10 February, 2025


Lockdown 3 Weeks & Reappraise Did I Say? What Next?- Hurry, Test, Test & Test

By M.M. Janapriya

Dr. M.M. Janapriya

We may not be 3 weeks in to lockdown yet but todays discovery of a yet another patient who seems to have fallen through the net possibly infecting about 300 more and eventually dying, prompted me to write this article and I sincerely hope President Gotabaya Rajapaksa reads this.

What has been the strategy so far? First it was enforced holidays which did not seem to have that much of an effect. Then full police curfew which is the most stringent form of lockdown. With the country almost fully locked down bar the few hours relaxation in districts other than Colombo, Gampaha and Puttalam how did the health authorities move? It was a case of wait for the patients policy. The doctors hoped for the best while preparing for the worst. This is absolutely the right thing to do. We saw how the military converted various facilities to fully equipped wards within a few days. Some even are good enough for ICUU. I salute them. 

The lockdown is a situation where we slow down the spread of the disease so that the available healthcare facilities would be enough to offer good care to the would be patients. Whilst this is happening the government took steps to better the available facilities. We know from the Chinese statistics more than 80% are mild to moderate, 14% are severe, 5% critical and 1-1.5% dying despite treatment. From what I saw on TV, I am sure there are enough beds to house the infected people throughout the country thanks to the untiring effort of the armed forces. 

The Achilles heel though, might well be the ICU care. We have got 570 ICU beds in all, as of 25/03/2020 as per Television discussion. The doctor holding the floor also proudly said ventilators are being manufactured at the Engineering Faculties of the Moratuwa and Peradeniya Universities. I fully agree we, as patriotic Sri Lankans should indeed be proud of these individuals who are innovators working round the clock. I am not sure at what stage of production they are in, right now but I do sincerely hope we have at least 1000 ICU beds by now. To come to the level of Italy we need 3500 and to come to level of the UK we need 2800 ICU beds. Even a number of 1000-1200 ICU beds with facilities for all modes of ventilation is not bad to start with but the snag is though, in the worst case scenario we will need around 1000 trained nurses to look after these per shift. 3000 nurses for the 3 shifts and a reserve of another 500 the total being about 3500 trained nurses. Do we have such a number? I don’t know. We might well have, having been trained while waiting. It is likely that about 600 of these ventilators are being locally made swiftly and hardly tested. It is also possible that they are the very basic and lack the alarm systems. Hence there needs to be a nurse with the patient standing by all the time. This is hard and risky work. I am fairly certain the DHS has already recruited and trained about 1500 nurses for this purpose. Actually one does not need a full 3 year BSc course for this. Young and healthy people looking for jobs can be recruited for this. They can be given a crash course by a group of Consultant and Senior non-Consultant Anaesthetists on how to look after a patient on IPPV (Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation) and other modes of ventilation. Remember this is war declared against a hardly known enemy the Novel Corona Virus-2 

Back to waiting for patients policy. We can see this policy working but just about. The best example of epic failure of this is today’s case. He went with symptoms to OPD NHSL several days ago given OPD treatment and sent home (ideal opportunity to diagnose by testing missed). He then went to a private doctor and off he went for another few days. Eventually he reappeared and was admitted to Teaching Hospital Kalubowila extremely unwell and died on transfer to IDH. This is no slur on the health department staff (who are doing a great job putting their own lives at risk) because this is what may and not infrequently does happen under wait for the patient policy. 

Being a surgeon I tend to quote examples from the field of surgery. Japan had the highest incidence of and the poorest outcomes from stomach cancer about 50 years ago. 95% of patients dying within 5 years. The policy then was to investigate once the patients presented with symptoms to hospitals and treat accordingly. As I have said only 5% survived more than 5 years under this policy. A dismal result from any standards. Japanese were very keen to turn this around, so they went in search of asymptomatic cases by a mass screening program. Within 2 decades they turned the results on its head. Now more than 95% survive over 5 years most of whom are completely cured. This is to just to show how two contrasting policies delivered results poles apart. In our case we are not going to wait years, not months and not even weeks. We got to start right here and right now.

Going in search of patients is exactly what we have to do from now on, to get the Corona virus under control. While keeping the strictures on (and relaxing as needed) more testing needs to be done. If you look at the statistics that is being given daily on TV there has always been this 150-200 odd number of suspected cases. I have written about the importance of testing these suspected cases in one of my previous articles but it hasn’t happened yet. These are possible Corona patients and longer you keep them as suspect patients more delayed we will be in taking their contacts in to quarantine. It looks that once they show more signs and symptoms they become eligible for a test. I can see where this is coming from. What is holding us back seems to be the cost. Each test kit (reliable) from South Korea is about GBP70 which is about SLR 16,000.00. Apparently there is a cheaper kit from another country affected by the virus earlier on but the UK rejected a large stock from this country just last week, as being substandard.

We need to test all suspected cases from all over Sri Lanka and be ready  test at least  5000/day (ideally 10,000) which will cost about SLR 160 million/day. Testing should be done for a while, at least for a month in the first instance which will cost the country about SLR 4800 million or Rupees 4.8 billion. This will have to be done and there is no compromise on this. Government will have to dole out this money initially but I am sure if we start a Save the Nation from Corona Fund with the Expatriates, philanthropists, all billionaires, big businesses, landed proprietors, high earning government and private sector employees donating generously and all else doing their bit this will be an easy sum of money to raise. We might even have money left for the next month if needed.

Once detected as patients on testing, their contacts should be traced and those with symptoms will have to be tested in turn. Those testing negative and the rest should be put on some kind of quarantine. Of course the positives would be treated appropriately and their contacts too tested. In this way we will get the Corona by the neck within the month and we will be able to relax the lock down a bit during this period too so that wheels of agriculture and industry can start turning again. Exports can resume and Rs.4.8 billion may not feel a lot. 

