By Shyamon Jayasinghe –
The famous Kalinga war that took place in India around 262 BC had been a seminal moment in Emperor Asoka’s personal journey, in India’s history as well as in the history of Buddhism. The Maurya King Asoka waged the war to bring the province of Kalinga under the empire’s control. Thousands died and their bodies lay scattered all over with blood drooping from their limbs. This experience stirred a spiritual revolution in the psyche of Asoka. Deeply shaken by the tragedy of that war the King underwent a personal transformation that made him eschew all violence and develop sorrow and compassion for all human beings. He became a convert to Buddhism- a religion that had already gripped his subconscious for its powerful message of peace and non-violence. The futility, tragedy, waste, and immense sorrow that war brings was graphically set in his memory. From that point on, historians have recorded how the Emperor transformed his empire into a truly blessed land where compassion towards the human being became the central focus of government policy. King Asoka had already demonstrated his undoubted skill in military conquest. Now, he showed his greatness and nobility in peace as exemplified by a series of projects throughout the length and breadth of the great subcontinent that came under his sway.
The significance to Buddhism was that the religion now had a powerful ruler as backer. All great religions in the world spread as a result of finding a monarch or powerful ruler as convert. For Buddhism it was Asoka as much as for Christianity it had been Constantine or for Islam it had been Muhammad himself.
Said the bard: “There’s a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.” To Emperor Asoka the Kalinga experience constituted the great tide. He took governance completely out of the square occupied by traditional rulers and built a totally new and remarkable model that made him a major and peerless historical giant for all time. Praise has since been showered on Asoka from all quarters of historians. HG Wells, in his Short History of the World stated thus: “Amidst the tens of thousands of columns of world history the name of Asoka stands alone; a star.”
Such a feat has since never been achieved in history. Least of all, one would be out of one’s mind to expect our own Mahinda Rajapakse to achieve that. On the other hand, one could hypothesize in imagination how Mahinda Rajapakse could have transformed his triumph in Lanka’s thirty- year war against terrorism into establishing a system of governance that would have achieved lasting reconciliation and unification in the island, efficient administration, and prosperity to the people. That Mahinda Rajapakse failed to do that has made the triumph seem something terribly hollow and something tagged with the potential of the return of militant separatism to the island.
One cannot destroy a powerful idea by brute force; like a wound spring it will snap back, perhaps with greater force. Only a genuine process of reconciliation could defuse the idea and render it irrelevant. King Asoka obviously had an embedded spiritual and intellectual potential within him. Mahinda hadn’t that. He was made of different stuff. That’s the difference.
That Mahinda Rajapakse hadn’t even an embryo of such spirituality was shown when he decided to triumphalize the event. King Asoka was saddened; King Mahinda wasn’t one bit so saddened. He blew his trumpet and continues to do that without an inkling of understanding that he shouldn’t do that if he had the country’s future in focus. This has made it abundantly clear that reconciliation cannot be achieved by his regime. A change of regime is a necessary setting for reconciliation.
Not only has the regime failed to reunite the country; it has worsened the island’s state of national unity by letting extremist rhetoric play to other dangerous ethnic prejudices. A hitherto unknown Buddhist monk militancy was allowed an unhindered free space to operate. Government is complacent about this unhealthy phenomenon and thereby is complicit in it. For a regime that has been unsparing about its democratic critics this complacency is strange and it fosters a charge that the government is tied up firmly with irrational sectarian forces. This simply rules out its ability to engage in national reconciliation and unity.
What discerning Sri Lankans have seen is an opposite trajectory to the Kalinga conversion. Government thought it a smart thing to do by utilizing the victory for the purpose of entrenching and expanding its power base. The first step was to take the Army Commander Fonseka out of the scene. Government didn’t want to share the victory with its other participants. The next step was to get rid of the 17th Amendment and the next was to bring in the 18th Amendment. The next was to get rid of the 43rd Chief Justice in highly controversial circumstances. The President and his men simply didn’t care about norms and criticism.
With its tentacles complete, the government acts with total impunity and non-transparency. Human rights violations take place on a daily basis even while the United Nations is deliberating on Sri Lanka. Massive capital projects are being launched with little being known about their procedures. While the Highway projects have great benefits some other projects are dead ducks or white elephants. The other day, a Divaina writer indicated how the supply chain is shared at the periphery by corrupt government politicians who provide metal, sand etc. to contractors. The report stated how contractors act under intimidation from these politicians. Thus a sharing of spoils takes place from top to bottom of the echelons of power. Since the corruption factor has to be reckoned in costing, all these projects are being operated at inordinate cost to the public. I guess, by the sharing of spoils throughout the supply chain government has set upset up a force of political supporters who are ready to add extra-military muscle when needed. Most of the huge cabinet ministers don’t shine with any competence at all. Hardly any policy development takes place in Ministries. Corruption is entrenched and scandals are rife. Even the Prime Minister’s office had been involved in a huge drug scandal. These are all swept under the carpet.
