Mahinda Rajapaksa has betrayed the people. He has put family before country. Instead of creating a merit based society with equal opportunities for all, he has handed-over the people’s taxes and wealth to his own family and cronies.
By appointing family members to all major decision-making posts Mahinda Rajapaksa has caused the country’s decline towards dictatorship, ever rising corruption and mismanagement. The Rajapaksa family alone controls over 56 percent of the entire country’s annual budget and all the key ministries are in their corrupt hands.
Sri Lanka needs a system where no one family or person can centralize power in such a fashion. We need a system where power is distributed between the legislature, judiciary and executive. But that is not enough – each of these branches of government must be able to catch over each other and prevent one of them from becoming over-mighty – we need a system of checks and balances based on the rule of law.
Govinda / December 18, 2014
Cut the tree off from its root.
Seelawathi / December 18, 2014
Only way out to come of the pit people are fallen is the upcoming pres election.
If the people would not vote for a change – the country will be led to an another Zimbabwian style state in SA region.
My knoweldge is that opposition have not outreached the masses in village levels yet.
JVPers and JHUers should work hard making it clear. This election is only chance before the nation – almost the Refereendum that passed 1978 constitution by JRJ.
Ukkubanda / December 19, 2014
The MS campaign led by UNP, JHU and the rest will start reaching out to the village from the 20th of this month, with the Manifesto of the MS, which was out today. Its a good move, when they start the grassroot campaign by now. By the 08th the campaign will reach its maximum scales.
Sun / December 19, 2014
all what we can do is praying – rural people to see it clear at this decisive election.
They seem to be chilled by this day- knowing all truths will surface soon. People of the island will finally realize we cant licence war victory to loot this nation anymore.
Gone are the days – people thought nobody else would have powers to lead the nation – but to this day, we have got enough leaders that need to get elected by people s vote. Rajaapkshes did their job and now it high time them to be out of politics if they really want to keep the respect they earn.
Besides, 30 years war lagged statistics must not be compared to those produce in no war situations. ALl the leaders sacrificed their energies to find solutiosn to the ethnic problems. But the relay race was succeeded in the terms of MR. That means not that he alone maastered everything as his media unit make every efforts to paint it today. All the leaders and people of this country suffered enough – him to eat the cake not sharing to others – is beyond all selfish levels. Nobody would get it either. Now we have to make schedules to bring prospher to us – finding sutatinalbe solutions to the ethinic problems by finely understanding their problems. Latter can only be made by a sensitive civilized leader – nomeans by Rajapakshes.
Desparate SL / December 18, 2014
I think it is high time to organize a push against the ruling bunch.
They will make every efforts to stay in power even if Maithreepala and the opposition allies will claim the victory. These cold blooded men in power will do anything to stay in power.
Amarasiri / December 18, 2014
“Cut the tree off from its root.”
Do it on the 8th of January, 2015.
Celebrate on the 9th.
Here is Something for the Medamulana Maras to”Enjoy” on the 9th of January.2015 while reading The Common Sense Sri Lanka 2014
The Sinhala Subtitles are the Modern MaRa version of MaRa going berserk after losing on January 9, 2015.
What Hitler said in 1945 in German,and what MaRa is expected to say in Sinhala and with English Subtitles is given below.
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Sinhala?
If you have time, or your friends have time, a Tamil Subtitle and English Subtitle video should be produced and widely distributed.
I have translated to English the Sinhala Subtitles. You do for Tamil and distribute. Enjoy!
Hitler Speaks is in ” “
All others are assistants speaking. Not in “ “
The Assistant Speaks: Sir, the current election results are not in favor of us..
There was no change even with the Fraudulent votes..
Uva, West, North and Eastern Provinces have an unfavorable situation..
The Hitler Says: “No need to Panic. My Hambantota People would have paid me respect … “
The Assistant Speaks: Sir,.. Hambantota, We have lost Hambantota as well , Sir. The Results just came in..
Hitler Says: ” Those who are here who have failed the 8th standard, G.C.E. O.L . all get out of here “
( The bulk leaves, leaving only 3)
Hitler: ” Then all of them are fail” ‘” The Supervisor of Airplanes, my Brother in Law also failed GCE OL?”
“Where, What have I Not done for this Election?”
