By Kath Noble –
Once again, the Government is desperately seeking an excuse. The Army has shot dead at least three people on the streets of the Gampaha district in the process of breaking up a protest. Dozens of others are still undergoing treatment for their injuries.
Unsurprisingly, it has been doing its best to put the blame on what it calls ‘subversives’ – the new terrorists. Ministers have told the press that the villagers of Weliweriya were on the verge of calling off their agitation, with the Government having agreed to close the factory that they say is responsible for polluting their water pending the outcome of tests. The Government claims that the confrontation with the Army took place only after the arrival of outsiders, who instigated the crowd to attack.
To support this version of events, we have been ‘informed’ that some months ago more than 100 workers associated with a JVP trade union were sacked by Dipped Products.
So far, so utterly predictable.
A certain section of society is ever ready to believe such conspiracy theories, and to accept that the use of massive force is either unavoidable or actually roundly deserved.
This we know for sure by now, since there have been a number of very similar incidents in the recent past – one man was killed when workers from the Katunayake Free Trade Zone took issue with plans for a pension scheme for the private sector in May 2011, and another died when Chilaw fishermen protested against the increase in fuel prices in February 2012.
Of course it is unacceptable to deploy the Army to manage demonstrations, but after the war victory there is a tendency to think that soldiers are the only ones who can get things done – in the same way as some people want the Defence Secretary to be in charge of everything from garbage collection to university curricula and teacher training to agricultural development, tourism, the reconstruction of the Vanni, the preservation of the nation’s cultural heritage and the future of the Buddha Sasana. What naivety! But this is not the most important argument, since the Police have shown that they are equally capable of killing unarmed demonstrators.
Taking issue with the absolutely extraordinary use of live ammunition seems largely pointless too, the same thing having been said many times already.
Instead, let’s think about why there was a protest in the first place.
Even if the story of JVP intervention were true, it could not have happened if the Government had responded to the concerns of the villagers in the proper manner – they would not have come onto the streets.
The complaint against Dipped Products for releasing chemicals into the environment was not made last week. The villagers have been concerned about their water supply for some time, and they had petitioned the authorities on several occasions.
If a timely and transparent investigation had been conducted, the accuracy of the charge would have been ascertained long ago. Action could have been taken.
Why was it not done?
Well, one cannot help but think that it is because the factory is owned by Hayleys, which is controlled by Dhammika Perera.
All regimes have their favourite millionaires, but the current administration with its utter lack of concern for even keeping up appearances has blurred the boundaries between the public and private sectors more than ever before. Dhammika Perera – a man who by his own admission controls 10% of Sri Lanka’s publicly listed companies – was in 2007 appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Investment. In his first press conference, he declared that the Board of Investment had been too focused on attracting foreign investors. He said that he wanted to give locals the same benefits. No kidding!
How can we be surprised at the pathetically low level of tax revenue in Sri Lanka when corporate bosses are put in charge of deciding who gets tax holidays?
And please don’t dare to imagine that these are the only capable people in the country!
Dhammika Perera once explained to this newspaper how he started off in business. It was 1987, he was 19 years old and his mother had given him Rs. 500 to buy a pair of shoes. Instead, he spotted an opportunity to ‘invest’. He lent the money to a pavement hawker who used to sit outside his uncle’s restaurant in Pettah in return for a share of his profits. According to Dhammika Perera, this brought him Rs. 200 per day for months – a total of Rs. 74,000.
What is this if not appalling exploitation?
He used his windfall to acquire the slot machines that eventually made him a ‘casino king’ – he now owns three of the four licensed outfits in Colombo, for whose further development Beira Lake is soon going to be made into a no-go area for us ordinary mortals.
The fourth casino is the one that is going into partnership with billionaire James Packer, who apparently can’t afford to pay taxes either.
No wonder Sri Lanka can’t afford to maintain its free health and education systems!
Meanwhile, by the way, Dipped Products has recorded an increase in profits of a massive 40% in the first quarter of this year.
On what basis did it sack more than 100 workers, as the Government has been telling us to make its excuse for the crackdown by the Army a little more credible? Isn’t it illegal to get rid of employees simply because they are members of a trade union, whether associated with the JVP or otherwise?
Why wasn’t it prevented?
Dhammika Perera claims that the secret of his success is that he personally looks into all plans before deciding on investments. Yet despite owning a couple of dozen of the nation’s biggest companies, he still has time to be Secretary to the Ministry of Transport – a position that he has held since he left the Board of Investment in 2010.