We Diaspora Sri Lankans watch a lot of TV Drama from Sri Lanka. A prominent theme that emerges in this drama is how greed and corruption and utter opportunism manifests in their characters. No one is to be trusted and the honest guy is deemed a fool. Education is undervalued. Since public art reflects social values one can surmise that this is how Lankan society is turning out to be. Clearly, a condition of anomie or normlessness is getting hold of our society.
In this way, President Mahinda Rajapakse and the government have lost its great Kalinga moment. It is symbolic that the Government is now hauled before the international community for alleged crimes against humanity-a total opposite of the outcome of that historical Kalinga moment.
We humble citizens can only reflect on what could have been.
Ram / March 22, 2014
Chandra Gupta had become a Jain previously, a religion which takes ahimsa to extremes. Why therefore Asoka became a Buddhist in order to practice ahimsa is a mystery. It can be argued that this conversion was responsible for the downfall of the Maurya dynasty, and the practice of ahimsa was seen as a weakness. Indian history would have been very different if not for this.
Pena Kiyanna / March 22, 2014
All Shyamon wants is to bring back Premadasa.
He is loyal to Premadasa (who had the madness of becoming an emperor himself) [Edited out]
Amarasiri / March 22, 2014
Shyamon Jayasinghe –
RE: How Mahinda Rajapaksa Lost His Kalinga Moment
“In this way, President Mahinda Rajapakse and the government have lost its great Kalinga moment. It is symbolic that the Government is now hauled before the international community for alleged crimes against humanity-a total opposite of the outcome of that historical Kalinga moment.”
“We humble citizens can only reflect on what could have been”
Thank you . Well articulated.
I would like to point out George Washington could have become King of the 13 Original States, but the people hated Kings, thanks to King George., and the country became a Republic with Separation of Church and State, Thanks to Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.
Kamel Ataturk of Turkey, could have become King Kamel Ataturk, like King Saud of Saudi Arabia, and ruled along with the Mullahs. No, Kamel, did not do that. He made Turkey, a Republic with the separation pf State and Mosque,in a country that was 99% Muslims, and downgraded Religion and Islam to the Private Personal arena.
So, the so-called King Mahinda, the Villege Boy, has got around him, the Village Thugs, and they they get “Kappam”, kickbacks from every economic activity.
Time for Termination.
AntiBBSAnti / March 22, 2014
Coming colour is not good for srilankaen bad boys – today Pillay is said to have compared the security level in srilanka is that of North korea.
Thanks go to srilanken Idiamin -Mahinda Gonthadi Rajapakshe.
Now those who thought that he was the one who managed to defeat millatary war against Ltters will have no other choice than accept that SF was the real war hero. This is proved to this days, looking at how the MR rule managed to win the hearts and minds of IC in the post war sessions.
This man is not appropriate even to give a lead to ploughing bufferloes, will be becoming a reality after 28th of March.
Entire world should corner the man so that we the peace loving people can finally eat kiribath.
Thiru / March 22, 2014
Mahinda’s bible is Mahama thero’s Mahavamsa: Mahinda chinthanaya is the modern vesion of it.
He is executing his rule according to this gospel, why should he feel ashamed?
Amden / March 22, 2014
As someone had pointed out before at the time the Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka were writing the national chroncle (a first in the history of mankind), our lansi friends who are preaching human rights to us from the corners they invaded and occupied were still elarning to stand on their hind legs, with the tails still on!
The Thiru troll is attacking the Mahawamsa without an end because he is clearly feeling inferior!
Suck on it [Edited out] Thiru.
Thiru / March 23, 2014
Amden ,
Mahavamsa means a great tribe in Sanskrit. Mahanama means great name in Sanskrit. so, I may not be far of if I translate: Great man Mahanama thero, whatever his real name was, writes the chronicle: Mahavamsa, about the Chosen people – Sinhalese-Buddhists.
Impartial scholars overseas can confirm it.
This is similar to the Jews being the God-chosen people according to their chronicle!
