By Emil van der Poorten –
To complete the title of this column, let me add “is it also the land where suspension of disbelief is absolute?”
The journalists, in the English media at least, have been uttering platitudes that would justify their inclusion in one of the “Forums” of self-righteousness that seem to be so accepted in middle-class Colombo, Sri Lanka where the word “hypocrisy” appears to have disappeared from the Oxford English dictionary.
What has provoked my outburst? All the discussion and debate, if I might debase those two words in applying them to what has transpired recently in Sri Lanka: the Nonis/Vass Gunawardena brawl and His Excellency, Mahinda Rajapaksa’s, most recent audience with the Pope. The former event leading up to the latter and to be followed by the arrival of Pope Francis.
The behaviour of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church in giving its blessings to the most corrupt and violent government in Sri Lanka’s history is viewed as something of an aberration and deserving of investigation to arrive at the “real truth.”
“Stuff and nonsense” would be the appropriate response that any right-thinking person with even a smattering of historical knowledge would bring to this arrant rubbish.
To begin with, the Vatican has a documented history of friendship with and support of the most corrupt regimes in the history of the world and for those whose knowledge of world history does not go farther back than the 20th century, may I suggest checking out the conduct of Pope Pius XII vis-a-vis a man called Adolf Schicklegruber, better known as Adolf Hitler, in the conduct of his mass murder of Jews and others designated by him as undeserving of continuing existence on the face of this earth?
The newest Pope, if one is to believe the mealy-mouthed “journalists” of the world, is well on his way to canonization for, among other things, having a prosecution launched against one Vatican-based senior cleric for sexual crimes and choosing to live in accommodation more modest than that which his predecessors chose. Along the way, he has uttered what would be defined as simple platitudes if they emanated from “ordinary” folk. These were in the matters of family planning and the rights of gay people to be accepted as human beings.
What has been buried under this torrent of rhetoric preparing the world for this man’s elevation to sainthood even before his passing is the fact that, during probably the single worst chapter in Argentina’s history – the time of the “desaparecidos” – when, among other atrocities, the infant children of the tortured and murdered were “adopted” by those responsible for the torture and death of their parents– this man, a very senior cleric in that large South American country, did nothing, never so much as raised his voice in protest while more than 6,000 people were “disappeared.” Oh! I should qualify that: he did use his influence on behalf of a small handful from “influential” families. While there is a great deal of information about this saintly man’s conduct, perhaps the following link, one of many, might be worthy of pursuit
Hardly a Bishop Romero, I’d say.
As for the head of the local Roman Catholic church – Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith – his supine behaviour towards the current regime even when churches of his own denomination were being defiled and destroyed hardly needs elaboration. However, I cannot resist the temptation of referring to some recent media comments that Vass Gunawardena’s assault on High Commissioner (to the Court of St. James) Nonis might have some negative fall-out because the latter’s family has significant “Cardinal connections.” What a bunch of what comes out of the south end of a bull proceeding north! VG, Nonis, Ranjith and much of the hierarchies of several other religious denominations in this country are the last entities that can, by any stretch, be considered as standing between the Rajapaksa Project and its absolute control of this country. These organizations have, historically, been camp followers of those wielding power and it takes little more than the threat of withdrawal of a petrol allowance for their Mercedes’ to have them abandon any pretence to principle and bring them to heel.
Then to add to that particular media comedy, we have the fact that one of the participants in the New York Slap-and-Kick is a part of the delegation that accompanies our ruling monarch to the Vatican, though we are assured that he is not going to actually have an audience with His Holiness, Pope Francis.
