19 February, 2025


Kurundi: A Runway To ’56?

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“Already the snow falls…” ~ Karl Kraus words in verses III


In his fifth labour, Heracles cleans the Augean Stables by rerouting the rivers Alpheus and Peneus through the filthy abode of King Augeas’ divine cattle. Many believed that the Aragalaya would have a similarly cleansing effect on Lankan society, washing away the filth of primordial extremisms with the waters of its idealism.

As the Kurundi storm demonstrates, ethno-religious racism didn’t die. The extremity of the crisis and the resultant antipathy towards the Rajapaksas drove it underground. To paraphrase Camus, the plague bacillus lay dormant in the dark corners of religious places and political organisations, of imagined histories and collective memories until the time was right to rouse up its rats again.

That time might be now. 

Less than one year after the Aragalaya sent Gotabaya Rajapaksa fleeing, his saffron cohorts are back, ready to set the country on fire again for a slice of power and a chunk of land. They are all there, from Medagoda Abayatiss thero (laughingly equating Tamils and Muslims of today with the Nigantayas of the Buddha’s lifetime who bribed a king and tried to take over a temple) to Akmeemana Dayarathana thero of Sinhala Ravaya (hinting at separation and bloodshed). 

The political monk began his comeback bid with the successful persecution of Nathasha Edirisooriya and Bruno Divakara. Had the Wickremesinghe government upheld the rule of law instead of succumbing to political expediency, the political monk might have retreated to await a more propitious time. But the administration played dead, allowing not only the distortion of the ICCPR into an anti-blasphemy law but also its selective – thereby discriminatory – application. So Nathasha Edirisooriya and Burno Divakara are still in custody for defaming Buddhism while Dilith Jayaweera (who wondered whether ‘Siddhartha was a loser’), Balangoda Kassapa thero (who tried to incite Sinhala-Buddhist anger towards Christians), and Akmeemana Dayarathana thero (who threatened a religious conflict that would make it impossible for non-Buddhists to leave their houses) are free to ply their divisive politics.    

The cowardice and the opportunism of the political class empowered the political monk. So began the march to Kurundi. If they win in Kurundi, they’ll become unstoppable, again. And this will be their country.

That is precisely the claim of Walawahangunawawe Dhammarathana thero of Mihintale. This country is the property of the Sangha (sanghika) he says, since it was donated to the monkhood (Sasana) by ancient kings. Other monks are trying to create a nexus between Northern/Eastern land issues and the restructuring/sale of state-owned enterprises. Their political agenda is thus in direct opposition to Ranil Wickremesinghe’s economic agenda. They have also linked the Kurundi issue with the full implementation of the 13th Amendment, another Wickremesinghe promise. Theirs is a project to turn Lanka into what it never was, a Sinhala-Buddhist theocratic land where monks have the final say on matters large and small, from devolution to which radio plays are permissible. (Playwright Malaka Devapriya was summoned to the Organised Crime Prevention Division in October 2019, subsequent to an ICCPR complaint by Ahungalle Jinananda thero – the prime mover in the Shakthika Sathkumara case.) 

In an attempt to justify the proposed Broadcasting Regulatory Commission Act, President Wickremesinghe mentioned the burning of his books. That was an act of barbarism and the perpetrators must be brought to justice. Unfortunately, Mr. Wickremesinghe’s resultant animus towards all of Aragalaya makes him blind to far more likely dangers emanating from the populist-racist right. The secretary of Sinhala Ravaya, Madhubhashana Prabath, commenting on the leaked video of the President’s second encounter with Archaeology Director General, left nothing much to imagination or interpretation. “Ranil should pay attention to what happened to Rajiv Gandhi. Because patriots are near even you… The video was leaked by a group very close to the president. The president must understand that there are Sinhala-Buddhists around him. … This happened in a high security zone. From such a place it cannot be leaked easily… Those patriotic Buddhists will do anything for the country. They will make every intervention necessary for the country.

Weaponising archaeology

In June 2020, honouring a promise he made to his Buddhist Advisory Council, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa appointed a task force for Archaeological Heritage Management in the Eastern Province. The taskforce was mono-ethnic. Chaired by the chief presidential acolyte retired general Kamal Gunaratne, its members included Derana owner Dilith Jayaweera and two monks (though not one of the many Tamil archaeologists working in Sri Lanka). Four more monks (including Wendaruwe Upali thero of ‘be even a Hitler’ fame) and a token Tamil and a Muslim were added subsequently. 

Of the original two monk-members one was the doyen of Sinhala-Buddhist archaeology and founder-chairman of the JHU, Ellawala Medananda Thero. His particular reality includes Christian fundamentalist plots to eliminate Buddhism; “Part of their plan is to infect the monks with the HIV virus” (The Sunday Times – 19.8.2007). He also claims that before Koneswaram was a kovil it was a Buddhist temple. With monks like this in control, we might have had our own Ayodya if not for the abrupt ending of the Gotabaya Presidency. 

The other monk member was Panamure Thilakawansa Thero. Soon after the 2019 presidential election, he made public his own vision for archaeological heritage management. “In this moment we, the Sinhala-Buddhists of this country have been fortunate, intelligent people. An era has begun…to end that unfortunate time period, to institute a new environment, a new administration in this country… As Maha Sangha we are happy that he (Gotabaya Rajapaksa), as a Sinhala-Buddhist leader, is endeavouring to establish a Sinhala-Buddhist country tomorrow, a safe country… In the decade of 1980, Mr. Cyril Mathew identified ancient Buddhist temple ruins, developed them, and set up Sinhala farming communities. If these Sinhala farming communities continued in the North-East, these provinces would have been secure and free of crises and not in the grip of extremists”.

In his 2022 memorial lecture for the legendary Senaka Bandaranayake, eminent archaeologist Jagath Weerasinghe mentioned his misgivings about archaeology succumbing to populism and becoming a handmaid to ‘existing hegemonies’. When he shared his fears with, Prof Bandaranayake, the response was, “Think of Horton Plaine, its ecology has remained somewhat unchanged while the rest of the island while the rest of the island was experiencing major changes. Build a Horton Plaine for you and your colleagues” (reproduced in The Sunday Island – 23.3.2022). Prof. Weerasinghe’s fears are coming true. When archaeology is weaponised by monks, politicians and those professionals subservient to vested interests, it can become a seeding ground for brutal conflicts and long wars. Whether a ‘Horton Plaine’ can survive in the ensuing conflagrations is anyone’s guess.  

With Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s Taskforce in place, using archaeology to rewrite history and create facts on the ground began in earnest. But the ‘heritage protection’ by Panamure thero reached such levels, even the Taskforce chairman, despite his impeccable marjoritarian supremacist credentials, was moved to protest. At a February 2021 meeting with retired general Gunaratne, district secretaries reportedly complained about large scale denuding of forests carried out by the monk. The general protested. The monk issued a spirited denial and carried on.

When Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled, the Taskforce ceased to function. But efforts by political monks at grabbing the East for themselves (by claiming it for Sinhala-Buddhism) continued. In November 2022, a Federation of Organisations for Protection of National Heritage was launched under the patronage of Medagoda Abayatissa thero. Several attempts were made to set up new temples near military camps with military involvement. In one memorable incident (April 2023, Pullmodai), a political monk’s MSD bodyguard was caught on video pointing a gun at a group of protesting Tamils and Muslims. (According to police spokesperson, 5400 police personnel are being used to protect non-politicians including monks. The Buddha said that those who live with the Dhamma will be protected by the Dhamma; the body-guarded monks either do not take the Buddha’s words seriously, or know that they are not covered by those words).

This is the background against which President Wickremesinghe had his first encounter with Archaeology Director General in May 2023. Prof Anura Manatunga, when questioned about the department’s unnatural focus on the North and East, offered two explanations. No archaeological work could be carried out in this area during the war; and the work in these areas is being funded by outsiders, mostly monks. In other words, moneyed monks are using cash donations to dictate Archaeological Department’s agenda. 

The President, correctly, reminded the director general that the Department is not a private firm and can accept funds only from External Resources Department. “If anything (of archaeological value) is found nobody can construct a house or Buddhist temple there,” he added. “It is owned by the country”. Obviously, the director general thought otherwise, leading to the second and famous encounter.

The Heritage Playbook

Soon after winning the war, Mahinda and Gotabaya Rajapaksa decided to build a stupa in Anuradhapura to commemorate their victory. The edifice was consecrated in November 2021, even as gas queues were beginning and more than a quarter of the populace was hoping to get out of the country the Rajapaksas ‘saved’. (“The undying memories and invaluable sacrifices of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Civil Security Department war heroes were once again immortalised and made sacred,” trumpeted the Daily News, debasing a non-violent faith to celebrate a violent war.)  Former Archaeology Director General, Dr Senarath Dissanayake, claimed that Sanda Hiru Seya should never have been built in that archaeologically sensitive location. He was compelled to give permission to the project, he said. Most of the political monks who are pledging to save East’s archaeological heritage with blood and tears remained silent about this double desecration by the Rajapaksas. 

