17 February, 2025


Jeyaraj: The Voice That Was To Be Silenced By Death – Still Echoes From Within

By Telli C Rajaratnam –

Dr. Telli C Rajaratnam

Dr. Telli C Rajaratnam

Tribute to Jeyaraj Fernandopulle on his 6th   death anniversary – 

Jeyaraj Fernandopulle was an outspoken gentleman. Those who assassinated him thought they could silence him. But all those whom Jeyaraj helped and all those who still love him cannot be silenced. They remember him.

I have ventured to write a synopsis of the achievements, vision, and career of Jeyaraj Fernandopulle, as a person who was well acquainted to him. I was impressed by his deep thoughts and the seriousness with which he took his duties to humanity. This is unusual for many who are in power today.

The facts surrounding his service to the country are astounding. He was a very busy and amazing gentleman. He lived by his conscience.

Love for Humanity

With amazing humility and strong religious convictions and belief in God he made tremendous sacrifices. As so often happens with men of such force and talent, his quest to serve the people and his desire to fulfill the dreams and aspirations of others he had all the time for others and little time for himself. Working long hours he was never tired inspiring those around him and those who come into contact with him as a remarkable and perfect gentleman that any person would like to know. The quality of Jeyaraj is best known when it is evident that all his efforts were not for political gain because my personal acquaintance with him has proved that he helped anyone and everyone regardless of electoral jurisdictions or of political affiliations – in short Jeyaraj was humane. He manifested a deep concern for humanity. His intellectual brilliance coupled with his dynamic linguistic skills enabled him to become one of the most respected Members of Parliament. He was an asset to the Nation. His demise is an irreparable loss to all communities in the country.


Jeyaraj  was born on January 11, 1953 and had his primary and secondary education at Ave Maria Convent and Maris Stella College, Negombo respectively. His legal career commenced in 1977 and together with his innate intelligence, rare combination of linguistic skills and analytical thinking he became well-known for his fearless submissions in Court in defending his clients. He is known as a fearless defender of the rights of humanity in Parliament.In 1983 he was appointed as the organizer for the Sri Lanka Freedom Party for Katana.

jeyaraj-fernandopulleHe was elected to Parliament from the Gampaha district in 1989. In 1993, he was elected as a member of the politburo of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and was elected as the Assistant Secretary of the Party.

In 1994, he was elected as a Member of Parliament for the second time and was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ethnic Affairs and National Integration the same year. In 1997, he was appointed as the Minister of Plan Implementation and Parliamentary Affairs. In 2000, he was appointed as the Minister of Civil Aviation, Tourism and Christian Religious Affairs. In 2001, he was re-elected as a Member of Parliament for the fourth time. In 2002, he was appointed the Chairman of the Committee of Public Enterprises (COPE) which dealt with the scrutiny of Public Enterprises. In 2002 he was also appointed as a member of the Parliamentary Select Committee appointed to inquire into allegation made against the Chairman of Bribery and Corruption Commission. In 2004, he was appointed as the Minister of Trade, Commerce and Consumer Affairs and in addition was appointed to the most important position in Parliament as the Chief Government Whip of Parliament. He has held several Cabinet portfolios in Parliament and is reputed for his spontaneous response and skilled debating.


If a politician can get his message across in a three minute interview or on an off-the-record briefing to the journalist – the arguments that he set out had fermenting in his mind bottled up over a period of time and as such the words that flowed were like vintage wine.The crux of his successful oratory was the bond of empathy between him and the audience. The greatest talent a politician can have is the ability to convey sincerity. He has impressively displayed that left over his fieriest critics unable to cast doubt on the strength of his beliefs, his efficiency, capability and oratorical skills which none could match in the present Parliament.Great speeches need not be made by great leaders. Jeyaraj’s speeches were spontaneous, on the spur of the moment with chosen thoughts which flowed as words most appropriate for the moment. Every word uttered by him was powerful in its intellectual and moral force.

Love and Compassion

A Catholic by birth and respecter of all religions and races. To Jeyaraj, religion was love, compassion and forgiveness and to Jeyaraj there was only one race – the human race.He is not only respected by the members of his Party but also the opposition parties for his wit, quick response and debating skills coupled with skills of advocacy.

Jeyaraj’s efforts were not for political gain because my personal acquaintance with him has proved that he helps any one and everyone regardless electoral jurisdictions or political affiliations. Affection and respect for fellow human beings giving them encouragement, courage and support are the tenets of Jeyaraj’s virtues.

