19 February, 2025


Importance Of The JVP/NPP Candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake; Principles & Policies  

By Laksiri Fernando –

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

The JVP candidate, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, supported by the National People’s Power (NPP), undoubtedly is well ahead of all other candidates in terms of ideas, principles and policies presented before the people at this election. Those are not just election promises or bogus gestures like what the other two main candidates have competitively put forward. 

It would be completely unfortunate, in that context, if AKD receives just the third place in this competition. Therefore those who feel and believe that AKD has presented the best political program for the country should unreservedly support and vote for him first, before thinking of the ‘lesser evil’ between the two main candidates. 

Perhaps this election is not about the immediate. But about the future. 

Going in Circles!

Because of anti-democratic deviations of the Rajapaksa government, the people changed it in 2015. Because of terrible mistakes of the Yahapalana government, some people might be thinking of going back to a Rajapaksa regime again; while others are thinking of preventing such an eventuality under hopefully a new leadership. Whatever the means we think and feel in such a way, we are going in circles. What the country misses in the process is a long term plan and a strategy to get the country out of the present terrible mess.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake speaking at Galle Face rally | Photo credit Anura’s Facebook


I have never been supportive of the JVP before. The main reason being that the JVP movement was associated with violence in the past. My attitude of course became softened in recent years, but I was not confident openly supporting its candidate until I listened and read what AKD and the JVP/NPP have put forward at this election. This is quite pathbreaking. 


As an independent person, my support of course is conditional. I still have a reservation on what they use as the English title for their broader alliance, the National People’s Power, while in Sinhala they might mean the National People’s Drive or Force (Jathika Jana Balawegaya). The reason for my reservation I believe is clear. 

Principles and Policies

If there is any possibility of eliminating or curtailing corruption, waste and misuse of public funds in this country, that is undoubtedly through the pressure and involvement of the JVP in public and policy administration. They are undoubtedly clean and exemplary. In addition to their integrity, they appear to have policies in eliminating corruption, including open theft and fraud of public funds. The record of the UNP, the SLFP and now the SLPP are absolutely tainted and horrible in this respect. 

A new political culture and a new leadership is necessary, as the JVP emphasizes to eliminate corruption. Young men and women, and new thinking people, should rally around the JVP/NPP in thousands for this task in the coming future. This election may be only a harbinger.

This is not the first time that the JVP is contesting a presidential election. However this is the first time, to my knowledge, it is contesting as a broader front consisting of 28 organizations of political parties, civil society organizations, intellectuals, artists and various professionals as the National People’s Power. 

Action Programs 

AKD in his various speeches has emphasized Sri Lanka’s development predicament in the following manner, highlighting who have been responsible. 

Throughout last 71 years the country was ruled by the SLFP and UNP governments. When we got independence, we were second in Asia. The per capita income in Japan was US$ 90. Ours was US$ 89. All other countries in Asia were below us. Since then the production was broken down. Agriculture was devastated. Exports dwindled, but imports increased. The trade balance widened. At present, the debt rate is 83% of the GNP. Sri Lanka’s debt to the world is Rs. 12,00,0000 million. This debt has been heaped on the people.” 

We are of course yet to see the final Election Manifesto that the JVP/NPP would propose to uplift the country and the people from this economic quagmire. However, the main contours have been articulated with the emphasis on (1) a modernized agriculture, (2) the promotion of export industries, (3) the state sector taking over the responsibilities for transport and public services, (4) the public sector and private sector partnership and (5) strengthening of the education and higher education in order to utilize the manpower and human resources for development. 

Of course the people are at the center of such an economic strategy addressing poverty, economic inequalities and uneven development between the urban and the rural, and different regions and provinces. The JVP/NPP are not visualizing a closed economy. Their perspectives are fundamentally modern.      

A New Vision?  

Although the final election manifesto is not yet out, the JVP/NPP have launched policies for several sectors, inviting experts and committed activists in those areas such as education, health, transport, environment, national unity, women activities, culture and agriculture. There have been several policy meetings and conferences held in this respect. 

