27 April, 2024


Isn’t The Nationalist A Mental Patient?

By EW Adikaram

Dr. EW Adikaram

Dr. EW Adikaram

Are you a Sinhalese? If you are a Sinhalese, how do you know that? I have asked this question from many who call themselves Sinhalese. I have so far never received a satisfactory reply from any of them.

I have also asked those who say that they are Tamils, Telegus, etc., as to how they know that they are Tamils, Telegus and so on. From them too, I have never received a satisfactory reply.

When this question is asked, some get annoyed. Some ask back why I should ask this question when the reply is so obvious, some consider that the question is asked merely for fun. Still others reply that they have never given thought to this question. Anyway a satisfactory, a logical and an acceptable reply does not come forth from any of them.

“I am a Sinhalese because my parents are Sinhalese.” This is the argument of many. This surely is not a reply but only shifting the question a little further, as the next immediate question would then be “How do you know that your parents are Sinhalese?” This shifting can go on further and further, but the question will not thereby be solved.

“A person is Sinhalese because he speaks the Sinhalese language.” This is another argument that is usually adduced. But there are people of other nationalities who speak only Sinhalese because they happen to be brought up from early childhood in homes where only Sinhalese is spoken. Simply because they speak the Sinhalese language they do not thereby become Sinhalese. And also there are Sinhalese people who speak a language other than Sinhalese because they were brought up in non-Sinhalese homes. They are not considered non-Sinhalese simply because they cannot speak Sinhalese. It is therefore clear that one is not a Sinhalese just because he speaks Sinhalese. Similarly a person does not become an Englishman simply because he speaks English.

If so, how can one conclusively know that a person is Sinhalese, Tamil, English, German or Japanese? There is no reply that could be given to this question. A right reply can be given only to a right question. A right reply cannot be given to this question because the question is wrong. When in truth there is no such thing as a nationality, how is it possible to give a right reply when one is asked to which nationality a person belongs?

If you have an infant child, please examine its entire body as carefully as possible. Is there any special part of its body or mark which differentiates it as a Sinhalese child? However much you may search you will never find such a distinguishing characteristic. There are people different in colour of skin such as black, brown, white, yellow etc. That is due to the fact that their ancestors lived for thousands of years in places differing from each other in climatic and geographical conditions. But that colour does not give an indication as to what nationality a person belongs. As that child who is common to the entire human race grows up he will be given a name and will be deemed to belong to a particular race or nationality. That child who at the time is incapable of logical thinking, who cannot discern fact from non-fact and who hasn’t the ability to compare and contrast, accepts unthinkingly and unknowingly the nationality that has been thrust upon him. Having accepted it he gradually comes to believe that he belongs to that particular nationality. Please think over the fact that you become a Sinhalese not because you had some thing naturally Sinhalese but because of the belief created and imposed on you by the environment and society including your parents.

Species of birds differ by birth from one another. Between the eagle and the dove, between the quail and the peacock there is a natural difference. Is there such a difference between the Sinhalese and the Tamil, between the Englishman and the German?

So are the other animals. They have species differing from one another. There are natural characteristics that differentiate the tiger from the bear and the horse from the bull. Is there such a difference between the Japanese and the Jew or between the Chinaman and the Eskimo?

Unlike birds and animals, all human beings in the world belong to one species only, the human species. In truth there is only one human race: what goes as Sinhalese, Tamil, English and a thousand other nationalities are only designations born out of belief and having no intrinsic significance whatsoever.

If one sees things that do not exist and believes that they do exist, such a person we call a mental patient. On one occasion when I went to the mental hospital at Angoda to visit a friend who was a patient there, a person calling himself His Majesty Diyasena the King of the Sinhalese spoke to me and got into conversation with me. Not only did he firmly believe that he was King Diyasena but in his behaviour he even showed an affected regal demeanour. If any one told him that he was not Diyasena, he would naturally consider that person a lunatic.

