19 February, 2025


I Am Ready For Presidential Polls If People Are Ready: Gota Hints At Contesting

Former Secretary to the Ministry of Defence Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, addressing a Viyathmaga meeting in Colombo earlier today indicated that he would run for the presidency this year.


“I am ready for the Presidential election if the people are ready for it,” Rajapaksa said in his first public speech this year.

He also added this year would be of great significance to all Sri Lanka as the country was preparing for a Presidential election.

Sharing on the policies and principles he stands for, Rajapaksa said; “Everyone talks about individual rights, but we also need to take the societal needs into consideration when building up a strong nation.”

“Many leaders in Asia who developed their nations had their roots in nationalism. Liberal democracy has run into problems all over the world and people are now embracing nationalism,” Rajapaksa explained.

The former Gotabaya also added that Sri Lankan expatriates are more passionate about nationalism than those working and living in the country.

“I think the Sri Lankan expatriates have seen the world and understand what is happening on the global platforms. They have understood the values of nationalism.”

Latest comments

  • 23

    Gotabhaya is a personification of what a political Sri Lankan leader should not be. If he contests, let alone win, it would not only be national disaster but also an international disgrace. Bensen

    • 14

      Gotanaya Rajapaksa,

      You should say that I am ready of the Idiots are ready.

      Low IQ idiots, are you ready?

      Sri Lanka, S Land Like No Other!

      • 8

        The bankruptsy of the Govigama Mafia families installed governing system is that, no matter what, for the leadership of the nation, it is they who have hijacked the positions of Presidency and the Premiership to be a sole business of the Mafia Family owned. So, there will be no other even closing in to the dominion of the top job even by suggesting to become a future President or a PM if anyone other (a non Govigama Mafia Elite) wishes in his wildest dreams. Thats why even Gota is a mass murderer, a thief who stole state coffer, a one who stole from wealthy people, allowed his secret army to kill innocents, who have been set off the International Judicial hook due to the link with the Zionists that he has, a top class racist, and having a low class leadership qualities. The entire Govigama set up is pushing him to the top job. The Zionists of the Global Terror Mafia that runs the British, US and the NATO alliance back thos criminal to do what he likes and not prosecuting him and his Mafia brethren who committed harrondous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and have set him FREE and have allowed him to roam the world with SAFE foriegn trips. The Wijewardene Media (Govigama Mafia owned two of the most racist media houses – Upali and Wijeya) publishing anti minority and Islamophobic propaganda to help the Govigama domination in holding the power in their hands by inciting the dumb section of the Sinhala population against the minorities. 70 years of the practising of the ancient jewish craft have secured them to be the sole owners of the governing job of this unfortinate lands they names as Sri Lanka.

        • 7

          These Thieves calls themselves Patriots of Srilanka???
          1 . They Robbed the state wealth,
          2. Charge exorbitant commissions from foreign investors ( Rob them dry)
          Resulting the foreign investors close shop and away from internationally noted Srilankan Thieves and Crooks based in Srilanka and abroad.
          3. These so called Patriots have hands in every illegal trade , including drug running ,
          destroying the Young and old with DRUG HABITS.
          4. Hate any other Religions , with the help of Thugs and Yellow Robed Rowdies) destroy worshippers and the Premises ( Temples, Churches, and the Mosques) Connivingly puts the blame on weaklings with the help from UNDISCIPLINED POLICE SRVICE.
          5. These so called Patriots also do nothing but involved in killing fellow country men , women and children, raping , in the name of Bogus Terrorism.
          6. Patriots got Mega rich by doing all the above 5 points.
          Our country is in Negative scale in Progression in every field , including Education , but Topping in Bad Publicity of our Srilanka as Crooks Paradise!!
          Before you all scratch your heads !! Think what happened to our beloved honourable National Game?? Full of Fraud and criminal activities have destroyed the name of our country and its men played and brought glory to our country.
          This is just one example , but there are more negatives of Srilanka the world came to know but not my fellow country men and women who are like Frogs lives in wells , assumes everything is Hunky Dory!! HELP FROM MOUTH PIECE PAID UP ,BOUGHT UP COOLY MEDIA MEN/ WOMEN.
          DISASTROUS ! Yes/ No ? , DEMOCRAZY !! Yes / No?
          It’s Pathetic the so called Greedy Patriots brought this all to us Srilankans and to SRILANKA to be content or proud about!.
          Actually our Srilanka , My Srilanka is in a PATHETIC STATE ??? Do we need to be Concerned???