But just in case, Mohan Pieris, our current Chief Justice, was photographed in the Vatican, in the company of our Excellency, his (Roman Catholic) spouse and Pope Francis himself. Given the black comedy that is unfolding in Sri Lanka and those places associated with its rulers, it might well be that the missing piece in this photograph is the sublime visage of the Punch and Kick Street Fighter, the afore-mentioned Vass Gunawardena. There would certainly have been a certain poetic balance if he could have completed this august group, keeping all these paragons of virtue company. That is, assuming that the afore-mentioned Mr. Nonis, one of the only two known tea-peddling senior diplomats in Sri Lanka’s history, was unavailable to grace the occasion himself because he was nursing too-serious damage to his person to be there.
As I check the web editions of the Sri Lankan newspapers to the accompaniment of the “speaker system” of a neighbouring temple whose timer sets off its religious message at 4:00 a.m, I am greeted by a lengthy media release from John Amaratunga, a senior UNP functionary whose logic appears to be that, since the UNP’s founding principles were of religious harmony, that party must join the government in extending the warmest welcome possible to His Holiness, the Pope when he arrives here. Mr Amaratunga denies that such an invitation is driven by manipulative political intent tied to a forthcoming Presidential election! Skewed logic? Hardly, coming from this Presidential lapdog, on the Mahinda Rajapaksa payroll through the provision of periodic expenses-paid trips to distant climes to conduct personal business! Invoking “a pox on both their houses” hardly seems benediction enough for our two primary political coalitions in these circumstances.
If one is able to maintain something resembling a (wry) sense of humour in this misbegotten land, readers of the local press are certainly not short of amusement if they know where to look!
Dodo / October 11, 2014
Good one Emil! Many thanks.
Could you also write something on the Rajapaksa regime’s ECONOMIC TERRORISM? The 2 clowns Nivard Cabraal and P.B Jayasundara are committing crimes against the elderly and poor and vulnerable in the county.
My month saving interest income on which I live have been reduced in the last couple of months from 12 to 6 percent by the central bank. This so that Nivard Cabraal can borrow from from already INDEBTED local banks at low interest rates to fund Rajapaksa’s election campaign.
Many of my elderly friends how live on fixed deposit savings are in the same boat of IMPOVERISHMENT due to the corrupt crook at the central bank manipulating interest rates based on FAKE inflation rates.
Rajapaksa’s and his cronies are involved in FINANCIAL TERRORISM against the poor and vulnerable in Lanka. Today P.B. Jayasundara is saying that elderly pensioners should put their savings on the stock market rather than in fixed deposits and lose their life savings!
The Colombo stock market is effectively Rajapaksa cronies casino to steal from the poor. The stock market is manipulated by cronies as we well know and telling pensioners to risk their savings is Criminal. PB is a financial Terrorist as is Nivard Cabraal who has been spinning lies about inflation rates and keeping interest rates down so he can borrow from already indebted local banks to fund Mahinda Jarapassa’s illegal reelection campaign while forcing pensioners to play the stock market and lose life savings.
As PB said: “We can already see some concern over low interest rates by those who live on interest income from traditional savings for which the capital market could provide alternative opportunities”. His solution is for the elderly is to put their savings in the corrupt colombo stock market because their income from fixed deposits are so low!! Bloody criminal!
Abhaya / October 11, 2014
Dodonkey .
it is unfortunate that you did plan to live on interest , but it is not the countries fault that growth requires low interest rates . Basic economics .
Mallaiyuran / October 12, 2014
What kind of economics that? Your one word explanation is a big fraud.
There should a mild, healthy inflation be present to growth. The other word for that is interest rate growth. When the wild fire inflation is present investors do not invest. Same with the borrowers, they do not borrow to manufacture. This borrowing ends up for capital consumption. That is, producers do not borrow to build up the business but keep depreciate the assets, consumers without income, keep buying on the loan. This will guide the banks to bankruptcy. Dodo like ones faces double jeopardy, loss investment income and nothing of earned income. This is exactly a country’s macro economical mishandling. Borrowing for investments should be balanced, not on the demise of one sector. It should be channeled to manufacture. Obama’s government used these in a very advantage way to fire the economy came to standstill. He helped the Banks, insurance company to fight back bankruptcy, helped Chrysler, GM to borrow from them and gave big tax break at very lover level and let them spend it right away. The end was consumers spent without loan burden, Manufactures produced with healthy borrowing, banks rebuilt their bad assets to good assets.
