13 September, 2024


Hype & Haunt Hovering Gotabaya Rajapaksa – A Sceptic’s View Of Viyathmaga

By Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

“Neither in the sky nor in the midst of the sea nor by entering into the clefts of mountains is there a known place on earth where stationing  himself, a man can escape from his evil deeds.” ~ (Dhammapada, Paapavaggo).

Hype and Haunt

There is a connection between the hype that is being built these days around Gotabaya Rajapaksa, former Defense Secretary and once-powerful brother of the once powerful President, and the the haunt that shadows him wherever he goes. The hype is loud and we can see and hear. The haunt, less visible to naked observation, is that of the ghost of Lasantha Wickrematunge, former editor of The Sunday Leader who was butchered and murdered in broad daylight. Keith Noyahr, former editor of The Nation is also haunting Gota; yet Lasantha’s macabre and creeping shadow overwhelms that of Keith.

The stanza in the Dhammapada seems to be crying out when court proceedings are being heard about these sordid cases that happened under the watch of the former Defence Secretary under whom the Army, Navy and Police came. Says the Dhammapada:

“Neither in the sky nor in the midst of the seanor by entering into the clefts of mountains is there a known place on earth where stationing himself, a man can escape from his evil deeds.” (Paapavaggo).


Of course, nobody can at this stage judge Gota as guilty. We have to wait for the court to make that judgment. Until that judgment, Gota is innocent. On the other hand, much of the prima facie evidence that has so far been recorded does not do Gota well at all. His interview with the BBC on this issue is damning. There, Gota  threatens: “I will hang him!” referring to former Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka. This evinces an arrogance; a disconcern about the right to life and liberty of men and women; and a proclivity to  abuse power at will. 

All the economics and “vision,” that Gotabaya Rajapaksa came out with at Shangri-La Hotel cannot outdo such outrageous conduct.

Sarath Fonseka (SF), even in a recent interview for the “Satana,TV program kept repeating what he had been all along saying of Gota. SF openly claimed that Gota and his President brother were behind the assassination. SF even stated he would never address either of these two persons as “Mahatha;” but just by name. as he holds no respect fior them. He gave detail account of the harassment he had received at the hands of these two. Sarath Fonseka’s cool at the interview and his dispassionateness impresses. The former Commander is improving in stature by the day and the fact that he is now in Cabinet rank will help his further political growth. 

Gota’s Plunge

Gota is, to say the minimum, under a serious cloud. Disregarding possible future action against him, Gota has taken a gambling plunge into the Presdient’s race due in year 2020. With such a sword odf Damocles over him he must be fighting a formidable battle inward in his mind. Had he taken the bold step of cooperating with the law and permitting a full investigation and then clearing his name we could never fault Gota. On the other hand, he has decided to try and distract popular opinion and focus the latter on his self-claimed ability to be an effective President.

His Viyathmaga campaign is both a preparation for the Presdiential race and an attempt to build up a wave of public support for him which, if that backing swells, he can utilise it to block his arrest. This essentially is the linkage between the hype and the haunt. His brother Mahinda did something like that by his “Mahinda Sulanga,” meetings soon after his defeat. Mahinda screated a public sympathy and communicated a fear to all officials of his possible return. Gota is hoping he can repeat a ‘Sulanga,” or even a “Kunaatuwa” (storm).

I am already receiving emails from Sinhala Diaspora with threats to the country’s security if Gota is arrested and found guilty. A gentleman form California (I will call him PF, without revealing his name as a courtesy)  sends me a copy of his latest email which reads thus:

“An incarcerated Gotabaya would generate an apocalyptic electoral outburst, the likes of which we had never seen before –the coup de grace that would wipe out yahapalanaya—Gotabaya’s popularity is at its peak –an irrefutable fact. PC elections would swing against the government ! “

 Now, PF is a former Lake House journalist.

The Economics Pundit

An amusing side of Gota’s reavmping and redefining himself is his cognitive claims to a punditry in economics. At Viyathmaga, Gota is the economics messiah who appears to deliver the land to a state of First World prosperity. Gota’s intellectual ceredentials do not point to such knowledge. He had barely passed the O’levels and has hardly shown any reading interests thus far. Somebody, like Dr Nalaka Godahewa, would have given him the script. If the notes were suddenly to fly away from Gota’s hold while at the lecturn, he would probably mix up GDP with GST and equity with debt. It is no harm for a leader to read from a script;but it is necessary that he understands what he reads and I am not sure Gota understands economic policy. This is the very first time Gota has made a claim to that understanding.

The aforementioned Sinhala Diaspora have cried out in emails and FB about the “great economic vision of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.” Gota maybe himself embarrassed. Look at the vision and you will find that they contain very commonly bandied about economic slogans that are cliches or platitudes today. I will mention a few:

1. That the global economic centre will shift to China, India and the South East. Our Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremasinghe, has been saying that for many years. One reason why the government is having Free Trade Agreements with countires in the region is part of this vision. Our GMOA had a one- day strike that deprived sick patients of urgent attention, due to the Singapore Agreement. They earlier struck work because of the propose Agreement with India. GMOA undersatnds no economics

2. That economic development is the answer to all ills of the island

3. The urgent need to restrcutue our economy. This has been stated over and over again by reputed ecomists and the World Bank. It is also a task that the government has undrtaken to do.

