17 September, 2024


Lawyers Collective Condemns Shooting At BASL President’s House

By Colombo Telegraph

“Lawyers Collective is shocked to hear about the shooting incident last night (20th December 2012 12.20am) at the residence of  Wijedasa Rajapakse, President of BASL which has come under shooting. The BASL has passed a resolution recently at a General meeting of its Members calling upon the Government to withdraw the Impeachment against the Chief Justice. Thereafter, Mr. Wijedasa Rajapake has constantly come under media attack in state media.”  says Lawyers Collective.

President B ASL

“While condemning this  intimidatory tactics, we call upon all parties to refrain from attacking or resorting to any form of threats on lawyers.” they further say.

The Mirihana Police are investigating a complaint lodged by BASL President MP Wijeydasa Rajapakshe after two empty cartridges were found in the vicinity of his house early this morning, the Police said.

“Sources said that the youngest son of the MP had heard gun shots at 12.20 am today and had heard a car driving by thereafter. Subsequently the driver of Mr. Rajapakshe had inspected the vicinity of the house early this morning when the two empty cartridges were found.” Daily Mirror reported.

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  • 0

    The message is clear and the people who have the means of and who habitually do these acts are well known. Bullets are found, gun can be matched. Type and calibre can be assesed. Doesnt need a Sherlock Holmes to check on a handful of leads.

    • 0

      In sri lanka,Crime Scene Investigation is either primitive or almost nil. I am sure that some idiotic cop would have picked up the two cartridge cases with his bare fingers,and put them in his pocket,thus obliterating any finger prints on them – picking them up with a thin pencil inserted through the open end and placing them in special bags to preserve prints is never done.
      There is suspician that this haphazard picking up is done deliberately at crime scenes,to obliterate fingerprints – as incidents of this nature are done by goons directed by You Know Who – the most powerful commissar of the Rajapakse government.
      Most police top brass have had education in crime scene investigation,but this goes on.
      Remember how police top brass had the armour street junction completely washed soon after President Premadasa died in a bomb blast – and how the Scotland Yard team who rushed from galle were shocked to find all evidence washed off ! !

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    Gestapo in Action

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    mahinda rajapaksa wants to become a Hitler?

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      He has already got the title of Hitlerpaksha a.k.a. Idi Mahin !!

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    Heard despot visited him few hours ago.This is how despots behave in the eyes of public after intiating the actions.can he fool the people all the time.Wijedasa Rajapaksha would have laugh to his hearts content by seen the monoster at his door step.

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    Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. (Newton) The days are numbered for all those who initiate thuggary. Soon the nation will see how their actions boomerang on their creators

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      We hope it wont be long all this culprits Thugs Come down to their knees
      and Its time the public all come out show the people power like what happen in other parts of the world

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    This is not the first time that lawyers and judges were targeted. It is a continuing story. Earlier the High Court Judge of Colombo was shot dead by drug king Pottu Naufer. Thereafter, two lawyers (husband and wife) were about to be murdered, but unfortunately the husband lawyer over-powered the killers. (Earlier this husband lawyer was to abducted in a white van during Premadasa’s regime, but escaped.) Fortunately the Emergency Police came immediately and arrested the culprits within three days. The murderers were hired by the LTTE and some Muslim politicians. (It does not mean that all Muslims are bad. There are number of reasonable Muslims. Politicians are up to anything like giving various promises for their benefits.) The investigating Police Officer was an honest Sinhalese gentleman. It is the Sinhalese lawyers who came to the rescue of these two lawyers. Upon investigation it was found the LTTE and a senior Muslim politician gave a contract to the underworld criminals. It is the Muslim politician who had instructed the Police Officer not to lay hands on those murderers (Slave Island) who were to be arrested. The investigating Police Officer was immediately transferred to hush up the case. Can these incidents be denied. Strangely the husband lawyer and the murdered High Court Judge were friends. What was more surprising is that Pottu Nauffer had close links with this Muslim politician. Never forget one thing that Sinhalese and Tamils are brothers. These hired killers can approach the lawyers & judges on various pretexts. There are spies of MR in foreign countries. Now the issue has become very hot with the impeachment of the CJ. The modus operandi of hiring killers remains the same. It is also similar to terrorism which is a battle between the visible and the invisible. Prevention is better than cure.

  • 0

    I will guarantee this is another intimidation tactic to silence and bring fear among the members of BASL, the Judiciary and SC in the midst of ongoing CJ Impeachment.

    This is another Medamulana Political Culture brought to Colombo’s respectable and educated Elite to bring discredit and disgrace among them….. as Medamulana has no respect or ethics left on them.

    Therefore please do not come with new and old theories….but face the reality of Governance.

    Where is the Defense Secretary……the culprit …other than hidden and silence while all these are happening.

    Better be vigilent to all these covered, vulgar and cheap Hamba tactics and face them openly and bravely.

    Best Offense is the Best Defense.

    Use PRIVATE SECURITY COMPANIES for investigations, inteligence gathering and personal security.

  • 0

    Sri Lanka has become a land of predators now.The guns used against the Tigers and the innocents are being turned against the very people who supported it wholeheartedly .This government can only be tamed by exposing its totalitarian path to the international community by united actions of the people of the country.It is time for the honourable judges also to take meaningful steps

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    It is time for Hon President of Sri Lanka to stop all these nonsense and to think like an educated matured person. Otherwise he is not fit to be a country’s leader. STOP all these and do something worthwhile to Sri Lanka. STOP playing with justice. Killing one lawyer will not stop the fight. These are poor tactics and advise of your RIGHT HAND MERVIN SILVA. If you do not stop all these not only mervin even you and your clan will be chased away and you will have to seek asylum status in India or China.

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    Stupid ness of the Jokers of the corrupt, lawless Banana Republic is confirming to the Democratic World that our peaceful democratic Sri Lanka is no more and that only criminals are protected and citizens have no rights what so ever in this Republic. It is also scaring the citizens that unless they agree or keep quite and allow the corrupt Masters to have their way, their life is in danger.

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    It is quite obvious that staging sporadic street demonstrations and issuing media statements to protest against the state terror make no effect on the ruling junta and such measures are futile and are an utter waste of time and energy. The concerned people should speak out in a `language’ that the regime can understand. It is high time that the opposition politicians, academics, professionals, the enlightened members of the clergy, civil society leaders from all communities and trade union leaders worked out an action plan to halt the obvious march to a brutal dictatorship. A demonstration of `people’s power’ is an imperative at this stage. People’s power would be a source of inspiration and moral strength to the judiciary under siege now. It is only the judiciary that can save democracy. We have to either back the judiciary to the hilt or say `goodbye’ to liberty and freedom!

  • 0

    Poor, poor Wijedasa.

    First he didn’t get the CJ’s job and he felt insulted and crossed over to the UNP and started his human rights work on the side.

    Then he started to campaign for the CJ whom he thought wasn’t qualified for the job. He passed motions at the BASL meeting without giving enough time for members to look at them, but complains about the PSC not giving enough time to the CJ.

    When M Rajapaksa arrives to look at the bullets he crawls to him like a cat, for a stroke.

    These are the people who want to lead us!

  • 0

    I wanna stroke you Jaga baby

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