10 September, 2024


Interpol Should Issue A Red Notice For General Jagath Jayasuriya: APPGT

Paul Scully MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils (APPGT) in the UK House of Commons reacted to the news that Sri Lanka’s ambassador to Brazil fled his post after human rights groups filed lawsuits accusing him of overseeing war crimes in the final phase of Sri Lanka’s civil war in 2009.


General Jagath Jayasuriya who has diplomatic immunity in Brazil and the five other countries where he is ambassador has reportedly left to return to Sri Lanka.

Paul Scully said: “If the country is to reconcile differences and come together, the Sri Lankan government needs to have an open, transparent judicial process that has the confidence of both sides. The evidence prepared by human rights groups including The International Truth and Justice Project (ITJP) is compelling. Families of the dead and missing deserve answers and justice.”

“It is not enough to hide behind diplomatic immunity or run away at the first sign of legal challenge. Interpol should issue a red notice for General Jayasuriya’s arrest and the case referred to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Reconciliation will be a complicated affair but such meaningful action may start a move towards bringing this horrific and bloody chapter in the country’s history to an end,” he further said.

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  • 29

    Yes Go For It”
    Srilanka’s War Heroes can be War Criminals , should be punished accordingly.
    No one should hide behind the Srilankan Flag for sure. Bad Name for SL.
    “Crime is a Crime”

    • 8

      what are the war crimes he is accused of? Did you check the charges? No right?

      The charges against him are under his command, civilians were killed from attacks on hospitals, bla bla bla…and they have dragged the charges giving him command responsibility. On what basis?

      1. Lets say SL killed many civilians ( 5 million as tamils say) , ok so how can you prove command responsibility
      2. Did SLA kill that many civilians? There is no evidence to suggest that and no evidence to show more than 4000 ppl were killed at all.
      3. If people were killed who is responsible? Obviously LTTE! because LTTE held a humanshield.

      SLG should recall their ambassadars in these countries and call their ambassadars to FM and put up a strong protest.
      No Tamil from the west should be given visa to visit SL

      • 17

        See the documents submitted in the court case detailing all criminal activities that took place under Jagath Jayasuriya which resulted in several Tamils being tortured or made to disappear. News say that he had left Brazil. If he was not guilty why did he flee from justice.

        • 6

          The charges he is accused of can be checked by anybody. It is like a little kid’s affair. These charges are hilariously weak. The only charge put against him is command responsibility which cannot be proven.

          An example of how they decided Jagath should have known torture chambers. The others in the cells could here people screaming. So Jagath too should have known this. Any court would throw such a weak evidence.

          They did the right thing by leaving Brazil. Because it can create probs between the two nations. Now it is upto the foreign ministry of SL to handle.

          • 0

            “Minister and Field Marshal, Sarath Fonseka said he had information on the crimes committed by former army commander Jagath Jayasuriya, then Vanni commander and that he was ready to give evidence if proper legal action was instituted against him.”

      • 14

        Sach, such an idiot. “No Tamil from the west should br given visa to visit SL”. It is the older generation who have nostalgic memories of their lives in Srilank who want to visit SL to reminisce about it. The younger generation is not interested about Srilanka and if you ask them they will say, srilanka is dirty, dusty and stinking.

        • 6

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
          “Sach, such an idiot.”
          True. Sach is an idiot. But, then so are you. The difference is you guys belong to two different primitive racist camps. If not for racist “idiots” like yourselves “dirty, dusty and stinking” Sri Lanka would have indeed been a paradise.
          PS: While our international friends are welcome to help us build more just nation, Justice in Sri Lanka, however flawed is a matter for Sri Lankans. Not for British hypocrites.