“Decreased the price of oil”
“Pachavahini, TV lies, Ni T N , from morning till night lied”
” Because of your advice, also put “Jeyatissa” ( Shills?) people”
“State buses were used to haul people, and…”
The Assistant Speaks: You could have disclosed those Files..
Hitler, ” I you your files. Yako, Do you want me to disclose that as well?”
The Assistant Speaks: We don’t know if this was an international conspiracy, Sir.
Hitler ” What balls, international conspiracy, F***”
“Mothers clothes”
” Spent millions obtained from China. Using the boards that can be used to measure distance was used to put up cutouts”
” The war won by the armed forces was distributed and eaten”
” The gold obtained from the North was also distributed”
” With all that there was no profit even close to the Ass of a hair lice”
” Yako,(Devil) if correct, with the racism and religious conflict, I should have got votes from both sides”
“That 8-month old child when I carried, the child who could not say mother, cried, Jayaweva, Jayavewa, Victory, Victory”
” They gave the child to my hands, and gave the vote to the other side”
” To keep you, I paid millions of dollars”
” That was money I could have used to get my son to do night races, Yako”
” That was money my brothers earned by getting commissions”
” Now, I have to take my woman and children and get on the road”
The Assistant Speaks: Don’t Cry Big Lady, at least the Ukku Baby’s (sucking baby’s) Moon is there
“For 8 years, ate, ate unfortunate, only Wattalappam ( dessert)was left to be eaten..”
” Now everybody gets the noose”
“Unfortunate, next month, World Cup Final, got free ticket “
“Aiyyo Money”
” If we became finalists, I invited the Australian Prime Minister to watch the finals?”
Lylie / December 18, 2014
What a joke.
Jaya / December 18, 2014
kris / December 19, 2014
Cut the tree and plant Maithree tree with his 12 brothers and three kids (one son nearly killed DIG ‘s son in Malu malu Hotel and rape the wife) then you can pluck more fruits
Maithree was only minister, that time his 12 brothers handle the mafia of RICe, SAND , STONES, HOTELS, jungle tree in middle and Casino (casino player of the year and won the BMW car from one casino) of Sri Lanka
Shiro / December 18, 2014
Very interesting graph. It should shock everyone to see that one family is controlling this country, and our money. That is a very dangerous situation. We are not a dictatorship although the Rajapaksas think and act like it is.
We are a democracy, and no democracy in the world has over 200 family members in the topmost posts in the government. We should not tolerate such a situation, and should make sure this family is kicked out of office, and stopped from fleecing us further. They should be stopped from their crimes of corruption and acting like this country belongs to them only. The useless ports and airports were not built for the love of the country, more for the love of their bank accounts. If they have nothing to fear they should disclose their assets, and show the people of Sri Lanka just how honest they are.
rarityminds / December 18, 2014
You may spread all these on this Platform but the masses have no idea why to go against Rajas ? Rajaapkshes are cold blooded by their nature are aware of how to cheat the poor again and again for their political surviival.
Sama / December 19, 2014
This is very right.
Some dont have anything against even if their lovely ones would have been taken way ? This is the culture thatthe incumbent president has sowed sofar – within a short period of time. At the time Mervin made all illegal activities – incumbent to stay mum looking at them paved the way to all viiolences. Now people take for granted even if murders take place before their eyes. This people have not take that serious. Having spoken to youth in srilanka, they showed that they love Mahinda because they feel that today s culture is introduced by him. They dont care whether respct and dignity of the life should prevail a society to become civiliized.
MirakRajBanda / December 18, 2014
Officially MaRa Hora controls the 55% of the economy but in reality 75% or more than that. How many more dirty Rajapakayas hiding behind that tree???
Chop then uproot and then leave no trace of the poisonous tree on 08. Jan. 2015.
Let a new dawn of hope rise on that day for all Sri Lankans and be proud of our beloved nation for many, many generations to come!
Bandara / December 19, 2014
Puransisku / December 18, 2014
If Mahinda and the family draws some benefits, financial or otherwise, when the war is over, we have to bear it with equanimity. The ancient Sinhalese law granted immunity to war heroes and their families for seven generations. They were given “Gamwara”. The immunity includes amnesty for committing murder! This is how the State rewards its war heroes, their families and their offspring. However strong the security of the commander is, his mental agony is unbearable to an ordinary human being. Mahinda and his family withstood this agony for number of years. We must respect him for bearing this agony for the sake of his citizens. He witnessed the near-death experience of his brother and also of his Army General who was very faithful to him at that time.