4. The need to build a knowledge economy in view of the digital revolution

5. The need to encourage direct foreign investment

6. That economic zones must be set up around ports. This is already been done and the recent Hambantota Project is also that

7. The need for ensuring that we get loans only if they are repayable by the project itself.

The above are pretty simple and oft-stated proposals. In fact Minister for Development Strategy Malik Samarawickema, has written to the Dinamina  pointing out how Gota’s “vision,” is a total  copy of the Government’s Vision plan for year 2025.

This shows what a big and empty hocus pocus Gota’s Viyathmaga is. He announces this with impressive fanfare before an audience of businessmen invited to Shangrila Hotel. We are being told that Gota had sold the land where Shanagri-La stands, to China and that it is the same block where the Degence Ministry stood. The country’s Defence Ministry is now homeless. In this context, it intersting to investigate whether Gota was given the Hotal for this event as a consideration by the Chinese owners. If it were so, then Gota is gulty of bribery.

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  • 54

    Does anyone know the exact education qualifications of this psychopath?
    What I know is GCE (O/L) at Mariakade Ananda College and then join the Army with the influence of the Bandaranayakes.

    Then during the war., got medically condemned and work as a Petrol Station attendant in USA.

    Viyath – the Educated,. my foot !

    • 19

      Matilda Ellepola

      “Then during the war., got medically condemned and work as a Petrol Station attendant in USA.”

      I am sorry to disappoint you.
      It does not matter if he worked at a petrol station or as a toilet cleaner. What matters most is his behaviour/conduct.

      He also worked as an administrator at an IT company in USA according to my Elder.
      Most of the time I am ordered by my partner to clean our toilet. Do you think I am as evil as Dr Gota?

      • 9

        do you know the business that Gota worked as a IT admin? just curious ? It seems no one have an idea

        • 9

          IT business in US is run by Indian companies. These IT companies secure projects bidding very low and hire South Asians or outsource to India to do the work. I have come across Indians with arts degrees doing IT jobs in us. These companies cook resumes to match the job requirements to sponser work visas and then get these people to work as slaves at low salaries to work long hours. Asians also don’t mind working like this to obtain green cards. I am not sure how he got his green card. But wives of several military officers worked in California as Montessori teachers and these people received their green cards and after which sponsored their families. Most of the Asian immigrants (Gujarati, Pakistanis) that have money manage petrol stations in US as they are unable to find employment. These owners prefer to employ south Asian staff than whites or Hispanics as they are easy to control. I read somewhere that Gota has an IT degree from the University of Colombo. If so I am not sure how he enrolled as he doesn’t have AL. unless one of the Vice Chanellors few years ago who is close relative of Gota helped.

          • 1

            I like this line….”This essentially is the linkage between the hype and the haunt.” and would like to add more to it. The Ruling Elites who are Govi, a mono ethnic/mono clan based criminal gang of treacherous men and women, who are controlling the system with an iron fist can get worse as they are in full gear promoting another Govi criminal as the next President, as a continuation of the Govi Hegemony that sucked the blood out of this nation throughout a span of 07+ decades. If you are a keen follower of the print media that the Govis own, Wijeya and Upali media mafia companies owned by the Wijewardene Govi criminals and the Mawbima are competing each other in publishing racist materials to connect the importance of a person like Gota to be the next head. The Muslim factor with the repeated dumb fake allegations made against this community is in the fore again. The looted money from the treasury and the kickbacks they earned throughout a span of 20-30 years is being spent on this. The Govi media must be held solely responsible for all the mayhem the Govi proxies caused to this nation. Because, they became the mouthpiece of the racist projects that went about terrorising the innocent Tax Paying citizens of the state.

          • 1

            What is the great advantage of Working in the US? Money? Yes!
            But what about ‘Culture’, ‘History’ ‘Sinhala Buddhism’ etc. etc.

            No wonder Gota is trying His best to come back to Sri Lanka!!

        • 3

          Matilda Ellepola

          “do you know the business that Gota worked as a IT admin?”

          I am sorry I cannot reveal the business. It would be like betraying my Elder’s trust.

          In the fullness of time I will let you have the name, address, ……………………. not now.

          • 0

            Dear Native,

            You seem smarter than MI5,
            Do you work for Dr Ranil’s F****CID…

            • 1

              KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera


              Files on Tamil Tigers and MI5 in Sri Lanka erased at Foreign Office
              Destruction of 1978-1980 files means there is no record of UK government’s work at the time

              Britain’s Foreign Office destroyed almost 200 files on Sri Lanka dating from the start of a Tamil Tiger uprising during which MI5 and the SAS secretly advised the country’s security forces, it has emerged.

              23 May 2018

      • 2

        “Was it patriotism or religion that’s the last refuge of the scoundrel?”

        I think both and its not limited to Sri Lanka.

        “Jim McGreevey, former Governor of New Jersey who resigned in disgrace nearly three years ago when it was revealed that he had cheated on his wife with a man and that he had tried to appoint his boy-toy to a government position for which he was utterly unqualified (Homeland Security Advisor) and for which he couldn’t get the necessary security clearance because he is not a U.S. citizen, do next?”

        Wait for it!

        “”Former Gov. James E. McGreevey has started the process to become a priest in his newly adopted Episcopal faith and has been accepted into a three-year seminary program starting this fall.
        McGreevey, who often described himself as a devout Catholic while in public office, was officially received into the Episcopal religion on Sunday, at St. Bartholomew’s Church in Manhattan.””


