A group of supporters of Kumar Gunaratnam, leader of the Frontline Socialists Party entered the Department of Immigration and Emigration in Colombo today by force, damaging property while protesting against the sentencing of Gunaratnam, who violated the country’s immigration laws.
The protestors, including members of the Frontline Socialist Party, as well as university students, clashed with the police opposite the department, before making their way forcibly into the department, demanding Gunaratnam’s immediate release.
Gunaratnam was sentenced to one year imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 50,000 yesterday for violating immigration laws, after he overstayed his one month tourist visa.
Saman / April 1, 2016
These thugs must be brought to justice and incarcerated for life.
Srilal / April 1, 2016
What is their demand ? do they want government to pardon him and then release ? this movement is a potentially dangerous cult , deport KG from SL and never issue an entry visa again . we have had enough blood shed from the early seventies to date , enough is enough , let us leave peacefully.
MSMadanakulappu / April 1, 2016
had the man been sent to Australia.. they would treat him better. Why should we allow any kind of violent and violent promoters to roam in this country, sinhala, demala, burgher, muslim should be informed, law is equal to everyone today. Next days, you will see, Rajaakahse men have to land in jails… crytal clear.
Ben Hurling / April 1, 2016
You have a reputation for balanced, well-reasoned comments.
“this movement is a potentially dangerous cult”
Could you elaborate on that?
I do not know much about KG, FSP, mission or methods.
At first glance, I felt this was the result of broken, corrupt Sri Lanka Justice system.
MsMaralathoni / April 1, 2016
Ben Hurling@, welcome back, I really missed your valuable inputs.
Where had you been ? Please tell me why GLP added the kind of thoughts regarding lately found suicide kits. Yours are considered valuable to us readers joining this forum from Europe. Thank you.
Srilal / April 1, 2016
Ben ,
If possible , try to read KG’s autobiography , this man has a unique personality which is somewhat equivalent to Rohana Wijeweera , his end mission is to transform SL in to a true socialist republic ;furthermore, he wouldn’t care less how he gets there . KG is a colourful character , he has got so many skeletons in the cupboard, namely he was behind the killings of IPKF in Tricomalee ;subsequent arrest and jail break .
Ben , right now i’m travelling ;hence , i shall wind up for now.
Cheers Ben.
Henry / April 1, 2016
There is nothing unique in the man and there is nothing colourful in his personality. Another empty headed human who thinks he can surpass God.
In reality all these problems are the faults off the Immigration authorities and the terribly flawed Australian Immigration process.
This episode is a terrible shame on the Sri Lanka Immigration authorities and the inefficiency, lethargy, of the Dept and the system.
Its also a open shame on the Australian Immigration system, because there are good, clean, honest, educated, hardworking, persons who would like to migrate to Australia, but as their system is so flawed, that empty headed idiots like Gunaratnam were allowed to come into Australia thereby depriving many a good person of the same opportunity.
It also shows and makes a mockery of the SL authorities in their incompetence with regard to all they do.
Gunaratnam knows that its difficult for him to get a job in Australia as no good Australian will give him a job and its very difficult for him to survive on the social security system without genuine reasons. He also knows that he is shunned by Australian society. In fact all of Austrlia will ignore him other than in his own house.
Outwardly he looks nice and serene but inwardly he is a ugly minded individual who would have done well in the killing fields of Cambodia under Polpot and the Khemer Rouge.
Finally to end this, its ” shame on Australia for giving this person permision to enter your country.” and
” Shame on the SL immigration for the impotency to deport him.”
Srilal / April 2, 2016
Henry ,
So you think there is nothing unique about this KG bloke and it’s only the prevailing circumstances helping him ,right ? think again ! consider following facts
1)Getting admission to Pera uni to follow the B.Sc Engineering degree.
2)Becoming a trusted confidant of Rohana Wijeweera.
3)Becoming the leader of the Trincomalee district.
4)Killing more than a dozen of IPKF soldiers.
5)Spending the time in Magazine and Bogambara prison in the most violent times in SL history and surviving another day only to escape from the prison.
6)Having had the luck to escape from certain death warrant.
7)Getting married to a medical doctor (His childhood sweet heart)
8)Getting the most sought after Australian passport.
9)Escaping again from the 2nd certain death warrant from Gota in 2012.
10)Having the necessary leadership qualities to split the hard core JVP in to two.
11)Managing to attract thousands of followers even without his presence.
12)Getting support from intellectuals i.e Nirmal Dewasiri et al
This man is not just an average bloke , he is a very smart , determined, disciplined strategist, everybody underestimated and just ignored . if the authority doesn’t take him seriously , we all will have to face 3 rd uprising in SL. yesterday we just had a taste as to what we are going to get in to.