As you can see I am writing this article in a hurry because of the sense of urgency. This will be followed by a longer more complete article on the exit strategy from the lockdown in a few days’ time.

Latest comments

  • 3

    Bangkok. Post , claims The Dead body ( Host of Corvid 19) is not contagious.
    Please read the article below ( kind permission requested from.CT to share the link)
    However I recommend more search to varify the Information , especially from.WHO .
    I was told by a friend WHO too have the same info but I could not find it .
    Thank you
    ✍Fahim Knight

    • 12

      Dear Viewers,
      It is right to go for lot more tests right at this highly critical days of COVID-19 spread crisis in the country.
      As far as my info is concernd, MRI has issued an estimation of 6000 rps /each test.
      So, for a 22 million of population, we will need 6000 x 22 million

      —> 132 x 1000 000 000 = 1 32 000 millions = 132 billions
      As of today, I saw oil prices in Germany.. 1 liter of petroleum costs just 1.20 Euros and it has gone down by 0.20cts – this is as percentage, 15% of price reduction. As srilanken previous govt followed it, these countries do it through an oil formular which is set to change even on every minute.
      But latter was ridiculed out by lankens… and today, ,most abusive brother duo have not yet given thise concession to the nation.
      Meaning there are lot more collosal amount of funds will be saved until the price reduction of the petroleum is the case in island.
      Why cant these men, thinking of going for more tests using the PROFITs being accumulated by non-reduced oil prices ?
      Not a single step being taken by the stupid BROTHER duo yet today… will cause the nation to become corona patients and end up being higher number of human losses.
      If CORONA would be INFECTED to Rajakashes first, all the reliefs the country wound face would be REALLY huge.

      Either they should listen to the EXPERTs or LEAVE the govt to run by EDUCATED people. Basta.

      • 11

        LEAVE party politics aside. Leave extremism aside. Leave all others aside.Leave the affinity to Ballige puthat Rajapaksshe aside… please think a moment. Let power greedy politicians be cornered, but let s work for the fight of the life from the deadly virus SARs COV 2 Virus aka COVID 19:
        just imagine, virus would not check your ethinic group, religion or what education you have obtained, what familiy you belong to, what millions of euros you have in your account, but attacks to all alike. those who have better immuninty surivive the viral war, while others get caught ended up being premature deaths. Please wash your hands as much as you can whenever you think you contacted anything that is supicious or you go out a bit and touched yourself common trollies or bars, that are being touched by many on and on.

        pLEASE DONT give up your own struggle, be positive and fight for the life, eat well, drink enough water, and be clean, until the experts issue that they found a better medication against. Let s win the struggle… invisible divine forces be blessed to you all.

      • 9

        You don’t need to test all 22 million people. Testing only symptomatic people and and close contacts of patients is enough. My figure is based on that. This is what is recommended in most countries. (If you can test all 22 million at one and the same time it is the best but this, like ideal solutions in Chemistry which do not exist, is ideal but not practicable)

      • 8

        Frustrated Sinhalaya,

        Let’s call a spade a spade .
        This virus came from China, Wuhan.
        So can call it China-29 virus, Wuhan-29 virus or Civid-19 virus.

        After all Ebola virus originated in the Ebola river C abs therefore babes the Ebola Virus.

        Tump called it the Chiba virus.

        Why can’t Gotabaya also call it the Chins virus? The Indians and others had nothing to do with it.

        • 2

          Does it make any difference whether we call it China-29, Wuhan-29 or to that matter Amara-siri-Virus?

          Why should Gotabhaya call it China-Virus after WHO named it as COVID-19? D@@s bark but Rajapakshe caravan will move.

          High IQ imbeciles in USA have provided ordinary masks to nurses who work with COVID-19 patients instead of surgical masks. After they pleaded for help Putin sent a plane load to Trump.

          Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly has relieved commanding officer of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, Captain Brett Crozier for asking help to save his crew who have been sick with COVID-19. No different from Chinese!

          • 5

            BP Eagle BLIND Eye – A.H, you are the virus!

      • 6

        From. M M Janapriya,

        The Priests and monks are stumped.

        A special mass invoking blessings on all Sri Lankans and people living worldwide to protect them from COVID-19 pandemic was held at the Tewatte National Basilica of Our Lady of Lanka, Ragama today. The mass was chaired by Archbishop of Colombo Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, and with the participation of Auxilliary Bishops of Colombo Most Rev. Dr. Maxwell Silva and Most Rev. Dr. J. D. Anthony.

        Is the Pope infallible ?

        Testing is not needed. Quarantine is not needed. The monks are doing Pirith every day.

        Looks like COVID-19 is calling the bluff of the faithful, the priests and the monks. The pilgrimages are at a standstill. The priests and the monks are stumped, by a single stranded RNA.

        Personal distancing and masks are more effective along with the tests.

        • 4

          ,” all billionaires, big businesses, landed proprietors, high earning government and private sector employees donating generously and all else doing their bit this will be an easy sum of money to raise.”
          Why leave out the rich temples with billions in their collections?

      • 3

        Dear Dr,
        Yes you are ve been stressing the most important point, that the govt should go for more testing of anyone who seems to show the symptoms and suspicious, no doubt about that.

        But the problem is if the govt of the island nation, could afford to go for higher number of tests of PCRs. Alone kits depending on the manufactuers are very expensive even if PCR cyclers are available in any university bio labs ( I assume so at least one single PCR thermocyler and other apparatus that would need for the testing in each University bio lab).
        The state is squeezed by the LOADs of heavy debts installments that they have to pay during this year, and thus the price reductions and other concessions to the people as they expect would have to stay similar to that of a HINDI movie watchers in that country filled with overflowing population bomb.