          • 13

            Ben Hurling the coward racist, for your information I lived in Colombo for 44 years since birth, and was virtually forced to leave the shores by racists like you. Who leaves a country where he is well settled to another country at the age of 44 to start a new life if not for dire circumstances. There was no peace due to continued attacks on Tamils not only by the administration but also by security forces. How can you explain police raiding my house at midnight on two occasion for no reason other than my being a Tamil. On both occasions I was taken to police station and on the first released without any charge. I was lucky as I was a doctor in general hospital, if not what happened to other common Tamils would have happened to me. Please do not jump at conclusions without knowing the truth. If I had a feeling that I would have dignity and safety in Srilanka, I would have not left. If you want to make Srilanka a paradise, go ahead and mend fences with Tamil community, without trying to cover up the justice system in srilanka which is institutionally racist. Even in UK, it is the Sinhala racists who are standing in the way to foster unity and friendship between Tamils and Sinhalese, which good hearted Sinhalese and Tamils are trying to achieve. I am proud to say that I am in the forefront of it. Srilanka is not a frog in the well, but a part of the globe where every country as a member of united nations has obligations to fulfil. To say that justice is a matter for srilankans show that you are a person who is not willing to accept mistakes and change.

            • 2

              Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
              Sinhalese and Tamils have committed awful crimes against each other. In the name of ethnicity. Two very stupid races indeed. What has happened to you is bloody awful. Unfortunately, you are among countless thousands of people, who tasted the fruits of brutal racism in SL. That is exactly why we need a wholistic, forgiving approach to the future. Paul Scully is not out to help SL or her victims. He is out to help himself by throwing a few bread crumbs to dumb Ealamistas in the UK. If SL goes to hell in the process, Paul Scully would be just as fine with that too. Look at all the flash-points around the globe still burning in hell after meddling by self-serving, English hypocrites. When will you ever learn?

              • 8

                Tamils have committed NO crimes as such. LTTE was a freedom movement that operated on its own philosophy so did JVP. You cannot blame the actions of LTTE or JVP on Tamils and Sinhalese.

                Sinhalese a sizable portion acted with pure racism, hatred and greed destroying property, killing and looting. The majority Sinhalese who wanted nothing to do with it were silent making them accomplices. One would say the majority Tamils were silent too but the difference being Sinhalese had the govt and military to protect them whether it be LTTE or JVP for the Tamils they were left helpless at the mercy of LTTE.

              • 6

                Not only Sinhalese and Muslims have committed crimes against each other but also Muslims have committed crimes against Tamils. Why is the law not being applied to all equally. Tamils who had committed worse crimes have either been killed in combat or killed after surrendering, and those who committed minor crimes are still languishing in jail for more than 15 years without a fair trial. while Sinhala and Muslim perpetrators of crimes against Tamils are moving freely without being brought to justice. Why is this difference, is it because crimes against Tamils is not crime. This is where fair minded people in the world are demanding Srilanka to correct this grave injustice to Tamils. Why are the Sinhalese abdicating their responsibility. Srilanka will go to hell only if it does not settle Tamil problem on the basis of justice and international norms. There is no escape from this obligation.

          • 0

            LOL idiot, the yamapalana fools who have no knowledge of what is happening in SL calls us idiots. What is racist in countering a wrong accusations against SL based on political propaganda.

            I wonder why this idiot Ben is crying here when his leader, RW has in fact co sponsored a resolution against SL

        • 3

          I have seen many young tamils from west who like to visit Jaffna and see. I see no reason to engage with a people who hate our country and us. The old can die with their nostalgia and young can forget about Lanka.

          SL should not stay meek but attack.

          • 5

            “I have seen many young tamils from west who like to visit Jaffna and see.”

            The young Tamils are the next generation. Most of them were born out side the country and are citizens of another country.

            So how do you plan to prevent them from coming?

            • 0

              err…..not issuing visa..

            • 1


              Are you sure you want answers from the most stupidest persons in these forums?

              I am beginning to doubt your sanity.

      • 6

        “what are the war crimes he is accused of? Did you check the charges? No right?”

        This is the guy coordinating he effort. He is NO G.L.Pieris. He knows what he is doing.
        “In 2005, Castresana was appointed Prosecutor of the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court, working primarily in processing criminal appeals of cassation and investigating cases of people subject to a different jurisdiction due to their rank in the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court.