If we consider as insane a person who calls himself a non-existent King Diyasena, how can we consider as sane those people who call themselves Sinhalese, Tamils, English when in truth there is no such thing as a Sinhalese nation, a Tamil nation or an English nation.

There is only one human race. We are human beings and not Sinhalese, Tamil or English. Biologically this is so. But those who are fettered with the belief that there is racial difference are incapable of seeing this fact.

As the idea of nation has come into being by assuming as existent something which does not exist, nationalism has to be necessary considered a form of insanity. Not only here but in the whole world the vast majority of people are tethered with that belief, with that delusion.

The main cause for all the wars that took place in the world in the past was this psychological aliment, namely nationalism.

Even in the modern world which, due to advancement in Science, has all the opportunities for comfortable living, man has to suffer because of this disease of nationalism and its inevitable political tentacles.

In big countries those who suffer from this madness contrive to bring about murder on a big scale with nuclear weapons etc. In small countries like Sri Lanka they kill human beings on a smaller scale and they hurt people’s feelings with various ridiculous mad activities such as the defacing of name boards written in languages other than their own.

Mankind today is living in a most critical stage. Many do not understand how dangerous the present situation is. We should understand that the forces that work in the world today are different from those that existed in the past. Even a slight mistake can make the entire human species disappear from the face of the earth. We can avoid that catastrophe and survive this critical period only if we act sanely with the feeling that this is our world and not by murdering each other saying that this is our nation and our country.

Shouldn’t we therefore be free of this insanity of nationalism and thereby cease to be enemies of mankind?

Nationalism is not the road to peace.

Truth alone will bring us peace and freedom.

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Latest comments

  • 8

    Thank You Dr Adikaram for this bit of light relief. We are indeed creatures of circumstance and our behaviour is mostly determined by the pool we find ourselves in. Our natural herd instincts also lead us to follow, for example, the Buddhist ‘priest’ who will stone a shop or beat up someone of a different faith. If it were not something that could kill (like in 1958, 1983, et etc) we could laugh. When I tried to differentiate between Sinhalese and Tamil, to a foreigner, he guffawed and retorted ‘you all look the bloody same to me’. What to do doctor?

    • 0

      I met Adikaram personally & discussed all those, but still I think if his preaching are practiced by all Sinhala /Tamil/Muslims to it’s letter ,then only it would make sense if not useless; I.e. one community practicing his preaching would make them easy pray.

  • 6

    What a nice thought and facts. Why are not these good human being not coming into the open to discuss this subject more openly and widely???? May the good people have the strength to speak out more loudly in the act of spreading goodwill among the human race.

  • 9

    Dear Dr. Adikaram,

    I too share similar views as you on this subject.

    For instance in Sri Lanka, if you take a Sinhalese, Tamil and a Muslim dressed in the identical attire and ask them not to speak, how can one recognise the difference?

    We have amidst us, dark, brown and light brown skinned Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims with curly, wavy or straight hair and other common physical attributes. This applies to South Asian countries as a whole.

    Then you take the natives of countries like Africa, China, Europe etc., they have distinct physical features that make them standard apart from each other.

    For instance, you will never a find a pure native of China with dark skin, thick lips and curly hair, nor a Japanese , Korean or Chinese with such physical attributes.

    So in Sri Lanka, how can a Sinhalese claim to be a “pure Sinhalese” or “pure Tamil”?

    What does a “pure” Sri Lankan Tamil and a “pure” Sri Lankan Sinhalese look like?

    Sharmini Serasinghe

    • 5

      Sharmini Serasinghe

      “So in Sri Lanka, how can a Sinhalese claim to be a “pure Sinhalese” or “pure Tamil”?”

      Both people look the same to me.

      Their inane ability to cut off their nose to spite their face and their common DNA inform me of their close affinity to each other.

      • 0

        [Edited out]

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          [Edited out]

    • 1

      Those with ‘imported’ genes look fair.
      This happened in the old days of ‘kandyan hospitality’.

