18 September, 2024


Lord Buddha Comes To Nagadipa

By Darshanie Ratnawalli

 Darshanie Ratnawalli

Darshanie Ratnawalli

A picturesque Sinhalese belief, almost certainly sired by the Hela-havula movement has it that the term ‘Sihala’ has no relation to lion killing as that 10th century AD authority, Dampiya Atuva Gatapadaya claims[i], but is derived from the ‘Siv Hela’ or the quartet of Hela tribes; Yaksa, Deva, Naga and Raksa. It has no validity as a serious theory. A cursory examination into the antecedents of Yaksas, Nagas, Devas and Raksas would reveal them to be long-standing VIP citizens of the Indo-Aryan myth pool whose special clearance status; ‘fantasy-non human’ entitles them to unrestricted and simultaneous residence privileges in multiple States. However, the Siv-Hela theory works beautifully as allegory if it is bent to mean that the ancient Sinhalese, like all peoples in the morning of the civilized world, whose capacity for fantasy was yet un-dimmed, existed in an enriched plane of reality with the Yaksas, Nagas, Devas and Raksas; which quartet by reason of their habitation within the Hela life-world and their internalization by the Helas can be called Siv-Hela. Only, this bent version, emphasizing the Hela world’s orbit within the Indo-Aryan cultural universe won’t really assuage the indigenist yearnings of a Hela-havulist.

This cannot be helped Watson. There was a Yaksha called Chittaraja who was current among certain north Indian IA speaking peoples in the pre-Christian centuries. We know this because he makes a guest appearance in the Kuru Dhamma Jātaka[ii] (read). The king of Kurus bearing the name Dhananjaya, which is a well-known epithet of Arjuna, the third Pandava (p143, Vogel: 1926[iii]full text), does something with the Yaksha Chittaraja at the Kattika Feast held every third year. Following the tradition of Kuru kings, he dresses up like a god and standing in the presence of Chittaraja, shoots multi colored arrows decked with flowers to the four points of the compass. Meanwhile, in another part of the Indo-Aryan myth pool made solid by Mahavansa narrative, king Pandukabhaya of Lanka and the Yaksha Chittaraja sit on seats of equal height and enjoy erotic sports on special festival days (Paranavitana: 1929[iv]read). In the Lankan story, the Yaksha Chittaraja is cast with a Lankan pedigree. Before his Yaksha birth, he was human, a trusted servant of Pandukabhaya’s father. The other thing Dhananjaya and Pandukabhaya share apart from Chittaraja is the name Pandu.  Dhananjaya/Arjuna is a Pandu prince whose father is Pandu Raja[v].  Pandukabhaya’s maternal grandfather is Panduvasudeva while his great grandfather is Pandu, a Sakya[vi].

Suppose Watson that you are doing a documentary on the habitats of various creatures of the IA myth pool for a pre-Christian Discovery channel. This week’s program is on horse faced Yakshas. Your voiceover would go; – “In a marvelous and delightful forest in the Himalayas overflowing with all manner of wildlife, dwells the Bodisattva born as a Kuṇāla bird, who is escorted, nay carried about, everywhere by three thousand and five hundred hen birds. This forest is haunted by horse faced Yakshas (Kuṇāla-Jātaka [vii]read). A lone female of this species (equus yaksha) named Assamukhi lives in a vast forest in Benares at the foot of a mountain. The story of her food habits, love life and maternity is told in the Pāda-kusala-mānava jātaka (read). Assamukhi is immortalized in the early Buddhist sculptures of Bhaja, Sanci, Bodh Gaya and Pataliputra, wherein she appears sometimes in scenes depicting the Pāda-kusala-mānava jātaka, at times alone. In a later Hindu stele art from Rajastan, she appears among the peaks of the mythical hill Govardhana (Paranavitana:1929). In Pandukabhaya’s Lanka, Assamukhi is called Vadavamukhi (mare-faced). Lankan chronicles (Mahavansa based on the earlier Sihalattakatha mahavansa) inform us that Pandukabhaya has installed her within the royal precincts (ibid). Nice for her to have a bit of a court life.”

Now Watson, you know that in ancient Lanka, the Jaffna peninsula was called Naga-dipa[viii]. Consider an analogy, you wouldn’t think that cows were essential to a storyline about a cowboy would you? This was the case in those few Nagadipa featuring stories current in north India in the pre-Christian centuries. In these, namely Akkita jātaka (read), Sussondi jātaka (read) and Valahassa jātaka (read), no Nagas make an appearance, although the theatre of action is Nagadipa or its neighborhood. In the Sussondi jātaka, the only story actually set in Nagadipa, Suparnas or Garudas, the traditional enemies of the Nagas are the residents (see also p32, Vogel:1926 ). If you are a Naga aficionado you can come away from the Nagadipa based jātaka stories unfulfilled. It’s to the Lankan chronicles you have to turn to assuage your longing to see Nagas in Nagadipa.

