17 February, 2025


Inside Story: New Ministers Sworn In For The Northern Provincial Council

The new nominees by Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran (CVW) to replace the sacked Ministers T. Gurukularajah (Education) and Ponnuthurai Ainkaranesan were sworn in before Governor Reginald Cooray. The new nominees are Ananthi Sasitharan and K. Sarveswaran. Ananthi was involved in making many of the complaints against the four Ministers, while Sarvesvaran’s brother Suresh Premachnadran led the street protests against the ministers in support of CVW.

C.V. Wigneswaran – Northern Chief

The hurt over CVW’s conduct in was not merely political. There was a lot of pain in the Protestant Community over Gurukularajah’s sacking as if he is a crook.  Gurukularajah was the son of the late Rev. Thambyrajah who founded and lived with his children in Navajeevanam, a home for orphans in the then undeveloped lands of Paranthan which he transformed into luscious paddy fields. A brother of Gurukularajah’s joined the clergy. Another ran Navajeevanam during the war years. Gurukularajah himself served ably as Director of Education in Kilinochchi. He was, importantly, found guilty only of administrative lapses, yet his sacking was lumped with that of Ainkaranesan who was found guilty of corruption.

In an effort to put on a face of being at peace with the Federal Party (ITAK or FP), Chief Minister CVW paid a visit to the office at Martyn Road Jaffna, of his nominal party, the FP, on the 26th.  Welcoming him, and as a pointed reminder of his neglected loyalties, party General Secretary Mavai Senathirajah told him, “It is my pleasure to welcome you to these premises on your first visit.” CVW insisted that he had been there before and the conversation trailed off with Senathirajah asking when and receiving no firm answer.

At that meeting, CVW told Senathirajah of his intention to offer Ananthi the portfolio on women’s affairs. It is noted that Ananthi, widow of disappeared LTTE-er Sasitharan (a.k.a. Elilan), contested for her seat at the NPC on the FP’s nomination but was suspended from the FP after she burnt the effigy of M.A. Sumanthiran, MP. It is said that at the next election, she will contest under the Tamil Congress’s Bicycle symbol as she is sure not to be given the FP’s nomination.

Senathirajah told CVW that he has to follow party discipline and not boost a suspended member. CVW is on record as saying elsewhere that he was nominated by all constituents of the TNA and not just the FP, and that his use of the FP’s House symbol is accidental because the TNA as an unregistered political party was merely using the FP’s symbol as a matter of convenience.

Upon seeing CVW’s adamancy, Senathirajah promised to get back after consulting his colleagues. Subsequently it was suggested to CVW on the telephone that Provincial Council member Emmanuel Arnold be made the minister. But no agreement was reached. Arnold, said a Jaffna Roman Catholic resident,

“is immensely popular as head of the St. John’s College Old Boys’ Association and among Roman Catholics in the old Jaffna Electorate. He has high potential to be MP if the First Past the Post system is reintroduced with electorates. I am sure this is part of Senathirajah’s thinking. I commend Senathirajah for his long-term thinking”

However CVW did not accept Senathirajah’s recommendation.

Such well-publicized peace-pipe-smoking meetings between Senathirajah and CVW were belied by press reports that CVW on the 28th late evening met with the Federal Party’s detractors. That evening saw a gathering at CVW’s home to which only those who supported CVW in this spat were invited. NPC Member M.K. Sivajilingam forcefully said that he wanted a Mullaitivu man to be a minister and that is why he had declined the portfolio offered to him first by CVW. NPC member from Mullaitivu, Kandiah Sivanesan, echoed these views reminding CVW that while speaking at the NPC on the current dispute on 14 May,  CVW himself had voiced the need for a Minister from Mullaitivu. In the event, however, that did not happen and not one of the five members from Mullaitivu was appointed. Nonetheless, Sivajilingam accompanied the new ministers to their swearing in. Unconfirmed reports say that CVW too took some oaths because of the additional portfolios he has taken on.

Be that as it may, the two new Ministers’ period of office is to be just three months. Openings for peace-making as well as revolting will remain as CVW’s supporters vie for office and the new inquiry against the two ministers who escaped CVW’s guillotine is prolonged.

“With this, CVW is more firmly obligated to the Tamil Makkal Peravai and Suresh Premachandran’s Mandayan Group,” noted an analyst who recently organized a discussion on the corruption scandal.

Signs of the impending eruption were seen as CVW readied for the new inquiries he is launching against Fisheries Minister Balasubramaniam Deneeswaran and Health minister Dr. P. Sathiyalingam who had both been cleared by CVW’s initial inquiry. CVW justifies this seeming double jeopardy on the grounds that witnesses did not show up.

Testified one of Dr. Sathiyalingams, supporters

“Tackling Dr. Sathiyalingam would be a tough-sell because of his leadership during the Mullivaikal massacres when he as the government medical officer treating the wounded drew attention to the killings through bombings of hospitals by the government.”

However, that high reputation is presently eclipsed by the new charges of corruption against the good doctor. Thundered CVW at the meeting with his supporters last night, “Even if the two ministers do not show up at the inquiry, the inquiry will proceed and I will take firm action according to the report.”

M.A. Sumanthiran fired a counter-salvo in an interview on 16 June 2017 with the Nation:

“The matter all started with allegations against one Minister. The Council passed a resolution calling for an inquiry to be conducted into the allegations against the said Minister. Wigneswaran … instead appointed a committee of inquiry to look into corruption allegations against all the Ministers even though there were no allegations against the other three. He picked the inquiry panel members.

“He then published advertisements in the newspapers calling on the public to make allegations against the Ministers. In the subsequent inquiry report, the committee found one Minister guilty of nine or 10 charges of corruption, another Minister of circumventing administrative regulations and exonerated the other two. The committee recommended the removal of the two found guilty. All he had to do was implement the recommendations.

“Yet, he kept the matter hidden for two weeks … and decided to take action against all four Ministers, when two were clearly found guilty and two were not. …

“He has since asked the two found guilty to resign and he has suspended the other two. He has taken action against all four. All five Ministerial portfolios are now brought under him. …

“He is trying to cover up the wrongdoing of the two found guilty by attempting to take all four out.”

Sumanthiran added just today 29th, upping the ante, “There are complaints against departments directly under the Chief Minister. That is why the ITAK has asked for an investigation into complaints against all the five members of the Board of Ministers including the Chief Minister.” Some Tamil newspapers wrote that there are 38 charges against CVW himself.

Said a Tamil American associated with Wigneswaran’s visit some time back to the US that he could not understand CVW’s erratic ways of seeking funds and inexplicable loyalties to one staffer:

“I am surprised at his play for power. He could make excellent speeches but is too poorly organized to run any administration. He missed many appointments and even a flight, messing up an important meeting in Boston. It is his administrative inability that makes him so dependent on the Australian Nimalan Karhtigesu.”

Between the Tamil American and an FP loyalist, Colombo Telegraph gathers that Wigneswaran took his protégé, Australian Tamil Nimalan Karthigesu, to the UN and adamantly wanted him employed on a Rs. 1 billion project readied for the NPC. The UN refused Wigneswaran’s request based on Karthigesu’s qualifications or his lack of them.  The Australian was asked to leave the room while negotiations were on because he had no standing at the meeting. That meeting with near-assuredly positive outcome, was a fiasco. The NPC lost that money because of Wigneswaran’s stubbornness over insisting on Nimalan Karthigesu’s participation in managing the complex project. Colombo Telegraph reliably learns that it was Nimalan Karthigesu who arranged for Australian experts to assist the handpicked locals to test the Chunnakam ground water and declare it oil free.

