27 April, 2024


Is “Bodu Bala Sena” A Racist Organization?

By Hema Senanayake 

Hema Senanayake

A couple of months ago BBS became a household name in Sri Lanka. We may agree or may not agree with the views of BBS but we all agree that it created a heavy impact in the social fabric of Sri Lanka. Some people think that BBS is a patriot movement and some people think that it is a cheap racist organization.

Therefore when somebody told me that the General Secretary of BBS (Bodu Bala Sena) was supposed to come to the New York Buddhist Vihara on May 05th to submit his case to Sinhalese community in New York I thought I should come and meet him to ask a question. So, I asked one of the resident monks in the temple that whether the session was open for a discussion. The reverend monk told me that the planned session had been cancelled. I missed the opportunity of asking an important question directly from the General Secretary of BBS. So, I thought I would raise that question through the media.

The question is about as to how we recognize a Sinhala racist.

There is a small background story to this question. Let me explain it first. One of my Sinhala friends’ son was studying in Queens, New York. At about grade 10 he left this school to a new school in Howard Beach area close to the JFK airport. In that school most of the students were white. Majority of them were from Italian descent and some of them were from Irish decent. In fact in this boy’s very first class in that school there were no students from African descent. For dark skin students there were only two, one was my friend’s son and the other was an Indian girl.

In the evening of the very first day in that school I telephoned the boy as to find out how he was doing in the new school because I knew that old students sometimes play mischiefs on newcomers. In responding to my call he replied that the school was good and he said “but one racist white student yelled at me.”

“What did he say” I asked him. The white student had told our boy “go back to your country, go back to your jungle.” Perhaps some of those students might have thought that Sri Lanka was a jungle. I asked him whether he was scared. He said “No, I did not but I gave him a good reply.”

This child had told the white guy that he would go back to Sri Lanka but on a certain basis. The white student had asked what the basis was. He had told him that the basis was “first-in-first-out”; “so, you came first and must go out first then I would go back next.” Our child was studying American history in that grade and knew that white people came to America a few centuries ago from Europe. That was the reason he intelligently played a trick on the white student without going into a verbal or physical fight. I asked him as to what happened after that. He said that the white student had just gone away.

From this story we get a practical definition as to who a racist is. Our child defined the white student who yelled at him as a racist because that student had asked him to go back to his country thinking that the America is belonged to them only. In the same way if a white skin person come and say to any member of Sinhala community who domiciled in the United States that he or she has to go back to Sri Lanka they would definitely identify that person as a racist. So, this establishes a universal practical definition for a racist. That is, a racist is a person who thinks that a country belongs only to its old inhabitants who contributed much to the country’s culture. Racists think that other citizens must go back to countries where they came from.

Let us equally apply this definition to Sri Lanka. If a Sinhala-Buddhist person thinks that Tamil or Muslim citizens must go back to their former countries, that person is a racist. Also if that person verbally abuses citizens of minorities and destroys their properties, that person is a full blown racist.  From this definition even a child like my friend’s son could recognize who a racist is. I like this practical definition of racism than the scholarly definition of the word which says that racism means “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior” (Oxford Dictionary).

Racist is not a patriot; racists are disgrace to a country. So, I wanted to ask from BBS Secretary General whether BBS is a racist movement in terms of my friend’s son definition of the word. Since I have missed that opportunity as the General Secretary had cancelled his planned meeting in New York, I now pose this question to the members of Sri Lankan community that live in the United States and elsewhere around the world. What is BBS in view of their recent acts, speeches and declarations?

In view of the same definition, LTTE was a racist organization because they evicted around 100,000 Muslims from North thinking that north was part of Tamil homeland. Therefore I think this is a fair and practical definition of a racist so that even a child could recognize who a racist is. Hence this definition must be duly embedded into the core of the social fabric in Sri Lanka.

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    • 0

      read properly what he has written, either u don’t understand or u have another definition

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      I think you have misunderstood Mr.Senanayake and owe him an apology. Very clearly stated Mr.Senanayake! Well done!

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      Thanks for reaffirming an obvious fact.

      When are the Tamils, Sinhalese Muslims planning to leave my ancestral land?

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        No, No, this country belongs to me and my people, that is only to Sri Lankans! All others must leave without further delay!

        • 0

          I like your voice. Thanks a lot. I would also say, this country belongs to Patriotic Sri Lankans. All racists (e.g., Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Burgers, including if there is any Racist Veddahs)then they should immediately go out of Sri Lanka to their native lands.

          • 0


            “All racists (e.g., Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Burgers, including if there is any Racist Veddahs)then they should immediately go out of Sri Lanka to their native lands.”

            This is my ancestral land, my people will stay put for another 30,000 years.

            Its our land that is being occupied by descendants of Kallathonies.

            If all of you left then there is no need for Veddahs to be racists. In any case demanding one’s own property from occupiers does not amount to racism.

            I am not a racist.

            All I want is my ancestral land.

            • 0

              Dude…Native Vedda

              I am absolutely with you and agree. I wish the god peace for your people in this wonderful land without any of these greedy bustards regardless of their ethnicities. These greedy bustards made your beautiful people unfortunate and think these greedy bustards are civilized. They need to go Dambana and listen to Chief Uruwarige Wanniyaleththo.

              This is what he said. ““My greatest fear is that I will not be able to stop the death of the Veddha way of life”- Chief Uruwarige Wanniyaleththo.

            • 0

              “If all of you left then there is no need for Veddahs to be racists. “

              So you admit you’re a racist, Ooruwarige Booruwa? Isn’t that what the BBS says, “if all the Thambiyas behave themselves we won’t be racist; and didn’t the KKK say “if all niggers go back to Africa we won’t be racist”? You’re in good company, it seems.

            • 0

              David Blacker

              I also wrote the following:

              {If all of you left then there is no need for Veddahs to be racists. In any case demanding one’s own property from occupiers does not amount to racism.

              I am not a racist.

              All I want is my ancestral land.}

            • 0

              So, Native Veddah, this sub-human scumbug Blacker calls you Booruwa – without any provocation at all. The worm, I suspect, has gone bonkers. He cannot enter into a discussion without his vulgar mouth spewing filth, abuse and an obsession to the human rear – as you may have seen in his diatribe. The Billingsgate stuff is in the creature’s blood. He can never come out of it.
              It is time CT tries to spare us, once again, of this unnecessary
              defilement in these otherwise useful pages.


            • 0

              I didn’t call you a racist for demanding your land back; I called you a racist for using racist slurs.

            • 0

              Oh dear, Hound Dog Sengu has moved on from defending Donald Gnakone’s praise of the ethnic cleansing of the Jaffna Muslims (it is revealing but shocking to see Tamils actually praising war crimes) to now defending the honour of a racist Veddha :D Defending racism and calling people sub-human (sound familiar?) and half-bred seems to be a habit for this pure bred hound dog!

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              Your elders would have told you a story about a man who abused Buddha and his response to the abuser, please read below:

              When the Buddha remained completely unruffled, projecting powerful thoughts of loving-kindness, the brahman stopped abusing him. But he was still peevish.

              Now the Buddha asked him:

              “My friend, if somebody visits you, and you offer food which he refuses, who gets it?”

              “If the visitor doesn’t accept it, I will get it back because I offered it to him.”

              “Since I don’t accept your abuse, to whom will it return?”


              I am not Buddha, but a Veddha.

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              David Blacker

              Could you define racist slurs.

            • 0

              Booruwa, it has already been defined, but since you wish to stall and obfuscate whenever cornered: are, or have been, used as insinuations or allegations about members of a given ethnicity or to refer to them in a derogatory (critical or disrespectful), pejorative (disapproving or contemptuous), or insulting manner.

            • 0

              Veddahs never asked EELAM and joined LTTE but you were in LTTE! In the name of Veddah, dont fool around here!

        • 0


          Sri Lanka is a manufactured recent identity. Those who identify themselves with Sri Lanka please leave. Your homeland is in Tamilnadu and Sinhapura. Please go.

          There is no room for racist, including Dravidian, Aryan, Europeans and Arabs.

          • 0

            If there is no room for racists, you will have to leave too, Ooruwarige Booruwa.

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        When you encounter death of the breath relieved from a brain tumor.

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        Where did you guys learn that the Veddahs came to DSri lanka first. there is no evidence. It is another myth based on the Mahavamsa. All rafcism is based onm some myth. When native veddha claims aboriginality to his clan, he is acting like a racist.
        Much of what is written in the Mahavamsa for the period after about the time of King Asoka can be shown to be correct by linking them to epigraphs, and archeological/ historical data. But anything prior to about the 3rd century BC turns out to be legend rehashed as history. That is not to blame the superb job done by the author of Mahawamsa who wrote in the 5th century, without modern library resources etc.

        The author has forgotten the sinhalese who were evicted from the North.
        The author has forgotten that a racist is anyone who ascribes a characteristic to any `particular group’. So those who attack “sinhala-buddhists” as a group are also using hate crime. All sinhala-buddhists, or all muslims, or all veddahas are not the same in that they are more or less identically made and do the identical thing.

        • 0


          Have you ever taken time to read Mahawamsa?

          Nowhere in this myth Mahanama mentions Veddahs. It was Wilhelm Geiger who somehow linked Kuveni’s children to Pulindas and then to Veddhas.

          There are plenty of evidence available in Archaeological and DNA studies about my people. If you are so ignorant about the ancient history please stick to your own myth.

          Don’t try your luck, the land belongs to my people.

          • 0

            Mr Veddah dude, you and your people surely did not rise from under a rock, you and your people came to an uninhibited land from somewhere else too. Thus in the context of “first come-first out” you should be leaving first, then we will follow. Check mate you cheeky bastard. :)

            Jokes aside I think Mr Senenayake makes a great point. The land belongs to the people who love the land and the people who love the people of the land, no one else. May it be sinhala muslim tamil burger or a self proclaimed idiot who named himself Veddah. As for the BBS they surely dont love all the people equally thus they are a racist group.

      • 0

        Veddhah-what makes you think Veddahs are the original inhabitants ??? And what makes you think Sinhalese are solely descendants of Bengali immigrants ..wasn’t there a native civilization in Sri Lanka of Yaksha and Naga people..so didn’t Sinhalese nation sprang out of amalgamation of Yaksha/Naga with Bengali during Pandukaabhaya’s time ? Rather like Gaelic/Anglo-Saxon/Danish/ Norman contributed to Scottish identity .
        So practically Veddhah to call a native you should be a Sinhalese :)

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          Shantha Ranasinghe

          “So practically Veddhah to call a native you should be a Sinhalese”

          This is the final insult to my people and sacrilegious.

          If you want to hurt me, feel free to call me a Sinhalese or a Tamil.

          “Yaksha and Naga people”

          Where did you get this stupid idea?

          “so didn’t Sinhalese nation sprang out of amalgamation of Yaksha/Naga with Bengali during Pandukaabhaya’s time ? “

          If you believe this you will believe anything. Sinhalese and Tamils are the descendants of pure Kallathonies, mostly from Tamilnadu.

          • 0

            Mr American Vedda,

            There is considerable evidence for the Yaksha/Yakka people and Naga people. One might call them clans, and there are many vestiges of their language and culture in Sinhalese names and culture (such as the Naga Yaksha masks used in so-called “devil-dancing” healing ceremonies and the Singhalese surname ending “yaka” or “yake”). The demonization of indigenous people and perceived enemies of the history-writers as evil, “non-human” or subhuman is nothing new. This was done in religious legends such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Mahavamsa, as it was in the Torah, Christian Bible and Koran.