The JVP undoubtedly is the least racist or communalist in ethnic or religious terms. However they may yet to make proper inroads in the North and the East. As socialist idealists, they may naturally underestimate nationalist drives of ethnic minorities. However on the questions of ethnic and religious equality and justice, they are unequivocally committed and dedicated. Understandably, they naturally give more emphasis on class and economic issues than on other issues. A dialogue may be need in this respect. 

I was impressed by the way Anura Kumara Dissanayake answered particularly the question of ‘rule of law’ at the common platform for presidential candidates, organized by the March 12 Movement at the Sugathadasa Stadium on 5 October. The common criticism of the practice of ‘rule of law’ is to highlight the two standards adopted for those who ‘with-power’ and those who ‘without-power.’ 

While of course admitting that unacceptable discrepancy, AKD also highlighted much more fundamental discrepancy that serves ‘one rule of law to the rich’ and ‘another discriminatory rule of law to the poor.’ This is something many middle class theoreticians usually miss. Likewise, for many political debates and issues he has brought new thinking and new vision during the presidential campaign.  

In Summary 

In summary and conclusion, the importance of the JVP/NPP candidacy for the presidential election undoubtedly has been to elevate the political debate and campaign to a higher policy and programmatic level. This is the only way forward for the country. Perhaps this is the first time (first presidential election) where such a quality debate has taken place. It is hoped that the other two main candidates and their cohorts also follow suit (hopefully!). 

Of course there are so many other ‘Vikalpa’ (alternative) candidates who are supposedly at the same wave length, although they have not been able to articulate their policies and principles in such a clarity and precision. Even at this stage, what they can do is to join the NPP or come to an understanding and support the candidacy of AKD. There is no point in posing too many ‘Vikalpa’ to the status quo. 

This election can be a harbinger. The next parliamentary election can be more purposeful ground to put forward the JVP/NPP program before the people. This should lead to the next. Anyway, the Parliament is more important than a ‘one-man-show.’ At this election, defeating the most evil or most dangerous candidate is also important by casting people’s second preference. There is no contradiction. Second preference is a bonus to the people at this election. Casting that would not harm AKD’s exemplary candidacy or the JVP/NPP program. 

Latest comments

  • 2

    Jaathika Satan Madyasthanaya has become Jaathika Jana Balavegaya…………..Students and workers got fooled then………whose turn is now?

    • 1

      Dr. Laksiri Fernando,

      Is Gota come ahead of AKD? What is the mean IQ of the populace? 79

      ෆොන්සේකා ගෝඨාගේ රෙදිගලවපු ප්‍රෙස් එක (Full speech )


      Will the Grass eating Rajapaksa Mafia Supporters comprehend who the so called Gota, the wimp, the coward, who left Lanka, is, so that at least make him come in the 3rd place.

  • 12

    Thanks Laksiri. It clears the air on questions many voters have been asking. I hope the message gets through in Tamil as well as Sinhalese.

    • 5

      It needs not only Tamil votes, SLFP Sinhala votes, UNP Sinhala Votes and Muslim and Up country Tamil Votes. I think many of these voters will give their first preference votes to JVP because they are not capable of getting major Sinhala votes to get first or second place. However, if there is an understanding between AKD and Sajith to exchange their second preference between them there is a great possibility to avoid the country going into the hands of dictators to protect the basic democracy such as freedom of speech and independence of justice.

      • 1

        It is naïve to ascribe principles to politicians. Yes, the JVP has the best set of policies on offer, but AKD if elected will have to compromise with the corrupt parliament. Does Dr. Laksiri think that any MP will give up his pension and vehicle permits? That’s why they stood for election in the first place, right ?
        Also, the JVP is partly responsible for student unrest and unrealistic worker demands.
        We did vote for a very fine set of principles in 2014, and we all know how that turned out.

        • 2

          So your solution is vote for the same rogues again enabling them to take turns to ruin the Nation just like they have been doing for the last 71 years?

          Fervently hope voters are more intelligent than before.