    • 10

      Then he told everyone he was an IT guy

    • 12

      Very true…
      If not mistaken…he joined the Army as a cadet Officer in 1967 or 1968… The 1st batch to be trained in Sri Lanka….the recruitment to the Military those were only from families that had affiliations with politicians as the Politicians needed security….it was only ceremonial Army until the galkatas revolution of JVP in 1971 ..even upto 1983…

    • 18

      Matilda Ellapola,
      I don’t bother about his education. I only bother about this Nation, welfare of the people, the rule of law and the justice. We need to have a leader who is morally good, honestly love this nation and its people, and someone who really understand the true nature of Buddhism and objectives. Unfortunately there are some educated opportunistic people who have gained highest level of education such as Prof.GL Peries, Prof. Vithanage, Dr. Dayan Jeyatilake are prepared to serve as slaves to those who violated the moral principles of Buddhism, moral duty to protect democracy and rule of law and justice and those who are are probably directly or indirectly responsible for the murders of those journalists and human rights activists and their political enemies. There are some people argue if they have committed these crimes why cannot charge them and punish legally. It is a valid question.During the previous regime, the former Military commander Sarath Fonseka was charged and sent jail legally. It is no matter how they did it, whether the legal process was right or wrong, they had the guts to show that it was legal. But we are reluctant to apply the legal processes even though there are evidences are available. What is the barrier? Is it Mahanayakes? Is it the fear of bloodbath? Is it the military ? >>>>

      • 4

        Verwell said Ajith.

      • 6

        Very well stated Ajith.

      • 3

        Ajith so long a man with spine would have been the leader (no means one coming from Rajaakshe background) , nothing towards seerving justice will be the case.
        My only hope is Mr Nagananda Kodithuwakku, he is clean as no other canddiates. His arguements are like even cleaner so that nobody can stand on his way.
        Sure, just becoming law above cant be the only way to the progress, but that are the basics. And disipline should be taught from parent s house – kindergarten- schools and Uni.
        No means should be allowed any thugs to add their comments the way they add today. Most of them are filthy loads starting about mothers…. ridiculous as no other parts of the world, buddhists folks verbally attacks anyone starting with Ammata…

    • 3

      what about Namal R.Pakse as a Presidential candidate for 2020 ? If won Our lanka can be proud of the First Youngest President in the world ?

      • 1

        Ceylonee anything is possible in this land.

      • 1

        Yes promote that.
        That Might be a Bone of Contention between Mahinda and Gota!!

    • 11

      Outrageously snobbish, Matilda Ellepola!

      Your reference to Mariyakade Ananda College, is meant to demean and insult. You fail to consider the good side of that great school; how many great people it has produced. Have you considered how many thugs and purported murderers have walked out of some schools by the Sea and elsewhere?

      Further, if you went about your life and got to where you have now got without using any influence at any time, do let us truthfully know.

      “Educated” does not necessarily mean a man stuffed with qualifications. Please tell me what education did Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill have to become the great men they finally became?

      If anyone has any legitimate gripe about Gota, then state it plainly. Derogatory references to his school and those who helped him in his career are unnecessary and uncouth.

      • 0

        Well said Justice & Fairplay!
        I guess the writer Matilda Ellepola would have come from some Mariyakade girl (if her name signigies her gender) school hence passing her regrets. Ananda College is great Buddhist institution and I have a lot of respect for the school even though I did not come Ananda!

    • 1

      Shyamon Jayasinghe

      RE: Hype & Haunt Hovering Gotabaya Rajapaksa – A Sceptic’s View Of Viyathmaga

      “There is a connection between the hype that is being built these days around Gotabaya Rajapaksa, former Defense Secretary and once-powerful brother of the once powerful President, and the the haunt that shadows him wherever he goes. “

      Since the mean IQ of the Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho is 79, Gotabaya Rajapaksa may be banking on the low end of the distribution to support him. After all,, it was the same strategy employed by Mahinda Rajapaksa, and since Para-Sinhala “Buddhism” is a cilt, not Buddhism, and the low-IQ populace do not know the difference, Gotanaya Rajapaksa will get some takers, but not the majority.

      Mahavamsa- An Insult To The Buddha!- Do the Para-Sinhala know that?

      For if not for the Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese may not have been endowed, with the reputation, of “Sinhalaya Modaya (The Sinhalese are Fools)”!


      Gotabaya- An Insult To The Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho!

      Yes, the ghosts of his past deeds are shadowing him

    • 1

      This is number 01 example to prove how they the murderous men ( public secret) pretend their cultural activities even if they are world champions to harm own people ( Example –
      Killing Lasantha Wikcramathunga ( Editor of Sunday leader- facts are available GR to have actively taken part inthat murder)
      Sending cartoonist permanent missing… leaving some families dark as no other part of world would do. But they wear satakaya to show off that there are no buddists as they are… all is made but paint the picture in favours of them.

      Thadujdeen a young ruby player of the age – Rajapakshe young chaps. was brutally murdered and left packed in a car -as if it happend through an accident. But current govt s investigations revealed that it was not an accident but an another contract killing of Rajapakshe family. Not just MAfia KING only but his offsprings and dearest wife too have been inovlved in that murder.
      All is clear but biased and highly corrupted JUSTIC system seems to be not TAKING the case serious.
      Torments of Thadjdeen s mother and family causes CURSE to the entire folks.
      Not just murdered but the bones and flesh of the dead was robbed out for their own experiments were revealed by the investigation. No matter all was allowed by former JMO, not even properly arrest was on him, since the JUSTICE system is so diluted… and not good enough to punish the criminals as COMMON wealth agendas expect them to be. This sithe style that run in srilanka.
      It is an another place with NOT the basic rights human beings were protected by PREVIOUS Rajapakshe regime.
      Now the current duo have made it records, but that is again being abused by former THUGS and pain it in favour of them. and their political popularity.
      All evils have been part of Rajaakshe rascal gatherings.