Nor did they utter a word when, on the night of 17th July, 2010, an armed gang set fire to the ancient Sinhala village of Ragamwela in Panam-pattuva. According to Mudiyanselage Bandara, a resident of Ragamwela, “They took us out and threatened to kill us. They had two T 56 rifles. I managed to flee but by the time I turned back they were setting fire to everywhere” (BBC – 18.7.2010). When some of the villagers ran to the nearby STF post for help, the STF personnel refused to intervene. The police prevented the inhabitants from returning to their burnt-village and the Chief Sanganayake of Wellassa-Digamadulla was barred from observing ‘vas’ in the village temple. The Navy also reportedly destroyed an ancient archaeological site, the Samudragiri Temple in Ragamwela.  The people of Ragamwela and other Panama village are still fighting to regain their lost lands, the same way their Tamil and Muslim neighbours are doing. 

The Buddha said, “Monks, be islands unto yourselves, be your own refuge, having no other; let the Dhamma be an island and a refuge to you, having no other” (Attadiipaa sutta).

The political monk is claiming this particular island as his property. Prince Siddhartha renounced worldly wealth in his quest for Enlightenment. The political monk is using Buddhism to gain power and accumulate worldly wealth, especially land. Politicians of every stripe play along for fear of antagonising this potent and vocal body. President Wickremesinghe is the rare exception; whether he will walk the talk remains to be seen. 

During the now famous encounter, TNA parliamentarians claimed that Panamure thero, having taken over land under guise of heritage protection, is now demanding a levy from people who are farming these lands. Medagoda Abeytissa thero justified the reported leasing of land within the Asirimale sacred area by saying the monk has the right to do it. Ellawala Medanada thero went a step further and said that not only the land claimed for Kurundi temple but also land surrounding it should not be given to given to non-Sinhala-Buddhists.

So that is the Heritage Protection playbook. Identify an area to be of archaeological interest; claim it as a sacred land; appoint a monk as custodian; let him do what he wants with the land including leasing it. Confronted with the resultant desecration of archaeological sites and denuding of forests, officials are likely to be deaf, dumb, and blind – just as relevant authorities ignored the brutal treatment meted out to Thai-born tusker, Muthuraja, by his custodians, the monks of the famous Kande Vihara. 

Muthuraja was fortunate not to have been born in Sri Lanka. When his plight became known in Thailand, arrangements were made to bring him back. After living in this Sinhala-Buddhist hell for three decades, Muthuraja is finally free.

Ordinary Tamils and Muslims of North and East, victimised by the depredations of land-hungry political monks, have no such escape routes. Born here, poor and unconnected, they have nowhere else to go. What else can they do but suffer, resent, and hate? Desperation is a dangerous condition. With their geographical Sinhala-Only programme, political monks of today are seeding the next conflagration, just as their ancestors did with linguistic Sinhala Only in 1956. 

Latest comments

  • 44

    This is what I call SHAM Lanka ( the real sorry, stupid and silly nation ) that, makes us to standout among other failed nations, like no other. Amidst peak of food crisis, unemployment, bankruptcy, dysfunctional system, our SB, politicos / crooks, Theras, Pseudo Buddhist / patriots, govt, military are busy changing history. The real reason for us to have 17th largest military on payroll, stationed in North and East. Pathetic.

    • 28

      “The taskforce was mono-ethnic. Chaired by the chief presidential acolyte retired general Kamal Gunaratne, its members included Derana owner Dilith Jayaweera”
      So that explains why Derana nowadays is dramatising the Kurundi issue, mostly one side of it.
      Be that as it may, what is the great need to rebuild ruined mounds of earth into functioning temples if there are no Buddhists in the area? This is an odd thing in Sri Lankan “archaeology”. In other countries, ruins are conserved, not repaired and taken over by self-serving priests. In any case, aren’t tourists being taken for a ride when they are shown allegedly ancient stupas in Anuradhapura which have been rebuilt recently?

    • 14


      Where is nimal fernando?

      Although I don’t agree with building more temples, mosques, churches, Vihares, …… I can tolerate if ordinary people, that is the local inhabitants of a particular area wish to collectively pursue such projects provided they pay for the land, building, and other expenses and maintain it independently of the state, and without the state funding.

      Please watch this clip:
      Deegawapiya Restoration Project,
      Ministry of Defence Sri Lanka

      nimal fernando
      Now tell us what’s wrong with restoration of this project?

      • 9

        “Now tell us what’s wrong with restoration of this project?”
        As long as it is confined to computer graphics, I have no objection.

        • 4

          old codger

          I don’t understand many things.
          Our learned Udaya Ganapathipilla(i) was in Kurundi (Kurundumale) Viharaya in Mullaitivu yesterday, surrounded by his Buddhist flag waving supporters and three decent monks(?).

          He politely inquired about the situation prevailing in that area. Explanation was given. It was very decent of him.
          See clip from 5 to 18 minutes the entire conversation is in Sinhala.

          Do you think I should vote for him in the next elections?

      • 3

        “…without the state funding”
        What about funding by people with deep pockets and racist minds?

        • 6

          “What about funding by people with deep pockets and racist minds?”

          You won’t be disappointed as you will also find more than enough Tamils with fascist minds and deep pockets. Tell us how LTTE sustained 25 years of useless war without the support of Tamil Fascists with deep pockets?

          Let the fascists with deep pockets on both sides fight it out without the support of arms, army or police.

  • 20

    It is a well known fact that Buddhist Sinhala only country politics is a product of the so called independence of this country. The Westernised politicians who converted to Christianity to get financial benefit are the ones who weaponised Buddhism. Today, the whole country suffer because of the weaponised Buddhist Fundamentalism. Sinhalese people should understand the consequences of Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism. This country will be isolated by international community very soon if the country becomes Sinhala only country.

  • 20

    All in the name of Sinhala Buddha what a devastation atrocities mayhem

  • 33

    First of all the correct name for the place is Kurunthooor and now Sinhalese extremists are trying to rename this place Kurundi the same thing at Thriyai. Sinhalising Tamil Thiriyai to Thiriyaya or something horrible sounding. These Tamil place names have a meaning what does Kurundi or Thiryaya mean in another language or in Sinhalese nothing but gibberish? The Hindu Sivan temple in Kurunthoor Malai is very ancient and if there are any Buddhist ruins. it has nothing to do with the Sinhalese at all but belongs to the ancient Tamil( Naga) Buddhists who lived there, who later reconverted back to their ancestral Hindu religion and their descendants are the local Tamil Hindus who live here. It was their ancestors who built the ancient Sivan temple and when some of them were Buddhist before converting to Hinduism again would have built this ancient Buddhist Vihara. Sinhalese have never lived in these regions and these ancient historical Hindu/Buddhist temple structures and ruins belong to the Tamils Now Sinhalese Buddhists extremists racists and fanatics backed by very powerful people in the current and former government, including many military personnel, jointly with fanatical racist Sinhalese Buddhist monks who again are being backed by many powerful prelates, are twisting/falsifying history and claiming all these ancient Tamil Hindu and Buddhist places of worship that rightfully belongs to the Eelam Tamil nation and is part of their history as theirs.

    • 25

      They think they can get away with this blatant lies and fake history as the whole government apparatus and resources are backing them and they are being funded by powerful Sinhalese Buddhist organisations and the elite down south and have noticed the world, especially India, is overtly and covertly supporting this racist Sinhalese Buddhist extremism lies and agenda for its own benefit.

      They are diabolically trying to use the ancient Buddhist history and Buddhist monuments of the Eelam Tamils, as a tool to marginalise and destroy them as a people, and a nation and to destroy their homeland by diabolically twisting history and claiming all this ancient history, ruins and achievements as Sinhalese and they think they can get away with if and fool the world. To their advantage now there are no Tamil Buddhists any more or just number a few hundred. Present-day Tamils are 89% Hindu. 6% Christian and 5% Muslim with a few thousand Tamil Jains. Yes, these ancient Buddhist ruins if they found must be preserved if they are found and the real history of these ruins must be recorded, that they belonged to the ancient Tamil Buddhists and to no one else. No new Sinhalese Buddhist Vihara should ever be built on these ancient ruins in order to deliberately destroy the history and these ruins and its ancient Tamil history.