Henry / April 2, 2016
Sri Lal,
if you have provided all the good points about the man then he should have made use of all those good points to better his future other than to put himself in the position he is at present. Any good person with a BSc in engineering should end up being a good engineer and not in the murky world of stinking shitty politics. If he got a sought after australian passport then he should have stayed in australia and used his education for the good of australia. If he married a doctor then he should have stayed with her, supported her and had a family.
If he wanted to stay with the JVP then he should have not gone to australia.
The man is below way below than an average bloke and so are you.
Yes ! you will very soon taste what you are going to get and regret much for your statements. You sri lankans are never satisfied in any way because you cannot differenciate between the good things in life such as whisky and kassipu as both do the same intoxicate you and thats what you want. Given a choice you people will drink the kassipu because it intoxicates you faster and also because you lack the etiquette to sip a nice shot of scotch on the rocks.
I am sorry very sorry for deviating away from the subject but thats the truth and the plain truth.
Your land of plenty, a blessed land with much to offer to all of its citizenry is on a very rocky and frightening road to a undescribable mess, a mess so messy that only an act of God can get it out off. Doubt if the good God is coming to your rescue this time.
So you had better leave Gunaratnam alone, get down on your bended knee and pray with all your heart and soul that your prayers be heard and answered.
Wish you all the best and my prayers too are that your country will be spared the wrath of the good God.
God bless you all.
Srilal / April 3, 2016
Henry ,
Now I Regret replying to your comment , had i known your errant/erratic character earlier , i wouldn’t have wasted my time explaining things which you clearly don’t understand !
You have started to shoot from the hip all over ;furthermore , you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about , one instance you were talking about Kasippu and scotch ;conversely , how we Srilankan don’t how to enjoy it . then you hop on to ” God ” and asking us to pray for god .listen mate, i have a strange feeling about you , you may sound like one “Javi” , he/she was the one used to poke his nose for every single conversation and ending up with totally irrelevant topics , i feel same here , when i asked you ” where are you going ? ” your reply was ” Malle pol ” adiós mate.
Henry / April 3, 2016
You sound like another erratic minded politician in your lovely land. It is to people like you and your politicians that ” kohedhayanne, Malle pol ” was the answer they gave from 1948 till present.
Once again its a pity that pea brained fossils like you exist in a land of plenty that is struggling to come to a position where it should have been decades ago.
Yes ! i hope and pray that your country will come out of its dark cloud and that all good sri lankans will be blessed to benefit in every way, but i dont wish that you and morons like KG whom you idolise will shine in that hour of properity.
To us, persons like you and KG are like dog shit accidentally trampled on hot humid sunny afternoon and the smell training for miles behind.
May Sri lanka and all good srilankans ( ceylonese ) be blessed in abundance and may all those morons who wish to drag the land down to beggary be wiped out without an atom of mercy.
Srilal / April 3, 2016
Henry ,trunket , Javi ………….
Oooooooops ! have i touched a raw nerve …………
I’m not interested in any of your BS comments ! mate ,find some one who has the same IQ as you .
Srilal / April 2, 2016
Henry ,
“Gunaratnam knows that its difficult for him to get a job in Australia as no good Australian will give him a job and its very difficult for him to survive on the social security system without genuine reasons. He also knows that he is shunned by Australian society. In fact all of Austrlia will ignore him other than in his own house. “
I don’t exactly know how you came to the above conclusions , what made you so sure about that “no good Australian will give him a job ” . as far as Australia goes , if a person is qualified and has necessary experience and expertise , there is no such barrier to discriminate any one getting a job, this is generally speaking though, of course there may be exceptions. KG doesn’t need to go on the dole as he is an able person ;moreover , he could easily be self employed any time i.e driving a cab .don’t forget his spouse is a medical doctor and she doesn’t depend on social welfare system . As to shunning by the Australian society , it’s a bit of exaggeration from your part , there are tens of thousands Srilankan immigrants who have successfully adapted to Australian way of living and they just continue to enjoy the peaceful life. as far as i see , KG is well off living in OZ with his wife and children , but he wants much more than a comfortable life for him , he wants to establish a Cuban style governance style in SL , that is his final mission.
henry / April 2, 2016
Sri lal,
sorry to come back to you again, but Aussies are pricky people to live with. The sri lankan immigrants who have adapted to the aussie way of life are good people, people unlike Gunaratnam who has misused the goodness in him. If the moron wants a cuban way of life then he should have migrated to Cuba, North Korea, Afghanistan etc etc. There are many hellholes where he can get his way of life. You too seem to be wanting to live in that way of life and hope it will come to you and when it does you will regret very much for your decision.