Bensen Burner / March 22, 2014
Very well said, Shyamon. bensen
Dr Ransimala Vidurapola / March 22, 2014
A brilliant essay. Thanks
Davidson Panabokke / March 22, 2014
SriLanka – Psychologically Oppressive War Memorials
Paul / March 22, 2014
A great summary of recent events. He could have gone down in history as a statesman but he threw it all away.
Lankapriya / March 22, 2014
Diaspora Sri Lankans can preach lots of Bana. Most of them have not undergone or atleast seen the the difficulties Sri Lankans (Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim ) undergone due to terrorisum. Can they talk about the technology transfered to win the war? How much have they invested or brought new technology to to sri Lanka to uplift the living standards of all Sri Lankans? Diaspora can publish lots and lots of Bana and get UN intervention to devide the country and start non ending war because they are safe in a nother country. But none of them provide at least know how or technology to poor tamil framers who still grow 30 year old verities of grapes perish witin days.
Javi / March 23, 2014
“preach lots of Bana”
Blown Mind, Life is a moment in Time!
Uduran kana paksaya;
Who will come to see you?? Mahasoni!!
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 22, 2014
A welcome and well done piece of writing. MR has not only missed the bus on the issue of reconciliation and nation building, but also on many issues vital to a country that is in the 21st century. It is sad and unfortunate. Great men have to born, they cannot be made! Asoka was born to be great. MR was born to have the opportunity to be great, but not the potential to become great, despite his name being appended to everything new, bright and shining in Sri Lanka built at great cost to the people. What will however endure are memories of the damage he has done to the fundamentals needed for this country,
Dr. Rajasingham Narebdran
Uthungan / March 23, 2014
The revolutionary character of Buddhism arises from the concept of change.When compared with modern dialectics Buddhist dialectics arose two thousand five hundred years ago, when the Indian social system was moving from a stage of slavery to serfdom.
At that period of time the dialectic of that change was not rooted in materialism but in realism.
Buddhist dialectics played the revolutionary role of free thought which gave rise to ideas of liberty, equality,and fraternity which came to Europe only much later during the period of renaissance in the 18th century.
The message of the Buddha was to discard and rid the old rigid and fixed thinking that people then had of the world and to think of the world as a process and not static.It was he who stressed of the importance of change and impermanence in his message.
But when a drop of poison fell into the purity of the Buddha’s teaching in the form of the Mahavansa into it’s Theravada version which is practiced by the Sinhalese majority in SL and with Dr.Ananda Grugee’s translation of it becoming dedicated to former Presidents JRJ and R.P. all hell broke loose in the island and a historical turning points occurred.
The MR regime has become the natural inheritor of that process.The actions of the said regime should be viewed in that context and it is the task of redeeming the country from ultimate disaster prevented by the people of the country led by dedicated leaders.
According to Fredrick Engels great historical changes have occurred in the world when changes in religion have taken place in a society.
In the case of Buddhism,Christianity and Islam the founding fathers of each had acted as a catalyst in bringing about changes in the world we now live in.
Wickramasiri / March 22, 2014
Mahinda lost his Kalinga moment when he lost his head. Come to think of it, is it not sad that Buddhism lost that moment too?
justice / March 22, 2014
A brilliant exposition of what ails lanka today.
We have not yet produced a statesman – only self-seeking politicians.
MR appears to be the worst.
His ‘governance’ is aimed at perpetuating his military regime – maybe,till he dies of old age.
The minorities are hardest hit by the regime and reduced to slaves who struggle to live amidst oppression.
But he is bolstered by people like him,who wish to live under his ‘shadow’ enjoying his largesse.
Amarasiri / March 22, 2014
Dear Shyamon Jayasinghe,
RE: How Mahinda Rajapaksa Lost His Kalinga Moment
“Emperor transformed his empire into a truly blessed land where compassion towards the human being became the central focus of government policy.”
What we have is King Mara, the Mara who was against Buddha, and what is Practiced is Maraism, a kind of Monk Mahanama Maraism. aka Village Thuggery.
Anyway, here is an interesting Video, you should listen to and some excerpts.
Buddhism in Politics? Religion in Politics? Religion is the Opium of the masses. Al-Ghazali of 12th Century.
Question. Is it a case of separation of Temple and State?
Noah’s Ark carried Dinosaurs? Letter by Neil deGrasse Tyson, to New Y Times, Dec 19, 2006.
To the Editor,
People cited violation of the First Amendment when a New Jersey schoolteacher asserted that evolution and the Big Bang are not scientific and that Noah’s ark carried dinosaurs.
This case is not about the need to separate church and state; it’s about the need to separate ignorant, scientifically illiterate people from the ranks of teachers.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, New York Times, Dec 19, 2006.