    • 1

      Hey guys,

      it his high time to ask all high criminals (murderers and other higher perpetrators) to follow this man s agenda. This is how they paint it in favour of the stupid majorities.

      But those who know it well, they are well aware of how dangerous this man has been.

      He is more qualified to be the hang man if execution would be allowed. … with his all past records ( welikada killings and other various killings ) THAN ever to be our future president.

    • 3

      The time he joined the military even people with GCE O/L had better options. That should give you a clue.

    • 1

      self aggrandizment is in Rajapapakseh genetics. So people – i mean majority meeharakas would be fooled. That is it. And Media prostitutes have become their condom suppliers.

    • 1

      Matilda: Look at global geopolitics to understand US Citizen Gota’s success..
      1. Just as Bondscam Ranil’s Vision 2025 was written in Washington DC, so too was US citizen Gota’s Vision drafted in DC,.This is how US checkmates China/Russia in Lanka. Cold War Redux.

      2. This is why their “Visions” look alike as Malik says. US game in Lanka is : “heads, I win, tails you loose”.

      3. Today Lanka has Fake Democracy, Fake development which is a foreign aid induced Debt trap, and Fake reconciliation, mainly, btw. UNP-SLFP , (Ranil-Sira Jarapalanaya) brokered by foreign interests, which explains culture of impunity and corruption of Jarapassa family, Bondscam Rani,l and Sira who should all in prison.

  • 11

    First of all check the contents of this article. It is so full of mistakes ans spell check would have done wonders.

    • 5

      Why bother? Only that type reads!

    • 4

      Spell check got you too
      and trickery too
      Bottom line is you got the fact

  • 36

    A great article; thanks Shaymon. As you correctly puts it, GoTa has barely passed GCE OL. He is good at only designing and executing murders and crimes, which are essential means for him to achieve and maintain power. He can do this in the so called Banana Republic – Sri Lanka. I met GoTa once when he was working at a Gas Station in Staten Island, New York, Because of his lack of education, all he could do was working as a coolie. When I saw him first he tried to duck his head, but when I talked to him, he came back to his senses. I still remember how this so called hero looked like a “Hik Meeya” in US.

    His Viyath Managa will surely become a Vipath Manga and Eliya will become “Bada Eliya” soon. The sins of crimes committed by this Mass Murderer are behind him like his shadow. By killing over 40,000 innocent Tamil and Sinhala Civilians, Journalists, civil activists, and inventing “White Van” culture, while protecting real LTTE terrorists like Karuna, he goes into history as a most notorious killer. Thinking about a man of his calibre plunging into the 2020 Presidential Race is even beyond my conjecture. GoTa is worse than Bokassa and Idi Amin. Is there any country on earth that can help us save Sri Lanka from this Mass Murders – GoTa’s rise to power?

    • 12

      Didn’t Karuna betray the LTTE so that SL could win the war easily?

    • 5

      Why were you Staten Island Maharage, scavenging that massive garbage dump I suppose? If Gota was working there (which I doubt since he was in LA), he would have been earning a dignified living. Work at any level is considered sacred and is respected in US, bumming is not, and unlike in Sri Lanka most people who reach the helm of the society had worked at the bottom of the financial ladder at some point or other and it is considered as an asset and a qualification.
      And another thing, a leader who had done a minimum wage job (like Modhi) would know the heart beat of the poor, not the Colombo 7 crowd or the Staten Island garbage dump dwellers.

      • 1


        Is the Staten Island garbage dump the new euphemism for Sri Lanka?

      • 0


        Yes, First GoTa was in LA working in a Casino , but was kicked out from there for stealing money. It was in LA that GoTa savoured the tiny taste for stealing money which grew into a mega habit of stealing during his time as Defence Secretary as demonstrated by his multi-million dollar MIG deal and other arms procurements under the guise of war related expenses. When it comes to frauds, he is not second to Ranil-Mahendran exploits. When it comes to heinous crimes like murders in broad daylight and inventing innovative killing mechanisms like white Van abductions, GoTa is above all.

    • 7

      With so much of blood in his hands, it will be nothing but disaster for our blessed country if the fools of this great nation vote him to power.
      He just does not have what it takes to be the President of our country. He will be nothing but a Bull in a China Shop if our fools, puts hi on the High Chair.
      He killed the much loved Lasantha Wicrematunge in cold blood and that evil deed alone would have bought hi his ticket to HELL.
      We hope KARMA takes care of him before his bid at the Presidency is realized.
      The patriots of this nation are watching, that does not include the likes of WW, UG, VN, BG, or the other rogues who shamelessly call themselves patriots, when they have robbed this nation and live like leeches sucking its blood.
      We need a pragmatic, secular and apolitical President if we are to take our nations from the abyss it has fallen into.
      Democracy may not be the answer to achieve that as we the Doctors, university students and some others who are eternally strikng don’t know the essense of the word.
      They need to be treated appropriately outside the realms of democracy.
      Especially the GMOA, the people of this country would clap and light firecrackers the day the leaders of the GMOA, are given a good whipping on their bare backsides.

