17 February, 2025


JHU Is Not The Solution…It Is Part Of The Problem

By Vishwamithra1984 –

“Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.” ~Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Jathika Hela Urumaya seems to have awakened from their deep slumber. All of a sudden they seem to perceive only the negatives of the incumbent regime of which they are still an integral part. For eleven long years, they have been inside a regime that has been wasting the country’ treasures like drunkard sailors. At election after election they, the JHU, paraded on the United People’s Freedom Front platform; they asked the people to cast their votes for the continuation of the same old policies and principles, hiding behind a facade of patriotism and Sinhalese-Buddhist supremacy. In March this year, the leader of the JHU, the self-acclaimed custodian of the Sinhala-Buddhist values, wrote a piece on the national Tamil question. When one examines his arguments, one invariably comes to some unavoidable observations. With the one-sided arguments brought forward for the supremacy of Sinhalese-Buddhists based on the ‘Mahawansa’, the product of Maha Vihara Bikkhus who wrote about the Sinhalese Kings whom they considered as their favorites and a chronicle that G C Mendis, the reputed Sri Lankan historian, dismissed as an inauthentic history of Sri Lanka in the context of classical history writings, the JHU leader cements his case for Sinhala-dominated national identity, fanning racial and ethnic flames further, making any reconciliation between the two communities impossible.



Now they have issued a ‘manifesto’. It is nothing but a collection of failed agendas of the past and a severely cynical and hypocritical declaration of ideas and if dissected scrupulously as it should be, might still hoodwink the masses who are usually susceptible to election sloganeering. There are no fresh ideas; there is no apology for the last eleven years’ silence although they might argue that lodging a protest here and an objection there are somewhat an expression of dissatisfaction with the powers that be. That won’t do. The serious political paper which they tabled as part of a ‘sweeping transformation with a constitutional amendment’, reads more like a chapter from a boring book put away in library racks, gathering dust for want of a reader.

Huge investment on the part of ‘government’ as against the ‘private sector’, is, in fact going back in history but going back there is trying to reverse a relentless and irreversible process that has been set in motion in 1977 which broke the shackles of a stagnating economy and freed it to the open-market principles. Any attempt to go back to ‘regulating’ the march of the ‘private and free enterprise’ organism would only cause severe hardships to the suffering majority in the short run and irreparable damage to the economy in the long run. Creating a huge, unmanageable state-run apparatus to regulate and control daily human endeavors and free enterprise would only contribute to further the hegemonic hold that the State holds over the population. The consequences of enabling such a vast State-managed economy would be the recreation of long lines for bread and dhal, scarcities of rice and potatoes, rampant unemployment and/or under-employment and the riling behavior of ruling politicians without a care for the suffering masses nor an eye or ear for their unending wants.

But one cannot escape the reality of the JHU’s cynicism and hypocrisy; one simply cannot disregard the reality of the JHU going to bed with the same regime for eleven consecutive years, availing themselves of the warmth and comfort of the soft linen and cushy pillows of ministerial benefits and massive perks that accrue to the portfolios and positions. Whenever some extreme Sinhalese-Buddhist elements in society cry foul on other religious segments, either they keep quiet or endorse those sentiments most vigorously and unequivocally. They have carved out their niche-corner in the psyche of the masses, in the dark and shadowy pitches of turn and bounce.

Over the years they were in the Government, they carefully built a nest of comfort for their young and tender on a bed of soothing and enchanting stories of Mahawansa during day and nasty and hateful tales of Tamil and Muslim exigencies during the night. They must be feeling that time is ripe for them to go it alone or make a run for it along with some fellow-travelers.

The release of their ‘manifesto’ and its timing with the waning popularity of Mahinda Rajapaksa and fading of war-victory symbols and slogans from the consciousness of Sri Lankan society, could be termed classically appropriate. With the extreme elements of the Sinhalese majority with them and hopefully with a silent nod from the JVP too, the Jathika Hela Urumaya might be plotting to take away some part of the votes that would have naturally gone towards the UPFA candidate. If Mahinda Rajapaksa is qualified to contest a third time- it remains very much an ‘if’ as some serious doubts have been raised in legal circles, consequent upon the Ex-Chief Justice Sarath Silva’s assertion that Mahinda Rajapaksa is not qualified to run a third lap- the JHU is gambling and gambling big time, because in the context of the Opposition deciding to field a ‘common candidate’ but reaching an impasse for want of one who is acceptable to all parties- UNP, DP, JVP and the rest- the Jathika Hela Urumaya might be thinking of presenting their leader as the common candidate.

