13 February, 2025


Is There An Alternative?

By Emil van der Poorten –

Emil van der Poorten

There is increasing frustration created by the fact that a government which proclaimed its adherence to all that is sacred in democratic practice has continued to slide into the slough of equivocation and the practice of the very corruption that they derided while in opposition. Their bumbling and stumbling along, trying to be all things to all people save those who try to adhere to principled conduct, has earned the disdain of every thinking Sri Lankan.

The Ranil Wickremesinge (RW)/Maithripala Sirisena (MS) coalition appears to be a study in confusion, the only consistency being in the matter of looking after the financial well-being of its constituent members.

The open wound that is the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM) issue, has not seen anything resembling firm action of any description to stop its continuing putrefaction. The old adage, “S…t or get off the pot” would be an appropriate admonition to those supposedly having authority to act on this issue. Its prolongation has done nothing but inconvenience the public with no resolution in sight. In this context, I cannot resist the temptation of asking a question I have asked several times before of those such as the Government Medical Officers’ Association (GMOA) who persist in acting “holier than thou:” “Why was this not an issue when Mahinda Rajapaksa was doling out hundreds of millions from the national treasury to establish this very institution?”

One doesn’t need a crystal ball to conclude that there is an orchestrated campaign to destroy whatever was gained in the way of democratic practice in January 2015.  Given the fact that the Rajapaksa horde has effectively alienated all the minority communities of this country, save for that rump of the Roman Catholic community still influenced by a Cardinal who was consistently and vociferously supportive of Mahinda Rajapaksa and all he represented, the chances of the Rajapaksa family returning to its hegemonic status through democratic means – one man/woman, one vote – is anything but a probability. That state of affairs only leaves one avenue open to those seeking to unseat the current Yahapalanaya government: making the country ungovernable. That they are on their way to success in this endeavour is obvious, the chances of that endeavour being successful enhanced by the behaviour of the RW/MS lot who appear to believe that anything resembling a sea-change in governance will affect them, if at all, only marginally.

The current lot are in cahoots with those who might unseat them because, as they perceive the situation, the only risk they run in the event of the return of their predecessors is, perhaps, competition in their plunder of the public purse. No sea change, only the possibility of a slight reduction in their misappropriation capacity. At first glance, it is easy enough to fall into the trap of thinking that it is only ineptitude and stupidity that is generating the stumbling around of the present lot.  Look a little harder and you will realize that this conduct flows from the simple reality that there is little, if anything, to choose between them and their predecessors. More dangerous yet is the fact that both sides of this coin have realized that they are precisely that – two sides of the same (debased) currency – and are conducting themselves accordingly.

The pattern was set before the last general election with the elevation of Karu Jayasuriya to the upper levels of the United National Party.  Mr. Jayasuriya had led a massive defection of members of the UNP caucus to the Rajapaksa regime, presenting the President of that time with the means of destroying anything resembling democratic practice which had survived J. R. Jayewardene and those who chose to walk in his footsteps. In a nutshell, Karu Jayasuriya presented Mahinda Rajapaksa with the steamroller majority that he applied to whatever was left of principled democratic parliamentary procedures and practice.

When Mr. Jayasuriya’s petulance at his new boss’s conduct of affairs did not permit his remaining in MR’s fold, he returned to hurrahs from the United National Party. 

Something else of significance was that the fact that he left with a dozen and half of the UNP caucus and returned alone generated nary a mutter from a national media whose conduct was hardly exceptional given its kowtowing to one or the other of the major political configurations of this country. That is also indicative of something else in the Pearl of the Orient: the media choosing not to provide anything resembling political analysis of any depth because, in their wisdom, they know that at the end of the day, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you or one that might soon be delivering crumbs from the national table to you!

Where does that leave 99.9% of the population, you and me included? Out in the cold that’s where!

It used to be said that “He who pays the piper, calls the tune.” Not in 21st Century Sri Lanka for the simple reason that the piper’s paymasters have accepted the fact that once they (paymasters) have elevated a microscopic part of their fellow citizenry to political authority, those who should be doing the bidding of their electors choose to do nothing of the kind. They choose, instead, to exert their authority by lining their pockets. The real tragedy for Sri Lanka is the fact that this mode of behaviour has become a part of the national culture and has been accepted as such.