In real world economics when you pull out one rod from the reactor, the remaining one overacts and set the reactor on fire. When you insert an additional one, the old shut down and cause a breakdown of steam output. None Lanka can handle complex real world Macroeconomics. What the entire can do is cut the tasks from the falling down elephant. That is what they keep doing. (Don’t thinks they heroes cutting task from an elephant)
Your lie is going further one step to hide the truth. Lanka borrowing loans from China at very high interest rate that is no government ever did. Keeping the local rate lower is big a political fraud. (They increased the electricity rate to 180% before they gave the Noraichcholai to China. Now, the Royal family is the one borrowing locally for capital needs, so they’re keeping it artificially low.) The infrastructure in Lanka is not in conjunction with a suspend-able manufacturing growth. The money borrowed from Chinese banks is right away going back to China as materials and labor cost. It does not get distributed in Lanka as wages and materials, to produce a multiplier effect in the local economy. People borrowing at local banks for consumption. These incomes for the banks are paid into interest for the loan borrowed from China.
China has triple gain. 1). High income from the loans; 2). A Market for the faulty labor and material; 3). Loan assets build up for their future generation who can eat without working. Lankans lose in everything, including the one like Dodo who worked hard in the past looking for peaceful retirement.
Abhaya / October 12, 2014
Fake Tamil Economists .
Read paul Krugmans newest article about deficit hawks moron .
Sarpaya / October 12, 2014
“In real world economics when you pull out one rod from the reactor, the remaining one overacts and set the reactor on fire. When you insert an additional one, the old shut down and cause a breakdown of steam output.”
What rods are you talking about? You mean the countless erected rods that are lowered into your pigeon hole?
Native Vedda / October 12, 2014
bla, bl-Abhaya
The Nobel Committee made a mistake when it awarded the peace prize to Malala and Kailash.
They should have awarded you this year and retrospectively for the past many years and promised you the future ones too.
Blinded by racism the committee is biased against Sinhala/Buddhists.
Abhaya / October 13, 2014
NV certainly .
it was indeed a travesty , but u can make right by proposing me for the Economics Prize .
Native Vedda / October 13, 2014
bala bl-Abhaya
“it was indeed a travesty , but u can make right by proposing me for the Economics Prize.”
Indeed it was.
Out the six categories let me think about the one most suitable to your
The three categories Physics, Chemistry, and Medicine are out of the question as you are just an ordinary everyday engineer.
If you are looking for Peace prize just forget it. I rather recommend the peace prize to go to Hitler posthumously than to you.
Prizes for Economic Sciences awarded to three hand economists than the normal one. Do you have three hands.
How about for literature?
Your body of excellent work that you have already contributed to and regularly published in this website proves beyond doubt that you are a Nobel material. Do you have any objections?
Amarasiri / October 12, 2014
Emil van der Poorten –
RE: I Know This Is The “Miracle Of Asia, But …
“The behaviour of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church in giving its blessings to the most corrupt and violent government in Sri Lanka’s history is viewed as something of an aberration and deserving of investigation to arrive at the “real truth’
Thanks for exposing the double standards.
Remember, the Popes in the past had given those blessings to countless criminals, mass murders etc, including Mussolini, Franco, Hitler etc. and even Stated the crusades to distract from the Templars and inquisition.
So, Raja-Paka knows that the opes are corrupt too, just like the Shills and White-washers in Sri lanka.
Richton / October 12, 2014
“What has provoked my outburst?”
We have not yet mastered the way to read an evil mind.
But we suspect it is that usual bout of constipation that seems to afflict Poorten towards the week end.
Suggest rying some aralu, gulu and nelli!
Emil van der Poorten / October 12, 2014
A new pseudonym for the same idiocies!
