Justice In Sri Lanka – Tamils Opting Out With Exhibitionist Justice Exposing Genitals To Cleaning Lady
Economic and Political Rights
Sri Lankan Ambassador to America, Jaliya Wickramasuriya, has described the paramount service the nation expects: to share the correct story about the motherland.
I am therefore trying to portray the true Tamil lot – zero. Development is skewed, with a view to colonizing our homelands. Government thinking towards Tamils is flawed: that in recent elections, we Tamils were being offered political rights by the TNA and economic rights by the UPFA, and that we chose the former.
Wrong! The reality is that we want both, like the Sinhalese have. The UPFA, if it really wants to win over Tamils, must have the greatnes to let us choose. If we do not vote for the UPFA, government must still treat us as citizens and gracefully give us our economic rights through our chosen representatives. Then one day, perhaps, Tamils may feel moved to vote for it.
Tamil Political Rights
Suppressing Tamil political rights, government terror was launched against the TNA and its candidates – throwing severed dog heads, wreaths from cemeteries and garbage sewer dirt into their compounds and wells, and old engine oil on supporters.
The detained Jaffna University students have been taken to the rehabilitation centre at Welikande, which with others like it was conceived of in the late 1990s when the Police arrested people whom they had no charges on. Indeed none of those detained can be charged and there are no bombings in Jaffna. The reasons for detaining them are purely political. The student who was beaten up in May and was recently arrested is a TNA youth-wing leader. The University Teachers’ Association President, Parameswaran Thamodaran, says students are already leaving the country – opting out of Sri Lanka.
With zero Tamil political rights 109 women have been recruited to the army without gazetting, promising civilian jobs at Rs. 30,000 p.m. The army denies it but the recruits are refused visitors and telephones. Thirteen have since been admitted to Vavuniya Hospital with psychiatric disorders. The fear is that they are sexually exploited.
Examining Female Bodies
When soldiers know that the government would always back them regardless of how they harass Tamils, soldiers feel no need for self-restraint. The kind of incident burgeoning in the North involves Pallai Civil Coordinating Officer “Kumar-Annah” as servile Tamils call him (but perhaps Kumara). Womenfolk go to his camp to meet their dear ones and are harassed. Investigating a beautiful (about 32) Tiger widow with a minor facial injury, Kumar told her “I need to ensure that you have no gunshot wounds. Remove your clothes so that I may examine you.” More than once she has escaped dissembling hysterics.
This woman has gone into hiding after unwittingly complaining to a human rights organization that has been bought over with a Jaffna University Council seat, dinners with the governor and exclusive trading rights to Milko (Leader, Dec. 2). It is now rumoured that one of the bribes is the French Chevalier title through government recommendations. If confirmed it would show how our politics taints even prestigious international awards.
After this NGO gave cover to a former LTTE-er codenamed Valluthi working for the army, a disturbed senior staffer has tendered her resignation. Would the NGO act, though late, on the Tiger widow’s complaint? Or would repayment for favors include covering up her story?
All Rights through Political Rights
Only a narrow vision can dichotomize rights into the political and other. The right to Milko agency flowed from Tamils lacking political rights. So also bus routes, sand and jobs sold by the EPDP. The TNA has alleged at a press conference (Dec. 11) that funds have been plundered from the Jaffna Municipal Council by the EPDP and that the Mayor, Her Worship Yogeswari Patkunarajah, has not accounted for huge sums while burdening the people with taxes. Other reports allege that she has charged Rs. 40 lakhs for repairs to her luxury vehicle her husband crashed running personal errands. Reports also allude to a further Rs. 24 lakhs following another accident and Rs. 7 lakhs for car rental while her vehicle was being repaired.
Like our economic rights, our education rights also hinge on our political rights. For example, the university is closed because an army that we do not control has run amok. (The Medics are set to reopen because their student has been released – divided and conquered. In surrendering the student to TID the Dean fearing an army attack asked him to travel separately rather than in his car).
Everything on Sale: Chief Justiceship?
