahab is just a ordinary man dead and gone so why should I follow him?
          You are again talking non-sense about Arab burying girls. This devilish practice was stopped by Islam but remember in India they still practice and give poison to new born girls. Ibn Rushd did not follow philosophers but Quran and Sunna. All are doing their best to interpret Quran correctly but not 100% satisfied. Only Islam gave all the rights to women when other civilization treating them as a pot, that is to have sex and children.
          I am aware of all four Sunni Madhab of Islam and others as innovators, the people of Najd. Shia, Ahmadiya etc priesthood is same as Christian, Hindus and Buddhist etc. Their foot is on the head of followers. We Sunnis hate priesthood. Now I have branded you as a Modaya so stop writing and re-learn Islam. A person having good knowledge and ability to reason knows the bullshit written in Wiki and good ones. Your brain should have the ability to filter out the bad ones. I am not interested in your links.

      • 7

        The old man could did all this and get the little girl married to nice young boy. isn’t it the right thing to do for a old grand father.

        • 0

          If he is sexy why can’t he do the right way. There are hundred of old men doing this because they are strong. If you are a weakling you cannot do this even if you want to. So he did the right thing. No need to fear god or the society.

      • 4

        Rali Ameen,

        Would you recommend all poor underage Muslim girls to get married to 70 year old rich Muslim men and have some children? Of course it is economically better for the poor families. Or, may be as the second, third and fourth wife of a 70 year old man? Don’t you think that the young Muslim girl getting married to a young Muslim man is better. health-wise and genetically?

        So, is the young girl is a trade-able commodity? That is, a chattel?

        Is this really what Prophet Mohamed, Peace be upon him preached, and was revealed to him?

        Or is it that the Tribal Traditions took over after Prophet Mohamed passed away, and the Tribal Committee, just like Rizvi’s MMDA committee, recommended?

        PS. Rali Ameen. t he Earth was not spread put like a carpet, the Sun does not go around a stationary earth, and humans evolved out of Primates, who had 48 chromosomes. Please check up your Chromsome #2.

        Ken Miller on Human Evolution


        Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.

        • 1


          I told you are a mania, see your question about old man also same. First tell me how many old (70 years or more) men marry underage Muslim girls? May be in Sri Lanka just a few. This man did not send some thugs, lifted the girl and marry but with consent of mother, girl, his family legally got married. What is unlawful in this? Whether Muslim or otherwise a young girl should marry a young boy, that is what happening. Like few cases in Sri Lanka, in other countries many such cases you can see. Of course if an old man marry a young girl without her consent it is a sin and without the parents consent too it is criminal. What about non-Muslims very old men filling the abdomen of girls as young as 13-14 years? What about catering 12-15 years old girls to tourist. Sri Lanka is well known among tourist for very young boys supply too. Whatever we do it is under our law. I belong to advanced Homo Sapiens without primates chromosomes. You have lot of primates chromosomes so your IQ must be below 60. By the way you don’t like subjects involving girls and Marriage. Are you a Gay?

    • 15

      Rally Fundamentalist Ameen,
      Islamic Jurisprudence is not applicable in Sri Lanka. Never will. Move to barbaric Saudi or fanatical Iran. Women in Sri Lanka aspire to a progressive, modern, liberal democracy. All citizens including women must live under one law in SL. Period. Let me know if you need any help to get hell out of here.

      • 2

        Ben Hurling,

        Women in SL aspire to a progressive, modern and liberal democracy? And did someone tell you it just MMDA that is holding your dreams, otherwise all fine? Don’t be taken for any rides, it is not true man..he…he

        I and I have a lot of women needing your help too…where is your mini Friend-in-Need foundation location ?

        (Bloody hell, biggest problem in SL is popping up of jokers from every corners)

        • 0

          Fatima, LOL

      • 0

        Ben Hurling the donkey. Muslims are following the law the land except for MMDA and this privilege was given because it is a religious matter. You think earlier British and now our government constitute of racial donkeys like you. Everybody need help to go to Saudi, you can earn minimum Rs. 50,000 from each if you can do this. I will give you 1,000,000 for a permanent visa.

