22 January, 2025


Kadir’s Daughter Launches His Biography Today On 10th Death Anniversary

August 12, 2015 marks the tenth death anniversary of Sri Lanka’s statesman foreign minister Lakshman Kadirgamar. To commemorate the occasion, his daughter Ajita Kadirgamar, a former media personality, will formally launch her biography of her father titled ‘The Cake that was Baked at Home’ at a ceremony at the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies. This is the venue at which he attended his last official function before falling victim to a sniper’s bullets.

Ajita Kadirgamar

Ajita Kadirgamar

The title of the book refers to the speech he made at the unveiling of his portrait at the Oxford Union on March 18, 2005 where he said: “I would like, if I may, to assume that I could share the honour with the people of my country, Sri Lanka. I had my schooling there, my first university was there, I went to Law College there and by the time I came to Oxford as a postgraduate student, I was relatively a matured person. Oxford was the icing on the cake … but the cake was baked at home.”

‘The Cake that was Baked at Home’ attempts to unveil lesser known aspects Kadirgamar’s life. Told through Ajita’s memories, stories and recollections by those who knew him, extracts of published media and tributes composed specifically for the book, she endeavours to shed light on facets of a brilliant and complex man. Kadirgamar spent the last ten years of his life in the harsh and sometimes unforgiving public spotlight, adored by some, declared a traitor by others, all the while knowing he was constantly being targeted by the LTTE.

The 440 page book is also the author’s personal journey of healing and discovery where she poses the question, ‘Do we ever really know a person, even one’s own parent?’ Ajita admits in the concluding chapter, ‘People will certainly ask what kind of a daughter I am, that I can be so critical and judgmental about this much loved and respected man. They will see me as tarnishing a hero’s image. Well, I’m the kind of daughter who tells it like it is, and more so with advancing age. The fact remains that his greatness came at a price. We paid the price. We paid the price for his single minded ambition, drive and brilliance that led him to the highest echelons of public office. We stood in the wings helplessly as, first a woman and then a whole nation hijacked him as their own.’

The book published by Vijtha Yapa is now on sale.


Latest comments

  • 24

    “The cake was baked at home” was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate to become Sri Lanka’s first, Tamil Prime Minister. Even first President.

    What a shame Sri Lanka was denied that opportunity. First by calculating, defeated, corrupt dictator Rajapassa. Then forever by “Sun God’s” bullets of utter cowardice. Fired while hiding behind a tiny bush.

    Kadirgamar was the embodiment of what Sri Lankans can be. Once we transcend our narrow ethnic and religious barriers.

    Looking forward to reading the biography.


    • 4

      Ben Hurling

      “Looking forward to reading the biography.”

      Watch out for snipers coming from all directions.

      OTC is ever willing to give a racist twist to anything said about Kathir or what he said or did during his life time. Another sniper to watch out is our own KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera.

      There are others, particularly lal loo, sach the stupid, Taraki, Jazz, Nuisance, sarojini, Ravi Perera the Sinhala speaking Demela, Cholan, Maveeran, Tamilnet, TGTE, … Dayan the self confessed war monger, Wimal Weerawansa, …….. the list is not exhaustive.

      Have a read and let us have your review.

    • 2

      You too are RESPONSIBLE for him not achieving his goal of PM. Stop blaming other people !

    • 3

      Great Sri Lankan Bake off!

  • 19

    This same Kadirgamar who can’t even talk Tamil properly ..because of his PM dream misguided Chandrika …and dissolved Ranil`s government

    Sinhalease will never allow a Tamil PM even if he is ready to wash their foot..

    There were many Muslim and Sinhala foreign ministers but they have never worked against Tamils in and out of SL but this dreaming Kadirgamar worked against for his own people for his temporary minister post…

    Sinhalese wanted Tamil till get independence from British…

    This guy is a disgrace for Tamils


    • 12

      Ajita does the book contain your thoughts on whom you suspect really killed him and got away in the HSZ.

      • 4

        Does that matter now ?
        if one remembers that the LTTE maintained silence and did not openly admit it’s involvement although it clearly had a motiva, that motive was an opportunity for the real perpetrators of that dastardly act to sidetrack and distract ,elude and take cover from detection.
        That is what probably and most likely what happened, in the HSZ ,if subsequent turn of events are considered.

        • 3

          It does matter to his Family.
          They need to know who did it and why!
          So that they can move on with their life.

    • 5

      We were waiting hopefuly, Ambisiously Till the Honourable L K become our Primeminister, then The President,
      But that Expectation was shattered and He was killed by the Inhuman beast called Pirabaharan.
      It is speculated in the Island as With the help of a Power hungry former VVIP.
      As The Saviour of Sri Lanka, He had a vision to Smash the Killer LTTE outfit With Other Scavengers and Hyenas Like socalled Tamil Armed Libaraters.
      He Must be given 75 % of the crdits of Defeating and Sending the Bucher Pirpaharan to Nandihi Kadaal Gravre Yard,
      Not Bloody Jarapassa Clan for the Victory.