I will close by attempting an optimistic answer to the question posed in the title of this piece.

There is a groundswell of dissatisfaction with the status quo that could be converted to concrete action. However, the challenge is going to be to harness this wave of dissatisfaction and guide it in the direction of non-violent protest leading to what is absolutely essential change. Resorting to violence would only result in the history of 1971 and the late 1980s being repeated, with the attendant bloodbaths which distinguished them. After all, the last thing one needs is confirmation of the adage that goes “The more you do what you always did, the more you’ll get what you always got!”

Latest comments

  • 6

    The only viable option available is being projected in a negative manner by the mainstream media which is in the hands of the cheerleaders of the politicians on both side of the divide.

    • 1

      Thanks for confirming what I’ve said.

  • 4

    SAITM solution expected today or tomorrow and hope it reads as follows:
    1 Govt accepts the role of private sector in university education
    2 There will be private not for profit medical faculties
    3 Minimum standards for medical education will be published
    4 NSBM or SLIIT will take over SAITM
    5 SAITM will be a fee levying not for profit entity
    SLMC, GMOA, JVP and Peratugami can go and fly a kite !!
    Solution one year late, but better late than never!
    Well done Yahapalanaya

    Unfortunately this govt has done many good things but has taken too long. Bond scam has ruined their reputation.

  • 6

    Fully agree. Why can’t these bas….s start doing some work to revive this country? They can start by finishing the unfinished work on land reform Mrs B and that great patriot Hector Kobbekaduwa started. All the poor from the country side are flocking to big cities, creating slums under the bridges and every where. Because they don’t have living space in their traditional land. It is stolen by colonial plunderers to plant rubber, coconut and what not. Government is giving them grants, fertilizer subsidies and more of poor peoples’ money to continue this plunder. Agree 100% with you Emil, we should keep up the pressure until the job is finished. Don’t mind your not getting off the pot for a while yet. We know it takes a dynamite or two to dislodge what you have down there.

    • 1

      What a load of piffle with regard to the devastation visited upon the mid-country of Sri Lanka by the two who epitomised the parasitical -radala- class of Sri Lanka. It’s patently obvious that you haven’t a clue about what you profess to express your expertise about!
      Ask my neighbours whether they do or do not have “living space.” Where do you think they are living right now? In the sky? The problem is that the land that gave them an income and sustenance has been totally destroyed by two people who had no experience of so much as putting a bean seed in the ground.
      Make no mistake, “Land Reform” was simply an effort to “give land to the peasants” as a sop for the grievances they expressed in the 1971 “Che Guevara” JVP revolt which, incidentally, Mrs. B and Hector put down so brutally. You might care to take cognizance of the fact that the population count subsequent to that mini-war omitted numbers from the areas where there was the most trouble.
      Your kind of fiction cannot go unchallenged because it becomes “fact” by going unchallenged. Hence this long response.

      • 0

        You have said much, but nothing on the original crime of the coloniser plunderers stealing our land. If you find that morally justifiable, you are a worse crook and a hypocrite than all our politicians combined. It is natural that people like you who benefit from the theft 400 years ago find it too inconvenient to address the truth. At least you should have the decency to stop prescribing remedies for all our ills.

        • 2

          Gambara Deviyo:
          The personal racist abuse you seek to heap on the alleged “thieves” of 400 years ago, trotting out the fact of colonial exploitation, does not hold water.
          DID OR DID NOT MRS. B AND HECTOR KOBBEKADUWA ACT EXACTLY AS I DESCRIBED IN THE YEAR AFTER THE FIRST CHE GUEVARA INSURRECTION.While you are about it, you could perhaps explain what expertise in agriculture of any description the two representatives of the radala class brought to their exercise in “Land reform.”
          While you are in the business of heaping abuse on people you disagree, perhaps you’d care to come out from under that pseudonym which you use to hide under.

