20 February, 2025


Let Us Know Who Are Contesting? What Are Their Policies?

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

The rights of the voters or citizens are not limited to going to a polling station on the election day and voting for this or that candidate or party. Elections and voting are a process through which the citizens are participating in the governing process. This must be active but extremely peaceful in a democratic system. Voting or actively participating in the process of elections is not only a right but also a human duty and responsibility. At present I live in Australia where voting is compulsory. Those who fail to come to the voting without a valid reason are punished by a fine or other ways for breaking that responsibility.

The United Nations ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)’ declares the following in Article 21.

“1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

2. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.

3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.”

Among the above principles, “the will of the people” is the most important basis of democratic governance. The UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) elaborates these rights particularly in Article 25, among other articles. Whatever the other weaknesses, which must be changed, this is also the basis of our Constitution which politicians must follow. Article 3 of the Constitution has very clearly put forward the sovereignty of the people as follows.

“In the Republic of Sri Lanka sovereignty is in the People and is inalienable. Sovereignty includes the powers of government, fundamental rights, and the franchise.”

As we all know, and have concerns, the country’s present system is a semi-presidential system. As the bottom line, the President should be elected in a ‘free-and-fair’ election. This was fairly implemented in the 2019 elections as the last instance. The will of the people does not however limit to the elections. She or he, so elected, should follow the ‘will of the people’ in respect of legislation, governance, international relations, and economic policies. If there are differences, those should be explained and discussed in a transparent manner with the people. Newspapers, television, trade unions, political parties, and social media can play a major role in this process. However, this didn’t happen under Gotabaya Rajapaksa or even before.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa went against the ‘will of the people’ in various means and that was the primary reason for the widespread Aragalaya in the country in early 2022. Rajapaksas seem to act on the basis of the ‘will of the family’ and will of the ‘hard core friends and supporters’ after elections. This is well known now. Aragalaya managed to oust Gotabaya whatever the weaknesses of that struggle in democratic or other means. Gotabaya should have been impeached if we had a proper democratic Parliament.

Although Ranil Wickremesinghe has so far done fairly a good job in economic sense and international relations, he should realize that he was not at all elected by the people. This is a deviation from the basic democratic principle: ‘the will of the people.’ People in the country know this and would not tolerate any attempt on his part to continue after October 2024. Now one month is already over in the election year, and only eight months remain before the presidential election is legally due. So far, Sri Lanka has a bad image of not holding elections for Provincial Councils and Local Governments.

Under these circumstances, Ranil Wickremesinghe as the incumbent President has a paramount obligation to announce that the Presidential elections would be held at the right time, following the Constitution.

The Election Commission also has a primary duty to announce the election date without delay and make necessary preparations to conduct a ‘free and fair’ election. The Commission and the Department of Elections so far appear to follow the rules. They have obtained 10 billion rupees to conduct presidential elections from the last budget and they have the experience in conducting voting and counting at 14,000 polling stations. However, they have approved 86 political parties, so far, which I consider a divisive weak point in our democratic system. Sri Lanka is one of the controversial countries, after India, to have many recognized political parties without necessary democratic principles.

Politicians do have the freedom to form political parties but not on a flimsy basis. Politicians who form these parties do have a duty to follow certain principles and duties. They should have a valid membership and properly formulated policies. They should produce proper policy manifestos before getting registered. Otherwise, ordinary citizens would be confused because of these enormous number of political parties. The Election Commissioner gave a recent media interview to Siyatha TV on 23 January. This was in Sinhala, and it is understandable. But the text should have been at least translated into Tamil and English. Otherwise, our electoral system, including the Commission appears Sinhala only!

All political parties, if they intend to put forward a candidate to contest the presidential elections should have a primary duty to produce a policy manifesto. These should be produced at least four months before the elections. These manifestos should include their vision for the country and what they would be following as practical policies. There should be a roadmap for the five years of their term. If they think beyond, those should be expressed, but a five-year plan should be the primary task of a manifesto. There are several questions that they should answer to my view in the election manifestos. The readers could indicate any other important matters to be included in the manifestos. My questions are as follows not necessarily in the same order.