“Why should I long for Nagas?” you demand indignantly Watson. If you were an ancient Buddhist, you would. The Nagas are an integral part of Buddhism. They are canonical. They were part of the Buddha’s world and discourse. The Nagasamyutta[ix] meaning “texts on Nagas grouped together” sits triumphantly in the Khandhavagga of the Samyutta Nikaya (p37, Oscar von Hinuber, “A Handbook of Pali Literature”read page). In both the canonical schools of Buddhism, the Pali texts of the Theravadins and the Sanskrit texts of Northern Buddhists, the Nagas figure prominently in the Buddha’s life. When he was born in the Lumbini Sal garden, two Naga kings Nanda and Upananda bathed him. This is recounted in the Lalitavistaraya, a Sanskrit text of northern Buddhism, a version of which was available in China in 308 AD. Hiuen Tsiang (AD 629-45[x]), the Chinese pilgrim recounts how he saw on his visit to the Lumbini garden “a stupa built by King Asoka on the spot where the two dragons bathed the body of the prince” and “two fountains of pure water” where the two dragons appeared from the earth (p95, Vogel:1926).

It’s no use being impatient Watson, saying it’s not to Lumbini but to Nagadipa you want to go. We can’t go direct. We have to cut from Nairanjana to Nagadipa. Now we are near the river Nairanjana (the river of the Nagas, see p97, Vogel:1926 ). It’s the glorious day when the ascetic Siddhartha attains Buddhahood. Sujata, the daughter of the village headman of Senani, Uruvela has just offered Siddhartha milk rice in a golden bowl. Siddhartha goes to the river Nairanjana, washes himself and sits down to eat the milk rice on the sand bank. Then according to the Lalitavistara, the daughter of the Naga king of Nairanjana offers him a jeweled throne to sit on. After he has eaten the rice he casts the bowl into the river. According to the Theravada tradition given in the Nidanakatha (p187-188, read), the commentarial introduction to the Jātaka book, the bowl floats upstream, sinks into a whirlpool and goes to the palace of the Naga king Kala. It strikes against the bowls from which three previous Buddhas have eaten and makes a sound. The Naga Kala hearing this sound exclaims; “yesterday a Buddha arose, now today another has arisen” and stands praising the Buddha in many hundred stanzas. The northern Buddhist tradition has it that the bowl when it was cast into the river was seized by the Naga king Sagara of Nairanjana and there was a tussle between him and Indra for it (p97, Vogel: 1926). But we will leave that for the moment and go back to Siddhartha seated on this jeweled throne eating milk rice.

Fix on this jeweled throne as if you are making a film Watson, caress it with your camera because this jeweled throne enables you to go to Nagadipa. It’s a film technique Watson to use a common object to move from one scene to another. When you pull back from the jeweled throne, you are no longer in Nairanjana, India you are in Nagadipa, Lanka five years later. Even though the person seated on the throne is Siddhartha, he is a Buddha now. Mahodara’s ocean dwelling Nagas, Chulodara’s mountain dwelling Nagas and Maniakkhika, the Naga king of the Kalyani river are before Him in attitudes of devotion (p119, Vogel:1926). These are the Nagas you yearned for in Nagadipa Watson. Enjoy them.

@ http://ratnawalli.com /  and rathnawalli@gmail.com

[i] p39, Dharmadasa K.N.O 1992 ““The People of the Lion”: Ethnic Identity, Ideology and Historical Revisionism in Contemporary Sri Lanka”, Ethnic Studies Report, Vol. X, No. 1, Jan 1992. (Full text)

[ii] No. 276, Kurudhamma-jātaka, The Jātaka, Vol. II, tr. by W.H.D. Rouse, [1895], at sacred-texts.com

[iii] 1972, 1926, English, Book, Illustrated edition:Indian serpent-lore; or, The nāgas in Hindu legend and art”-(full text) by Vogel, J. Philippe (Jean Philippe), 1871-1951

[iv] S. Paranavitana, Journal, R. A. S (Ceylon) Vol. XXXI, No. 82, 1929, “Pre-Buddhist Religious Beliefs in Ceylon”full text