You seem to suffer from the converse of constipation – diarrhea of the worst kind, the mental kind. And while you are about it, as one of those inheritors of “2500 years of …….civilization” you better brush up on your Sinhala. Unless, your mentor has invented a new substance from the “gulu” tree!
Native Vedda / October 12, 2014
“We have not yet mastered the way to read an evil mind.”
Are you suffering from autistic disorder,“mind blindness,” which blanks your mind from understanding thoughts, feelings and intentions of others.
You do not need to master mind reading just get good treatment for your mind blindness.
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / November 19, 2014
Richiton aka Loose motion.
As you are sitting on your Brain,
But make Sure to use Pol mudda as a Stopper.[ Moodiya]
Emil van der Poorten / October 11, 2014
As I suggested in a previous article, preparations must be put in place NOW for the prosecution of those committing crimes against the state and the citizens of this country. I even suggested that some member(s) of one of the “Forums” that are so generous with their platitudes and which the bought-and-paid-for media of this country are only too ready to give publicity to should spearhead such an (obviously-needed) effort. However, up to date, there have been no takers!
As for writing about the predicament of the poor and elderly in this country, I would suggest that someone like Prof. Kumar David would be the best one to provide a readable, accurate and erudite analysis of the issue.
Strategist / October 11, 2014
Dodo, Emil van der Poorten,
100% agreed!
Thiru / October 11, 2014
Emil van der Poorten,
Look at the subservient posture of Mohan Peris the Chief Jester of Sri Lankan courts.
It is no surprise that the birds of the same feather (including the pope) flock together.
Supun / October 11, 2014
[Edited out]
Amarasiri / October 12, 2014
Emil van der Poorten ,
Yes, good suggestion.
But First things first. Get Rid of Mahinada Rajapaksa, his goons and shills,
Everybody needs to pitch in. Here is a suggestion for you.
Whatever opposition candidate comes forward, there need to be exposure of MaRa corruption and nepotism. There is a dire need for a Common Sense Pamphlet, like what Thomas Paine did in 1776 for the American revolution, exposing King George III.
What can writers and other do? Expose.. Expose and Expose the Mara regime.
The current perception is that Rajapaksa Hegemony has taken over the UPFA/SLFP and people do not want dynasties.
What can the writers do? Expose. what can the people do? Vote against MaRa and the criminal gang.
Can you be the Anonymous Author and Produce a Sri Lankan version of Common Sense in Sinhala, Tamil and English? You will do as much service to Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, just like Thomas Paine did for America and France.You can expand this write up, and get there.
Say, Because I have Common Sense, I will not vote for Mr. Rajapaksa and their criminal cronies for a continuation of a Family Dynasty, and say that Sri Lanka is a Republic.
Rajapaksa had the opportunity. The power corrupted them. The People are sick of them. They even used Buddhism towards their ends. Even Sinhala Buddhists are fed up them, and they are showing their true colors.
An Anonymous Author like Thomas Paine is needed with a Common Sense Pamphlet to expose the King, King George, the Rajapaksa Clan. Read, the Common Sense Pamphlet , by Thomas Paine, that inspired the American Revolution along with the other events. Common Sense (pamphlet)
Produce a Commons sense Pamphlet for Sri Lanka and say why it is in the best interest of the people of Sri Lanka to remove the King, aka Rajapaksa Dynasty from power and let the Republic be a Republic and Not a dynasty. This Pamphlet, in Sinhala, Tamil and English, need to be sent to each and every Sri Lankan Citizen, just like Thomas Paine’s Common Sense pamphlet.
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / October 11, 2014
“If one is able to maintain something resembling a (wry) sense of humour in this misbegotten land,
readers of the local press are certainly not short of amusement if they know where to look!”.
When the Governing clowns and some of opposition’s Clowns are Uttering some Lies and Jokes as We get humour and feel laughing from hindquarter’s outlet.