          • 0

            As usual, you are resorting to obfuscation (yanne koheda, malle pol) strategy. Whatever the reasons behind Mrs B’s and Hector’s, Land Reform, it was good and necessary. They were lands stolen 400 years ago. Yes or No? Learn the meaning of the word SHAME.

            • 2

              gambara Deyiyo

              “Whatever the reasons behind Mrs B’s and Hector’s, Land Reform, it was good and necessary. “

              Could you let us have independently obtained facts and figures to support your claim that good and necessary. Who benefited from the reform? Who were disadvantaged by the reform? Do you know the cost of the reform and benefit accrued from it?

              The weeping widow caused most of the destruction in this island.

              • 0

                I have followed this debate with interest. there is a point in Gambara’s complaint that Mr Poorten has not answered his question about the theft of land 400 years ago. Mr Poorten seems to explain that the land reform was the work of Radala class and it has done more harm than good. It is clear from the debate that Gambara and Poorten are traveling on parallel paths. As a non-Radala Sri Lankan, I must say there are not too many Sri Lankans who disagree with land reform. What is just about foreign invaders who colonised our lands and allowed their lackeys (Bandaranayaks, Senanayaka, de Fonseka families) to put up fences wherever they liked? This is why Mrs B’s effort was even more valuable. Her family lost thousands of acres of land as a result of her policy. She is also remarkable in that she proposed the Peace Zone in the Indian Ocean. (The British and Americans created the LTTE through Anton Balasingham who was a translator at the British embassy to take revenge of her. Is it not ironic that currently there are six nuclear powered war ships of the evil empire is at the Colombo harbour? Wonder what Mr Pooten got to say about that! He is against the ‘salt of the earth’ Sri Lankans’ interests, obviously.

            • 0

              Gambara deviyo:
              Perhaps you’d better learn the meaning of the word “truth.”
              I know for a certainty that Mrs. B’s coalition government had NO INTENTION of embarking on what she and Mr. K pitched as “land reform” prior to the 1971 insurrection.
              I met formally with Dr. Colvin R de Silva and Doric D’Souza in the office of the Ministry of Plantations and Colvin told me, out front, what they had in mind as the process for taking over privately-held plantation land. It certainly wasn’t the stupid mess that has cost this country and its “less fortunate” dearly.
              Also , while no one of any intelligence will believe that the “colonials” left Europe for the benefit of those whom they exploited, to pretend that Sri Lanka was a land of milk and honey where liberte, egalite and fraternite prevailed before the arrival of the Portuguese and those that followed is absolute b.s. In fact, the success of the Iberians, the Dutch and the British was DUE due to the internal bickering and quarreling of the parasitic classes that, subsequently, were responsible for idiotic “reforms.”.
              Also, as a matter of interest, could you please tell us how those who established plantations in the highlands were able to destroy vast tracts of forest if what was there was agricultural land?
              Trotting out tired slogans as “information” hardly deserves comment except that, unchallenged, they might achieve some minimal degree of credibility.
              While it is damned easy to obfuscate under cover of a pseudonym, how about coming out from under that rock and telling us who you actually are?

        • 1

          Gambara Deyiyo

          ” It is natural that people like you who benefit from the theft 400 years ago find it too inconvenient to address the truth.”

          Its only natural for those who benefited from theft over 2500 years to be zealous in their pursuit and outlook, need to fit in with the crowd.

          When are you going to return my ancestral land?

  • 4

    Is there an alternative? YES there is, but first there is the small matter of clearing the stables of the devious bastards and their hangers-on who have infected the body politic. But, there is little chance of the present leaders taking the initiative. As long as we have clowns, jokers and rogues calling the shot, decent people who are willing to serve the country will shy way. It hurts to say this, but O for a kindly dictator to do the job, and give us fresh start.

    • 2

      Spring Koha

      “Is there an alternative?”

      Of course there are alternatives.
      However, will the Hindians allow a clean alternative to what we got now?