    • 6

      And as well as Muslims! If suppose and God willing AKD wins, first thing he
      Has to get rid of are the Luxurious Privileges and perks presently enjoyed by the politicians from a pradeshiya sabha member to the highest Chair Presidential.Their pensions and other benefits all should be stopped. Following day he will find the budgetary finds immensely for Education and Health. I do not understand why the masses still not realise, that we are unnecessarily taxed and made to feed this criminal forces for no use. I hope it’s time we start to think the new way to the new future. All the best to ALD!

    • 0

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  • 6

    If Sajith loses, Fascist Nepotism will reign supreme. As the Pohottuwa candidate is a self-acknowledged terminator, let us rally behind SWAN without going behind unwinnable candidates. Although as a Liberal Democrat I do not agree with views of the JVP, I admit that they are not corrupt. We can complement them during the parliamentary election.

    • 1

      “I do not agree with views of the JVP, I admit that they are not corrupt. We can complement them during the parliamentary election.”
      They have made mistakes, but they can be forgiven. (accepting duty free vehicles, hoodwinking the mahanayakas, entering parliament through the back door called the ‘national list’…and a few more.
      Other than these, true, they are not a corrupt lot.

      • 2

        anonymous ,

        “Other than these , true , they are not a corrupt lot.” This is your end line !
        “We can complement them during the parliamentary election.” This one
        forms a part of your first line ! So , what you want is a highly corrupt lot
        to rule and a clean lot to expose corruption and nothing beyond ? In a
        real world , the race has to be between A K D and S P and it is so simple
        as that ! Forget about Gota’s everything else but simply he is not a
        politician , if anybody believes he had been a good defence man then
        the shooting incident between his men in Kolonnawa is the best evidence
        against him about the level of crime ! So , a reasonable man has to feel it
        so bad but he , the former defence , feels he deserves a level higher simply
        thanks to the end of war that has not brought any peace to the country
        except the cessation of fire-noise like before !

    • 4

      I agree. People like Laksiri can pay their dues to JVP in the parliamentary & PC elections but this PE, like the last one, is not the right place for experiments. I have no objection for trying something new as long as all the efforts are kept true to the democratic principles. I do agree with general assessment that, except for occasional DUI, JVP leaders are not corrupt & fully dedicated their course. However, these are the characters all Marxist revolutionaries displayed prior to orthodoxies set in. This has been the conspicuous character not only among Marxist movements but also among religions as well. As I explained in my response to Rajan Hoole, this is the humans nature.

      Therefore, I tend to worry every time I see a group of “dedicated” blind theorists behaving like the best liberal democrats b’cos experience at home & away has shown again & again that strict rules are needed to maintain such ideals. That is where the end of liberal democracy begins. For this reason, no matter what Laksiri says, I can’t vote for JVP unless they make a public statement saying that they have given up Marxism.

      A third political movement doesn’t have to be Marxist or even leftist (Before Karu forged a peace with Ranil, I tried to convince him to come out to form a new party); an anti-corruption platform alone would do as long as it is backed by a sound leadership (honest, intelligent, educated & experienced). I have serious reservation whether the current JVP central committee posses such qualities. Therefore, I believe that, when conspicuous people like Laksiri & Rajan propose a new political leadership, they must think twice. As NM used to warn about bomb making JVP, we must be very cautious when dealing with “Dadi Bidi Viplawa Kaarayo”!

      • 2

        Dear D. P.,
        Good heavens! You’ve actually said this: ” I can’t vote for JVP unless they make a public statement saying that they have given up Marxism.”
        What arrogance man?
        How old are you, by the way. Possibly very young – in which case you can be forgiven.
        I hope that you’ve done some of the reading that I suggested for you. I hope that you realise that you’re sometimes wrong. You’ve not been posting comments very long, have you? I remember just about six weeks ago, when I made a comment on what you had said, you concluded that “Sinhala_Man” must necessarily be a racist. Well, I don’t blame you. I adopted the name almost wanting to provoke guys into thinking.
        It so happens that I’m a male human being who speaks only two languages, but I’m definitely not “English”. But you see, you fell so easily into the trap – much to my amusement.
        However, it will be tragic if you continue to spout rubbish like this.
        Well, Rajan Hoole must have thought not twice, but about twenty times. Listen to him:
        No arrogance in him!
        You seem to dictate to us. And I’ve told you, you stipulate how we should use words.