1. When will the Parliamentary elections be held?

2. What are the steps that would be taken to bring a New Constitution to the country? Would it be a revised presidential system, or a parliamentary system where the President would be a nominal head?

3. What type of an economic policy that he/she would be following? Is it going to be a State centered economy, a neo-liberal free market economy, or a mixed economy?

4. What measures that she/he would be following in alleviating the present inflation and cost of living?

5. What are the measures to be taken to improve the local enterprises, industries, and the agricultural sector?

6. What kind of policy would be followed in terms of exports and imports, foreign exchange improvements, and external and internal debt and loans?

7. What kind of a foreign policy that she/he would be following particularly in respect of India, China, and the West?

8. What are the policies in respect of Sinhala, Tamil, and Muslim ethnic/religious relations in the country? What kind of a language policy that he/she would follow?

9. Is he or she would be willing to promote English education in schools and universities as a link language and an international language?

10. What kind of policies and measures that he/she would promote to bring down the gap between the rich and the poor, and alleviate poverty in the country?

11. What kind of measures that would be put forward to safeguard the rights of women, youth, and all minorities?

12. What are the measures that he/she would be taking in eliminating corruption, crime, and violence in the country?

The proposed political manifestos should not be too long. May be around ten to fifteen pages. They should be written and put forward in simple Sinhala, Tamil, and English for the people to easily understand. The Election Commission should give further guidelines as necessary. The media, civil society organizations (NGOs), youth, intellectuals, and academics have a major role to play in this process, independently as much as possible. 1 February is the accepted National Voters Day in Sri Lanka. The celebration of this day should be taken as an opportunity to pave the way for a democratic, peaceful, free, and fair and meaningful presidential election this year.    

Latest comments

  • 12

    Laksiri, be honest. Does it really matter ( candidates and policies) ????

    • 9

      Laksiri Fernando,

      “What Are Their Policies?”

      I’m sure ……… you are one of those people who read Gota’s Policies/Vistas from the beginning to the end. ……. Happy?

      • 9

        Ordinary people on the street articulating support for AKD …….. more than Sinhala_Man’s pathetic skills cannot even dream of: he should just lie low without sputtering and causing any more damge to JVP voter-base ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-36T7PmYrU

        The first woman gives a very good answer to “legalizing prostitution” ……….without reading big books, Native should watch these salt of the earth Lankans ……… and hone his skills to spread Ranil’s propaganda ………. is it any wonder ol’ Ranil is down to zero?

        • 5

          How the tax collected from hard-working people who actually contribute to the GDP …….. is spent by political parasites! …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS-iMLB9Gh4

          Native, the question is …… to be or not to be …… but who do we blame/insult, Ranil or AKD? …….. What would ye Grandma say about this speech of AKD?

          If we can’t face the truth …….. do we blame/insult the messenger? ……… Is the fault with the messenger or us? :)) …….. Ah! Lankans! …….. Ah! humans! :))

          A penny for your thoughts …….. before the penny drops.

        • 8

          nimal fernando

          “Native should watch these salt of the earth Lankans “

          New state and government policies on appointing an MP to an Office in the government:

          MP’s ability to use a weapon in a prison
          Use a weapon to commit an offence.
          Ability to bring the State to disrepute
          Ability to cause disaffection against the Government among its people.
          Attempting to murder.
          Ability to cause criminal intimidation by threatening to cause death
          Ability to cause hurt.
          Ability to cause hurt with a dangerous weapon which are stipulated under the relevant provisions of the Penal Code.

          Anyone who desperately want to serve the state, government and the country should possess minimum qualification stipulated as above.

          Don’t even think about applying for jobs for which you are not qualified.