        He headed high-profile investigations such as the ones he submitted before the High Court against the people responsible for the Argentinian and Chilean military dictatorships, which resulted in the arrest and prosecution of former Generals Jorge Videla and Augusto Pinochet.

        In September 2007, he was asked by the UN Secretary General to direct the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) with the rank of UN Assistant Secretary General, serving until 2010. CICIG is a unique unit in its genre, devoted to collaborating with the Guatemalan Government in the investigation and dismantling of criminal groups infiltrated in security and justice institutions in order to obtain immunity. He has also worked for UNODC and UNPD and he has recently been elected as member of the Board of Trustees of UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute). He is also a member of the board of the Harald Edelstam Foundation in Sweden.

        As an associate professor of Criminal Law at the Carlos III University in Madrid and a professor of International Criminal Law at the University of San Francisco, California, between 2003 and 2006, CarlosCastresana was the director of the Human Rights Programmes of its Center for Law and Global Justice.”

    • 12

      Has Paul Scully MP, Chair of APPGT in the UK House of Commons, managed to secure an Interpol Red Card against Tony Blair yet? General Jagath Jayasuriya looks like a true Choir Boy, in comparison to War Criminal Tony Blair. Don’t you think? How about a few Interpol Red Warrants for LTTE operatives resident in the UK, right under Paul Scully’s nose. He could start with a War Criminal Adele Balasingham. Am I being unfair?

      • 12

        You are coming out with rubbish due to your skewed mind. You seem to be not having the definition of a war crime and those who are responsible for it. Adele Balasingham does not fall into that category. Supporting LTTE for its political goals in a peaceful way or being a non-combatant member of LTTE is not an offence in law. That is he reason she has not been charged or any other Tamil supporting LTTE. Did any international organisation say that all members of armed forces committed war crimes or for that matter every Sinhalese who supported and financed security forces in the war to be included for war crimes. Unfortunately for bigoted person like you members of LTTE who have committed war crimes have either been killed in combat or murdered after surrendering. Your arguments are valid only in srilanka with its jungle laws and not in international arena.

        • 4

          what is the definition of a war crime?

          Supporting a Terrorist org for terrorist activities, doing propaganda can be punished. I remember seeing a pic where Adele was gifting cynide capsules to very young girls. That is a war crime.

          If Britian is not ready to heed our sensitivities and our issues why should we heed their on so called war crimes?

          The gov can stop western agents from visiting north.

          • 9

            I learned as a child that you can even support the devil and you are not guilty for supporting but you are responsible for your action in committing a crime.

            • 0

              What do you think an army does in a war that too with the most brutal terrorist organisation in the world?
              The army acted as an army in the interest of the people and the country. War crimes may have happened like in any war, and there is a justice system in SL that is fully capable of handling such issues.

              What these western politicians and the Tamils ( who supported LTTE, funded it to prolong human suffering in SL, Tamils are not innocent, remember that) are now trying to take revenge from the army by throwing false accusations.

              And I guess you have NO idea of command responsibility in a war right,?

              Why does not anyone wonder why only Jagath is the senior most military personal accused while Sarath Fonseka who is the first in the army is not accused. That is because there is politcs

          • 9

            I pity your ignorance more likely due to a bigoted mind rather than lack of knowledge. Supporting a terrorist organisation by way of raising funds, purchasing weapon or propaganda etc is ordinary offence and not war crime as these are not committed during a war or planned violence. War crimes are those committed during the prosecution of a war either by those who actually committed them and those with command responsibility. It does not involve other members of armed forces or government authorities who did not indulge in such crimes. Adele Balasingham did not commit those crimes and was in no way involved in ordering those crimes to be committed. Just because Sinhala racists want something to be done, international community is not prepared to dance to their tunes and risk their integrity. You are writing nonsense without any knowledge of global reality, where Srilanka is a minion. Wiring is on the wall where Srilanka has been ordered categorically do what you are told or else face the consequences. Ask your politicians why when they go to international forums agree to carry out their obligations and not refuse to do it. If you think preventing western agents from visiting north will do wonders in helping Srilanka escape from criminal charges, you are sadly mistaken.