I dont know who you are and dont care who you are, but if you are a good family man or intend to be one then think of the well being of your family. Yes ! their well being should be your priority and to prioretise that good will then think in a more educated way.
Instead of Gunaratnam getting a aussie passport it should have been you who should have got one but unfortunately you were not meant for it.
If you can get a visa then go to australia for a holiday and experience first hand how the country works and find out why the failed moron gunaratnam threw the spanner in the works.
Maybe because like all SL politicians his brain is where his anus is and vice versa.
Good luck. God bless you and take care.
trunket / April 1, 2016
Sri Lal,
I signed the petition dont ban donald trump enter Uk (his mum scot) because the muslims had 1/2million signatures asking to ban. we did not get the 100k signatures because the majority did not bother Yet after Putins reply to Jeb Bushes question Cameron and Scot CM backtracked.
Here i include part of the response to me.
The Government has a policy of not routinely commenting on individual immigration or exclusion cases.
For good reasons the Government does not routinely comment on individual immigration and exclusion decisions.
The Home Secretary may exclude a non-European Economic Area national from the UK if she considers their presence in the UK to be non-conducive to the public good.
The Home Secretary has said that coming to the UK is a privilege and not a right and she will continue to use the powers available to prevent from entering the UK those who seek to harm our society and who do not share our basic values.
Dan Fernando / April 1, 2016
Just look at the way some men and women add their two cts to the social media, so do they behave in normal life with protests in the country. They dont have sorta any demands on a list. Mafia kind had introduced a cutlure that any culprits could do any harm to other rulers would not care of it… now the current protesters may feel.. they have still been under the rule of Maharaja…. here they are mistaken. The kind of acts can only worsen his jail duration. There should be more in their list to come with a verdict of the kind. We will read more about the allegations in the days to come … then we can discuss it broadly.
Funlover / April 1, 2016
Why dont you see the injustice of Yahapalanaya?
This bloke violated immigration laws. He should have been arrested and deported under existing laws. No fuss; no mess.
Why did the Sirisena gang allow this to fester? Making political capital?
Srilal / April 2, 2016
Funlover ,
“Why dont you see the injustice of Yahapalanaya?”
why didn’t you read my very first comment ? all i said was , deport him ASAP and never issue an entry visa again .
Funlover / April 2, 2016
But you never said that before the guy was subjected to all the torture of arrest, remand, and imprisonment. Why are you holding pandang to the dirty Yahas?
Srilal / April 2, 2016
Funlover ,
Oh ! now i understand where you coming from , you ‘ve got nothing to do with KG , it’s all about Yahapalanaya ;furthermore , the way you have ended your earlier post (Language), it’s the typical trade mark of Mafia king supporters , so there is nothing new there !
to answer to your query , who had arrested KG and tortured him ? wasn’t your super duper hero Gota the goon responsible for all that ? Hadn’t Ausi high commissioner intervened at the 11 th hour , KG would have been dead by now , so don’t bring up all this irrelevant questions now . as to your final question , why i am holding a pandam to yaha , well for your information , i don’t ; nevertheless , i had done my utmost to send your Mafia king packing ;furthermore , i’ll do my best to expose all his dirty deals , happy ?
Funlover / April 2, 2016
Many of those who worked to send the mafia king home are holding pandang to Sirisena and the Gang. The evidence is overwhelming. You are one of them. Why? Do you think toppling the Jarapakse was a personal investment you made, and that you have now to wait patiently for the return? I too did my part to banish the old scumbag. Read my comments in these columns 2015 and before. But I will not wait to see the new scum bag take root. I knew Sirisena was a scumbag the day Kumarasinghe took the SLT Chair amidst much drama.
SJ / April 1, 2016
I generally do not condone unruly conduct.
But have the government and the Depart of I&E acted fairly?
Uncontrolled anger is often the outcome of hopelessness.
Thus, while we denounce unruly conduct, let us also examine whether KG was singled out for punishment for political reasons.
Sama / April 1, 2016
If the verdict was not acceptable, lawyers could go for revision.
Instead to hold the kind of protest can worsen the situation.
Today, any kind of protests can help achieving anything.
Law and order is getting its head again under the current DUO- This is good for the future/nation/country.
SJ / April 4, 2016
Where I differ is that I seriously doubt if “Law and order is getting its head again under the current DUO”
MsMaralathoni / April 1, 2016
[Edited out]
Paddy / April 2, 2016
Gunaratnam is an Australian fugitive. Send him back without wasting the Srilankan tax payers’ money. Let the law deal with him there.