          By the way Ranil has recently appointed Lohan Ratwatte as the State Minister of Plantation Industries and Mahaweli Development.
          Have you congratulated the Minister?

          Perhaps Lohan deserves a Honorary Doctorate in LAW.
          Do you know any influential academic who can propose a motion at University Senate?

          • 7

            NV: You missed one more SKILL: The ability to jump from one room occupied by a sweetheart(hired or provided as perks) to your own without falling off the balcony to save taxpayers money being spent on hospital charges.

            • 4


              You mean the incident which took place in Australia many many many moons ago. Of course he is trouble now.

              • 4

                Native, I guess, he is in trouble now because of too much of jumping.

                • 2

                  Arrested with the assurance he will be released in time to get re-elected.

            • 3

              Although Keheliya stabbed Ranil in the back, the true genuine “Buddhist” Ranil is, I’m sure he will show Buddhist Maitriya and come to his rescue …….. it’s only truth-speakers Ranil wants to put in jail ……. the slimy slippery Garadiya Ranil is, truth is like kerosene on Garandiya’s skin for Ranil …… a brief momentary victory for the suffering people/country …….. I’m sure Ranil won’t make it last …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WgGOQelv3E


              Your friend is looking for you …… I don’t know what he is on about ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh5mydpf10c

            • 2

              Hello Douglas appu (appu means honorary ending to some in lanken vernacular)
              Did you know that the venomous reptile that spreads hatred is dead today?

              He is none other than HDL Mahindapalaya.

              Many on the CT forum speculated that our “former reviewer named Eagle Eye” was the real life “Mahindapala”: but it was someone else. I think these people should be well connected with their pathological causes even if they live outside the country as migrants and further promote their sinhala-racism.

    • 2

      And when did anyone stick to any policies?

    • 7

      Chiv ,

      In photography , positioning the subject right in the centre of the
      shot is , very boring . This is what Laksiri is doing here . Did we
      care about who was contesting and on what policy when Mara ,
      Sira and Gota contested ? Didn’t Sira know it was a Blind Chance
      for him and same with Gota ? Unless prosperity is forced down
      the throats of our 2500 year olds , none of them wants to taste it
      through knowledge or experience . All they want is easy money
      and the one who knows it rides the horse .

      • 5

        You are absolutely right.
        “Gotabaya Rajapaksa went against the ‘will of the people’ in various means and that was the primary reason for the widespread Aragalaya in the country in early 2022. ” says Laksiri. Definitely not. The people voted for his stupid policies devised by his stupid Viyathmaga gang. Only bankruptcy opened their eyes.

        • 1

          “Only bankruptcy opened their eyes.”

          Opened their eyes to what? To the fact that they had voted for wrong fiscal and monitory policies that resulted in the crisis? Certainly not, for, if so, we wouldn’t have seen the sort of Aragalaya we did. No, people solely blamed the crisis on Gota being an inept ruler and heading a corrupt government. Just a few days ago I was conversing with two uneducated men and they thought corruption during Gota’s administration was the reason for the financial and economic crisis and I corrected them but I wonder how much of it they understood. Gotagogama site at Galle Face was emblazoned with slogans accusing the Rajapaksas of corruption and worse. I have explained all these things in detail in my first two CT articles on the Aragalaya.

          • 0

            “‘monetary,” not “monitory”. (policies).

          • 2

            People threw Gota out because his bizarre economics ruined the economy and left them standing in miles-long queues for practically everything. Covid added to the mess.
            I have always said corruption isn’t a major factor in the situation. But it grabs headlines.There are places with worse corruption. Populist mismanagement is the biggest factor.

            • 0


              I had this exchange with you some time ago and again you misunderstand. I agree with you that the real cause for the economic crisis was mismanagement of the economy and that is what triggered the crisis. But in the thinking of the masses, the emphasis was on corruption and then general ineptitude on the part of Gota.