      • 10


        “But that Expectation was shattered and He was killed by the Inhuman beast called Pirabaharan.”

        The jury is still out. This is an open ended case similar to many other that the investigators haven’t got a clue or do not want to catch the killer.

        “He Must be given 75 % of the crdits of Defeating and Sending the Bucher Pirpaharan to Nandihi Kadaal Gravre Yard,”

        If I were you I will give 100% credit to VP for winning the war and two elections for MR.

        • 9

          Well said Native Vedda,

          “The jury is still out. This is an open ended case similar to many other that the investigators haven’t got a clue or do not want to catch the killer.”

          You are one of the very few who got this right. Lakshman might have been assassinated by an LTTE sniper but not without inside help. Prior to Laksman’s death, President CBK was contemplating in making Lakshman her next PM. However, MR objected and brazenly threatened President CBK with violence. CBK backed down. The new PM took his oaths and a few months later Lakshman was brutally “MURDERED”, and there after cremated. The LTTE was blamed for Lakshman’s demise and the entire case was closed. I have studied the crime scene extensively and concluded at the time that the sniping was an inside job, I suspected that the shooter to have come from within our own ranks. Madam President CBK was notified and all she cared at the time was for her own safety. I don’t blame her because she had already elected a wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing to the premiership. CBK genuinely feared for her own life as she mourned and grieved for days at the loss of Lakshman while lashing out at our own VIP security lapses.

          • 6

            Not just Kadirgamar there are many more Politicians and commentators killed by insider job and blamed conviniently on LTTE.

            Nadarajah Raviraj
            Kethees Loganathan
            Gamini Dissanayake

            if you study the circumstances of how they were killed it all points to probably insider job

            • 5


              Don’t forget

              Premadasa, Kumar Ponna, Denzil Kobbekaduwa, ….

              • 2


        • 4

          There is indeed a good reason why Justice Baghwathi insisted on including Karthir’s murder in the list of items for independent, international investigation.

          Any guesses why the State relentlessly obstruct his investiation?

          That tells it all!

    • 2

      You are correct. This man never identified or considered him self a Tamil but something above them. he caused a lot of misery to them. A disgrace

      • 4

        He certainly was far above We Thamizh – but I suppose that isn’t particularly difficult considering specimens like you :D

        • 0

          But you are not Thamizh, just a Sinhalese low life who has stolen the name and identity of a Tamil Brahmin, whom you hated and are now going around various forums posting your Tamil hate messages under his name.

          • 0

            Cool story, bro :D

      • 1


        Then what about all those like Dr. Rajasunderam,Kuttimany, and many such others who were killed in what was supposed to be a prison riot in 1983.If there is to closure on the causes for their deaths for the sake of their family members it would be desirable, but is it possible now to inquire into all that now?
        To prevent such tragedies from taking places in the future is what matters, don’t you think?

        • 1


          Indeed …also you may add to that 140,000 Tamils killed in the last stages of the war and 100s of thousands of Tamil civilians killed during race riots since independence.

          I know I know …yes the 100s Muslims and the 100s of Sinhalease as well who perished during various uprising.

          So where do we begin and where do we stop.?

          Look at the racist venom spit during this election campaign.

          Why is this small beautiful nation cursed?

          To live peacefully as one country there need to be a mass scale change in the thinking of all people and menatality

          There is not yet a Gandhi or Kennedy or Lincoln or Mandela to bring about a mass scale change …I am afraid the tragedy will carry on.

          But in the mean time we cant sit back and let the Sinhala racist to rewrite history and unearth Bushhist civilisaion by dsicovering modern 12st Century artefacts in the NE.

          but who can bring about that mass scale change?

          Even If Tamils get homeland It will be similar to the Israel Palestine situation…..Unending war.

    • 2

      KAdirgamar betrayed his family, his religion and his race in his march towards PM. Long before he entered politics (somewhere in mid ’80’s) he wrote an article in the ‘Island’ on SWRD and on the sideline he was comparing his with SWRD to hint that he is also suitable to become the PM of Sri Lanka.

  • 5

    Kadirgamar was probably the best Prime Minister Sri Lanka never had.

    It is however strange to read vacuous comments extolling his virtues, by the very same people who had him murdered and boasted quite openly soon afterwards in England that they (both male and female) willingly signed his death warrant.

    • 3

      The name sake Tamil would have been worse than Mahinda for the Tamils. During his life time he created so much harm to them. He just a Tamil by name and birth only.