      • 23

        This is a desecration even to Buddhism, history and real Archaeology. This sort of historical desecration never happened anywhere else in the world deliberate destruction of ancient ruins and overbuilding of another new structure in order to change and twist history.

        Only the Taliban and Islamic State did these sorts of rubbish in recent times. No civilised nation ever did such a sacrilege. This proves these Sinhalese Buddhist fanatics do not respect real history or Buddhism but only their warped racist Sinhalese Buddhism. Lastly, they are now falsely trying to use these newly built Buddhist Viharas over these ancient Tamil Hindu and Buddhist ruins, and confiscate and claim thousands of acres of surrounding private and public Tamil land, falsely stating these lands belonged to these ancient Viharas, which they never had in order to ethnically cleanse the local Tamils and settle outside Sinhalese in these Tamil areas. No huge temple even down south like even the Mahavihara or Abayagiri or Jethavanaramaya had so much of land, together all these big Viharas between themselves had only around 100 acres of temple land the most and these ancient Buddhist ruins in Kurunthoor and Thiriayi are very small scale and not huge like the Mahavihara Abayagiri or Jethavanaramaya and to claim thousands of acres for these small Viharas is indeed laughable.

        • 22

          Even huge temple complexes in India do not own thousands of acres of temple land. They are deliberately trying to use these ancient Tamil Hindu and Buddhist temple ruins to confiscate thousands of acres of Tamil lands and give them to Sinhalese, already Buddhist monks are screeching that these lands should all be given only to Buddhist meaning Sinhalese. Funny the Buddhist temple ruins in Thiriyai are Mahayana and not Theravadha, just like many other ancient Buddhist ruins in the north and east now falsely being claimed as Sinhalese. Sinhalese never belonged to the Mahayana Buddhist sect only to the Theravadha Sect, whereas ancient Tamil Nagas Buddhists on the island belonged to both sects, As evidenced in Thiriyai and Kantharodai. Tamil politicians and historians should highlight this and show what a bunch of racist fanatical liars, with no scruples these people are. If these people are allowed to get away with this then, only god can help the island’s Tamils and Tamil Muslims, as so one else has come to help them. Neither the West, India nor the Islamic world

          • 22

            Ruined and bankrupted the country with this racist religious intolerance, go around the world with the begging bowl for help including to India and Tamil Nadu state, yet find millions of rupees to fund this racist religious genocidal agenda to destroy the island’s Tamils with fake history and the use of government might.

            Lastly Thankyou Tisaranee for this article this proves there are good and just Sinhalese who will speak out, despite personal peril

    • 3

      Repeated Tamilian invasions and resultant ethnic cleansing of Lankans created a sense amongst non-tamil Lankans that the North/Northeast were simply unsafe for them to live. This is why there is a false sense existing that the North and East only ever ‘belonged’ to one group. The illegal annexation of the North by the Pandyans led to the creation of the Jaffna Kingdom whose illegitimate existence was proven by its dismantling via the Portuguese, Dutch and British. The creation of the LTTE led to a further sense among Lankans that the flat lands of Lanka were simply unsafe. Whether Akhand Bharat is achieved or not, Lanka should be representative of the diversity of her peoples. It is time for centuries of attempted cleansing of non-Tamils from the North and East to be put to an and so that all THREE races of Lankas peoples can prosper on the island.

      • 25

        Stop lying the original Sinhalese people largely evolved from the converted semi-Tamil-speaking Dravidian Yakka tribes and the progeny of the few immigrants from North East India and their Tamil Pandian wives. They were ruled by Tamil Dravidian Naga tribes and elite. The Naga and the Yakka were closely related Tamil and semi-Tamil-speaking Dravidian tribes, who migrated from Southern India, during prehistoric times. The Nagas were the elite and traders whilst the Yakka were largely boorish peasants. Around 3000 years ago the Naga elite on the island adopted proper Tamil as their mother tongue, whilst the Yakka largely continued to speak the local semi-Tamil dialect called Elu. Another ancient Tamil name for Naga is Chera. This is the reason one of the ancient Tamil names for the island was Cheran Theevu, like ancient Tamil Chera Nadu in SE India, which again was largely inhabited by Tamil Naga tribes speaking low Tamil dialect, old Malayalam. This is one of the reasons you see a lot of cultural connections between ethnic Sri Lankan Tamils and the modern-day people of Kerala. The King who converted to Buddhism was a Tamil Naga. Thevanai Nambiya Theesan, we do not know his actual name, this was his title and it was later Prakritised to Devnam Piya Tissa.

        • 19

          As per the Keeladi excavations in Madurai South India, the Name Theesan was a very common Tamil name during this era. Dutta Gamini and his family were no Sinhalese but he came from a converted Tamil Buddhist Naga branch of the ruling royal family that was ruling the southern part of the island, whilst the Hindu Tamil establishment was then ruling the established capital Anuradhapura in the north-central part of the island. The word Dutta means someone wayward or evil in Tamil. It was given to him as he disobeyed his father’s wishes and start a war with the Tamil Hindu King Ellalan who ruled Anuradhapuram. 2300 years ago there was no Sinhalese language or people. They only came into existence from 7AD. They gradually started to evolve from the converted predominantly Yakka tribes in the south, central and western parts of the island, who started to mix their local Tamil dialect with the Pali and Prakrit that came with Buddhism and gradually a new language and identity evolved in the south, central and western parts of the island by 7AD. This new identity was called Sinhala another Prakritised version of one of the old Tamil names for the island Chingkallam, meaning the red or copper-coloured land, later to explain Sinhala the Vijaya and the lion myth was born.

          • 18

            Another ancient Tamil name for the island was Ilangai from the ancient Tamil world Ilangu meaning shining or resplendent, this got Prakritised to Lanka. Now Sri Lanka. Eelam or Eezham was also another name meaning land of toddy or metal( Iyam) and the Tamil or semi-Tamil speaking population of the island was then called either Chingkallavar or Eezhava. The former name is now Prakritised is now used by modern Sinhalese for their language and identity and the latter is now used by a caste in Kerala, who were Tamil Buddhists closely associated with toddy tapping and migrated from the island to modern-day Kerala during ancient times. Even now the common name for native Sri Lankan Tamil dialects is Eelavam.

            There is no history anywhere even in the Mahavamsa fairy tale or any other historical record of Tamils invading on a large scale from South India and displacing Sinhalese in the north and east. This is a blatant lie. Currently started by Sinhalese racists to claim the north and east as their land and the ancient Tamil Buddhist ruins in these areas as theirs as justification for this. MOre than 90% of the SOuth Indian Tamil invaders and immigrants did not settle amongst the Sri Lankan Tamils or in their areas but settled amongst the Sinhalese and gradually became Sinhalese over the centuries

            • 17

              Approximately half the present-day Sinhalese population are largely or purely descended from South Indian immigrants who were imported into the island by the Portuguese and Dutch colonials and settled along the southern and western coasts to do menial service work. Read the origin of the Sinhalese Karawa, Salagama, Durawa and many other service castes. Most of the Sinhalese aristocracy and upper castes are also largely descended from the South Indian aristocratic immigrants. Again largely Tamil others from Tamil-speaking Tamil /Telugu mixed Naickers from Madurai. The present-day Sinhalese genetic make-up is 70% DNA South Indian Tamil however in contrast the Sri Lankan Tamils share only 17% DNA with South Indian Tamils, proving who is largely descended from South Indian immigrants and invaders. You can lie but DNA will never lie.

              Sinhalese living in the north and east on a large scale only started in the 1950s after the so-called independence. When large-scale Sinhalese settlement and colonisation of Tamil areas started to deliberately change the demography. Look at the population statistics prior to that. When the British demarcated the Northern and Eastern provinces, the former Tamil kingdom of Jaffna and the eastern Tamil Vannimai chiefdoms, it was from lands that the Sinhalese had not even the remotest claim to, from ancient to present.

              • 11

                In fact, as someone already stated, the Sinhalese never lived north of Anuradhapura or east of Polonnaruwa which is basically a modern north-central province. It was here that they started to evolve with the arrival of Buddhism from Tamil and semi-Tamil speaking Yakka, some Naga tribes and mixed with some immigrants from India, largely from the south but some from the north. All their history and later achievement as a people are all within this region, later moving to further south, west and then to Kandy. Never in the north or east of the island. Even when their ancient population centres moved to the west, south and central parts of the island, it was never from the North or East like now being falsely stated to steal Tamil lands but from what was the cradle of their civilisation the north central province the Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa area and this became a jungle. They may have moved due to South Indian Tamil invasions but never from what are the northern or eastern provinces. These ancient places of worship both Hindu and Buddhist are Tamil ( Naga). The Naga tribes predominated in the north and east of the island, where in ancient times lots of commerce and trade with the world took place.