              Did you visit Gotagoma at Galle Face? I doubt you did. Does any one seriously think that the average Joe (or Somapala or Seelawathi) thought like this: Gota’s tax cuts resulted in Fitch ratings falling (indicator of credit worthiness), as a result of which Sri Lanka was locked out capital markets (unable to borrow new loans). This together with the monetary policies (reducing the interest rate and artificially maintaining the exchange rate) brought about the economic crisis (including fuel queues, etc.), to which I am also responsible since I voted for Gota, but in spite of that I am going to take part in the Aragalaya to throw Gota out?

              • 0

                Correction: Gotagogama,

        • 0

          Thanks O C . Spot on .

    • 1

      Along with an article asking what are the policies and contestants….
      CHIV, who closely observed cancerous style of political developments in his home country, immediately questioned why it matters in a world where election promises were hitherto limited to usurping power in this country.
      Is the writer sitting on his little head today?

      My nephew who studies political science questions me. .. how should I explain him about the estranged behaviour of Prof. LF ? can we ever leave a rational response to my nephew ?

      .Isn’t lF the one who even chaired the cloaking of human beasts (Mahendra and Gotabaya) with H-Doctorates? …..
      Just as centristism (similar to individualism and Sinhalese fascism) colluded with Mara et al and destroyed this nation, Mugabeism destroyed the gold mine rich country formerly known as.
      Wasn’t he on the Columbo University Commission that awarded “Honorary Doctorates” to criminals: was this what LF had in mind at that very moment? He was the only man among the handful who praised the government for those 52 days when Polonnaruwa made the dog. Why should Sri Lankan so-called scholars behave “inconsistently” again and again? Is it because of “Sinhala genes”?

      • 0

        L M ,

        I have a message for your Nephew . Political Science students
        are being taught in Universities that it is being hotly debated
        and highly contested as to What politics is , Who does it and
        Where it is done , as much as in Humanities and Social science .
        Imagine , a man like Keheliya , serving under Ranil ; does not
        know the difference between a Prison and Hospital , he was
        told to go to prison and he went to prison hospital ! Can you
        and me do that ? Now I recommend the judge has to change
        the sentence to Mental Hospital .

        • 0

          Thank you WW.
          mr WW, give me a single area where Sri Lankans are doing well according to world standards. It iwill be like collecting pinch of mustards from a house noone died. .
          Doctors complete their studies thanks to taxpayer funding, but once they become doctors, they treat the patient with stepmother reactions. LANKEN culture keep them above while eruopean countriees, doctors are just professionals in their hospitals. THey are not regarded as gods. In germany, they are like other job doers. Sometimes, doctors suffer lot more than the patients with their tight schedules.
          Lawyers are bound by their consent to perform their work, but even the likes of Harak Kata and Yoshita Rajapaksa are directly defended by those lawyers. How is this possible if they are holding to what they swore in that oath?

  • 4

    “Let Us Know Who Are Contesting? What Are Their Policies?”
    Be fair.
    Give them time to find out for themselves.

    • 4

      “Give them time to find out for themselves.

      You need more time to illuminate them, don’t you?

  • 3

    Rajapaksas seem to act on the basis of the ‘will of the family’ and will of the ‘hard core friends and supporters’ after elections.
    …. ?
    What is wrong with that? Don’t friends and supporters represent the people?
    he (Ranil Wickremesinghe) should realize that he was not at all elected by the people.
    Wasn’t he not constitutionally chosen. Isn’t a Constitution the WILL of the people?

  • 7

    “Let Us Know Who Are Contesting?”

    That would’ve mattered …….. if you are sure ……. Ranil is going to hold elections! Does all Ranil’s chicanery, to you, look like he is planning to hold elections?

    In the meantime …… how others find ways to overcome their hardships ……. no thanks to Ranil and the ID no. guy ……….

    I’ve always argued that English is not necessary for a Lankan to be/become successful: that mentality is old-hat …….. simply because …………. everyone who knows English is not successful.