    • 5

      Muslim law in Ceylon historically not based on sharia but practices and customs which codified by dutch. The MMDA tried to shift its balance towards sharia. As per your Argument seems the practice is rather opposit to provisions of MMDA but towards general law, then why oppose to the changes ? . The only reason according to you because even its wrong still cannot go against the Religious faith.

  • 4

    Well presented article.

    As another human being like you let me express my heartfelt sympathies towards suffering women in Muslim community.

    Anybody healthy must be able to understand what you say & change the attitudes so far they’ve been having towards their beloved women.

    There must be something wrong in their health, of those who aren’t able to understand & change attitudes so far they’ve been having in this regard.

    Nobody expects a god or goddess to present or preach a harmful/discriminating rules for selected segment of people, in this case women.

    Because of that I believe that the religion is overly misinterpreted or else it can’t be a god or goddess who preached this religion.

    As I observe when members of other communities intervene in this regard Muslim men try to divert it to make it racial issue & hide in sympathy especially of women of other communities & HR bodies.

    In other words Muslim women don’t get support from women of other communities & even of UNHRC in this regard.

    The best remedy as a human being I can propose is to make a strong voice that you, the so called Muslim women, don’t have faith in Islam.

    Tell the country, tell the non-Muslim foreign diplomats, tell the UNHRC in clear terms that women in your community don’t have faith in Islam & then you can’t be governed by that inhumane law.

    Under any circumstances I don’t prescribe you to have faith any other religion; as to the best of my knowledge best religion is humanism or secularism.

    Wish you all success in your endeavor for justice & ready to contribute wholeheartedly till your victory.

    • 2

      RR: Please don’t get me wrong for asking so: Do you really have to prove your dumbness in every comment you write in CT?

      Did you have the real understanding of the word “prescribe” when you wrote “I don’t prescribe you to have faith any other religion” ??

      What right or who are you to say this to others whatever their faiths maybe?

      • 0


        You’re worried over a word; if it’s related to the meaning please refer a dictionary.

        I am a human being so I have an ethical right to present my idea to fellow human beings.

        Your question is unethical, I’m sad about it.

  • 7

    Muslim men cannot be against the notion of ‘equality’ for the simple reason that the Almighty has clearly stated in the Holy Book “I shall not lose sight of the labor of any of you who labors in My way, be it man or woman; each of you is equal to the other (3:195)”
    Unfortunately, the silence of the vast majority of Muslim Sri Lankans on the subject of amending the MMDL may be construed by parties with vested interest as a rejection on the part of the community, of the need to make any such changes.
    This is a false conclusion. ‘Silence’ in these circumstances could well denote the lack of awareness or the lack of interest or the lack of certainty regarding this subject.
    Brother Rishard has in his own inimitable style identified the way forward.

  • 9

    Thank you Rizani Hamin for raising the MMDA issue.
    MMDA1951 violates each and every human rights. Should one section of Lankan community be allowed to?
    The only way to amend MMDA1951 is to dismantle it.

  • 10

    Dear Rizani,

    I’ve said often enough that this goes beyond being a merely religious matter; it concerns basic human rights. But we guys don’t really matter in this debate. It is best that we keep relatively quiet while you Muslim women tackle your men.

    Yes, not many men support you. I have tried to reason with many of them, but I don’t get very far. It is going to be a long and difficult struggle, Rizani, but please continue your just struggle. With education and interaction with more “enlightened” views. I put that in quotes, because Islam just seems different. Everything is ascribed to Allah.

    I hope that readers will appreciate it that I don’t subscribe to silly notions like truth (or virtue, or justice) will always prevail. Rather, try to understand Immanuel Kant’s view that we must engage in the struggle to defeat evil because it is right and proper to the correct thing. Not for reward, not because “the good” will inevitably succeed. It isn’t a very inspiring viewpoint, I know!

    And there ARE some decent Muslim men supporting you: “ekebroom” is one such, Dr Amir Ali, another.

    Best wishes to you and your cause!