        • 7

          Could you please give us some reference materials?

          • 6

            That is a most unfair request, unless you are pleased with dodgy theories.

            • 13

              The only thing dody here is you SJ and your constant hatred and vendetta against your fellow Tamils, especially against the Tamil diaspora, with whom I noticed you have a special hatred, as I think it is mainly due to sour grapes, as you could not settle in the west when you tried and they have successfully settled down and thrived.

          • 10

            Reference materials for what? The actual origin of the Karawa, Salagama Durawa and many other Sinhalese castes. About Mootha Sivan? About the Nagas and the Tamil homeland, they are everywhere. Even go and read the fairy tale Mahavamsa that the Sinhalese take for the truth and you can get a lot of information from this. It did the opposite by its constant hatred and reference to the Tamils as outsiders from the word go it only proved that the Tamil people had been living on the island from the world go and the lands to the north and east have always been Tamil lands.
            Tamil Social Formation in Sri Lanka: A Historical Outline
            Arasaratnam, S: A historical foundation of the economy of the Tamils of North Ceylon. Chelvanayakam Memorial Lecture 1982, Saturday Review, Jaffna, serialized in eight issues from 17.4.1982.
            Deraniyagala, S.U: Prehistoric research in Sri Lanka 1885-1980. P.E.P. Deraniyagala Commemoration Volume, 1980, pp. 152-207; Sri Lanka 28,000 BC. Ancient Ceylon, No.5, 1984.
            Indrapala, K: Chapter II – History, Jaffna, ed. Indrapala, K., Department of Information, Colombo, 1983, pp. 11-21.

            • 7

              Navaratnam, C.S: Tamils and Ceylon, Jaffna, 1958: Vanni and the Vanniyars, Jaffna, 1960.
              Pathmanathan, S: The Kingdom of Jaffna, Colombo, 1978.
              Peiris, Paul E: Nagadipa and Buddhists remain in Jaffna. JRAS (CB), 1922, pp. 11-30; part II. JRAS (CB), 1925, pp. 40-67.
              Ragupathy, P: Early Settlements in Jaffna: An Archaeological Survey, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Jaffna, 1983.
              Rasanayakam, S: Ancient Jaffna, 1926.
              Sitrampalam, S.K: The Megalithic Culture in Sri Lanka, Ph.D. Thesis, Deccan College, University of Poona, 1980.
              by Ponnampalam Ragupathy, MA, Ph.D.

              Hope you are happy. The Mahavama itself states Thevanai Nambiya Theesan’s father was King Mootha Sivan and Dutta Gaminin’s father was King Kakkai Vanna or Kaavan Theesan all pure Tamil names and read about the Keeladi excavations in Tamil Nadu and its similarity to the Indus valley civilisation, the writing and about Tamil Brahmi. They also found from the potsherds that the most common names amongst Tamil men in that era were Theesan, Uthiran etc. This was in the same era. The Mahavams state that when the Buddhist Tamil Naga king/Prince Dutta Gammin went to fight the ruling Tamil Hindu King Ellalan in Anuradhapura in 200 BC, the area was surrounded by Tamil settlements and chiefs. He had fought 43 Tamil chiefs. Proving Tamils were settled along this region from ancient times.

              • 3

                “Thevanai Nambiya Theesan” in Mahavamsa?
                The etimology of Ilangai!
                I can go on.
                But my tummy may burst by laughter.
                None of these have evidence in support.
                I think that the only serious study of prehistory of the north is the one by Indirapala, which is rational and does not subscribe to the myths propagated by R25 or his aliases/plagiarists.
                There was no Tamil kingdom in the North prior to the Jaffna Kingdom but there was strong Tamil presence.
                One can live in a falsely constructed past, but that is of no help to get out of the present sorry plight.

              • 1


                For two years the Dr P. Ragupathy whose publications you have referred to worked in the same small, but “elite” place in the Maldives (1993 to 1994). He was a refugee, from the Tigers. I’ve lost touch with him after that.
                May I suggest this for you:
                I read it all in 1983, whilst in Peradeniya. Professor Thiru Kandiah suggested it. It had been researched there:
                Clearly, the honest thing to do is to purchase it; Google throws up many links to it. On one, some years ago, I was allowed to read about 50 pages the first time I accessed it on the web, but entrance was denied the next time.
                Aren’t we Lankans pretty dishonest? Or may be only us, Sinhalese?
                Panini Edirisinhe (NIS 483111444V) 0f Bandarawela


            • 9

              First thank you for educating.
              “Reference materials for what?” – To learn more about our history.
              Many thanks for reference materials.

              • 2

                Lessons on Thevanai Nambiya Theesan, the origin of the word Ilangai etc.
                Ask, and your guru can even quote chapter and verse for them.
                Have fun.

                • 8

                  What about you sharing some of your knowledge with us on Theesan & Ilangai and become a GURU to all of us? Please do not forget to include chapters and pages for the references.

                  • 1

                    My knowledge on Theesan is that no person of such name existed but for that it is a much later Tamil version of Tissa (Devanam Piya Tissa which has a clear meaning in Sinhala).
                    There is no evidence of the use of the term term Ilangai in Tamil until Silappathikaram in the context of reference to Gajabahu (written as Kayavaahku). Eelam is the older term.
                    All that BS about ‘ilangu’ etc. is nonsense.
                    How does one offer a reference for a nonexistent thing?
                    If you want evidence from me to reject “கல் தோன்றி மண் தோன்றாக் காலத்தே வாளோடு முன் தோன்றி மூத்த குடி” I will not offer any. On the contrarty there are texts that fully defend and interpret it at will.
                    You could use your brain to come to a sensible conclusion.
                    Thank you for the invitation to be your Guru.
                    As prejudiced minds are not receptive to the truth, I just pin pricks soap bubbles of fantasy.
                    That should do for now. I am rather economical with words and I have spent a little more than necessary here.
                    If you are serious about the history of Tamil, start with Vaiyapuripillai. An outstanding scholar.

                  • 4

                    Look at J.P Fabrucius Tamil and English Dictionary or Miron Winslow’s comprehensive Tamil and English Dictionary. It gives the correct meaning for the old Tamil word Ilangu.To be resplendent, shine, glitter, be bright. The verb is Ilangukirathu or Ilanga and the noun is Ilangai. Do not listen to this person who constantly wants to ridicule other Tamils here and has some sort of vendetta against them. Especially if someone provides some sort of information that he thinks is detrimental to the Sinhalese or Sri Lankan Muslim cause, but jumps up and down usually to support their racists and extremists.

                • 1

                  Just as ‘accurate’ as the LTTE map of Tamil Eelam.

                • 3

                  Not that it is not accurate. The kingdom of Jaffna proper consisted then of the entire northern province most of Trincomalee district north of the Mahaveli river and the north-west Puttlam, Chilaw coastal areas. The rest of the east south of the Mahaveli was ruled by Tamil Vannimai Chieftains, who paid tribute to the king of Jaffna until the fall of the Jaffna kingdom and then after that, they sought protection from the King of Kandy and came under his loose protection. However, even this did not last long, as the Portuguese and Dutch captured these areas. This map is as inaccurate as the Sinhalese claim that the Tamil East was part of the Kandyan Kingdom, which it never was. Only parts of it south of Trincomalee came under the loose control of the Kandyan kingdom for a short period after the fall of Jaffna. Even this was for a brief period. T

  • 3

    Tamil want north and East as their sacred land and it is not belongs to them. Any Sinhalese or Muslim should be able to live and do business in North and East. Hindu religion can be practice in side there homes and Kovils but not on public streets and towns. They should get rid of their cast system at least gradually by treating everybody equal.
    Muslim men should stop dominating on their females and stop covering female faces. They should refrain from wearing clothes designs to wear in Arabic deserts in the past. People should not go back to middle ages again due mythical beliefs.
    Buddhist monks should practice their religion in temples and try to develop loving kindness and equanimity and help people to get rid of their unwanted desires.
    Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim myths and lack of acceptability of different races will breed new Rajapakses , new Ranils , new Wimals and New Gnanasaras. When you get the opptunity next election our educated pools should learn vote to Jathika Janabalwegaya. I sail you the truth and ultimate truth

    • 21

      Jack dear,
      “They should get rid of their cast system at least gradually by treating everybody equal.”
      Have you ever thought why there are so many Mahanayakas in the country? Have you ever heard of a guy from Ambalangoda becoming Asgiriya Mahanayaka? No?
      Is it because Ambalangoda guys smell of fish, or don’t have a lion’s tail inside their sivura?