            • 0

              upporting a terrorist organisation by way of raising funds, purchasing weapon or propaganda etc is ordinary offence and not war crime as these are not committed during a war or planned violence. // LOL idiot ..they are war crimes ..and guess what SL can define them as war crimes in SL constitution and charge them in SL by hanging!

              I am angry with this stupid administration for not using the weapons at their disposal.

              • 0

                You stupid imbecile. Srilanka can pass any barbaric legislation and act on it against their citizens. These kangaroo court laws have no bearing to the citizens of civilised countries., and Srilanka can never lay a hand on them. What weapons are you talking about other than their mouths. Just because an idiot like you want something to be done, these countries respecting human rights are not prepared to dance to your tune.

      • 11

        Ben Hurling

        “Has Paul Scully MP, Chair of APPGT in the UK House of Commons, managed to secure an Interpol Red Card against Tony Blair yet?”

        Would that absolve in toto whatever war crimes committed by the Sri Lankan armed forces? Please stop hiding war criminals of this country behind Tony Blair, Bush, ………………………. If you really are concerned about justice and victims start from 5th April 1971 to 2015 and then focus on Tony Blair.

        This is the kind of Sinhla/Buddhism that has been ruining this island well since 1956.

        ‘ I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it’s for or against’. -Malcolm X

        • 0

          why are you talking against this? Your UNP colonial slaves help this

          • 3

            Bear in mind somebody just called you an idiot. Try not to live up to it. I do not worship political parties. My only concern is Sri Lanka as a whole. Not corrupt SLFP, UNP or corrupt politicians, who run those organisations. Now, jot this down SACH! Sri Lanka must honor her war heroes! But, she must also punish her war criminals! We do not need British hypocrites to exploit this awful lawless nature in our country, since 1948. Do we? If you love SL, help fix it. Quit worshiping that criminal clan from Hamabantota.

        • 2

          I quote a comment from FB group VOC:
          “When a legal government fights a illegal terrorists organization it is not an easy task . Because rules apply to only one side. In my opinion … the war was ended which helped to save many more potential deaths and it should be looked at from a wholistic perspective. It is no brainer that the same diaspora which supported the LTTE cause is still alive and active . Hence these are the results of their efforts . It is natural, since they could not achieve militarily that they will try in a diplomatic manner to tarnish the image and bring the victors to book with their influence. I am sure as a nation we should be able to overcome such hurdles easily. Having said that … if there is proper evidence to say that …. innocent human beings were gunned down without a rhyme or reason such officers if found guilty need to be punished, without exception”
          Please note, I am all for punishing war criminals. However, we should not fall prey to likes of Paul Scully, who are trying to corner SL. Together with known Ealamistas, still in moaning, after Fat Pig’s sudden demise.

          • 9

            Ben Hurling the coward, do not come out with your hypocrite stand with statements like “I am all for punishing war criminals”. War ended more than eight years ago, but still there is no inquiry on charge of war crime committed by security forces. For your information war crimes had been committed y security forces on non combatant Tamils as acts of revenge ever since war was declared in April 1984 with the appointment of late Athulathmudali as minister of national security. To cover up the crimes government passed a law to dispose all dead bodies without an inquest. But due to international pressure they relented and from January 1985, they allowed post mortem examinations. Sadly this did not help to bring the culprits to book as most of the cases were never brought to courts and in a few brought up, the criminals were discharged by the racist judges. I worked as medico-legal officer in the war one and I am a medical witness to these atrocities. Despite incriminating evidence from eye witnesses and post mortem reports, the judges without batting their eye-lids accepted the distorted version of police and discharged the accused as justifiable murder or collateral damage. If these cases are taken up before an impartial international panel, they could be proved as first degree murders. remember what happened to Mailantenne and Kumarapuram murder cases where event the all Sinhala jury acquitted the suspects despite evidence to convict them. So much for your flawed justice system of Srilanka which will never correct itself.