  • 10

    Marry a Sinhalese boy under general law, He will respect you and your rights are guaranteed

    • 9

      srinath gunaratne,

      That was a superrrrr backward statement to say Sinhalese boys will respect and guarantee a woman’s rights.

      Please guarantee human rights for all citizens first. Don’t judge people by their religious laws.

      MMDA is only a bad law. But even best law can become bad law when not implemented properly through enforcements. UN / EU did not judge our nation by the laws in the books, but by its implementation and gave us problems.

      • 3

        FATHIMA: Religion over rides Human rights. It is your holy book, associated documetns and laws. change those if not neglect.

        • 3

          Jim softy,

          Were SL under Sharia-law during the last days of the war in 2009?

      • 0

        Dear Fathima
        I only meant it as a light hearted joke.
        I do apologize if I offend Muslim women, I feel their pain and I hope they will get their freedom and rights in Sri Lanka!

        • 0


          No worries mate. You did not offend me :-) Being brought up in a multi-religious environment, I can understand how you guys feel about us

    • 4


      “Marry a Sinhalese boy under general law, He will respect you and your rights are guaranteed”

      He will send you to Medieval Middle East Kingdom to earn a few dollars so that the lazy bum could have a jolly good life here on earth.

      What general law are you talking about in a lawless country?

      • 0

        Yes I am out of my wits here,
        How can we polish a turd?
        I keep saying that again and again and end up hitting my head on the rock again

        • 0

          Srinath ,

          ” I keep saying ………………….” How much can you poor guy take huh ?
          Shall we this time , and only once for a change , hit the stuff on the
          tip of a crowbar ?

  • 1

    Who ever the author is she is weak. Do not ask Muslim men. Instead, if the govt doe snot do, ask UN office with copies to the govt or vice versa. . question their egalitarian policies and implementations. Inform international journalists.

  • 6

    Check in google mages how saudi arabian muslim men kick women coming to shop alone. How Pakisthani women are crying while being beaten. IT is living hell for the religion of Peace.

    • 4


      If you check the Google you also get to see how SL’s other side looks like. Starting from war, to thuggish monks, to mothers killing their babies for paramours, to mother throwing babies into rivers and wells, to grandfathers raping grandkids, to grandson raping grandmother, to ministers making school teachers and principals kneel down, to all other corruptions.

      Agree that Saudi is a shit, Pakistan is a shit. Can we focus more on cleaning our own back first?

  • 11

    There might be an easy fix for this problem in a multi-religious country such as ours. Muslim women could renounce the faith and either become agnostic or embrace another faith. Raise your children in that faith, instead of Islam and your female offspring will not have to suffer as you and your female ancestors had to.

    Ask your husbands, fathers, brothers and the qazis and mullahs, if the solution provided above is acceptable to them?

    You are never without power sister – use it!

  • 6

    More than MMDA, Muslim women in SL are regularly being discriminated for being a Muslim woman. In public hospitals, public transports, public offices, they are even mocked at for wearing fardas just liked what happened to Tamil women pottus those days. What more, some of the well known Sinhalese schools in Colombo, don’t accept Muslim kids. MMDA is not really an issue, rather some are making it bigger or is just being created by some to overshadow some of the real issues faced by Muslims today in SL

    • 0


      There’s a difference between being ridiculed & being discriminated, it’s natural to arouse humor on one’s weakness.
      Women in Muslim community must fight male dominance, failure is considered a weakness.

      Why should a woman become Muslim woman when there’s plenty of freedom for her to become a woman, so fault is in them.

      Why should any woman wear fardas in a tropical country like SL?

      Why don’t they mingle with non-Muslim boys whereas Muslim boys have access for non-Muslim girls?

      Why do some Sinhala schools refuse to accept Muslim children?

      You should know the reasons.

      1. Co-education is prohibited for Muslim children so both boys & girls can’t be taken for mixed schools.

      2. Girls can’t be taken for girls schools because they want a different uniform.

      3. Muslim boys are brought up in male dominating environment so they are found to be incompatible even in non-Muslim boys’ schools.