      Wasn’t it Hindia in 2004 got Chandrika to sack Ranil from the post of Premiership simply because he was looking for external safety net?
      In 2005 it was alleged Hindia financed MR to pay LTTE the fees it demanded to provide services to democracy. MR was elected. Wasn’t it Hindia which made sure JVP was divided? Wasn’t it Hindia which brought TNA, SLMC, UNP, …. together just before 2015 presidential elections?

      • 0

        Hey Native,
        We’re in really deep shit when even you start looking for foreign plots.

  • 7


    The problems of the UNP and the nation can be traced to the weak leadership of Ranil.

    23+ years as leader and all he has to show for it is a party decimated and unable to even field a presidential candidate.

  • 1

    “The more you do what you always did, the more you’ll get what you always got”. The only “Alternative” is to change that concept. Start to traverse on a “New Path” to bring a CHANGE based on awareness, know how, self respect devoid of selfishness, and stimulate an intelligent “Reservoir” of voter population, to chase away and prevent the present day “Vultures” preying upon the weaker segments. This CHANGE must start from the “Grass Root” level, because that is the very “Fertile” base where the present day VULTURES have found never exhausting “PREY”.

  • 0

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  • 1

    We understand there are many unhappy customers, like with any government. The government has done most things promised within the first 100 days. Well on the way to doing the rest like giving jobs and reducing prices. You got to understand the government is a union of two parties, one with a progressiv agenda (SLFP) and the other wanting to go back to colonial days (Ranil’s UNP). Most of the critics are those who have failed to get government subsidies and grants fraudulently. Their anger, like yours will pass.

    • 2

      MILK FALLS: By the time when everything gets correct country has been bankrupt for a long time I heard Ranil has moved eventhe Hiramane to SEychelles Island and he is plaining to retire there as all the money is there.

    • 1

      Milk Falls:
      Sorry, bud, I don’t fall into the category of dissidents which you describe thus: “Most of the critics are those who have failed to get government subsidies and grants fraudulently.”
      I can but hope that the anger of those who’ve been defrauded will not pass because they are the ones who’ve been victimised and deceived.

  • 3

    Our voters do exactly the same thing at every election. It’s either Blue or Green. But they expect different results every time.
    Nothing is going to change until the cross-over option for MPs is removed permanently. Preferably that charlatan Sarath N Silva should also be jailed.

    • 1

      old codger

      “But they expect different results every time.”

      Couldn’t you persuade Blue and Green leaders to chose Russian Roulette as the serious form of selection method and Mexican standoff if Red too want to participate in the determining final game.

  • 2

    The fact of matter is that they can not take decision as they like..it might look easy but difficult one ..why government purse is empty of money ..
    Sri Lanka at the brink of backcrupty when they took over from previous government..
    Then all financial comttiemnt with china has to be met..
    Government was forced to sell out .lease out 10 thousand acres of land in South..
    Tamils are adamant to get out of this government..
    Moreover coloation is moving slowly and steadily..
    Government cannot punish all who misuse public money ..
    Did you know any action has been taken to any one.
    They have sending warning shots …that is only thing they could do.
    It is like a Monkey that has been trapped into a tree..
    It can not come.out and it can not do it. Tree is holding it hard .
    The system is like that now ..
    MR and co is in waiting .
    Playing with wait and see game .
    This is the reality of thing .
    Will nature take its course .
    Or will Sri Lanka democracy work . Will geopolitics of India; china and west work..and how long ?
    So many issues are connected to Sri Lanka issue..