Sri Lanka offers little. Almost anything can be bought with government connivance. MPs (in whom it is claimed our sovereignty is vested) jump sides for millions. So our sovereignty too has a price. Milko dealerships. Jobs. The list is endless. Though a few manage to keep up standards, questions arose recently about the price for the Chief Justiceship after Justice Shiranee Tilakawardane gave evidence at Chief Justice Bandaranayake‘s inquest and “greatly assisted the select committee to reach a correct decision relating to the first charge.”
Those of substance and most social justice organizations agree that the impeachment process is flawed and politicized. So why did Tilakawardana participate in such a vile process and dignify it? Even if summoned she could have declined until the process was put right.
I know Justice Tilakawardana well. We served together on the highest administrative bodies of the Church of Ceylon. Although a law college product rather than the university, she made a name as a feminist and was awarded honorary degrees by reputed US institutions: Williams College and the women’s Smith College.
She was elevated from the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court when the latter’s reputation was going downhill. Responsible lawyers told me that a Justice regularly exposed his genitals to the lady cleaning the Justices’ toilet and another supplied his home with toilette paper, carefully removing new rolls and replacing them in their dispensers with the left-over cardboard for accounting. Chief Justice Sarath Silva had been caught without trousers in a car in Bataramulle with a young lawyer at night, the Sunday Leader reported. He was asserting his frayed authority at the time and, according to sources I believe, called Bandaranayake a “balli” (bitch) during JSC deliberations.
The respected human rights lawyer Elmore Perera challenged Silva, filing a fundamental rights petition over what Perera judged were improper appointments to the JSC of Tilakawardana and another following the resignations of Bandaranayake and Justice TB Weerasuriya. Strangely Silva made Tilakawardana the presiding judge in that case involving herself. The disagreements led to Perera being prohibited from appearing in any law court.
Perera is a seasoned lay-preacher in the Methodist Church and it was painful to see an Anglican lay official act vindictively against him. As a church administrator Tilakawardana needed to be an impeccable role model. Many are puzzled by her appearance against Bandaranayake and pray that speculations as to her motive are wrong, although normally I would be overjoyed to see a fellow Anglican made Chief Justice.
Opting out of Sri Lanka
Our Ambassador to France, Dayan Jaytilleka, indirectly summed up at his farewell the governemnt’s failure in being the government only of the majority: that it would go against the spirit of his job to identify himself with or serve one political party, or one faction or one family, or one religious denomination, or one linguistic community.
As such, the Bishop of Jaffna is on record that the government is dishonest. The Bishop of Mannar feels that refugees are unsafe in Sri Lanka. Are these not voices of our eminent leaders opting out of Sri Lanka?
Yet there is hope. R. Sampanthan, although privately quoted for saying “We escaped Prabhakaran only to get caught to Gothabaya,” stated during the budget speech that he never requested the government to withdraw military personnel from the Northern Province. On the same page as his leader, but clarifying, M. Sumanthiran added “We don’t want military rule in any part of the country, be it LTTE rule or Sri Lankan Army rule. We want civilian rule.”
These may be the last Tamil voices of reason and moderation.
Sandra / December 15, 2012
I understand the folks like Douglas Devenanda, Mervyn de silva, bandula and the like bowing their heads in a servile manner. But, it has always puzzles me self proclaimed Dayan Jayatileka (Che Guerra, Castro) and the like to have served under Gothabaya’s regime even after LTTE is gone.
Are these elites (?) having a hard time getting over the institutionaized communal polities of six decades old????
K.A Sumanasekera / December 15, 2012
The consensus among the peace loving inhabitants is this Professor ran a Tiger Nursery at one time where he was employed.
His affection for Tigers comes out Loud and Clear ,even here.
What has an old Justice showing his ball to a cleaning lady in the Chambers, got to do with full political rights to the TNA?.
What do the Northern inhabitants care about the ex CJ shagging a girl friend in his car, when the former are trying to make a living in their new Economic Environment which grew at a mind bogling rate of 22%.