        • 0

          I started visit to this forum only a year ago during the 51 Black Days. I’m not a big internet surfer. When I respond to comments on CT, I try not to pay personal biases that much; rather I try to focus on possible source/s of them like, for example, detail knowledge on facts surrounding Marxism that is b’cos I’m a firm believer in the effect of human foibles such as Baconian Idols in our decision making. It is well established fact that nobody, not even the best of thinking minds, can escape this reality of myth of objectivity. Rajan Hoole, no doubt, has a much better brain than mine; for I could never master Maths as he has done, no matter how hard I tried. And I do respect very much his contribution to HR, a subject love so dearly.

          However, I just can’t approve Hoole’s judgement on aligning with JVP politics; for what if, as I argued earlier, JVP is motivated to contest in the PE more for the pressure of FSP than for anything else?

          Maxim Gorky drew an emotional picture in his novel “Mother” on the nature of Russian’s hopes when they sacrificed for the 1917 revolution. John Reed in his book “Ten days That Shook The World” documented (an epic movie REDS came out in 1981) how enthusiastic Bolshevics were during the initial stage of building socialist Russia. And yet , we also know the nature of the misery that fell on the same people later on. So, with popular slogans like anti-corruption, I wonder whether we are also in the stage of “Mother” (for the third time) when we deal with JVP who took arms not just once but twice against democratic Gvt. That is why I can’t vote for Marxist JVP. That is the same reason I question Hoole’s judgement.

  • 3

    Mark 1 for AKD and 2 for Sajiths. Win-Win solution.

    • 0


    • 1


      Mark for AKD only to make him 1st.

      Never mark 2nd, for the EC to be compelled for another election between the best 2 in case nobody has 50%.

      Another election will be more cost effective & fast as there’ll be no demand for unending demands for recounting.

      What’ the use of making SP the president as he is in Ranil’s grip.

  • 5

    JVP is far better than two but .
    sinahalese are not ready to vote for it .
    something wrong in their minds?
    past nostalgia. or they do not agree with outraged socialist ideas .
    there is no such thing called communism or socialist ideology in the world today .
    look China it is becoming state capitalism invading country by country in its economic projects and looting countries with high interest rate ?
    is this communism ?
    there is no such things ?
    JVP too will have to bear in mind .
    even if they win they have cope with modern world ..geopolitics of international powers otherwise we will be punished by western countries.
    It is not clear how they are going to write up their foreign policies

    • 7

      Dear Lankan!

      Don’t worry too much. Anura had already said that in the People Forum on 05th Oct’19 , ” we have to go with the world”. It means in the globalised (economic) world we got to seek our way. Vote AKD with your 1st preference and 2nd preference to Sajith in order to stop the “super patriotic” (leaving the country from 1990 to 2005 and become American citizen) becoming president. .

      As the Prof. stated the next general election is vital to stop the family forming their own government and do all sort of amendments to our constitution to turn the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka into a Kingdom of Sri Lanka (similar to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

  • 6

    There is much positive about AKD and there needs to be a move away from the two main players (or their avatars). BUT that has to be at a Parliamentary elections, and with proportional representation, I would like to see JVP gain significant number of seats and be a far more progressive voice. Now, at least from the point of view of the minorities, there is just one thing to think about: White vans or not! Anything — JVP in the South or the idiotic boycott noises coming from the North — that increases the chance of white vans will be a disaster for the country.

  • 8

    Sri Lankan voters are so immature and emotionally driven that they have now coalesced around the two main contenders, perpetuating the eternal dysfunction of SL politics in the choices being one of the two main evils. Sri Lankans have no idea about political or economic value systems. Instead, they’re mainly led by jokers on TV every evening, who berate their opponents and scream ridicule from platforms, being carefully selective of memory in their warped desires to grab power at any cost. Alas, no third force will therefore win the day.

  • 1

    yes I too will vote for JVP

    Does JVP inspire.?

    AKD looks dull and very ordinary

    I do not expect fiery speeches and slogans.