Of course he’s not the only businessman to have become so unhealthily close to the Government. There are many.
The neglect of the complaint against Hayleys that brought the people of Weliweriya onto the streets was no aberration. It has become the rule.
Unlike with Ranil Wickremasinghe, the prioritisation of corporations over citizens is not ideological. The Government doesn’t bother to think about what it is doing. It simply asks who are its friends and who are its enemies, and decisions are taken accordingly. There isn’t really any such thing as ‘policy’ – Mahinda Rajapaksa believes above all in flexibility. That means that he decides what to do on the basis of what he thinks that he can get away with.
This sounds democratic, but it is a very dangerous thing so long as politics in Sri Lanka remains uncompetitive.
Tragedies can keep happening. The people of the Gampaha district may be appalled by the way in which they have been treated, but they will probably still vote for the Government.
*Kath Noble’s column may be accessed online at http://kathnoble.wordpress.com/. She may be contacted at kathnoble99@gmail.com.
Bedrock Barney / August 7, 2013
On the question of how it came to be like this? the answer is that came quite slowly yet thick and heavy.
Dodo / August 7, 2013
Great Stuff Kath, keep it coming!
The Crony capitalists, Dammika Perera and military businesses of Lanka have great support from guess who?
The World Bank is doing its fair share for CRONY CAPITALISM and BAD GOVERNANCE in Mother Lanka- contributing to the Rajapassa military dictatorship and ruin our land.
Its wheels within wheels – World Bank has given massive loans to Gota the goon’s Ministry of Defense via the Urban Development Authority and funding the militarization of Lanka for city “beautification” for CHOGM aka, Commonwealth of Clowns and guess what – de-development of society and governance.
There is NO transparency with World Bank funds give the UDA under Ministry of Defense. The World Bank talks big about GOOD GOVERNANCE – but is contributing funds to the militarization and deterioration of governance structures by the Rajapassa brothers who are looting Lanka…
Dinuk / August 7, 2013
True Dodo, Kath if you can please write an article on the World Bank funding the Ministry of Defense?
WB is helping Gota the Goon’s city Beautification by the military that has cut down all of Colombo’s old and timber rich trees to make a quick buck which keep up the facade of democracy and promoting Corruption and BAD governance..
NVI / August 10, 2013
Bedrock Barney -The answer to your question; The opposition is so weak & ineffective led by the IMPOTENT RW, together with his mouthpiece, Tissa Attanayake.
If the Opposition was pro active, robust & vibrant, we would not be in this mess.The Opposition is too busy tripping over themselves on minor inter party squabbles.
Instead of blaming the Government, I think it’s high time the people start agitating against the Opposition, to get their act together. This is a fight for the Opposition, not for us, law abiding citizens.Let them do the fighting in Parliament. After all, this is what an Opposition is for.
Namal Perera / August 7, 2013
The Jokers are running out of excuses…..I tie myself to a tree, I assaulted myself, I shot myself….how about the GHOSTS shot the innocent unarmed civilians? The entire Country has become a JOKE. God save our mother Lanka.
Ellison / August 7, 2013
Both, You Bedrock Barney and Namal,
We’ve done this in the past on Ethnic Minorities in the past.
“Every Life is Human, all Sri Lankans are Equal”
This is the first time we Sinhalese got affected. All lives are Precious.
J.Muthu / August 7, 2013
Come on lady, blood and violence is Sinhala Buddhist tradition. Since 1948 your stupid brits created all this, tamils lived in their own peace land. You Muppets gave all powers to typical baila group which they don’t how to run. still they struggling. Hope tamils must take over whole island and run benefit of whole community. Sinhala Buddhist never going to live in peace, they must be controlled…
mahela / August 7, 2013
I don’t believe in Dhammika Perera’s story as to how he became a Billioneer.
There are thousands who lend much more money to traders every day who are just barely making the day.
All I know is he was a waiter at a dubai Hotel and met a Rajapakse political goon and got friendly with him. Through him he approached Rajapakses on many Black money investment businesses.
Also Dammika was a driver to a Planter who gave his farm to take care when he left the Island. This planters leaving the Island is also a Mystery similar to how Rajapakses collapsed Hon.Lalith Kotalawela’s Golden Key empire.