The FP-CVW dispute is far from over. The immediate concern will be over whether CVW can appoint his new inquiry committee or, at the NPC too as with Parliament, privilege requires a Select Committee appointed by the FP dominated assembly. The difference is over who picks the people doing the new inquiry.

“Not another expert panel like the Chunnakam experts I hope,” said a civil engineer who always insisted, simply based on appearance and smell, that the Chunnakam ground water was tainted and was subsequently vindicated by other reports from independent experts.

That “Chunnakam Waste Oil in Ground Water” Court case at the Mallakam Magistrate’s on 27 June 2017 was given a “long date” to 29 September because related matters were under hearing at the High Court. (By Muraleetharan Puvinathan)

Latest comments

  • 9

    CVW has strange soft corners. The most notorious being the saffron-clad criminal Premananda who was sentence in India for murder and rape.
    His appointments are political and designed to snub the FP and boost the Tamil National People’s Front (really the ACTC, the arch rival of the FP).
    It is an escalation of confrontation with the FP.
    As for the Tamil people, the choice before them is no choice at all.
    It is time to think outside the box of electoral politics.

    • 1

      [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.

      • 3


        It is easy to say, ‘think outside the box.’ But what exactly is your vision? Can the leftists do something at this juncture that the Tamil nationalist parties haven’t been able to do?

        Anyway, it is kind of laughable to consider the ACTC under Gajen Ponnambalam as an arch-rival of the ITAK; has Gajen ever demonstrated any vision or the ability to command support and loyalty from voters? Has he, with his inherited wealth, connections in Colombo and legal training, successfully sought justice for the murder of his father? No. So how can he promise justice for war crimes, the prisoners and the missing people?

        I think CVW is misguided in thinking that he can align with the ACTC . At the same time, the ITAK and TNA will need fresh new leaders; The current leaders haven’t been agile enough in helping the people achieve their basic demands.

        • 2

          And I have been calling for an Agile Legal Defense Team, composed of committed human rights lawyers from all communities, with a supporting Legal Defense Fund, in order to champion justice for all victims of war; those victimized by the UNP regime during the JVP insurrection can also be included in these cases. The lawyers should mainly work pro bono, but some expenses can be covered by the LDF. Expatriate funds, such as those raised during CVW’s Canadian visit, can be used to support LDF.

          Tamil grievances should first be fought relentlessly in the courts, despite the fact that the laws are stacked against them, and the judiciary, the executive and the police are often biased against them; past experience suggests it is not going to be helpful. But it is no reason to be idle and do nothing. Use legal action to the maximum extent possible, and document it publicly and make the Sinhalese society aware of it.

          Such an LDF may also help prepare the people to face a more tyrannical regime, say in the event Gotabhaya and allied Putinists are elected to power later.

          If the system continues to fail the Tamil people, it will help build up a clearer case for why it hasn’t worked for the Tamil people, why Tamils need a different system in a political solution, etc. Then take the case to both the progressive sections of the Sinhalese people and the international community; at that point, a renewed political strategy and more active engagement with the international community may be possible.

        • 2

          I do not have easy solutions and offer no easy answers.
          Seven decades of electoral politics should have taught us some lessons.
          It is no more a matter of who is more clever or crafty enough to lead the people. All Tamil nationalists have misled the Tamil people, not necessarily intentionally.
          Right now, there is no real choice before the Tamil people, as the answer is not in electing representatives to parliament or provincial council. These are failed institutions as far as the people are concerned.
          If anything has succeeded in recent times it was mass campaigns that did not rely on parliamentary political parties.
          The people should be involved in a much bigger way in political matters than casting their votes.

  • 11

    C.V. Wigneswaran is the new curse on the war-affected northern Tamils. We invited the curse ourselves,enthroned it and rejoiced there was a chance for sanity. Instead, insanity reigns supreme now, with no hope for the northern Tamils in sight. Religious accoutrements are no substitute for judicious politics, understanding the root causes for gigantic societal problems , know how, administrative competence , intelligence , wisdom and judiciousness.

    CVW you are an absolute failure. Please go home. We have had enough of you. Even the ordinary folk in the of Jaffna and the Vanni understand this.

    • 4

      Dont blame C.V. Wigneswaran, he is reflecting tamils voice in our own land. After independence our people are still fighting for life in our own land with peace and dignity … man….i don’t know which world you live in….. What have TNA achieved so far for our people, nothing…TNA dancing the tune for INDIA. Hope you understand our people are still fighting to get back to their own properties. Tell me what we want to do? hope you know situation in thyitty mad monks trying build damn sick sinhala Buddhist vihara in our land no Buddhist live….Do we need more trouble….

      • 4

        There is a proverb that says: “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” Viggies friends are political comedians: Sivajilingam who thinks the solution to tamil problems can be achieved by passing some resolution in the provincial council or go to Geneva and make some emotional speech no one listens to. Ananthy whose husband killed so many innocent tamils fleeing for saftey now a human right activist?? Gajen and Suresh completely rejected politicians by tamils and the most notorious saffron-clad criminal Premananda who was sentenced in India for murder and rape.

      • 1

        There is a proverb that says: “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” Viggies friends are political comedians: Sivajilingam who thinks the solution to tamil problems can be achieved by passing some resolution in the provincial council or go to Geneva and make some emotional speech no one listens to. Ananthy whose husband killed so many innocent tamils fleeing for saftey now a human right activist?? Gajen and Suresh completely rejected politicians by tamils and the most notorious criminal Premananda who was sentenced in India for murder and rape.

    • 1

      Dr. Narendran!

      If CVW is the new curse,Can you name the older curses in the Tamil society. That is why the Tamils need a Sinhala leader for a change.

    • 7

      There is no point pointing a finger at CVW or any other Tamil politician. The fact is that no Sinhala government wants Northern provincial council to function leave alone exist. It is due to Indian pressure on Mahinda that Northern provincial council election was held. If not even this government would never have held one. At that time India wanted a northern provincial council to create trouble to Mahinda, but now that Mahinda is gone, the benefit of Northern provincial council to India is redundant. In fact a northern provincial council with Tamil nationalist leaning is anathema to India. The fault made by CVW was trying to please the Tamil extremists in order to ensure his position and thereby falling foul of India. To add insult, Ranil had tried to sabotage CVW by funding MPs of the area without releasing funds to northern provincial council. There had been some misunderstanding between Ranil and CVW, which should not have been dragged in. To undermine a democratically elected council and chief minister is counterproductive to the principle of power sharing. As before, I reiterate that except a few fair minded Sinhalese the rest are not in favour of meaningful devolution of power to Tamils. Problem with CVW is that he is good as a figure head and has no experience whatsoever in running an organisation because as a Judicial officer he was barred from taking position in any association or business venture. This has been woefully exposed and unfortunately his advisers seem to be misguiding him for their personal gain. The appeasement theory of Sambanthan and Sumanthiran (SAM-SUM corporation) at the instigation of India is not working. Even if you say that arriving at a just political solution is very difficult and takes time, there is no excuse for the present government for their inordinate delay to return lands occupied by security forces and to release prisoners most of whom are incarcerated for trumped up charges or minor charges such as putting up LTTE posters or giving food to LTTE cadres. In this venture government has failed to sabotage and split Tamils unlike how they did to LTTE. Of all the Tamil leaders, with whatever faults he has, CVW has the biggest support. This is true only if he stays with TNA, but if he tries to go with others, his downfall is certain.

