15 January, 2025


Israel Is Joining The Worst Of Clubs Including Sri Lanka

By Zvi Bar’el –

Zvi Bar'el

“A UN investigative committee does not need cooperation on the part of the government of Israel. It has managed pretty well in Syria, Iran, China and Sri Lanka without cooperation from those governments. And that is how those uncooperative governments look. And that too is how Israel looks. We know it. But we’d rather not let them rip the mask off our face.”

In banning a UN probe, Israel is joining the worst of clubs

It is doubtful there is any country that sees the UN as a fair arena, but it is the only arena in which there are reasonable and more or less agreed upon criteria for the conduct of countries.

By Zvi Bar’el

The decision by the United Nations Human Rights Council to establish an investigative committee on the matter of the settlements is not the problem. This committee will, after all, not discover anything the American administration, the Quartet countries, the European Union and all of Israel’s friends haven’t known for years. No secret room will be unearthed all of a sudden. The damage caused by the settlements is obvious, documented and detailed in thousands of documents that have already turned yellow.

Nor will the UN be surprised by the findings. This is because the problem is not a probe of the damage caused by the settlements but rather the very fact that they have caused damage with the permission and encouragement of the governments of Israel. Openly, demonstratively and without fear Israel is taking control of territories, preventing the movement of civilians, confiscating at will funds belonging to the Palestinian Authority and enforcing separate legal systems for Israelis and Palestinians.

Nor do the Palestinians need this investigative committee. They, like no one else, are living the damages caused by the settlements and they, like no one else, understand that the X-ray the committee will present is not a substitute for curing the malignant illness.

It is in fact the citizens of Israel who need a committee that will assemble for them an orderly file containing the series of injustices and crimes the government and the settlers are committing in their name. They need this, but they aren’t interested.

The committee is feared in Israel because it wil prove once again that Israel is not alone. Sri Lanka, Iran, China, Syria, Russia and Libya also abhor the UN Human Rights Council. On Saturday Russia announced it was rejecting the council’s decision concerning Syria because it is “one-sided” and because it does not also place blame on the Syrian opposition for the killing and the violations of human rights. This is a formulation quite similar to the Israeli one explaining why it will not cooperate with the committee. “Don’t even answer a phone call from the committee,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has ordered its representatives. Diplomatic heroism? Standing steadfast in face of the enemy? Doubtful. Apparently the Israeli aversion testifies more than anything else to the fact that stateless Palestinians have succeeded in establishing an interlocking system of weapons against Israel: the more the different agencies of the UN adopt Palestine as a state, the more Israel will remove itself from the organization. It’s a zero sum game.

True, the UN is a difficult front and one that is sometimes hostile to Israel. Its main flaw is that it can act only where it is allowed to. It has difficulty resolving international conflicts, preventing wars and repairing damage caused by them. It serves mainly as an arena for games played by the major powers and not as a forum for all the states that need its protection.

However, its main strength lies in its ability to SULLY give a very bad name to anyone who violates the rules of the game, even if the offender is a major power. When Russia imposed a veto on the proposed resolution on Syria, it became an evil state in the eyes of the Western and Arab world (though not in Israel’s eyes ); when the United States imposed a veto on a proposed resolution condemning the settlements, it was subjected to tremendous criticism – and not only from the Arab countries.

It is doubtful there is any country that sees the UN as a fair arena, but it is the only arena in which there are reasonable and more or less agreed upon criteria for the conduct of countries. It is the forum that affords some sort of significance to the concept of “the international community” to which everyone, even Israel, wants to belong.

Thus, despite Israel’s deep scorn towards and historic quarrel with the UN and its institutions, even Jerusalem has to relate to the organization seriously. It is demanding of the UN that it impose sanctions on Iran; it has understood, too late, the meaning of its refusal to cooperate with the organization’s investigative committees (as in the UN-commissioned Goldstone report on Operation Cast Lead ); it brings before the organization Lebanon’s security violations; it fought for Zionism’s good name when the movement was defined as racist and it of course owes the UN for its very existence through recognition of Israel as a state.

A UN investigative committee does not need cooperation on the part of the government of Israel. It has managed pretty well in Syria, Iran, China and Sri Lanka without cooperation from those governments. And that is how those uncooperative governments look. And that too is how Israel looks. We know it. But we’d rather not let them rip the mask off our face.


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  • 0

    Who is writer, he is bosting about UN investigative committee, UN committe on Sri Lanka (Darusman comittee) everyone knows the truth of the report they have prepared, they used bias information from internet, chanel 4,From LTTE supports ,not a single information from war affected people in Sri Lanka, it is hilarious any idiot can write report from from bias information but that is not the truth, that is why current world rejecting UN ( work for Westen agenda for survival)

    This idiot Zvi Bar’el belive or intentionaly ignoring the truth

    Good Luck

  • 0

    The UN has lost it’s credibility.They work according to hidden agendas.A case of point is the notorious Darusman report.It’s leader Darusman is someone who is trying to play god.The trio spent unaccounted millions of dollars on a useless piece of report.The copies of Darusman report is best used as toilet paper.The UN is full of crooks.Most of the UN employers upon retirement end up as propagandists for terrorist movement.Gordon Weiss is a living example.While an employee of the UN he was quiet,but now he has become an apologist for the UN.Srilanka must never allow these crooked UN employees to interfere in it’s internal affairs.