        I think, equally it is very important to go for DRAMATIC steps being taken against the SPREADERs of the virus into cluster levels as experiencing today. Be them BIA authorities or POLITICIANS of the RAJAKSHE thievary these should be punished on the spot… by imposing the law. But this would have been a dream in the today #s context, since BROTHER duo have already created a pratfall situation not having managed ithe disaster at the very initial stage. This is no better tothe warning, made to SIRISENA, at the time, easter bomb blast took over the 300 or of innocient worshipers while being in prayers a year ago… political masturbation and their missteps have created this destiny for this fools dominated srilanka.
        Germany has already increased their test performances a day upto 50 000 or so for a nation nearly 4 times bigger than of srilanken population.

      • 5

        Dear Viewers,
        Just for your knowledge i thought to add the indian prices of PCR mix kits.

        I have worked with the kits in LABs for my experiments over many years.
        So if the govt would gurantee a test could cost them 6000 bucks /each, it can still be within the affordable margins.
        But the problem is you also need to train people to work with in Labs for getting the PCRs tests done, that would also cost a state that lot of time. I dont think that we have plenty of experts in the country that would learn easily to be able to perform the test.
        Even the Director of MRC sounds that he is new to the test. And doctors in general do not seem to know either how a thermocycler would work giving PCR results.
        Given above limitations, it would not be easy SRILANKENs to compare the TESTING with that of Skorea, Germany or any likeminded nations that can afford it somehow.
        That is why social distancing and improvement of better awareness of COVID -19 is of paramount importance for a poor country of OUR nature. We perfectly know even if Rajapakshe clan for their benefits call it – MID income earning country… but over 40% live under poverty as Mr Wickramasinge and Mrs Kumarathunga repeated in forums.
        I am afraid, i dont see the light at the tunnel regarding the danger before our NATION.

      • 4

        Ranil Wickramasinghe is the most edcuated man in a democracy.
        That is why he made it very clear that the abusive BROTHER DUO should listen to the CONSTITUTION paragraghs.
        Please listen to the following video clip by Victor Ivon.

    • 11

      The key to fight the virus is to test and test and test.

      Germany is doing 50,000 tests per day and targeting 100,000 per day (85 m people)
      UK testing 10,000 persons daily and targeting 100,000 tests by the end of the month ( 65 m people)
      SL testing 100+ persons daily and we need to step up as much as possible ( 20 m people)

      Surprisingly even though we have daily press conferences, we don’t hear about the number of tests done for the day and unfortunately the media is also not asking about it. What we hear is the number sent to quarantine and and how many have been released from the centers where ch is also important information.

      Government is doing a splendid job with available resources but the number of tests have to go up.

      • 5

        the problem that you and I know is how could they afford to go for test, being squeezed by loads of debts sofar and not even successful to offer the destitute a sack of ration at this critical moments of the nation ?.

    • 9

      Dear Dr Janapriya,
      Thanks very much for your article.
      Tests, more tests.. is the solution. no doubt abou tthat.
      Current govt has been not serious enough with emigration controls at BIA – is the main reason CORONA infected passengers to enter the society spreading the virus to thousands of others that are hidden in the country today.
      You yourself explained it, that you were not SUBJECTED to QUARANTINING even if you returned to BIA from UK on the 9th March.
      But one another Dr ADDED that his brother was subjected to QUARANTINING for 2 weeks even if he arrived on the 6th March.
      Also we got toknow those pilgrims air carried from India lately, the first batch was released, without taking them into QUARANTING…
      How come they the authorities seem to be not doing their duties right ?
      With much lack of facitlites if BELL CURVE would not become flattened as the experts expect it to be, countries such as ours would and could be destroyed within days.
      I dont think that we have enough HOSPITAL bed and NEARLY 500 ICU units as was the discussion lately held in the TV.
      They talk always that high, but when it goes to see the facts, they become like ” niwatayas” not meeting the information with the real numbers in practical life.
      Sinhalaya in general modaya.. they only talk high even if the shameful consequences are on their nose… that may be the reasons them to be PUNISHed more today than the people in NEPAL and Vietnam for example.

      • 5

        I don’t think I ever said I wasn’t quarantined. Actually I did register with the police and was asked to self isolate for 14 days by the PHI. Police called me at least 5 times to see how I was doing. The PHI did twice.

        • 9

          Dr. Janapriya quarantine is a period of isolation of persons, animals or goods arriving from a foreign country suspected to have any disease, under strict health condition in a designated area where people are not allowed to enter. What you did was strictly not under the category of quarantine as per health regulation. Self isolation is for people within a country who think that they have some symptoms of the disease or those without any symptom but have come in close contact with anyone confirmed to have the disease. Once they develop the disease they must be quarantined in an institution designated for it or if they are ill, treated in a hospital segregated from patients with other disease. While you were self isolating, if you had not remained indoors for 24 hours or if you had entertained visitors, then you have not taken the correct action. Do others receive the same privilege of staying at home, telephoned by police and visited by PHI or without choice herded into some makeshift joints lacking facilities like a home and eating whatever given to them, just better than an open prison. Sri Lanka government had acted partially in taking measures to control the disease. Instead of closing entry points early, they waited till children and loved ones of VIPs to return. They arranged special flights well into period of disease rampaging to bring Buddhists who went on pilgrimage to Gaya. Some Hindu pilgrims may be still stranded in India. Instead of quarantining all returning from infected countries, many notably Chinese were allowed to go into the country unchecked. It is found that the disease had been brought in by Sinhala returnees from Italy, Tamil pastor from Switzerland and Muslims who attended religious functions in Kuala Lampur and New Delhi.