      • 0

        It is wrong to say Mahinda had elections in north at the instigation of India. Mahinda had planned to hold elections after further developing the north believing it would help his coalition in provincial elections. But India wanted elections in 2013 without further delay.
        And both the current and previous government had released land as much as possible

    • 4

      We Tamils cannot blame anyone else for our woes other than ourselves, ones that claim we Tamils. A group as large as a family is the biggest unit that we can live in harmony. Even siblings come, out of the same family fight as soon as they go out and have a family of their own. We are good servants and gather brownie points when work for someone, but the moment some authority delegated or put in charge of a unit, the ego or the family interest take better of us. Be it a learnt person or an eight grader, we saw someone tried and changed fundamental rules at the expense of a breaking the unity of a movement when he fell in love. CVW’s attempt of total eradication of corruption from NPC is not some thing as plain as we all see, it is more than that. To put it simply, what has he done this far being a CM. CM believes decorating himself with a fanatic Hindu façade and spewing nationalistic venoms, would help hide his failures, and reward him going forward. His alliance with the greats like Sivajilingam, Suresh family, Ananthi and horse Gajendras tells it all, where he taking Tamils to, who suffered a lot and came out of the hellhole. In essence, Tamils are not born to rule but to serve, ruling does require a pragmatic and diplomatic approach, which they lack. What is happening in NPC is an ample demonstration of Tamils are capable of. Even if VP had succeeded in his attempt, we could have seen the kind of infighting going to the extent of killing each other of their own. Had SL Govt given TE ages ago, the plight of Tamils by and large would not have been much difference to what it is today. It is sad.

      • 4

        As if Sinhalese were born to rule and are ruling well. They are bigger clowns cheats than the Tamils and have committed untold atrocities in the name of their language and religion , first on the Tamils and now on the Tamil Muslims , who were their allies. Lots of Sinhalese extremists posting as Tamils and very fond of stating we Tamils.” Tamils not born to rule but to serve” sounds more like a Sinhalese extremist. In reality during most of the island’s history it was the Tamils ruling and Sinhalese serving. The island then was not in a mess. It was the British who changed this and made the Sinhalese rule and the island is now in a mess. Yet the Sinhalese accuse the British of favouring the Tamils. It they had favoured the Tamils, they never would have annexed the Tamil territories in the island, that had always remained separate, with the Sinhalese lands down south and handed the entire island to the Sinhalese in 1948, when they left , with no protection for the Tamil population. Because of this the island’s Tamils are now facing genocide , and loosing their lands.

        • 0


  • 2

    in a way all’s well that ends well because everyone here is fighting just like the sinhala politicians in a democratic process. with no time to waste on eelam matters .Idle mind is the devils workshop they say. If rajiv had not forced the provincial council system down the throat of the srilankan government like a bitter medicine then just imagine what these guys would have been upto twiddling their thumbs with a lot of free time on their hands.Hurrah for rajiv though he lost his life in the process. Also just imagine if prabha was there will these buggers even have this to fight.

    I have always maintained that devolution of powers to the periphery is the only way to sort out srilanka’s ethnic problem i the long term. As for the extent and units of devolution don’t know.You have to try out i suppose from the smallest units and extent and continue from there after seeing whether it is enough or not. Only time will tel what is suitable for srilanka because just like hats don’t fit everyone’s head other countries devolution systems may not fit us.Try it out and see first,just like you try a hat and see whether it fits or not before you go out into the hot sun.

  • 9

    This is what the head ( Vihara Adipathi) of the Mangalaramaya Vihara in Batticaloa Ampitiya Sumanaratne Thera had stated ” There is no present Tamil leader who issue challenges to the Sri Lankan government like Pirapakaran. Unlike Pirpakaran at present there is no Tamil leader who is able to question or challenge the great injustices that being done to the Tamil people. There are certain powers that are trying to bring the eastern province under their control and are trying to subjugate the Tamil people in the east. ( I do not think he meant the Sinhalese in the east)These people are acting behind scenes to achieve this. Now is the crucial time to decide on the future of the Tamil people. The Tamil people should give their votes for the Tamil race( nation ) and save the eastern province. The Tamil people are now subject to more sufferings and tribulations ,during this so called time of peace than during the war years. “This is what the Viharapathi Ampitiya Mahathera stated.

    • 0

      When and where was this said by the Ven Ampitiya Sumanaratne Thera and is there reliable documentary evidence?

      • 3

        This exact wording was in the Tamilwin website yesterday, which has strangely disappeared today. Unless the web administers confirm this as true, it cannot be taken as true. If the priest had actually made that statement, then he has told the truth of the ground realities in eastern province.

        • 2

          Most probably these so called powerful forces, who now want to take control of the east and steal it from its rightful owners the Eelam Tamils and the Tamilised Vedda and marginalise them in their own land, have put pressure on this honest and candid Sinhalese Buddhist monk to retract his statement, as it did not look good that this powerful Sinhalese Buddhist monk had stated the truth about the ground realities in the east. Tamil Win would not have concocted all this. There was even a photo of him being interviewed.

          • 0

            werent you people fighting with this mangalaramaya monk last year?

          • 2

            I made a mistake. That news item is still there but in a past news page. Has this monk become enlightened, a sort of born again Buddhist. This type of change of heart is found in some good Buddhists who feel that they have done wrong to Tamils which need to be corrected. They feel that though they are being blamed for the atrocities, their people never gained anything by harming Tamils either politically or economically. Will the government listen to the view articulated by this priest and correct the injustice done to Tamils particularly those in east.

            • 1

              can u give me the link?

        • 1

          Why on earth would Tamilwin remove such a valuable quote?
          As the Good Book says “Search and thou shall find” (that is if the evidence exists of course).
          The Tamil nationalist media only reports/misreports what it likes to hear— truth is rarely a matter of interest to our media.

      • 0

        What is point of you quip SJ? Do you spot in UOJ somebody dangerous than Leader Pirapaharan or Dr. Thiagalingam? Or, do you deny the Eastern Province demography of racial content is being constantly under adulteration to political advantage of the influential parties?

        When and where was this said
        Anything you don’t like is not appearing in your well. So, you get out of your well and start to read news in the public media. Don’t keep asking baby questions.

        • 3

          Why are you digging up a corpse?
          Tell us what your great leaders have done to address your concerns.
          As for Prof. Thiagalingam, I have no issues with him.and always wished him well. The problem concerned whether or not a late application could be entertained.
          Why have the campaigners for Prof. T gone stunningly silent after all manner of claims about legal action etc.? If you are a supporter of Prof. T’s bid, it is them whom you should address.
          What I sought was a clarification, which has been given. But the context is not stated.
          I address baby questions only to babies. Bye bye babba!

    • 0

      Mangalaramaya thero :’) ha ha

    • 0

      Ampitiya Sumanaratne Thero is a man who keeps his ear to the ground, so he understand the ground realities of the developing issues.
      The Tamils in the East are completely blind to the danger in thinking that it is only a tip of the iceberg, and it would be too late for them when they wake up from their slumber.

  • 1

    “Migapulle Arachchi, also Dom Luis Migapulle Arachchi or Chinna Migapillai, was a rebel leader from the Jaffna Kingdom just after its annexation by the Portuguese Empire in 1619.[1] Considered to be a son of Periyapillai,[2] he initially began as a pro-Portuguese feudal lord (or mudaliyar in Tamil) who opposed the usurper Cankili II but after Cankili’s defeat he turned against Portuguese rule. In March 1620,”
    CVW intially began as pro TNA lord after he turn against TNA

  • 2

    Wigneswaran dressed up to fit the imagery given to Hindu sages. Tamils fell for his pottiru, neeru and white beard and judge status.