Now this Rajapakse Coolie Dhammika is taking care of Rajapakse’s Black money operations and running businesses under several phony companies throughout Sri Lanka.
Also Hon.Lalith Kotalawela’s Golden Key Nugegoda Housing Appartment complex was taken over by Basil using a Phony company. Rajapakses buying many assetts using phony companies. Talk to Mervin, Duminda and Johnston if you want further information.
Yes wait for the next casino under ground Don King………with another fake company name.
Also CT with the help of a Free Media should do extencive research, investigation, interviews and live recordings with these Weliweriya Rajapakse instigated genocide wictims and should bring them to public.
It is no point having an Opposition to be in the Parliament if Rajapakses think that they could run the country the way they want.
If Rajapakses think they together with Racist Terrorists BBS along with criminal thug gangs and Gotabaya’s personal Murderous Assasin Army force along with goon Chief justice could run the country, then let it be and the opposition should boycott the parliament.
Otherwise if opposition have the least concern of Citizens, then they should call for International Investigations and should bring perpetrators to books.
The video clips show these poor people are helpless ones status and even in the past they were never given justice.
It is time to call for an Intenational independent investigation and also cvall in for International Peace keeping force until things are settled down in the country.
There’s a strong possibility that Rakapakses will carry on these Genocidal killings in future and it is time to make a stop now.
All opposition parties should press for International community to ban Rajapakses from travelling abroad until investigations on Weliweriya is complete and also call for International peace keeping force to come and rescue Sri Lankan citizens from Rajapakse Dictatorial Regime.This will send Rajapakses a strong message.
Matilda Ellepola / August 7, 2013
I doubt the waiter in a Middle east story though the notorious Sachin Vaas was a wharf clerk with Trico in Dubai and was to take MARA when he was just a low level minister of CBK and took around the red light places and got the things move once after he became the Prez.
Dhammika Perera is just a money launderer for Rakapakshas and making 500 to 74000 is just rubbish.
Anyway Ranil W is also in the pay check of Dhammiksa blood money and once was given free occupancy in his super luxury new hotel around Galle called Fortress for free for a week.
These are the crooks like Harry J who survive with any govt in power and send the loot to whoever in the temple trees.
mahela / August 7, 2013
Here’s the connection between Dhammika Perera to Rajapakses.
By Colombo Telegraph –
President Rajapaksa’s two elder sons, Namal and Yoshitha, are listed among the top fifteen shareholders of Ascot Holdings PLC according to the company’s interim financial statements. According to this list, Y.K. (Yoshitha) Rajapaksa owns 100,000 shares and L.N. Rajapaksa (Namal) 92,000 shares as at Sept. 30, 2011.
Nimal Perera, financial advisor to Dhammika Perera and on the boards of companies controlled by him, is also in Ascot’s Top fifteen list with 269,200 shares. Total assets of the company as at September 2011 were Rs. 1.25 billion and liabilities approx. Rs. 600 million. The directors of the company are Messrs. V.P. Malalasekera, Chairman, Rohan Iriyagolle, N.D. Gunaratne, N.A. de Mel, Chanaka de Silva and D.J. Gunaratne.
Related news; WikiLeaks: In reality economic decisions are made by Rajapaksa brothers
Here’s Dammika Perera’s other Businesses.
Birds of feather flock together.
Jayantha / August 7, 2013
Here’s more of Dahmmika Perera’s Business Empire.
Sri Lanka’s Dhammika Perera extends business empire
06 May, 2013 18:31:50
May 06, 2013 (LBO) – Dhammika Perera, head of Sri Lanka’s Vallibel group who has made a series of daring acquisitions says he has effective control of nearly a tenth of listed firms in the island after buying over the latest clutch of five companies.
On Monday, Royal Ceramics Plc, a unit of listed Vallibel One Plc in which Perera owns 63.5 percent, bought a 76 percent stake in Lanka Ceramics from listed Ceylon Theatres group for 2.9 billion rupees.
In addition to Lanka Ceramics, the holding company, the acquisition brought in operating units, Lanka Walltiles, Lanka Tiles, Swisstek, an aluminum company and Horana Plantations, a tea estate.
“We now have a monopoly in ceramic tiles and aluminum industries,” Perera said.
Sri Lanka’s listed Hayleys group in which Perera has 44 percent, gained control of an unlisted aluminum extrusion firm Alumex, in 2010 for 2.1 billion rupees. Hayleys said at the time it had a 55 percent market share.