This case is not about the need to separate church and state; it’s about the need to separate ignorant, illiterate people who lack wisdom from the ranks of politicians and rulers who exploit them, like the current rulers.
Neil deGrasse Tyson on religious people
Published on Jun 7, 2013
Excerpt from a speech at TAM 6 in Las Vegas. The whole speech can be found here:…
Navin / March 22, 2014
Shyamon, you have brilliantly portrayed the Right Honorable President Mahinda Percy Rajapaksa, Aspiring To Be President For Life of the Miracle Island Sri Lanka as a STUPID IDIOT. Congratulations!
Dr. N. Satchi / March 22, 2014
Triumphalism, stopping the National Anthem being sung in Tamil, vandalizing of the burial grounds, and suppression of emotions have all hardened the attitude of the Tamils all over the World.
This is going to be very, very bad for the country as a whole. It has also placed the country for a protracted struggle between communities taking other minority groups also into the vortex.
A timely reminder as to what is ahead – the needless suffering of many from all communities.
Dr. N. Satchi UK
Mohamed Naufer - Chennai / March 22, 2014
You cannot compare King Asoka to Mahinda. Today Sri Lanka was hauled before the UNHRC because of Mahinda’s brutal Action of engineering the killing of more than 75,000 innocent Tamil civilians during the final phase of war at Mullivaikkal in the Mullativu District and erasing all the evidences.The “KILLING FIELDS” clearly shows this idiot’s brutality against the human race.
siva / March 23, 2014
More than engineering and killing but steadfastly protecting the persons who ordered the killing. Sarath Fonseka who headed the Army is sidelined why is he not allowed to go to UNHRC and tell the story of the Armed forces whoe’s name is being tarnished along with that of the country?
Afzal / March 25, 2014
M Naufer why stop at 75,000 ?
Javi / March 22, 2014
Dr. N. Satchi UK
in William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet,
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
Jaya uses Hindi to attack Sonia
New Delhi: AIADMK chief Jayalalitha was seen singing bardic phrases in support of SP Chief Mulayam Singh Yadav while campaigning for his party in Lucknow. The former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister is leaving no stone unturned as she speaks in Hindi while making cutting remarks against Congress President Sonia Gandhi.
“Srimati Sonia Gandhi ka jigri dost, uska rishtedar Ottavio Quattrocchi hamari desh ki janta ke paise ko London bank se lekar bhag gaya. (Sonia’s friend and relative Ottavio Quattrocchi has taken away public money and deposited it in London Bank),” said Jayalalitha.
While Dravidian parties like the AIADMK have built their political bridges on the strong anti-Hindi sentiments prevailing in Tamil Nadu, Jayalalitha sprung a major surprise, as she took on Sonia in Hindi.
She chose to speak at a platform, where several Southern leaders such as Chandrababu Naidu and Bangaru Lakshman were present. She targeted the Congress and the Bahujan Samaj Party much to the delight of Mulayam Singh Yadav.
“Yaad rakhiye, ek hai Mulayam is vatan mein, ek hai chanda jaise gagan mein (Remember, Mulayam will always be the only option),” she said at a public rally.
But back home in Tamil Nadu commentators say it’s just a token gesture.
“Jayalalithaa’s AIADMK has always been against the imposition of Hindi in TN but they’re not against the language as such. This is not the first time that she’s spoken in Hindi. This is a token gesture by her,” says Political Commentator Cho Ramaswamy.
Jayalalitha’s Hindi speech given in Allahabad—is seen as a major deviation of any Dravidian party for Hindi since the 1960s. But it remains to be seen whether the Tamil leader’s attempt to speak in Hindi is a genuine attempt to bridge the north-south language divide in the country or simply an attempt to please a future coalition partner.
________________Comment from Hari at 00:00, Nov 30, 1999
I’m not against Hindi or Sanskrit. For that matter I can read, write and speak Hindi, read, write and to a little extend understand sanskrit as well (I learnt it for 5 years). Im a non brahmin from TN. I cannot read or write Tamil. I can only speak and understand Tamil. Now, consider my case. I’m an NRI. If I happened to not know to speak tamil, Tamil ends with my generation. Such things will kill the language. Already, in urban areas of TN, youngsters like me cannot read/write tamil. billboards write tamil words using the english alphabet. Tamil spoken in cities is highly anglicized – people of my generation can’t understand old tamil movies because of the classical tamil used. Tamil is a dying language. So, what I mean is that within TN, let tamil rule with hindi ruling a third place after tamil %26 english. Tamils dont complain while going oustside TN. They make an effort to learn hindi. Likewise, when non-Tamil speaking people come to TN, dont complain about Hindi not being spoken here. Try to learn Tamil instead. And for your info, YES, foreigners visiting TN try to learn the language. They dont complain having to learn 2 or more different languages when visiting different parts of India.