      4. Muslim children are made to pray so difficulty in making timetables.

      Fathimas, please take these matters seriously because they’re important for peaceful co-existence.

      • 2


        I see that you’re trying hard to prove your comments are matching the word “Revolutionist”, but unfortunately you’re not making it.

        I don’t think it is worth to clarify or reply your comments. But I have to say this for your own goodness, “please try to understand what discrimination is”. And if you get a chance reply with what you have understood. Take care bro until then.

        • 0


          Yes say so, have that idea, dwell on it As far as you’re a citizen of fools paradise

    • 1

      Are you a woman or pretend like to be woman.

      • 0

        Saman Koralage

        Indeed, a reasonable doubt.

        Let me propose to CT, please check whether there’re men pretending to be women here throwing women to further oblivion

  • 3

    Sinhalese budhsits .
    You need to check your head with a good Dr…
    While sinahslee girls are looking for Muslim boys to marry you are talking none-sense.
    Why do Muslim ladies need to give up their faith to protect their rights .
    Now ; millions of western ladies are coming to Islam in thousands in each year. Why ?
    Male domination in the name of freedom..ladies are exploited by many ways ..they have to go to works; do all house work and plus child bearing too.
    Europeans gave vote rights; divorce right and inheritance rights and many rights in recent time after 1940s and yet Islam gave all this 1400 hundreds years ago …
    Nothing wrong with Islam but wrong is with Muslims and male domination..
    That is why I say you need to check your head with a good Dr ..you are blind in your thinking .
    Just because you do not it does not mean …Islam is wrong but people are wrong

  • 4

    Very good write up
    1951 MMDA needs change like many any other “laws” in SL
    It is a relic of the past influenced by a mindset of the “colonial age” and pre Islamic culture and practice which are misogynic..
    Sharia ( The “WAY” of education and of perpetual re education. ) in ISLAM is only a Guide to ETHICS and a legal code. There is no such thing as SHARIA LAW.
    Hopefully changes will be made to the present 1951 MMDA restoring “equal rights” to Women as Men.

  • 2

    To correct a typo error. Sorry about it. It should read:-
    Sharia in Islam is only a guide to ethics and IS NOT A LEGAL CODE.

  • 2

    Rizani, would love to spend a night with you, discussing MMDA

    • 2

      Joseph Pararajasingham
      Another bigot.

  • 4

    The best thing a name sake Muslim woman do is to marry a non- Muslim under the General law to safe guard her rights which is not in MMDA. These pseudo muslim women are ignorant of Shariah and their living is for the lust of flesh. Best is to ignore these type comments of animality ( Khathabul Jaahiloona Qaloo salaama) . Next thing for sure these women will demand is polyandry to have four husbands to be equal with men (LoL)..

    • 3

      As-Seyyed ,

      Would you be kind enough to explain why you are a MOULANA ?
      And then can I ask you to keep a close watch on What’s going on
      in Saudi these days regarding women rights and human rights ?
      Would you also tell us if female circumcision is in practice in
      Saudi ? If not why you in Srilanka ? Can you make an effort to see
      that people like you tear Muslim community into pieces in the
      name of Islam while living in complicated interpretation of it ?
      Have you studied the history of religions , I mean the concept of
      religions ? I reckon you do know about prof Abdullah, formerly
      known as Peryardasan , died a few years ago , explain to me how
      and where his burial took place ! And , the moment Muslims
      decided to distribute free copies of Quran and Hadiths in many
      languages , Muslims were opened to QUESTIONS AND CRITICISM
      and comparisons beyond borders in which SELF-CRITICISM must
      have taken centre stage . Ask yourself if you are into that please .

    • 2

      As ——Moulana,

      Did you evolved from Primates? Do you have 46 or 48 Chromosomes? What does the Quran say?
      Is the Earth spread out like a carpet?

      Reason vs. Revelation.

      Ken Miller on Human Evolution


      Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.

      Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz was a Saudi Arabian Islamic scholar and a leading proponent of the Wahhabi form of Islam. He was the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia from 1993 until his death in 1999.


