It will be like pol pot.By the time they had found him guilty him for the millions of deaths he died.
leelagemalli/January 9, 2023
I think COUNTS are much higher compared to that of POLPOT. Mahinda Rajapaksa hurt almost everyone in the country. He deliberately did that.
People rated him highly considering his political leadership to the war, but he destroyed more than what he did for the country. Such people should have been imprisoned for a long time.
The level of poverty that has crept across the country today is incalculable. Rural poverty is rampant and school children across the country are reportedly fainting in school classrooms.Alas, What happened to this beautiful country/nation? It is infuriating that today the person who caused the damage most and his family (Mahinda Rajapaksa and other Rajapaksa’s) are being treated no second to the most sacred “tooth relic”. #
The so-called divine forces are also stand still, there is no such thing as existing laws or punishment by absolute divine forces.
shankar, pol pot died from this physical earth, but where is he spending eternity now, away from his creator in the spirit realm. There is a lake of fire out there. Be warned.
Raj-UK/January 8, 2023
This is one incident among countless other injustices that will never bring the perpetrators to face justice. The non high profile murders, such as, the poor sod who was implicated in this murder & died in custody from ‘natural causes’, will never even come to light. GR no longer has immunity from prosecution & should be charged with the civil case of Lasantha’s daughter if he enters US. The rest of the world should consider the Rajapakses & the military bigwigs persona non grata & bar them from entering their countries.
From a rational point of view, I don’t believe in karma but I take comfort in hoping that karma is real because that is the only way these murderers & their accomplices will ever face justice. Richard de Zoysa’s killers died in the gutter, so I am optimistic.
Captain Morgan/January 8, 2023
Don’t worry folks! Ranil Wickremasinghe is in the saddle now and I have no doubt he will start the investigative wheels rolling again, trace and apprehend the culprits, get the Attorney General to institute legal action against them, have them prosecuted successfully, and sentenced to long prison terms! He is the new “Wada Karana Ape Viruwa”
shankar/January 9, 2023
capt morgan
mr.ranil or not you can’t escape mr.karma in this life or the next. Gota went to a restaurant called karma and asked the waiter for the menu.The waiter replied there was no menu.The gota asked “how do we know what to order” and the waiter replied “you dont order anything here.You get what you deserve”.
Ajith/January 9, 2023
Lasantha was killed just four months before the massacre of Tamil Civilians including the killing of surrendered civilians and surrendered LTTE members after the war. We all know Lasantha also branded as LTTE. That is why even Sinhalese people are not worried by these murders and they are happy to elect those killers again and again. Ranil is not much different to Rajapaksas in terms of murders. Ranil will start investigation but he will never finish investigation but Rajapaksa will never investigate. This is an agreed cycle between Ranil and Rajapaksas.
shankar/January 10, 2023
“Ranil will start investigation “
he should start by explaining why he named in parliament fonseka as the perpetrator don’t you think?How did he come to that conclusion?Why say it in parliament and not in public.The reason is in parliament there is priviledge and you can say anything without having to go to courts over it.Keep daydreaming about him starting the investigation as you claim because he is also too deep in it.
Ajith/January 10, 2023
Ranil pretends as his hands are white. Investigation on words like solving the economic crisis and Political solution to Tamils etc. etc. I know he is silent white shirt kaka. The words is sufficient to western world. Starting does not mean finishing or finding the truth or sentancing real criminals. Lasantha was murdered 12 years before. Investigation still continues. Release of political prisoners still continues. Trinco students massacre still continues.
paragon/January 10, 2023
KARMA Will take his own time to show results.You can see this from the SWRD BANDA Family.SWRD was responsible for singala only rule and was the first person to bring racism in to srilanakn politics and later all the singala polical parties and leaders followed his path to come to power which resulted in so many communal clashes and civil war and thousands of people lost their lives.LATER SWRD WAS KILLED FOLLOWED BY ANURA BANDARANAYKE,AND SON IN LAW WIJE KUMARTHUNGA.TWICE OR THRICE MARRIED SUNETHRA AND CHANDIRIKA ARE WIDOWS NOW.KARMA WILL TAKE SOME TIME BEFORE RAJAPAKSE FAMILY TO TASTE THE KARMA.IT MIGHT TAKE SOME TIME BUT IT WILL TAKE PLACE SOON.
shankar/January 10, 2023
do not forget that karma continues into the next life too.If we have not suffered enough for our sins in this lifetime we will suffer the balancein our next lifetime.
Tamil from the north/January 10, 2023
While the mastermind killer walks around, flies to Dubai, goes shopping there and all, the lazy little sh&t Ranil does nothing in SL.