          • 0

            Lets stop the bluff….you hate Rajapaksas because they eliminated your terrorist leader and put a fullstop to Tamil fascist nationalist project.And you fear with Rajapaksa return we will see it again….ryt?

        • 4

          Gota cannot contest election as he is a US citizen. He went to USA recently to file action in court to surrender his US citizenship. Meanwhile US government has filed action against Gota for human rights violation and until that case is over he cannot do anything to revoke his US citizenship. His Zionist friends with whom he forged friendship while pumping petrol into their cars have promised to help him. Due to his Zionist connection he is able to move in and out of USA without being subjected to any judicial proceedings by Tamil individuals for his war crimes.

        • 0

          SO we should try with Sharmini ridiculous serasinghe’s bankrupt Radalas…..of she is not radala…..only her mom was….

    • 3

      Gota, Yes you are ready.

      Are your white vans ready?

      • 0

        yes…and this time white aeroplanes as well…..scared.?

    • 0

      Oh I say, Do you think our Gota could out-do the legendary Sajin Vass Gundawardena and his ath’udawwa Kshenuka-ka-ka?

    • 0

      your version of good politicians ruled SL for years with no result. Only leaders like MR whom your type hated worked well for the country. So we should go ahead with the exact opposite of what you seek in politicians?

  • 12

    Why a foreigner? If so why not we open it to other foreigners as well. May be we could find better qualified candidates.

    • 2

      You are right. Old Brother Prince is, at this time, only one citizen, i.e. US. A US citizen does not possess another citizenship. Lankawe immigration dupes the Diasporas hiding that fact, collect more than $5,000 for application fee plus commission and issue citizenship. If they come across a difficulty something like the one Old Brother Prince is facing only they would know that they had wasted the money.

      Interestingly Old King has said foreigners and foreign dwellers should stay out of Lankawe government. He meant many people in that. Many may think Tamils are the leading on this quotation. I doubt it. It should be Old Brother Prince. Sinhala Diaspora contributes their Kappam Money to Old King, so he probably didn’t include them in this.

      As soon as Brother Prince said that he would stand for election, all the Old Royals family members have issued their own statement against that. Many Slap Party MPs have spoken on that. Even SLFP stalwarts are trying to counter it.

  • 10

    Gota is tricking the nation. He is still a US citizen until he shows proof from US Govt. Anybody can add and edit Wikipedia, what he shows from Wikipedia is a farce

  • 6

    We want solid proof Gotabhaya not mere word. Show us the piece of paper from the US government.

    • 0

      He will have to before nomination. This is not the important factor.
      1. Is he suitable?
      2 will he be nominated.
      3. He has to be defeated by hook or by crook.

  • 11

    BaRa announcing that GOTA is their next Presidential candidate is a Red Herring. The Rajapakses have some other hidden agenda.

    • 7

      This is obvioulsy not to lanken PEOPLE, but to SIRISENA.
      If GOTABAYA — the srilanken AMERICAN, whose CITIZENSHIP has been irrelevant to lanken media MAFIA- should go through a process of handing it over, if he is to be qualified the President ELection.
      Is that the case with his status today? Or just misleading the GRASS eaters again ?
      Or this is exclusively ot MISLEAD lanken clown-President Sirisena ?
      Sirisena is day dreaming of an another term. Entire October Drama wa based on his dreams. However murdersous Rajapakshe was caught by the tricks- and things would have moved differen if these men belong to ERUOPE.
      They should all have been jailed by now, if the law works in this country.
      Entire structure is KAPUTT. – CURSE IS ON YOU GUYS: We dont even see anything working out for the betterment of LANKEN future.
      That was the
      In the mean time, SLFPers inclu SENIOR men of NImal Siripala the SILVA is making public statements that

  • 18

    Mr Gotabaya Rajapakse

    When you took up American citizenship, didn’t you take an oath of allegiance to serve your new country (& no other country)? Now isn’t there a conflict of interest, to say the least? Then, how come you can be the President of another country?