This Miracle of Asia’s with a Parliament, full heard of Clowns and jokers.
Media SPORKS Minister Kehelwalla says
“Sri Lanka’s former High Commissioner to London, Dr. Chris Nonis, gate-crashed the private dinner party, to which he was not invited, He said that though Dr. Nonis went uninvited, he was welcomed”.
When Country’s president is broad and his entourage visit to an any government institution’s Party, Will the Ambassador left out with out invitations.
This is Specially in U S A .
Who is telling Whom.
May be “Konde Bendapu Chinese” Will Accept these Talks as they are Jarapassa’s associates.
K.A Sumanasekera / October 11, 2014
Mr Poorten must be going to Bishop Chikera for confession, for sure…
That is fair enough,
But to attack fellow Christians, who belong to a different sect of Christianity is absolutely pathetic.
The great majority of the Christian community of Srilanka are Catholics.
And it is made up of mainly poor Sinhala and Tamil Rural inhabitants and a few Burghurs who haven’t been able to find residency in the West.
Srilanka is one of the few Asian countries which has a growing Catholic population,
The coming visit of the Holy see is mainly to acknowledge this growth as well as appreciate the peaceful. and secure environment this Govt has provided to the Christian community overall, to live comfortably in post Nanthikadal Srilanka.
It is obvious that the visit of the Holy See has become a thorn in the but of the Elite. Anglican and Vellala confederation to put Ranil in to power.
Mr Poorten who has been enjoying the hospitality of these inhabitants since his ancestors invaded them, to turn around and dis them and their Church leader, , I would say, is pretty low.
Anglicans are part of the Elite who are hell bent on Regime change for obvious reasons plus extras like helping the Vellalas to get their Eelaam.
If Mr Poorten wants to suck up to them , he is most welcome to do that.
But leave the Sinhala Tamil and Burghur Catholics and their Leader the Cardinal alone…
Spring Koha / October 11, 2014
……oh oh oh, correction!
“””The great majority of the Christian community of Srilanka are Catholics.And it is made up of mainly poor Sinhala and Tamil Rural inhabitants and a few Burghurs who haven’t been able to find residency in the West.””””
Please don’t forget the President’s darling wife, and the poor Chief Justice (and a few other nabobs lower down the food chain).
K.A Sumanasekera / October 12, 2014
Spring K
You bring up a couple of interesting points.
Can a non Christian be the First Lady in a Western Countries where you worship ?.
Have they got non Christians as their Chief Justice?..
And we are a racist Sinhala Buddhist supremacist Nation ….Right….
Spring Koha / October 12, 2014
Let us get one unequivocal fact straight; I do NOT ‘worship’ in a Western Country.
As far as I am aware, there is NO requirement for a First Lady to have any particular faith in the western countries I know of.
Again, as far as I am aware, there is no requirement for a Chief Justice in the western countries I know of to profess to follow any religion (or none).
As far as your statement “””And we are a racist Sinhala Buddhist supremacist Nation ….Right…”””” I do NOT recognise that statement as the Sri Lanka I know, and live in much of the time – especially as I have much hope for our country when the existing forces of evil have been vanquished. I don’t know about you, but I knew a Sri Lanka where freedom, fair play and justice under a rule of law existed. This is what we all must work towards regaining. Never lose hope!
Emil van der Poorten / October 11, 2014
K.A. Tsunamisekera:
Must you INSIST on staking your claim to being the No. 1 village idiot any time CT publishes something I write?
I suppose a psychologist will interpret this as indicating a death wish by one who knows that he and his clan are on the skids!
Sylvia Haik / October 11, 2014
Thank you Emil van der Poorten. You can’t help the sycophants crawling out of the woodwork. I must add the most vociferous camp follower, Nivard Cabraal, who in 2009 when the world currencies were being devalued enmasse, he alone went on a buying spree, squandering the hard earned foreign currency of our housemaids remittances and kept the Lankan Rupee appreciated earning the accolade of “Strongest Currency in the World”. Great prestige, but our exports suffered and the tea industry nearly collapsed when it could not compete on price with Kenyan, Indian and Chinese tea. Also, the imports flooded in as it got cheaper giving rise to a balance of payment crisis at that time.