Perera personally owns a 29 percent stake in Lanka Alluminium, another listed company.
Royal Ceramics also owns the country’s only sanitary wear producer, which is unlisted.
Perera said Horana Plantations would be a strategic fit with Talawakele and Kelani Valley Plantations of the Hayleys group.
Perera said he now had control of 28 out of 280 odd listed companies in the market.
Vallibel One has seven listed companies under its umbrella with the latest acquisitions and Hayleys group nine.
Perera also controls Vallibel Finance and Vallibel Power Erathne.
Among the more widely known material stakes in listed companies include Fortress Resorts, Pan Asia Bank and Sampath Bank.
He also owns stakes in unlisted companies in power generation and gaming.
Sri Lanka’s Royal Ceramics gains control of tile industry
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Could COPE do an audit of these…….
For the Good Times.
Matilda Ellepola / August 7, 2013
I doubt the waiter in a Middle east story though the notorious Sachin Vaas was a wharf clerk with Trico in Dubai and was to take MARA when he was just a low level minister of CBK and took around the red light places and got the things move once after he became the Prez.
Dhammika Perera is just a money launderer for Rakapakshas and making 500 to 74000 is just rubbish.
Anyway Ranil W is also in the pay check of Dhammiksa blood money and once was given free occupancy in his super luxury new hotel around Galle called Fortress for free for a week.
These are the crooks like Harry J who survive with any govt in power and send the loot to whoever in the temple trees.
K.A Sumana sekera / August 7, 2013
500 LKR tunrned into 74,000 in a few months.
Warren Buffett eat your heart out.
Is Hayleys listed on our CSX?.
Poor Footsie investors in Cathy’s Homeland would love to have CEOs like this looking after their hard earned retirement.
Wouldn’t they?.
Mahasohon / August 7, 2013
Run out of the creepy excuses, have you?
Aney Apochchi! / August 7, 2013
the best thing YOU could do with YOUR ill-gotten loot (from the Rajapassas) is take a very slow boat to China or, preferably, the Antarctic, though I’m sure the penguins would object.
Peace Lover / August 7, 2013
ado Leela ( K A Sumansekera) run out of your usual key words (diaporians,a dlollar a day,Sambandan,ex-captives) have you?
get lost bugger
Dhaksha / August 7, 2013
People are opening their eyes to the crimes of this government. This violent suppression of a simple protest for basic need of clean water, is nothing but a warning to all. Sri Lankans have to shut up and not complain about the crimes of influential businesses, and the crimes of the government. You protest, you have to face the well armed army that is prepared to kill unarmed, helpless civilians, at the order of the rajapaksa’s.
For to keep the corruption and their power, they will, without hesitation, make examples of anyone who dare criticize, protest, or call for accountability. As long as the Rajapaksa’s and their hand picked goons are able to reap in the millions from their numerous businesses and interests, to them, the peasants having no clean water, or basic needs, is unimportant, and they couldn’t care less. The message is clear.
Safa / August 7, 2013
The sad truth about some of our so called Blue Chips and Corporates, they suck up to the Executive. They make thundering profits at the expense of the ordinary people. The reason for our country not moving forward.
abhaya / August 7, 2013
No wonder Sri Lanka can’t afford to maintain its free health and education systems!
they do a better job than obammers america . lol
Spring Koha / August 7, 2013
The hoary chestnut about turning 500 into 74K in ninety days is the stuff of fictional classics. In reality,the forces that govern the rise and rise of DP are yet to be properly documented and the godfathers behind DP are yet to be identified. This is only likely to happen when the wind changes and the whole caboodle capsizes. The wreck is likely to make the Golden Key debacle look like a sunday school picnic. Meanwhile, the insomniacal Keheliya is inventing fresh excuses for the bloody misfortune that has befallen the poor folk of Weliveriya; ‘these things happen, men, what to do?’. Finally, Kath, I agree with your uncanny prescience – the people of Weliveriya will almost certainly cast their next vote for this government. From where I am perched, the sun rises warm and golden over a magic land……..
gamini / August 7, 2013
If tomorrow I buy the latest Benz, BMW or Porsche, or a Mansion in Colombo, the obvious is tat I will receive a letter from the Inland Revenue asking me to furnish details of my income to substantiate my purchasing ability and whether I have paid the due Taxes accordingly. Here is a man who did not have Rs.500/- in 1987 but received it from his mother to buy shoes, but invested to receive Rs.200/- as income and collects Rs. 74,000/-. This is roughly one years interest income. Considering he reinvested, yet his net assets worth, cannot match his wealth owned. Then he claims that he invested in Jack Pot machines which brought him the wealth. We all know who brought the Jack Pot machines on a large scale and had to leave with short notice. So it is very simple to check the asset declaration as at today and match it with his Income Tax File as to how much Dammika Perera has paid as taxes from 1989 to date.