[v] The five sons of King Pandu, Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva appear in the Buddhist Pali sources too. Here’s a story snippet from the Kuṇāla-Jātaka; “Then Ajjuna, Nakula, Bhīmasena, Yudhiṭṭhila, Sahadeva, of the family of king Pāṇḍu, these five sons of king Pāṇḍu, I say, after receiving instruction in arts at Takkasilā from a world-famed teacher, travelling about with the idea of mastering local customs, arrived at Benares, and hearing a commotion in the city and learning in answer to their inquiry what it was all about, they came and stood all five of them in a row, in appearance like so many golden statues. Kaṇhā on seeing them fell in love with all five, as they stood before her, and threw a wreathed coil of flowers on the head of all the five and said, “Dear mother, I choose these five men.” The queen told this to the king. The king, because he had given her the choice, did not say, “You cannot do this,” but was greatly vexed. On asking however what was their origin and whose sons they were, when he learned that they were sons of king Pāṇḍu, he paid them great honour and gave them his daughter to wife, and by the force of her passion she won the affection of these five princes in her seven-storied palace.”  Arjuna, appears as Dhananjaya in the Vidura Jātaka (Read) too. From Vogel: 1926, p143: “In the hero of the story (who is the future Buddha) we recognize a personage from the Mahabharata: Vidura, the half-brother of Pandu and Dhritarāshtra and consequently an uncle of the Pāndavas and Dhārtarāshtras. In the Great Epic he figures as the wise man whose prudent councils, too often disregarded, cannot prevent the fall of the Kaurava race. In the Jātaka he is the minister of the Kauravya king Dhanajaya (a well-known epithet of Arjuna, the third Pāndava) who resides at Indraprastha (Pāli Indapatta).”            

[vi] In the Mahavamsa universe, Panduvasudeva’s mother is a princess of the Madra country (Pali Maddas) in the upper Indus valley. In the Mahabharata universe, king Pandu is married to Madri, a princess of the Madra country. In the Mahavamsa universe, Panduvasudeva marries the daughter of the Sakya Pandu, the son of the Sakya Amitodana, the brother of the Sakya Suddodana, the father of Gotama Buddha. Also see Asko Parpola, “Pandaih and Sita On the Historical Background on the Sanskrit Epics”- (Full text)

[viii] “Subsequent references to Nagadipa in the Mahavamsa and other Pali writings, coupled with certain archaeological and epigraphically discoveries, have conclusively established that Nagadipa of the Mahavamsa is the present Jaffna Peninsula.”-(p180, “The Arya Kingdom in North Ceylon”, S. Paranavitana, JRAS Ceylon- Vol. VII, Part 2- New Series, 1961Full text)

[ix] Nagasamyutta (read in Pali or English) deal with the metaphysical aspects of the Nagas. There are four types of Nagas; egg -born [aõóaja], womb-born [jalàbuja], moisture-born [saüsedaja], and spontaneously-born [opapàtika]. How a human can be born as a Naga of either type, how a Naga of either type can give up his Naga body, etc.  Adjacent Samyuttas (index) of the Khandhavagga; Supaõõa Saüyutta (texts on Suparnas), Gandhabbakàya Saüyutta (texts on musician gods) and Valàhaka Saüyutta (texts on cloud gods) deal with similar metaphysical aspects of those respective beings.

[x] For the contribution of Hiuen Tsiang to Naga lore read Vogel:1926 , p94, etc.

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  • 4

    Disclaimer. Thanking the positive commentors, yet emphasizing that comments and the commentors on this site are not connected with me in any way. All the comments are entirely a reflection on the democracy and the discretion of this site. I haven’t solicited those comments in any way, nor am I part of any “circle” consisting of these commentors. They are completely unknown to me and I haven’t submitted my article to them. This disclaimer is to establish the widest distance from and renounce all responsibility for the levels of comprehension of those outside my intended target audience. In other words, this is not my group. Although there are sites out there that are maintained to facilitate discussion within a group, this is not to my knowledge such a group-site. It’s broad-based with a wide readership of which (hopefully) the commentors are a minute fraction.

    • 21

      Stop posting if you don’t like the comments silly child !

      • 14


        “Stop posting if you don’t like the comments silly child!”

        You got the last two words right.

        • 21

          Buddha never came To Nagadipa: It’s a lie. Where is the scientific proof? As if Buddha had no other important matters other than come and bless the Sinhalese! What a load of crap.

          It’s like the other lie that Buddha said that Lanka is for the Sinhalese!