Paul / December 18, 2014
But the country is not governed by ‘ancient Sinhalese law granting immunity to war heroes and their families for seven generations’ is it?.
It is supposed to be governed by it’s constitution.
sk / December 18, 2014
My heavens…. Puransisku what were you smoking ?
bo / December 18, 2014
Puransikku must be the Andarey in the court of fake king and dictator
Nalaka / December 18, 2014
There should be more. Even this editor missed another close relative of Rajapaksha named; KINGSLY RANAWAKA (Former Chairman Foreign Employee Bureau, studied at Colombo University, and now he is the head of the Divi Naguma)and his brother Dr. Ranawaka is President’s personal physician.
douglas / December 18, 2014
In the context of the request made to the people by the incumbent President MR to give him a third term in office to usher in a “Just Society” and “Good Governance”; the voters have to take into consideration the damage already done by way of nepotism as shown in this “Family Tree”. In my mind it is “DOUBTFUL” and also an “IMPOSSIBILITY” to cut down that “Tree” and revert to a system of “Good Governance” along with a Team of Professionals to manage the governmental affairs. The history will repeat, in that, the very family members who are presently at the helm of affairs will carry out a “PLAN” to get rid of him and once he is into the third term they will send that “message” in a very emphatic manner. For example, can he or will he reconstitute the Sri Lankan Air Lines, first getting rid of its Chairman, his wif’s own brother and another Director his own brother’s son, who is presently the Chief Minister of Uva Provincial Council? It is a myth and a terrible mistake to make the voters believe in this type of changes to his governing machinery. The only advantage MR presently enjoys is the “Lack of” vision by the Opposing Campaign designers to have overlooked this aspect and educate the rural voters on the “Make Believe” and “Mythical” slogans carried out by MR.
What all the “Pandiths” are doing is to produce “computer” designs and overlook the NEED to go to grass root levels and explain how this appeal for “Third Term” is not going to work at all in the presence of a “MESS” installed over the last five years and MR’s incapacity to undo the problems he himself has created on his own volition. The voters are inundated with “statics”, that do not mean anything to the ordinary voters in the rural masses. They are still in a “Thank You” and a “Grateful” mood towards MR for “winning” the war and bringing “peace” to live. The message HOW this winning had been “made use of” to usher in a “Very Prosperous” living to MR, his family and goons has not been carried into the hearts and minds of large majority of the rural voters. Also how and why MR cannot and will not “dismantle” that “structure” has not been put across to the public.
As things stand as at date it is only a 50-50 race. The very important and urgent need the Opposition Campaign has to address is to get to the “ROOTS” of the voter base in the rural population. If that is done in a “Meaningful Manner” (to convey the message in their easy to understand language) the “ROOTS OF THE FAMILY TREE” will automatically be destroyed.
punchinilame / December 19, 2014
The Tree has many branches – Nepotism – and still growing:
“Among the political appointees Mr. Dissanayaka revealed in Parliament are: Sarath Kongahage – Ambassador, Germany – Former Chairman of SLRC Nawalage Bannet Cooray – Ambassador, Italy – Former SLFP organizer for Kolonnawa Gamini Rajapaksa – Ambassador, Jordan – Former Deputy Minister of the UNP government H.R. Piyasiri – Ambassador Myanmar – Former Parliamentarian of the UNP Buddhi Athawuda – Ambassador, Netherlands – Minister Athauda Senevirtna’s son Udayanga Weeratunga – Amabssador, Russia – Presidents brother in law Jaliya Wickremesooriya – Ambassador, USA – President’s brother in law Dikson Daala – High Commissioner Maldives – father of Pradeep Nilanga Daala, Diyawadana Nilame of the Temple of the Tooth, a close friend of the President. ASP Liyanage- Ambassador Nigeria – a property trader and a close friend of the President Oshadhi Alahapperuma– Ambassador Sweden, Younger brother of Minister Dulles Alahapperuma Yasara Abeynayake – Consular in Sydney – Gamini Fonseka’s daughter Bharathy Wijeratna – Ambassador, Turkey – Former Minister Mano Wijeratne’s wife Dr. Yvonne Amarasinghe – Ambassador, Vietnam – President’s close friend Srimal Wickremesinghe – Deputy Head, Vienna – Brother of Ms. Shiranthi Rajapaksa, wife of the President Waruna Epasinghe – Embassy in Washington – A son of a government adviser Karaunaratna Pranavithana – Consul General, Canada – former Chairman of SLRC, a defeated candidate at an election WKS Dissanayaka – first Secretary , Abu Dhabi – a relative of the President Lalith U. Gamage – Indonesian Embassy – a SLFP politician from Galle HNB Ratnayaka – Second Secretary, Russia – Minister C,B, Ratnayaka’s son Lionel Premasiri – Deputy Secretary General, Canada – Former organizer of the SLFP in Galle Harshana Herath – Second Secretary, Singapore – Chief Minister of Sabaragamuwa PC Mahipala Herath’s son Chamithri Rambukwelela – Second Secretary, New York – Minister Keheliya Rambukwella’s daughter Muthu Padmakumara – Second Secretary, London – the daughter of Chairman of Lake House Bandula Padmakumara Methsiri Cooray – Ambassador, Netherlands – President’s close friend Dr. Crtin Waidyarathna, High Commissioner in London – wife of Dr. Ajith Ratnayaka Umayangana Randeniya – Second Secretary, Singapore – Daughter of Ravindra Randeniya, adviser to the President Commander JM Bandara – Second Secretary, Kuwait – Bother of National list MP Janaka Bandara Dixon J. Perera – Consul General, Nepal – Former Secretary of the SLFP MI Kudukewaththa – First Secretary, Beijing – The daughter of the head of the Presidential Security Division Rathna Ranaweera – Second Secretary, Canberra – The daughter of the Additional Secretary to the President Farial Ashroff – High Commissioner, Singapore – Former Parliamentarian “
viveka / December 19, 2014
This tree is not complete, the lanza’s and the Mattala airport director, and other brothers and cousins of MR’s wife’s side who is in the embassies of all around the world is not in this.
D.Waas / December 19, 2014
[Edited out]
We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT
Lasantha / December 20, 2014
I wonder why JVP do not want to Jump into Maithree band wagon and make the common opposition a stronger voice against Rajapakses.
JVP should get out of it’s shell and should join Maithree for the sake of all Sri Lankans similar to what UNP and JHU does. Had JVP joined Maithree faction people would have had more respect for them. It is the unity that matters.
JVP should forget about the past and now should take a upper hand in Sri Lanka’s politics. Adjust to current world economies and politics.
Forget about mere party politics and selfish ambitions but unite to save our country at this crucial moment.
Forget about other party jumpers, but for us we have trust on Maithree as a honest candidate and JVP should directly help Maithree to win the Presidential elections.
JVP should not do what LTTE VP did in 2005.
JVP should remember that Maithree along with UNP and JHU is still fighting Rajapakse Goliath who use all the state resources and apparatus to win the Presidential elections.
Therefore it’s time for every opposition party including JVP, TNA and MC to join Maithree to make a definite win at the Presidential elections and to bring down Rajapakse family oligarch Tree.
Don’t regret later for not joining Maithree and the opposition.
Remember together we win and divided we loose. Beware.
Sapumal / December 20, 2014
This family and this bunch of rogues ruining the country. We kept quiet for sometime(Not Me since the beginning) Enough is enough! there are only two sides in this election.
1. only for me and against the country and its people
2. Not for me , but for the country and its people.
Now you can identify the real patriots ( Deshapremi) and Traitors (Deshadrohi). All those who talk about war must remember even before they came to power , there were certain people who sacrifice even their lives while some others fled the country! Noww it is our time. We are not bound for any revenge, but you have to pay the price for what you did to our country and its people. Especially to the under privilege youths. While Keheliya Rambukwella’s daughter or Ravindra Randeniya’s daughter get positions from political backing, our poor youths try their best to go to Korea by standing hours and days to earn a job. How fair we treat our youths? In the meantime we have to listen to Rambukwellas big talks at his will. This is also applicable to SB too. This time we must prepare to change the system rather than just vote to bring a new govt. This country is ours. There are no masters here. All the kollo, ballo and political gembo are our employees. remember we all must work hard to earn justice!