22 January, 2025


Katuwana Killings: Questioning Political Freedom And Democracy

A look at the incident in the South — in Katuwana in the Hambantota District which saw two people dead following a shooting incident. It has raised new questions about political freedom, the rule of law and democracy in the country.



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    The JVP which suffered massive retaliation in 1971 & in 1987/88/89 is now being targetted by pro government forces.These are said to be persons who “helped” the UPFA in elections and hence their activities appear to be ignored. Earlier,two JVP activists “went missing” in the north.Hence,I do not think that this is an “isolated incident” as the police spokesman says.Many incidents go unreported.
    Asian Human Rights Commission has today reported another killing of a man while in police custody.
    Hulugalle seems to think that since the regime has 2/3 majority in parliament, people have no right to protest injustice.He appears to be voicing the opinion of the regime!
    There are reports that witnesses in the ‘Amare’ case are under intimidation.
    The ongoing injustices, suppression of civil liberties and violations of human rights in the north,have now come down south.The south is now “tasting” what the north & east have been suffering from.
    Does the Defence Secretary want the people to ‘catch & hand over’ the rest of the gang – as he advised Dr.Nirmal?
    Hambantota being the fiefdom of the Rajapakses,it is astonishing that criminal gangs are holding sway in the region.

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