    It is time that the Tamil text book writers and illustrators become modern in thinking and not worship the aryanzing enslaving brahminic imagery and racist rhetoric which divided and reduced them to a very sad lot.

    Ramayana calls Tamils Rak were more physically developed, Dasiues or noseless because their noses were not thin and long an evolutionary trait for warm climates etc. And we worship Rama for destroying the cultured Ravana- night colored. Sage/teacher Dhrona got Ekalaivan’s finger cut so he could not beat Arjuna in archery.

    We Tamils have become a servile race. The brahmins broke our identity.

    Thiravidar should run from this aryan sanyasi looks.

    • 4

      Raavana was a Brahmin. Stop making idiotic outdated comments about Aryans and Dravidians, even the Dravidian parties in Tamil Nadu have now stopped making these stupid comments , only senile Karunanidhi still does this, despite the fact he got one his sons married to rich and influential Tamil Iyengar Brahmin family. Who was the better Tamil leader and loved by the Tamil masses. Brahmin Jayalalitha or non Brahmin Karunnanidhi. Despite hating the LTTE , once she realised the truth of hat really happened, she was far more genuinely concerned about the plight of the Eelam Tamils and was very vociferous about their rights, whilst Karunanidhi betrayed them at the crucial time.

      • 2

        contd. Tamil Brahmims who originally migrated from the north of India and have lived in the Tamil country for over a thousand years , have never destroyed the Tamil language or culture. On the contrary they had at all times safeguarded the Tamil language and its culture and greatly contributed to it and enhanced it. Agathiar is a Brahmin. Subramania Bharathiar the national poet of Tamil Nadu is a Brahmin. They may have introduced Sanskrit, Vedic Hinduism and the varna form of caste in the southern Dravidian lands but to state that they destroyed Tamil language and its people is wrong. It happened in the former Tamil kingdom of Cheralam now Kerala but not in Tamil Nadu.

      • 2

        contd. Tamil language and culture represents typically what is essentially Dravidian and Dravidian culture. Even now High or old Tamil has retained 95% of the vocabulary of Proto Dravidian, basically Proto Dravidian and old Tamil are one and the same language. You do not find this in other great Dravidian languages that are basically a mixture of the local low Tamil dialects and Sanskrit/Prakrit. However modern day Tamils are not pure Dravidians at all. There is no such thing called a pure people anywhere. We are all mixtures. When you say Tamils are Dravidians , it is cultural and not racial. They basically represent what is essentially the Dravidian speech and culture. However they can be of Aryan Dravidian Australoid and some even of Arabic, ancient Greek Roman and other origins. The upper and middle castes are largely of Caucasoid origin Indo Aryan , Aryan/Dravidian or Dravidian in the case of the upper castes. Dravidian in the case of middle castes. The lower castes are largely of Australoid/Veddoid origin. Dravidian/Australoid or Veddoid in the case of lower castes, and Australoid in the case of untouchables and tribal.

        • 1

          See everything tamil is in TN what do you have in SL?

          • 0

            Can you read Tamil?

      • 0

        Raavana was a Brahmin

        And he was killed by the kshatriya… ?

        You don’t t even know the shastras.
        And you call your pitiable self a Sharma the real one?

        Give your reference not just comes into your mouth.

        • 1

          He was a son of a Brahmin, Vishravas who is the son of Pulasthya and an Asura woman named Kekasi. .Pulasthya was one of the ten Prajapati or mind-born sons of Brahma, and one of the Saptarishis (Seven Great Sages Rishi) in the first Manvantara .Pulastya Rishi had two sons – MaharIshi Agastya and Visravas. Vishravaa had two wives: one was Kekasi who gave birth to Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana; and another was Ilavida and had a son named Kuber.
          There is a scene, where he asserts his Brahmin identity while beheading the King Anaranya of Ayodhya- a Kshatriya. Asura is not against the Brahmin caste, it is against the discrimination that has come in the society in the name of Caste. The birth of Ravana or Rama in a particular caste does not matter, the way in which they have been used to perpetuate caste system that matters.

        • 1

          Others state the name Raavana is a corruption of the Tamil word for king Iraivan (now meaning god) in Sanskrit Raavan,
          A little knowledge is dangerous. I never stated anywhere I know my shastras, as I did not study to become a priest. I received a western education and an account by profession. By trying to discredit me and my Brahmin heritage and look smart you only made a fool of your self. Please refer before you post and make idiotic comments.

    • 0

      Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.

    • 2

      Even most North Indians today are not fully Aryan. So the idea that all North Indians are Aryans and all South Indians are Dravidians are nonsense.

      • 3

        Yes even in the Punjab the Dravidian DNA is between 30-70% depending on the region or caste. It is less in west Punjab now in Pakistan. Even modern day Iranians and Pashtun Afghans have around 12-15% Dravidian DNA. There is no such thing called Dravidian or Aryan race any more as they are all mixed. When they speak of Dravidian and Aryan it is the language and culture. Many people cannot get this into their heads and speak of very simplistic race theories. Many Dravidians Munda and Australoids got assimilated into the Aryan culture and speech in the north of India and many Aryans Australoids and others got assimilated into the Dravidian culture and speech in the south. Many of the so called Dravidian fanatics now trying to divide the Tamil people into races and castes have a Telugu origin . Even Periyar was a Kannadiga and was not a Tamil. They will not do the same thing to their own people in Andhra Telengana or in Karnataka. Just like many of the Sinhalese both low and high caste now beating the anti Tamil drum have a recent South Indian origin. Largely Tamil then Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada. As per these Telugu origin immigrants who arrived in Tamil Nadu a few centuries ago, they are more Tamil than the Tamil Brahmins who had lived there for more than a thousand years and have been Tamil and contributed so much to Tamil. The Tamil Brahmins are now outside Aryans but these largely Telugu origin Dravidian fanatics are now pure Tamils.

        • 0

          Dravidian DNA
          Is there such a thing?

  • 5

    It is regrettable that a former supreme court justice is behaving like a common opportunistic politician, against all norms of justice.
    His subservience to Premananda, a convicted criminal is puzzling – it diminishes his stature among all citizens.

    • 4

      Former supreme court justice is not a criminial like former President & his brother Mahinda & Gota. There are lot followers of Mahinda & Gota among our politicians and even some deplomats phD’d and half of the Sinhalese population behind them.

    • 2

      They knew about his weakness for the scoundrel when they made him CM.
      CVW is not much of a scientific thinker and is steeped in superstition. He was a fair judge though and was respected for it.
      His dishonesty in the recent episode concerns allowing rouges around him get away with crime for long, and acting out of political exigency.
      He has yet to come clean on the Canadian$ 50,000 collected in his name.

  • 1

    This is all the fault of TNA and the Tamil national politics for more than 60 years.

    The Tamils acted like lawyers advocating their case before judges. The strategy may be justifiable when the country was under colonial rule.Now it has become stale and obsolete.

    TNA is comfortable in blaming others for all their misfortune and not ready to take responsibility.

    Wigneswaran is only a symptom.

    The Tamils at least look at how other nationalities within Sri Lanka or outside design their strategies and tactics in terms of changing political, socio- economic scenario without having a rigid framework.

    Why not traverse a new path at least to arrest the deteriorating situation?