Doc if you have travelled within north India “listening” then you would realise Hari is true to the spirit.
Un gran Salud
Dr. N. Satchi / March 23, 2014
Dear Javi,
Thank you for your comments. I think I am beginning to understand what you mean now.
This article is about King Asoka the great. The philosophical system that emanated from India is unique and its concepts are almost becoming universal. It is the English language that has maintained the Unity of India and it is perhaps going to become the language of universal communication. Look at the reach of the NDTV. The English Language is vital for the preservation of India’s unity and regional stability.
When I speak of western values – I do refer to post Darwinian era that has propelled social values – of the need for equality of opportunity as the driving mechanism to a fair and equitable society.
You refer to the Dravidians is it because of their epic works like Silapathikaram, Manimekalai and others. It is these works of literature that are the foundations for a cultured, secular and progressive India.
I do admire Srimathi Jayalalitha not because she speaks Hindi, but excellent in the English language both in dialect and diction. She will make an excellent Prime Minister of India.
Dr. N. Satchi UK
Javi / March 23, 2014
You are what we call angrjika putra north of the deccan pleatu.
Read Sivaji the Great and the only martial race accepted by the English and Persians- It was only his dynasty that ruled the south and the last bettle was 1818 3rd anglo/maratha for east india company.
You are the class cut politician as bernard Shaw describes you are boring me because your knowledge of india is limited to tamil/english. TN wanted english as the bridging language no one else.
Some of the pundits of northnern india could teach you and make any english woman laugh anytime everytime coming up with original prose like their sher from sanskrit but generally they prefer to speak in their regional language.Some wear a tie without dimple monday to friday and on saturday their regional costume. (you are like a frog UK go travel before telling me you are doctor as i am an industrial engineer who has travelled)
Javi / March 23, 2014
“I do admire Srimathi Jayalalitha not because she speaks Hindi, but excellent in the English language both in dialect and diction. “
The north would have laughed at her because of her accent at hindi. i doubt India at this stage is prepared to make her/TN a PM after the financial scandal involving TN ministers etc.
NaMo would be a better bet to solve the issue if at all.
India is a big nation and a power by its size alone and linked militarily to Russia not US no – it cannot because even now bottom up they hate the 500 years of European rule as much as the Persian.
noel-jones / March 22, 2014
Shy-Amon, Did Kalinga Province ruler or people wage a war against Emperor Ashoka? No. Emperor Ashoka wage a war against peaceful people in Kalinga just to take control of that Province. So how stupid you compare that situation to SL conflict. MR and the forces in SL wage a war against world’s ruthless terrorists who killed thousands of innocent people including their own ethnic people. Before you write next time please think twice.
Amarasiri / March 22, 2014
noel-jones ,
Who taught the Para-Tamils to wage war against the Para-Sinhala?
We know both are Paraggios, Kalla-Thoni, Hora-Oru, Illegal-boats, as per Native Veddah terminology.
It is my understanding based on history, that it was the latest in the fight between the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils, during the past 65 years. The Para-Sinhala were guided by the Imaginations of the Para-Sinhala Monk Mahanama, who wrote his imaginations, in a book called Maha-wansa. It had nothing to do with Buddhism. It was racism, wrapped in Buddhism.
All these Para, the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamil who came from South India, should get back there.
Parayo Palayaw!
noel-jones / March 23, 2014
Amarasiri, What’s wrong with you man. I think you become demented after muttering and writing in every yarn publish here, the words “Para” “Monk Mahanama” and “Mahawansa” in 24 hours during each day. Find different words man. Consult Native mixed Veddha and do “Kohoba Yak natuma” or Veddha “Shanthikarma”.
srilal / March 23, 2014
Noel-Jones ,
i’ve posted a reply to your lengthy comment , looking forward a reply from you !
Amarasiri / March 23, 2014
noel-jones, (Jim Softy, mechanic, i anm no muslim, Lorenzo, and other Avatars),
“Amarasiri, What’s wrong with you man. ” – Absolutely Nothing.
Absolutely, Nothing, Absolutely Nothing Man. The problem is with others man. Given below are a few examples, with credible support and data.