    How to become millionaires ……… with very limited English …….. English Academy ……. Line up for classes in Bandarawela ……… cars and haircuts to boot ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0dgjB6TsWE

    The difference between being intelligent …….. and being merely clever! …….. :)))

    • 5

      That reminds me of the old TV skit by Annesley Dias and Bertie Gunatilaka, who were running an English tutory with tyre vulcanizing on the side….

      • 0

        Bandarawela has to keep up with the times …….. those cars have run-flats …….. not repairable, vulcanizing doesent work.

        It’s a bummer, most times you have to replace the tyre.

        Hope I’m not too hard on the guy …….. just taking the mickey out. :))

  • 5

    Policy is pretty much same SB only so all these major parties to name the candidate needs some heroism so shed of blood and saviours safe guard the 2509
    How Aussie/Dubai is giving PR for all these pothuwas sadly “the sir” can’t even put his feet on US soil for his rest of
    But this unelected man given the privileges not on his mercy but poor people sweat
    Here you could see back of the vehicles the stickers display proud of be

  • 10

    The people of Sri Lanka voted for Gotler to give them security. The very man behind the Easter Sunday bombing a Mass murderer in his own right even before this event. A man known for mediocrity in the intelligence department prone to implement the worst and stupidest policies. They voted for a man who bankrupted the nation. Before that they voted for Appachchi because he is the embodiment of male charisma with his mustache and arrogant attitude. However he was the most corrupt greedy brainless mutt ever to be head of state. The damage he did will take a decade to undo. That also only if an honest guy is given a chance. The voters always chose thugs, violence, intimidation, stupidity etc. They never learned a lesson. This has been the case from the very beginning. Many decent men and women have stood before them asking for their vote over the decades and they were all rejected and laughed out of town. What right do these people have now?

  • 6

    Why are the people living abroad comfortably should be talking about the issues of the ISLE? Should NOT they come back to the ISLE & contribute to it’s progress & prosperity?
    We need to differentiate between true & false democracy. When the ELECTIONS are around the corner, disinformations are spread to hoodwink the voters. The media are controlled by the stooges. Truly independent unbiassed reporting does not serve the crooked Politicians. Patriotic citizens will have their
    children / husbands &wives working productively in their OWN country.
    TOO TOO many things that’s happening in the Isle are working against truly Democratic prosperous peaceful country.

  • 3

    Lakshmi Fernando creating a Utopia in Sri lanka and his foot in not on the ground. Lakasiri Fernando’ds dream of achieving Australian standard in Sri Lanka is just an delusion.
    Duty of the caretaker president is to conduct election as soon when conditions are conducive for that.
    The fact that Ranil is hanging on to the presidency with the support of Rajapakse thieves is not visible to intellectual eyes of Laksiri Fernando.
    Next election people will elect NPP because they are not corrup and they do not absorb jumping frogs from Rajapakse camp like Sajith.

  • 6

    I will be not be asking for the many things quoted by LF.
    I do want only one thing—–>
    I do want want NPP to get the reins & there is no need for an elaborate election manifesto.

  • 2

    The OSB [On-line Safety Bill] can/ be mis-used. It will work against fair and free Elections! Let wait and see. Hoping for the Judiciary & Election commission(+Security Forces0 to be fair & free.

  • 2

    Laksiri: First let us know the nominee of the UNP to contest the Presidential election. Have you found out that? Already SJB has declared Sajith Premadasa and NPP Anura Kumara Dissanayake.

    You also say: “Although Ranil Wickramasinghe has so far done a fairly good job in economics sense and international relations” Can you please write in your next presentation a detailed account of the “fairly good job in economic and international relations”. Don’t forget that “international relations” have cost the taxpayers millions without so far being able to re-schedule our international debt load. On top of it, Ranil W has increased our Debt burden further by withholding the payments from 12 April 2022. When the “D” day arrives to repay our loans, will Ranil W’s “fairly good job in economics” and “international relations” (as stated by you) help us and he is hailed a Messiah?