  • 6

    We should understand the fact that CVW was brought by TNA leader Sampanthan to cheat Tamil voters because TNA couldn’t find a suitable candidate from the political circle to stand to lead the TNA for provincial council. They were against even to appoint Mavai Senathirajah from the Federal Party to lead the NPC. NPC election was happened under Mahinda Regime and they knew well that they need to put a candidate who has the support of LTTE. The CVW and Ananthi were the top two candidates preferred by the people. TNA politics was dominated by Sumanthiran who likes Christianity over Tamil. The Ranil-Chandrika coup to capture the power from Mahinda needed Tamil support, So they played the traditional game of agreement to solve the Tamil question. They gave Sampanthan an opportunity to become the opposition leader and Ranil decided to split the Tamil Unity. Ranil gave funds to TNA parliamentarians instead of NPC which angered CVW. TNA surrender to Ranil Govt made them to keep silence on the matters of demilitarization of North, and investigation on war crimes. The voice from CVW on these matters naturally and as planned by Ranil, Sinhalese fundamentalists propaganda against CVW as a terrorist. TNA kept silence on this matter and they are happy to fall along with Sinhalese Fundamentalists propaganda. Ranil’s plan to split the Tamil community has almost succeeded as he did to split LTTE. Federal Party which created LTTE for their parliamentary seats continue to play the same politics even after massacring thousands of innocent lives. I can still remember how Mr & Mrs Amirthalingam, Mawai Senathirajah encouraged innocent youths to take arms to fight against brutal oppression by Sinhalese Fundamentalist regimes. To day to convince their sincerity to rulers, they are prepared to accuse Tamils youths as terrorists. The Federal Party has to take full responsibility for the crisis of the country.

    • 0

      I can give 90 out of 100 for all what you have said.
      The only flaw for not scoring 100 is for equating Ananthi and CVW when it comes to voter preferences.
      CVW was preferred because of his stature as a retired SC judge with sound credentials and Ananthi as a widow of misguided ex LTTE combatant.

  • 3

    CVW is the only person who could be called a leader at the moment. He is not a politician but a former judge who has been adjudicating justice. He understands people and their nature particularly from the Tamils, and the ITAK should leave him alone to do his duty as Chief Minister without any interference.. Without a party name who are these people? Mavai is another crook who destroyed Amirthalingam and who cannot be trusted. As for Sumanthiran, we have to bear with him for another year.
    Let Sambanthan remove his head from the sand.

    • 3

      Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler were leaders too. However, the direction in which they led their respective people, was a contrast that should not be forgotten by mankind.

      • 1

        Yes Mahinda and CVW were leaders too. However, the direction in which they led their respective people was contrast that should not be forgotten by Srilankans too.

      • 0

        Why did Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose reject Gandhi and warmed up to Hitler?
        It is only a question. Do not psychoanalyze me.

    • 0

      Not just Sampanthan, the Tamil voters as a whole should and reject all these jokers.

  • 3

    At one stage it was the then Governor NP who hindered the NPC CM. Now it is the FP!. “et tu”?
    A religious slant is being created with “There was a lot of pain in the Protestant Community over Gurukularajah’s sacking as if he is a crook. Gurukularajah was the son of the late Rev. Thambyrajah……………”.
    Anandhi is being denigrated because “……….widow of disappeared LTTE-er Sasitharan (a.k.a. Elilan)…….”. Let the people decide as to whether this should be held against her. The character certificate offered here to an alumni of St Johns is hollow.
    The statement “In the subsequent inquiry report, the committee found one Minister guilty of nine or 10 charges of corruption, another Minister of circumventing administrative regulations and exonerated the other two…….” is incorrect.
    The NPC CM may have faults but one wonders whether the opposition is being manipulated from Colombo. Some one is laughing all the way to………..
    Or is it the onset of “Bring back Devananda” mania?

    • 2

      You are getting sucked into rather irrelevant backstage drama.
      One is as bad as the other.
      The Tamil nationalist political theatre was, is and will be a FARCE while the FP-ACTC tradition dominates the political landscape.

  • 6

    CVW chose to represent the people of the North and was elected by the people of the North. People might have expected him to tow the party line, or bend over for the perks from the center but true to his convictions he is standing by the people that put him there. This should be really rubbing it the wrong way for some.

    True enough much of the peoples grievances have not been addressed but that is not his fault. Although the provincial system was created and in particular the Northern provincial govt has not been given the opportunity to act and is under the boot of the military which illegally occupies its land and a governor that answers and looks after the interest of Colombo and not the people of the region. To make matters worse Buddhist monks have moved in where there are no Buddhists.

  • 4

    what a bloody shame …after 30 years of destruction of the Tamil homeland and Tamil people ….we Tamils are still back stabbing each other….The Tamil politicians don’t care a hoot for the poor Tamils in the NE….Colombo Tamils are ok>>>>>> until there is another July 1983 in the Sinhala South…there is no escape route for Tamils any more >>>>the Tamils cant run to the NE>>>>>NE is infiltrated with Sinhala army and monks (I mean thugs) in civilian clothes….

    The current crop of Tamil politicians of all colours have not learned any lessons.

  • 1

    I met an investor who visited to Jaffna recently and he complained about CVW’s sidekick Nimalan Karthigesu. Perhaps politely asking Nimalan to complete his PhD at Sydney University then come back to Jaffna would allow CVW find a better project manager with proven track record to manage projects in North. How come no one else identified the real show blocker in CVW’s executive team? Obliviously CVW cannot produce results with a slacker as his sidekick. Perhaps it’s too late now to fix the problem.

  • 4

    Who is this writer Muraleetharan Puvinathan? Has he written any article before? Is he a recent convert to Christianity ? Converts always become bigots and cry hallelujah while hiding behind their masters. Who are the other bigots behind him and helping to stir religious acrimony between Hindus and Christians.
    I appeal to these bigots to leave the politicians alone to sort out their differences among themselves and not to bring religion into it.

  • 3

    CM Wick is suffering the other end of the stick of Prabhakaran. Both may have meant well for the Tamils. CMW may have been an illuminated legal eagle but doesn’t shine as an able administrator. Let me put in simple words. The odds are stacked against the Tamils. The challenges are numerous but he (CMW) wants to be the CM but fails as a LEADER. For all these years, if he had the “brains”, it is against all those odds that I have mentioned that he should have led his people out of the abyss. That would have been the sign of a leader but it so appears that he is not cut for that. In my opinion, he has failed the Tamils miserably. It is with what you have as opposed to what you don’t or cannot have, that you should be able to lead.

  • 3


    Don’t blame CMW or the ordinary people in North. Blame the power hungry selfish upper middle class Tamils in North. No one could lead them including yourself. Go to Kachcheri or any govt departments in North and observe the behaviour of officers. Each one is a king there. Unless you please them by bending and saying sir hundreds times, you won’t move a file. These middle and upper middle class are born with arrogance and selfishness. Each one think she or he is a leader or king with self made crown. Their job position and qualification are the crown. Dowry is the jewel on the crown. Anyone lives in North knows that no one could lead these species by democratic means. Ordinary poor people are trampled by these selfish egoistic TNA.
    By the way do you know how many TNA M.Ps have become millioners by selling tax free permit vehicles?

    • 0

      “By the way do you know how many TNA M.Ps have become millioners by selling tax free permit vehicles?” I didn’t know that many TNA MPs are in the North! Anyway, how many TNA MPs have become millionaires by being car salesmen?

    • 1


      “By the way do you know how many TNA M.Ps have become millioners by selling tax free permit vehicles?”

      That will be interesting if you or anyone can furnish hard evidence. I am not sure whether it is true but what I know though is corruption is as old as prostitution. May be it was only Prabhakaran who was able to put them in their place.