            While the Yakka/Yaksha culture seems more indigenous to Sri Lanka than the Naga culture/clan/people, even in the 1920s it was recognised that Naga (cobra-totem) people once lived all over India. As you may know, Sri Lanka was joined to India a few thousand years ago. The ancestors of the Veddhas, Nagas and Yakshas could (and would) have walked there from India.

            Also, I have read that “Veddha” merely meant “hunter”. The agricultural people were not identified as Veddhas and interbred more with the waves of migration (from north, east and west) to Sri Lanka over the millenia.

            The earliest human remains – that of the Balangoda Man and Balangoda culture date back to 30,000 years ago (at least). This was long before the most recent separation between India and Sri Lanka (with the rise in sea level at the end of the last ice age 10,000 years ago).

            As for “pure kallathonies” – what on earth are they? You do sound rather racist, by the way.

          • 0

            Native Veddah,

            What’s your response to Romesh Senewiratne?

            Looks like you have met your “Waterloo” to me?

            You have had a pretty good run so far with your adopted image of a Veddah. Time for a new act mate!

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          Apparently, Native Wedda = PresidunceBeans = Dushiii Ranetunge & Guy actually has no idea about his actual race as He is NOT sure of His DAD !!!

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      You didn’t read the article properly or may be you are weak in English. The writer’s definition about racist is quite laudable. I am so attracted by his friend’s son’s reply to the white boy.

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      I am sure that Hema Senanajake is not a racist. Unfortunately, he knowingly or unknowingly gave an example quoting that LTTE as a racist because they asked muslims to leave from Jaffna. He should have also quoted examples of evicting Tamils from Colombo and other parts of Sri Lanka by major parties in 1958, 1977, 1983 and 2007.

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        They returned ,didn’t they Ajith and thrived.
        Just take racial composition of City of Colombo today

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        The LTTE definitely was racist, and the ethnic cleansing of the Jaffna Muslims was a war crime.

    • 0

      Yeah, you seem to have got it wrong babe.. read it again .. :)

      He has round about to come to the definition “Racist”. Actually, BBS as I watched in the TV seem to have no constructive arguments.

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        I wonder why the same law is against the secretary of BBS – his and their irresponsible involvement in Halal issue – thoguh it was an issue lanken food and bverages dept/ authorities to handle – breaking the hearts and minds of average buddhist, muslim, hindu, and other reglious fractions in the country. To my eye this particular secretary should equally be treated considering the fact their activities did cause to have compulsions within the communities.

        Why that particular Hulugalle or any others cant see the matter equally is my question…

        Can anybody add few comments to this please.. thank you.

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      Stupid Ayman, Read before you comment. You THINK like a racist.

    • 0

      Ayman, You must make an apology to Gentleman Hema Senanayake.
      Please do!

    • 0

      The writer in his rather simplistic way, has made the point that those who believe they have sole custodian responsibility for the land, its culture or religious flavour fit a definition of “racist”.

      However, racism is but a mere factor in this development. There are more insidious hands moving the pawns in the direction they want. That is surely more sinister than mere racism?

      There is also the band-wagon of opportunists who applaud the downfall of their business competitors, indolently waiting for them to crash and burn while they themselves can then make hay.

      Readers and commentators should attempt to see all these aspects without getting carried away by mere semantics.

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    • 0

      Dear All,

      please note that the BBS is from India and needs to go back to the jangles of India,
      they were never Sri Lankan and tried to bring those so called Sinhalese to like them ( as we all know that if there is any person who likes another hitting or killing in the name of the Buddha is not a Buddhist at all )
      therefore the BBS is just men in robs trying to act as Buddhist and mind you even Sinhalese for that matter.

  • 0

    So true, what a wonderful definition ….
    its so sad to see the same Muslim/Tamil boy and Sinhala boy who used to play together when they were kids are now striving at each others throats for something that they didnt even own in the first place ……..
    I hope and pray from somewhere the real Buddhist would make understand the BBS of the threat they are making to this wonderland, !!

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      I believe the majority of lanken people respect their minorities except thinner minority seems to be radical being Sinhala. Going back to my days at Peradeniya, I happened to know some sinhalayas that were just proud to be Kandyans while pointing out other sinhalayas as low country ones. Again in some internaitonal meetings in Europe where both Tamils and Sinhalayas gathered to discuss some issues in developing countries, behaved – not always but most of the time as if some Sinhalayas were superior just because of them being old Royalists.

      It is not only the caste system among SIhala and Tamils but their reglions have caused Srilankens to feel that some are superior while the others inferior by birth. Funny thing many of them not considering that we are all homo sapiens :(

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    Simply proving the difference between a patriot and a racist. The student’s use of FIFO theory was apposite .. Awesome points that ignite our thoughts.. wonderful article by Hema Senanayake, A big salute to him.. (y)

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    It is Official:

    We are racists – JHU Leader

    “It is true we are racists. It is true we are religious fanatics. Yet, we are not the authors of racism and religious fanaticism in this country,” Dr. Omalpe Sobitha Thera, Leader of the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) said.

    Ceylon Today

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      This is what Colombo page reports as Ven. Sobitha Thero said: “Any citizen of the country can be summoned for questioning on account of the country’s security, not only Azath Salley. If Azath Salley is innocent, he can free himself by proving his innocence,”

      “If similar utterances are made by the Bodu Bala Sena, then they ought to be investigated and action should be taken against them. We also make emotionally charged statements. If we are also summoned and questioned, we will relate all the details to the defence establishment,” he added.

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    I dont think Hema Senanayake is a racist. He just asks for a definition of the word. The BBS SAYS it is not a racist organisation; it SAYS its only objective is to propagate Buddhism. Perhaps that’s why some of the monks and members have gone to the USA. BUT the speeches made by the monks openly incited hatred and violence here in Sri Lanka.
    Hema, I think you should see some of the video footage of their actions in this country. If you do, you’ll understand why there was such a strong reaction to what they did and said. Asking individual members will not help.

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    Yes, I think anyone who discriminates, abuses or in any way harms another person on the basis of his race or religon should be called a racist or ethno religous facist. Such actions can be external or internal. I remember one of my superiors who never even shortlisted or called an applicant of another race for a job interview. Though he always presented himself as a gentleman this was a policy he seemed to follow.

    So it is important that all people look within and see if they are in fact racist, whereas they may think they are decent citizens. Terms such as Kallathoni, Modaya , Hambaya, Thambiya are also used in a derogatory sense. These sometimes occur spontaneously without even realising, indicating deep rooted racist feelings.

    Organisations and govt too should implement policies such as ‘Equal Opportunity’, ‘Gender Free’ etc. Even so it is the individual managers who decide and choose. A good measure or index would be the ratios of people of different races and religons employed by such organisations.

    Minorities in Sri Lanka are facing these problems in admission to schools, employment and even public life. The recent incident where a female doctor in a hospital verbally abused a muslim patient wearing hijab is a good example.

    • 0

      You say; “I remember one of my superiors who never even shortlisted or called an applicant of another race for a job interview.” To tell you the truth, I have often noticed this at executive positions at most middle level Muslim organisations.

      But I fully agree with what you say; “organisations and govt too should implement policies such as ‘Equal Opportunity’, ‘Gender Free’ etc.” Only problem being; your holy book you read five times a day, every day the Koran cast non-believers as the worst of creatures and even compare them to vile animals. Doesn’t it twist your mind when you read those verses? What you people have in the back of your mind only you and Allah knows.

      As for us Sinhala Buddhists, you should know that derogatory terms such as Kallathoni, Modaya, Hambaya, Thambiya are nowhere in Tripitaka nor is it used in Bana (Buddhists preaching) by Bikkus. Such abusing language are used only by some when in extreme anger but generally we do not take it beyond that.

      Its not just minorities in Sri Lanka face problems in admission to schools, employment etc, we all face it everyday. How can a doctor treat a walking mummy? Surely the doctor must observe the facial reflections of the patient. If I were a doctor, I would have refused to talk to it.

      There is an old saying; be like a Roman when in Rome. Muslims should follow that maxim and be like others. Sri Lanka is not an advance country like Saudi for Muslims to have separate rules.

      • 0


        Your writing is oozing with racisim as usual; which makes it very difficult to have decent discussion.

        Your alleged portrayal of non-believers in the Quran is not true, at best you may have taken something out of context. You need to note that the Quran is a compilation of revelations which Prophet Muhammed recieved during his quest to establish the message. Hence a lot of the verses of the Quran is situational, and therefore, it is important for someone reading the Quran to study the Thafsir (interpretation) which factors in the circumstances at which they were revealed. For example, the worst of the Prophets enemies may be admonished and described ‘as the worst of creatures’ (just the same way I would describe BBS Gen Sec Gnansara).

        Anyways, I don’t expect you to understand this. May god guide you to the correct understanding.

        • 0

          You know Ahmed, there are significant fractions in our elderly population that have eye cataract ailments. Consequently, they see things not properly enough to make clear pictures. However laser therapy seems to be helping many today than in the past… in the same manner,
          people like leela and the ilk observe things not properly- even far from the average, because their mental sets need therapies similarly for eye cataracts removals. Whenever I read the comments added by leela, I instantly feel why she repeatedly comes with her subjective views – is it because she feels that her comments could help many though the opposite is obvious- or while she wants to irritate the readers further ? Like stabbing some one and deliberately trying to hurt further
          She is said to be in her late 70ties, but I wonder why the attitudes of leela and the ilk remain the same even if their current rulers loot the nation and country day to another. No doubts she and her folks would stay firm, there will be a dark era for the folks… :(
          Now CW is VERY worried about MR as an alleged war criminal to lead it for 2 years after CHOGEM. It seems that they dont have any other choice than saying yes it to be held in SL. If MR^s extended family would kill few of the invitees for the Summit – looking at the manner they have been sofar..ENTIRE world will rally round against US srilankens. All becasue of the UNPREDICTABLE MIND SET of Rajapakshes.

        • 0

          You accuse me saying “Your writing is oozing with racism as usual”. Whenever I point out racism in the Koran you say, I am quoting out of context.

          I agree that Muhammad was referring to Jews and Christians as “the vilest of animals” and “losers” in the context that when they refused to accept him as a Prophet and after other rifts with them. But we cannot find Muhammad making peace with Jews and Christians any time after that and say ‘treat Jews and Christians as best of your friends or even friends.’

          See, Muhammad had advised then Muslims not to let ‘Jews and Christians’ near Mecca. Even today, Saudi follow Muhammad’s advise to the letter. They don’t allow not just Jews and Christians but also other unbelievers go near Mecca. Tell us, is that in the ‘right context’ or ‘out of context’? I say, many Muslims like Mullah Omar, Bin Ladden and many others believe, everything Muhammad said is valid today. Otherwise, why 200,000 Muslims marched to Dhaka to demand death for Blasphemy. Just like the old days. I am sure, you don’t want me to quote Koran.

          • 0

            What the Koran or any other scripture says is immaterial and irrelevant in the debate on racism, Leela. It is the practice of religion that is relevant. Are Muslims treating non-Muslims as animals in Sri Lanka? If they are not, what the Koran says doesn’t matter; let the Muslims worry about that. What should concern you, Leela, as a Buddhist, is how you and your brethren are treated by Muslims. Buddhist teachings suggest that Buddhists must treat others with kindness, but is that how the BBS, JHU, and other Buddhist organisations are behaving?