The truth is Dammika Perera was Joe Sim’s driver and the entire Jack Pot machines imported to the country were left in his custody when Joe Sim had to leave, for him to manage. Thereafter Joe Sim funds Politicians of both sides and whoever forms a govt. his business continued to flourish. Next he invested in the Casino Balleys at Colpetty for big time Gamblers both local and foreign and expands the trade. Then he ventured into purchasing Blue chip Companies and what not. Instead paying taxes, the Organization has funded top Politicians in their political campaigns handsomely and have paid off Top Tax Officials. In turn when the Politicians make money, they use these individuals as cover to invest a part of their ill gotten wealth and the business pays rich dividend to such investors.
Rothschild family who controls the American Federal Reserve Banks is one of the most POWERFUL figures in this American Zionist Illuminati Organization which virtually runs the whole world Economy and the Political Body, including the Puppet American Presidents almost from it’s inception. Whoever who defied have been assassinated from Abraham Lincoln downwards. Their modus operandi all along has been Bribery, Blackmail, Organized Crime, Assassination of Heads of State wherever who have not toed the line. They have sown conflict the world over of Racial and Religious riots for them to get a foothold to manipulate every country in the world. We have not been free from it either. How many of us know that the Rothschild family has invested in a Tea Estate during the time of the British, on the Kandy Nuwara Eliya road. Does one seriously believe that the Rothschild made this investment for monitory gain? The income from this Estate would have been a pittance compared to the money they make the world over, but certainly would have provided ideal cover to gather information and establish connections to destabilize us, as and when they wanted. I suppose now, one can understand that the visit of Henry Steel Olcott in 1880 was not by chance to revive Buddhism, but a calculated visit for the same purpose of the Americans harbouring the BBS and allowing them to visit America today. One thing you must give hundred marks for the Devils for their long sighted planning with absolute precision and executing schemes unnoticed by most Nations with no suspicion aroused whatsoever.
I invite you to visit the following link to understand how they handle Finances of other countries.
In the above link one can see the functioning of the famous Pyramid Scam that was launched the world over including here in Sri Lanka. The Pyramid Scheme was launched here in Sri Lanka under Nivard Cabrall the present Governor of the Central Bank. The Pyramid Scheme took off well and after a while when some of our small time Finance Companies started to fold due to bad Economic Policies of the MR govt, the Central Bank issued a warning to all investors to be careful of the Pyramid Scam. This happened in the year 2006 soon after MR became the President. Strangely this individual Nivard Cabrall who was involved in the Pyramid Scam was appointed to the Post of Governor Central Bank by MR. There was no close connection between Nivard Cabral and MR prior, Political or otherwise for MR to have obliged to appoint Nivard Cabrall to such a High Post. Yet he was appointed, obviously at the behest of the American Zionist illuminati, who are running our Economy today through MR, after faking the War to have annihilated the LTTE cadre with most of their suicide bombers along with VP, so that there would be no threat to MR from the LTTE in the future. As for Nivard Cabrall’s blunders as the Petrol Hedging Deal, Greek Bond Investment, Tender for the Commonwealth Games and others, where we have lost vast sums of our Tax payer’s money for Foreign gain, yet MR can not take Nivard Cabrall to task, but just grin and bear, not that MR has any better Economic knowledge either, but for the fact that Nivard Cabrall is the choice of MR’s Benefactors. It is in this same fashion that Milinda Noragoda with his American wife’s connection, has been coerced by this same force to decamp the UNP to destabilise Ranil Wickremasinghe and the UNP. It is not a case that Ranil Wickremasinghe can not be done away with, but his successor would be equally ruthless as MR himself and MR would be History, in the absence of RW. So preserving Ranil for the moment is not because they love him, but serves the purpose of MR’s stability till MR consolidates his position, settling the Nothern issue dropping the 13th Amendment next year after receiving the Mantle of the Common Wealth in November this year. Possibly Ranil Wickremasinghe may have been promised something, by these very Illuminatis for his stoic silence, but my fear is that there is no assurance that the rug under his feet will not be pulled out, yet again as done before in 2005 Presidential Election.