Besides wasn’t this same CJ standing on the same platform at the last Prez election holding hands with the TNA leader Mr Sambandan who has now become the new idol of this proffessor?.
On the other hand TNA and EPDP organizers having a go at each other over territorial control, is totally and utterly relevant.
And the peace loving people must thank this professr for bringing this out for the benifit of the distinguished reader base, most of whom are overseas based ..
This is clear evidence that ,despite the false claims of the Diaspora and the Colombo Elite TNA is not the only political party that represent the Northern inhabitant population.
And coming from this eminent sholar , it should clear the minds of indipendent minded Diaspora members, who long for a peaceful and prosperous Srilanka where their kith and kim maf be still among the inhabitants.
Native Vedda / December 16, 2012
K.A Sumanasekera says:
“The consensus among the peace loving inhabitants is this Professor ran a Tiger Nursery at one time where he was employed.”
Yet he was in LTTE hit list.
You say:
“His affection for Tigers comes out Loud and Clear ,even here.”
His love for his long suffering people should not be foolishly interpreted as affection for tiger. It is bit intriguing why one can’t see the wood for the trees. Simply because one is irredeemably stupid.
“What do the Northern inhabitants care about the ex CJ shagging a girl friend in his car,”
They do care when double standards are practiced. Couples cannot hold their hands in public places out of affection for each other. Yet the well connected people get away with murder.
Please think before start typing. You need brain to think which is a rare commodity in Sri Lanka.
PB / December 16, 2012
You are right ,native Vedda, Sri Lanka has finished with tigers. So why label every body a tiger at this point in time. These are brainwashed village bums ,who can not compete with Tamils or Sinhalese in towns .these fellows caugh ,even when they are promised rice from the moon.
The sumanasekeras are the reason, we make tigers out of decent Tamils.
This explains about Thilakawardana. She took over the case from Sarath N silva , the case was against the Central Bank. With out giving a judgement this lady was, trying to make a settlement. She was way in over her head with that one. She does not know the fist thing about finance. She was responsible for getting Watawela. She approved the 250,000 rupees a month? Salary for him! A retired accountant? This kind of salary? She kept him knowing he was doing nothing for 3 years? I do not believe Those three accountants have ever earned these salaries when, they were working in their proffession . This was how Thilakawardena played around with depositors money. She was supposedly very friendly with a lawyer . She was designing the settlement to suit him and Karan Perera. Clearly she was a fiasco.
Bandaranayake should have been reasonable . A responsible Chief Justice, after nearly four yeas of getting messed around and lawyers fees etc ( due to no fault of the depositors ) should not throw the case out?
K.A Sumanasekera / December 16, 2012
Even Tamil people living in the promiscuous West fork out hundreds of thousands of Euros and Kroners as doweries to find good partners for their precious daughters.
Promiscuous behaviour ,among young people one would think is taboo in the North.
Yet Native Vedda is cheesed off that the Northern Tamil people haven’t the right to the type of behaviour that our eminent ex CJ displayed in his car.
Native Vedda / December 16, 2012
K.A Sumanasekera
“thousands of Euros and Kroners as doweries to find good partners for their precious daughters.”
Would you like the dowry or their precious daughters? You can have both only if you stop being a nasty person with nuanced racism.
You say:
“Promiscuous behaviour ,among young people one would think is taboo in the North.”
How do you know promiscuity is taboo in the North? Have you ever tried with any Tamil female and failed? Did you get kicked in your teeth?
The point I was trying to make is very simple. I know you find it difficult to understand the basics, one law for the poor and another for the rich and powerful.
Jim softy / December 16, 2012
Look like Jaliya Wickramasooriya had meant Tamil Homeland by using the motherland.
There was another so-called moderate from Canada (his tiger skin was hiding too), he was a journalist, talking the same thing as he was every where.
watcher / December 16, 2012
Hoole is living in a fantasy land and he is as usual racist and fail man… Reading this pathetic article tell all about his religious and racist bigotry and of course he is pandering to his financial backers, the church of colonials.