  • 22

    These Jokers hopes had been dashed since 2015 January.
    They have been Somersaulting since their Demise in 2015.
    Elections after elections , presidential and Local. They had all the hopes in the world ,
    but still they were pipped to the post.
    Disappointment after Disappointment. But they’re a bunch of crooks will never give up until they die .
    they re in ” Total Denial”
    That’s the secret of their survival.
    And we know who is giving them the ” OXYGEN” to survive this long.
    The same lot who are the Traitors of Srilanka and the Srilankan people. They will never let go of the ROT , The SINS THEY HAVE HARVESTED BEFORE DURING AND AFTER THE WAR WILL FOLLOW THEM UNTIL THEY BECOME DISABLED TOTALLY.
    AS long as this family continue blocking the progress of this country there’s no HOPE FOR SRILANKA.
    Those who are Pumping Oxygen to these Losers too will disappear in to thin air or will be wanted by FCID FOR THE CRIMES THEY COMMITTED.

    • 8

      All the Crimes committed by them will be ” Swept Under the Carpet” , None of them will need to face the Law and Order/ Justice etc.

      They , the family and the hangers on will hope to live happily ever after , with Scrounging , return of the White vans etc, etc , hoping their dreams to be Reality .
      Unsuspecting and Gullible Srilankans will continue to give them the
      ” OXYGEN TO SURVIVE ” until the Day of Commiseration!!!!

  • 19

    Got-a-baya, the guy who ran to USA when Tigers were winning the war now wants to be the head of the country, what a shame. He does not have any higher educational background, has one foot in USA and one in SL, has committed numerous murders, got “paga” and “kappam” from business dealings, headed a squad which extracted money from businessmen etc etc. Do we need such a leader?

  • 7

    These buggers can only call Prabakaran, “mahatha”……………..

  • 7

    GCE OL or Al is the ultimate test for one’s intellectual growth. It’s possible that GR matured much later. We know how R Premadsa initiated institutions such as Urban Development Authority, Central Environmental Authority, and envisioned the village reawakening program. He had advisers and he used their brains. GR could do the same, if he is willing to listen to those intellectuals around him. Leader is not someone who has to do everything but a person who can make the right choice when it comes to find the right person.

    • 9

      Harsha you write a lot of good sense.

      Gota is getting lampooned for the wrong reasons. Lack of a formal education is the least of Gota’s ills. And you are pretty right about Premadasa.

    • 0

      education or not… GR is is mentally unbalanced. He has no compassion. He is quick to anger and to carry out retribution and will hold a grudge forever. He is the worst of that lot. A person like that should not be in any sort of governing power.

  • 5

    Shyamon and his ilk should very well remember those poems from Dhammapada by heart because that is going to catch up with many of them for the crimes committed against the nation under the guise of yahapalanaya. Shyamon of course can escape being in Australia. Yet Australians of SL origin might make it a point to meet up with Shyamon at some point to have a small chat……to remind him of Dhammapada. Until then….have a nice rest…………..

    • 1

      Hela , what is the crime committed by Shyamon to “escape” retribution? He has merely stated an opinion and has not advocated murder or mayhem unlike some others. We may not agree with his opinion but that is another matter.

  • 7

    The impressive attendance at Viayathmaga meeting conveys a certain message that these buggers are hearing clear & loud. The response is a clear evidence of that.

  • 5

    Shyamon Jayasinghe. What you said Dhmmapada is applicable to Ranil too. See in frot of every one’s eyea how Ranil is tolerating the destruction bh his ministers and people appointed by him. Do you think Malik Samarawickrama is accountable and did not destroy anything. HE is new, So the corruption list can notb e that long.

    • 1

      The Dhammapada is applicable to the ones ruled Lankawe and left the earth, as well as to those are going to come in future too. Remember this “Wonder of Asia” was achieved from the simple “Ceylon” left behind by the Britain. So the Namo Namo Lankawe Mother or Prostitute Lankawe Mother is only to grow in achievements and fame, but not to roll back or diminish and shrink.
      They all (Sinhala Intellectuals aka Maga Viyaths) are destructive forces, unless the all are destroyed in one single action the eventual infecting will affect newcomers too.
      When Mahanama and Dissanayake were caught, Colombo media showed reluctance to come forward with the fact that it was Ranil’s gangs informed the corruption to India and it was PM Modi’s gang trapped the guys. But PM Modi had challenged New King two months before the grab. That imbecile had no clue of what was on the dinner menu. But he leisurely sat down on the table to see his bewilderment. Why did Ranil do this to his partner was explained as “though New King was a party to Central Bank looting but had appointed his own commission to point the finger on the one year temporary employee who was brought in by Ranil, hoping this would chase Ranil from PM Chair”. We have no idea if that series is over or the future episodes are in work in progress in the Bollywood Studios.
      Today’s news is about the Hollywood Studios’ production, which is on the final touch up of credit titles editing. This is parallel to Bollywood drama. Old Brother Prince may not be able to stand in the coming election unless Weerawansa bring the 21st amendment, following Anura Kumara, to allow the dual citizens to stand in election for an office in the Central Government. This only seems to be having ability to open the path to Manuel Noriega II to stand in election.