It is no secret that the MR govt is cash strapped, where the loaf of bread, the poor man’s diet stands at Rs.65/- per loaf. Yet, see the Land Scape Development carried out, in and out of the city of Colombo costing billions beautifying Colombo as the Garden City of Asia, with jogging tracks, health walk tracks. Are they for the benefit of the poor Urbanites? No certainly not, but for the intended arrival of Casino Clients who will descend here once James Packer builds his Casino Empire, Tax free. The locals will have the spinoff benefits of supplying women for pleasure and any other essentials to keep the Casino Industry going, that is all. Way to go Sri Lanka.
shankar / August 7, 2013
“It is not a case that Ranil Wickremasinghe can not be done away with, but his successor would be equally ruthless as MR himself and MR would be History, in the absence of RW. So preserving Ranil for the moment is not because they love him, but serves the purpose of MR’s stability till MR consolidates his position,”
So gamini,aren’t you also aiding and abetting in all this with your support for ranil.You keep on saying he should be the leader,so in your own words you are not wanting his successor to make MR history.In your own words your continued support of Ranil is to stabilise MR and consolidate his position.Aren’t you also indirectly working for the yanks?Isn’t it better to let the UNP rank and file members have a say in electing the leader with 50 percent weightage given to their vote,without allowing the americans to decide who should be leader?
Do you want americans,Indians and Chinese to run this country or do you want srilankans to run it for the locals benefit?
gamini / August 7, 2013
Shankar, Shankar, I thought you had a little more common sense. Yes I support Ranil to succeed because for one thing he will not sell the public interest of this country for a mess of Pottage to the Illuminatis as MR is doing for him and his siblings to benefit, ignoring the masses. MR on the one hand not through sincerity, is rallying the support of the Olcott Buddhists in the country by using his brother Gota giving a free hand to BBS and the Ravana forces, while on the other hand MR is accommodating the Casino Culture that will bring more violence, out weighing the little financial benefits. Ranil will further establish Law and Order as he has no one to fend for or protect even a friend of his, or Party supporter. It is no secret that RW does not mix his friendships and relationships with his Principles and for this reason he is blamed for his lack of PR. So Shankar please do not try to interpret his silence as a mark of support to MR. He is a man with a lot of patience, biding his time till the masses realize their own folly seeing the mockery of MR who profess to look after the interest of the Public, as MR amply displayed at Weliweriya the other day, which RW would never have done such a heinous crime. It is for this reason that I do not support another from the rest of the remaining UNPers who have shown their true characters by switching sides for personal gain, while claiming they did so for the country to strengthen MR’s hands. I still do not see a proper replacement to match RW’s Stature, Honesty, Integrity and Gentleman qualities, how he conducts himself in an out of Parliament. Can you deny this?
shankar / August 7, 2013
“Yes I support Ranil to succeed because for one thing he will not sell the public interest of this country”
gamini,but you said earlier that preserving ranil quote”serves the purpose of MR’s stability till MR consolidates his position,”
So okay,i got your point that if ranil becomes the president he won’t be a bad chap etc etc,but if he is serving the purpose of consolidating MR’s position,then how is he going to become the president.We can’t have both of them as the president at the same time.To get rid of MR you have to have someone who can oust him,not consolidate him.Since you say that MR is selling the country,by ranil consolidating him isn’t he also selling the public interest of the country,not directly,but indirectly.
If ranil just says to the party faithful,elect the leader you want,then he is not selling the public interest.Since he is not allowing that,then he is selling the public interest by not allowing anyone else to oust MR while as you mention he is consolidating MR’s rule.You say you have no confidence in the others,so why worry,if the members also feel like you do,they will elect ranil.Let the party members keep on electing and kicking out the leaders until they find the correct one.Don’t you have confidence in your own party members?Is that the reason?You think your way of thinking will not coincide with their way of thinking.You could always start a new party then and allow those dickheads to keep the UNP and dance with it and ranil ill one day become the president through the new party.
gamini / August 7, 2013
Shankar, yes till RW is there MR may be safe from the UNP side from any harm happening to him. But there is no guarantee all Rajapaksas are safe from being killed from within or by some other force. So before MR consolidates himself, it is the duty for the rest of us to get RW elected at the next Presidential Election. This is what I mean we could do, the best and the fastest way to rid MR. Your proposals of ridding RW and looking for alternate leadership is like looking for a needle in a hey stack at the moment and will certainly give MR the edge to really consolidate himself. Besides did not the UNP decide with almost a 4900 votes as against to some 300 votes, to retain RW as the Leader for the next six years? Then what are you talking now carrying the brief for Maharajah & Co. and MR?