          • 7

            Dear Dr Sanakalingum,
            Now it is becoming very clear, that the SL BIA authorities were not well trained on QUARANTINING criteria.
            We thought, even dreamt, the manner GOTABAYA promised or fooled the nation, that LEADERS of his nature would give a real leadership after becoming the president, but he has proved here crystal clear that under his PRESIDENCY, what he could do best has NOW been treated with TOTAL ignorance.
            This is no means a thing not to be taken serious. BIA and Colombo Harbour are the key ports by which the INFECTED could enter the Island.
            As any island nations would see the advantage of it, OURs too could stop arrivals or control them properly as earlier as the begining of March at least. I left the country on the 4th March, there I happened to observe the airport was filled with CHINESE arrivals than any tourist arrivals from Europe. We travelled to the country via Male, there most of the european tourists got off there. Not many from europe ( I mean not our guest workers from Italy ) as white touists WERE among them.

    • 6

      Dr, M M. Janapriya,

      “What has been the strategy so far? First it was enforced holidays which did not seem to have that much of an effect. Then full police curfew which is the most stringent form of lockdown. With the country almost fully locked down bar the few hours relaxation in districts other than Colombo, Gampaha and Puttalam how did the health authorities move? It was a case of wait for the patients policy. The doctors hoped for the best while preparing for the worst. This is absolutely the right thing to do. “
      “We saw how the military converted various facilities to fully equipped wards within a few days. Some even are good enough for ICUU. I salute them. “

      Thanks got your article. The above is reactive action, when the virus had already spread.

      We all know the virus came from China, initially. The first Chinese in Sri Lanka, recovered and left. While this person was infected, until identified, the virus was spread for about 7 days.

      The virus spread to Europe, and got to Sri Lanka, the second wave. Many were not quarantined, because they did not have symptoms ,which appear a week later, but still infective.
      They all should be traced and tested along with their contacts.

      Every person who came to Sri Lanka after Jan 10, 2020 should be traced and tested along with contacts. The virus did not originate in Sri Lanka. In the meantime, strict social isolation, masks etc should be worn. Only a human can infect another human now.

      • 4

        Dr. M M Janapriya,

        There was a Chinese man who was contagious for 49 days.


        Personal distancing and masks are a must.

        A mg of prevention is better than a kg of cure, and the cure may not work.

      • 6

        Dear Brother Amarasiri,
        You and I know if they missed it at the begining,, they fully missed it.
        This is not like fighting a civil war.
        This war is against nakedly invisible microorganisms that could enter everyone s body and destroy each to all ends.
        At the begining, Brother Rajapakshes could do it smartly as they could, because we are an island nation. We dont have dozens of ports by which the infected patients entering the country.

        They only focused themselves only on GENERAL election and how they could twist the mindset of the easy target by any means. No matter, even over the deadbodies, if Rajakshes wanted to grab power, they did it. All the past few years what they had been doing was nothing else, abusing their various wills to grab power. THat they did, by end of last year, and now entire country is in pieces. Not because that hte country have no good leaders, but PEOPLE are misled for their fortune.
        I think – brother DUO took it a joke and did not impose PROPER hard actions as of the last week of February 2020.
        We are a small nation with over 40% live under poverty. Now the ground realities are becoming even more clear. And the world feel that srilanka is no longer a MID income nation. People would die not by CORONA virus alone by also being starved next few days. Entire world is against Rajakshes, so without RANILA nad CBK or th elike leaders, world would not help SRILANKA for a rise as faced after TSUNAMI 2004.

    • 6


      So, there is no virus and no soul?

      Burial or cremation is for the health of the living. Under the current crisis, cremation is best, Better safe than sorry

      The outspoken National Freedom Front politician , Muzzsmil, pointed out how the same lot caused a major rift between the Muslim community and the then government/security authorities by playing politics in the wake of the Easter Sunday attacks. Their irresponsible response caused a major crisis, Muzammil said while urging the community not to be deceived by those seeking political advantage at their expense.

      The threat posed by Covid-19 was ever bigger than the Easter Sunday carnage. “We are so far lucky to contain the virus. But, we are certainly not in a position to take a chance. Decisions must be followed to the letter. I also believe Muslims have to be buried. I support that position. But the extraordinary situation on the ground makes my personal stand, on this matter, irrelevant,” Muzammil said.

      According to him, whatever the politicians say, the vast majority of the people realized that the country should follow what was best for all.

      Muzammil warned that burial of Covid-19 victims could, overnight, cause the rapid deterioration of the situation.

      The former MP said that all political parties, represented in the last parliament, should reach a consensus on the matter, immediately, or face the consequences. “Please don’t let a few illogical men to jeopardize the health of all. Media can play an important role in educating the public,” Muzammil said.

      According to him, Muslim burials were done in accordance with Arabian customs which the Sri Lankan Muslim community would have to give up to counter Covid-19. “We shouldn’t be part of the problem,” he added.

    • 2

      .so where’s the article, Fahim?….CT?

    • 4

      Dr Janapriya,
      I have thought about the problem before pepole today. They have not goine to give concessions to the people in terms of OIL prices irrespective world oil prices drastically went down.
      One MP has made it clear that the govt currently saves like an amount of 570 000 million in Rupees. (3000 mio of dollars).

      If a PCR test for a patient would cost according to MRI – 6000 rps
      If they would increase the test up to 1000 a day, it will cost 6mio rps state.

      I think this is affordable at least at the begining.

    • 2

      People that practised civiliized cultures are easy to tame while others not.
      Covid 19 hit to the western countries because their seasonality played a huge role there. Where tropical and higher temperatures are there, the virus spread is relatively lower.
      Italy s richest community live in Lombadi province. But most of them are older adults. They are the 2nd largest elderly community in the world. Superspreader of the virus has hit that region is connected with the unestimamable number of the infected.
      More patients can not be treated even in the richest USA, if they would flow the hospitals. THat is also the case in new york. Hospital personnels are not sufficient and most of them are too caught by the virus.
      SRILANKENS interpret this going by their little information. But they dont care about their own disiplines and but they dont know that they dont even even respect the laws under CURFEW hours.
      Now only WORLD would know that there are a large portion of srilankens (40%) of the population would suffer a lot to the very same manner they would do in india and nepal. However Nepal has managed to do the job properly while the srilankens have failed.