  • 0

    The hidden hand of the Zionists in the US and the UN had been responsible for many a Human Rights violation cover ups. When the concerned, show Human Rights violation with evidence in countries all over where the Rulers are the brief carriers for the Zionists, who protect them, the stooges call such people all names. These critics act as the patriots of the countries where Human Rights are violated. They are nothing but mere HUMBUGS.

    • 0

      Hmm Thats WHY the UNHCR kept voting against the Socalled Zionist as you say time and time again.. Just like they do with Lanka, Iran and Sudan.. So Thats why the have pulled out of the UNHCR.. because of the hidden hand.. JOker…

    • 0

      So are you openly saying that GOSL violated human rights???? What a fool.. Were you released from Angoda Mental Hospital Today??? If so Lankan health service has failed you.

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      dear gamini ltteian srilankans are getting zionists power with fighting experience amaricans may love it so we are in the worst of clubs with israel.now baberic LTTE are best of clubs with western world.

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    The UN at the same time needs to look within. If people of the world lose faith in this global multilateral body, now turned US NATO Flag carrier, it does not bode well for humanity. But under Ban Ki Moon the corrupt Korean, there is little hope that the UN will redeem itself. Worked for the Korean Government. So, I should know.

  • 0

    United Nations was steered by the Americans & western countries to suit there needs, anyone who dont tow their line becomes a pariah state, according to this writer Israel can survive any threat as long as they have the support of America, but can Sri-Lanka?

    • 0

      Ahh.. its Jim the writer of Fiction without facts.. But only on this point i agree with you. 100%.. The west clearly uses the UNHCR as a political tool.. Another weapon in its arsenal of thuggery.. We Lankans have failed is because we dont have a GOLBAL int Lobby in these nations.. As many countries and Terrorist Orgs do.. When some people hear of Indias role in creating the Taliban They are shocked.. Why our Diplomats have not explained the full context of the War.. Most diplomats are concerned with their Childrens education and Networking for Government Contracts.. This is what the Lankan diplomatic core has come to.

  • 0

    Most of the comments made against UN are ill-informed. George Bush and his gang tried their level best to undermine the role of UN, when UN Sec General said that invasion of Iraq was against international law. France led by Jacque Chirac stood by the UN and so was Robin Cook the Foreign Minister of UK who agreed with the UN and resigned in protest of Tony Blair’s support to George Bush. UN inspector Hans Blix categorically mentioned that there was no evidence to show Iraq is developing Weapons of mass Destruction. UN can only do what their member sates as a collective want it to do. Those who point fingers at Un should ask one question. Why those countries who are criticizing U*s about double standard on human rights has not initiated together with Russia and China a resolution against those double standard violations. The Truth is that it is not about UN or West , we ourselves have not understood that human beings are born with inviolable certain rights , which are explained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You can read it at http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ and then discuss how best they can be implemented both in the west and the rest.

    • 0

      Understand Human Beings… No such thing.. Not in this world.. Simple reason UN helped US and the only reason.. It something ALL HUMAN BEINGS Understand… MONEY…. Un need US money..

  • 0

    We Lankans should See Animal Rights before we See Human Rights of LTTE murders

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    Although it is pooh phooed about the Zionist’s involvement in the US and the UN, just like how some of those who accuse others in the LTTE or NGO or Western pay offs, they have been in the pay off, of the Zionists in these Organisations. When matters get exposed they quietly lay off and the inevitable happen, of action being taken, whether you leave the Organisation or stay on.

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    The trumpeters of rights should know that people have the right to choose where they work and if their opinions are not considered or disregarded, people have the right to resign if the corruption is not addressed as opposed to continue to benefit with money and tolerate corruption. It is evident in the countless exposes in the Sri Lankan media, in the NGO / INGO circles in Colombo this is not the case. Neither is it in politics, nor public service, nor corporate world, nor media or in any other sector. Even in the face of blatant proof, they will carry on regardless. There is an advantage in being able to claim the higher ground not by trumpeting but by action.

    The present predicament seemingly stems from being unable to accept the fact that the International Bill of Rights that includes the UDHR + ICCPR + ICESCR + 2 Optional Protocols + countless other Conventions drafted with the highest of aims and purposes have little to do with how the UN operates as an Organization right now. Nor is it empowered by the way it was originally intended. It was not established to be Agenda driven by the NATO Alliance and to be subjective to the financiers. This is the reality. VP Dick Cheney saw these documents as “quaint” at a very critical time in history. Resulting in Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and various off-shore detention centers, the rights advocates mysteriously seem to lose their spines and tongues on. This is also the reality. Most countries are able to see it fortunately. The Resolution on Israel with the vote split with US on one side and all the rest either abstaining and voting against shows at least belatedly awareness is gaining ground. There is no need therefore to move counter resolutions on this.

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