    But a third party that aspires to replace the front-runners need something more like the five lessons of 1970s

    • 1


      “But a third party that aspires to replace the front-runners need something more like the five lessons of 1970s”

      Are you being serious?

  • 1

    Some of the “Intellectuals” in the country and outside think that the JVP must only be given a “Contract” to be in the “Opposition” and criticize the “Government”. They too admit, JVP is not corrupt and means and do what they say. But, when it comes to the decision making time (voting) these very “Intellectuals” (including Media & Public Opinion Moguls) heavily campaign for the most corrupted and criminal types to be brought to form the Government to run the affairs of Governing. There is anther class of “Pandiths” who would simply gulp down all the “Crimes” committed by the Governing people, to turn to JVP and ask: “What have you done, being in the Opposition”. This is what is being done by these “Intellectuals” (that includes Media) even at this Presidential Election. How do they, analyse this situation. Simply by the use of the word “Unwinnable”. What does that mean? However or whatever “GOOD” JVP has , it is “Unwinnable” and according to their “Philosophy” : “Let us support the “Winnable”, however much they are “Corrupt” and “Incompetent”. In summary, if the PEOPLE are not ready to “THINK” and “CHANGE” the present set up, which they know should be “Chased” away, there will never be a “CHANGE”. Till that happens, it is useless and futile to think of placing the “Trustworthy” in the “Opposition” and expect “Miracles” to happen. So, I would urge the PEOPLE to make this “Unwinnable” a “Winnable” and chase away all the “Contestants” who are presently engaged in “AUCTIONING” the Estate Workers, Farmers, Fishing Communities, Student Population, Government Servants, and fill the years of the “VOTERS” with “Sweet Music” of “Promises……..Promises and nothing but Promises”.

    • 0

      Politics in Sri Lanka is closely tied with personal gain even at the grassroots level. People join parties, support candidates, establish links with their close associates for this. Patron-client relations are an important feature of this system. Even the person who works someone else’s paddy land for living, or seek some help in the city for personal issues like health, education,employment,business,look for a patron’s assistance. It is this system that prevents the JVP from gaining more votes. JVP should seriously consider establishing centres for social services (a place people from remote and rural regions can come to get assistance for various issues in the city) in practical terms. In addition to good policies, such measures can have an impact in the minds of disadvantaged people.

  • 2

    Wimal Weerawansa did not understand the Principles & Policies of JVP cannot change the political leaders until we change the people who elect them.

  • 2

    Points made in your article are well received. However number of voters who read Colombo Telegraph is limited, being an internet based news paper. This depend on availability of access to wifi and knowledge of English. Considering majority of voters are village folks without these facilities, it is vital to publish this article in Sinhala and tamil tabloids, as Rajan Hoole pointed out. We have a duty to educate our voters, if we were to pull our country out of this abyss.

    • 0

      I also wish that every Sinhalese reads CT. They can understand the nature of forces arrayed against them. No majority anywhere in history ever had to stomach this level of vilification.


  • 5

    I do not know how any sri lankan could vote For Gota..
    He looted public money,
    His family looted public money
    He created white van culture,
    he murdered Lasantha and others.
    He is involved in fraud, After all how can we vote for him
    Do we want to create a culture of dictatorship?
    I think we all must think twice before they vote.

    • 1


      It is a pity that you couldn’t see what he was responsible for in the North and East of the country between 2005 and 2015.

    • 0

      You forget the hundreds he imprisoned on under the PTA, some of them even now in jail.

  • 0

    There are too many unknowns with the “JVP”, regardless of any cosmetic changes to its original Marxist manifesto. For example, how will the JVP deal with the current security threat posed by radical Islamic elements? They have no experience in dealing with military matters. This is not a time for experimentation, as this kind of threat has vast resources at its disposal and can strike quickly in any part of the country simply by blending in with the local population. Another issue is the economy. What kind of image does the JVP present to potential foreign investors? Once investors learn about the bloody anarchist past of the JVP, they will hesitate to do business. It is no different than some “reformed” Nazi party in Western Europe. Reform does not exclude the fundamental character. The best choice for Sri Lankans remains Gotabaya Rajapakse, who is at least strong on one front, the military. Most of the allegations against him so far are rubbish or hearsay. Savvy Sri Lankan voters will compare the records of GR and AKD, and see who is capable.