Strategist / October 11, 2014
The picture is the iconic visage of a collection of bloody idiots with the background picture epitomizing the full story by the drooping heads and ears of the painted characters.
Sometime back there was an article in LankaEnews revealing a conspiracy between Rajapakshas and US to destroy Buddhism in Sri Lanka and to spread Christianity in Buddhism’s place. The events unfolded ever since bear testimony to the veracity of that revelation. The importation of the shill Pope at this crucial election juncture is the stipend paid by the Church to Rajapakshas for gradually and successfully carrying out that contract. When the current old generation of blind and ignorant Rajapaksha voting Buddhists die of old age or prematurely due to Rajapakshas created maladies and when the remaining posterity see as Buddhism the current Buddhist terrorism of BBS and other idiotic prelates who are fornicating the real Buddhist principles they would naturally abandon Buddhism as rubbish and such astray bound people would be assimilated by the Popes’ superstitious religion. This is a calculated, slow going and ongoing process aimed at long term mutation. The fools of this paradise of fools are destroying themselves and the future of their posterity. On the other hand the Chinese are here to stay and exploit them and resources big and long time and it would take another war to get rid of them. The clowns in this country thoroughly deserve this predicament of their own creation.
Abhaya / October 11, 2014
Pooty is off his meds again .
Leelagemalli / October 11, 2014
[Edited out] you represent will take longer than the others. So govt change is a definity … you can go on licking the [Edited out], but nothing will help this time.
Abhaya / October 11, 2014
lelage [Edited out].
Sama / October 11, 2014
Abaya the[Edited out] you should better add your thoughts in terms of that ragging at Pera. You the brutal aggressive men should have assualted the innnoicent freshers mulltiple times harming them in diverse ways. From what you add to this and other forums i can read your thoughts and minds well.
Emil van der Poorten / October 12, 2014
What to do, men? Your need was infinitely greater than mine and that’s why I left them by the Kak….iya door for you to pick up, no.
Sarath / October 11, 2014
Congrats Emil . One of the best exposes of the criminal hypocrites and shameless lap dogs that take people for a ride.Hope these buggers end up in purgatory for their sins. Cardinal Ranjit by encouraging this mob of sinners may need to go for confession himself. Wonder how many million “Hail Mary’s he will have to recite to getPapal clearance for his association with these sinners.As to the behavior of Scum bags like Sajin Vass, and his mate the Shenuka Madam, the less said the better. The Diplomatic service has now gone to the Dogs.The Nonis slapping affair has now been widely discussed in diplomatic circles in Colombo, And the remarks made are not very comp
limentry to the Ministry of External affairs run by a Thug.Our country has been shamed by these crude ill mannered people.`
someone / October 11, 2014
What a bloody joke is this? MARA imports rotten bone Kapilawasthu relics from India, murderer Virathu from Burma, superstitious Pope from Rome-all at critical election campaign times. MARA creates BBS terrorism, ethno-religious pogroms, cut off dick end of a monk turned politician, bribes and terrorize chief prelates who would better commit hara-kiri and bugger off to hell which would render a greater service to Buddhism than their living like leftover swallowing pigs-all of which tells the sorry story of Sinhalese Buddhists, their so called spiritually, their IQ, political maturity, value system and general standard of their existence. Into and among such a land and human roots severed nation comes the poorest spirituality monger of the world, the Pope jester. What the hell has this Pope jester got with him to mete out to the world? Nothing! He would descend from plane, kiss the tarmac, received by the so called priests and head of the state, mounted on a vehicle and demonstrated among the monkeys around the park to have a peep at, visit a few places and meet with a few beggars and buggers all the while with his hand raised for what purpose god knows only, utter a few meaningless words and finally would board on the plane and bugger out of the country for another I don’t know why tour to some don’t know what to do at turmoiled place. While the turmoiled, tummy empty, physically and mentally impoverished masses languish in the most depraved and desolate circumstances these spiritual rogues and corrupt politicians march on the shoulders of the ignorant, blatantly gorging galore and merry making in the bodily pleasures.