It is no secret that all these politicians who gained limelight only in the last couple of years have begun to think in terms of leading the country one day. If I choose to write the names of all those who have been fantasizing about being President of this country, the reader would have to decide as to who is really insane: me or all those ‘dreamers’. Yet in the interest of sanity, I opt not to mention those names as I believe that it is their right to dream as much as they want. Given the context of these ‘day-dreamers’, the JHU’s gambit to release a ‘manifesto’ and at the same time pose to the country as true believers of the message of the Mahawansa, is a carefully crafted strategy but it is bound to fail as the JHU has lost all credibility among the minorities- Tamils and Muslims. In fact, the main base of the JHU is the Sinhalese Buddhists who were mainly UNP voters who were in search of a separate identity from those who were already identified with the Sri Lanka Freedom Party. With the introduction and implementation of the infamous Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) of Ranil Wickremesinghe, these fringe voters who were up to that time voting with the UNP flocked around the JHU.

The Jathika Hela Urumaya is essentially a microcosm of the country’s problem. When one reads through its press releases, manifestos and other publications, one immediately detects the deep-seated prejudices and senseless assertions that this political party has been advocating over the last decade or so. All their answers seem to lie in the transparently empty rhetoric that countless pseudo-patriots have been hurling at reasonably thinking people during the last few years.

JHU’s basic premise or lack thereof is fundamentally flawed in that there is no recognition of the rightful place for the Northern and Eastern Tamils. Nowhere in their propaganda is mentioned about equal status for Tamils; nowhere have they written about historical indignities that were meted out to Tamils by the ruling Sinhalese-Buddhist leaders since Independence. They have been in a perpetual state of denial. If that state of denial is a product of the collective ignorance of the party, then one could perhaps forgive them but if it is deliberate and a product of a well-concocted strategy, it could be very dangerous and sinister. The cynical assumption that the people of Sri Lanka could be taken for suckers of the first order and its gruesome underlining fact that empathy or compassion is a totally alien evocation to our people, especially of rural and unsophisticated genre will certainly lead the JHU towards an abyss.

*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com

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  • 3

    Vishwamithra1984 –

    RE: JHU Is Not The Solution…It Is Part Of The Problem

    “Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.” ~Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    Hypocrisy of the Para-Sinhala who came from South India and East India, to Lanka, the land of Native Veddah, and their lies and imaginations aided and abetted by the lies of Dipawansa and Mahawansa is the core Problem.

    The Vedda Tribe The Native Veddah Aethho



    Mahavamsa- An Insult To The Buddha!


    By Sharmini Serasinghe –

    By converting the philosophy into a religion, Buddhist monks, also converted the Buddha, into a ‘God’, and themselves, as his ‘Messengers’, who must be revered and worshiped; totally disregarding the Buddha’s words-

    “Believe nothing, in the faith of traditions,
    even though, they have been held in honor,
    for many generations, and in diverse places.

    Do not believe, a thing, because many people speak of it.
    Do not believe, in the faith, of the sages of the past.
    Do not believe, what you yourself have imagined,
    persuading yourself, that a God inspires you.

    Believe nothing, on the sole authority, of your masters and priests.
    After examination, believe what you yourself, have tested
    and found, to be reasonable, and conform your conduct thereto.” The Buddha

    A case in point, as it is recorded nowhere, of the Buddha having said, is that alms must be offered to monks, in one’s home or at a temple, seven-days, three-months and one-year after a death, in one’s family.

    This practice perhaps, originated through a custom, followed by our ancestors, that has today become sine qua non, for Buddhists-

  • 9

    He is not a pious Buddhist but pretend to be so as to attract the poor masses of Buddhist to show he’s the saviour of Buddha to fulfil his own very selfish agenda.
    He won’t hesitate cut throat MaRa if required!!!!!

    • 3

      Do you want us to thank you for shedding your crocodile tears for Buddhists.

    • 3

      Mirak Raj Banda (mirak is a muslim name):

      Do you Pope is Jesus OR mullahs are for Mohammad ?

  • 4

    Rats getting ready to abandon a ship they sense is about to sink! The constitution they propose is expected to be raft they will ride to a new refuge.


    • 2

      Tamils leaving SL seeking asylum?

  • 2

    This racist fellow is proxy of medamulana and trying to divert some votes that otherwise might go in the direction of opposition.
    Also JHU has no recognition in the in the society , and the general public has not forgotten to what happened to one of his fellow in the recently concluded western P C election. They are fading away and this future election, be it parliamentary or presidential , would further erode their voters base . As Dr K D mentioned in this CT recently , he is not a bright star, and his book is not power of power , it could be race of the racist.
    Voters are more intelligent thann this racist.
    They will decide in th eway they want, and not in the way racists want.

  • 3

    vishvamitra , you look like a Tamil christian/Catholic. Now you have begun to reveal who you are. It is just a left over member of the LTTE -RUMP.

    You have used some words fromthe christian vocabulary.

    Anyway, It is not Sinhala-buddhist supremacy. It is Sinhala – buddhist survival.

    Sinhala – buddhists don’t have values. What they have is spirutuality – seela.

    FYI informtion, Tamils don’t have a Sri lankan – history that can be proved except after the colonial invasions.

  • 2

    Vishwamithra 1984, If MR is qualified to run for the third time, it’s well and good. Even if he is not qualified as you and other detractors believe, we Sinhala Buddhists are not worried for we have as good or a better person with an impeccable track record to substitute MR in an unlikely eventuality. And mind you, that persons loyalty to our country and the nation and our religion is unquestionable, his capacity to work is incomparable, his capability to hit goals is beyond doubt. Can you guess who.