    • 0

      Good that you say you see every human being the same. But I doubt you practice it. Could you distinguish who is English, Irish, Welsh or a Scott when white British stand together? No. Do you know they’d rather say they are of their particular nationality? I know this for I was there for two decades. Another point: I bet you see nothing wrong black Obama saying “God Bless America” and white Cameron singing “God Save the Queen” and so on and stick to their culture. And you don’t see anything wrong with it either but you see we’re wrong when we stick to our culture. Hypocritical aren’t you?

    • 3

      It is bit of a shame that lot of commenters sounds like they haven’t heard about EW Adikaram and didn’t know that he passed away 30 years back… Adikaram may have published these opinion in 70s or 80s, or even before that.
      If people who administer SL education had any brains, they should have included these Adikaram’s type thoughts in children’s school books long time back… and removed Sinhalese are Aryans and 2000 year old raciest prince ( who had insomnia) stories. If they had given young children exposure to these wise thoughts, perhaps in simpler manner as stories, there won’t be any wars in SL…

    • 1

      Look at Thiru’s comment,

      “One identifies himself as a Tamil because he is proud of his language, culture, achievements of his ancestors and group behavior and many other attributes. One feels comfortable in group efforts and feelings. When Tamils are massacred in Sri Lanka Tamils world over feel the pain and take action. When Sinhala soldiers were fighting Tigers Sinhala people supported them. It’s only natural, if you will, call it instinct. It is madness to call these actions insane. Countries preach peace but are armed to the teeth to defend against enemies. It all countries are disarmed for peace, you know what will happen: One group will get smart and conquer the other groups. That’s why ancient groups of people who advocated peace perished without trace. “

      This nature of thought is too idealistic bordering suicide as a culture

    • 1

      Dear Sharmini;
      Do you know that Hon Dr E W Adikaram died in 1985 and there are only a very few gentlemen like him now a days.

  • 0

    EW Adikaram’s arguments appear logical but it is really semantics. He says “And also there are Sinhalese people who speak a language other than Sinhalese because they were brought up in non-Sinhalese homes.” Here I can ask him how he defines ‘Sinhalese people” in the above sentence. Is it called circular logic? Furethermore,pragmatism is not entirely logical. His arguments are rather hypothetical and idealistic.

    The world is not an idealistic place. Lions eat other animals, and human groups have been fighting each other from time immemorial. Vegetarians eat vegetables feeling happy that they are not killing animals, but plants have lives too. There are contradictions in nature.

    One identifies himself as a Tamil because he is proud of his language, culture, achievements of his ancestors and group behavior and many other attributes. One feels comfortable in group efforts and feelings. When Tamils are massacred in Sri Lanka Tamils world over feel the pain and take action. When Sinhala soldiers were fighting Tigers Sinhala people supported them. It’s only natural, if you will, call it instinct. It is madness to call these actions insane. Countries preach peace but are armed to the teeth to defend against enemies. It all countries are disarmed for peace, you know what will happen: One group will get smart and conquer the other groups. That’s why ancient groups of people who advocated peace perished without trace.

    He also ignores certain genetic differences between groups of human beings based on their DNA, etc.

    Adikaram also ignores the Darwin’s law: Suvival of the fittest: We can jolly well argue that Sinhalese and Tamils are the same until the Tamil community or nation is wiped put in Sri Lanka: Then the victors can say it does not matter because we are all the same anyway, if part is gone so what, we can have peace?

    Many Sinhalese are bringing the logic of Adikaramin in a cunning mamnner to justify the structural genocide of Tamils going on today.

    • 1


      “Adikaram also ignores the Darwin’s law: Suvival of the fittest”

      What do you mean by the above?

      • 0

        Example: European colonizers conquered America and Amerindians perished simply because the former was fit to prevail while the latter became nearly extinct.