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shankar / January 8, 2023
It will be like pol pot.By the time they had found him guilty him for the millions of deaths he died.
leelagemalli / January 9, 2023
I think COUNTS are much higher compared to that of POLPOT. Mahinda Rajapaksa hurt almost everyone in the country. He deliberately did that.
People rated him highly considering his political leadership to the war, but he destroyed more than what he did for the country. Such people should have been imprisoned for a long time.
The level of poverty that has crept across the country today is incalculable. Rural poverty is rampant and school children across the country are reportedly fainting in school classrooms.Alas, What happened to this beautiful country/nation? It is infuriating that today the person who caused the damage most and his family (Mahinda Rajapaksa and other Rajapaksa’s) are being treated no second to the most sacred “tooth relic”. #
The so-called divine forces are also stand still, there is no such thing as existing laws or punishment by absolute divine forces.
davidthegood / January 10, 2023
shankar, pol pot died from this physical earth, but where is he spending eternity now, away from his creator in the spirit realm. There is a lake of fire out there. Be warned.
Raj-UK / January 8, 2023
This is one incident among countless other injustices that will never bring the perpetrators to face justice. The non high profile murders, such as, the poor sod who was implicated in this murder & died in custody from ‘natural causes’, will never even come to light. GR no longer has immunity from prosecution & should be charged with the civil case of Lasantha’s daughter if he enters US. The rest of the world should consider the Rajapakses & the military bigwigs persona non grata & bar them from entering their countries.
From a rational point of view, I don’t believe in karma but I take comfort in hoping that karma is real because that is the only way these murderers & their accomplices will ever face justice. Richard de Zoysa’s killers died in the gutter, so I am optimistic.
Captain Morgan / January 8, 2023
Don’t worry folks! Ranil Wickremasinghe is in the saddle now and I have no doubt he will start the investigative wheels rolling again, trace and apprehend the culprits, get the Attorney General to institute legal action against them, have them prosecuted successfully, and sentenced to long prison terms! He is the new “Wada Karana Ape Viruwa”
shankar / January 9, 2023
capt morgan
mr.ranil or not you can’t escape mr.karma in this life or the next. Gota went to a restaurant called karma and asked the waiter for the menu.The waiter replied there was no menu.The gota asked “how do we know what to order” and the waiter replied “you dont order anything here.You get what you deserve”.
Ajith / January 9, 2023
Lasantha was killed just four months before the massacre of Tamil Civilians including the killing of surrendered civilians and surrendered LTTE members after the war. We all know Lasantha also branded as LTTE. That is why even Sinhalese people are not worried by these murders and they are happy to elect those killers again and again. Ranil is not much different to Rajapaksas in terms of murders. Ranil will start investigation but he will never finish investigation but Rajapaksa will never investigate. This is an agreed cycle between Ranil and Rajapaksas.
shankar / January 10, 2023
“Ranil will start investigation “
he should start by explaining why he named in parliament fonseka as the perpetrator don’t you think?How did he come to that conclusion?Why say it in parliament and not in public.The reason is in parliament there is priviledge and you can say anything without having to go to courts over it.Keep daydreaming about him starting the investigation as you claim because he is also too deep in it.
Ajith / January 10, 2023
Ranil pretends as his hands are white. Investigation on words like solving the economic crisis and Political solution to Tamils etc. etc. I know he is silent white shirt kaka. The words is sufficient to western world. Starting does not mean finishing or finding the truth or sentancing real criminals. Lasantha was murdered 12 years before. Investigation still continues. Release of political prisoners still continues. Trinco students massacre still continues.
paragon / January 10, 2023
KARMA Will take his own time to show results.You can see this from the SWRD BANDA Family.SWRD was responsible for singala only rule and was the first person to bring racism in to srilanakn politics and later all the singala polical parties and leaders followed his path to come to power which resulted in so many communal clashes and civil war and thousands of people lost their lives.LATER SWRD WAS KILLED FOLLOWED BY ANURA BANDARANAYKE,AND SON IN LAW WIJE KUMARTHUNGA.TWICE OR THRICE MARRIED SUNETHRA AND CHANDIRIKA ARE WIDOWS NOW.KARMA WILL TAKE SOME TIME BEFORE RAJAPAKSE FAMILY TO TASTE THE KARMA.IT MIGHT TAKE SOME TIME BUT IT WILL TAKE PLACE SOON.
shankar / January 10, 2023
do not forget that karma continues into the next life too.If we have not suffered enough for our sins in this lifetime we will suffer the balancein our next lifetime.
Tamil from the north / January 10, 2023
While the mastermind killer walks around, flies to Dubai, goes shopping there and all, the lazy little sh&t Ranil does nothing in SL.