Spring Koha / October 11, 2014
Most countries do their best to project a favourable impression in the wider world and entrust their foreign service to competent professionals and carefully selected ambassadors of good standing. In our Miracle of Asia, we do things differently. Our image in the world is in the hands of a proven crook and thug, a spineless effeminate professor who couldn’t say boo to a goose and a tale-carrying harridan who specialises in muck raking and undermining the work of those she should be supporting and nurturing. With this scenario, it was only a matter of time before the New Jersey debacle. Now we have become the laughing stock of the diplomatic world, and the reputation of our plummy-voiced defender of a 2500-year-old civilisation is in tatters. Wherever Dr No goes in future, he will be seen as game for a bit of ‘slap and tickle’.
The evolving story now is that the freshly dispensed with Dr No takes all the blame for the unsavoury pre-dinner entertainment that led to his ignominious departure from the Court of St James, and all the trappings that go with it. The joint villain of the set-piece is reprieved and absolved of any blame,which allows the Prez.to continue with the indispensable service of his chief spittoon carrier. Shaynookie-nookie-nookie meanwhile, who in a smart counter move threw her knickers at Dr No will also be reprieved, and can continue with her shit-stirring and tale-carrying.
So that leaves our Kehemalla Rambukpattiya to work out some way of convincing the local ‘mejia’ that ‘what men, these things happen, no’, ‘everywhere, even at home’ ‘what to do?’, ‘that bugger Nonis is to blame’ etc etc etc. Have some sympathy for our Kehelgoda, he is the man who knew the full story within minutes of it happening in faraway US of A. Since then he has had the unenvious task of shovelling shit to our press boys – most with their Presidential laptops ready – and he looked a right nana. You had to pity the man. Sometimes he looked as if he would rather be on an hotel balcony somewhere trying to launch himself imitating Icarus.
Dear people forgive me but as I age I cannot but help wistfully recalling the joyous celebrations of February 1948 when Sinhalese, Tamil, Moor, Malay, Burgher, Borah, Chetty, and a few others too, mingled together cheering and dreaming of a proud future for a small but influential little island paradise that punched well above its weight. A big Thank You to the shitty politicians of all parties over the years who have played their part in dashing those dreams.
Native Vedda / October 12, 2014
Spring Koha
“when Sinhalese, Tamil, Moor, Malay, Burgher, Borah, Chetty, and a few others too, mingled together cheering and dreaming of a proud future for a small but influential little island paradise that punched well above its weight”
And the state chose to send the minorities whence their ancestors came and converted Sinhalaese into Sinhala/Buddhists.
Don’t you think its a great achievement for a country that punched well above its weight? I consider this as a great achievement by any standard, racing to the bottom.
Jim softy / October 11, 2014
[Edited out]
Upali Wickramasinghe / October 12, 2014
Dodo, You are right.Both Cabraal and Jayasundara are financial terrorists. Jayasundara ruined this country’s economy through the past 20 years.RW is planning to take over this country.By any chance if he is succesful, which I doubt because of his lack of commitment, will he get rid of Cabraal and Jayasundara.Last time he had a chance he hid Jayasundara at the PERC and brought in Paskaralingam.
Paskatralingam had the reputation of initiating the ruination of this country’s economy.
That is the nature of our politics.