            Leave scriptural discussions to the theologians. Discuss the actions of man. That is what concerns us in a debate on racism.

            • 0

              Dude Leela,

              What Blacker says is right. You don’t talk theology in a ordinary discussion forum. you don’t talk science or metaphysics under an article addressing socio-political issue. However, due to your constant insistance on quoting religious text i will try to inject some sense into your empty head.

              The words in Koran are regarded by the muslims as God’s words verbatim. Those are not to be used as theirs. If you rather read the Koran instead of picking numbers from your fellow islamophobes’ websites, you will see that God doesn’t have problem with those who believed in God and the judgement day and did had their acts clean. i’ll leave finding the reference as an exercise for you. as such, in islam, the requirements for a visa to the heavens is not converting to islam or accepting the prophet mohammed or defending or fighting for islam or going on a killing spree of the non-muslims. (neither is islam a closed religion that is inherited by birth.) if that’s what your learned from any fellow muslims around you, you have all the right to correct them quoting the verse that you will find in your exercise. Whenever the Koran is told by your fellow islamophobes to refer to Jews and Christians as whatever terms you have quoted above, you ought to look at the previous few verses to locate the beginning of the context (Koran doesn’t present them as seperate paragraphs, but it’s not an enigmatic task either for you to locate looking at the flow of the storyline) where the specific references are established to the relevant parties being addressed. the terms you quote are actually made in theological arguments, or after narrating an age old story of a jewish community. this is the oratory style of the Koran which is familiar to anyone who has actually taken the effort to read the book for once. (Koran doesn’t follow the the traditional science or history textbook style table of contents, seperate paragraphs etc. for example, if you took the effort to read the book, you will see that while most of the historical morals come from teh story of moses scattered over the whole book here and there in different chapters in little pieces, not a single clue is given to teh reader of the fact that the term pharoah, which you find numerous times, is a generic one but the book keeps on using it to refer to one single pharoah – the pharoah of exodus. that tells you what knowledge of background and context Koran encourages the reader to seek off the book). otherwise, we wouldn’t see people like Gandhi giving it a clean certification. no one cares about the certifications from Leelaratne/Leelawardane (the Lee Potter Scam guy) or your islamophobe site. it is no secret that Koran, claiming itself to be God’s words, is open in condemning human tampering with God’s words (which is also applicable to those who claim to be muslims and interpret the book to their own advantage) and that’s where you see you see such authoritively deregotary-looking remarks about whoever it condemns. one example i can quote you is the second contextual section of the second chapter of the Koran, which you can find in the third page from where the real content starts, in many arabic copies.

              There is a reason why the relative fractions of agressively violant crowds claiming to represent different religions are not orders of magnitude apart, right? Muslims, as a civilization, did have their golden times on teh face of earth and the aggressive, war-mongering invasions and ill treatment of the others from its so-called followers yet isn’t too far in the numbers from that of the other civilizations, when the proper demographic sizes are used as weightages in comparison – this should tell you how different the ways you-the islamophobes, i, and the fraction of lunatics read the Koran are.

              why for a change don’t you explicitely state here theat Lee Potter Scam was a fraud and the dude, if that’s not you now busy working 24*7 on a paid islamophobic assignment, should be brought under the law, instead of always dodging the Lee Potter part?

          • 0

            Ofcourse, you always quote the quran out of context. In text or speech, if you go and pluck one sentence or a few words, there is a good chance the meaning would get distorted or out of context? Isn’t that a fact?

            What is this verse you talk about?

            With my limited knowlege, I know there were Jewish settlements in Madina even at the time of death of the Prophet. Today non-muslims can enter Makkah and Madina with permission (just watch the Hajj coverage on CNN every year). They probably have logistical reasons for limiting the crowd as, on a normal day the ‘harrum area’ (the center ok mekkah) has around 2-3 million visitors a day and during the Hajj it is much worse.

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        How can you notice things without working in such organistaions. How many muslims or tamils are employed in your own company Lee Potter International?

        Also your comments on the Quran are quite inaccurate. It is the behaviour of people like BBS who spread hatred which is quite vile and worse than animals. Even your Reverend Gnanasara uses such languange and the facebook pages of his followers are repleat with such language.

        Everyone has problems in getting there children into schools but then there are certain national schools which are reserved for certain communities. Even if a child from the minority community lives on the door step he is not given admission.

        Doctors are there to treat patients not to abuse them and attack their attire. This type of uncivilized behaviour is not becoming of a member of the medical profession.

        What do you mean by doing what the Romans do. Is it to get drunk like Gnanasara or attack other communities like your BBS.

        • 0

          Reverand Gnanasara, what madness is this? call him the yellow robed dirty stinking pig

      • 0

        I am sick of your repeated re winded cassette all the time come up with something new.

    • 0

      To my knowledge,in general ASIAN are very racist, and Sinhalese are very very racist and worst is that most of them do not even know that ( I am not qualified to judge SL Tamils or Muslims, but I have birth rights to talk about Sinhalese)

      I studied and worked 10 years in Japan with my family, I felt the real meaning of racism there especially after I start working in Japan. With that offended feeling I got frequently in last couple of years in Japan, I can easily see how racist most Sinhalese people are including my loving and compassionate wife (she was never comfortable with my African friends).

      I am living in Australia in the last 17 years, there was only one occasion I felt offended with the feeling of discrimination but that was from a drunken man in a train shouting abusively at my children…. I went and stand in between that man and our children but didn’t try to engage with the drunkard. Then white young man who noticed the situation, stood-up on our defense and shouted aggressively at that person and that made him quite….

      Even in Hema’s example, it was possible to calm down WHITE school boy (who was racist => foolish) with with an advanced concept like “first-in first out” .. This is good..


      • 0

        I think lanken in general are very emotional too. And they thinking patters are also not that broad. Even if you would share them many a times, they would not be able to grasp the life out of the country though on Western soils. Many are in belief.. the life in Europe and America is very easy.

        Adding to your remarks about the attitude towards afros that your wife and the others may have should be connected with our education in SL. I was told by my elders that Afros were – KAPIRI and even canibels etc. Lankens in general want to get on with fair skin colored ones rather than dark ones. This is common to many if they lived in SL. Even in marriage proposals, they have mentioned it clearly, whether the brides and bridegrooms are fair or not. Can well be true that SInhala feel towards many that they are bit superior. Most of all many at Lanken Universities believe, ranks of their degree courses are the best in the world, looking down upon any degree offered by Western countries. I have close friends that radically believe any pre or post gradudate degree courses are much easier than their MBBS degrees offered by lanken Mfaculties.

        Meeting African mates personally myself for the first time in my life, I was still having the thoughts that planted in me by ones back in home country, I was always very scared to openly speak with my afro mates – I was very young then – in my early 20ties, but with the time, I realized Afros are the most kind people I ever met in my life. There were mates from Adisabeba (Ithiopia)abd several other poor states how kind they were to me cant be explained by words. That is why I feel even today,whenever I get back to lanka to see my aged parents, our peoples back in home country had more qualities in the past than today.

        I also got to know lanken Tamil friends in Europe. Most of them share the same views about above topics although they are much stronger with caste system related thoughts than the sinhalese would do.

      • 0


        Yes i agree with you when you say that many sri lankans abroad do have a dismissive attitude towards afrcans. Most africans i have come across are friendly people and i don’t have a problem with them. But if your talking about african americans then it is a different story, i don’t mean to stereotype them all but a lot of them have attitude problems, can’t get along with others and act like big shots just because they live in america (eventhough most of them occupy the lowest jobs in america.

  • 0

    …because are saying that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist Country. Since, the Buddha is an Indian, this Country also belongs to India.

    • 0

      Recently Sri Lankan High commissioner to India said that Sinhalese are descendents of people who migrated to Sri Lanka from Bihar, Orissa and Bengal, which evoked a very strong reaction in Tamil Nadu especially. All Sinhalese now must come to India, their native country!!! Alas, how low an argument can go?

  • 0

    Good one Mr Senanayake, that’s a smart kid you got there

  • 0

    Mr. Hema Senanayke asks a question of social interest but no answer is coming.

    Because Sri lankans are still with the same problems! Sinhalese try to tell they are “Aryan”, Muslims try to tell they are “Arabs”, Tamils want prove that they are “Dravidians”.

    That means all these groups try to tell they are “separate” people. But basically all of them are same people with the the same DNA!

    Language and Religeon never change the DNA and they are not the property of genes anyway!

  • 0

    Because Jesus said ‘Pray for those who persecute you, that you maybe Sons of the Father in Heaven ..Mathew 5:45 When the Christian Churches were attacked and pastors beaten and suffered a lot of persecution from the Buddhist Monks ..we Christians knelt down and prayed and forgave the BBS ..there was no one to talk on our behalf. The Persecution that the Christian Churches are going through is not even reported ..but it still goes on! We forgive you BBS ..but I don’t think the Moslems will! You are instigating a terrorist group far worse than the LTTE this time ..the Al Queida! Blood is in your hands ..your own Blood!

    • 0

      You say; “we Christians knelt down and prayed and forgave the BBS”. No BBS monk had ever attacked a Catholic church or a traditional Christian church to date. They wouldn’t do it in the future for they wouldn’t do dirty things. Besides, many have assimilated into our culture. Soon we’ll be one.

      I bet yours must be a newly imported evangelist sect that’s an anathema we villagers. I bet you are the ones that challenge the Buddhist to an open contest through immoral acts such as rent a house on false pretences and use it as a church; invading peaceful neighbourhood with bussed congregation to your sing plasm on Sundays disturbing the entire neighbourhood; proselyting innocent Buddhists by con and bribe; demeaning sacred Buddha images by apostates etc and etc.

      Don’t you worry about Al Qaeda, you leave poor Buddhists alone and stop degrading Buddhist images, otherwise BBS, RS or RB would no doubt knock on the doors of your rented house.

      • 0

        Hey Leela forget about BBS knocking on peoples doors irrespective of whether they live in a rented house or not


        • 0

          Can someone explain to the readers the connection with LEELa and the Lee Poteer Housing Scandal? I know that there was a company by the name of Lee Potter and it is no more. Please enlighten me.

          • 0

            Leela, Can I have the honour of expalining your dramas. No wonder you support another Tsunami hora and a Balu Bebadu Satans. No diference between you and Gnanasara perhaps the difference is he is a Flesh eating Drunkard Homo and you a Normal fella as far as I know.

            • 0

              I think you should tell in public interest

            • 0

              Please do ahead.

            • 0

              Sorry, it is please go ahead.

      • 0

        ///Don’t you worry about Al Qaeda, you leave poor Buddhists alone and stop degrading Buddhist images, otherwise BBS, RS or RB would no doubt knock on the doors of your rented house.

        So, with this you admit that Christians are being attacked by BBS, RS or RB …

      • 0

        “I bet yours must be a newly imported evangelist sect that’s an anathema we villagers.”

        The very core of Christianity is its constant progressiveness and development; its rebellion against the existent hierarchy, Leela. From Jesus to Martin Luther to Henry VIII to the Wesley brothers, Christianity has constantly separated and reformed itself. These new Evangelical “sects” as you call them are no different. To suggest that the latter are not true Christians is absurd and displays your ignorance of Christianity.

        “I bet you are the ones that challenge the Buddhist to an open contest through immoral acts such as rent a house on false pretences and use it as a church”

        If there is such false pretenses, why is there a need for that? Isn’t it because the Buddhist “chiefs” in their village headquarters will not allow these Christians to have churches in those areas? It is persecution that drives people to act in hiding, and historically the Christians have thrived under persecution.