  • 3

    Direct investment – We import rice, onion, potato, all from overseas. Talk about direct investment. See what is listed and for whom. does any investment fatten the pockets of poor or the middle class. WE can not grow our rice. Our schools are filling with drunkards with Beer. Universities are under funded and filled with henchmen, you talk about digital revolution, for whom, american multi nationals like google who have open sourc software and sell it as digital content (here people can spend two gigabytes in one day and that is $ 50. How much the poor worker gets out of that.

    • 1

      “(here people can spend two gigabytes in one day and that is $ 50. “
      For your info, 2 GB costs about Rs 400 here. Less than 3 dollars.

  • 12

    What ever is said and done one thing is for sure.

    During the Rajapakshe Regime the Government Servants did perform their duties. Duly attended to and addressed the public concerns and complaints.

    Under Sillysena Government they are only free loaders. Have no clue of how to answer correspondence nor emails. What ever you tell them it is like talking to the dog. The message gets passed on to the Tail.

    A good example is Tell President Program.

  • 8

    If Gotabhaya contest for the post of President, people in the country will decide whether he is the best person for the job or not. What Mangala or Shyamon or CT Editor or those who write anti-Gotabhaya comments in this site will not influence their decision because large majority of voters do not read these rubbish. If the writers get some satisfaction so be it. Ordinary folks do not care damn about MIG Deal or Lasantha Wickramatunga or Keith Noir or Ekneligoda.

    • 8

      Eagle Blind Eye

      “If Gotabhaya contest for the post of President, people in the country will decide whether he is the best person for the job or not.”

      Voters would vote not necessarily for the best, right, wise, ………….honest, considerate,
      inclusive, inoffensive, liberal, multi-culturally sensitive, politically correct
      respectful, sensitive, humane, people centered, ………. person as we have witnessed in the past in fact to the person who promises heaven on earth, imported free rice from moon, promises every woman to climax, promises every men free Viagra from Venus, promises to be tough on minorities, though on foreigners, ………………..

    • 2

      Eagle Eye ,

      ‘Ordinary folks do not care damn about MIG Deal or Lasantha Wickramatunga or Keith Noir or Ekneligoda.’

      Oh yeh , please be mindful that Millions of ordinary folks who eat rice as their staple food , give a damn about MIG deal, Lasantha’s murder and other host of crimes which have been committed by the presidential hopeful . People who don’t give a toss about those drastic crimes are the ones who eat grass . in other words semi literate , emotional , down right racist scum bags.

      • 1


        “the ones who eat grass”

        Are you sure they eat grass and not Punnakku?

        • 2

          Native Vedda,

          Well Punnakku is eaten as their dessert after eating grass.

          • 1


            Thanks for the clarification.
            I feel better now.

  • 11

    I always read your articles with pleasure Shyamon. As you said Gota wouldn’t be a threat at all, if someone from the Govt. answers his accusations properly. And after 3 years in Govt. this Govt couldn’t train any journalists to ask proper questions from these politicians. If a journalist can ask him to explain what is GDP, then people in Sri Lanka will come to know his education level.

    • 5

      President Prenmadasa was a very efficient man, what was his education level?

      • 2

        How do you define efficiency? A person who gets things done by yelling, ranting & intimidation is not necessarily efficient. As for Premadasa, he wasted public funds on building useless replicas of monuments, due to his misguided mindset, armed the LTTE, his vision of promoting garment factories all over the country was short sighted as the global market was restricted & competitive. In fact, he was so arrogant as PM, he went against the advise of the Protocol Officers’ of the SL High Commission in UK when he took his children to the evening wedding reception of Charles & Dina, when only heads of State were formally invited. So education does count, especially for a leader of a country.

        • 0

          Raj no doubt Premadasa had many great faults, I was just pointing out that education alone is no measure of efficiency or anything else. In assessing someone’s abilities, our people check how many GCEs he has and what school he went to. They never consider whether he actually got anything done.

  • 8

    Any Economist (or would-be economist) worth his salt should have a good knowledge of Statistics. Does Gota know even a little bit of Statistics? When and where did he study Economics and Statistics? I think he is just a pretender. Just by bandying about certain concepts and using big words he is trying to fool everyone. But of course, there are ‘Modayas’ who will fall for this!

  • 8

    What is the difference between Gota and Prabaharan; Of-course apart from ethnicity?
    This is an academic question!

    • 7


      I am happy to say Rohana, VP and Dr Gota share one thing in common all three were/are psychopaths. Two gone just one remains.
      Watch out your back.

  • 10

    Vipatha Maga will not boom will be a failure. But the flower bud may boom thanks to mr ten percent basil.
    Ranil and Sillysena are two spineless ass h..les. both of the buggers protected the Rajapucksa cartels and now its no turning back for the duo.

  • 7

    Regarding GR’s academic qualifications, adverse comments have been made here and elsewhere. GR must clear this aspect for us.
    It is claimed that GR in 1983, obtained his Masters Degree in Defence Studies from the University of Madras. The university has maintained the infamous ‘neither confirm nor deny’ policy. Over to you Gota.
    Wiki says GR obtained a Postgraduate degree in Information Technology from the University of Colombo in 1992. Is this correct UoC?
    GR’s facebook lists other qualifications.
    Of course of course of course GR has Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa), University of Colombo

  • 7

    Ranaviru Gota ran a way from the Army during peak of the war giving a false medical certificate stating that he is mentally ill. If it is not correct can he publish a copy of that medical certificate through “Vipath Maga” Mahaviru Gota furnished a sworn affidavit to the Mt. Lavinia Court stating that purchases of 7 Mig Aircrafts was a transaction between Sri Lanka Govt and Ukraine Govt and he furnished a certified copy of the agreement to the Court as well. Now FCID sleuths unearthed that agreement was a bogus and there was never a agreement between Sri Lanka and Ukraine. Can he clarify this matter through “Vipath Maga” These so called “Viyatthu” are trying to promote such a Mentally ill and international liar as presidential candidate?