    • 1

      HI Thiru,

      I agree with you that it is a conventional truth that we belong to different communities and races. Culture and traditions are unique to many communities. But if we see how the humans evolved over million years ago, it is quite possible that they spread all over the world from one place, possibly Africa. So much of mixing up has taken place over the years; it is unlikely that there are unadulterated pure races in the world. Humanity has advanced to the extent that relationships or companionships are based on one’s Character, and meeting of minds rather than race, community or religion. Buddha said one becomes a Brahmin only by his deeds and not by caste, race or religion. A good human being should feel the suffering of any fellow being irrespective of his community or religion. Such a person would fight for Human Rights, justice, fair play and freedom of any one irrespective of that person belongs to your community or not. With regard to Sri Lankan situation I believe that Tamils justifying killing of innocent Sinhalese in South or Sinhalese justifying killings of Tamil civilians by armed forces are both wrong. A good human being will not hesitate to condemn any wrong doing irrespective of the person who did it.
      I believe that the article refers only to extreme nationalism practiced in many Asian countries. It is obvious that the people who are so emotional about their race or community are suffering from complex. Due to their extreme views they do not see the righteousness. Darwinian Theory of evolution and survival of the fittest still exist, But humanity is evolving to an advanced level by extending loving kindness and compassion even for the people who cannot stand on their own. It is strange that Eastern Philosophy which advocates these ideas is rapidly spreading in to Western Societies than Asian people.

    • 0

      Many Extremist Tamils like you, are bringing the logics of Bagahawath geetha and Bible in a very cunning and shrewd manners to justify the Structural and Physiological genocide and of Sinhalese and Tamils going on from 4 decades.
      This is Your agenda and any fool can understand, what you extremists have in your spoiled minds, full of Hates and Revenges to go piggy back on innocent’s Lives

  • 0

    Hoo hooo hooooo haaa uyaaah Winnie meboy where have you been hiding all this time you idiot! There are so many sinhalese and tamils all over the place these days you know, quit a few singlish too.

    The sharmini above seems to think you are alive and kicking veeetch says much about this sharmini what?

    It din work as you know very well. Ariyaratne stuck to his smoking and the ‘Elasto’ baba from avissawalla disappeared. So much for the social work thing.

    Oh! and the Krishnamoorthi fellow too. Hes gone as well. It din work. There are sinhalese and tamils today a silly fellow called viggie is their chief minister and the others have a five headed monster for their boss.So ok then. Tell some good jokes right?

  • 4

    A lyrical Blue Sapphire “nationalism is a psychological ailment”.

    And a big uncut diamond “in truth there is no such thing as a Sinhalese nation, a Tamil nation or an English nation”.

    Thank you Dr. Adikaram.

    Now the question is how shall we deal with this “psychological ailment” that has reached such pandemic proportions in our society.

    Let us implement remedial measures. And Sri Lanka will rise from the ashes.


  • 0

    Ben Hurling

    Wise words, my thanks to Dr EW Adikaram.

    I am surprised Sinhalese too have one or two wise people among their 16 Million. Or is he a Sinhalese at all? Or is he a traitor to Sinhala/Buddhist cause?

    I suspect Dr EW Adikaram is a direct descendant of a wise Veddah Elder or educated by one of them. What do you think?

    Honest answer please.

    • 1

      What an idiot or big head this kallathoni vedda has for him to think the wise were learned from and among his 99% naked tree worshipping fakirs until very recently and who couldn’t read or write or even have an alphabet.

      • 0

        he does not have a nalli cut fool but many a troll and the ctat his disposal- its all in the money.

    • 0


      Is there truly a race called Veddas?


      • 2

        Ben Hurling

        “Is there truly a race called Veddas?”

        There is a people called Veddahs.

        Race is useful for racists.

    • 0

      I think that his name Adikaram says that he is of Tamil background. If he was Sinhalese it would have been Adikara! It seems like he is not sure either.