        “invading peaceful neighbourhood with bussed congregation to your sing plasm on Sundays disturbing the entire neighbourhood”

        You mean disturbing the bana CDs played over loudspeakers from the temples?

        “proselyting innocent Buddhists by con and bribe”

        What cons? And if the Buddhist priests in their AC cars cannot look after the poor, why can’t the Christians? If you go to any temple, you won’t find any beggars outside (the beggars are all inside, some might say) because they know there’s no charity in those temples. But go to a church on Sunday, or a mosque on Friday, and you will find beggars in large numbers outside, waiting and knowing that these places of worship will help them. If your religion doesn’t care about its poor, why are you angry that others are helping them? In the end, religion is a creation of need; people turn to religion for help and refuge, so how can you blame people for going where they are given help and refuge instead of staying where what little they have is asked for?

        “demeaning sacred Buddha images by apostates etc and etc.”

        Where is the term “apostate” in Buddhism, Leela? Did the Buddha say anything negative about people moving away from Buddhism? And where are images said to be sacred in Buddhism? Why are you threatened by people converting to other religions? Does Buddhism require numbers to be strong, or rather devotion? All you get from numbers is money and power.

        “otherwise BBS, RS or RB would no doubt knock on the doors of your rented house.”

        Let them come. You cannot frighten us. Tertullian’s Semen est sanguis Christianorum, or “the blood of the Christians is the seed of the faith”, isn’t just a saying.

        • 0

          Lee Potter dude says,

          many have assimilated into our culture
          what was your culture? who took up whose culture – i mean who assimilated to whose? :D as far as i know there was a little cult of relatively more natives whose women didn’t cover above their hips – this was still in fashion in the pre-independence ceylon of 20th century while some of you guys were borrowing culture to gain material advantage – nothing wrong in progressing though. why you no go fight for preservation of culture and its original diversity? who is still wearing ties and shoes on a tropical land because they saw someone else in their golden times wearing the same in the home lands? :D

          immoral acts such as rent a house on false pretences and use it as a church

          So Leela accepts that when there is a number of people enough to require a place of worship to observe their religious duties in a locality, it still has to be done under false pretense. if Leela lets them have a church officially they will have their official church. (how can one expect that in Leela’s land where even orphanages are a threat to them when somebody else took care of kids that Leela abandoned :D ) Just like Leela gets her state sponsored little Buddha statue under a bo tree (which part of Buddha’s teachings requires that is a seperate debate) in every village even where there is no buddhist living there, why make people of other religions taking care of their congressions on their own illegal, so practising their religion becomes an “immoral act”? Did they play recorded audio or make louder call for prayers in such non-traditional places of worship to complain in the first place?

          in any case, when did opening up a place for common use that doesn’t mean harm to anyone else become a crime in SL? Just take it as an office like that of your dear BBS thugs.

          proselyting innocent Buddhists by con and bribe
          now Leela, i see old women on the street begging from me because they find it fine to do so. does it constitute a crime if i choose to sympathize for them, ignoring the fact that these people have all means to work (at least to sweep the streets) but they choose begging, and hand them over a few bucks or more while i can be identified by appearance to be not from their religion?

          stop degrading Buddhist images
          do you have a phobia for every religion? or is there one that you never fight against on the internet because your pay masters will be offended? in many religions including Buddhism, the disagreement with the other religions happens only in the theological plane. in practical lives, there is non-participation during rituals that have strong roots in conflicting beliefs. However, so far i do not know of a religion that officially teaches degrading the icons and practices that another person holds sacred – I’m talking what religions preach, not what the followers do, for you to quote numerous of them!

          I wonder why Leela has to stress much about his life in a village :D because too much emphasis on the ‘we villagers’, ‘village where now i am” in his comments suggests me differently :P

    • 0

      Christians are being persecuted in Sri Lanka ..and no one is speaking about it. There is ample proof of various incidents ..Buddhist Monks are involved and there is video proof. But like Christ has asked us to, we choose to forgive and pray for the Peace of this land.

      Remember in 2004, the same attacks were on the Churches in SL and then it got even worse and the persecution spread to Indonesia etc ..the Tsunami came!

      Jesus said, ..’let the weeds grow with the wheat because if the weeds are pulled out then even the wheat can get damaged’.

      Remember, the reason GOD is so patient with the evils of this world is because His children the Wheat are still on earth. Very soon Christ is Coming and every eye will see Him in the Clouds and all Christians who have been walking in the Love of Jesus will be taken away, many Chriatians will also be left behind and then death, destruction and all kinds of natural disasters, calamities will take place on this earth. And its going to happen very very soon ..less than 5 years I suppose. I continue to pray for the Peace of this Nation and Salvation for all.

      • 0

        Yes, onfortunately the attacks on Christians are not surfacing much for some reason.

        On April 14 article on CT, Tariq A Al Maeena reported following on attacks against Christians:

        The Muslims targeted by this fanatical element are not the only minority being subjected to acts of violence. Christians on the island are also under attack.

        The authorities are turning a blind eye and the mainstream media chooses to ignore this rising peril. Recently, two churches were attacked by the radical elements of the BBS, and two others forced to shut down due to pressure from these fanatics.

        On March 9 in Batticaloa, BBS rogues burned down a church in the middle of the night. On March 17, a mob led by Buddhist monks barged into the Brethren Church in Agalawatte and threatened them into stopping the services.
        On the same day, in another part of the country, four monks along with a cameraman went to the Margaya Fellowship Church at Sevanapitiya in Polonnaruwa. They accused the pastor of converting Buddhists and ordered him to shut down the ministry. The police arrived not long after and ‘advised’ the pastor to pay heed to their demands.

        At Suriyaweva in Ambilipitiya, monks entered a house church and demanded that the meetings be stopped as they were not registered with the local authorities. On the same day in Weeraketiya, a house church was ransacked.
        On March 10, the Assembly of God Church at Kottawa was visited by monks and the police who ordered the pastor to stop the meetings as they had not obtained permission from the local authority. A few days later, the Pentecostal Assemblies Church at Kottawa was visited by a mob led by monks who told them to stop the meetings as they had not obtained permission from the local authority. Another Pentecostal church in Galle was subjected to similar demands and threats.


        Last week, a BBS mob led by monks went to the Gethsemane Church in Hikkaduwa and threatened them to stop the meetings. A pastor working in Agnukolapallssa was also threatened with physical assault. The police simply asked him to stop the services. These are all facts gleaned from those who have been subjected to this racial tension in Sri Lanka. Buoyed by their success in the halal food certification issue, the radical Buddhist group seems intent on subjugating the island’s minorities into oblivion.

  • 0

    What a rubbish article. Why did not you write a letter to the monk and publish the reply in the newspaper ?

    You can build logic in order to prove almost anything.

    So, you used weird logic to prove your case. That is all.

    US is not white peoples’ country. They just claim the ownership to it. Think about the so called Native-americans.

    Sri Lanka is a small country of 65000 sq. km and Sinhala people including Christians are about 17 million. Prove that, if Sinhala Buddhists should not be concerned about their existence and prove if they are not threatened from two major middle-eastern religions and if Tamils are not threatening the the Sinhala people.

    • 0

      “You can build logic in order to prove almost anything.”
      Seriously…. google ‘Logic’ please. Its kinda sad cause in the East, logic was developed by Buddhists which we should be proud of.

      “Prove that, if Sinhala Buddhists should not be concerned about their existence and prove if they are not threatened from two major middle-eastern religions and if Tamils are not threatening the the Sinhala people.”

      First you dismiss logic and then ask us to prove something without it!!! Thats impossible isnt it?

  • 0

    specially unlike in western countries.. its not just simple racism. as Mr. Senanaye mentioned its utterly blown up racism and we have witnessed the consequences of it for almost 3 decades, and the most saddest part is, even after witnessing the bloody war for 30 years, some people in sri lanka still promoting hatred and crime wearing the orange robes to get the best attention from the Sinhalese people. This article is really a good wake up call to all. Thanks. God Bless

  • 0

    Racism is defined as the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others or discrimination or prejudice based on race.

    Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) is an extremist Buddhist organisation. Wahabi Muslims are also religious extremists. BBS appears to be a response from Buddhists to the recent spread of the Wahabi Muslim doctrine, characterised by the change in the attire of the Muslim women to the Niqab.

    The Niqab is dehumanising and imprisoning the Muslim women, as demanded by the Wahabi Muslim Mullahs. I am in favour of the elimination of this dress in Sri Lanka, as it is completely against gender equality and the Constitution of Sri Lanka. This link to an article on the mind of a religious extremist might be of interest to some readers. http://www.global-briefing.org/2012/01/the-mind-of-the-religious-extremist/

    • 0

      Mr Truth,

      Even if we can tag both parties as ‘extremist’, you can’t equate the BBS to ‘Wahabi’ Muslims (if there was such a thing, there is no organized movement as such).

      Most of the ACTIONS of the BBS amounts to hate speech, provocation of violence, promotion of terrorism, appartheid, Sinhala Eelam mentality, ethnic cleansing etc etc… in other words RACISM. On the otherhand the so called ‘Wahabis’ are just fanatically religous people who just want to practise their religion period.

      The so called ‘Wahabi’ have not done anything to you. The BBS on the other hand (one way of looking at it), are doing a George W. type ‘pre-emptive attack’ on the Muslims. Like George Ws ‘pre-emptive’ attack on Iraq claiming existence of ‘WMD’ rest assured the BBS will not find their WMD in their chosen conflict. Like Iraq, the BBS preemptive attack will just result in a massive carnage and cost which our country can not bare. Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims will all be the loosers.

      I note your views against the Niqab (and what you say about it is just your opinion); this is a debate and area of contention within the Muslim community as well (amongst scholars and normal people alike).

      However, make no mistake – this is not about Halal or Niqab or anything else. All of these are just a smoke screen for the sheer RACISM that is fueling this current crisis. In the absence of Racism, then we can solve all other issues amicably or through proper legal and constitutional channels.

      This is what I see as the ‘Truth’

      • 0

        The black dress of the Muslim women was unknown 50,60 years ago in Sri Lanka. How is that? Wahabi or not?

        • 0

          Let me start my response by asking: 3 quarter pants was not worn by women 50,60 years ago. Does that mean that those who are wearing it is part of some foreign cult?. Definitely not. With that I’ll proceed and explain why it is a case of fashion and authenticity of Islamic knowlege that has given rise to changes to Muslims womens dress code in this country.

          One thing we have to note is that the Quran and all major compilations of Sunnah of the Prophet (Hadith) are in Arabic. Quran translations in english were available long before (but how many people knew english). Further direct interpretation of the Quran is difficult without scholarly texts on interpretation and context (Thafsir). Hence if you go back in time, Muslims of this country had a serious issue of authenticity of Islamic knowlege.

          Most of our Islamic knowlege was delivered to us Sri Lankan Muslims through South-Indian tamil speaking Moulavis (that too mostly verbal). Mind you, they too probably had the same difficulties mentioned above with regards to authenticity. A lot of our practices at that time were influenced by tamil culture (even our dress code) and not religious knowlege. Women for instance used to wear the saree and cover their head with the palu of the saree (just like the hindu women).

          In time, people started started travelling, availability of translations of authentic texts improved, which gave birth the a revival of Islamic knowlege. My mother for instance started wearing the head scarf when my parents went to the middle east in the 80s.