Educated at prestigious Uni in London what this guy has learn is to create more unbalance society. Did he learn anything about society as one with out any discrimination due to race or religion ? Unfortunately No..
I spoke to the president once about this guy and thought he is a good leader from tamil community.. How wrong I was and mark my words, Hoole you will never get any position in SL ever again. Damn racist hiding behind academic insignia.. These are filth of Jaffna tamils that try to subjugate low class and poor tamils.
With out these morons I want to see Jaffna schools and Uni’s which created amazing citizens (before Hoole Fascists take over) and hope we have new class of Jaffna tamils that take this challenge.
Some notes from a Patriot,
So what was the gameplan of the University of Jaffna students in remembering terrorists and that too with a public display?
We are well aware of how the LTTE used the Mahaveerar Naal held annually on 27/28 November each year to collect funds for its “cause” and these Martyrs Day events held abroad even had the presence of foreign parliamentarians who despite banning LTTE in their countries saw fit to even stand in front of massive cutouts of Prabakaran and accuse the Sri Lankan Government atop LTTE stages. Its not too late to check the bank accounts of these MPs!
If the Jaffna University students wish to remember and mourn – it is not LTTE terrorists for whom candles should be lit but for thousands of other innocent civilians who had their lives snuffed out just because LTTE wanted to promote itself as a brutal force meaning business to the outside world and flirted with media to internationalize their killings through visuals.
Instead of mourning the LTTE the Jaffna students should mourn the death of Krishnar Kamalathas who was killed by the LTTE in 2007 since he was a strong activist against the LTTE.
Navin / December 16, 2012
I too thought Prof. Hoole was a good academic and a man who was able to rise above ethnic identities. How wrong I was. Sinhalese people should openly protest against these people.
suryagamage nilan / December 16, 2012
Dont worry Navin Putha, your henchmen have been colonizing the Tamil majority areas since 1948, thru RVDB schemes etc.
You should be sent however to Germany where they will roast your Black Aryan behind and gass the lot of you to dream of being Aryan…
Instead of Perera etc you should choose names like Sarath Hitler etc…
Native Vedda / December 16, 2012
Navin says:
“How wrong I was. Sinhalese people should openly protest against these people.”
This not the first time you are wrong and this won’t be the last. This time you are wrong for the wrong reason. You are wrong all the time.
Please do protest.
You are rest assured there will be rent a mob to support your cause. Gota will be happy to send his white van fleet to protect you.
Native Vedda / December 16, 2012
Navin says
elsewhere in this forum:
“No I do not agree with the destruction of Jaffna library”
Oh yes you do.
You say:
“I’m merely pointing out Tamils have killed Sinhalese in most abhorrent ways since then.”
So the Sinhalese knew that the Tamils were going to kill them in most abhorrent ways, they struck preemptively and destroyed the library in 1981 and killed the Tamils in 1956, 1977 and 1983. These destruction and killings were done in advance to deter Tamils killing the Sinhalese subsequently. Good logic only the Sinhala/Buddhists have the brains to justify.
Then the Sinhala/Buddhist state’s killings of innocent Sinhala speaking youth in 1971 and between 1987 & 91 were carried out in case the Tamils might would target them. Less Sinhalese youth means less target available for Tamil killers.
Scores of Muslims were killed in 1915 riots by Sinhala/Buddhists. This was to deter the Tamils from killing the Sinhalese after 1983.
You say:
“Lives of those people are far more valuable than any book or other inanimate object destroyed at the Jaffna library.”
This shows who you are and does not require a comment.
“Tamils have the blood of those people on their hands so stop complaining about how bad Sinhalese are for Tamils are equally bad if not worst.”
As a stupid Sinhala/Buddhist how would you jutify the killing to a mother who had lost her innocent son/daughter or for that matter a stupid Tamil justify the killing to a Sinhalese mother of her innocent son/daughter?
Would you ask these two mothers to cancel each others loss?
“They have lost their moral right to be pointing fingers at Sinhalese for numerous wrongs done to them. “
Of course both the Tamils and Sinhalese moral right to point their fingers at each other because both never had it in the first place.