  • 7

    Where did the the love go Shyamon? Few weeks back you were crying your eyes out for Ranil, now you are trying to white wash SF.
    As for Gota;s capabilities, in less than three years he turned the decrepit and dirty Colombo into the cleanest city in South Asia, and a beautiful city at that, I am sure Gota has no paper qualifications on urban planning either, just like Zuckerberg, Gates and Jobs has/had no computer science degrees or any undergraduate degree for that matter, paper qualifications are for the uninitiated.
    And Shyamon would you consider a degree in lingerie design a suitable enough qualification to be the finance minister?

    • 3


      “As for Gota;s capabilities, in less than three years he turned the decrepit and dirty Colombo into the cleanest city in South Asia”

      I wonder whether you have ever left your hole even to forage.
      Where did Gota bury 23 Million tonnes of rubbish from 2005 to 2015 and hundreds of thousands of bodies from 1987 to 2015? He must be very clever to sweep everything under the carpet.
      Don’t you smell both the rotting garbage and decaying bodies?

      Bravo, there is no limit to gloating of Gota’s imagined abilities which should be added to Mahawamsa.

      • 0

        Count the number of news articles, opinions and comments for and against Gota on CT and write it down in you diary. I will remind you to pull it out after the elections.

  • 5

    Gota had only to announce his intention. Yahapalana suckers have taken over necessary publicity.

    • 1


      USA refused to revoke his US citizenship according to news that appeared today. I will let you know the source later. The 19th amendment prohibit rightly so those who have duel citizenship from contesting elections.

      Thoppi thamay neathe?

      • 0

        NV ,

        Please do let us know the source .

        • 1


          Sorry I am unable to provide you with the link to Gota’s citizenship story.
          Definitely I read the news in one of those Colombo papers.

          Here is another important news:
          Files on Tamil Tigers and MI5 in Sri Lanka erased at Foreign Office



  • 2

    Poor intro , Isn’t it?.
    How many Army ,Navy, Air force and MI dudes Dr Ranil’s boys in the CID have arrested , interrogated and incarcerated because none of them can’t say Gota killed Lasantha.
    If these War Worriers are suck meekly , weeklings and liars to cow to Dr Ranil’s thugs in Uniform, they wouldn’t have been able kill Pirahaparan. and his so called mighty 500 Commanders.
    That is a different story,
    Did Shaymon write Mallika’s 2025 to know that it is exactly what Gota is going to do in 2035?.
    Are the Business Body is Colombo that darf to pay LKR 25 thou to watch Gota reading Mallika’s Economic Blue Print?.
    BTW ,I checked Linkedin . and the Web ,but couldn’t find any great Economic Prowess and Achievements of Mr Shaymon.

    • 2

      How old Gota would be in 2035?????
      Senile and Demented, may even need Toilet training???
      So stop right there before going any further.
      The man is Demented already.

      • 4

        That surely is where RW is today! Lol!

        • 2

          AGREE 100%
          The whole lot of them in the Parliament LOL!!!!!

    • 2

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “How many Army ,Navy, Air force and MI dudes Dr Ranil’s boys in the CID have arrested , interrogated and incarcerated because none of them can’t say Gota killed Lasantha.”

      You tell us.
      Only a hand full of kidnappers in custodial remand until further investigation is completed.

      You know full well as long as Dr Ranil and Sirisena in the driving seat nothing befall on war criminals, members of armed forces, its former commander, his siblings and sons and their b***s carriers, cronies, …………….. saffron clad thugs, ………

      Therefore you do not need to panic. I can assure you nothing will happen to you even after the next presidential elections.

      By the way Dayan was seen sitting right behind Dr Mahinda and standing just opposite Basil (10%, 20%, 30%). Do you know why?

    • 2

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      Forget Shyamon Jayasinghe, the Vellala Abraham kid, Dr Ranil ……………….for a second

      How would you rate C.A. Chandraperuma (wrote Gota’s bull), Shamindra Ferdinando (recycle specialist more bull), Bandula Jayasekara (defender of one sided bull), and Dayan Jayatilleka (name dropping bull) as journalist/analyst/typist/war historian/ ……. on scale of one to ten?

      Where would you place yourself among the above bull s******s?

  • 4

    Thanks for this article with factual evidences of criminality. Why do Diasporas take polarised positions when it comes to leadership and racist policies?
    Why do one extremists from the southern origin love Gotabaya Rajapakse? he hated Muslims and Tamils. Similarly the extremists from the north/east love Veluppilla Prabakaran for hating Sinhalese. If Gota ever get into the topmost job by hook or by crook he will destroy the reputation and economy of this beautiful country. Those who are abroad will not be affected as they are comfortable in their migrated western countries.

  • 5

    What about the ghosts of tens of thousands of Tamils, lured to the no fire zone, and bombed mercilessly on the order of the Gota!
    Are they not haunting Gota?

    • 3


      “What about the ghosts of tens of thousands of Tamils, lured to the no fire zone, and bombed mercilessly on the order of the Gota!”