          Overtime more people started covering their head with the head scarf and that became a norm. With time, in aspiring to please god better (or atleast appear to do so), people started wearing abaya (which is in anycase more in line with the guidelines for Islamic garment) as an alternative to the Saree or Shalwar. Now that too has become a bit of a fashion trend (or norm).

          Today, non-arab/non-middle eastern muslims have reached a certain state where they are knowlegeable enough on matters of ‘fikh’ Islamic ruling with regards to day to day affairs (including dress code) and I don’t see that evolving drastically.

          The niqab, is one of those things which is not very clear and there are differing opinions. Muslims who want to appear to be more religious (in the eyes or god or otherwise) choose the hard option and wear it. What is clear though is that as per the Quran and Sunnah the covering of the face is not mandatory (and those who opt not to do so is not in error).

          What we need to underline, is that there has been a revivial of Islamic knowlege in the non-arab muslim world over the last 2-3 decades catalysed by international trade, migration, travel and information age. This is in contrast to the misconception that the change is due to to propagation of the teachings of ONE 18th century scholar known as Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab.

          I hope that answers your question.

          • 0

            3 quarter pants is not compulsary by any religion. But the “goni billaa” black dress now compulsary to Muslim women!

            The S/Arabian religious compulsion make the Muslim women to dress like that. “Wahabism” is the direct reason for this dress change.

            • 0

              There is no such compulsion to wear what you derogatorily term a “gonibilla” dress anymore than it is compulsory for Buddhists to wear an orange bed sheet. Why don’t you talk about the children who are forced into the priesthood and grow up twisted and stunted to become the racists we see in the BBS?

        • 0

          @ Sivanathan you plonker and all other racist plonkers asking similar questions. 50 60 years ago we didnt know our proper dress code. We Muslims believe in every letter in the Holy Qur’an. 50, 60 years ago we in the name of good faith without knowing have followed some practice of other religions and other cultures. Thats why that racist criminal, cheap Ponnampalam Ramanathan came out wth that appalling statement about us.
          We realized later that we have our own dress code, so we corrected ourselves and following that. What’s wrong with you guys, dictating us to wear what you guys like? Do we have to eat what you want us to eat? Do we have to live as per your preferences? We would rather die than betray our religion. ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT.

          • 0

            P.Ramanathan was not wrong. You Muslims talk Tamil. Why? When did you find you are ARAB?

            Islam is a religion of liars and criminals.

            When are you going to blow yourself because Quran ask muslims to kill Kaffirs(Non-Muslims)

            • 0

              So what about your religion? You mean to say yours is pure and clean? Do not write rubbish. When you are pointing a finger at others your remaining FOUR FINGERS are pointing at you. Stop this . Are you a Hindu or a fellow hiding in Hindu name?

              Ofcourse, when you guys are going all over the world as asylum seekers and talking in French, Greman, English etc. etc., it is Muslims who are still taking and writing in Tamil and living with Singhala majority. You guys have sold your mother tongue for money and wealth long ago. Tamil is the Mother Tongue of over 95% of Muslims in Sri Lanka. It is your politicians who sidelined the Muslims first for their own benefit, then the murderer Praba.

        • 0


          Shirts long sleeves, short sleeves, trousers, shirts, jeans, bra, underwear,G sting, swim suites,….were introduced to this island by Europeans some years ago.

          • 0

            Those dresses has no religion. get it?

            • 0


              Hot weather and sand storms require the local people to wear black and cover their heads and eyes.

              Look at the Buddhist monks, Christian preachers and Tamil brahmins, they too wear funny clothes don’t they?

              Sigiria women were depicted bear breasted. Would you like the Sinhala/Tamil women to continue to dress half naked because that used to be their culture in earlier periods?

              You are indeed a dirty old man.

          • 0

            Vedda.. you are an idiot ex.LTTE. Weather decided the dress in the old days and not the religion.

            • 0


              “Weather decided the dress in the old days and not the religion.”

              That is the whole point.

              In fact the women and men of Asia should not cover their upper body as they did in ancient times.

        • 0


          The tank top and jeans pants were not seen before fifty sixty years! is that a social crime by collective consciousness? remember there are 300% more fingers pointing at you while you point one at the others.

    • 0

      I accept this logic and the explanation.

      Extremism should be replied with extremism. If some one ask buddhists to remain buddhists while Middle eastern religions finish their game of expansionism that will be stupidity.

      Other wise, Sri Lankan Sinhala buddhism will disappear the way buddhism disappeared in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldive Islands, Indonesia and now disappearing in South Korea and many neighbouring small countries around India.

      • 0

        Please do not blame other religions for the fate of Buddhism. It was Buddhist monks, after Loatd BUDDAH, who were and still are responsible to its down fall. Before Buddhism the people in India, Pakistan and Aeganistan were following some other religion. May be Hinduism OR Jainism. oard BUDDAH was also a born Hindu! So you are trying to say that Buddhism destroyed Jainism and Hinduism in India, Pakistan and Afganistan.Before Vijaya came to Sri Lanka it is believed that people here were following Hindism and Jainism. So Are you trying to say that Buddhism destroyed its previous religions in Sri Lanka.

        Can you tell me what was the religion the people were following in Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam before Buddhism was introduced to those countries? Will you agree, if some one says that Buddhism destroyed their religion which they were following before 2500 years!

        • 0

          Sorry please read as …..before Mahinda Himi came to Sri Lanka ……

  • 0

    Well said Mr Hema Senanayake,

    Let us apply to the Sri Lankan context.

    According to you, “If a Sinhala-Buddhist person thinks that Tamil or Muslim citizens must go back to their former countries, that person is a racist”

    Your definition is fine!

    When is a Tamil or Muslim racist?.

    What do you mean by minorities?

    Do you define minorities by numbers?

    Do minorities have lesser rights?

    Do descendants from Italy in USA are called minorities?

    Who are the minorities in the United States?

    In the United States only descendants from blacks, Jews and Indians are called minorities?

    In USA,Minorities are not defined in term of race

    Why not call Tamil and Muslim “nationalities”having equal rights in sri Lanka rather than minorities?

    • 0


      I have been demanding the religious bigots and racists (Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims and others)that they vacated my ancestral island for they are all descendants of Kallathonies.

      I am not a racist.

      All I want is my ancestral land.

      • 0

        native Vedda – I luv ur comments.

      • 0

        :D It is hilarious that you cannot see the irony of claiming not to be a racist while using a racist slur; it would be as ironic if your mother were to call you a son of a bitch.

        • 0

          David Blacker

          “It is hilarious”

          Then laugh.

          • 0

            What did you think that smiley face was if not a symbol of laughter. You are an object of laughter in these pages where you pretend to be a Veddha so that you can remove yourself from either side, pretend an armed neutrality, and insult everyone else with your racist slurs. It is a juvenile and immature device, and exposes you as having no real stand on any subject beyond using it to preach your pet peeve :D

    • 0

      HEma Senanayaka has a different measuring stick for Buddhists or BBS and another measuring stick for Muslims and other religious extremists.

      It is exactly the way his naturalized country defines human rights, democracy, press freedom etc., etc.,

      What crap.

  • 0

    Hema Senanayake’s story to racism is very practical. If the Human race could believe that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in the universal declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth; then life would be simple and rewarding.

    I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.

    • 0

      Does Islam tell “all the humans are equal”? Then who are the KAFFIRS and Islam ask to do a Jihad against the Kaffirs?

      • 0

        M.Sivananthan – Kufr, in the classical Arabic language is the one who ‘covers up the truth’ and Kaffir is the plural of Kufr. Arabic is a very complexed language. Again in the classical Arabic we do not degrade people’s dignity or character. The colloquial language is different from city to city.

        All Humans are equal in the sight of Allah, However Muslims extract their values of life from the Noble Quran and the authentic sunnah (way of the Prophet (PBUH)

        O mankind! Lo! We have created you from male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware. (The Noble Quran 49:13) The wandering Arabs say: We believe. Say (unto them, O Muhammed): Ye believe not, but rather say “We submit,” for the faith hath not yet entered into your hearts. Yet, if ye obey Allah and His messenger, He will not withhold from you aught of (the reward of) your deeds. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (The Noble Quran 49:14)

        The blind man is not equal with the seer; (The Noble Quran 35:19) Nor is darkness (tantamount to) light; (The Noble Quran 35:20) Nor is the shadow equal with the sun’s full heat; (The Noble Quran 35:21) Nor are the living equal with the dead. Lo! Allah maketh whom He will to hear. Thou canst not reach those who are in the graves. (The Noble Quran 35:22) Thou art but a warner. (The Noble Quran 35:23)

        • 0

          So, you tell a five year old girl can be screwed by a 55 year old man like Mohamed.

          Quran simply ask to kill non-muslims. So, dont try to fool others here. that is why Muslims bomb everywhere.

          • 0

            M.Sivananthan – Clearly displaying signs of psychological disorder; serious medication required to sort out the chemical imbalance. There is always a few sick minds cough up devilish thoughts. Hope there is a cure before it explodes within.

            • 0

              You better illustrate the story of Aysha and Mohamed and their ages. Then everyone will know who have the chemical imbalance.

          • 0

            But isn’t that what Sinhalese are doing today in SL? Open the papers and see the numbers of old men raping little children. They are not Muslims.

            Instead of worrying about what Mohammed did or what the Koran says, why don’t you look at what people are actually doing in SL.

            • 0

              Are you calling such child rapists as PROPHET Appuhamy or Prophet Arumugam? But Muslims call such a child molester as PROPHET Mohamed!

          • 0

            Sivanathan! I do not think that you are a Hindu, if so your Mahabartha and Ramayana has more Jihad and sex then any other holy books in this earth! Anyway, I can assume about your identity.

            Most Ven. .Pahalagama Somarathne Thero of London Thames Vihara , has tried Siddartha’s philosophy of sex with a nine year old girl and serving Jail terms in London Jail.

            Let me tell you about Siddartha: Ha was given the most luxurious life in this earth! He was provided with three palaces and 40,000 hot sexy girls by his father at the age of 9, to keep him focused in the Kingdom. He enjoyed sex to his utmost satisfaction with them and married at the age of 16 with another minor who was also 16. When he got fed up of having sex with girls and women he went to jungle when he was 29 to enjoy with A—-ls! Temple carvings of Siddartha surrounded by topless hot sexy girls are the proof for my statement! If you want more I can give you a full detail about Siddartha’s dirty childhood sex life in detail.

            You know Buddhism also ask to kill non Budhists? Do you know Ashoka has killed 18,000 followers of Ajiivika sect . It is just for drawing a picture showing BUDDAH bowing at the feet of Mahaweera. What kind of jihad is this? This is after he became Buddhist! Before he has killed millions including over 100 of his own brothers!

            • 0

              “Are you calling such child rapists as PROPHET “

              No, I’m not calling anyone anything, Siva. I’m asking you why you’re worried so much about an incident that occurred thousands of years ago instead of doing something about the same occurrence being repeated daily all around us by your brethren.

          • 0


            you try too hard. why don’t you tell us what was your grandma’s age when she got married and granpa’s at that time in the twentieth century instead of talking about a story that was recorded with disputably multiple versions with interestingly different numbers, none of which is five, two centuries after the death two people who didn’t care about a birth certificate in the seventh century tribal arabia?

            next time you quote your fellow islamophobe comrades correctly or read beyond islamophobia. good luck on growing up.