          Mahavamsa has so many lies that even the history embedded in it is questionable.

          • 9


            “It’s like the other lie that Buddha said that Lanka is for the Sinhalese! Mahavamsa has so many lies that even the history embedded in it is questionable. “

            Buddha never taught to lie. Instead of lying he kept quiet, or said that it was irrelevant.

            However, the para-Sinhala an para-Sinhala “Buddhists’ lie, have no shame to lie. See the Lies based on the Alutgama incident.

            Remember, they’ve, come from South India, . The DNA in them these, proves that.

            • 3

              Perth Museum in Australia suggests that Sri Lanka was a part of Australia. It clearly illustrates it gradually moving to where it is now just below India. Probably those ancient Yakka and Naga people could be like Aborigines in Australia. Even Native Vedda people…:)

            • 0

              Nice article Darshanie after a lot of bias and racial crappy articles in CT. It is good your article is supported by the literature which we don’t often see in the other articles here.

          • 3


            Purportedly the mark of Chandragupta’s footprints in Karnataka, India, not far from the cave where he starved himself to death in accordance with Jain beliefs.
            The supposed footprints of w:Chandragupta Maurya atop Chandragiri at Shravanabelagola in Karnataka, India.


            All along refugee Parses (Subu.Swamy vife) claimed they fled to the port of Surat Gujarat
            The iranian refugees `TATA` now claim that they came by boat over here since Zoroastrian refugees from iran are now flooding Hindia for a piece of the cake off the opium merchants. Also because the last of the islamist in hindustan were defeated right where the foot print is.

          • 10

            Nevrmind Naagadipa, Buddha never set foot on any part of Sri Lanka.

            • 1

              Raja She:-
              I too believe that the Buddha never came to Sri Lanka, But to an unsophisticated Native of the time, any Monk in robes, would have been the equivalent of the Buddha, because they had not seen a Monk in Robes before.

              The Buddha and Buddhism would have been interchangeable in the simple minds of the Indigenous people of the time, whether they called themselves Yakshas, Nagas, Devas or Rakshas, or Veddahs.

              Why split hairs? We do not call a little child a Liar because he calls a Monk ‘The Buddha’!

          • 4

            All over the Western world there are many who have adopted Buddhism from whom some of the Sri Lankan and Burmese Buddhists must learn what Buddhism is. Where the Buddha was born or travelled or landed is not important.

          • 5

            There is no evidence whatsoever to support the Mahavamsa’s claim that the Buddha made three magical trips to Sri Lanka each time colonizing another area of the island, in preparation for the formal introduction of Buddhism two centuries after his death other than the three chaithiyas (Buddhist structures) built in the recent past by the Sinhalese Buddhists at 3 different locations to say, ‘This is where Buddha came.’ Even the footprint of Buddha at Sri Pada (Adam’s peak) is nothing but an obvious myth.

            In fact the Mahavamsa insults the Buddha by introducing this kind of mythical stories.

            MAHAVAMSA CHAPTER I THE VISIT OF THE TATHAGATA says, please read: http://lakdiva.org/mahavamsa/chap001.html

            The first visit of the Buddha was to Mahiyangane area where Yakkhas lived. The Mahavamsa Buddha did not try to win them over with his compassion as the original Buddha did in similar circumstances. He TERRORIZED the Yakkhas by MANIPULATING natural phenomena. The Yakkhas appealed to the Buddha NOT TO TERRORIZE them, if they were not harmed they would vacate the land for the Buddha. The Mahavamsa Buddha seems to have taken the innate evil character of the Sinhalese. ‘he struck terror to their hearts by rain, storm, darkness and so forth.’ The yakkhas, overwhelmed by fear, besought the fearless Vanquisher to release them from terrors, and the Vanquisher, destroyer of fear, spoke thus to the terrified yakkhas: “To this great gathering of that yakkhas went the Blessed One, and there, in the midst of that assembly, hovering in the air over their heads, at the place of the (future) Mahiyangana-thupa, he struck terror to their hearts by rain, storm, darkness and so forth. `I will banish this your fear and your distress, O yakkhas, give ye here to me with one accord a place where I may sit down. ‘The yakkhas thus answered the Blessed One: ‘We all, O Lord, GIVE YOU EVEN THE WHOLE OF OUR ISLAND Give us release from our fear.”