    • 1


      “There are too many unknowns with the “JVP””

      See if the following quote could elucidate your quest for answers:

      “As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know.

      Donald Rumsfeld
      Secretary of Defense from 1975 to 1977 under Gerald Ford, and again from January 2001 to December 2006.

    • 0

      Dear poor Lester!

      “,…how will the JVP deal with the current security threat posed by radical Islamic elements?”

      If it the case what sort of duty, the CID , other relevant departments and armed forces, up for. Are they going to vacate their positions if JVP is elected and leave AKD alone? Don’t be so ,…

  • 1

    Did the JVP AKD say our Per Capita was USD 89 when Japan’s was USD 90?..

    Man…they have come a long from when his comrades used to brain wash our naive youth , about how cool it is to live like Cuban Comrades..
    Wonder whether AKD learned about GDP and the USD after Dr Ranil took ADK under his Wing..-

    I haven’t had any time to listen to these New Generation JVP Economics, and Rule of Law speeches because I am fully occupied with following the mighty UNP Rallies of Dr Ranil’s new Alliance under Keselwatta Kid to give us Yahapalanaya Mk 11.

    Boy, the speeches are so exciting ..
    And they pump up so much patriotism and hope for our great majority , I always end up with tears in my eyes.

    Soon after Dr Ranil,s stirring Neo Liberal , Neo Capiltlist speeches about how He has developed the Nation in the last 4 years. Keselwatta Kid mounts soon after Dr Ranil to pump out his Demosthenes like speeches oozing with patriotism about how he is willing to even sacrifice his Life to protect the Rana Viru, Hang the Drug Dealers , and do a Vessantara to serve the Nation.

    The Kid promises to not draw even an allowance let alone live in a Palace or even a Penthouse.
    The Kid is going to work from a Flat , 24/7 with only one hours sleep , because he reckons his Engine is in top condition.

    Kid is going to even pound the pavements and peep into the Lounge rooms to ensure the inhabitants are doing Ok under Dr Ranil’s Yahapalana MK11…

    And when I see those new Generation of the UNP Alliance on Stage Holding hands I feel so good .

    • 0

      What the hell is your ponit, except putting down RW, Sajith as well as Prof Laksiri – to vote GR

    • 1

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      Have you had chance to attend Colombo Business Forum organised Sajith’s Forward Together meet the people event?

      He claimed he has a degree in Economics. Is it true?
      Do you know where did he obtain it? Please let me know so that every one of us also should have one or more than one.

      Gota promised relief for farmers, loads of them.
      Sajith also going do some thing about their hardship.
      Do we know who is going to pay for it?

      Are you a card carrying, practicing racist?

  • 2

    “AKD’s exemplary candidacy”?! Are you going mad Laksiri? The JVP had many chances during the CBK government with some ministerial portfolios and performed miserably. Of course one could not solely blame the JVP for this knowing how incompetent the CBK government was, one could defend the JVP that their failure was partly owed the bigger failure of the CBK government. At least I somewhat respect AKD for being the only graduate from a local university among the candidates.

  • 0

    Dr. Laksiri Fernando,
    Agreed 100%.
    ” Dissanayake assured business leaders that they should not harbour “any doubts” about the JVP and its attitude towards the private sector. “We have ‘Our Vision’ but the [JVP’s] policies will be determined by taking together your ideas and ours. The private sector is essential for the economy, as well as the state sector,” he declared. ” https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/09/25/jvps-s25.html

  • 0

    The JVP has not yet renounced its beastly Marxist principle that “the end justifies the means”. Laksiri is an old Marxist who is still dazzeled by the naive half-truths of the Marxists. The JVP has continued to make a hero of the Pol Pot character Rohana Wijeweera. The JVP has not yet apologized and made amends for the thousands of innocent people it killed during its murderous spree of 1971 and then from 1988-1989 Bheeshana Samaya.