  • 0

    Present day nationalism in Sri Lanka first emerged as an anti-colonial movement against the British. Anagarika Dharmapala is hailed as the father of Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism.

    “The nationalist movement of Sri Lanka, which came to be developed in the first decade of the 20th century, was largely due to the impact of the Buddhist revivalist movement to which Anagarika Dharmapala provided leadership through his teachings and the condemnation of the process of Westernization- which had a debilitating effect on the general mass of the people. The Buddhist revival movement, apart from its impact on the growing trend of nationalism, rejected Christianity and the missionary organizations associated with it. One unique feature of this revivalist movement was that it, though took the form of religious nationalism which emerged in Sri Lanka in the post-1915 period, derived immense inspiration from the Buddhist revivalist movement. It needs to be mentioned that religious nationalism helped in the growth of political consciousness among the masses and this, coupled with other factors, helped in the awakening of the people to demand political freedom. In this context, one can come to the conclusion that Anagarika, through his mission to restore Buddhism, indirectly helped religious nationalism to get itself converted into political nationalism, with which a powerful Buddhist movement came into existence.” – http://www.ncas.ac.lk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=74&Itemid=45

    While Anangarika Dharmapala did much to uplift the Sinhalese Buddhist people there is a rather troubling aspect to his mission. What began as a Nationalist movement seems to have later degenerated into a racist witch hunt. In the words of Dharmapala himself –

    “This bright, beautiful island was made into a Paradise by the Aryan Sinhalese before its destruction was brought about by the barbaric vandals. Its people did not know irreligion… Christianity and polytheism [i.e. Hinduism] are responsible for the vulgar practices of killing animals, stealing, prostitution, licentiousness, lying and drunkenness… The ancient, historic, refined people, under the diabolism of vicious paganism, introduced by the British administrators, are now declining slowly away.” (Anagarike Dharmapala, quoted in A. Guruge,Return to Righteousness: A Collection of Speeches, Essays and Letters of the Anagarike Dharmapala. Colombo: Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, 1965. 482) – http://anagarikabuddhmission.blogspot.com/

    One of the manifestation of the new intolerance took place in 1915 against some Sri Lankan Muslims. Successful retail traders they became the target of their Shinhala competitors. In 1912 Darmapala wrote:
    “The Muhammedans, an alien people,… by shylockian methods become prosperous like Jews. The Sinhala sons of the soil, whose ancestors for 2358 years had shed rivers of blood to keep the country free of alien invaders…are in the eyes of the British only vagabonds. The Alien South Indian Muhammedan come to Ceylon, sees the neglected villager, without any experience in trade…and the result is that the Muhammedan thrives and the sons of the sol go to the wall.”
    In short, Dharmapala and his associates very much encouraged and contributed to something aptly called the “ethnocratic state.”
    As some of the quotes above demonstrate, Dharmapala sometimes resorted to racist language. Here are a couple of other examples. At one point he refers to “the semisavage half-animal people of Africa” He claims that “…all that [Christian missionaries] can offer are the myths of Canaan and Galilee which had their origin in the backwash of Arabia.” -http://anagarikabuddhmission.blogspot.com/

    Sadly the deadly cocktail of Nationalism and Religous Intolerance continues to extract a deadly toll on this beautiful nation even today. The birth of a true Sri Lankan identity above race and religon and enshrining the rights of all its people is yet to be. We await the coming of an enlightened leader capable of uniting the nation.

    • 0

      I wish to add to what reader Safa says.