    • 5

      Mervyn Silva?

      • 1

        I am not impressed Mr. Fitzpatrick

    • 2

      Did that loyalty to Sri Lanka warrant him to take an oath of allegiance to uncle Sam?
      Will he renounce his US citizenship before he puts forward his name for President?

      • 1

        Need I repeat the obvious answer Chandra.

    • 3

      Kothapaya of course!

      It is so foolish to stop MR because then Kotha will become president and we Tamils are doomed.

      Tamils are like a foot ball. Everyone kicks it. Kotha kicked it to the goal! IPKF kicked it to a toilet. LTTE kicked it to a cemetery. UNHRC kicked it to a garbage dump. Modi kicked it to a cesspit.

  • 1

    Someone like Udaya Prabhath Gammanpila of JHU is quite moderate and devoid of chauvinistic principles, quite unlike Ranawaka. As an engineer and lawyer, he will have a lot to offer towards Lanka’s stability. Gammanpila and Chandrika were the only politicians to actually articulate the misappropriation of Mahavamsa rhetoric. Once that’s in place, unity of races in Sri Lanka will become inherent. It wouldn’t matter what the governing ideology will be, but as long as chauvinism is dead, country unity will be established to ensure Sri Lanka’s survival. SL has had enough of gross infrastructure development involving hyper-capitalistic ventures at the expense of country credibility and Buddhistic virtues, and out of sync with social welfare drives of present Gosl. Therefore, a better Buddhist approach bu JHU will tone things into better perspective.

  • 1


    I am twisting what you wrote a bit. From the last passage or your piece I have removed the word ‘cynical’ and replaced ‘abyss’ with glory.

    The assumption that the people of Sri Lanka could be taken for suckers of the first order and its gruesome underlining fact that empathy or compassion is a totally alien evocation to our people, especially of rural and unsophisticated genre will certainly lead the JHU towards glory.

    This is the fact about our people, so easily fooled.

  • 0

    The core problem in this land is the deep rooted racism and the fake sense of patriotism. In what sense others are not patriotic ? Be it Tamils, Muslims or others. The Sinhala only, Buddhism only thing is the curse that dividing the people and alienating friendly races who lived in peace. So long as this trend prevails the nation will never ever prosper. The country should become secular to see any prosperity. All religiously biased gangs and dirty politicians should be chased out from all political parties. Saffron clad thugs should be kept in temples and they should never be allowed to have any political connections. Lanka could only be saved by bringing equality to all citizen without any kind of discrimination. If not, the division of this beautiful country cannot be stopped by any one, whether they like it or not. No one wants division of this one time paradise of all the race and communities but if things go in the wrong direction there will be no choice and it will not be good for any one. If the regime is so adamant and doesn’t want to understand the situation and carry on regardless, things will not go the way they want it or the country will see prosperity. It will become hell on earth and a cursed poor nation completely destroyed by egoistic, selfish, racist, corrupt politicians of the worst kind.

  • 0

    This Vishwamithra1984 is exactly like Hakeem. Many think he peeing JHU, but he is putting up the usual UPFA election platform that Hakeem, Wimal, JHU and other Royal government participants are putting. His object is always running down Ranil. That I mean permanently, not to face an election again. This time too, he is peeling Ranil as who made CFA, and CFA is very infamous, but the Humanitarian war King fought has become famous. Before he make his claim, this laptop journalist is not ready tell what was infamous with the CFA.

    Another usual is , that all the racist talk about National question and Tamils problem. This laptop journalist too, proposing his theory of JHU solving Tamils question. Ha Ha ha…. I do not know where is he coming from and to whom he is writing on CT? These guy working for the government, very actively killing Ranil. Making the common candidate issue as biggest challenge to Sinhala mass. He is trying to slip in Champica as common candidate. Even the Chief Jester Silva can not beat this comedian on that. Even Sivajilingam stood for EP election. That is different, but the common candidate is different. Some left intellectual, thinking that lefts can not be a candidate, seeking Sobitha Thero’s help. This guy who very clearly understood that desperate notion, pushing Champica as the common candidate.

    Chief Jester Silva has declared that he will oppose 18A at the court. He is the claimed that he appointed King as the EP. He is the consultant, to put down the question of third term for ever, at the Temple tree house. So he wants to appear for himself. Will he bring a real lawyers like Sumanthiran, who recently said that he is ashamed of being a Lankan lawyer, that is lawless country lawyer. This CJ picked up the third term morality from Prof. Laksiri like people and started shouting that going for the third term as immoral. Now he is trying protect the King by presenting a court case and appear for that himself. After that Mohan Pieris will be putting a claim that he is the one appointed King for the third term

  • 1

    It is absolutely TRUE. Allowing Champaka of the Now dis function JHU is like handing the Country to another Rajapaksa. Only Ekneligoda can give a better character certificate from his grave about Champika?

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