      • 7

        Believe Both are Reasonable Reasons for Denial of Rights!!!???

      • 4

        “When you get the opptunity next election our educated pools should learn vote to Jathika Janabalwegaya.”
        All this time poor Sinhala Man was trying hard to hide the real face of the JVP/NPP.
        Thanks for showing us their real face.

    • 9

      “I SAIL you the truth and ultimate truth”
      When we set SAIL, where are we BOUND to??? Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands or good ‘OLD BLIGHTY’!!!??? NPP up to now has been to Switzerland, Korea, and Germany as far as I know!!!
      Happy SAILING to you!!!??? Hopefully the winds and waves bear helpful assistance!!!

    • 10

      “Hindu religion can be practice in side their homes and Kovils BUT NOT ON PUBLIC STREETS AND TOWNS”
      Why not!!!???
      When alien religions, surreptitiously introduced in to the Island by Colonist Imperialist, could be PRACTICED WITH ALL THE POMP, PAGENT AND PUBLICTY on the STREETS!!!???
      Hinduism was practised in this resplendent country, Long before Buddhism and notably and importantly before Christianity and Islam, whose advent was only post, 1595 CE COLONISATION!!!???
      Perhaps, they could set an example – make task exemplarily easier!!!???

      • 5

        “When alien religions, surreptitiously introduced in to the Island”
        That includes all current religions.

      • 1

        “Hinduism was practised in this resplendent country, Long before Buddhism”
        What kind of Hinduism?
        There would have been tree and animal worship.
        Evidence of anything?
        Some want to claim that the first people here were Tamil Buddhists. Are we trying to have it both ways?
        This is historiography in CVW style.

    • 17

      Hello Jack how is life? I am glad that you are very concerned about caste discrimination. Then can you please ask your two Mahanayakes in Kandy as to why they protested to the then President Sillysena, with regards to a low caste low country Chingkallam being appointed the governor of the Largely upper caste Kandyan Chingkalla heartland the Central Province? They demanded that only an upper caste Kandyan Chingkalla Buddhist should hold this position, failing this an upper caste Kandyan Chingkalla Christian but definitely no low castes or low country Chingkallans. What did Sillysena do he meekly compile to their demand. No Thamizh has ever protested appointments on the basis of caste, religion or region, not that their demands even just ones will ever be listened to. Please read this, this article is from Colombo Telegraph, Will enlighten how caste-conscious most Chingkallams are,. Just go and read the marriage columns or who they elect as MPS or as leaders. Thamizh does not vote or elect leaders on the basis of caste region or religion. Far more enlightened although they do fight about caste but very much less than India.
      In Malayalam, we say Vachichu Valuruga ( read and grow)

      • 0

        Dear All, but especially JACK and old codger,
        I find the many views expressed here to be confused and confusing. I’m in total disagreement with some of them.
        We are expressing ourselves in public, and the first thing to understand is that religion is essentially a private matter; old codger, you are right in faulting Jack for telling other people what to do about personal matters. It may be sensible to dress in keeping with the climate, but Jack, you’d better mind your business, instead of giving unsolicited advice. I don’t believe any myths, but you shouldn’t be tossing off all that you feel in a comment dealing with other matters.
        What are our most pressing needs?
        Jack sounds satisfied with elections coming at “some time”. No, we want elections now. Any elections would be all right, but what is rational is to expect Local Government Elections ASAP.
        I’m glad that Jack has a desire to vote NPP, however, I disagree with many things that he has said. We don’t need only the votes of “Educated People”. “Learning” is something that is best left to individuals, like religion. old codger, you are quite right, but anonymous Jack speaks only for himself. I have listened carefully to many office bearers in the NPP, and they have not been prescribing for others what Jack seem to know as “ultimate truths.”

    • 14

      The north and east are the ancient homeland of the island’s Tamils and Tamilised Veddha where they had lived and continuously ruled themselves until European colonisation, Just like the rest of the island is the homeland of the Sinhalese. Now other people lived in the north or east from ancient times. The island’s Muslims, ethnic Tamil converted immigrants from South India with a dash of Arab in some of them, arrived there only as refugees a few centuries ago fleeing Portuguese and then Sinhalese persecution along the west and then central parts of the island. They were given refuge there as ethnic Tamils and Hindu Tamil Mukkuva women to marry and start families. They have the right to live there practice their religion and their Tamil Islamic culture and be equal citizens and no one is stopping them but it is not their homeland. The Sinhalese other than in a few remote border Kandyan villages only arrived after independence through state-sponsored colonisation schemes on ethnically cleansed Tamil lands like Galoya, Kantalai, Manalaru( Weli Oya), done deliberately by the Sri Lankan state to change the demography.

      • 15

        No one is stopping Sinhalese or Muslims to arrive or settle in the north and east, provided they come here, settle and purchase land legally but we object to the ethnic cleansing of native Tamils from their lands in the north and east by the Sri Lankan state armed forces and now by Buddhist clergy to settle outside Sinhalese. This is called ethnic cleansing and structural genocide and is a war crime, this is what it seems you are advocating. Forced displacement of Tamils from their homeland to be repopulated by southern Sinhalese and Muslims. What do you mean Hindus can only practise their religion only within their homes? Hindus have been here long before Buddhism arrived on the island and they can practise their religion anywhere. Who are you to tell them what to do and what not to do?

    • 3

      JACK or the like looking at its surface, dare to express like that, however mind set of south asia, latin america and africa and its reconstruction is not an easy task. Pigs might fly if things would work quickly as we expect in that regard.
      Besides, it is wrong to restrict one religion and others being offered higher status, which is the ground reality in our hell.
      If it should be, for all, one law and order. Be them hindu, sinhala buddhist, muslim, christians, should all be agree not to abuse their religious thoughts and beliefs exceedingly so that nation is disturbed.

      Religions should be placed in its due place keeping it miles away from politics. As is the case in europe, and other developed world, law and order of the country should not allow impunity to relgious leaders and politicians.

      • 1

        At least today we should come to a concensus to hang Rajapakshes, that misled the gullible nation for their power greedy and various other propensities. That can be start of new beginning – the end of totalitarianism in this Rajapakshe punished island.
        Now about myths and its spread like wild fire in developing world:
        Whoever whatever being prevaricatively explained, myths grow where poverty is striking.
        Apart from that, MEDIA fradulism deliberately spread myths as is the case in srilanka ruined by Rajapakshe. Audit reports will reveal the truth, how much KATTADIYAS paid to TV senders for their publicity or the opposite direction. Derana TV may have paid them in order to design ” ralla” aiming at fooling the viewers. What was behind that is voter-gain tactics. Kalakaruwa became cheap before RAJAPAKSHE political mechanism, in order to become party sympathaisers AND as a result those fans of each kalakaruwa automatically became pro-Rajapakshe voters.
        . It is a fact that during the period of RAJAPAKSHE politics, they deliberately spread myths based on sorcery, sinhala buddhism,

  • 15

    This link is about the ancient Tamil Buddhists on the island


  • 12

    Written history is a collection of facts and fiction. If we are to make decisions based on written history then the question arises which period of the history should form the basis of the decision. For example, if we are to base any decision considering the date of the independence as the basis then for no purpose the time before this date should be considered as a basis for any decision. One cannot and should not take different base dates to make different decisions.

    In the case of the Kurundi dispute, what time period should be considered as the base period? Should it be the periods mentioned in the Mahawamsa? If so then we all should accept when a lion mates with a human a human will be born! Considering one fact as correct and another as fiction from the same text cannot and should not happen.

    So what is more important is that in a country like Sri Lanka where superstition and religious fever spreads faster than anything else, there should be laws enacted to fix a timeline or date as the base period on which such conflicts should be decided.

  • 9

    Noticed now Chingkalla Buddhist extremists, opportunists, monks, politicians and the racist Southern news media, English and Chingkallam, have now cunningly changed the ancient Thamizh name Kurunthoor Malai to Chingkalla Kurunthagamma and are now constantly referring and calling this place by this newly coined Chingkalla name a literal translation of the original Thamizh name and not referring or calling this place by its actual Thamizh place name Kurunthoor. Originally they renamed it Kurundi in Chingkallam but realised it sounded, artificial, gibberish and how now given a newly coined Chingkalla name Kurunthagamma thinking it sounds better, much more plausible and are now cunningly using this name everywhere to describe this place and the ancient Thamizh Hindu/Buddhist ruins, to lay claim to this site as Chingkallam and to brainwash gullible foreigners, as well as the largely racist Chingkalla population to think that this was indeed an ancient Chingkalla place and the ruins here belong to the Chingkallams and not the Thamizh. If they use the correct ancient Thamizh name Kurunthoor Malai they realise everyone will associate this place’s history and the ruins correctly with the Thamizh as it should be, therefore have decided to be cunning crafty and sly and are now addressing the place by its newly coined Chingkalla name Kurunthagamma.