  • 1

    A Sad fact is that CT writers are biased. We do not know who wrote this essay or for what purpose they wrote it for. We know Chunnakam Power plant issue was mishandled. Same with the Maruthankerny salt water desalination plant too, by Sumanthiran. But the writer is now accusing on CM’s assistant as the one spoiled Chunnakam Oil leak inquiry and thus it on CM. Then, does the writer regretting that he missed the opportunity in inquiry to change it over from Ex Minister Ayngaranesan to CVW? Or is it his suggestion that CM did it, but to cover it up fired Ayngaranesan – a hypocrisy justice? Absolute nonsense, it is! A concocted story.

    We saw the CM was isolated in the NPC. Yet we are not supporting arbitrary appointments to his cabinets. Because we do not know Ananthi Sasitharan’s suitability for a minister post. Her active rebellious nature might have suited more to as a representative of NPC in internal and external stages. She did an excellent job in moving UNHRC Official’s opinion. Progressively, International Human Right and Humanitarian law oriented reports and speeches of High Commissioner Prince Zeid are telling that fact.
    During the election time, CVW represented the slow and steady; Ananthi was fiery rebelling. They two were first and second in the election. Ananthi’s educational standing has been pointed by TNA as the reason for ignoring her, but it was only for her standing against the government she had been punished in the past. Eventually, to isolate him, the same type of excuses was used on CVW too. We wrote here, on CT, Ananthi joining protesters on PM Cameron’s visit may be seen as protests against UK PM, but her all other protests against government were needed ones.

  • 1

    In the past, from January 2015, TNA, if they were against the government, branding them as opponents of its secret solution, ruthlessly punished anybody.

    The NPC is itself a hollow Shell. There, FP, with a high hope on its secret solution, attempted to station it as the ruling party and others as opposition parties. In Tamil, they say this is as trying to get hind rip for them, before cutting the goat.
    Sangari was dropped out of TNA’s ruling alliance in 2013 and Suresh was dropped out in 2015. It is not clear how much TNA (FP) worked for these parties to rebuild their lost image. In that condition, Sampanthar suggested that Suresh lost people support because of his policies, but Sumanthiran won because of his policies. First thing is, there are MPs in North who got fewer votes than Suresh. That is Proportional System. Further, in TNA, there are MPs who lost the election (We not suggesting they need to be dismissed). Sampanthar’s talk was not really assessing the situation. Sumanthiran, one the last in in the voters’ preference, is challenging CVW, who is the first, to stand for election again. But Sampanthar is numb on this Sumanthiran’s challenge.

    FP has been accusing Kumar Ponnampalam as wedging between them and CVW. But it appears that the relationship between Ponnampalam and CVW has not materially changed from the time of the NPC election. Further Ponnampalam targets only Colombo politics, not NPC. Instead TNA’s rebel members and CVW’s relationship has been, in fact, turned around. But FP’s and CVW’s relation has become sour. FP has to logically understand that there is no point in accusing CVW or Ponnampalam for this end.

  • 1

    True and honest political path can be in two ways. 1. Honestly telling what they mean to the citizens and then staying with those words. 2. Being honest in saying and doing, still evolving in techniques, but not changing the original object. Sampanthar asked for Internal Self-determination in NPC election but then changed his mind and said that the 2015’s election has over ruled the Vaddukoddai Convention. So, the South started to call TNA sowing division in North to win elections and when it go to Colombo, there it is trying to seek minister posts. This has left in the mind of Tamils to question of his integrity and sincerity in his talks. This is not what North’s or South’s opinion, but that is how it is being felt in IC too. This is why even ICG pointed out that TNA’s popularity is weakened in Tamils mind. (Those decisions were not taken by TNA; but it is paying for the price of the decisions was taken by three- mainly two – Sampanthar, Sumanthiran & Mavai. When that decision affected TNA, it was not affecting FP, but squeezing the smaller parties and forcing them out of politics – so no surprise that they are rebelling against TNA. TNA leaders, rather (FP Leaders) have no feeling for this resentment of the rank and file.
    We wrote that it was appearing that the peace deal made at the end of the bitter rivalry was only a hollow one, not internally felt and TNA may not turn back to be as TNA again. Now, it appears, TNA will not turn back as TNA. Major part of the down fall of responsibility has to go to FP, for mishandling the issue.

  • 1

    After targeting him for some time, Tigers accepted that there were no other Tamils matching Sampanathar’s political experience and wanted him to lead TNA. When America had him on no Visa list, Ambassador Lunstead told State Department that he has to have free hand on dealing with Sampanthar as he is an important instrument to understand the bottlenecks of the negotiations. That is how Sampanthar’s opponents and enemies have been evaluating him. It is a historical disappointment that such and marvelous – hopeful Master of Tamils betrayed them falling in the trap of secret solution by walking blinded by the over confidence of his experience. CVW, in contrast, a political novice, stood on his words, though he has evolving in his techniques. In Old Royals time, CVW called Sinhalese and Tamils were husband and wife. This put him on odd with TN politicians. When Ranil came to power, he cut the NPC funds and promoted Mavai and others in the parliament to isolate CVW in NPC. Ranil did this very successfully to LTTE. We had warned Sampanthar not to sell off TNA to save UNP. Now the water is above the nose. The patient cannot be saved anymore. What the quick action needed now from Sampanthar is to resign from his job of justifying the Yahapalanaya at the parliament, put down his fake secret solution and “Fighting for Tamils’ right” Slogans, reorganize the TNA, even with name change if necessary. This is the only way to save Tamils unity, instead of saving UNP for the nest election. Probably this is the last coach. If Sampanthar miss this, he is going to miss the train of “Fighting for Tamils’ right”.

  • 0


    ” Sampanthan to resign ………………..reorganise the TNA even with name change if necessary”

    People are fed up with these politicians. They are not fools to elect them again even if they change their name colour and conduct. Protestors in Muthur says if Sampanthan comes this way we will whip him with thirukkai val. that is the reality. As you said ” patient cannot be saved anymore ” and I add ” funeral arrangements will be announced soon” .

  • 1


    Here are the names of M.Ps sold their car imported under tax free permits:

    S.Sridharan, S.Sivamohan, V.Maheswaran, S.Senathirajah, Nadesu Sivasakthi, A.Ramanathan, S.Yogeswaran, I C Nirmalanathan, Douglas Devananda, E Saravanapavan.

    These names appear in Lanka Truth of 14.5.2017 under the heading M.Ps vehicles are for sale, along with several other names of Sinhalese Muslims and Tamils from up country. New owners names , make of the vehicles and date of registration are given there.

  • 1

    Wigneswaran is a TRAITOR to the Tamils. He has been supporting the Tiger remnants and doing their dirty work. He should be kicked out of his position. Appointing Anandhi alone shows his connection with the Tiger Remnants.

  • 2

    When there are very competent but sadly deliberately kept Out Ph.D s in Jaffna
    What is this hang up for this guy Nimalan?
    The position should be advertised and filled fairly.

    Lack of honesty in our dealings alone is destroying us.

  • 3

    All these comments show that Tamil polity and Tamil society is fragmented due to avarice for political power, and worse, that corruption has crept into Tamil politics.
    This, if unchecked will soon leave Tamils where they were before the LTTE and the war.
    A Tamil appears to have misappropriated the Canadian $ 50,000/= gifted to CVW during his recent visit to Canada, for use in uplifting unemployed Tamils – this is sad and very disappointing to say the least.
    What news of proposed – by Swaminathan – of the Steel Houses – anyone?

    • 2

      It is VERY SAD indeed.
      The CM pleaded ignorance of the Canadian $ 50,000 in the NPC in May.
      I do not accuse him or anyone close to him of theft but he was grossly dishonest in pleading ignorance.
      That money was raised in his name. There could have been other gifts too. The CM has to come clean in this matter.
      All of those who collected the money should clarify matters.