    If I am not mistaken, you cannot ‘cancel’ your American citizenship without going through the lengthy process, of which, any allegations of crimes of any sort will have to be investigated & cleared of, beforehand. So, even if the people of SL are ready, are you?

    • 13

      This is to scare the investing officers, witnesses, prosecutors, and even the judiciary in a number of accusations and case pending against Ra Brothers & Associates. Simply as that.

      • 2

        This probably is about Jalliya.

        You may think Old Brother Prince is funded for this election by MCC, World Bank, IMF Lehman brothers -Nomura. ….or something something… ……. I don’t think that is correct.
        He is funded by Jim Softy, Real Revolutionist, Eagle the Blind, Sach, Soma. Grandma Theresa…. ……………

  • 5

    Gota should also experience humiliation. May be Karma compels him to contest for President through desire. Lord Buddha denounced dire which was the cause of misery.

  • 7

    Did GR really say ~ “I Am Ready For Presidential Polls If People Are Ready”?
    Who is this man to ask us as to whether we are ready for Presidential polls or not?
    Is it to publicise “Gota Hints At Contesting”, it shows his arrogance. We have had enough of this.
    Arrogant people are NOT intelligent because they cannot think laterally.
    Not all intelligent people posses wisdom.
    To cut a long story short: We dare you to first clear your name in the courts without the use of intimidation and/or connection.

  • 6

    White vans and journalists killed…..here we come.

  • 8

    His sharks are getting hungry. They are fed up with the neighbourhood dogs he feeds them. They want real live humans.

  • 0

    “Liberal democracy has run into problems all over the world and people are now embracing nationalism,” Rajapaksa explained “ – Thero De Silva

    We don’t know what is in the clip. But we know the past.
    Here, months ago, CT published a news piece that Old King would take up the leadership of Slap Party in last November. We had expressed our doubt. Slap Party, from the day one, only an underground (better to be described as –Criminal) operation. It is not an original party. Some other party was renamed as Pokutuwa. Old King had been distancing for long time from it. One time he said it was only GLP’s party and GLP was renting a room in his office. The GLP was asked to move the party out of his office. This we guessed GLP operating full time in his office and coming to know his activities would jeopardize Old Royals secret movements. GLP usually kept out of knowing what the Old Royals are up to.(So he talk dumb talks and release dump reports about Slap Party.) When GLP went outside, a watching needed on him. So the younger Brother Prince was made the overseer of GLP. With his natural abilities to treason Younger Brother Prince overnight run over GLP and brought it under his control. This has naturally put out the Old Brother Prince away from Slap Party. He has yet to get membership in that, though he is now ready to stand for EP election. This is might suggest he might be eyeing SLFP.
    GLP was sacked from the SLFP, but none of the Old Royal members, whether they were MPs or not. The bloody Modayas were let to believe GLP is insincere to SLFP, but not Old Royals. Then, everybody knows the rest of the operations of Slap Party and the local council election. The election was conducted with Cutouts, but with cut off of Chairman GLP.