      • 1

        I hope you are not another among the hundreds who allegedly signed his LTTE-sponsored death warrant (in order to dilute the blame attached ?) too and celebrate his death when announced.?

        He was hated by the ‘Eelamites’ simply because he had been able to elevate himself above mere ethnicity based politics. Let us hope that his children celebrate that fact.

  • 6

    Ajita, Who butchered your fathers statue ?

  • 0

    The Guy(may he RIP), was a Colombo 7 Guy. Becoming PM would have been a moot point for masses on both sides.

  • 3

    “The cake was baked at home” in the sense that the man was a fully fledged person in Sri Lanka itself and his Oxford Entry was an icing of the cake. There were many hard working and intelligent Tamils originated in the South. Neelan Thiruchelvam was another. But these people although they were Tamils, they did not do anything tangible for their race they were born in. The Sinhala majority would not have given the premiership to Mr.Kadirgamar although he went round the world advocating and persuading the LTTE to be banned. He worked with the Sinhalese and for the Sinhalese, but not for the Tamils. He was man with self interest. There were many Tamil men like him appeared and disappeared.

    • 6

      Curiously most of these well educated, hard working intelligent Tamils seem to work against We Thamizh. On the other side of the fence are most of the rabid, thuggish We Thamizh coolies howling about mythical homelands and chenociiiitee – there’s a message in there somewhere :D

  • 4

    LK may be well educated, talented individual. He sold his talent for his own benefit but benefitted to establish Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism. He was not an elected member and those who used him never wanted to elect him as a people representative. His representation made the western nations to ban LTTE in their countries but Sinhalese joined hands with China & Russia and gave credit to Mahinda. Another talented but not educated leader who was one of the contributor to the defeat of the LTTE. He is Karuna Amman. For Both Tamils Karuna & Kathirkaamar are the same. Both contribued to the massacre of thousands of civilians.

  • 2

    Well said Native Vedda,

    “The jury is still out. This is an open ended case similar to many other that the investigators haven’t got a clue or do not want to catch the killer.”

    You are one of the very few who got this right. Lakshman might have been assassinated by an LTTE sniper but not without inside help. Prior to Laksman’s death, President CBK was contemplating in making Lakshman her next PM. However, MR objected and brazenly threatened President CBK with violence. CBK backed down. The new PM took his oaths and a few months later Lakshman was brutally “MURDERED”, and there after cremated. The LTTE was blamed for Lakshman’s demise and the entire case was closed. I have studied the crime scene extensively and concluded at the time that the sniping was an inside job, I suspected that the shooter to have come from within our own ranks. Madam President CBK was notified and all she cared at the time was for her own safety. I don’t blame her because she had already elected a wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing to the premiership. CBK genuinely feared for her own life as she mourned and grieved for days at the loss of Lakshman while lashing out at our own VIP security lapses.

    • 0

      @ General Rommel,out of curiosity are you an ex cop or serviceman?

  • 4

    The Cake That Was Baked At Home. Wow. What a nice title. Tasty too. But would you also tell us who tried to steal the icing on that cake by desecrating his statue and letting it lie in the undergrowth for years.

  • 3

    Thank you for the memories, Ajita. We never squirmed in our seats when watching LK being interviewed by any international TV crew. We knew he would deliver and deliver he did. Sadly there aren’t any more like him. Your book will be a definite read for me.

  • 4

    How about returning the house stolen from the Bostock sisters wherein resides the Kadirgamar Center. The common thief is easy to identify unlike the educated one. Too much polish that blinds the naked eye!

  • 0

    Oh yes, I see the cake on the cover. But where are the raisins?

  • 1

    An interesting point during the critical time in his (LK’s) aspirations as a PM. a daily Island carried a small article – a Christian Tamils attempt – to infuriate a debate on ethno religious platform to reinforce the Sinhalese Buddhist dominance even to this power less role of a PM under 78 SL Constitution.

    Sri Lanka should learn secularism in power from India where in recent years when Abdul Kalam – Tamil Muslim – was President, Mamamohan Singh was the PM a Sikh. both being minorities in ethnic and religious terms

    • 2


      And Indian national anthem is in Bengali, a minority language.

  • 1




    • 0

      We are waiting for you to die the light crackers throughout the country.

  • 2

    @Ajitha, maybe you should also have Gotabaya investigated for your dad’s assassination. When your dad was assassinated, there was no cordon and search for 2.5 hours, why? Also there was no ballistic done on the calibre of the gun used versus the bullet found on the scene, why? CBK wanted to appoint your dad as the PM and who else was vying for that post? I hope you get my drift!!!!!!!!!!!! So push for an investigation. CBK is still alive, maybe you should ask her to help.

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