      • 2

        What evidence if any you have that CVW was given $50,000
        Canada? Provide the evidence to CT first.
        Any one in Canada can say he/she is raising money for CVW and pocket it.
        Provide the names of the individuals as you seem to know a lot about this scam, if you cannot name them apologise to CVW and to the readers of CT to show that you are man and not mouse.

        • 1

          The question was raised in the NPC.
          CVW simply said that he received no money.
          He cleverly avoided the essential question whether funds were raised using his name.
          Has anyone reliably claimed that no that money was collected?
          CVW owes an answer to the public and refusing to answer is as rotten a deed as stealing.
          There seem to be too many rats involved in this shady business.
          I will retract every word that I said when CVW is man enough to tell us the whole truth and (if he can) assure us that no funds were collected that he is aware of.
          It is CVW’s turn to show that he is a man.

          • 0

            In your comment on 4th July timed at 09:43 you say that the CM pleaded ignorance about the $50,000 and that you are not accusing him of that but then contradicted it saying he is dishonest because because he pleaded ignorance.
            Does not that show that you are aware of something? Why not divulge that? That is evidence.
            Then you say in the next line that the money was raised in his(CM’s) name.Who told you? That is evidence.

            Then you fly a kite adding that there could have been other gifts too and end up contradicting yourself by saying that all those who collected the money should clarify matters.
            Which means you do not know if any money was collectred in the name of the CM by any one in Canada.
            Now that Prabakaran is gone only people like Gota knows how to deal with rats,especially ones that indulge in casting aspersions and if you think are one why not take his advice.

            • 0

              Do you want evidence? DBSJ provided the evidence. Then search “tccsf.org” on facebook. You would see the picture of CM CVW was holding a 50K$ cheque. CVW in fact received the money or the organizers are still keeping it is a different story. But CM CVW should have informed it to the PC when he came back to Jaffna. Someone said the holdup is because CVW wants the money directly come to his access without going through the regulatory agencies in south.

              Perhaps it’s now time to keep a public registry to keep track of funding that are collected for needy people in SL. Charities should log the collection information and the locals in SL should acknowledge the funding and update the outcome of the projects that were done based on those funding. In that way, we can chase off “charity workers” who live on the collection money.

              Don’t think our cousins like GR in south are any better. Have you heard that Singapore is replacing Swiss an alternative financial hub to open a bank account to keep black money? Now commissions to the decision makers in south are paid in $$$ to bank accounts in Singapore. Why do you think our politicians go to Singapore often to do heart checkups?

  • 1

    ” Uplifting unemployed Tamils”.

    My experience would dictate they be better described as ‘Unemployable’ Tamils. From what I have seen in the government offices in the north and east, is the ‘Upliftment’ to come from providing them a chair to sit on and a table to lay their upper torso on?

    Since we are talking of Tamils, I am referring to them. The situation is no different in the rest of the country.

    These are meaningless catch phrases!

    • 2

      Dr RN
      Have you checked on ethnic distribution in state employment iv recent years?
      There is far worse ethnic discrimination practiced than before the Vaddukkoddai Resolution.

  • 1


    No. It is to be expected isn’t it? Root causes are obvious too. But is it obvious to our politicians across the spectrum?

    It is not the much wonted ‘ Common Man’ who is ruling this country but its assorted scum.


    • 1

      Because something is not “unexpected” one cannot be dismissive about it.
      The issue of employment is very serious for the minorities.

      • 0

        It is a serious concern. I am not dismissive, but underlining the fact that it is a very dark and obvious soectre hovering over us. Why is there a shortage of reliable workers of various categories in the country, while there is a parallel specter of unemployment? Are we overproducing certificate holding unemployables ? Why are we not producing enough skilled workers, familiar with new technologies? Is our so-called education system at serious fault? Should it be redesigned/ overhauled? Is our economy incapable of meeeting the expectations of its youth? Has our culture been sapped of work ethics at various levels? Who and what is responsible?


        • 1

          Dr RN
          There is a serious problem that affects minorities far worse than average.
          Your comments showed little concern about it: “Since we are talking of Tamils, I am referring to them. The situation is no different in the rest of the country.”
          The situation IS seriously different.
          I am aware that the matter was raised in the NPC even before DBSJ wrote on it.
          CVW cannot be unaware of funds raised in his name. It he was he should have declared it. He did not do that. Nowhere did he assure that no money was collected.
          He simply said “I did not receive any money”.
          That is TRUE but VERY FAR FROM HONEST.
          If this is not evidence enough of something fishy then I give up. But one day CVW will face the question in public and cannot dodge it as he did in the NPS in May.
          The matter is simple. Ask CVW to say honestly if any money was collected or not.

          • 0

            Let me assure you and who ever who sees this that I am an independent person and have no truck with with CVW or anyone else either in the NPC the TNA or the Yahapalanaya government.
            But having known CVW well for over forty years or so I can certainly say that he is an honest man although he may have his own human frailties just like you me or any one else.
            That said, say if you happened to be in his position in the NPC and on your visit to Canada or elsewhere abroad some one or a group of people who you do not know individually or as an body later say they have collected $50,000 to be given to you and not given the same to you physically what do you do on you return some one in the NPC pose a query about the said amount of money?
            Would your reply be anything different to what CVW has given? That is my simple point.
            Besides that if he had been given the said sum of money he would have had to abide by following those formalities and rules and regulations relating to exchange control Declaration of both countries for taking out and bringing the said amount.
            That did not happen.
            In those firm stances what else would you have done if you were in his shoes other than saying “I did not receive the money”?
            So why persist that he is evading the question and saying that he is dishonest, unless you have a personal grudge against him or that you are paid to go on a witch hunt to earning your boodle.

            • 0

              I never accused you of taking sides.
              My question concerns the denial of CVW in the NPC.
              He dodged the question whether money was collected. That is dishonest.
              I never accused him of theft. But he is guilty of not telling the truth even after the matter came to public knowledge.
              DBSJ was the source to most. But the Leader of the Opposition, NPC was the first to raise the issue.
              Failure to give a comprehensive answer is an offence serious enough for me.
              We should challenge CVW to declare that there was no fund raising that he was aware of. I doubt if he will, as that will stir a hornet’s nest in Canada.

            • 0

              “So why persist that he is evading the question and saying that he is dishonest, unless you have a personal grudge against him or that you are paid to go on a witch hunt to earning your boodle.”
              I may have been wrong in my assessment. Each sees in the other part of what one really is.
              Your desperation to defend an improper act is pushing you to desperate depths.
              The man owes an explaining and failed on the very first occasion.
              So, you jumped into the fray to challenge me for evidence and then to make excuses for CVW.
              Could he not have replied in the NPC that “Money was collected (and offered to me?). But I did not accept it as I did not want to bring it home immediately (for whatever his reason). It is in reliable (?) hands.”
              Something like that would have been clean, if it was the truth.
              His companion’s response in the Tamil Mirror was even more pathetic.

          • 0


            I cannot help asking whether the CM is the correct person to judge others, call for international investigations and international courts considering what he himself is accused of having done.

            If a cheque was used to donate 50,000 in Canada it becomes easier to investigate where the money is. There must be a name on the cheque and it should be deposited to a bank account with a matching name. The bank should ask for the source of funds. Depositing a foreign cheque might prove that the funds were not declared at the airport which is against the Exchange Control regulations.

            I will not be surprised if the cheque never is deposited after all the publicity.

            If the diaspora in Canada is having doubts about where the money is they can try to cancel the cheque.

            A lot about a cheque that might not exist.