          • 1


            “However, we should not fall prey to likes of Paul Scully, who are trying to corner SL. “

            Sri Lanka has been a pawn in the great game of the Indian Ocean for many years. Without big power consensus its’ very existence is questioned. The problem is that the little islanders sadly believe in many things which they don’t possess, example wisdom, sovereignty, moral authority, ………………… suffer from paranoia.
            Alliances are built on the perverted ideas of “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. There is a price for Killing innocent people. Until it is paid there won’t be any peace from outside. We will be having the same conversation in ten years time.

            ” Together with known Ealamistas, still in moaning, after Fat Pig’s sudden demise.”

            The fat stupid fascist pig was very useful when Premadasa decided to evict the Hindian IPKF and MR decided to win elections. By the way you too are suffering from paranoia. Without Hindians the Diaspora is powerless. There will be no Sri Lanka as we know it without the consent of Hindia.

        • 5

          Bringing war criminals to justice is in the best interest of Sri Lanka and every law abiding citizen.

          This label of War Crime is not good for the progress of any country.

    • 19

      We can celebrate our war heros only if we punish the war criminals, and all those who have brought shame to our country and its people. Including LTTE war criminals, no exceptions…

      Do not let a few criminals spoil the names of all those who have worked hard and made sacrifices to bring peace, stability, and unity to our multicultural Sri Lanka where everyone is treated equally.

      No Religion or ethnicity has a special place, all are equal.

      Let us build a multicultural, multiethnic culture that celebrates and values our diversity.

    • 3


      Fuck off, bloody idiot.

      You all were hiding under beds, or in the jungle or left the country during the period bloodthirsty savage Prabhakaran was alive terrorizing the country while our army men fought against terrorists to bring peace to people. Bloody cowards now talk like heroes.

      Fighting against terrorists is not a crime. It is a national service. If it is not for our war heroes in the army, navy and air force you would have been a vegetable today.

      As Sinhalese, we standby our war heroes, no matter what! Make no mistake about it.

      • 7

        ayes you stand by war criminals . make no mistake about it. We stand by our war hero who saved us from war criminals til he died. War criminals terrorised us from 1956 to 1983 in all parts of Sri Lanka for 25 we had some pride till the war criminals massacred us with the help of other war criminals India in Kashmir, US, in Vietnam Iraq . We will wait till another Pirapaharan comes

      • 2

        Yasmin Sooka should never be allowed to enter Sri Lanka. She should be arrested at the airport for intentionally fabricating war crimes allegations against the Army to mislead the world.

        Yasmin Sooka is prejudice, bias and danced to the tune of LTTE diaspora.—-

        Mangala, the puppet of LTTE diaspora should have played a crucial role in this.

        Current Army Commander is a traitor who made a statement hinting that there were murderers in the Army.

        Who is the idiot who started a Defence Seminar in Sri Lanka? If our war heroes are accused and charged for unsubstantiated war crimes allegations, what is the purpose of conducting Defence Seminars for the benefit of the world?

        Statements taken by Emmerson from hardcore LTTE prisoners are illegal, bias and fabricated as there was no officer from the Attorney General’s Department to represent the Government when he took statements. This is further proved when he mounted pressure on the government to disregard initial confessions made by hardcore terrorists. What right is there for him to say that?

        It is time Sinhalese take this matter serious. General Jagath Jayasuriya’s matter underlines the need to realize the gravity of the issue.

        Ranil/Mangla first betrayed the country with the Geneva Report. Again they betrayed our tri-forces by ratifying and signing ICPPED. Fortunately the President stalled the ICPPED Act from being tabled in the Parliament. If it is this serious even without the Act is being enacted, if it had been passed in the Parliament what could have happened when there is a case like this? — Wimal’s pre-warning is very correct. If then, the government will have to arrest and hand over the accused army officer to the country wherever the case is heard.