    • 2

      Dr. M M Janapriya,

      Yes, test, test and test for the Wuhan -China virus, renamed COVID-19 virus,

      That way, those harboring the virus can be identified, isolated and treated, as still about 94 percent recover , and the balance due,, for no fault of them.

    • 1

      Any cadaver being found in the forest, you will find whole lot of micro oganisms live.
      So if anyone would argue, that the COVID-19 dead bodies would not have the virus in that bodies any longer – that should be the biggest LIE.
      Just contact the MICROBIOLOGISTs and Zoologists that are in post doc research. They could give you a simple explanation, if your thoughts and minds nevertheless hang on with the myths being spread by culprits right at the moment.

    • 1

      I have the feeling Rajaakshe BROTHER DUO may be impoosing blockage to CT …. and I could read any new articles or comments for the last 10 hours.
      Hope not that the bastards duo would block this PLATFORM.

  • 2

    Excuse me , CT forgot to include the link.
    Here it is
    Dead bodies of Corvid 19 patients not contagious.

    Personal disclaimer
    Readers are adviced to do their own verifications

    • 1

      Dear Fahim,

      I have no idea why the good doctor from Bangkok, assures that, but I as a biochemist cant trust this post.
      If the virus dies with the death of the host body ? … means not necessarily that the VIRUS RNA is inactivated.

      I think there is a higher probability to spread the virus through HUMAN DEAD bodies. This is very illogical, if the other way around woudl be the result.

  • 1

    Quote :
    Bangkok post

    DR.Somsak ,
    Yesterday gave his assurance coronavirus stops spreading once it’s host dies.

    And in the elderly patient’s case,Checks confirmed the Coronavorus had left his system long before he succumbed to severe illnesses
    You can read the full article on line if you search for Bangkok post- dead body of coronavorus not contegegous .
    @Shankar ,
    If you find any info on the same subject clarified by WHO or any other reliable medical source please share here , I could not find any yet .
    ✍Fahim Knight

  • 6

    ‘This is hard and risky work.’

    ‘Young and healthy people looking for jobs can be recruited for this.’

    Nothing to worry about then. There are thousands of tuk-tuk drivers without any work at the moment, and on Dr Janapriya’s estimation they could all fit the bill.

    Be afraid! Be very afraid!

    • 6

      Mr Sping Koha,
      What is not hard and risky ?
      In an all-or-not process, you need to do the best possible to get rid of it right ?.
      As one commenter added above, GOVT should work with the experts leaving their GONTHADIYASs aside. Those leaders such as CBK and RANIL W should work with govts to get more funds from the Interntional community. We cant forget the way how CBKs govt was aided by foreign community at the time TSUNAMI waves hit the country destroying over 50 k srilankens on one go.

      Rajapakshes are enimies of the RICH NATIONS because they only see it not beyond their nose. They cant see it with the wisdom they have collected over the years.
      Today, we see, UGANDA and the like countries have no such numbers of COVID 19 patients while ours go up exponentially day by day with 4th dead being reported and dozens becoming highly critical.
      Nepal has controlled it, why srilanka was unable to do their job ?

  • 2

    Who is this guy?
    Why does he think he has the answers to an unknown question?
    Just go back to sleep.

    • 6

      Sena@are u s born stupid person. Get some therapy and let Ur bird brain function. The writer is a senior surgeon by the way.

  • 3

    Thank you for an excellent warning
    We need to test and have many ventilators
    Who in Peradneniya and Moratuwa univesities manufacturing ventilators?
    Medical equipment manufacturing is not an easy task. Tell me one medical piece of equipment these Universities have produced?
    These devices have to be properly tested and certified for use in a LIFE & DEATH situation
    Lets immediately place orders to import the ventilators

  • 3

    Thank you for an informative article.
    So far, the GMOA hasn’t stressed the importance of tests. We do not know how many tests are being done.
    I am told as from tonight we cannot publish on social media anything relating to COVID – 19. Looks like we are moving slowly and surely towards a military state.

    • 0

      Kalu nangi your info is fake. The government has not issued that message.
      Please check with the main media before you post your information.
      You can also check the presidential secretariat website.

    • 3

      Dear Kalu Nangi,
      This is disturbing news concerning censorship of news.
      I know you to be a lawyer with a heart and take this seriously. So far the armed forces have indeed done a good job, but the threat of a military state, combined with a dissolved Parliament, and no prospect of elections being held in the foreseeable future is ominous indeed.
      The ramifications? This is now a World Problem. Is this going to mean denying us access to the Internet, and to sending e-mails, etc. Despite its name and content, Colombo Telegraph is based in London. Almost the majority of commenters appear to live abroad.
      When I wrote that I had forgotten that my own access to Colombo Telegraph was one of the now unappreciated gifts of Yahapalanaya. However, there may be this difference. People will now realise how much they are missing and the possibility of using Proxy Servers etc. This is not what is desired, is it? So much time wasted acquiring the ingenuity to by-pass regulations. It will create a class of people who live by their wits. Yes, it is frightening.
      Even as it is, the changes that this will make to the classes who exploit their economic might are incalculable.
      I know that most countries are emphasising the importance of testing. A crucial problem seems to be that a given individual may have to be tested an umpteen number of times.
      I had thought of the consequences of the economic meltdown would be all of us being forced to simplifying our lives, but it may not be all. A new cruelly controlling class may emerge.

      • 5

        Dear Mr SM,
        You are spot on Sir you always have been.

        South Koreans not only tested the highest numbers, but also built a WHATSUP network so that people would have been better informed, how they have to be careful from whom from what region etc. Today, many in Colombo and atleast in main cities in SL, they possess a smart phone for their own, so why cant the govt IT dept (University of Moratuwa) engage themselves building such networks so that more of the population would be fed with the right information.