1. Amarasiri became wiser, is discarding yhe imaginations, and pointing out the imaginations so that the racist, Imagination filled society we live in, can be transformed into an egalitarian society, so that those who want to follow their myths can do so privately, without bothering others to do so. Too bad, the bad guys are in Amarasiri’s cross wires. In Sri Lanka, it is mostly the “Sinhala Mahanama Buddhists” and the “Tamil Hindus”, both belong here and are members of the Para group, as per Native Veddah terminology.
1. Amarasiri figured out what was wrong with all the bad guys and girls in Sri Lanka.. Fortunately, still a lot of good guys and girls are there, to reform the bad.
It is a fight between the Angels and the Devils, the Maras.
Amarasiri figured out, based on credible data and reason, similar to just like what Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler figured out, that it was NOT the SUN that was going around a stationary EARTH, as stated in the BIBLE (Joshua etc.) and by Ptolemy and Aristotle, but it was the EARTH that was tilted, goes around the SUN and rotates on its own axis.
2. Combining Historical data, scientific data and reason, Amarasiri is exposing the the historical and religious Myths, for those who do not know the facts yet. After all, STILL, 25% of the Americans and Europeans, and others believe the Sun goes around the Earth.
So, Sinhala Monk Mahanama Myths, Buddhist Myths, Hindu Myths, Jewish Myths, Christian Myths and Islam Myths, especially Wahhabi Myths, that is in conflict with Amarasiri’s worldview of a civilized egalitarian society will come his cross wires.
High up on the agenda are:
1. Monk Mahanama Myths and Sinhala Buddhist Myths
2. Hinduism , Caste and Rebirth Myths.
3. Hell, Heaven, Limbo and Purgatory Myths.
The other Myths of democracy and lies perpetuated currently in Sri Lanka, by the shills.
If you disagree with Amarasiri, you need to counter with credible data, your credible arguments and the points, Amarasir is making , like exposing Monk Mahanama Myths.
Would like to see data as to how Buddha managed to get to the top of Samanala Kanda, Mount “Adams Peak” (Another Myth), become 40 feet tall and placed the imprint of his foot in 500 BC, as Monk Mahanama says in Mahawansa, the Great Chronicle..
Awaiting your counter points supporting your Myths.
After all, Ptolemy and Aristotle, in order to support the retro grade motion of Mars, can with the Myth of Epi-cycles.
No Ad hominem attacks please. Just the arguments, data and why a certain assertion is valid, not valid, true or not.
(An ad hominem (Latin for “to the man” or “to the person”[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument.[2] Fallacious Ad hominem reasoning is normally categorized as an informal fallacy,[3][4][5] more precisely as a genetic fallacy,[6] a subcategory of fallacies of irrelevance.[7])
Mallaiyuran / March 23, 2014
You are taking about the fighting going at Hambantota. But, Shyamon Jayasinghe is talking about SRi Lanka army going to Vanni to capture Tamil Eelam. You know Mahinda is not a Tamil. Like that King Asoka is not a Kalinga too. King Asoka crossed the border to capture Kalinga. Same way Mahinda crossed the Sri Lanka border and went into Vanni.
Piranha / March 22, 2014
Come on Mr Jayasinghe, don’t you think it is too much to ask for a Kalinga moment from Mahinda Rajapaksa who is just a village thug elevated to be the ruler of the land by an uneducated and gullible Sinhala population?
The thug, after murdering the tamils in their tens of thousands, is on a mission to secure his and his family’s position in power by employing the same methods of subjugation on the Sinhalese that he used on the tamils.
The thug’s government is riven with corruption, huge scale drug peddling, murders, abuse of power, dictatorship etc, etc. Regime change is the only hope for the people of Sri lanka.
Bruz / March 22, 2014
Expecting Mahinda to even think of an ‘after Kalinga’ thing like Emperor Asoka is a wishful thinking, knowing the mindset of our ‘king’. He’s a born dishonest, rowdy, racist,thug, greedy and a dirty politician Sri Lanka had ever seen. He may not even know who Emperor Asoka was, let alone Kalinga war, Asoka or even true Buddhism. This ‘king’ of evil knows nothing but looting, killing, and all the vice in the world. It’s the saddest part of our history that our nation has to put up with this kind of so called leader, ruining the nation and the lives of the inhabitants with no end in sight !