      I am not going down the “we did it before you” road. But long before
      the Christian-turned Anagarika Dharmapala, in the North of the Island
      Arumuga Navalar feared the inroads existing Colonial cultures suffer the local language, culture and educated the people
      peacefully and in temperate language about the wealth and depth of their ancient legacies. Dharmapala, on the other hand, in blood curdling language was provoking the Sinhalese against the Muslims (Muhammadans, as he called them) For good measure he seems to have added Malayalees, Indian Tamils and other Indians to inflame the local thugs. Dharmapala was always an angry and combative man. He fought against the Indians in the very place they gave him home and comfort. A. E. Gunasinha (the alter ego of Kehelwatte Premadasa) and other street ruffians took over and transmitted the destructive communal virus that the British kept caged and which Singapore’s Dr. LKY called “the Genie in the Bottle” This has reached epidemic proportions resulting in multiple blood-baths since 1915. The once calm and collected Buddhist priesthood was tempted by the political advantages political activism offered and quicklyjumped into the bandwagon lead by that enterprising Ven. Buddharakitha Thero. The country was then to fated to taste the first signs of the forbidden fruit – the pancha balavegaya (sangha, guru, veda, govi and kamkaru) and we reeled downwards from then. From all signs, we might wake up only to the pre-Portugese reality.


      • 0

        “Dharmapala was always an angry and combative man. He fought against the Indians in the very place they gave him home and comfort.”

        Please elaborate.

        Dharmapala target mainly Muslims and Christians, especially christians. The reasons were christianity was popularized by the British rulers and their conversions and he didnt like the Muslims who had immigrated to SL during British time. The muslims were recent immigrants in his time.

        He was against beef eating, that was one reason he didnt like muslims and christians.

        • 0

          Even during Dharmapala’s time Buddhists were probably consuming more Beef than Muslims. Today that includes those in the BBS as well.

          He couldn’t have been much against the Christians because his
          parents were from that religion. Maybe for political reasons he
          took to Buddhism. But then the Bandaranaikes, Senanayakes, Wickremasinghes, Jayawardenas have all been down that road several times. They were all frauds feeding on the ignorance of the Sinhala mass.

          Let’s see what the Mullahs in these pages say to your claim Muslims arrived here only during Dharmapala’s time. According to these good people they have been here for over a thousand years. They point Lorna Dewaraja, of all people, as their reliable source.


    • 2

      anyway, how about Tamil Nationalism and based on that they try to claim PArt of Sri Lanka as their country ?


      How about that ?

      did not Sinhala people go in a killing spree because of their Nationalism.

  • 4

    “Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.”

    Albert Einstein

  • 1

    So Sambandan, Vigneswaran are mental patients?

    It is even more lunatic to be nationalist when there is NO nation at all!!

    e.g. Tamil Elam

    • 2

      Fathima Fukushima

      Yes, they are genetically related to most of the 20 million people in this island.

    • 0

      Most tamils should be in Angoda. TNA’s place should be Angoda too.

      • 0


        “Most tamils should be in Angoda.”

        I agree, then why aren’t you in?

  • 0

    I thank Colombo Telegraph for sharing this with readers. I might not
    entirely agree with the late Dr.EWA in this piece but he always had my respects. I regularly attend the talks of the Krishnamurti Centre – an initiative of this humanist – vegetarian by choice. He was truly a man in search of the truth and lived a simple life. Whether he became Meihandan (Man who found the truth), I don’t know but he certainly did try. A truly noble son of the soil.


  • 0

    I must thank CT for publishing this article by Dr. Adikaram. He was a great son of Sri Lanka and we during our school days loved to hear him speak.

    Coming back to his question: How do do you know you are a Sinhalese, Tamil, Burgher, Moor, Englishmen etc. The simple answer anyone would give is “My parents told me so”. This answer would have been given from time immemorial from generations to generations and I suppose it would have been the first indication of “TRIBALISM”.

    Yet connected to this question I have another question: What assurance that one would have or given to be born (of those who believe in re-birth) again a Sinhalese/Tamil/Burgher/Englishmen etc”?. If we can meditate on this question in depth and try to see the “reality”, I am certain most of our ethnic problems could be sorted out easily.

    Also it would be interesting to contemplate on: “From Where Have We Come”? “Why Are We Here”? “Where Are We Going”? Just for your thoughts.