Sama / April 1, 2016
Yesterday, i FELT this was a wrong verdict. If those idiots start vandalize so there is no revision needed sending him years long Jail sessions. We the ones who started studies at Pera and lost years long being lags are well aware of the fact how then JVPrs reacted. KG or nother couterparts should equally be ttreated.
Douglas / April 1, 2016
After serving the jail terms and the payment of the fine, what happens to KG? This is mockery of the highest order. If a person was found entering the country on a VISIT VISA,and engaged in political activities and worse OVERSTAYED, what is the decision of the Immigration Authorities would have been? The normality is to ARREST him and DEPORT him/her to the country from where he came. This has been done in very many cases that I know of. Even when a person was detected having valid visa to enter the country but SUSPECTED to be engaged in other activity other than a visit the country as a tourist or relatives etc. he/she could be DEPORTED. That is what happened to Mr. Bob Raye, an MP from Canada. So who created this problem? If KG entered the country with a visit visa and over stayed, he should have been arrested and deported. If the Authorities acted as per the laws of the country all this fuss would not have arisen. This in Sinhala is: “Illam Parippu Kema”.
SJ / April 1, 2016
You raised a valid and important point.
Overstaying and absconding are illegal under the law of the land. But, is KG being treated as a Sri Lankan exile violating immigration law or as an Australian national violating immigration law?
KG left the country because of political persecution and threat to life.
He would like to restore his Sri Lankan nationality. That needs sympathetic consideration.
I do not share much of KG’s political views and actions, but I see others who fled the country for political reasons have been treated kindly.
What mattes to me is whether the system is delivering justice even handedly.
Fukushima / April 1, 2016
There is no trust relationship with Sinhalese Buddhist/muslim governments of any kind
perhaps with mobs storming and government permitting them would create and impression that MR1 and his troops cannot be taken in to custody for war crimes. Another way to slip for the IC to pat them on the back and they carry on genocide- that is exactly what Stalin and Mao did to get funds from USA.
They are broke there issues will take place quickly- year of the monkey.
SJ / April 1, 2016
“Another way to slip for the IC to pat them on the back and they carry on genocide- that is exactly what Stalin and Mao did to get funds from USA.”
This piece of history is a little confusing.
That, however, has little to do with what I meant to point out.
If justice is delivered in a fair and consistent way, there is no need to fear any unruly protest, as the public will have faith in the system.
Fukushima / April 2, 2016
Sinhala Buddhist needs scape goats to carry out their rackets and the majority have been tamils- VP for one to get at Rajiv- then Lanka Government rode high till Lanka finished him. Now that’s over money does not come that easily- not even a Tsunami. This happens in every government department- get a minority to do that final lap because who cares for cannon fodder.
When was justice fair?? The rich always win.
Do the Australians care about Julian Assange even though governments have changed?? It is still a colony unlike Lanka.
You have to see it from financial viability point of view.
The folk need powerful outside force to steer it off into Administration by clearing it of all politicians etc then gradually giving it self rule.
Independence was an full accident while India not fully accident.
Only Trump has the capacity to do that effortlessly because both Putin and Xi see him as sensible and they both dislike Hillary as she is stupid and greedy and bluffed `i know foreign affiars better than anyone because i have been at the white house for 10 years and run my own practice` so Obama gave it to her and she took on Libya then ran into toilet saying i wont come back because this tough job.man she is there smiling lying on behalf of cooperate sector.
Dem & Gop both failures and we must try Trump as he will not let one down if you are clean- many nationalities works in his organisation.
People show fear because cooperate brand play `psycho war` at top of the pops to go for Libya. Its all about greedy men for power over others.
appuhamy / April 2, 2016
This fellow went to greener pastures leaving a trail of blood. How many innocent University students sacrificed their lives with a false hope of this fellow to become the king.
I cannot understand the double standards of this Govt. If anyone else violates immigration laws they are sent back to their country of origin. Why need a court case to settle such a simple matter. Likewise this fellow should have been sent to Australia where he came from. It was the former Govt. who got him to break the JVP who supported MS during the last election. If Sajin Vass can talk he can tell about the money paid to KG in Singapore.
He should not be given Sri Lankan citizenship again and let Australia keep him for good.
janaka / April 1, 2016
The Weerawansa filth still free after holding fake passports?
Sanitybeings / April 1, 2016
but coming colour is no good to Weerawanse too. He has to be very careful. Immunity will not last longer even if it started in that way. I cant digest any of those NFF men – they are so radical – by their thoughts. They twist, each and every statement in favour of them as if they have been suffering from an unique hallozination restrict to them typically.