            • 0

              Why is it that after all the publicity and furore about the$50,000 that the person or persons in Canada who supposedly gave the money by cheque or by whatever form to CVW are keeping silent about it up to date?
              Or will the person who raised the matter in the NPC just to cause mischief during sittings come forward and say if he has any idea as to what made him do so?
              Why is he keeping silent?
              It is clear that this red herring is being drawn just to stir up a controversy and divert attention with a view to cause a schism and confuse minorities to delay matters at a time when discussions about the new constitution are in progress.

              • 0


                I think there were 3 sources for the info about Canadian $50,000 collected.
                One was a picture with CVW and others at a function showing a large replica of a check for $50000 on multiple news sites. Another was an article on DBS Jeyaraj’s site, alleging CVW about not being honest about it, while taking action against other NPC ministers. Still another was the claim made by Velupillai Thangavelu aka Nakeeran aka Thanga on CT, an ITAK stalwart in Canada.

                Both DBSJ and Thanga are pro- Sampanthan -Sumanthiran-Senathirajah and often castigate CVW; they might have been too quick to draw conclusions based on questionable sources of their own.

                In these cases, it is possible that after much fanfare and pledges, the actual amount collected was much less than advertised; it is also possible that, because it fell far short of the advertised collection, the money has not been sent to the NPC or CVW yet. Both sides on the issue have not been very forthcoming, and we need to wait and see who is telling the truth. The parties involved are known, so it is just a matter of time.

                • 0

                  They would not have displayed a replica of a cheque for the wrong sum. I saw some kind of accounting somewhere, according to which the collection was like CD 100,000 and much of it was spent in organizing the event including CVW’s travel etc.
                  Even if the net outcome was one dollar, CVW should have explained what happened when he was questioned in the NPC.
                  I did not call him a thief. But I accuse him of dishonesty because he simply said “I did not receive any money” when asked about the CD 50,000 by the Leader of the Opposition.
                  CVW owed the NPC and the Tamil public an honest answer which he failed to offer. That has been they subject of my protest all along.
                  I have come across many instances when someone is accused of a serious offence, the defence is character assassination of every witness to the offence.
                  Is it too much to ask of CVW to tell us the truth?

                  • 1


                    Large checks displayed publicly can be for marketing and publicity purposes and are not necessarily the real amount given. That number may be based on ‘pledges’ and not the actual amount collected.

                    That is the way things work in Western countries; people make pledges when someone calls them to ask for donation, at the spur of the moment, but then do not follow through, and don’t pay. It happens all the time.
                    I am not saying that is what happened here, but it is a possibility. So people shouldn’t jump to conclusions until all the facts are known.

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                      It is not the sum that I am quibbling about, although I have seen a copy of an account confirming the sum as 50k.
                      CVW was aware of the fund raising; he was asked about it in the NPC, and his response was that he did not receive any money.
                      He did not lie, but he did not tell the truth either.
                      Could he not even declare the sum involved, even if it was only a dollar?
                      For certain, a substantial sum was collected. There are the donors as well as intended beneficiaries.
                      All I ask of CVW is a statement of fact. Every day’s delay to come out with the truth, understandably, will raise suspicion, especially in the context of the pathetic defence by his loyalists at home.

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                  I think what you have said about the $50,000 token amount cheque for displayed in picture with CVW and others is and that the money has not been given as yet to the NPC or CVW is probable.
                  When you say that you saw some sort of accounting somewhere what does that mean? Then you you say that $100,000 was collected and much of it was spent in organising CVW’s travel and connected expenses. It seems you know many facts details about this saga and I think you know most of it including where the money now is.
                  If it is with it with you?
                  Would you be honest enough to say ‘YES’.

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                    Read what I said carefully and respond intelligently.
                    Poor CVW can do without such pathetic defefence.
                    I have seen on the Internet the display of the page showing the account. The net profit was 50k and Agnos confirms seeing the cheque.
                    My question is simple. Was not CVW aware of the collection? If not why cannot he boldly declare that he knows nothing about any fundraising?
                    If the money was with me, rather than with the person who collected it, I can assure you that it would have by now reached the beneficiaries.

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                      Are you so gullible to believe that what you saw on the internet is true and or accurate. I am defending CVW as you believe.
                      Why should he try to convince you or any one if you don’t believe what he says. The onus is on you to prove that he was given $50,000 more or less is it not? Can you do that? If not keep quite for God’s sake.

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                The line of defence is getting increasingly desperate.
                The person who should speak is CVW. Why is he silent?
                Was or was not money collected? Who has the money now?*
                Let us not indulge in flights of fantasy when CVW can easily dispel all doubts by telling us the truth.

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              Cheque or no cheque, does not the CM owe the Tamil public of the North an answer?

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          The prolonged war has left the Tamils in the north and east seriously handicapped. This is a fact. However, I do not perceive a mischievous design there. Many of the lower income jobs in Colombo and other Siuthern cities are now being taken by Hill Country Tamils.


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            Dr RN
            “Many of the lower income jobs in Colombo and other Siuthern cities are now being taken by Hill Country Tamils.”
            Have you asked yourself why?

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    Are the Old colleagues of EPDP team is saying that if the Vattukkottai Conventions had not come, Sinhala Only would not have come and Tamils would still have maintained their employment ratio in the South? Can one on of these guy bring out a statistics that says in 1950s, 1960s Tamils were sleeping on the desks or were taking the government jeeps to drop the children off at the school that is why the Sinhala Only was brought in?

    Is that how the government offices in Tamil area functioned while LTTE was running the administration? It is witnessed at the court that Vidiya was raped & murdered to send violent pleasure promoting videos to out. What to the extent the paramilitary and military have reduced the country’s morality? Even below to international Pariah! Is that how the school girls had been protection during LTTE time? Didn’t there are article from the Southern Writers saying that they went even after 11:00Pm in the night alone for their studies?

    This new culture is how the Tamils behaviour has been trained by paramilitary with the army imported Kerala Ganja. Can one of these guys produce the diaspora Tamils are doing the samething in the Western world too? Is that the EDDP cadres vigorously oppose diaspora Tamils coming and taking key positions in the North or East? Probably they are worried the diaspora may bring the Tamils’ original work ethics and culture they took with them to their migrated lands? Isn’t that so?

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    Mr. Siva Sankaran Sarma

    1. What is Dravidian DNA? Since you are specifying even percentages which according to my humble knowledge is an non-existent thing, can you please give some references as to what exactly this Dravidian DNA constitute of? How is it different from other DNA? Now as we all know the DNA is a molecule, but maybe you know better.

    As long as Dravidian is concerned, the only thing which can be termed Dravidian is a language family consisting of some 25-26 languages, of which Tamil is one.

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      Punching point
      “….and in that list of 25-26 Dravidian languages, Sinhalese is also included!

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        Linguistic experts classify Sinhala among Indo-Aryan languages.
        (Race is something else: there is no pure race that we know of.)
        The Sinhala word-stock has strong Tamil influence, at times Tamil words and Tamilized words from Sanskrit and various Prakrits.
        Its grammar was modelled after “Viiracoziyam”. (Then Tholkaaopiyam was modelled after Paanini. So it proves nothing.)
        Over 2 millennia of coexistence has brought the languages close in many ways. The modern scripts of Malayalam, Sinhala and Tamil– in that order –are based heavily on the ‘Grantha’ script designed to transcribe Sanskrit text in ‘Tamil’.
        To the credit of Sinhala, it adapted well to modernism after Cumaratungsa Munidasa until the 1970s I would say. Since the 1990’s (like Tamil) it is on decline.

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