You question me whether I have no confidence on the other UNPers? Why did you doubt those who crossed over then? Shankar I can only take a horse to water but cannot make it drink. Similarly this issue of RW will not be there forever as we all pass with time. So make your choice.
shankar / August 9, 2013
“Besides did not the UNP decide with almost a 4900 votes as against to some 300 votes, to retain RW as the Leader for the next six years?”
gamini,you asking 5000 people to decide who should be the leader.Why don’t you allow at least 50000 of the rank and file to also have say in this.If 50000 UNP’ers have endorsed ranil as the leader then everyone can get behind him and pull in the same direction.Now it is like every horse is pulling the cart in different directions and the party is being torn apart.All those who put up their hands for the leadership can be sure that the winner has been endorsed by the party members if 50000 of them vote and the losers will have to put aside the leadership issue and get behind the winner of the ballot or piss off.
As for the 6 year term it is ludicrous.If whoever is elected as the leader by the party members is not delivering the results are you going to keep him for 6 years.There should be a mechanism to have a poll again among the members if the leader is not delivering results.
Let the rank and file UNP members also have a say in who their leader should be,not only some handpicked characters of ranil.
Does the UNP consist of only 5000 members? With 17 successive defeats at various elections,isn’t it time to reform the party and give a greater say to the members on who should be their leader.If Ranil is endorsed by them then he will have the added advantage of legitimacy and the leadership issue can be once and for all put in the backburner and the all important objective of defeating the SLFP can be focused on by everybody without all these sideshows and distractions and crossovers etc.
IF dayasiri wins the chief minister post as most probably he will,how are you going to explain that?He has also made serious allegations of sexual harassment.One’s sexuality is ones own business,but if this becomes a poofters party with mangala,ranil etc you might as well name it United Poofters Party and everybody can have a rip roaring time buggering each other.
Jayantha / August 8, 2013
I think Mara’s game plan is to divide and distroy the opposition and for this he uses state media, spreading false rumors, buying opposition members and using Mara siblings, BBS, death squads and party criminal gangs to threat, intimidate and supress citizens.
Also Mara uses his PR Macho stunts to dupe public while borrowing heavily for unwanted projects to dupe both public and the West on fake development which will backfire on him shortly.
Creating a Humongus White elephant that is unable to feed and maintain will take Sri Lanka towards an economic catestrophe.
How could you justify spending 500 Million Dollars on a Colombo Port expansion project when the Hambanthota harbour is already a Ghost Harbour and Trafrfic at Colombo Harbour has dropped by 40%.
There could come a severe Financial collapse in coming months, and if Ranil could capitalise on both Economic, Political, racial, and religion termoil and if play his cards well while keeping his Party members together, there’s a great possibility that he could come as a winner in next election.
Ranil has to Get out from Parliament Jokers comedy house and spend more time in the road meeting people if he plans to win Next Elections.
To Gamini,
Currently Shanghai Corporation, BRICS and new Trade Blocks and the terror groups are changing the Tides.
Also with new Trade and security pacts and new wave of currancy transactions and Gold trade, the pendulam is swinging towards East from West and this could weaken the West, US Dollar and Illuminati Power play.
With 15,000 Thermo nuclear warheads in world theatre I don’t think there will be a singler winner in the next world war, and who ever who commence it will be a stupid ass joker.
The new world order pendulum surely swinging towards East.
gamini / August 7, 2013
Shankar to your question, ‘ Do you want americans,Indians and Chinese to run this country or do you want srilankans to run it for the locals benefit?