Only my people have the absolute right to question both people’s stupidity, arrogance, double standards, no respect for human dignity, no qualm with killings,…….greed,….etc.
Now tell me what is your problem.
Are you a sex deprived self hater? Please have more sex for peace. With this kind of attitude towards life and death I doubt any women will be pleased to share a bed with you.
Please ignore the following link on Burning of Jaffna Library:
R.KOVIAN / December 17, 2012
Native vedda You asked sinhala budhist navin,
Are you a sex deprived self hater? Please have more sex for peace. With this kind of attitude towards life and death I doubt any women will be pleased to share a bed with you.
Sinhala only use 2 balls for everthing( sex,normal day to day life), they never use brain. Such and intelligent man like you shouldnt ask this qustion
Native Vedda / December 16, 2012
watcher says:
“Educated at prestigious Uni in London what this guy has learn is to create more unbalance society.”
Please bear with me, I am bit thick.
What is an unbalanced society? How does one measure it? How do you compare with previous or other societies?
Safa / December 16, 2012
The standards of governance in Sri Lanka and especially in the North are very very clearly exposed in this article. It seems the Govt continues to forment discontent and harrass the people. No doubt this is the same policy as the 1983 progrom to chase people out of the country by making their life miserable.
I think the recent elections were the turning point. Due to the debacle faced by the Govt in the East, it has now changed into reverse gear and talking about annulling 13A etc. Divinesuma was a calculated attempt to divert the resources of the country to areas of their own choice. Last ditch attempt is being made to raise the ugly head of racism and bigotry. Attempt seems to have backfired and an enlightened public are now realising the true face of this regime.
suryagamage nilan / December 16, 2012
After supporting Rajiva and the likes of Dayan who were working till now for the Fascist state, Mr. Hooole has finally realized that the Tigers even though they were stupid and screwed had some serious justification for not trusting successive Sinhala governments.
Hoole had been the point man exposing the atrocities of the LTTE as fascist and treading softly on all other violations by the Sinhala army…
Now the rooster has come back to bit H in the ass….NOw he asks where shall the Tamils go next except into oblivion…as Sri Lanka and the Sinhalese dont want them…
The realization my man is coming a little too late…
Native Vedda / December 16, 2012
suryagamage nilan:
“Fascist state,”
Is Sri Lanka a fascistic state? Please let me know why?
Navin / December 16, 2012
I am therefore trying to portray the true Tamil lot – zero. Development is skewed, with a view to colonizing our homelands.
I wonder where it is written so and so areas are your exclusive “Tamil” homeland? This man should never be given any position in the university system.
This is exactly why Sinhalese should be settled in North and the East. It should be done in public and adopted as government policy in parliament.
Native Vedda / December 16, 2012
“I wonder where it is written so and so areas are your exclusive “Tamil” homeland?”
It is funny you should say this.
I too wonder where it is written that the whole island belongs exclusively to the stupid Sinhala/Buddhists or the stupid Tamils, both were Kallathonis mostly from South India?
Squatters from India not only have grabbed my ancestral land but tell my people, where to live, how to live, what to eat, what to wear, who my people are, what to learn,…………..
The only thing you have not yet dictated to us is “when to sh.t”. Soon that too will be regulated and rationed according to the wit and whims of the stupid Sinhala/Buddhist state, its rulers and their cronies.
Navin / December 16, 2012
Your can drop your Nativa Veddha act. Your views are not that of someone who is neither Sinhalese nor Tamil.
I didn’t say Sri Lanka as a whole belong to Sinhalese Buddhists. I’m not interested in these historical debates. For me what is important is the future. Sri Lanka is a multi-cultural multi-ethnic country.
What I’m saying is if Tamils can claim North and East as their Tamil Homeland, the Sinhalese can also claim with same credibility that entire Sri Lanka including North and East is their homeland.
Under the guise of addressing ethnic problem what Hoole and ISS are trying to do is carve out/reserve a disproportionate share of country’s resources to a small group of people. This project must be stopped.