    Today, and indeed since the 1980s the JVP has made the Universities a mockery. Children who should graduate in 4 years taking 5 or six years. The JVP leaders in campuses are behind ragging, money extortion, sex rings, drug rings, and disruption of classes. They are busy organizing strikes while drawing student loans and bursaries.

    Laksiri talks nonsense and does not see how Marxism which began with Philip, NM, Colvin and others coming back from Europe with one of the two fascist ideologies that existed there. They were the Zharans and ISIS types of that era. They taught the Bhangaweva ideology, and that the law and order are capitalist tools type of Marxist ideology to a nation of people who had a Nihathamaani and compassionate work ethic.

    The marxists destroyed all local nascent industries like the Velona Factory in Moratuwa by continuous strikes, and radicalized the village youth who ended up taking arms after 5 silly JVP lessons. Laksiri was a man who, in an earlier era, took not 5 silly lessons, but 100 silly lessons by the so called LSSP golden brains who ultimately ended hanging onto Sirima’s Sari pota.

    • 0

      Edward G,
      Things are very different now. At that time there was no structure in place to uphold the newly burgeoning capitalism (no taxation; no equitable distribution of wealth). People were suffering terribly. Now, with the Middle East money, Masses are more settled. Unfortunately their hard-earned wealth keeps getting used pay of country debts of the elites driving the country into Western-style capitalism for a very exclusive set.

  • 1

    A true socialist party party in power cannot survive more than two months.
    Capitalists will pull it down. In order for them to survive they have to compromise on their theoretical purity. Once compromised they look hypocritical and people soon will settle down back with known devils.


    • 2


      “Capitalists will pull it down.”

      The Socialist parties themselves are capable of kicking themselves out of office.

      “Once compromised they look hypocritical and people soon will settle down back with known devils.”

      The hypocritical because they are generous with other people’s cash, wealth, ….. .

      However we do not have Socialist parties however we are blessed with too many Sinhala/Buddhist National Socialist parties.
      By the way National Socialism was the ideology of Nazi Party of Germany.

      • 0

        Dear Native Vedda!

        Any apparent differences between Democratic Socialist and National Socialist in practical terms? if “socialism” has been the basis of our governance of Sri Lanka since the Republican constitution was introduced, then why cannot it be supervised by AKD?

      • 0

        Other people cash and wealth were stolen from the Masses. Time for it to be returned.
        And National Socialism is also the ideology of the Scandinavian and Indo-Chinese countries.

        • 0

          Correction: Other people’s cash and wealth were the stuff stolen from the Masses.

    • 0

      Known devils will be no more, Soma. they will have to relinquish most of their wealth and asset holdings for the greater good…or else.

  • 1

    Yes these ideas are great and good for the country. But majority of the Buddhist are fanatics and they want to be a slave they are not ready for progressive ideas

    • 0

      Dear Joseph rajah!

      Forget about the majority. Are you ready to vote for AKD. Your first step can lead you to a finish your 1000 miles walk. Don’t be pessimistic.

  • 0

    Dear AKD, What do you expect the impact of your candidacy on the outcome of this election to be…?

    • 0

      Nirmalan Dhas,
      Stop cheating the process by stealing answers…..go smoke your own weed and divine the answer.

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    ” If voting made any difference , they (the government) won’t let us do it.”
    Mark Twain said ! What does he say ? Voting won’t change a thing ? That
    could be the case even according to J V P’s questioning at every platform!
    PARTIES DONE FOR THE LAST 71 YEARS ? Voting has taught us that we
    have to live with it come what may , that’s the simplest explanation !
    When one party is elected to govern , losing party is elected to hinder it
    from making progress in order to succeed in the next round of election !
    For this , they need issues that never ends , like Tamil issue to Srilanka !
    Where is Selva , GGP , Amir , VP vs Banda , Dudley , J R J and C B K ?
    Everybody is gone except C B K but the issue ? Now we have new faces
    to carry on the old process . And also , a great nation of great inventors ,
    we do have a new product just introduced to the market , Sahran’s
    Extremism and Gnanasara’s Buddhism ! For one party , in this presidential
    race , this is the top priority to win votes ! Jayaweva Mark Twain.

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