      • 0


        • 0

          Tamil and Sinhala are the IDs come through languages and not from any religion.

          Arabs is the general term for Arabic speakers. Normally the group IDs come with Language.

          How can these Tamil speaking SL Muslims cry ‘they are not Tamil”?

          • 0


            “Tamil and Sinhala are the IDs come through languages and not from any religion.”

            I beg to differ, both are suffering from identity crisis.


            Are they Dravidians, Lemurians, Harappans, Sumerians, Saivans, …..plain stupid people from Tamilnadu?


            Are they Sinhapurians, Bengalis, Aryans, Sin Hellas, Buddha’s decendants, Ibn Battuta’s children, ………..plain stupid people from Tamilnadu?

            Please make up your mind and let me know.

            • 0

              “LEMUR” is half man and half monkey. Are you belong to it and speak any other language?

          • 0


            They are not tamils because they do not celebrate the supposedly tamil thank giving festival that goes by the name pongal which has its fair share of rituals rooted in polytheistic and pantheistic beliefs. that explains? Further Tamil speaking SL Muslims find more cultural similarity with the Sinhala speaking SL Muslims than they find with Tamil speaking cultural tamils and therefore the social evolution of a cultural identity happened in a way that did not wanted it happening. cultural evolution is not something dictated by a conformist like you. learn to respect.

            • 0

              *in a way that you didn’t wanted it…

      • 0

        Sivanathan, there are many shades of jihad. The best is the self-control. The arabic translation of Jihad means “struggle”, it is not HOLY WAR as most Westeren Media likes you to believe. Western media likes to compare Jihad to Crusade, thats where the msunderstanding is.

        Kaffir is a general term for non-muslims. For e.g. a general term for a person not from tamil race is called “non-Tamil.”

        I hope you learned something today.

        • 0


          What you say about Jihad being translated from Arabic as “struggle” may be true, but there is also a different translation being fervently propagated by academics in Saudi Arabia.

          In 1995 I bought a bound version of the Koran with supposedly an English translation alongside the Arabic. Credit for the translation is claimed by Dr Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr Muhammed Muhsin Khan of the Islamic University at Al-Madina. On page 1043 it states under the subtitle “The Call to Jihad (Fighting For Allah’s Cause) in the Qur’an”:
          1. With the heart (intentions of feelings).
          2. With the hand (weapons, etc.)
          3. With the tongue (speeches, etc, in the cause of Allah)

          Lest the message be missed this “English version” of the Koran explains, on page 1055:
          “The Muslims were ordered to take all precautions against the enemies of Allah and to get ready against them with all they can of power – because that is the first step for Jihad (fighting) and the supreme way fro the defence. To get ready (for Jihad) includes various kinds of preparations and weapons [tanks, missiles, artillery, aeroplanes (air force), naval ships (navy) etc. and the training of soldiers in these weapons] are all included under the meaning of the word “force” (i.e. land-force, navy and air-force).”

          • 0

            Romesh Senewiratne,

            remember reading a verse in the quran that goes like “…they write with their hands and then tell these are from the God in order to trade for petty worldy benefits…”? it goes in a different context though. but in my opinion metaphorically well suits these interpreters/ translators. they think ony the judo christian books were subject to misinterpretation/ tampering for wordly gains. in other words they don’t get the lesson from the history that quran teachers them. in fact, quran doesn’t teach any history at all, all it does is to quote some story from the past so that the reader learns the moral and leaves it to the reader to find the rest of the story elsewhere if they are interested learning history. the inconsistancies that you read are superfluous in the so called interpretations. i think the words of quran itself suffice for a reader, any background should be sought impartially beyond what the interpreter provides.

            • 0

              Blistering Barnacles, Captain Haddock!

              I’m not sure that I understand you, nor you me.

              I was drawing attention to the fact that the interpretation of “preparing for jihad” to mean “arming oneself with modern weapons” (which are specifically named) is being primarily generated by academics in Saudi Arabia (rather than Afghanistan or Yemen).

            • 0

              Romesh Senewiratne,

              you’re right. no popular faith, as far as i know, is confined to a geographical region. the message was always generic. people gave it flavors. jihad does have a meaning in the armed sense, no one denies. even in a lot contexts in the quran, it goes with that meaning.

              the stupidy that irradiates from saudi arabia is nothing of a modern phenomenon. you can even read hilarious stuff only if you knew some arabic. manufacturing stupidy has been there throughout the history and islam received more damage by the arabs than the rest. as a leisure time activity, google about the lead muslim of scholar of KSA of late 20th century having issued a fatwa (religious verdict – a theological one) about belief in the current model of workings of solar system! that’s an example of the muslim church being more than a couple centuries behind the cathoic church. divine texts don’t demand people to defend them or elaborate them, if the devine texts they claim to be. it’s the people who gain in their lifetime by doing so. My claim is that these people who explained their religious constructs to you simply erred.

            • 0

              Thundering Typhoons!
              There is good description of Jihadism from BBC

              The literal meaning of Jihad is struggle or effort, and it means much more than holy war.

              Muslims use the word Jihad to describe three different kinds of struggle:

              A believer’s internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible
              The struggle to build a good Muslim society
              Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary
              Many modern writers claim that the main meaning of Jihad is the internal spiritual struggle, and this is accepted by many Muslims.

              However there are so many references to Jihad as a military struggle in Islamic writings that it is incorrect to claim that the interpretation of Jihad as holy war is wrong.

              Jihad and the Prophet

              The internal Jihad is the one that Prophet Muhammad is said to have called the greater Jihad.

              But the quotation in which the Prophet says this is regarded as coming from an unreliable source by some scholars. They regard the use of Jihad to mean holy war as the more important.

              The internal Jihad

              The internal Jihad

              Learning the Qur’an by heart is considered engaging in Greater Jihad ©
              The phrase internal Jihad or greater Jihad refers to the efforts of a believer to live their Muslim faith as well as possible.

              All religious people want to live their lives in the way that will please their God.

              So Muslims make a great effort to live as Allah has instructed them; following the rules of the faith, being devoted to Allah, doing everything they can to help other people.

              For most people, living God’s way is quite a struggle. God sets high standards, and believers have to fight with their own selfish desires to live up to them, no matter how much they love God.

              The five Pillars of Islam as Jihad

              The five Pillars of Islam form an exercise of Jihad in this sense, since a Muslim gets closer to Allah by performing them.

              Other ways in which a Muslim engages in the ‘greater Jihad’ could include:

              Learning the Qur’an by heart, or engage in other religious study.
              Overcoming things such as anger, greed, hatred, pride, or malice.
              Giving up smoking.
              Cleaning the floor of the mosque.
              Taking part in Muslim community activities.
              Working for social justice.
              Forgiving someone who has hurt them.
              The Greater Jihad controversy

              The Prophet is said to have called the internal Jihad the “greater Jihad”.

              On his return from a battle, the Prophet said: “We are finished with the lesser jihad; now we are starting the greater jihad.” He explained to his followers that fighting against an outer enemy is the lesser jihad and fighting against one’s self is the greater jihad (holy war).

              This quotation is regarded as unreliable by some scholars. They regard the use of jihad as meaning ‘holy war’ as the more important.

              However the quotation has been very influential among some Muslims, particularly Sufis.

              Holy war

              Holy war

              When Muslims, or their faith or territory are under attack, Islam permits (some say directs) the believer to wage military war to protect them.

              However Islamic (shariah) law sets very strict rules for the conduct of such a war.

              In recent years the most common meaning of Jihad has been Holy War.

              And there is a long tradition of Jihad being used to mean a military struggle to benefit Islam.

              What can justify Jihad?

              There are a number of reasons, but the Qur’an is clear that self-defence is always the underlying cause.

              Permissable reasons for military Jihad:

              Strengthening Islam
              Protecting the freedom of Muslims to practise their faith
              Protecting Muslims against oppression, which could include overthrowing a tyrannical ruler
              Punishing an enemy who breaks an oath
              Putting right a wrong
              What a Jihad is not

              A war is not a Jihad if the intention is to:

              Force people to convert to Islam
              Conquer other nations to colonise them
              Take territory for economic gain
              Settle disputes
              Demonstrate a leader’s power
              Although the Prophet engaged in military action on a number of occasions, these were battles to survive, rather than conquest, and took place at a time when fighting between tribes was common.

              The rules of Jihad

              The rules of Jihad

              In recent years the most common meaning of Jihad has been Holy War ©
              A military Jihad has to obey very strict rules in order to be legitimate.

              The opponent must always have started the fighting.
              It must not be fought to gain territory.
              It must be launched by a religious leader.
              It must be fought to bring about good – something that Allah will approve of.
              Every other way of solving the problem must be tried before resorting to war.
              Innocent people should not be killed.
              Women, children, or old people should not be killed or hurt.
              Women must not be raped.
              Enemies must be treated with justice.
              Wounded enemy soldiers must be treated in exactly the same way as one’s own soldiers.
              The war must stop as soon as the enemy asks for peace.
              Property must not be damaged.
              Poisoning wells is forbidden. The modern analogy would be chemical or biological warfare.
              The Qur’an on Jihad

              The Qur’an has many passages about fighting. Some of them advocate peace, while some are very warlike. The Bible, the Jewish and Christian scripture, shows a similar variety of attitudes to war.

              Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors.
              Qur’an 2:190
              To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged;- and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid.
              Qur’an 22:39
              Therefore if they withdraw from you but fight you not, and (instead) send you (Guarantees of) peace, then Allah Hath opened no way for you (to war against them).
              Qur’an 4:90
              But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things).
              Qur’an 8:61
              Find out more

          • 0


            I’m not denying that the word has all the meanings and that there are references to them.

            my point is that there is no denial about certain parts of the book that specifically deal with historic battlefields with the it’s popular meaning. it’s the way the book is. so i wrote, “jihad does have a meaning in the armed sense, no one denies. even in a lot contexts in the quran, it goes with that meaning.” in other words, it’s not like people are all out to sort of white wash a religion. i say there was no need. the book was perfect, and people wrote interpretations.

          • 0

            again, i mean the book wasn’t asking to go out on a killing spree on all the non-believers, as you quote from the book. there were battles and the book used the word to refer to those situations, in addition to other things you mention.

        • 0

          Tamil is a language and not a race. Further Islam ask to fight the kaffirs always.

          All the robbery missions of Mohamed are mentioned as JIHAD.

          Better learn Quran and hardiths!

          • 0

            If Tamil is only a language, Moors must actually be Tamil, since that is what they speak. Tamil is indeed a race (or an ethnicity). In contrast, Muslims are not a race; they are the followers of Islam. Several ethnicities in SL (Moors, Malays, etc) are Muslim. If I were to become a Muslim tomorrow, that wouldn’t change my ethnicity. That would be impossible.

            For someone typing under a Tamil name, you don’t know much about Tamils.

            And can you point to any instance of Muslims in SL fighting the kaffirs? If not, how is this relevant to the BBS’s racism? Buddhists are in fact attacking non-Buddhists in SL.

            • 0

              Neela Perumals became Bandara Nayakes. Tamils became Sinhala. So,Language is not a hard stuff to change! Can they claim their ancestry in North India now because they speak Sinhala? Then what is their race? Tamil or Sinhala?

              In 1915, Muslims tried to bring their fight against “kaffirs” but were beaten. Now they try the same again!