      • 5

        Dear Simon,
        There was a newspaper report that nurses are going to “strike” on Monday:


        This was my response:
        “In extreme situations, a few will act as they always do. In others, it will bring out either their best or their worst. Usually their worst. To find out about each of us, wait until we are placed in such a situation.
        As can be expected, it is bringing out the worst qualities in the nurses. They are in a strong position to bargain, so they will make the most of it. Each of them may ask to be placed on a par with Gota in terms of remuneration and perks. And why not?
        They should not because what they propose to do is not “good”.
        Do concepts such as “good” and “bad” exist in this land, or even in this world? In relation to a few of us, I’d say, “yes” – and we are the guys who are regarded as fools by the rest of society.
        I’m a retired teacher. I’m preparing to die, and wonder what instructions to give regarding the disposal of my corpse. Word limit reached. Will some kind reader advise?”
        I wonder whether that will be published. In the case of Colombo Telegraph, well nigh everything is published – something to be grateful for.
        I was going to say that the noblest thing to do with my corpse would be to send it to the Medical Faculty of a University. Most of the time they have to make do with the cadavers of beggars who have starved.
        I’m not so sure that I belong to that category of “noblest” – and who knows, I may indeed starve to death.

        • 6

          Dear Mr SM,
          even if we die tomorrow, we should not feel like negative. I am afraid, yours sounds to me very negative at this critical weeks, months of our life. I dont think you would easily get caught by the virus. I know you have been healthy for the last few years. I also know that you continue with your physical fitness programs. please continue doing so… so long your immune system is fine, nothing can hurt you.

          Srilanka is an island. So long you would not go out – there is no way you could get infected. It is not a virus that would spread through air. It is not at all air-borne. That is the reason why you are asked to wear a mouth-nose cover mask – to respect the social distancing.
          I heard even ones in their early 90ties recover after being infected by COVID-19.
          And no way, you would not starve… they will provide you with food rations if the situation would turn out to be worst.. I dont think that the virus would spread across srilanka. Islands in general would not face it seriousy the way Italy was caught. So no worries.
          With temperatures becoming spring-like to us these days, I dont think the numbers of the infected would further rise up.. i think as a retired teacher what you could do is .. can watch a movie and listen to music. I have no doubt that the researchers will find a vaccine /medication sooner than later. God bless you Mr SM and your family !

        • 3

          Dear Mr SM,
          The lyrics of following song will definitely help you alot.
          -remember we need you now more than ever before….please stay healthy. U proved once to have the talent as no others to heal our soul´— god bless.
          John Lennon
          Imagine there’s no heaven
          It’s easy if you try
          No hell below us
          Above us, only sky
          Imagine all the people
          Livin’ for today
          Imagine there’s no countries
          It isn’t hard to do
          Nothing to kill or die for
          And no religion, too
          Imagine all the people
          Livin’ life in peace
          You may say I’m a dreamer
          But I’m not the only one
          I hope someday you’ll join us
          And the world will be as one
          Imagine no possessions
          I wonder if you can
          No need for greed…

          • 3

            Dear SM,
            I think sometimes we are definitely a dreamer about a better future in this country/for this nation.
            From what I read how Rajapaksehs distribute that “5000 rupees” today are not looking at the manner people are grieving but going by their political agendas. People will have to suffer a lot in the days to come, i mean those destitute, whose numbers were once doctored for the benefits of the POLTIICIANS then.

            Those poor of the poor will definitely suffer a lot.
            Curse to Rajapakshe politics.

    • 5

      Kalu Nangioyo,
      Even if GMOA is currently seen at the people’s saviors, but until very few months ago, they behaved themselves as Ultra criminals just because they were not given DUTY free vehicle allowances as had been the case under BP Maifa Boss until 2015. They just did it standing behind Rajakashes brutal JOINT opposition.
      But GMOA is ever indebted to srilanken PEOPLE since not a single person of that body could say, that their degrees were not financed by the tax payers funds. Acutally, as gratefulness, they are bound to deliver hearted services to the very nation. But BPs behaves like barbarians by their protests and numerous strikes during the last 5 years.
      Dr Senaratne, brought much more concessions in HEALTH sector, but GMOA never allowed his achievements be praised by LOCAL media. REMEMEMBER ?

    • 4

      Kalu Nangi@ your anxities are reasonable.
      Not moving but we are now in a Millitary state.
      Please wake up and look back if media is free today as had been under previous govt.
      Alone the fact that Dr Janapriya was home quarantined while the brother of Dr from UK had to undergo 2-wks quarantining…. this example shows, that their passenger control measures at the BIA and Harbour are evidently not CONSISTENT.
      Good doctor was home quarantined but how many of arriving in the country are that EDUCATED ? All those ITALY guest workers are domestic helpers ( known fact that they are the among the most who brought virus into the country- so called superspreaders), baby sitters, Sex shop keepers, gardeners, lavatry cleaners – except few of their second generation would be found among the integrated professionals, since those chidren grew up in italy by being able to go to school there.
      All what I am going to stress here is BALLIGE putha Rajapakshes would not do ANY good work, in a standard manner. Their missteps ending up with pratfalls. Can you imagine ?
      Thanks go to 69 00 000 of VOTERs that never used their brain two cells but let fucked by Rajapakshe false propaganda.

  • 3

    Doc, as a physician what is your opinion on the role played up to now, by WHO and its Director General (non doctor).Today I hear two things about this guy. As a health Minister of Ethiopia ,he then, had covered up not one but three Cholera outbreaks in his own country. Apparently after being elected by WHO General he strongly recommended Mugabe (because the old crook had used his influence in getting him elected) as its goodwill ambassador, which was dropped due to severe protest by other members. Sounds to me like another Padeniya, more of a politician than a WHO personal. Initially this guy resisted all kind of screening , people entering or leaving Wuhan area, stating there in no role for testing and the cost is simply too much and does not provide equal benefits. Now he has changed his version to what you prescribe test , test and more test.