  • 10

    Previously coined unbelievable and not plausible Chingkalla name Kurunid is now slowly being abandoned. Shows how cunning, crafty, evil and diabolical these people are. Trying to change the place’s name from Thamizh to Chingkallam to using all the resources of the government the press and armed forces to change the perception of the people and then lay claim to this ancient Thamizh place, its history and ancient ruins Hindu and Buddhist for the Chingkallams. If only they can use this cunning and innovation to develop the country instead deliberately creating disharmony, religious divisions fanaticism and racist intolerance just to benefit themselves and ruin the country and its people.

  • 14

    I remember a documentary on the Nazi Germany which provides an interesting but, probably, little known fact that Himmler & his misguided Hitler followers, so taken up by the ancient superior Aryan race myths, tried to rewrite Christianity that it existed before Jesus in Northern Europe in a land known as Germania. To make it credible, they buried ‘ancient artifacts’ & secretly sent Nazi archaeologists to Tibet to learn about ancient culture & wisdom. The fact that the swastika of the Nazi party is in fact a Hindu symbol of prosperity, hijacked by Hitler & portrayed as his own design, is still little known to most, even now. Seems a similar ‘archaeological’ exploration is being done in the North & East in SL now.

    I can’t understand the obsession of these monks to inform the world that SL is a ‘Buddhist’ country. I find some of the huge Buddha statues in temples dwarfing other nearby buildings as an eyesore. Statues in street corners & even inside the BIA seem unnecessary. Is it the message how pious we are as Buddhists that is being conveyed? Religion is a personal belief & Buddhism is a tolerant religion, practiced devoutly in Tibet, Thailand & in other countries as well, without so much fanfare. It is the philosophy that will flourish Buddhism, not monuments & rituals but the acts of these political monks who don’t seem to even know the fundamental principals of Buddhism that bring disrepute to Buddhism.

    • 7

      “I can’t understand the obsession of these monks to inform the world that SL is a ‘Buddhist’ country.”
      What these parasites want most is to restore their feudal status as landlords. “Hamuduruwo” means “master”, after all.
      Even in the case of the disputed temple, a monk is alleged to be offering illegally acquired land to tenant farmers.

      • 5

        You must have experienced all that I experienced as a sinhala buddhist child in terms of the so-called charity events held almost monthly.
        Not even one of my elders knew what the monk preached in that temple, the true Dharma was far away from such sermons.

        As far as I understand, almost everyone had nothing else to do but imitate the elders, and many things were not clear to me at that time. Because it was compulsory for them, I was sent to Dhamma school, but I did not learn much. Looking back. We were parroted to learn things from our teachers. Looking back, as someone who questioned “why” in my youth, I drifted away from Sinhala Buddhism.
        My classmates had explained a lot about how the monks in the temple were molesting young boys and maintaining secret relationships with some women…all this was an open secret.

        • 5

          I was disgusted by the violence inflicted on elephants during the Perahara sessions in Sri Lanka. I found it not a very good practice to dress them with ornaments of our choice to please us as ceremonial objects. Some elephants rejected such rituals, but those monks and their narratives were kept high. If those animals were smart enough to communicate, they would surely say, they would never want to be born as an elephant and become slaves of the Sinhalese.
          I come from a traditional Buddhist family in southern Sri Lanka, with high priests traveling around our place. The late Dr. Walpola Rahula was a relative of my father’s family. However, I never respected what was said in the sermons of many monks because I thought they were all based on fictions.
          I fell in love with Buddhism without illusions. I got to know good Buddhist monks from Europe and America.
          But looking back, Ceylon Buddhism was mixed more with myths ever since I got used to that religion. My relatives started chanting sadhu sadhu because it was supposed to suit them, but I started biting my nails not knowing why I imitated them anymore.

          Then there was no place to protect me except being isolated as the youngest in that big family, and then I thought that we all had gone astray for the sake of the so-called Buddhist tradition. I never believed that Prithnoole ( chanted treads) had that magical power.

    • 3

      The word Swastika is Sanskrit.
      Will someone who stole the idea to claim it to be his own leave the name as it was?
      There is a distinct difference between the designs of the Hindu symbol and the Nazi symbol.
      Besides, swastikas has been found in many ancient lands very far from India with no possible contact.
      Like the famous Hitler Diaries of 1982, it is not hard to invent Nazi documentation which makes juicy reading.
      Tibetan Lama Buddhism was until 1952 practiced in a cruel slave owning society. Relics of its tolerance are still preserved in Lhasa.

      • 5


        Thank you for enlightening me that Swastika is Sanskrit. Not being a widely read intellectual, I watch documentaries for entertainment & sometimes learn something interesting from them. I am sure educational TV channels, such as PBS America, fact check before broadcasting. Anyway, I don’t bother with finer details, & for me, Sanskrit, ancient Hindu or Pali texts & symbols are all of ancient Indian origin, some of which have been included in our traditions & customs as well. Accordingly, if Hitler was inspired by the swastika & made it the Nazi symbol by rotating & encircling it or if it was an original idea, having never seen a Swastika before, is of no interest to me. After all, its not a copyrights issue.
        BTW, your vast superior knowledge on a broad spectrum of subjects enabling you to spot even minor discrepancies in readers’ comments, is impressive but may not be always acknowledged & appreciated, which must be frustrating.

        • 1

          What seems a minor discrepancy can be serious to a more discerning eye.
          “The fact that the swastika of the Nazi party is in fact a Hindu symbol of prosperity, hijacked by Hitler & portrayed as his own design, is still little known to most, even now.”
          It is so assertive a statement which I will not readily dismiss as trivial.
          There are more honest ways to get out of a situation.

      • 2

        SJ, Raj,
        The Swastika was a national symbol in Finland long before Hitler:

  • 5

    Strange that we avoid talking of the runway to 1915 or the 1948 forerunner to 1956.

  • 0

    Lying Tamil racists like PK will not succeed in Tamilising Sinhala Buddhist sites. Here are comments from British archaeologists from 1895.

    ‘There are several ruins on tho hill. and at the back of the northern part of the bund ; but they are all dilapidated, more through wilful defacement by the later Tamil occupants than by the action of time.

    In another place are a roughly-executed figure of a bull, the head broken off but forthcoming, and a figure representing a worshipper. These figures evidently belonging to the Hindu temple which was built after the Tamil invasion.

    The town or large village that was built …is termed Kurungama in the inscription. The Tamil name was Kuruntanur. The later Tamil residents built a temple here, and they demolished the vihare built by Sanghabodhi and other buildings, and removed nearly all the bricks and the stonework to it. ‘

    Lewis, P., 1895. Manual of the Vanni districts (Vavuniya and Mullaittivu), of the Northern Province, Ceylon. 1st ed. Colombo 1895

  • 0

    And another report contradicting the lies of Tamil racists.

    ‘The Vihare is a thirty-six pillar building, 50 ft. by 40 ft. , which faces east….The Pilimage is by far the most elaborate of the three pillared buildings, and is in the best preservation. The “Manual of the Vanni” mentions a large slab inscription here, but I was unable to find it.

    In another place are a roughly-executed figure of a bull…These figures evidently belonged to the Hindu temple which was built after the Tamil invasion.

    The later Tamil residents built a temple here, and they demolished the vihare built by Sanghabodhi and other buildings and removed nearly all the bricks and stonework to it.

    The ruins on the hill are undoubtedly Buddhistical , and they are in much better preservation than any of those on the flat. If a Tamil ruler had demolished the older Sinhalese buildings and built his gods temple out of the materials thus obtained, his temple would presumably exist in better preservation than its robbed predecessor. But this is not the case. I do not think the condition of the monastery on the hill is any worse than would result from ordinary decay, taking into consideration its situation and material.

    • 8

      Oh, the British archaeologist in 1895 without any research knew that it was a Sinhalese Buddhist temple and Sanghabodhi built it and the inscriptions stated it was Chingkalla village named Kuranagamma getting more and more interesting.
      So-called Sangahbodi lived during the 3rd century and there were no Chingkalla people or Chingkalla language existing at that time, it was still evolving from Thamizh, Pali and Prakrit, He was the son of Tissa the Prakritised version of Thamizh Theesan, However, no Chingkalla people or Chingkalla language existing but a Chingkalla Buddhist people temple and Chingkalla village name called Kuranagamma was existing. How strange! The British white colonials who did not know anything at that time, full of Aryan white supremacy, were attributing everything ancient and Buddhist on the island to Chingkallams, even during an era when no Chingkalla language or people were existing, They are the reason for all these problems that the island’s Thamozh are facing. Archaeology, history and research have come forward far more and now everyone knows the story is different. Please provide new evidence and new research and not some rubbish a British white colonial so-called Archealogist posted in 1895. It was they who were touting and marketing the Mahavamsa, which now everyone knows is a mixture of fairy tales, anti-Thamizh Diatribe and what happened in the Anuradhapura era. Please stick to herding reindeer for your Norwegian Sukkar Pappa.