  • 0

    Old King was not planning to move to Slap Party anytime sooner in November. He planned to use the coup to accomplish couple of things as PM, then leisurely declare the election and then move to Slap Party. This probably was not known even to SBD, the Coup facilitator. Coup which was planned in a different mode, but by serious leakages of the plan by media, it took a form of Constitutional Coup. That needed the majority in Parliament. That unexpected stumbling blog caused unwanted failed decisions: Donkey trading; Untimely declaration of election; Opportunistic jump to Slap Party; Parliament World War III; Court decision of guilty on constitutional breaking…. The problems continued as loss MPs position; problem arose even to hanging as OPL. More legal threat; By UNP’s trap, he quit the Slap Party and returned to SLFP.
    Now he cannot go to Slap Party for another two years, until 2020, the time expected to parliament election is conducted. This time frame of he going to Slap Party is now, (after Coup), ostensibly clear to everybody. But for any political thinker, this would have been the situation even if the coup was not attempted. So CT’s news item didn’t prove to be right. Old King cannot declare the time when can he move to Slap Party or even if he ever could move to Slap Party at all. This was question we have been repeatedly raising to Thero on his multiple propaganda essays on Slap Party. We have been saying Slap Party can turn out to the “UN electric Chair” for both, SLFP and Slap Party. As power is the only object of Old King, he never wants to go to SLAP Party If forming Slap Party can cause SLFP and Slap Party permanently subjected to UNP.

  • 0

    As that part is too much Rocket Science for Thero so he never did come up with an answer to the question of when Old King leaving SLFP. Thero had bluffed that they would form an alliance. Chandrika and New King can form an alliance, because they are temporary enemies, but how can two permanent enemies form a genuine alliance? How do you create a trust between the partied in that union? They will end up eating each other if New King and Old King form an alliance. Anybody talking to Tilvin would be enlightened of forming an alliance with Old King. A forty seat JVP grow to 6 seats JVP by that great deal. Chandrika knows these all too well than any Cuban Communist PhD can teach her. If her maneuvering works out Never in the history anymore an Old Royal can reach the EP seat. As we are not Sumanadasa, so we don’t want to go beyond that.
    We came here because to point out Thero is, here in CT, licking his wound from Moscow, which was inflicted on him in Colombo by Old Royals. Thero did lot of fake campaign style predictions on Slap Party and Old Royals prospects. Then he wrote series of essay hailing one after other of the all family members of Old Royal in a one sided campaign. By annoyed with Thero unwanted flattering essays, Old King warned those promoting Old Brother Prince, including some businessmen. When Old Brother prince, in his introduction to Maha Viyath, postulated his Liberal Democracy based economic policies (Western stylized), Thero apparently broke down in CT. (Western countries governments described as Liberal Democracy. These are complex forms of governments with multiple leaders, multiple government bodies with or without coded constitutions. The aim is to effective transfer the processing of ruling to people, a mountainous difficult job. Most of these countries, by evolution or by revolution, have their own unique version, not duplicating another one.)

  • 0

    At that point Thero came here and blasted Old Brother Prince left to right for aligning his economic policies to West. When commentators questioned him about his earlier recommendations of Old Brother Prince, he bluffed that he was only analyzing the strength and weakness the Old Brother Prince. As a no nonsense mass murderer, Old Brother Price paid no heed to Thero’s, naive prostitution-al political scientific analyze.
    Thero’s low morale political analysis is equally severely censured here in CT by all colors and hues, specifically UNP, SLFP, JVP, TNA, SLMC, ACMC or any other commentators of political orientations. He was borrowing to CT essays from an uneducated extremist com Criminal Weerawansa, whose plagiarism was sued by Tilvin and 10M compensation had been awarded. Thero is, now ending his comment “Rajapaksa explained”. This person claims that he is political scientist trying to upgrade an UNHRC accused War criminal to Fidel Castro the communist dictator, with that kind of end. The commentators have continuously questioned the education level of this Mass Murderer theorist, the Old Brother Prince. But the world class political scientist, Thero is borrowing form him to prove his theories on Neoliberalism or Liberal Democracy. I wonder if JR has created shame to him by trying to create shame to Thero, probably a case even beyond it.

    So far Old Brother Prince has not announced if he has quit SLFP. Media still updating that he is not in Slap Party- or rather he is not admitted in Slap party. During the latter part of Chitanta Government, Old Brother Prince, in an Interview to The Hindu, argued that Democracy is not suitable for Lankawe as it was continuous ruled by kings, and the medieval culture had not progressed. So the 18A in the background, almost all, including the Sinhala Buddhist Modayas had guessed the path the Old Royals were travelling.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1NlVjuRWWI before she vanished, in all three languages Saheli Gamage Explained of it.