    • 3

      I agree that RW has created an image that it is he has done a good job to improve the economy but in reality the amount of debt increased and the west took control of the country.

      • 2

        Ajith: That word “improve” is not what Ranil W did, but improved the vulnerability of the economy to excite the foreign hawks to grab whatever natural resources we have.

      • 0

        Ajith ,

        Let us look at it the way it is , a wrong man that was Gota , was
        brought into power by another set of wrong destructive elements
        for their selfish ends . Gota started to play military with economy
        until it ended up in Mullivaikkal . The same way CBK , RW , SF
        claimed credit for Mullivaikkal , they and their predecessors are
        also responsible for the Economic Mullivaikkal . All what RW did
        was , Reversing Gota’s army to turn it over to the former position .
        Now it is back to normal that was heading towards a Slow Death
        even without Gota ! He is now spending most of his time and tax
        payer money on ” international relations ” by touring the world ,
        may be to Thank Those Who Are tolerating his Marusira behaviour
        in national politics and to show them some gratitude for chasing
        away Gota and planting him in there .People agitated for change ,
        and Sashindra Rajapaksha has taken over from Sanath Nishantha
        it was reported , this is his national politics he is carrying on his
        shoulders on his International Relations Tours ! Be on Alert !

    • 4

      “On top of it, Ranil W has increased our Debt burden further by withholding the payments from 12 April 2022.”
      Please check on this.
      RW did not hold any office at the time.
      That was the handiwork of his predecessor.

      • 0

        SJ: I was mainly concerned with the increase in the TOTAL DEBT of the country from 2015 (The beginning of Ranil W’s regime which stood at 27.30 billion US) to US $ 169 billion, at the end of 2019, i.e. an increase of US $ 146 billion. What have we achieved during that period of 4 years?

        Just now he has secured another US $ 150 million from the World Bank to strengthen the Deposit Insurance of the Central Bank. What does that indicate?

        He incurred another Rs. 20 million on a few trips to foreign countries. The PMD (President Media Unit) has issued a clarification and said: ” These visits were necessary to keep the country from being isolated from the world”. Shouldn’t this money be allocated to buy the Maha season paddy harvest to the Paddy Marketing Board to purchase the produce and prevent the few “MAFIA” operating in the market of paddy purchase?

  • 1

    All the presidential candidates will turn out to be slimey

    • 2

      Are thy not already?

  • 2

    Every single presidential candidate will as usual turn out to be a slimy guy who will not declare in his election manifesto the exact plan of action he will be following in tackling difficult and controversial matters. None of them will express his ideas unequivocally so as to leave room to twist and turn the words later after failing to deliver on the promises.

  • 2

    “Gotabaya Rajapaksa went against the ‘will of the people’ in various means and that was the primary reason for the widespread Aragalaya in the country in early 2022.”

    Actually, the Aragalaya was a result of the financial and economic crisis that the nation plunged into in consequence of certain fiscal and monetary policies adopted after Gota came to power, all of which were actually in his election manifesto and people voted for him! Even the transition to organic farming and banning of agro chemicals were in his manifesto albeit in a phased manner. In that sense, Gota failed not because he went against “the will of the people,” but he performed it!

    • 1

      Are you against to Srilankan Judiciary?

      • 0

        In the fundamental rights case involved, the Petitioners claimed that several decisions and the continued inaction of those responsible for those decisions in the face of numerous warnings about the impact of the policies (chiefly tax cuts) of Gota’s administration constituted arbitrary, irrational or manifestly unreasonable action on their part constituting a breach of their fundamental right guaranteed to equality and to equal protection of the law enshrined in Article 12 of the Constitution. The Supreme Court judgement faults the respondents, not for their policies per se, but for failing to take remedial measures after it became clear those policies had failed. One of the five judges held that the respondents were not liable for any violation.