Jayagath Perera / October 12, 2014
Just because the Pope is to visit at a given time where the leadership is not to the liking of Emil (and many others) does that mean that the Cardinal cum Archbishop of Colombo is bum-sucking this regime? A responsible religious leader must advance his own cause and as such he has to work with people whom he may not have a liking with tact and diplomacy. This is also true for Cardinal Bergollio before he became Pope Francis. As Pope Francis he has a better leverage over others but yet again there are limits. As the ancient persian poet said:
“God grant me the serenity to things I cannot change,
the courage to things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.”
Interestingly three Popes have visited Sri Lanka, namely:
Pope Paul VI during the time of Mrs. Bandaranaike as Prime Minister
Pope John Paul II during the time of Mrs. Kumaranatunge as President
and perhaps
Pope Francis during the time of Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse as President.
No Pope has ever visited during a time when UNP was in power.
Does that mean that the entire Catholic Church and its branch in Sri Lanka is SLFP cum PA and not UNP (that is if we use the Philosophy of Van der Poorten)?
Don’t forget Sir, that Catholics in Sri Lanka is looking forward for the declaration of Sainthood of Joseph Vaz during the Pope’s visit.
I think Sir, let us not confuse any religion with politics, which is cheap all over the world.
Emil van der Poorten / October 12, 2014
Jayagath Perera:
Are you in competition with Mr. Tsunamisekera for the Idiot of the Week contest or are you trying to set up another in the Koheda Yannay, Mallay Pol category?
I have to grant you and your ilk one thing though: you certainly confirm the old saying about “nobody made a fortune betting on the intelligence of the likes of you guys!”
Bahirawaya / October 12, 2014
Jagath Perera,
This Pope is a clown. An idiot too. There is no difference between him and the murderer Monk Virathu.
“Don’t forget Sir, that Catholics in Sri Lanka is looking forward for the declaration of Sainthood of Joseph Vaz during the Pope’s visit.”
What nonsensical Sainthood. There ain’t no saint man! Show me if you can. All these buggers are bloody rogues and fakes. Besides after somebody has kicked the bucket there is nothing saintly about the remaining corpse. It is rotting mean man. You and me too are the same man. We will all rot after death. So does this joker called Pope.
It is actions man, actions, and non-actions too, that that profile someone with something which may be called saintly. Here, what is saintly about the Pope? The mass murderer Gota travelled out of the country to smuggle out of the country the wealths plundered from us and as a pretense and a cover up the bugger went to see this Pope and invited him to visit Sri Lanka, the land of the lambs. He was followed by this elder brother Mara as if he was in a mighty hurry to dump and get rid of his diarrhea motion kakkabara and re-invited Pope. And this imbecilic Pope without giving any consideration to the immoral, criminal and murderous attributes of the pair of rogues agreed to visit SL. Had Pope had an inkling of commonsense, conscience, sense of responsibility and duty, an air of sainthood the bugger would have reminded the Rajapakshas of their negligence of duties as rulers, plight of people here under them, violation of human rights, lack of religious and other freedoms, outstanding accountability and reconciliation issues etc. But instead, the bugger undertook the visit giving oxygen to Rajapaksha murderers. How can such a sub-human be associated with any saintliness. Don’t spit jokes man. I for one, let alone raising to sainthood, would leave the bugger’s dead body to dogs to drag about after demise. These bloody politicians, Popes, Priests, Virathus, Buddhist joker monks …. are all meaner than animals. They have nothing for humans.
Navin / October 12, 2014
Well done Emil VDP.
Hilarious and tragic.
I would have LMAO, but for the fact it is my motherland that is the victim.
I believe it would be fair to spit in the faces of all you mention in the Article, including the so called Eminent One, the one holding the Power of Attorney from God himself.
Wera / October 15, 2014
Well said Emil. One point I would like to add regarding the Catholic church is that the canonization of the blessed Joseph Vaas has languished for ages with no action taken. However, John Paul II (claimed to be an Ex CIA agent) was made a saint in record quick time. I wish the Roman Catholics of Sri Lanka ponder this and what it implies.