  • 3

    Milk Falls: You said: “Well on the way to doing the rest like giving jobs and reducing prices”. “Giving Jobs” had and is been done in a very “STYLISH” way, in that the, candidates who have qualified to receive their employment are “assembled” into Temple Trees and the appointment letters are handed over by the ex President THEN and NOW by the Prime Minister at a well attended ceremony. Some time back the present Minister of High Ways appointed 52 persons of “His Choice” as “Advisors” to the RDA and when questioned in Parliament, he had the courage and audacity to say that he had the “Right” to look after the people who worked for him at the elections. Then again, it has come to public domain that 21 people have been “recruited” to the Drug Corporation on the “instructions” and “recommendations” of the “WIFE” of Minister in-charge. This is at “lower Levels”; but just think of the “High Ranks” such as Heads of Govt. Corporations and Foreign Services. You also speak of the “100 Day” achievements. Yes to a certain extent; but see what they did with the appointments to those “Independent Commissions”. Still, even after two and half years, failed to bring the National Audit Bill although an Audit Commission is “living” by name only. The biggest they ALL speak of is the “19th Amendment”. Just read a book published by a high ranking lawyer named Mr. Kalyananda. He directly challenges the difference between the “exclusions” and “inclusions” made on what was “proposed” and “accepted” and what became law. So far, no one has “challenged” the contents of this publication even though this was highlighted in several TV debates by the very writer. In my opinion, the “Progressive Agenda” the PEOPLE voted for was willfully and surreptitiously DERAILED by BOTH PARTIES to make and allow another GANG to make “hey while the sun shines”. A NEW GANG was formed inclusive of some and very many from the OLD BLOCK and the operation of MAFIA style continues unabated and determined to make it a “Feasting Ceremony”. This GANG gets all the “Subsidies” and “Grants” both “Fraudulently” and “Openly” while the “Common & Garden” are SACRIFICING routinely. This is summary the present situation. Their “Anger” is not passing; but ever growing.

  • 2

    SAITM has children of struggling parents. Why thosee parents cannot enjoy their children becoming doctors. Do they have give up their hopes, while Politicians sedn their children overseas. I think it is simply jealousy by the GMOA, greedy doctors, banrupt politicians such as JVP etc., If it is gaughing people govt has to correct it. Other than that, Sri lanka needs private medical collegaes. IT is siple Jealousy from those who oppose it. SAITM also has other universities. why they are against only at the medical colleage ?

  • 1

    Emil van der Poorten expresses the view held by the silent majority of Lankans ~ “There is increasing frustration created by the fact that a government which proclaimed its adherence to all that is sacred in democratic practice has continued to slide into the slough of equivocation and the practice of the very corruption that they derided while in opposition……..”.
    Happenings are making it harder and harder to bear.
    Retired Major General Kamal Gunaratne insisted that the “traitors” who attempt to divide the country introducing a new constitution must be killed. This is a very disturbing trend.
    The near unanimous views held by Lankans that Rohingyas refugees are terrorists shows the lack of compassion.
    One hopes that commonsense will prevail.

  • 2

    “Resorting to violence would only result in the history of 1971 and the late 1980s being repeated, with the attendant bloodbaths which distinguished them.”

    Probably the ‘Batalanda Wadhakaya’ might raise his head again?

    • 1

      Eagle Blind Eye

      Wadhakaya (medieval state torturer) is part of Sinhala/Buddhist heritage since 1948. Nothing new. We know the names of a few well known head of Wadhakayas.

  • 2

    Mr. Pooten: As usual, you are whining about Horapalana govt and blame everything on Mahinda Rajapakse whose stolen wealth is not yet found. yet, It is proven beyond doubt that Ranil wickramsinghe is a thief and a leader of gang of thieves and he pretends nothing happened. I think what is important right now is why they are pretending that they are not caught. but, they are not in the jail because they are the law makers……. Do you know who Mahadenamuththa is. YOu are trying to be that.

    • 1

      Dumb Jimmy,
      Do you know who is Sunil Dahanayaka? He is a joker.