        • 3

          SL has a serious HR problem. ADMIT IT! It has been on-going, since stupid locals took over in 1948. Judiciary is totally rotten. Sri Lanka Police is the biggest crime organisation in the nation. All Armed Forces are implicated in extra-judicial killings, beatings & torture of the very people they have sworn to protect. Often at the behest of corrupt politicians of SLFP & UNP. These are facts. Unless you are deaf, blind & dumb, you must have noticed. Grave HR violations in SL do not discriminate. They affect all races and religion equally. It has become an inherent part of our culture by now. There is no reason to protect or celebrate those who have committed serious crimes, while wearing Sri Lanka’s uniforms. PUNISH THEM! Do not let the cunning Ealamistas and their backers in London & Ottawa with ulterior motives to exploit our short-comings. Only then can we clear names of those, who fought, bled & died, so all Sri Lankans can walk free, anywhere in their own country, with peace of mind. That is the only way to honor the name of Sri Lanka’s true warriors. Heroes do not commit crimes. Period.

          • 0

            SL does NOT have serious HR problems, Get a book and read about the rest of the world.

      • 5

        Be real most of them fought for a pay check and perks they were not employable in the mainstream economy.

        I actually felt sorry seeing these ex-servicemen seated on the pavement without limbs protesting. These guys were not employable when they had their limbs now only survival is creaming the system.

      • 9

        Attn: Moderator

        You MUST ban and not allow Champa to participate in this comments / views forum for using her bit of colourful choice of words.

        It’s all about the upbringing and the values Champa has as a Sinhalese. I am a buddhist and a Sinhalese too. Its shameful, for all Sri Lankans.

        Ajit Wanigasekera

    • 0

      Concocted crimes by Tamil diaspora.

      • 0

        Last I checked SF does not belong to this group:

        “Minister and Field Marshal, Sarath Fonseka said he had information on the crimes committed by former army commander Jagath Jayasuriya, then Vanni commander and that he was ready to give evidence if proper legal action was instituted against him.”

  • 12

    Paul Scully MP in the UK House of Commons has no right to react to this news, he himself should be ashamed of the United Kingdom’s track record in safeguarding human rights in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

    therefor Mr. Scully is acting in totally hypocrisy and the worldwide community of peace lovers should seek Interpol assistance in 1st clearing United Kingdom’s and United States backyard in.relation to human rights abuses in the name of ‘War Against Terror’

  • 6

    “If the country is to reconcile differences and come together, the Sri Lankan government needs to have an open, transparent judicial process that has the confidence of both sides. /////

    LOL this is the best part. This on going revenge taking excessive by the LTTE sponsors done with gullible westerners and stupid liberals is given a name ‘reconciliation’. This is NOTHING but reconciliation. So called war crimes court or whatever has NOTHING to do with reconciliation.

    The SLG has to wage war against those LTTE sponsors in west. If we have to take war to the cities of London, Toronto or Geneva, lets do it.

    • 11

      Sach such an idiot “The SLG has to wage war against those LTTE sponsors in west. If we have to take war to cities of London, Toronto or Geneva, lets do it”. I do not know about Toronto or Geneva, but certainly in London all the Sinhala racists are living like dogs with their tails tucked between their dogs. All these Sinhala bravery are shown only behind closed doors to a sycophantic crowd cheering the verbal soldiers. None of these fools will openly challenge a Tamil on the roads of London, as either they will end up behind bars or soundly beaten by Tamils and end up in mortuary. So do not be misled by such stupid posturing of waging a war against LTTE sponsors in west. When these Sinhala racists are being abused by Tamils on a daily basis and when these racists are sulking in a corner unable to do anything about it, how do you expect them to rise up against Tamils in the west.

      • 1

        I know there are Tamil gangs in streets, i saw a documentary in BBC where Tamil gangs kill fellow tamils with machetes and one even being burnt alive. I am not talking about Sinhalese living in UK, I am talking about gov squads in these countries.