      You should ask Hindians and the Americans.
      Hindian military/defense advisers were frequently seen after 2006 in Colombo and in and around Omanthai checkpoint area, according to informed sources.

      Were you invited for the Royal Wedding or reception? Sirisena would have been much happier had the Queen invited him for the Royal function and shook hands after removing her gloves.

  • 2

    The Sinhala Intellectuals are the strange Species walk with two legs and eat with hands, appearing in the Wildlife Sanctuary, SinhaLE, Lankawe. The Pali name for the English Sinhala Intellectuals is the word Viyathmaga, under the shepherding of Old Brother Prince, PhD in War Crime committing.
    Lankawe universities confer PhD as need based, instead achievement based. According the Lankawe customs, as not all pundits are necessarily learned academically, Old Brother Prince too is rated as a PhD. There is a legal Maxim that until proven guilty all are innocent. So Buffoon De Silva stopped the court proceeding on Old King on the accusation of Hambantota Help and cleared his case as neither proven nor Guilty. Later Buffoon De Silva publicly claimed Old King was guilty because he was not behaving as he had expected, but still support the Old King. The same the professor, who worked to confer the PhD to Old Brother Prince on War Crime, later claimed that had to be withdrawn, but he did not take any action to have that done, neither stayed away from supporting Old Bother Prince’s continued brutalities here and there. So the Old Brother Prince, the PhD in War Crimes, is leading the strange Species , the Sinhala Intellectuals.
    First they came for Indian Coolies; I did not speak out,
    Because I am not a coolie.
    Then they came for North-East Kallaththonies, I did not speak out,
    Because I am not a Kallaththony.
    Then they came for the Kaaththankudy Kalu thambiyas, I did not speak out,
    Because I am not a Kalu Thambiya.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
    -a poem by an anonymous Sinhala Buddhist, who was double crossed by Sinhala intellectuals.
    Please read, appearing somewhere else too.

  • 1

    America stopped Son Prince to travel to America. Under normal conditions, there is legal action possible against Immigration and State Department. If your hands are clean you need to appeal against the rejection of Visa. Though the traveler is foreigner, “DHS redress” available in US, a much cheaper remedy. Otherwise hiring a US lawyer for US court may be expensive. If the explanation to the rejection is not satisfactory, the Court may order to issue the Visa. Two months ago Son Prince had to go back to Lankawe from Russia because the Plane that was going to USA refused to allow board Son Prince citing the US travel restriction.

    Udayanga, Ponny et al had similar problems. But CT patrons were asking why Manuel Noriega II was allowed to go to USA, but much milder criminals like Son Prince were bared by USA. Somebody another day replied, Manuel Noriega II (A.K.A Old Brother Prince) was allowed to go because he is US citizen. But it was not satisfactory because Ponny also has some status. But he was deprived of travelling to USA but even Younger Brother Prince was not known to have encountered similar problems. Whether there is any logic exist or American law is that kind of nature or even Uncle Sam is always adamant and on his way, but for the CT patronage none of them sounded like complete but only white washing. So somebody else attempted satisfy those who were still not as “Old Brother Prince, is an America Citizen and America with special interests, protecting him”. This stopped any further question and the matter was rested until recently. Now Colombo media claimed America refused release Manuel Noriega II from its citizenship to stand in EP election. You see, children run away from worms if happened to see one shouting “Yucky”, but adults buy in cans to go out for fishing. Uncle Sam is in needs of Manuel Noriega II. Uncle may come in to the land if Manuel Noriega II becomes the EP.

  • 4

    Rajapaksha regime and whole family was completely rejected in 2015.
    Unfortunately Sirisena and Ranil failed to incarcerate this family for life .
    These two spineless men have paved the way to upgrade their spirit again.
    Now Sirisena and Ranil must be incarcerated for life.

  • 3

    White Van Maga will follow Viyath Maga as surely as night follows day!

  • 0

    We did know other than Thero de Silva others weren’t willing to propose or second the Old Brother Prince to the job. Because they do know that doing that entertainment to Old Brother Prince is only the job of the Black Widows husband’s. In addition to Thero, China, who wanted to promote him desperately, was struggling to offer him a diplomatic course in China and make him as president. But Old King wanted his dynasty flow down, bared Old Brother Prince attending the Chinese University. He accused the trader who pasted the posters in Colombo Streets as a betrayer, who was with ill will misguiding the innocent Old Brother Prince. But the Soothsaying of Old Brother Prince was not going away because the Famous Panthom who was struggling for the name of “I said so, because my dad told to me it one day at the dinner table”. So recently Old King declared it would he who going to select the Slap Party candidate. But nothing made any change in soothsaying of Old Brother Prince going for the race and he applied to US citizenship release. So the question is who the Appa eater is here in this America trying to apprehend Old Brother Prince. We do know UNP leadership did it in Mahanama and Dissanayake’s case. It was a revenge, for being New King was a partner until April 2015 in central Bank looting but turned out to be conspirator in December 2017. Now it is not clear who the most internal person of Old Brother Prince has become American informer and America is showing interest of legally wrapping up Old Brother Prince. Colombo Media may know the answer but like it was hiding Yahapalanaya partners working with PM Modi, they will be reluctant to confess the truth.
    As usual Shaymon Jayasinge is replying to the non-existing Thero de Silva’s’ essay. But he doesn’t worry about the realities.

  • 0

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