      In 1966, when Ibn Baz was vice-president of the Islamic University of Medina, he wrote an article denouncing Riyadh University for teaching the “falsehood” that the earth rotates and orbits the sun.

  • 5

    What is the best country to migrate to ? Malaysia, Maldives or Morocco ? or Australia,USA, Canada or UK ?

    • 0

      kolla, for you the best match is Sri Lanka. Be here, or if anyone in the list is ready to take you….I have no issues :)

    • 1

      Kolla ,

      After long time , are you among those who were raided by NCA of
      UK this morning for human trafficking ?

  • 3




  • 2

    If the creation narrative is properly understood – man and woman are created as equals by God. Not as ‘opposite’ persons / sexes but as complementary partners.

    God loves His creation equally and He does not discriminate

    His love and mercy is such that he will never ever discriminate.

  • 4

    I have no issues this writer as a Muslim girl asking for her rights. But before coming up with a write up like this, she should have understood the matter deeper, and consult some subject matter experts. There are lot of flaws in her post.

    One paragraph denies what is said on other, and from where did she get the stats to prove on some of her claims?

    CT should have some quality / source of information checking before publishing this kinds of writings. Talking about numbers can’t be just her opinion only, that needs to be proved. Otherwise, the author is just making fools out of readers.

  • 4

    Why did these sharia law experts remain quiet when ferias ashraff was elected to Parliament and made a Minister. Why did they not protest against her appointment as an MP and Minister. These Sharia preachers are bluffer who want use sharia to suppress women’s rights and use it for ther benefits. We don’t need sharia in Sri Lanka. Send all these sharia followers to Middle East.

  • 3

    In a nutshell , ” Yes Muslim men are against equality ” when it comes to
    Gender equality, specially in public life ! At home , women are the heads in
    majority of cases . And women are behind much of family troubles .

  • 2

    Muslim Women have Two Choices. Either they can Convert to Another Religion or they can become Atheists!

  • 1

    Once upon a time , women of Srilanka in general didn’t seek to involve in
    activities that were mainly in the hands of men or in control of men and
    all started to change only recently . Mothers were meant to be at home in
    all cultures , not only Muslims ! Bandaranike had to die to get Sirimavo
    out of housewifery . That was a slow process which has progressed to a
    commendable standard today as part of economic and cultural development.
    It is so sad that Muslims failed to keep pace with the trend due to wrongly
    attributed religious reasons more than anything else . Today, the situation
    is different . More girls are out and about in search of education ,employment
    and social life . Muslim women are plenty in the air port everyday to fly to
    Mid east for jobs and the proud husbands are HOUSE HUSBANDS waiting for
    darling wife’s wired Dollars ! And another kind of Great Muslim Boys, in the
    Another development project in the community , moving towards EQUALITY !
    What I love to see in Srilanka’s gender equality scale , foremost is , WOMEN
    MARRYING THEM . All communities !

  • 0

    Rizani Hamin

    Didn’t I write at the beginning you are opening a devil’s comments box. They have ridiculed and brought shame on you, even some were saying marry a Sinhalese boy or convert, some were praising you and at the same time pouring venom on Islam. A Joseph Paraya singham even want to spend a night with you. Don’t you feel ashamed? You have the right to protest, agitate but you should have done it proper and effective way as I mentioned above. Trying to do this way bring shame to your community. Somebody has pointed out above you are man with a women’s name or may be not a Muslim but how do we know?

    • 3

      She expressed her own views within her capacity, obviously, there were points missing a bit of research. But we all learn from the mistakes. We will never learn unless we try and come-forward – We must commend her coming forward among other Muslim women.

      Now she knows her mistakes that need to be avoided in her next article. And those foolish vulgar, abusive comments from low-lives should not be taken seriously.

  • 0

    Rizani, I need some explanation with regard to MMDA. Could we have a weekend out in Nuwara Eliya. Who knows, you might want to stay on as my third after the good food you will receive.

    • 0

      So your other 2 wives were starving street pros before? Why not try in Maradana or Pettah where you will find your better-quarter?

      Rizani is for me.

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