  • 0

    It is strange to see so many here addressing Dr Adikaram as though he were still alive! It’s a pity he’s not, of course, but he’d be over 100 if he were!

    • 0

      Or is this a son or grandson?

      • 0

        I think The C T republished his worthy article and
        We is no more, and passed away in 1985.
        I was lucky enough that, when I was schooling, I met him and listened to his lectures at our Daham pasela, {PANSAL Iskole].
        I wish that he is still alive nowadays to see all this politically and social Juggleries.

        • 0

          Above, “WE” Should read as “HE IS NO MORE”.

    • 0

      that is what I thought too.

      this is an old talk given by him. IT is lons since he passed away.

      for others, “pure Sinhalese” is a word used by Tamils and not by Sinhala people.

      It is the Sinhala – buddhist culture and civuiluization the majority and the most old in Sri Lanka.

      some may have Sinhala- buddhist first names mixed with Tamil last names. but, the are christians. they can not be called at all “pure Sinhala”.

  • 0

    Dr. EW Adikaram has once said that in order to preserve Buddhism as a first step should ordain all Buddhist Priests in the country. So is it any wonder why the Sasana is declining without Buddhist Priests?

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    Some time back I wrote “Sakkayaditti refers to the personality view conditioned by the society (Sakkaya or samajaya), like how one might identify himself as a Sinhalese, Asian, or as a Brown man, etc. This self-identification with social labels is one fetter that binds one to the samsara. When one breaks it, one realizes that we have a deeper belonging in a set of Dharmatha or a set of natural laws than to these socially conditioned labels.

    For instance, I am called an Asian. But who identified Asia as Asia? Planet earth didn’t have an Asia in its development. Global society put that label. However, on the surface, we see a set of traditions, thought processes, cultures, or value systems in this so called Asian region, that are somewhat different from the rest of the World. Well, true that they are conditions I was born into, and no wonder my thought process should be conditioned by it. However, what is more important is not my being an Asian, but the fact (Dharmatha) that the environment can condition me, or that my brain is a plastic organization (chitta niyama) that can be conditioned by my encounters with the environment. While growing up in Asia, I may have been conditioned by some traits, and life in other countries must have done the same. So, where is the Asian in me? Well, some programs in the mind may still be subject to natural laws of change and further conditioning. Take another example: one might say that I am Brown. There too, what matters is not my being Brown, but the Dharmatha that my parents’ genes do affect my genes (Bija niyama). Similarly, my being a Sinhalese derives more from a social conditioning of my tribal history than some unalienable fact of ethnicity in my blood. I may follow Sinhalese traditions, because of how my parents and relatives conditioned my values. A boy from another “ethnicity” adopted by a Sinhalese family would do the same. Therefore, such social labels of ethnicity are so superficial that somebody with mixed ethnic origins may still be identified as Sinhalese for social convenience. “
    See “A Brief Note on Buddhism, Ethnicity, and Peace”: http://groundviews.org/2013/02/17/a-brief-note-on-buddhism-ethnicity-and-peace/

  • 0

    Dear Thiru,

    Though late I though to respond you and believe CT will publish the same.
    Thiru When you say that Many Sinhalese are bringing the logic of Adhikaram in a cunning manner it is right only when the person who uses it is concerned.

    One can not say that there is no Tamil or Sinhala nation therefore struggle for tamil nation is a delusion , because in practice there is a group of people who themselves claim to be Tamils.On the otherand there is an other group who claim to be Sinhalese. Therefore Tamil national identity and their rights should be respected. They can not be discriminated in any manner saying that national identity is a delusion.I agree in that sense

    But EWA’S thinking is philosophic. He did not bring this idea to undermine tamil nationalism. If Sinhalese believe this thinking they will respect any man who claim to be a Tamil.So are the Tamils.This thinking will teach you to love mankind irrespective of the race he claims
    Thiru Please respond.

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