        And if SL gov actually put their weight behind the numerically smaller Sinhala people it will be a different picture.Remember what happened to KP? Israel has killed many in other mans’ countries. We just need government determination and willingness.

        Have a database of all the tamils living in this country and their connections to LTTE diaspora. We can do wonders with it. Go and hurt Sinhalese living in UK if you can. It will just make our task easier.

        • 9

          What an idiotic statement “Go and hurt Sinhalese living in UK if you can”. In UK there is rule of law and no one can escape punishment if they commit any crime. Therefore not only Tamils could hurt Sinhalese but also Sinhalese could not hurt Tamils without falling on the wrong side of the law. Sinhalese are no threat to Tamils in Uk and why should they worry, but if Sinhalese try to be funny you know what the end result would be. Another idiotic statement “I am talking of government squads in these countries. If SL gov actually put their weight behind the numerically smaller Sinhala people it will be a different picture” What gov squads you are talking about when all these chandiyas are hiding under the bed when they hear that even unarmed LTTE supporters are around. Do not compare Israel with Srilanka and try those mad tricks as it will backfire. Rather than these stupid ideas, it is easier to grant the rights to Tamils and leave their land.

  • 17

    Crime indeed is a CRIME. He can run but cannot hide.

  • 10

    We need to wait and see what can happen to these guys when private cases are filed for war crime.

    When a case against Jagath Dias was filed in Switzerland, he safely retreated back to Lankawe. I did not hear anything on that case after that. Now Jeyasuria out of Brazil.

    Most of them have passed their ages and they are safe in Lankawe with their looted wealth from Vanni. One or two may loose Western vacations.

    UNHRC has to take forward its case.

    • 0

      “When a case against Jagath Jayasuriya was filed in Switzerland, he safely retreated back to Lankawe”. No he did not flee Switzerland. His term came to n end he left. It is strange that every time a case is filed on war crimes, his term suddenly expires. If Srilanka wants to give a diplomatic posting, send him to a rogue states like China, North Korea, Pakistan or Iran.

  • 11

    Meanwhile, a “defence” seminar cooked up by the army, attended by participants from many countries who came only for a paid holiday in Sri Lanka, has been concluded.

    It did not include statistics of civilians killed by bombing and shelling and by multiple rockets from launchers supplied by Pakistan in areas labelled No Fire Zones.
    Pictures of captured combatants stripped nude, and shot in the back of the head were not shown.
    Pictures of bodies of male and female dead nude combatants paraded in a tractor trailer, after the attack on Anradhapura Air base were omitted.
    Pictures of hundreds of civilians loaded into buses and taken away on the last day of the war, only to vanish without trace were not shown.
    How the Mullivaikal beach was cleaned up by burial of bodies in bomb & shell craters and bulldozed over was not mentioned.
    Jagath Dias could have contributed much in discussion of these ‘defence’ activities, especially how thousands of ‘heroes’ were born during the last days of the war.
    It was also probably not mentioned how international personnel from UN and other agencies were ordered to go away during the last days of the conflict, so that the “war without witnesses” was successfully concluded.

  • 10

    Well done Interpol. If the country is to move forward it has to be accepted that crimes were committed. The LTTE were no angels, however it doesn’t justify the disproportionate actions of the military on Tamil civilians. For all those who claim that the war crimes trial is a western conspiracy should seriously sort out their mind. Most of the Rajapakshe clans children study and educate themselves in the West, they even have property in the west. So it is the height of hypocrisy for them to claim that they are anti-Western.

    • 2

      do you know what are the war crimes he is being accused of? Killing tamils held by an LTTE human shield is not a war crime.

    • 1

      Well done Interpol. //Did you actually read the article?

  • 7

    Why isnt Paul Scully interested in prosecuting Adele Balasingham? She is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of children in the north and the east of this country.

  • 13

    One leg brown & other leg black shoe drama @ Brazil airport.