        My point is that the policies were approved in the first place by those who voted for Gota and by trying to implement them in the first place he was just performing their will, not going against it.

        • 1

          “My point is that the policies were approved in the first place by those who voted for Gota and by trying to implement them in the first place he was just performing their will, not going against it”
          What a funny excuse to put the blame on innocent farmers!

          • 0

            Well, the policy of going organic was in Gota’s manifesto but its implementation was not in accordance with it. Arguably, even the fertilizer crisis was actually part of the larger financial/economic crisis in that the decision to stop the importation of chemical fertilizer and transition to organic agriculture almost overnight was probably triggered by the shortage of dollars. And the shortage of dollars was caused by ….

      • 1

        Laksiri Fernando

        “Just because someone is elected, his or her manifesto cannot completely be considered as the ‘will of the people.’ “

        Let propose Gota for Nobel Prize, in any of the following fields:
        physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace, and economic science.

      • 2

        Laksiri Fernando

        “Just because someone is elected, his or her manifesto cannot completely be considered as the ‘will of the people.’ “

        Lets propose Gota for Nobel Prize, in any of the following fields:
        physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace, and economic science.

      • 0


        Yes, in the implementation of the policy on organic farming Gota was not faithful to the manifesto, I agree, especially in the abrupt manner in which it was sought to be implemented but he did reverse the policy in the face of opposition to it.

        As I have mentioned in another comment, the decision to transition to organic agriculture almost overnight was probably triggered by the shortage of dollars, though the then Government put a different spin on it, in which case we again have to go back to the real causes: the fiscal and monetary policies of Gota’s administration, which were in the manifesto and the people voted for them.

        The fact is many of our farmers are reluctant to shift to organic farming through either not being used to it/fear of the unknown or sheer laziness–because it is difficult–or a combination of the two (even if organic fertilizer is provided free?).

  • 1

    “What kind of policies and measures that he/she would promote to bring down the gap between the rich and the poor, and alleviate poverty in the country?”

    I don’t understand this leftists’ obsession with reducing the gap between the rich and the poor. What is important is to create wealth and uplift the economic state of all, both the rich and the poor. If the family X has a push cycle and the family Y has a motor cycle, say, this year and five years from now the families X and Y have a motor cycle and two BMWs respectively, the gap between them has increased but economically both families have progressed. But if they go the other way, the gap between them has decreased but both have regressed economically, which, by the way, is what socialism normally does!

      • 0

        Of course I agree with you on poverty alleviation. Isn’t that implied in my words “uplift the economic state of all, both the rich and the poor”?

        You misunderstand my illustration, in which family X has a motor cycle and family Y has two BMWs five years later. Did you overlook my word “ respectively”?

        I was thinking of creating wealth as opposed to trying to make people equal to one another, which is what is involved in the idea of reducing the gap between the rich and the poor, isn’t it?
        I wasn’t at all thinking of creating wealth to the exclusion of the other things you mentioned—nature, moral values, etc. They should all go together.
        I agree with you that moral wealth is more important than material wealth. The problem is that politicians are drawn from the ranks of ordinary people, whose morality is not superior to that of those whom they elect as their representatives. The only respect in which politicians unfailingly represent their voters is in the latter’s morality!

  • 0

    You may call it jaguar, but I like to call it leopard.
    What is the point of giving proper names to lemur individuals? How are you going to locate them with a name? Does it matter if it is a donkey or Mule matter? Can you plow the field if it is not crocodile, but only an alligator?

    They all are the same. All the hyenas pack to protect each other. If you don’t know which bull is on whose farm, just brand them yourself. Asking them will not help anyway.

    All those ducks look alike, walk alike, quack alike and swim alike.

    No point in identifying them by their policies as they all are cow skin clad lions. Their unique phenomenon is that they all misrepresent each other.

    The only issue here is sending the NPP to see a change after 75 years. Then keep your fingers crossed hoping that will be truly a positive change.

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