Mallaiyuran / March 22, 2014
King the Modern Gamunu would have certainly became enlightened and pious King unless Fonseska and the Army ranks did not do their mistakes. The “Vision” destroys the calmness of the Human Mind. But, on the opposite side, it does not simply contribute to the knowledge, but also being main trigger to the mind’s enlightened. We know Buddha saw four things “on his first venture out of the palace with his charioteer Channa, he observed four sights; an old man, a sick man, a corpse and an ascetic. These observations affected him deeply and made him realize the sufferings of all beings, and compelled him to begin his spiritual journey which led into his enlightenment.“
It was same case with King Mahinda. He had made arrangements to have his fireworks for his celebration at the capital and returning from the war field. But unfortunately his army was too lazy to use the Bulldozers to dump the corpse, and as a result King Mahindha had seen the bodies of whom he had been the reason for death. So the king suddenly turned out to be cowardice, unpatriotic, traitor, forgot to declare “Zero Casualty” and became an “Akimsawathi”. This mistake did not happen with the case of King The Modern Gamune. King The Modern Gamune had seen massacre done by Premadasa and was saddened by it and went to UNHRC to seek justice. The Army, to avoid this tragedy repeating and King The Mordern Gemenu going back to UNHRC against himself, they had cleaned the Mullivaikkaal by working day and night with Bulldozers. So the king praised their work and declared “zero casualty”. Then he called Ban-ki-Moon and showed him the zero casualty on the land. Ban-ki-Moon asked him if still want to change like King Mahinda, King The Modern Gamunu agreed, for the the reason, the army had only removed the corpse but Ban-ki-Moon had seen the devastated Tamils’ towns and villages and had commented on that. So, the King Gamunu had to do Biggest the development in the history, that to clean the burned down the Vanni’s landscape. Yet, as the the important element, the vision of the dead corpse, that Buddha and King Mahinda had for their change over was not available for the King The Modern Gamunu. So he did not change.
(The essay just at the tip comparing the incident of 262 BC with the 2009, May 19th. It did not wanted to go deep into the historical circumstances. King Mahinda might have been fellow just liked victories. After the getting the victories he wanted, he saw the unpleasant scene and gave up the war. Everybody knows this notorious team, before they launched the war on Tamils, they had given 800 millions to their enemy to dupe them. From the young age, these dirty notorious have been killing even their loved souls too. For that kind of animals, there is nothing in the world to make them change them. Ban-ki-moon has to have an electric chair installed in UN, even at least on his own expenses)
Mallaiyuran / March 23, 2014
“It was same case with King Mahinda. He had made arrangements to have his fireworks for his celebration at the capital and returning from the war field. But unfortunately his army was too lazy to use the Bulldozers to dump the corpse, and as a result King Mahindha had seen the bodies of whom he had been the reason for death.”
King Mahinda might have been fellow just liked victories.
Please read Mahinda as King Asoka.
Dingiri / March 23, 2014
The minute I saw him come down the steps of that plane with his arms in the air and then proceed to kiss the Tarmac I realised he was about to lose the peace. We all have to now pay for his foolish hubris and total lack of statesmanship.
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah / March 23, 2014
The central theme of this beautiful essay has moved me to tears. Without taking away anything from the author I wish to point out that several Kalinga Moments were lost not only by President Rajapaksa, but also by DS Dudley Banda Sirimavo JR et al. All these regimes had their Kalinga Momemts but let it slip and we are in this sorry mess today because of that. We need a stateman as head of state with a large heart, compassionate, fair, just and honest to resolve the Tamil national question fairly and amicably to bring peace, reconciliation and good governance to this island.
Javi / March 23, 2014
“I wish to point out that several Kalinga Moments were lost not only by President Rajapaksa, but also by DS Dudley Banda Sirimavo JR et al. All these regimes had their Kalinga Momemts but let it slip and we are in this sorry mess today because of that.”
You were never taught that Siva forgives too and that is pity.- keep sewing.
You reap what you sow!
An irreversible moment was created by the very first JT minister of Public Administration.In simple terms he said only we JT’s have head; look at public administration and foreign services.
This angered the two youngsters from the south JR & Banda. Refer Hansard not the municipal servant’s son. Dudley was a ladies man like Jinnah.
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah / March 23, 2014
The central theme of this beautiful essay has moved me to tears. Without taking away anything from the author I wish to point out that several Kalinga Moments were lost not only by President Rajapaksa, but also by DS Dudley Banda Sirimavo JR et al. All these regimes had their Kalinga Moments but let it slip by and we are in this sorry mess today because of that. We need a stateman as head of state with a large heart, compassionate, fair, just and honest to resolve the Tamil national question fairly and amicably to bring peace, reconciliation and good governance to this island.
Dr.N. Satchi / March 23, 2014
Dear Usha,
Sometimes I wonder if you have also missed the Kalinga moment. The Great King Asoka did not blame others. He fought great battles and won.