  • 2

    Poorten Aiiya is harsh on our good Cardinal, His Highness Malcolm Ranjith……..
    Unlike the Anglicans and the New Miracle American Church worshipers, in the Port City , our Catholic brothers and sisters are the cousins of our poor rural Sinhalese in the main……..
    Their Income levels are no way near Dr Ranils mates, followers and cheer squads………
    And tens of thousands of them are living in the Bible Belt, all the the way to Mannar……..,
    These Catholics are suffering as bad as their Buddhist cousins under Yahapalanay…..,,,,,
    Dr Ranil has unleashed his guard dogs , to attack the Catholic leaders in the Bible Belt….. And destroy their support base……..t……….
    The recent tactics of Mr Ravi Karunanayaka and the other Minister with that excess Spirits imbibed , look are two glaring examples……..
    What is the income of these poor Catholic people under Dr Ranil’s Yahapalananaya.?….
    Do they have even a fraction of that self claimed Young Sinhala Buddhist UNP Minister Sujeeva’s LKR 34 Million, ?….
    Do I have to mention Young Aloysious, FIL Dr Mahendran , Palisena Mela and Oneliya ??………
    Then you got Emil’s mate Kirra, who was bragging about his LKR 400 Million Bank Balance……Plus 30,000 Acre Land Holdings in Balanagoada?…………
    After collecting all that filthy riches under the cover of Yahapalanay, Dr Ranil is now hell bent on culling the Sinhala Buddhists and Catholics from free Medical Schools…….
    And shove them in to SAITMs which are run by Fernandos………….
    And bring in Indians to make it even more difficult for our Dalit kids to find Jobs…..
    Emil Aiiya……. your RW/MS duo are not sitting on the potty…….
    They have done it and left the potty, without the lid…..
    And it stinks to high heaven………

    • 3

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      What exactly are you trying to convey?

      • 0

        Dear Native,
        Don’t worry mate…..You will never get it until you move it out of Dr Ranil’s ****…
        And take a good look around , standing among the Dalits……
        Even in your beloved Pirahapran’s old Turf……….

        • 2

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          “You will never get it until you move it out of Dr Ranil’s ****”

          I am sorry I should have stopped you from exploring Ranil’s whatever it is.
          Tell me did you accompany Tiran Alles with sacks full of cash which were delivered to VP’s Central Bank? Did your cousins across the strait help the clan with large cash grant?

  • 0

    No there isn’t an alternative. Countermanding each other and 2 centres of power and powerplays. But do not fret; there is massive corruption in the USA too. I am sure you followed the queer story of a company with 2 employees getting a $300MILLION dollar contract to restore power in Puerto Rico. Their previous largest federal project was only for a million dollars. It is called the “whitefish company” and there is something very fishy and stinky like a stale Thora Maalu head that had stayed in the freezer for too longer in power cuts that melted the ice in Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    Emil speaks for himself and will not be taken seriously. He is oblivious to the fact that the Sinhala Buddhists who voted in the current set of rogues have realised that they have been taken for a big ride by YAHAPALANAYAS. Ranil for example is dishonesty personified. He is a Baptised Anglican Christian who pretends to be a Buddhist. He has been asked what his religion is,but never gives a straight answer, saying that he is a follower of all religions. When he goes to the Dalada Maligawa he is on his haunches with his hands together like a praying mantis. What a humbug! The good thing is that they have been found out. Disaster ahead for them. I hope it will not be a bloodbath.

    • 1


      “Ranil for example is dishonesty personified. He is a Baptised Anglican Christian who pretends to be a Buddhist.”

      Aren’t you a descendant of Kallathonies from South India, converted to Sinhala/Buddhism? What do you know about Buddhism? Tell us all you know about Buddhism, it won’t take more than a couple of lines?

      • 0

        Native Veddas, you are probably one of the few Tamil Veddas! However my religion is not any sobs business. The PMs however is a matter of importance to everyone as his beliefs have to be open. Got it. Or is too much to expect from a Veddas.

        • 1


          “However my religion is not any sobs business. “

          I would appreciate if kallathonie sobs stop calling this island a Sinhala/Buddhist country. I would also appreciate if sobs brand the constitution a Sinhala/Buddhist canon. Sobs should keep their religion and stupidity to themselves.

          “Or is too much to expect from a Veddas”

          Unlike you Vedda doesn’t sit on his brain.

  • 1

    “Emil Aiiya……. your RW/MS duo are not sitting on the potty…….
    They have done it and left the potty, without the lid…..
    And it stinks to high heaven………”

    An apt response………..In every aspect, Jan 8 2015 changed everything for the worse………..The problem was these buggers thought the old hacks, the serial failures, could deliver a miracle to them…………sadly they did not know they would be disappointed…………they still do not know their backsides were screwed right royal by the royalists………..