          • 0

            Sivanathan/LOBSTER, Robbery mission was started by Siddartha first. He robed the philosophy first by robbing from Jainism! Then he robbed his fellow monks, including his son, by not allowing them to marry whereas he enjoyed sex from the age of 9 To 29 with countless number of girls. Better learn proper history of Budda from his childhood!!

          • 0


            “Tamil is a language and not a race”

            Is it then also correct to say that English, Italian, French, Chinese are only languages?

            Your stupidty by now is recorded on the internet. Go for a change of name.

            FYI, hadith is not spelled hardith. The qwerty keyboard key placements don’t justify calling it a typo.

            • 0

              “Neela Perumals became Bandara Nayakes. Tamils became Sinhala. So,Language is not a hard stuff to change!”

              Not according to their birth certificates or NICs. If Tamil and Sinhalese are only languages, and there are no races/communities/ethnicities, why do our documents make that distinction? One can change one’s name to SOUND like one or the other, but that doesn’t change what you are.

              “In 1915, Muslims tried to bring their fight against “kaffirs” but were beaten.”

              Firstly, the 1915 riots were not against ‘kaffirs’ aka unbelievers, but against Buddhists who were conducting a perahera past a mosque. If it was against ‘kaffirs’ why didn’t they attack Christians and Hindus? If the Muslims were ‘beaten’, why was it that it was Sinhalese leaders who were arrested for inciting rebellion?

              “Now they try the same again!”

              Where has this happened again?

      • 0

        Koran has at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers. Koran:9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”

        Here ‘People of the Book’ means Christians and Jews. And they are to be violently subjugated. The reason is obvious; their religious status. Above was one of the final “revelations” as military expansion set in motion. Accordingly, Muhammad’s followers conquered two-thirds of the Christian world in the next 100 years. If “all the humans are equal” why dominate all other people, descendants of Adam and in particular other faiths of same the Creator God.

        Bukhari (52:256) – The Prophet… was asked whether it was ok to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. And this is what the Prophet replied, “They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans).” In this command, Muhammad establishes that it is permissible to kill non-combatants in the process of killing a perceived enemy. This provides justification for the many Islamic terror bombings.

        Bukhari (52:65) – The Prophet said, “He who fights that Allah’s Word, Islam, should be superior, fights in Allah’s Cause.” Are these not the words that are the basis for Jihad or spreading Islam by force? That’s how Muhammad’s companions understood. And that’s how terrorists of today understand it.

        • 0

          “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” – George Orwell

          Leela(nanda) of Lee & Potter (ill) fame,the least qualified to talk on morals, is trying to obliterate our understanding of our History. Being an alleged mountebank he is now attempting to defraud the minds of Sri Lankans by creating a religious bias against their co-countrymen the Muslims.
          Let us examine what he says and study the situation to prove his objective is to prejudice the reader against Islam.
          9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”
          This was a clear definition of the enemy – the non-believer, the hypocrite, the Christian or Jew who were all opposed to Islam. Remember this is a war scenario! Islam had been subjected to war from the inhabitants of Arabia and now the Romans and Persians were gathering to defeat them. So this verse exhorts them to fight with clear instructions not to hesitate or allow room for doubt about the enemy. Those who accepted unconditional surrender were to sign the terms of Jizya.
          Jiziyya was a poll tax paid by the non-muslims to the state. Remember the Muslims also paid the Zakat. These levies were extracted from only those who were able to pay (i.e the poor were exempt.). In return the non-muslims were entitled to protection in the event of war. The non-muslims were not required to fight for their protection as this was the responsibility of the Muslims in exchange for payment of the jizya. The Muslims did not enjoy this waver. It is a recorded fact that the Prophet (S) made no distinction between Muslim and non-Muslim and he helped many Jews out of Zakat funds collected from only Muslim sources.
          The Caliph Omar was of the opinion that the word “Miskin’ used in the Qur’an was for the non-Muslim poor and the word ‘Fuqara’ referred to the Muslims. So both should be helped. In the treaty of Hira, Khalid bin Walid made an express promise to the Christians that if there was an old man or woman among them, or a disabled man or a blind man, the Muslim Government would grant him a pension for life from the Bait al – Mâl (treasury).
          Now Lester quotes Bukhari (52:256) – The Prophet… was asked whether it was ok to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. And this is what the Prophet replied, “They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans).” I also heard the Prophet saying, “The institution of Hima is invalid except for Allah and His Apostle”. The words in bold italics were omitted by Leela, why?
          Leela concludes :In this command, Muhammad establishes that it is permissible to kill non-combatants in the process of killing a perceived enemy. This provides justification for the many Islamic terror bombings.
          Let us read the following Hadiths which were cunningly omitted.
          Bukhari (52:257)
          Narrated ‘Abdullah: During some of the Ghazawat of the Prophet a woman was found killed. Allah’s Apostle disapproved the killing of women and children
          Bukhari (52:258)
          Narrated Ibn Umar: During some of the Ghazawat of the Prophet a woman was found killed. so Allah’s Apostle forbade the killing of women and children
          Leela and his cohort Lester have tried to paint the injunctions on war in the Qur’an as wicked. War was inevitable for the survival of Islam.I wish to re-iterate the well authenticated instructions given by the first Caliph Abu Bakr to the commander Yazid bin Abu Sufiyan on the code of war.

          When you travel, do not drive your comrades so much that they get tired on the journey. Do not be angry upon your people and consult them in your affairs. Do justice and keep them away from tyranny and oppression, because a community which engages in tyranny, does not prosper, nor do they win victory over their enemies. When you become victorious on your enemies do not kill their children, old people or women. Do not go even close to their date palms, nor burn their harvest, nor cut the fruit bearing trees. Do not break the promise once you have made it, and do not break the terms of the treaty, once you have entered into it. You will meet on your way people in monasteries, the monks engaged in worship of Allah, leave them alone and do not disperse them.Let them please themselves and do not destroy their monasteries, and do not kill them. May Peace of Allah be upon you. – Al-‘Ajuz. Manahij al Shariah al Islamiyyah op.cit. Vol 1 p345

          In addition to the above there are numerous verses exhorting to be Just, to be generous and charitable, to fight oppression etc etc. When these verses are mapped out, then one will find a lot of consonance with Buddhist moral teachings and the positive religious texts of other religions. Leela should spend the remaining time of his life in the study of these areas that we agree up on and bring about a closing of the gap of this unnecessary religious divide. Nit-picking on religious texts, especially not your own, is counter productive and the use of lies, twisting and distortion of same will end up bringing disaster on himself as exemplified in the edicts of the noble emporer Ashoka.

          • 0

            Jamal, no point in arguing with this fellow. He should learn about his own religion, Buddhism, first. In buddhism Jihad, child sex, child abuse, slevery, cast system, genocide and much more are there.These fellows are trying to point a finger on other religions, but they do not know that all the remaining FOUR FINGERS are pointing at them! This Leela fellow is telling you that he has caught a Rabbit and it has three legs, therefore, he says ( he is adement) ), all the Rabbits in this world have three legs! Now can you argue with him. Leave him. He is a fly in this world. There were many flies like him, who tried to discredit Islam, and were dead and gone. Islam is a growing religion and by 2030 there will be over 3 billion Muslims living in this world! No one can stop it!

            I will give you a simple example: He is the best person to have an upto date knowledge of his wife. He will know in which part of her body she has birth marks. We cannot describe her body. It is same with religion. For him his religion and for us our religion!

        • 0

          I agree. Islam is delivering a message of enslavement.

          • 0

            With whom are you agreeing — the voices in your head?

  • 0

    It is a good question to ask your mates in the US.

    But our Srilankana inhabitants wouldn’t have a clue about your example to demonstrate Racism.

    Has any parent or child of the majrity of the 75 inhabitant majority as well as the majority of inhabitant minorities faced this “Go back to Where You Come from” slur?.

    I am afraid definetely not.

    There are other organizations who openly use communal tag for their organizations such as the TNA and Muslim congress.

    TNA in particular was closely associated with the LTTE which evicted the Muslims by force from the North.

    TNA members constantly play the race card to keep away the Sinhala Buddhists from the North.

    Has anyone dared to ask the question “Is TNA a Racist Organization”?.

    • 0

      So, what about the anti-Tamil riots of 1983 and others? If some one play a “sinhala only card”, you guys call it “patriotism”. Isnt it?

      The riots and (patriotic) shoutings are the same of “Go back”.

    • 0

      Why no mention of JHU, SR, Veera vidhana and so many other political parties based on ethnic and racist lines. You conveniently forget or totally ignore their existence, just to prove a point against the Tamils and Muslims.

    • 0

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “Has anyone dared to ask the question “Is TNA a Racist Organization”?”

      I have been consistently demanding the stupid racists to leave my ancestral land.

      Racists =

      Sinhala/Buddhists + Tamils/Saivaites + Islamic/Jihdi + Christian/Fundamentalists.

      • 0

        you cant add apples and oranges.

        • 0

          Lanka liar

          As far as I am concerned all these stupid people are rotten apples.

          • 0

            Unfortunately, Ooruwarige Booruwa, you have neither apples nor oranges in your bag; you have coconuts.

            • 0

              David Blacker

              “you have coconuts.”

              We would have fought the IPKF with it.

            • 0

              So why didn’t you; and more importantly, why didn’t you fight the Sinhalese, Tamils, and whoever else you claim stole your lands? Why only big talk?

            • 0

              David Blacker

              “So why didn’t you”

              Oh, we were expecting the state and its arm forces to protect the “sovereignty” of the island as they frequently boast about it and it was the responsibility of the government by majority to rise to the occasion, in this case a blatant violation of island’s air space by foreigners or shall we say mother India.

              On the one hand Sinhalese and Tamils continue with their Genocide of my people and on the other you expect my people to defend the occupiers when threatened by foreigners. You have a good sense of logic, which sound similar to LTTE’s course of thought.

              You leave, we will defend our island.

              “why didn’t you fight the Sinhalese, Tamils, and whoever else you claim stole your lands?”

              These poor fellows came to my ancestral land as refugees and we trusted them, granded asylum and gave them food and shelter. We didn’t suspect these were bogus asylum seekers and their ulterior motive, was grabbing our land. Some of the devious chacters abused our generous asylum policies and hospitality.

              Would you kill refugees who had already surrendered and unarmed? We wouldn’t.

              The refugees continued to arrive, breed, and eventually swarmed our island.

              We lost our land not because we were weak but we were generous.

              “Why only big talk?”

              It is not to impress my wife , she knows I am bit thick, because you have a small brain.

          • 0

            “Oh, we were expecting the state and its arm forces to protect the “sovereignty” of the island”

            Yes, yes, we know you have this strange perception that a government must attack those it invites, but my question is related to your claim that “We would have fought the IPKF with it.” Why didn’t you? Or was it that you felt you must type something regardless of what it meant?

            “On the one hand Sinhalese and Tamils continue with their Genocide of my people and on the other you expect my people to defend the occupiers when threatened by foreigners.”

            I didn’t expect your people to do anything, just as I don’t expect you to do anything in these debates. I’m referring you to your above claim that YOU would have fought the IPKF. What do you mean by it?

            “You have a good sense of logic, which sound similar to LTTE’s course of thought.”

            So you’re suggesting that the LTTE’s course of thought was good, logically?

            “You leave, we will defend our island.”

            If you couldn’t defend it from us, how will you defend it against others? Besides, since the Veddhas themselves didn’t sprout up like trees in SL, but arrived from somewhere else, is your contention that the first to arrive have the most rights?

