19 September, 2024


I Did Not Resign, I Was Sacked: Double Doctor Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe

“I did not resign, I was Sacked,” former Minister of Justice and Buddha Sasana Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe told media today.

President Maithripala Sirisena had this morning conveyed the request made by the UNP to remove Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe from his ministerial post.

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  • 5

    Interesting indeed. There is a lot of name calling and disparaging remarks
    about Wijeyadasa Rajapuckse now. Why then did Dr Ranil Wickremesinghe,
    with 40 years of successful politics, pick on a man like that for his Cabinet?
    It has begun to hurt the learned doctor, once a Mr Clean and now a Mr Crook
    when things have begun to make him uncomfortable. Why otherwise did
    not Dr Ranil pull him up when Wijeyadasa was faltering?

    Today, the newspapers have revealed the honest truth – Wijeyadasa has said
    some UNP big shots and “footnote kalliya” are involved in the bond scam. Who
    are these big shots? The footnote Kalliya was instigated by Dr Ranil, one of the
    big shots, to protest at the COPE and record their reservations over attempts to
    cover up the bond scam. Other big shots include Malik Samarawickrema, the
    Rat Face. More will come.

    If one is placing the blame only on WR, it is far from right. There is someone
    hiding some where to prevent more embarrassing new unfolding. It is Dr Ranil.
    Why are most people silent about this?

    • 8

      When did Ranil became a Doctor? You mean he is a witch-doctor!

      • 1

        Deakin University down under, conferred a doctorate on Ranil shame on an institution of such a good reputation to give RW a degree for nothing. When RW was dressed up for the occasion to receive the honorary doctorate he looked like a scare crow in that outfit. May be this degree is for his alcoholism.

        Did any other such institution give him an honorary doctorate? not that I know of

      • 4

        MR & GR are doctorate too. Thanks to Colombo Uni and Dr Fernando.

  • 3

    I don’t think people are silent about Ranil Wickramasingha. They know
    him truly well now, that he is not as clean as he projected himself to
    be. That it took 40 years in politics to get exposed for corruption is
    indeed shocking for the man who has althrough his political career only
    manipulated matters together with his boys. He has not seperated his
    personal life from public life. All his promises have been written on
    flowing water.

  • 7

    If he thought being part of a cabinet that sold off national assets was a shameful thing why did he not resign on the day the agreement was signed ? If he had a conscience that is what he would have done instead of waiting till he was sacked.. So this goes on to prove what a humbug the man is.Tried his best to hang on in order to act as a mole & protect MR & clan. No body asked him to interfere with the AG’S department but ppl wanted the trials expedited & all he did was keep on saying ” it cannot be done ” Never tried to find a way .Never did anything to make the AG’s department more efficient. Kept on defending crooks like Senadhipathi probably being on his payroll.Did we not see pictures of their tryst in Disney land?

    One good thing done by this government is get rid of this Dealdasa !

    who is much admired & hailed by the JOINT OPPOSITION & their god father Dayan Jayatilleke.

    Considering who his friends & apologists are, it is not rocket science to realise for whom he was batting all this time.

  • 3

    Dealdasa, Dumped? Fired? Scorned? Humiliated? Totally pissed off? If so, I’ve got great news! You might be on your way to living your best life ever – if you consciously choose to channel this pain into fuel – and use it to motivate yourself to become your highest potential self!

  • 3

    Its a good news to the country that Wijedasa being sacked than resigned.

    Is there any chance of Wijedasa getting in to suicide?

    Who will be the next to sack if not resign from cabinet?

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