    • 1


      “In every aspect, Jan 8 2015 changed everything for the worse”

      Are you a white Van private operator. It appears you are whingeing about loss of your income.

      • 0


        Don’t show everyone that your brain residing under the amude………………..

        Can you show anything that got better after Jan 8, 2015, except massive increase in corruption and robbing of nation’s wealth, worsening economy, total dismantling of local govt services, fast spreading deceases etc. etc. SL has become the modern “Visala” thanks to mutts like you.

        • 1


          “Don’t show everyone that your brain residing under the amude………………..”

          Thanks for your valuable advice.
          Why do you let HLD Mahinda sit on your brains?

          “Can you show anything that got better after Jan 8, 2015, except massive increase in corruption and robbing of nation’s wealth, worsening economy, total dismantling of local govt services, fast spreading deceases etc”

          Well there isn’t much change in this country anyway. Didn’t the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists run this country since 1956?

        • 0

          Dear Native,
          You got totally demolished…….Didn’t you..
          I might like to add a few to Helas List, ……
          You tell us whether they are in your Yahplana “Positive s List”…………….
          Poor Tamils are killing each other…..
          Two more hacked with Swords by Bicycle Tigers……….
          A poor woman killed herself after poisoning her three young boys because she couldn’t pay back the loans of her Husband who had killed himself too……..
          These all occured in the last 4 or 5 days…
          While Dr Mahendran and Aloysious made a cool LKR 11 Billion,……
          Sivajilongam got 250 Acres of Mahavamsa land …………..
          And Swiss Kumar made Blue Movies for your Sadistic Diaspora mates to watch……………
          And your UNP Madam Maheswaran tried to give Swiss Kumar a helping hand…………
          Wonder whether your mate’s Federal Thing allows Swiss Kumar to do his time in Vellala Wiggy’s Eelaam?……

          • 1

            KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

            “You got totally demolished…….Didn’t you..”

            You mean Hela demolished me totally? Did he tell you that? And you bought it from him? Come on are you that stupid?

            “And Swiss Kumar made Blue Movies for your Sadistic Diaspora mates to watch……………”
            It was sold to the medieval middle east market, I am told. Were you the broker who dealt with the sale? Who is making, distributing, …….. Sinhala Mallu video clips? What is your commission?

            Why aren’t you talking about the arson attack on Jaffna library and books? Isn’t it because your fellow Sinhala/Buddhist fascists Dutta Gamani and Cyril Mathew carried out it? By the way Basil was trained by Dutta Gamani in the art of stealing money from state contracts. Are you one of Basil’s understudy?

  • 0

    This is the first time that I have read an article highlighting how Karu Jayasuriya, the gutless speaker of the present parliament, betrayed the country. He is a hypocrite acting as a saint and at present globetrotting like president Sirisena knowing very well this is his/their last term in power.

  • 0

    Food for thought. Bensen

  • 0

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  • 0

    Our PM and President have been running around the world to entice Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs). What they don’t understand is that the government policies are not favorable for FDIs. Some of the large project were stopped just to humiliate the previous government. I am in no way endorsing what the previous government did! You cant terminate/suspend projects while they are being implemented! you have to continue with the project and make the best use of them while negotiating with the investors! That is being smart! Grabbing from an investors and making it public is a no go for foreigners. That’s what is being done to SAITM We have to depend on FDIs as the government is in a debt trap! Running round the world is expensive and to date we have not got any substantial FDIs. I don’t think we can even cover the cost of the world tour by the new FDIs

  • 0

    Where does that leave 99.9% of the population, you and me included?

    You are in the 0.01 mate! wait for the election, if your Nitwit PM and president allow one!

    Why is you 99.9 so scared of election?

    Is this new form of democracy an average donkey like me don’t understand?

    I feel like your emperors are not wearing clothes?

    What is it that I see that millions of government money is paid to the add agency of Sira’s daughter?

    Are they like golden horses ?

    World rubber price is high so you pay an blind eye to everything else?

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