The Tamils also fought for their rights a great and protracted battle in spite of formidable forces arrayed against them. We lost not only because of the formidable forces, but also more due to the grave omissions on the part of the leadership to ethical and strategic conduct of warfare.
Weather victors or looses, war is a horrible in every way and the need to ponder over what we did is what the Kalinga moment is about. It is not about sentimental nonsense, but a true evaluation of the suffering it entails.
Your stand on Tamil Eelam & your position in the TNGTE is uncompromising, and you know that it cannot yield peace in the long run. It also has the risk of destabilizing the entire region into chaos. Don’t you think your tears are that of a crocodile, certainly not of the Great King Asoka?
Dr. N. Satchi UK
Javi / March 23, 2014
“Sometimes I wonder if you have also missed the Kalinga moment. The Great King Asoka did not blame others. He fought great battles and won. “
What are you on Douglas moksha moorkan??
Why don’t you read about India at the British Library refrence section by appointment before donning borrowed feathers?
Was Asoka the Mad the original grandson of Chandragupta Maurya the Great? You see his foot print at Karnataka then one realises that the footprint at Samalanakanda belongs neither to Gautama or Siva but man made like the Ajanta-TriMurti-Sigiriya.
It was the naked fakir and Nehru who decided to have Ashoka to satisfy the untouchable voters therefore Dr Ambedkar.
Boullshititos medico `life is a moment in time` and they go recurring. Villager you are trying to do analysis of cause in cloak and dagger fashion. Even my Anglosaxon doctor friends who have travelled widely in India and work at BMA having created successful practices at London wouldn’t listen to you from what I know of them.
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah / March 23, 2014
Sorry Dr N Satchi we are not in an enviable position as Asoka was, we are the Kalingas sad you didn’t get it! I am shocked that you would say that when our lot has only gotten worse and the man who calls the shots enslaving us Eelam Tamils is in the driving seat and controls our destiny! He is the one who can do an Asoka! He is the master manipulator who is using Eelam as his pawn to get all the actors in the region fired up and against each other so that he can carry on being King of this island!
Javi / March 23, 2014
Oi,Such not much
You are like kallathoni(he proudly admitted his pop is kotchi so we respect) Dr Asoka USA at least he is a popular member of CT forum because of his language skills and no fear.
Tell us on this thread why Vaiko lost his lungi to Sushma Swaraj after the British Tamil Forum invited both and RSS,Siva Sena etc of opposition??
TTOAST 。◕‿◕。
Priya Raymond / March 23, 2014
Hi Shyamon
Asoka won his war because he was an excellent warrior. He became a Buddhist because he repented violence. But Rajapakse won the war with the help of half dozen countries fighting the war for him. After the war it was not repentance but intoxication with brutal triumphancy that occupied his mind. He went with his begging bowl to china and continued violence against ordinary civilians, with Chinese help.
Our poor people cannot see the danger because of media supression. Thank you for trying to drive some sense into the brains of our backward politicians and their masses
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah / March 23, 2014
I am correcting a Typo error in my comment: should read .. We need a statesman…
Javi / March 23, 2014
When folk call gentleman like Ranil all sorts of names where can you find that elusive statesman??
Only bombing north to south will spawn a statesman.Or else how do you get the guns away from the thugs and terrorist??
Europe grew because of its wars.
Sengodan. M / March 23, 2014
Those who understand and appreciate the spirit of Buddhism will fully appreciate the relevance of this article.
Sengodan. M
Truth / March 23, 2014
It is a waste of time and paper to write about the Kalinga movement in relation to Mahinda Rajapakse. He is a born thug. Not only him, the whole family is like that. He won the war by simply killing anything that moved and destroyed anything which was standing like hospitals, schools, temples etc in the North and east.
None of the Past Sinhalese prime ministers or Presidents were capable of leading the country! Mahinda is the worst out of the lot. I think Sinhalese lack the leadership qualitities.
As for Budhism, it has failed in all the “so called Budhist countries”
Kutti Machan / March 23, 2014
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah
Yes….Yes…I hear you, We need Prabakaran!
Javi / March 23, 2014
Oh yes kutti mani Discharge downstairs and taste some Disco Biscuit (^o^)
Duminda can supply you a plenty and an AK to Eat s**t and Bark At the Moon
Wimaladharma / March 24, 2014
Thank you, Shyamon, for giving us a different but plausible view of MR. As for Asoka The Great, may I also remind you that he is credited for holding the 3rd. Council, before which he took steps to dis-robe 60,000 rogues in the guise of Monks. This too, MR missed. Istead he enroled them into his para- military BBs. .