  • 1

    The emperor family was known as Royals until they were dethroned by an Appakaraya, Ehelepola or the Judas. Then they became known as Olds. Erudite imbecile to wise of the pristine prelates adored this stupidity and hailed this new Mahavamsa. Thero, GLP and the likes likes offered unconditional slavery to the sheer naked shame of the human lives. In February, 2018, when he came from America he once before also declared that he was ready if the people were ready for EP election. But his immediate flight to China caused a fall apart him with America so lost the hope of getting citizenship release. Now he is back again from America and has made the same declaration.

    After the compilation of this comment, many distractions were seen released by many in Colombo Media. Old King even warned the Foreign Nation and diaspora to stay away from Lankawe Politics. Interesting another one is or biggest flop is Kumara Welgama saying that Old King will stand for EP election. In Tamils they say “உந்த பொய் கந்தபுராணத்திலும் இல்லை” (That kind of lies are not said even in the Skanda Purana”). The silly bluff is Elder Brother Prince is saying that if the people are ready he is too ready for the presidential election. This is bothering New King Gang and Dayasiri had said it is the New King will be contesting for the EP. Rohitha Abeygunawardena said New King will be selecting Old Brother Prince as the candidate. What is happening is they all trying neutralized the feeling spreading in the air that Old Bother Prince plotting with Foreign Nations and Diaspora against the Mother Lankawe.

  • 1

    You may be ready for Mahinda dynasty bout for Sri Lankan voters First clear all HR violations

  • 0

    In my view that Gotabaya Rajapakase is concern on that line-up with that contempeory political reality are concern of Lankan, he with sense of ground reality that future of nation survival, he view that People-oriented that Development and Democracy ….an essential..

    Nowadays that our nation run without that discipline of “governances” of that against WILL of the People of ours soil, which is that unknown to the democrtiac loving people as well globally being uncharted by USA led hegemonies. and locally by UNP TNA and JVP’s!
    USA led forces has created new chaos among democrtiac nations that UNP joint hand that club of politically that with their closed comrades- in- arms of TNA and JVP. .It happen to be dozens or other several dozens nation by living political, economic and social uncertainties in Sri Lanka.

    Unloaded of leading political parties of UNP of RW, TNA, JVP, and CBK of new Federalism that recent form that new unholy alliances by evil political elements working toward for political vandalism against Parlimreantry form of Democracy last 4 years since 2015 January 8th.
    This has to be address by People verdicts and New mandate, while an ample an opportunities has been rejected by Supreme court of Judiciary of Lanka ..2018 December 13th
    In fact by denied that NOT to be dissolved Parliament by using misinterpretation of 19th ameadeant of Constitution by SC make misadventure of judgment has been that suppressed right to vote been an eligible since People of Island 1931?
    I view this a miscarriage of principle of democracy by Judges of court of law in Sri lanka; is that far from reached to new innovation of democracy by Judiciary was failure address Ills of democracy an our soil.
    Neverltless GR is realized that security and discipline is the one of the key pillar of mode of Democracy governances. That is where GR having scoring point of fail of democracy by UNP governances since 2015 January 8th to be reinvorgation by that next mandate by voters !

  • 0

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  • 0

    Some of GR’S Ethics, Values, Vision, Mission etc are as follows:

    1) Intellectually inspired Sri Lanka, which means involvement of governance by Intellectuals, professionals, Academicians with patriotism.

    2) Economic empowerment to all the races, people living in Sri Lanka.

    3) Failure is not an option and excuse.

    4) Proven policy maker, developer and executor.

    5) His vision for 2030 and beyond on economic development

    6) No nonsense approach as same as annihilation of LTTE and Urban development in very short tenure.

    7) Approach through modern technology and at the same time retaining our identity as well.

    The above are more than adequate for a great future for Sri Lanka if he will be at the helm of affairs.

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