In spite of his educational credentials he seem to have not had sufficient education to be able to rise above ethnic identities or recognize his own weaknesses. Only an utterly selfish man would claim 35-40% of land as off limits to some 75% of the population in a land starved country, that too based on some “homeland” theory.
He may have been on the LTTE hit list but so was Mahaththaya. That only means he disagreed with their strategy — perhaps also not out of its consequences to other people but may be he foresaw its failure. It does not say at all that he disagreed or did not sympathize with LTTE’s cause or the final objective. From TNA to ISS there are many who agree and long for LTTE’s objective but disagree in public with their strategy perhaps for their own survival.
Sinhalese are people of this country and they have every right to live anywhere they want. When Tamils start setting up fences blocking access to other people in “their” homeland, the government should promptly take measures to scuttle such agendas. Settling Sinhalese in the N & E and actively marginalizing people like Hoole and ISS from the society are both part of the same process.
Native Vedda / December 17, 2012
Navin says:
“Your can drop your Nativa Veddha act. Your views are not that of someone who is neither Sinhalese nor Tamil.”
This is because you are looking at us with Mahawamsa mindset.
This stupid Sinhala/Buiddhist Navin decides who I am and would wishes to define us as he pleases or in his Sinhala/Buddhist mould.
Sinhalese and Tamils can only think who they are. In my case I know who I am.
You don’t tell me who I am.
This what wrote earlier:
“The only thing you have not yet dictated to us is “when to sh.t”. Soon that too will be regulated and rationed according to the wit and whims of the stupid Sinhala/Buddhist state, its rulers and their cronies.”
I am not sure whether you got the point.
Senguttuvan / December 16, 2012
This Thilakawardena is quite a chameleon – Malay, Sinhalese and
Anglican simultaneously. Sufficient secular qualifications to hold
the top job although coming forward to give evidence raised many eyebrows.
Celerati Editorial / December 16, 2012
I’m surprised you are surprised by the missing Tamil rights. Do you think the military offensive was launched to bring peace and prosperity to the Tamil unfairly held by the Tigers?
R.KOVIAN / December 16, 2012
Chandra / December 16, 2012
This man Sumanasekera is a confused buffoon doing MR’s bidding. Do not take him seriously. A clown. Debacle of Asia
Native Vedda / December 16, 2012
Chandra says::
“This man Sumanasekera is a confused buffoon doing MR’s bidding.”
If I were MR I would not employ Sumanasekera as he is not convincingly doing his job.
Kodikara / December 16, 2012
This Sumanasekera has been recently recruited to speak for MaRa, joining Leela, Dagobert and a few who are now missing in these blogs
(except leela).
However their contribution has little value and they cannot match other
readers analysis of the subject.
shankar / December 24, 2012
“a Justice regularly exposed his genitals to the lady cleaning the Justices’ toilet”
We must look at this from the legal point of view because it happened in the highest legal body in the land,the supreme court.
Without looking at the cleaning lady’s contract let us not jump to conclusions like Dr.Foole here.
If the contract specifies that the toilet and accessories,then can the learned judges genitals be considered an accessory because he regularly uses the toilet?Therefore by exposing his genitals to her if he is implying that those jewels of his should be cleaned too then he may be legally having a good defence.If I was the cleaner I would have put the detergent and vigorously brushed it with the cleaning brush and if he ran out screaming I would be covered by my contract and no charges could be laid against me by his honour.
“Chief Justice Sarath Silva had been caught without trousers in a car in Bataramulle with a young lawyer at night,”
Here again we cannot jump to conclusions like Dr.Foole here who seems to have an axe to grind because Sarath Silva demerged the north and east.He may have been just teaching the young lawyer the finer points of the law.The fact that his trousers were off does not mean that he is automatically doing something of a sexual nature.Colombo is very humid and he may have been more comfortable allowing the breeze on his balls while giving her law lectures.It has to be mentioned also that he has achieved enlightenment after this misunderstanding of his good acts and instead of privately trying to help people and get a bad name,he now publicly preaches bhuddhism on TV.