    • 0

      An audio message on WhatsApp says that an Indian Textile Businessman in Wuhan
      has passed on information to his mother-country to a secret as practised in Wuhan Province
      viz gurgling with hot water in gulps at regular intervals and inhaling hot steam using a piped
      kettle 4 times daily into the nose and throat. A Scientist in the USA added that vomiting is
      also welcome – on the first signs/symptoms.

    • 1

      I am a Surgeon by the way. You are right WHO keeps changing their stance. Those of us who know a bit about karate know that you change the stance when you feel out of balance. On the use of masks they were emphatic that masks didn’t serve any purpose but a few days ago their opposition has become less vehement. I don’t know if this bloke can express his personal opinion on these matters. So I am compelled to believe this is the collective opinion which is all bonkers.

      • 4

        MUTA Janapriya,
        ou dont necessarily be a SURGEON to see it right if you would respect the facts. There you dont need to have learnt degrees but your healthy conscience. Y
        What Dr Janapriya has been stressing is if srilankens as an another poor nation, irrespective of their own pompous nature, would not be caught if MORE tests would not be perfromed. Besides, they cant just afford the expensive PCR tests as the DEVELOPED nations would do- considering all the facilities they are at their disposal, not even specialists down there seem to be aware of the practical nature of the TEST. So they are short of not just PCR kits but experienced personnel to do the job.

        So to me, the only option before a poor nation of OUR nature is more of SOCIAL DISTACING and the related precatiounary actions being taught to the vulnerable. Then only they would be able to head on flattening the BELL curve going with ground realities/available resources.

    • 2

      he is not a physician but a surgeon.
      WHO statements are not only based on Director General but of a committee before being set to the air. ‘
      It is a world body and they would not release such statements before being thoroughly studied.
      In Srilanken context -Paddeniya the DONKEY is a lap dog of MEDIA mafia boss Mahinda Balupakshe who again let the nation suffering due to his missteps being taken against the tourist arrivals. Had he managed to it properly as they could, from the begining on, as island nation we would hav ebeen much safer today.
      Chiv please open your eyes, WHO is not unanimously handled by DG, former Ethiopian Minister but it is a body…
      Unfortunately, srilanken affairs are being misguided by BALLIGE putha Rajaksahes for no reason, irrespective of the availability of sufficent brains in the country itself. Just imagine, there are enough retired doctors who would have the proper knowledge to help out .. one good example is Dr Janapriya.

  • 0

    An ideal suggestion by the Senior Surgeon Dr.S.S.Janapriya. I think that the checks should be commenced in our country too like Germany and UK PRONTO to save the nation from this Pandemic!!!

  • 0

    Our Nation has and is doing its best for its mean IQ . As usual, do our politicians contribute to contain the pandemic or have they gone into hiding?

  • 1

    Testing is the key invest on testing but make sure the the kits are of a high standard erratic test results could have a negative impact on the fight against Covit-19.

    • 2

      as i got toknow not many there down to perform the test. PCR test is common in european labs but that is new to srilanka. So without having enough personnel to do it, how can they go for more tests ? even if the kits would have been offered by any donating countries ?
      They talk high, but even MRI head sounded as if he is new to PCR test.
      Anyways, i dont see positive about their testt performances in current day srilanka.

  • 2

    Dear All,
    I agree that testing for Covid 19 contacts should commence without any further delay. If each test costs Rs. 16,000.00, what does it cost the government to house and feed each person who is quarantined for a period of two weeks ? It may exceed the cost for each test. Therefore all those people under government quarantine should be tested and if the result is negative, could be released from quarantine and their contact tracing would therefore be not necessary. Then there would be less work for the police, armed forces and health workers as well.

  • 1

    Dear All,
    I think that all contacts who are under government quarantine should be tested without any further delay. If the test is negative, that person could be released and contact tracing stopped. As each test is supposed to cost Rs. 16, 000.00., it may be less than the expenditure incurred by the government to house and feed each of them. Therefore it would be cost effective. Furthermore, if the test is negative, contact tracing would not be necessary, and members of the police, armed forces and health workers, could be utilised for other important activities.

    • 3

      MRI has confired that the test cost is just 6000 rps.
      And your argument is correct that keeping them in quarantine would cost multiple times more.
      And virologists say that the negative results would not necessarily be free from the virus. And even they could develop to be infected patients later. So, you cant 100% rely on the test results.
      This info is from Germany – and I am a microbiologist by my education.

  • 0

    A recent paper under review has analyzed tuberculosis vaccine policies from middle and high income countries and discussed that countries that did not implement or had abandoned universal tuberculosis vaccine have had more coronavirus infections per capita and higher death rates.
    Correlation between universal BCG vaccination policy and reduced morbidity and mortality for COVID-19: an epidemiological study.
    Isn’t it a good outcome for SL’s TB vaccination policy?
    By the way, it was reported that tuberculosis vaccine was developed hundred years ago after observing a fact that milkmaids did not develop tuberculosis. Then the vaccine was developed from a specific bacterium taken from cow’s udders. Studies have shown that cheap and safe tuberculosis vaccine bolster the body’s immune system. So there is a reason for why thousands of years old Indian culture treats cow as a holy animal right?

  • 3

    Sirimal, i totally agree with Janapriya. I agree with social distancing which me and my family are strictly following and testing which most countries seems t not prepared with adequate kits. The question I raised is about the integrity of the WHO Director , General who neither a physician or surgeon. He has PhD in public health.(Doctorate) My question was it is true or not he covered up three Cholera outbreaks in his own country then as health minister ????. Is it true or not after being elected he recommended Mugabe as WHO brand ambassador.??? As long an individual making decision over the body is not unheard of, for example right now in US when Trump says rubbish to public , CDC control staff and Fucci are standing next to him dumbfounded. Few times Trump repeated right opposite of what they recommend. Now the advise is for the public to wear mask but Trump says he wont ??? Fucci even received death threats for disagreeing with Trump. Lanka too has (had) plenty such characters.