      • 7

        Even your own Sinhalese president has acknowledged the truth that 99% of the ancient Buddhist structures and ruins in the north and east belong to the ancient Thamizh Buddhists and not to Chingkallams as now falsely claimed. Pali( by Theravada ) and Sanskrit( Mahayana), as well as Prakrit, was widely used by Buddhists during ancient times including the Thamizh Buddhists. They preferred to use Pali or Sanskrit depending on the Buddhist sect they belonged to than Thamizh for religious purposes. Therefore the ancient inscriptions in these Buddhist ruins will definitely have been in Pali or Prakrit including the place name. Definitely not in Chingkallam which did not exist at that time.
        Good try Chingkalla reindeer herder but it will not work with me

        • 8

          The British who started the Archaeological Department in 1858, appeared to prioritise, archaeologically speaking, a Chingkalla -Buddhist narrative of Sri Lankan history, to the detriment of the island’s Thamizh their history and the right to their homeland. This is still continuing even now. This is why they merged the Thamizh homeland which had been a separate nation and ruled separately for centuries, with the Chingkalla lands in 1833, making the Chingkallams who were until then confined to the south of the island, a majority over the entire island and the Thamizh who were a 100% majority in their own homeland a minority. Then to add insult to injury in 1948 they handed over the entire island to the Chingkalla majority, with no adequate protection for the island’s Thamizh. Creating all this mess with the Thamizh people suffering immensely and now facing structural genocide and losing their ancient homeland. They had no right to have done this, should have either divided the island as they found into its Chingkalla and Thamizh parts or created a federal form of government before they left.

          • 6

            They created Pakistan that never existed for the Indian Muslims but completely ignored the island’s Thamizh and their plight because they incorrectly and arrogantly thought the island belonged only to the Chingkallams and everything ancient is only Chingkallam, as they were Aryans( sic) completely disregarding the ancient history of the island’s Thamizh the Jaffna kingdom the eastern Thamizh chieftaincies. Now this so-called quote from some jumped-up British white colonial racist that some ruin in Vanni built around the 3rc century is Chingkallam when there were no Chingkallam language or people at that time and ancient Pali/Prakrit inscriptions associated with the Buddhist religion is now Chingkallam. What a joke.

    • 5

      Stevenson please read this and do not display your ignorance. Some of these Sinhalese Buddhist monks and archaeologists know of all this but are deliberately lying and misleading in my opinion. However the majority of them a just rabid and racist and very ignorant. Like the piglet stated the British are also largely to blame for this. Attributing everything ancient, especially Buddhist on the island just to the Sinhalese. Most of these so-called Archaeological officials during the colonial era, would not have been properly trained in history languages etc just a rudimentary knowledge and arrogant raw recruits sent to the colonies full of colonial white superiority and importance proclaim all sorts of things, most of which were inaccurate, as they were able to do so. Taking what thus unknown colonial British officer stated in 1895 is rubbish. History, research and archaeology have come a long way from this era and the white supremacist racist colonial mentality of looking at everything through their bias and perspective.

  • 5

    A hard hitting and forthright essay by Tisaranee. Very admirable.

    The bottom line is just this.
    The Rajapakses are now riding the Kurundi [ Kurunthoor ] high horse .They have been dormant for an year or so until their looting of Srilanka is now more or less in the political backburner.

    A good many people of the country are struggling to make ends meet and in the economic confusion we have the Archaelogical dept led by the saffron brigade frustrating the efforts being made with the help of the IMF TO NORMALISE THE ECONOMY AT LEAST BY 2048.

    When Sir. John lost, he told SWRD…………..I kept these dogs [Saffron Brigade ] tied and you have unleashed them; You will regret this………
    That was in 1956.
    This time around who will pay the price for not checkmating the Saffron Brigade?………

    • 4

      These people are aware that at one time a significant minority of the predominantly Naga( Tamil) inhabited population in the north and east converted to both Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, when it arrived on the island 2300 years ago, just like the way the largely Yakka inhabited southern population also converted down south. The only difference is, unlike down south, these Naga Tamil Buddhists in the north and east, retained their ancient Tamil identity and language and by 10AD had largely converted back to their original Saivite Hindu religion and by 16AD Tamil Buddhism, which was once a dominant force, just like in the rest of India had completely died out both in South India and in the northern and eastern parts of the island. Many of their places of worship, became ruins like in Kantharodai. Thiriyai or Velgam Vihara, others which were originally Hindu and then converted to Buddhist when the local Tamil population converted to the new religion or where a Buddhist place of worship was built next to the original Hindu place of worship, reverted back to a Hindu place of worship. Unlike the South in the north and east Buddhism never supplanted Hinduism, the vast majority of the Tamils still remained Hindu, with a significant minority of Tamil Buddhists. Similar to the way you find Christian Tamils now.

  • 0

    Tisaranee Gunasekara
    Stop writing articles about matters you have no knowledge of. It is so annoying. Your article is full of misconceptions and disinformation.
    What do you know about Kurundi Vihara or its history which goes back to Lord Buddha’s time? There is a written evidence of Kurundi Vihara located in Kurundumale.
    There are three types of “Aththa Katha ඇත්ත කථා” for Tipitaka. “Aththa Katha” means Sinhala Commentaries.
    1. “Maha Aththa Katha or Mula Aththa Katha” which are Sinhala Commentaries that were composed at the First Buddhist Council in Sinhaladvipa.
    2. “Maha Paccari Aththa Katha” – Sinhala Commentaries that were composed on a large raft (Maha Theertha Yathra).
    3. “Kurundi Aththa Katha” – Sinhala Commentaries that were composed at the “Kurundi Vihara”. Why Kurundi Vihara? Because it was one of the places where Lord Buddha stayed.
    For your information, the majority of ancient Buddhist Viharas in Sri Lanka are located in Northern and Eastern Provinces.
    The Department of Archaeology should have the proof of Kurundi Vihara being repaired by King Aggabodhi I of Anuradhapura. He has built an irrigation tank called “Kurundi Vapi” too. Later, King Vijayabahu I of Polonnaruwa also repaired the Kurundi Vihara.
    The Department of Archaeology should take legal action to restore the historical lands belonging to Kurundi Vihara.

    • 7

      Please stop your Boru Kathawa( false talk) . The earliest Sinhala work was Siyabaslakara around 848 CE (9th Century AD). The next was Dhampiya-at uva Gatapadayo which came out around 918 CE (10th Century AD). Pali words are used both in a modified and pure form quite heavily in this latter work. The first Sinhala grammar Sidath Sangaraya belongs to the 13th Century AD. The inscriptions before the 7th Century AD do not mention Sinhala as a language or ethnicity of the people. The term “Sihala” (Lion in Pali) occurs for the first time in the Dipawansa (5th Century AD). Only once is the term coming up to say the Island was known as Sihala on account of the presence of Lions. In the Mahawamsa the term Sihala appears twice. But there is no reference to the people called Sinhalese nor the Language called Sinhala. R.A.L.H. Gunawardana in his book “The People of the Lion: The Sinhala Identity and Ideology in History and Historiography” (Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities Vol V:1-2 (1979)) claims that before the 12th Century AD the Sinhala identity did not cover a whole people in Sri Lanka but only a small ruling class. This meant even by the 12th Century AD Sinhala had not become a full-fledged people’s language yet. What you have been fed to believe as per your question is a pseudo-history created before the 1970s.