            “These poor fellows came to my ancestral land as refugees and we trusted them, granded asylum and gave them food and shelter. We didn’t suspect these were bogus asylum seekers and their ulterior motive, was grabbing our land.”

            Firstly, do you have any evidence of the Tamils coming to SL as refugees? Secondly, when they started to abuse your hospitality, why didn’t you fight? Why did you wait till today to open your mouth?

            “It is not to impress my wife , she knows I am bit thick, because you have a small brain.”

            So your strategy is to use big talk to impress those with small brains? Why is it then that no one is impressed?

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    Thanks Hema Senanyake for the story, which hopefully could drive some sense into seemingly ever deteriorating mypopic mentality in Sri Lanka.

    Racism looks silly mathematically too, specially in regard to the Sinhala Buddhist sanctity claims.

    Let us take just one person say “Percy”, who claims to be a Sinhala Buddhist, at present in 2013. For Percy to be a pure Sinhala Buddhist his parents and his parents’ parents ( grand parents) , great grand parents and great great grand parents should have been pure Sinhala Buddhists too. If we are to consider say 20 generations back history in Percy’s ancestry, he alone should have had 2 to the power 20 Sinhala Buddhist ancestors. ( before Percy’s generation, he had his Sinhala Buddhist parents 2×1), and his grand parents 2×2=4 and then his great great grand parents 2x2x2=8 and so on.)

    If you now compute this multiplication( multiplying 2 by 2 , 20 times) to account for 20 generations, the result is over one million, or 1,048,576( one million 48 thousand five hundred and seventy six) to be exact.

    This means for Percy’s claim for Sinhala Buddhist sanctity to be true he should have had 1,048,576 Sinhala Buddhist ancestors, 20 generations ago. If we are to consider the other 13 million people who also claim the same Sinhala Buddhist genesis and sanctity, the country would have had 1,048,576 x 13,000,000 = 13,631,488,000,000 (13 trillion, 631 billion, 488 million) Sinhala Buddhist people 20 generations ago. One does not have to be a mathematician to understand this cannot be right. The fact is that all the people who live in Sri Lanka who breath the same air, have the same red human blood running in them and dream the same dreams of peace, harmony and prosperity for them, their loved ones, kith and kin and for the whole country have mutually shared origin. The sanctity argument can only hold any water depending on how far and wide you are capable of thinking.

    This is the same with the white American boys who have thrown racist remarks at Hema Senanayake’s friend’s son and also the intelligent reply the boy had been able to give thanks to the deeper knowledge of the history he had acquired.

    After all in Sri Lanka in Balangoda caves skeletons dating back to 30,000 , 50,000 years were discovered … are these skeletons Sinhala-Buddhist skeletons too.? They are considered as belonging to people descending from first civilisation on earth, Mesopotamia, present day Iraq.. So in the Sinhala Buddhist genealogy there can be more ancient traces of middle eastern blood too… If we are to believe the legendary narrations of Mahawamsa the Sinhala race is seemingly a product of incest and Lion-Human union.

    Let us not go there. Once the American born British author, journalist Christopher Hitchens was asked “What is it you most dislike?” and he replied “Stupidity, especially in its nastiest forms of racism and superstition.” These words seem to have been uttered specially for BBS.

    ‘BBS mentality’ is utter stupidity in its most divisive and blatant form, Sri Lanka cannot afford this stupidity to continue.

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    well said Senanayake. I wish that every Lankan thinks like you. so that SL would become a Paradise on Earth. No racism. no cast.no discrimination in SL. can sinhalese tolerate all others. I think yes except by a few who spread hatred.

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    The definition of racist or racism given by oxford dictionary is more reasonable than the definition given by author. If one says, ” Go back to your country”, there can be positive reasons in saying so. Perhaps, that can be seen an indirect suggestion to participate in the development of the native country.

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      Agree with you to some extent. I have seen soccer spectators screaming out at black players as “Niger” and boo boo in foot ball matches in varied stadiums in the Europe. That is all because people are varied by nature AND their thinking can be varied too. There, if I would generalize saying that many among them are racists – that is for sure an incorrect conclusion. So hearing the kids to go home or go to jungle cant come from many but from some. It is the diversity of societies. In US that kind thought bearers are definitely the minority today than had been in 60ties in which they the whites allow severely ill black origin cancer patients to die without proper medication or them being separated from all social events. It is evident that some doctors had conducted clinical trials on those deadly sick blacks without their consents.
      Even today, there are frequent incidents where dark skinned people are being attacked by some Germans, Danes and Italians. At the beginning, dark skinned Tamils were attacked by German in remote areas of the Germany. I myself have met afro students that were attacked by some german skin heads. But most of them are single cases. I have also seen lanken kind of nawakawadaya and how they the senior undergraduate students physically attacked their juniors…. …
      So the example that the writer pointed out here is subjective to their interpretation.

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    How can a racist be called Thero ?

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      What is impossible is made possible within the RULE OF MR.

      So theros – as disguised monks can stay further to fulfil their agendas. Please go back to the records of that particular Ghanasara – how he has violated being beyond a lay man though saffron robed at driving on lanken highways violating all road transportation laws- further to that being drunk and injuring two innocent people there.

      So the question, whether we the buddhist folks have heard similar issues carried out by so called pseudo monks in the past ?

      They cant be called as THEROS for sure, they are just criminals in SAFRON ROBES. Born to destroy the nation and buddhism.

      Leela and the like Ilk support, while we the majority of buddhists stay calm and quiet within the unlawful MR ADMINISTRATION.

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      Same as a Mahendra Rajapakse is His Excellency – in what???

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    “Racist is not a patriot”

    I have no words. Great work Mr. Senanayaka. I salute you.

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    Well done, Mr Senanayaka

    Our motherland needs open hearted people like you to be here. Some racist elements want to ruin our nation….

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    This organization is a load of crap. B ig B ull S hit. Power hungry destroyers of BUDDHISM. They are not buddhists they are only bullies.

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    Me. Senanayke, you got a son with a lot of wisdom like you. Thanks for humanity.

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      He said , its his friends son NOT His son… LOL most here seemed confused about the article…

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    just a question if Hema Senanayaka – are you the Hema Senanayaka from Peradeniya Agro Class of 1981- If you have you have come a long way mate – well done!

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      Yes. I did pass out from Faculty of Agric. in 1981.

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    Pardon my English – I meant to ask, are you the same Hema Senanayaka from Peradeniya Agro Class of 1981? If you are, looks like you have come a long way from the person that I knew and well done mate!

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    The section 11 of the Constitution of Sri Lanka provides the following Rights to promote Gender Equality.

    12 (2) No Citizen shall be discriminated against on the grounds of sex

    12(3) No person shall on the grounds of sex be subject to any disability, restriction with regard to access places of public entertainment

    12(4) Nothing in this Article shall prevent special provision being made by law, subordinate legislation or executive action, for the advancement of women or children.

    Wahabi Mullahs forcing Muslim Men to restrict the above Constitutional rights meant to promote gender equality by intimidating their wives and daughters by forcing them to wear the Niqab, appears to be a contravention of the above rights granted to the women of Sri Lanka to achieve gender equality.

    What about domestic violence? The Niqab hides all evidence of any domestic violence. As mentioned by Sivanathan Muslim women did not wear the Niqab 50 to 60 years ago!

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      If you would be so kind enough to explain how the Niqab violates the above quoted portion of the constitution?

      I a Similar question by Sivanathan on how the Islamic attire practised in the country has changed over the years (please refer above). I have explained why it has nothing to do with a Wahabi infiltration of sorts.

      You raise a very incorrect assumption that the women who wear the niqab are been forced to do so.

      What about domestic violence? So, domestic violence only appears in the face? So based on your arguement women are supposed to walk in the nude to prove that there is no domestic violence.

      In your dreams you pervert

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    Dalai Lama lashes Myanmar, Lanka Buddhist violence
    Last updated: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:13 PM

    NEW DELHI — The Dalai Lama has implored Buddhist monks in Myanmar and Sri Lanka to put an end to a series of recent attacks on Muslims in their countries.

    The Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader spoke Tuesday night about religious violence when asked questions following a speech he delivered to 15,000 people at the University of Maryland. He condemned all killing being carried out in the name of religion and then turned to his own religion.

    He said Buddhists, including monks, were responsible for recent violence against Muslims in Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

    Myanmar has been wracked by sectarian violence that has displaced tens of thousands over the past year, while Sri Lankan Buddhist groups have recently attacked Muslim businesses. — AP

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      In a recent Dhamma talk, Ajan Brahm in Perth, Australia, use the word ‘Disgusted’ describing those actions by SL and Myanmar monks..

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    BBS = Boru Balu Sinhalaya

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      BBS can call in whatever name they want, Budu Bala Sena,Mara Bala Sena, Boru Bala Sena, Politiians Balu Sena, Rafioso Balu Sena etc.

      (Inference from Dalai Lama)

      However, still they:

      1. Are Racists.

      2. Are not Buddhists, because Buddhism does not teach Racism, and follows Mara.

      3. Are not Sinhala, because the Sinhala were Not racist to begin with.

      4. The Sinhala were Taught Racism by Monk Mahanama by adding Myths to Mahawansa.

      5. Racist principles and violence were introduced to Theravada Buddhism, and distorted the True Buddhism.

      6. The Dalai Lama follows a True form of Buddhism, compared to the Mara in Sri Lanka and Burma.

      7. There is no difference between Wahhabism and Theravada Buddhism, going the actions in Sri Lanka and Burma.

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    Sri Lanka must define unity before labeling anyone racist. The world believes that every Sri Lankan Buddhist is radical and intolerant. The truth is that all Buddhists are Sinhalese and when racism is defined, it infringes on Buddhism too. As far as Tamils and Muslims are concerned the reality is that everyone has lived in peace while those who have left the country or are influencing from outside have become the problem. I think Sri Lankans are notracist on average but when undercurrents of intolerance are noticed, it is time to sit up and take stock of who you are. In fairness to the Sinhalese, they have to accommodate everyone in Sri Lanka but if you are Tamil or Muslim, there are schools, and other places that are supported by the government that excludes the majority who on the other hand have to accommodate everyone. Is that fair? That is racism on the rebound or reverse. I know Tamils who will give jobs only to Tamils. Muslims who employ only Muslims. In work places if any of the minorities are in a majority, there is blatant face to face remarks against the majority that may not be well represented. At the level of the nation, the Sinhalese cannot say they will help only their race or religion because they get labeled as bigots but when the minorities favour their own, it is accepted. This is the grey area of racism. We cannot discuss racism without looking at the power of minorities to push against a majority whether it is race, religion or any other criteria that makes people different. Why look for differences? Everyone is Sri Lankan. But don’t try to define and encourage violence against non believers of one’s faith if they choose otherwise. This is where racism gets murky. Don’t tell the world that you are discriminated when you have received more than your share of privileges. In short, all of this is a push to discredit the majority race in Sri Lanka that is a minority in the world. It is understandable to be agitated but the strategy is not violence for any side. The Buddhist doctrine is the best weapon to open human minds. The Dalai Lama spoke at the University of Maryland USA yesterday to an audience of 15,000 young people who came away feeling so much more enlightened on how to keep “peace” among all people.

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      What have you got to say about Visaka Vidyalaya, Museus College, Buhist Ladies – these are only Sinhala Budhist schools.

      Maliban, Munchee, Swadeshi – they hire only Sinhalese. Sampath Bank started with Sinhala Budhist.

      Don’t get me going !

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