Douglas / April 1, 2016
SJ: Thank you. KG, (with a different name) entered the country on a Visit Visa holding an Australian Passport which goes to prove that he is an Australian citizen. If he is KD or any other person, though a (“Sri Lankan”) once obtain the citizenship of another country, automatically relinquishes the citizenship of Sri Lanka. That is the present Law. As you said, I am also of the opinion, that just because any one opts to get a citizenship in any other country, your citizenship at the time of your birth must not be denied and that must be continued to be your “birth right”. But that is not present Law in the country. So, as at present KG or by any other name, he entered the country holding an Australian passport on a Visit Visa valid (the purposes of such visit are mentioned in the application) for 30 days and he/she must leave the country, unless an extension of stay has not been applied and obtained after paying the required fees.
I have an experience with a couple who came as my friends, who held foreign passports, but originally Sri Lankan citizens by birth. They had 30 days visit visa. On the last day they had to leave was 2.30 a.m. and I took them to the airport before 12 midnight. But by the time they checked in at the immigration counter to depart it was past 12 midnight and they were told, they have overstayed by “ONE DAY” and was required to pay US$ 50.00 per person. The paid the fee and left on their flight.
That is what the Law is and how it operates. So everyone MUST abide by the Law of the land. No one should be allowed to MESS around with it. If this happened any any other Western or American country, not only he/she will be deported, but will be debarred from entry for life or a long period of at least 1o years. I am for maintaining Law & Order and whoever who violates it must be dealt with all the seriousness, irrespective of his/her status. That is how this country can be “Rebuilt”.”
Fukushima / April 2, 2016
” they have overstayed by “ONE DAY” and was required to pay US$ 50.00 per person. 2
This is with India too and happens with `cheap tourist destinations`. 50.0 because they wont feel it. you should have arrange it with your airline then no pay. never mine let those poor men share the commission.
In the west if you are leaving there is no problem provided you have not committed a crime.They in fact are happy because to catch and deport is very expensive.
This one is a government set up in view of ???. The rich always win.
SJ / April 4, 2016
I fear that here is more than meets the eye to this issue.
Your friends were not politically persecuted or under threat. It was a genuine omission on their part and they paid the penalty and that was the end of it. Incidentally Western countries do bend rules for political reasons.)
People can abide by the law when the law is fair and is implemented fairly.
When KG left the country the law failed to protect people. His use of another name and arriving on a foreign passport etc. need to be seen in context.
If KG’s offence was an overstay, why did the government not take the simple step of expelling him on his arrest? What is the meaning of Australia’s silence in the issue?
KG adopted a foreign nationality under difficult conditions and wants to restore his Sri Lankan nationality.
I think that it is the core issue, and the rest peripheral.
Aku / April 1, 2016
Hello guys… Please remember, Kumar G came into the Country on a False Passport too… The first step would be to remove all him communication with the outside world like mobiles, etc and treat his as a Criminal!!!
I personally think all those who participated in this unruly behaviour be arrested immediately!!! KG’s sentence should be made double for inciting this situation… And… He should be held responsible at the shocking behavior almost killing a Uni girl by extreme ragging too!!!!
ranil / April 2, 2016
Does people commenting here know much about KG. Because of his Tamil name people think it is okay to treat him like this. Does any one know about what happened to his brother Ranjithan Gunarathnam who was a brilliant mind? He was dragged from the bed in early hours and killed by the previous UNP govt thugs and no wonder KG has a hatred towards his brothers killers.
jim softy / April 2, 2016
This guy with Physician wife went to Overseas but he di dnot make it.
NOw he wants to come back to Sri lanka and screw up those stupid undergraduates.
the reason he could not make it in australia.
Hand over him to Mrs. amirthalingam to hang him and skin alive in Galle Face.
Douglas / April 2, 2016
Now Mr. Pubudu Jagoda, the Propaganda Secretary of the party, issuing a press briefing state that the clash at the Immigration office arose when the Police attacked them when they went there to hand over an application seeking citizenship for KG. Mr, Jagoda do you need 200 or more men to visit that office to submit an application and attempt to enter the the place? That is a “Big Crowed” and shouldn’t the Immigration Dept. take security into consideration and call the Police, as it was an “unusual” crowd coming to submit an application. The clash started as your supporters entered the office and created “mayhem”.
Mr. Jagod come to your proper senses and act in accordance with the Law and most importantly BEHAVE in an orderly manner as RESPONSIBLE citizens of this country. Please give up your characteristics of ROGUERY and act in a Responsible and Law abiding manner. That will help you to achieve your goals in a better way than in this street thug style.