Do you seriously believe MR is running the country today for the benefit of the masses? On the contrary Ranil genuinely would as he has no progeny to fend for. Ranil has no interest importing Lamborghinis duty free as he has no brats to run night races while raising the duty of essential commodities for the masses.
srilal / August 7, 2013
Gamini ,
Correct me if am wrong , didn’t Niward Cabral heavily campaign for MR for the 2012 presidential bid , I thought the offering of the top job was a gratitude towards his services.
in relation to Rothschild affairs , you are right , Jews control the world economy.
i have strong feelings about world bank /IMF representative in SL , who does he really work for ?
one more thing Gamini , though James Packer’s name has been in the media with the proposed crown casino , do you know that his name is no where to be seen in the actual contract , wonder why ?
gamini / August 7, 2013
Gamini ,
Correct me if am wrong , didn’t Niward Cabral heavily campaign for MR for the 2012 presidential bid , I thought the offering of the top job was a gratitude towards his services.
Srilal, you are wrong. You are talking of 2012, while Nivard was appointed in 2006 as Governor Central Bank after MR won the Presidential Election in 2005 November.
As for James Packer’s name not being there on the contract, as you say, probably James is the Proxy for Joe Simm.
srilal / August 7, 2013
Sorry Gamini , what i meant was 2005 , not 2012.
Senguttuvan / August 7, 2013
I have my regards for your carefully considered comments and above all
to your remarkable fidelity to Ranil W. I enjoy your regular intervention. Rothschilds and Rockefellers are no longer the players they were in the US and European economies – now the domain of the Mexican-Arab Slim (Salim?) Buffet, Gates, the Saudi family/Arabs and the lot. The small Rotchild Estate has been here for a very long time – and may not play much of a part in their Balance Sheets. Don’t get too carried away by this alleged sinister nexus between Western Capitalists, the Christian church and local collaborators. Olcott and Blatavsky, during their time, believed in the occult and mysticism and were convinced the next Messiah will come from the East. They set sail this way – arguably, impressed by the Panadura Debates – and seem to have eventually cottoned on to Jittu Krishnamurthi. Their arrival did us much good too.
There will always be rejectionists of the Western system – such as Chomsky now. That is the very spirit of individual freedom – encouraged in the truly civilised societies.
Like the Singaporeans, we must mind our business and concentrate in improving our lot. It is when we try to poke our noses and fingers all over trouble begins and the country goes to the cats (or rats, as in our case?)
gamini / August 7, 2013
Sengu, the Rothschild and Rockerfellers interests are still looked after by the family interests with new players entering the field as Rupert Murdoch type. You and I will not know who is and who is not. As for the Rothschild Estate certainly it will not have much of an impact in their balance sheet as I categorically stated. Precisely, this is what I implied, when their real reason was to have a foothold here for providing the cannon fodder all along.
niran anketell / August 7, 2013
It came to this because people like Kath Noble who were vocal, and millions of others who were not, pretended that it was acceptable when the carnage unfolded four years ago.
David Blacker / August 7, 2013
I think it’s more about what was necessary rather than acceptable.
manisekaran / August 7, 2013
Killing civilians?? As necessary?? The same necessary was explained by VP also when he took arms, was n’t it?
David Blacker / August 8, 2013
Civilians were not intentionally killed in the NE, barring some criminal incidents. Unfortunately, civilians die in war, but the war was necessary. it wasn’t necessary to send the Army into Weliweriya.
Jayantha / August 8, 2013
Kath Noble,
We are impressed to hear the performances of Dhammika Perera.
If he is so capable, why don’t President Rajapakse appoint him as CEO of Sri Lankan Air and Mihin Air.
He could surely turn them around with his magic wand than the current Loss making ex.planter Chairman Nishantha Wickremasinghe and CEO Kapila.
Surely he could eliminate some of the 6 Billion Rupee annual losses.
Let’s have your views.
Spring Koha / August 8, 2013
Whoa! be careful what you wish for man. That old idiom ‘frying pan to fire’ comes to mind.
qassim ben qassim / August 8, 2013
[Edited out]
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Rick / August 10, 2013
As usual Sri Lankans are debating among themselves. It indicates how polarized the country is. You people seem to miss the point the whole time. You got to debate with writer of the article. She was white washing the current government. They did nothing wrong in her view. Suddenly she has become like a Sri Lankan politician and singing a different tune. She was naive about its true intentions. She is entitled to her views, but was wrong along along about the current government.
kali / August 10, 2013
Miss. Noble,
I am not sure what the big fuss is here the only difference this time is it is their lot. Killing comes naturally to the rulers and his countrymen and it is second nature to them.
It may shock you but we Tamils suffer from withdrawal symptom the moment they take a break mostly through exhaustion.
Sadly flexibilty to Mahintha means flexing his muscles and he does not know the meaning of retraint or civility.