      • 6

        Buddhism spread on this Island from the 3rd Century BC onwards. Over 1500 identified inscriptions confirm this. These inscriptions have Brahmi scripts from North India plus Tamil scripts inscribed on them. There was no Sinhala script nor Sinhala language nor Sinhalese people then. Thus it is clear that the Tamil Language was in use in Sri Lanka prior to the introduction of Buddhism and before the introduction of the North Indian Brahmi Script.
        Even though Professor Paranavithana tried to identify the North Indian Prakrit as old Sinhala Script and tried to show wherever Prakrit was in use the Sinhalese lived there, this statement of the Professor is now not accepted because with the spread of Buddhism, the Prakrit script too spread all over South and South East Asia and was in use for over 700 years as the script of inscriptions. Prakrit was not old Sinhala. If it was, the Sinhala language should have been spoken in other South East Asian Countries too. The Prakrit writing and inscriptions on ancient Tamil Buddhist ruins in the north and east are now being falsely portrayed as Sinhalese

        • 6

          The original Tamils of Sri Lanka have been occupying this island for over 3000 years ago. The present tendency to refer to Buddhism as that of the Sinhalese and Hinduism as that of the Tamils is erroneous. When religions are introduced into a Country they are not introduced to be followed only by particular races. When Buddhism was introduced to this Island there were no Sinhalese. Thus the Tamil Naga Saivite Hindu King Thevanai Nambiya Theesan, son of King Mootha Sivan, got converted to Buddhism. There is considerable evidence to show the existence of Tamil Buddhists in Pali literature and Brahmic inscriptions. Tamil Kings were given the titles Buddha Thasan and Buddhadevan when they supported Buddhism and Buddhist causes. Up to 15 th or 16 th Century, there were Tamil Buddhists according to Pali literature. The inscriptions of Nainatheevu in North Sri Lanka refer to Tamil Buddhists. Professor Sunil Ariyaratne in his “Demala Baudhayo” refers to Tamil Buddhists. In recent times colonial British and Sinhalese portraying themselves as Buddhists and Tamils as Hindus have brought about polarization.

    • 6

      O great Champa the fake historian
      “Stop writing articles about matters you have no knowledge of. It is so annoying. Your article is full of misconceptions and disinformation.”
      Who is the pot and who is the kettle?
      “The Department of Archaeology should take legal action to restore the historical lands belonging to Kurundi Vihara.” If that happens, you will have no place to sh.t, because, like everything else in this country, your toilet is built over ancient ruins.

      • 3

        Champa is smart enough to render Putin some service, but what does the stupid woman know? Am I the only one who is forced to feel that some of our seniors eat grass as their main diet?
        stupid woman might have thought, all what is written in Mahawansa are the truths. The kind of women are the ones that lead SADU SADU processions in our hell ruined by Rajapakshe criminals.
        This woman wrote long comments based on Putin when her own motherland was constantly looted as no others by Rajapakshes.

        I think our Bandarawela man and Champi would make a good couple if they got married. Whatever is said in the CT, both of them are paying attention. Champa is forced to think about Putin and the Sinhalese man suffers from his hero-worshipping nature.

    • 5

      Champa this temple was built around 2000-2100 years ago and there were no people called Sinhalese at that time or the Sinhalese language. Buddhist Tamil Naga kings and chiefs built this ancient Tamil Buddhist Naga Vihara, for the benefit of the local Tamil Buddhists. Most probably on the ancient site of a local Saivite temple, as it often happens. When Buddhism arrived there were no people called Sinhalese or the Sinhalese language. The populations were semi or proper Tamil-speaking Naga and Yakka Dravidian tribes ruled by largely Naga kings and chieftains who spoke Tamil. The Sinhalese language and people evolved much later around 7 AD largely from the converted Southern Buddhist Yakka who corrupted their local Tamil dialect with the Pali of Buddhism.

      • 0

        Ha ha ha, please provide the name/names of “Buddhist Tamil Naga kings”. This is the first time I heard of them.
        The descendants of original Dravidian tribes still exist in South India. They are the Shudras.
        All Pali words are Sinhala. All Sanskrit words are Sinhala. What Tamil dilect are you talking about?

        • 3

          Champa dear,
          “All Pali words are Sinhala. All Sanskrit words are Sinhala.”
          Ah, so that’s why we can understand a lot of Portuguese words. Portuguese must also be based on Pali. Or, was Buddha actually born in Portugal? You must research the matter.

  • 5

    It will definitely be the ancestors of the local Tamil Hindus who now live surrounding this Buddhist ruin who would have built this ancient Buddhist site, during a time when many of their ancestors were Buddhist until even 1000 years ago and these ancient religious sites and Hindu Buddhist ruins all belong to them and is part of their history and not to the southern Sinhalese, who evolved much later down south, as now being falsely claim in order to take over these Tamil areas for the Sinhalese. There are now no Tamil Buddhists, only Hindu and Christian Tamils on the island now. Therefore the Sinhalese are now trying to conveniently use this fact to their advantage and claim all the ancient Tamil Buddhist ruins and temples in the north and east as theirs, hijack and usurp the island’s Tamil people’s history as theirs with government help, change ancient Tamil place names to Sinhalese in order to stake and lay claim to these sites and make it theirs to destroy the Tamils and steal their history and homeland.

    • 6

      These ancient Buddhist ruins and the ancient Sivan temple there should be preserved and the correct history and not a made-up history, to suit political Sinhalese Buddhism, should be narrated and recorded. There is no need of building a new Buddhist Vihara there in an area where they have been no local Buddhists now for over 1000 years. The descendants of these ancient Naga Buddhists, who lived there, are the local Hindu Tamils. There is also no necessity of trying to acquire hundreds of acres of surrounding land next to this site on the pretext that it is needed for its maintenance or in ancient times it was part of the temple. When there is no proof of anything and much larger and ancient Viharas that are fully functioning, down south have never had such large land holdings granted to them by any king or government and no one is demanding the same down south, as they want for these ancient Tamil Naga Buddhist ruins in the north and east.

      • 5

        Ruins do not need huge land holdings, and the local Tamil Hindus maintain the equally ancient Sivan temple there. This is just a ploy to confiscate and acquire private and state lands in this ancient Tamil district, where there is no record of any Sinhalese of have ever lived there from ancient to present and displace the local Tamils and distributing the land to outside Sinhalese, with the pretext of maintaining the newly built Vihara, that is really not necessary. A deliberate ploy to convert an ancient Tamil area, to a Sinhalese area, ironically using a very ancient Tamil Naga Buddhist ruin and an ancient Sivan temple. This is all a land-grabbing ethnic cleansing ploy using Buddhism and preserving it in Tamil areas as an excuse. Everyone can see through this.

      • 2

        “The descendants of these ancient Naga Buddhists, who lived there, are the local Hindu Tamils.”
        You do not fail to amuse and amaze simultaneously.

        • 5

          Yes, I know that you are an incredible source of amusement and amazement. Your deliberate nasty vindictive spiteful comments with regard to almost every other Tamil blogger’s comments here take amusement and amazement to another level.

  • 0

    To those who replied to my first comment
    There was no rebuttal. Why? Because my comment was supported by undeniable written evidence.
    My first comment was based on Tipitaka, not Mahavamsa, although there is a mention of Kurunda Vihara in Mahavamsa and Culavamsa on a few occasions.
    1. King Khallatanaga (50 – 43 B.C.) built a monastery called Kurundavasoka Vihara. (King Khallatanaga is the second son of King Saddha Tissa, the brother of King DutuGemunu).
    2. King Aggabohi I has repaired Kurunda Vihara, constructed an irrigation tank called Kurundi Vapi and donated a coconut plantation to the Vihara.
    3. King Vijayabahu I has also repaired Kurunda Vihara.
    4. There was a Pirivena called “Kurundacullaka Parivena” during King DathopaTissa I of Anuradhapura, as mentioned in the Mahavamsa “Tika”. (“Tika” means sub-commentaries of all non-canonical books.). Interestingly, this “Kurundacullaka Pirivena” was located in the Jetavana Vihara in (Ceylon). Was Kurundumale the Jetavana Vihara where Lord Buddha resided from time to time? This shows how little we know or were told about Lord Buddha who was born, attained Buddhahood and passed away in our own country!
    “Aththa Katha” (Pali) or “Artha Katha” (Sanskrit) was composed during the time of Lord Buddha and Kurundi Aththa Katha believed to be the commentaries on Abhidhamma Pitaka.

    • 4

      Champa dear,
      “All Pali words are Sinhala. All Sanskrit words are Sinhala.”
      Ah, so that’s why we can understand a lot of Portuguese words. Portuguese must also be based on Pali. Or, was Buddha actually born in Portugal? You must research the matter, since your caretakers seem to allow you a lot of free time.

    • 3

      Dear Champa and sinhala buddhist fundementalists,
      With the revelation of many archeological evidences that the Buddha lived in India, it is good for the chronologists to base some empirical information to say that he lived in Sri Lanka.
      Not a single good monk ordained in Sri Lanka has confirmed what is being spread about the life of the Buddha in Sri Lanka: Buddhist literary scholars have not published anything new on the topic. We have Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalists isolated in Champa. For example, I would like to proudly state that Buddha lived in Sri Lanka. Recently, the learned Buddhist monk Ajahn Brahmavamso clarified that it is ridiculous to believe that the Buddha lived in Sri Lanka.

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