    The laugh among Embassy staff is apparently Ambassador JJ left the house in such a hurry to airport in Brazil, only at airport security he realised he was wearing black shoe on one leg and other leg a brown shoe !! lol

    Poor soul had to buy a show at Brazil duty free. Luckily they had it -:)

    • 2


      So what, idiot? When LTTE bombed Colombo people like you ran without clothes while our Army stayed to protect people. People like you should never allowed to set your feet in Sri Lanka.

      What is there to laugh? The allegation against General Jagath Jayasuriya is good for a kindergarten stage play. Even an idiot will laugh at the poorly worded statement.

      Brazil is a country where foreigners are killed even for a mobile phone. LTTE could have easily targeted him by portraying him as a war criminal in order to justify their deed. It was wise for him to leave immediately, even though he was actually completing his tenure and getting ready to leave.

      • 8

        ‘Annay’ Champy,

        Don’t bite the chilli. No no please, not good for you.

        I have clothes and still in Sri Lanka unable to get out. I am very much a Sri Lankan and did not run away anywhere, except from white vans when they stopped around.

        You are laughing at my poorly worded statement for one typo mistake of “show” & “shoe”. But don’t use words like ‘idxxt’ in public media as its not good for the school where you studied your-bit.

        I have no problem with JJ coming back as he was finishing his assignment and returning without seeking asylum else where. My only concern was he should have chosen the same colour pair of shoes !

        I only shared with you guys what I heard from those staff at the Embassy sent by our prince’s (Ministers & Politicians).

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    Hahaha …….. terrorists clutching on straws!

  • 5

    General Jagath Jayasuriya obviously does not have the courage to stay behind and rebut the allegations.

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      Whether it is the school yard or military isn’t this what the bullies do?

  • 1

    APPGT is just another money laundering organization such as TGTE, GTF., etc. There are so many Eelam Tamil organizations that are all money launderers. Eelam diaspora have at least US $ 100 billion ill-gotten money with which they can buy anyone’s very soul. So they bought just another corrupt UK politician to do their dirty work. Tamil problem have produced so many multimillionaires and billionaires. On average, member of Eelam Tamil diaspora is worth $2 million, some claim that they have a small business to hide their ill-gotten money which is an over used- old trick. Some Tamils sacrifice some Tamils like goats to become rich.

    Notice why Eelam diaspora don’t use America as hub for their illegal activities, because America is not tolerating money laundering crooks. So they use the liberal countries for their bullsh1tting( Canada, UK, Switzerland) . If billionaire Rajaratnam committed the crime in Canada or Europe which he did in America, he wouldn’t be in jail.

    Members of APPGT, TGTE, GTF, etc are terrorists and criminals.

    Sri Lankan forces did not commit war crimes, what happened was all typical war incidents. Sri Lankan forces did not have the luxury of fighting with a well disciplined army. Instead SL forces had to fight with most barbaric invasive LTTE terrorist group who had child soldiers, suicide b0mbers, se-x slaves, and they were a killing machine.

    LTTE terorist invaders introduced the game, they made the rules, and they were beaten in their own game, ACCEPT THE RESULT YOU SORE LOSERS!!!!

    Definitions of “War Crime” , “War Laws and Rules” and “Human Rights” must be challenged. They were all defined by the Westerners to their advantage and bullied non- Westerners to become signatories. War crimes happen with war, and war crimes don’t happen without war, so no war no war crimes.

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    Members of APPGT, TGTE, GTF, etc are terrorists and criminals. Ex-members of LTTE such as Rudrakumaran, Adel Balasinham, etc can be arrested under war crimes act, PTA, money laundering act, Child Protection Act, women acts, ‘this act-that act’, etc. .

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    On what grounds should the interpol issue such a warrant? If they issued such a warrant for general Jagath Jayasuriya, then they will have to issue a warrant for every soldier who ever fought a war.

    It is evident that all these unfounded and exaggerated accusations about war crimes is just trying to get even for losing the war.

    Reconciliation should begin with Tamils reconciling with the fact that they fought a war for a totally unjust cause and lost.

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