    • 3


      I am no against MEDICAL GRADUATES; but going by your argument.
      I believe if he has gotten a PhD in public health, that would have been more than enough since PhDers would not be able to succeed their experiments if they have the basic knowledge in Biochemistry, HUMAN Biology and Microbiology. So, from what I heard from my colleagues from Adisabeba, this man WHO director is a highly talented person that earns a greater respect in their society to have achieved lot more for the benefit of less fortunate people in that country. I am afraid, I cant know the bits closely regarding the Cholera out breaks you mentioneda above. Thanks god, i have worked with various nationalities also coming from Afria sofar.

      -secondly, about Trump mockery is known to any european today and even americans dont want to add any comment on them. He is more or less like our Mahinda Rajakashe. There are lot more inthe coutnry that would not respect Rajapakshe but for some reasons, they would not totally deny him. I think the kind of politics be it in US or Srilanka seem to have much in common that we just guess at.

      I only know that Germans just laugh at Trumps remarks and not taking to serious. Alone the manner the pompous trump got on with visiting DrMerkel in Washington was beyond all ethics and morals.

  • 4

    I strictly wear mask , when ever I step out , to attend hospital for few restricted hours. No other person from my family has ventured out for any reason. Due to the fact there are vulnerable people including an infant living at home I decided to take prophylactic medicine (though there are risks) for every ones benefit. We as a hospital have contingency plan in place to treat our own staff ,doctors and their close family members. I as a physician made up my plan to treat symptomatically at home , with the help of other concerned professionals, unless otherwise hospitalization is needed. I am already in touch with few Corona victims from affected countries (US, Ireland, UK)) who were affected and now out of it . I have been discussing with them, other doctors and professionals to learn more about it update myself with new information. Social Distancing is a must And testing as many is preferable. In the process facts and proper communication should not be suppressed. And trust me there are plenty of sociopath out there , who exploit such human tragedies.

    • 3

      we are in the same boat (Europe).
      We are in touch with patients from Germany/Italy/French and Turky and all. I have no other choice than protecting ourselves going by all the precautionary actions.
      All the best CHIVE. God bless !

  • 1

    My personal opinion is that the doctors seem to have not got this right. It is now clear that this virus has mutated to be more dangerous in European countries and even the young people are now dying. So what is the point in testing other than the suspected cases as they can get it later from others as long as the virus is surviving in the population or continue to come from heaven. Last time it appeared the Europe had been plagued for couple of years.
    Perhaps we are blessed by some unknown force. So far it does not seem to have gone beyond the second level after coming from abroad. May be in the next few days we will know how we in SL are affected. How the medical team that delivered the child recently are affected would give a clue within the next couple of days.

    • 2

      Not only srilanka all other countries where tropical termperatures are there, you would notice the numbers of infected patients are still much less.
      Whatever easily being affected on is AFRICA, is still not claiming rapidly increase of the numbers of the patients.
      And all these countries, in asian and african continent have much in common with their eating cultures – they eat spicy food than those of europeans, australians, americans and other countries dominated with white nationals.
      And also, there could also be genetics based factors, although world pioneers in virology are still far from undrestanding about the facts.
      So the latter explains the connfusion of the doctors right ?.
      microbiology of viruses are not yet clear to the world. They only postulate that VIRUSES could be as such. How can those RNA and DNA viruses be unchanged on surfaces for longer hours ? Is not yet clear….
      May be all what is KNOWN about viruses are far from realities of the facts about VIRUSES. This is why finding proper medicaiton (vaccines or other drugs) make it that difficult for any viral diseases yet today.

  • 1

    Dear Contributors,
    If the Covid 19 test is carried out initially in ALL the contacts and those tested positive are sent in to quarantine where, social distancing, hand hygiene and use of face masks is strictly enforced. Those who have tested negative are quarantined separately from the first group for one week and tested again. If positive they are quarantined for another two weeks and if tested negative, are sent home.
    This would save a lot of expenditure incurred in quarantining an excess number of patients and bound to be cost effective

  • 0

    According to a statement by GMOA’s Padeniya, last night, our medics also seem to have realized that this country is blessed with something other than their skills. Why not we make use of this advantage the nature has bestowed on us?.
    This is my proposal although some may think that it is laughable.

    I think it is a gold mine. The bell curve the (the normal curve) the west is relying on will take a couple of months or so to peak and will be still high for many more months to come. SL can offer the safety of our land to wealthy people who can offer a premium (say $ 10 millions per person) for a specific period of time. And I am sure there will be many multimillionaires as well as billionaires who would like to send their loved ones here to stay safe and and also spend a holiday. For such a scheme to to work effectively in a safe manner to the citizens, the dedication shown by the armed forces and the medics is absolutely essential. Those coming should be quarantined in a center already established for at least three week before allowing them to enjoy the holiday. However the proceeds should only be directed to pay back our loans and not for anybody to divert to a personal account. If we can implement this, then it will be a part of the silver lining that we yearn for.

    • 0


      None of thoese men in GMOA are not learnt qualification in COMMUNITY DESEASE CONTROL and the related areas. They are known to the people as barbarians in MEDICAL world that work for the hidden agendas of the RAJAPAKSHE BALANT politics.
      Since RAJAPAKSHES DUO are total stupid compared to CBK and Ranil W, they have thought, that GMOA are the experts in COVID 19 related issues.
      But UNIVERSITY dons came out of their LONG slumber yesterday and revealed to the nation that they were blocked, and GMOA made every effort to be above and get he publicity even if they own no such qualification to be the experts to the crisis issues.
      This is the ground reality of current DAY health affairs under CRIMINAL BROTHERs… that would respect THEIR political gains also over the dead bodies fo the increasing number of COVID 19.

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