Julius Ceasar Of Little Rome

He was an incalculable source of strength, unselfish and rejoiced in giving. He was known as the Silver tongued Orator with a heart of Gold. He was also known as the Julius Caesar of Little Rome.

Skilled Orator

There is none that can match him in the skills of oratory even now in Parliament. He was well prepared for any eventuality, quick on his feet.During the budget debates and voting he handled the situation well to curtail and prevent turbulence caused by those on the other side and to effectively take all measures to get the budget passed. He has impressively displayed that left over his fieriest critics unable to cast doubt on the strength of his beliefs, his efficiency, capability and oratorical skills which none can match in the present Parliament.Great speeches need not be made by great leaders, Jeyaraj’s speeches were spontaneous, on the spur of the moment with chosen thoughts which flows as words most appropriate for the moment. Every word uttered by him is as powerful in its intellectual and moral force.

Confidence To Convince

Some believe there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the world’s ills. Yet many of the world’s great movements of thoughts and action have flowed from the work of a single man. A young monk began the Protestant reformation, a young general extended an empire from Macedonia to the borders of the earth and a young woman reclaimed the territory of France. It was a young Italian explorer who discovered the New World and thirty two year old Thomas Jefferson who proclaimed that all men are created equal. These men moved the world…few have the greatness to bend history itself…It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped.

Each time Jeyaraj stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sent forth a tiny ripple of hope and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

Today is the 6th death anniversary of Jeyaraj Fernandopulle, an outstanding humane human being.

Often, the People find it difficult to meet their own representative , but Jeyaraj was available to anyone and everyone. Tall, handsome Jeyaraj looked stern but he was as innocent as a child – this silver tongued Gentleman with a heart of Gold!

Today Sri Lanka would not be ridiculed by the UNHRC if Jeyaraj was alive. These would also be lessons learnt. What has been done by fools cannot be undone. Jeyaraj’s  soul will be powerful.

The awful shadow of some unseen Power

Floats though unseen among us,—visiting

This various world with an inconstant wing

As summer winds that creep from flower to flower,…

Like clouds in starlight widely spread,—

Like memory of music fled…

Of human thought or form,—where art thou gone?

Why dost thou pass away and leave our state,

This dim vast vale of tears, vacant and desolate?…

Why aught should fail and fade that once is shown

Why fear and dream and death and birth

Cast on the daylight of this earth

Such gloom,—why man has such a scope

For love and hate, despondency and hope?….

Love, Hope, and Self-esteem, like clouds depart

And come, for some uncertain moments lent….”

(Hymn to Intellectual Beauty – P. B. Shelly)

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  • 0

    [Edited out]

    • 1


      [Edited out]

      Did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning?

  • 3

    ABOOVE/Last para…..Today Sri Lanka would not be ridiculed by the UNHRC if Jeyaraj was alive. These would also be lessons learnt. What has been done by fools cannot be undone.

    SO, Rajaratnam…who are those FOOLS? Is it the Tribal Gang who is driving this country into blackhole…The Rajapakses?

    Sri Lanka would not be ridiculed by the UNHRC If JEYARAJ was alive…..?

    Come on! Rajaratnam…He has already done his bit. He helped the criminals to come to power and Jeyaraj is a big part of that fart.

    If JEYARAJ was alive…..? ha,ha,ha,,, That’s why GOD removed him from this cabal. If he was alive he would have helped this Gang of Thieves to cause more damage to this Triple Cursed Land.

    I think you should also write about Bharatha Lakshman a bit of his help given to this Marauding Gang and fell victim to his own actions. The action of the MaRa gang.

    CONDOM THEORY is ever alive…you will see in a months time how many JEYARAJs and How many Bharathas are going to lie motionless on the streets. The MaRa is waiting to snuff the breath out of anyone who knows his SECRETS.

    Write about a dead animal. It would be worth writing than the scums who helped these devils to destroy this country lump by lump.

  • 4

    Hey Telli!! Middle finger to you for writing this article about Another A****** who called John Homes is a terrorist who takes bribes from the LTTE. Like every Sinhala racist, Whoever voice for tamils are either terrorist or ppl took bribes from LTTE, or LTTE clans.

  • 1

    With all respects to a dead person it must be said that the writer must not use the same template for the dead as for persons alive. Bensen

  • 5

    A paid slave of Rajapakse

  • 4

    The thug of Negombo?

  • 0

    The poor citizens of Negombo district are still trying to recover from the terror of those days. His legendary handling of the airport fiasco in the nineties still reverberates through the tourism industry.

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