            The Mahavamsa portrayal of the Buddha’s second visit also shows that the Buddha had been brought down to a level which the Sinhalese could understand. I think even the Buddha won’t forgive the Ven. Mahanama for this. The second visit of the Buddha was to Nagadipa, now identified with northern part of Lanka. Two Naga princes were about to fight fiercely for a gem set throne and bloodshed was imminent. The Buddha made his visit to prevent bloodshed. There too, the Mahavamsa Buddha seems to have used TERROR methods of MANIPULATING natural phenomena to frighten the princes so that they themselves offered the Buddha the throne out of fear. The Mahavamsa Buddha seems to have taken on a character which the original would not have recognized.

            Don’t you people think that it is an insult to the original Buddha?

      • 3


        Can I have a word or two with you?

        • 2


          sure. I was unavailable for the last two days. However, I came across a complete work on jataka stories written by a japanese gentleman published by Buddhist society in dehiwela.
          Hopefully this book should shed some light on the fantasy stories about nagas nagadipa etc

          • 2



            Here is something that is useful to you:

            Journal of the Pali Text Society


            Journal of the Pali Text Society

            Click Acrobat versions of Volumes I – XXVIII for free download.

            Journal of the Pali Text Society

            Contents list of all volumes of our Journal

            Acrobat versions of Volumes I – XXVIII

            • 0


              I have visited this site before, However, I could not access the books, However, I recently bought translations of Chulawamsa and Mahavamsa by Geiger. Coming to think of it, Prof Geiger’s contribution to sinhalese grammar and literature is phenomenal!

              you mentioned the following book,in the previous columns

              The above book is out of publication and few copies are available at a hefty price.

              • 1

                ken robert


                My Elders tell me that the book was published only once in 1987 and the author has no interest in reprinting it.

                I think you may have to do with what is on the website. Print the pages that interest you most and leave in a file.

                You can always save the book on your hard drive.

    • 7

      Darshanie Ratnawalli –

      RE: Lord Buddha Comes To Nagadipa

      Corrections and comments.

      1. Buddha is NO Lord. He never claimed to be Lord or God. He is just a teacher, like any other Philosopher. Some were correct others incorrect. Read your Buddhism.

      2. “A picturesque Sinhalese belief, almost certainly sired by the Hela-havula movement has it that the term ‘Sihala’ has no relation to lion killing as that :

      No lion genes were found in the Para-People , Para-Sinhala , para-Tamil or Para-Muslims in Lanka, in the land of Native Veddah.

      3. Naga or Not, they are paras. Para-nagas, like the para-Sinhala, para-Tamils an other paras. Test the DNA. The only native are the Native Veddah and Veddan or verdhan. Buddha did not come to Lanka, the land of Native Veddah.

      These are lies and imaginations of para-monk Mahanama.

      Oh Para, Paras, the lying paras, paras in the Land of Native Veddah and Verdhan…

      The Vedda Tribe


      Tamil-speaking Veddas of Vaharai await war recovery support


    • 7

      Darshanie Ratnawalli

      In addition as to how to learn to lie from Monk Mahanam and the Sinhala Buddhists and Wahhabis, you can also learn from the West based on false Flag Operation.

      MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed False Flag


      “Until this past Monday, the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 on July 17th, 2014, was a potential game changer for global geopolitics and the New Cold War. However, a funny thing happened on the way to the Kremlin…”

      “In this report, we will lay out the facts based on a wide breadth of available information and data surrounding MH17. We will also present and give critique to Washington and Kiev’s “mountain of evidence” that has saturated US and European-based media coverage since the incident took place. 21WIRE has compiled this report with the help of many contributors and references from English-speaking media, as well as material translated from Russian and Ukrainian media sources, along with other historical references to provide context. Our objective is to get as close to the truth as possible. Although many revelations will appear to be self-evident, we still encourage the public to draw there own conclusions regarding this pivotal event.”

      • 4

        Nice one beauty!!
        Its AlCIAd in action over again.
        Earlier the US covered the Malaysian Defense- katte pittu MH370-
        landed at Diego Garcia (no fuel for more than 10kl) the new radar evasion chip and 3 chinese patent right holders + 1 american; in all 70 engineers on the flight to sign the copy rights at china.

        This is how they stole the nuke tech from Hitler while it was under manufacture.

        More so the historical cannon fodder VOC dutch paying the price- its all in the money and power so let them both enjoy.

        • 6

          “landed at Diego Garcia (no fuel for more than 10kl) the new radar evasion chip and 3 chinese patent right holders + 1 american; in all 70 engineers on the flight to sign the copy rights at china.”

          Imagination -CopyRight -JAVI

          • 6

            Like LTTE Jihadi Kabi Await a visit from MI 5/6 soon.

            • 5

              It is not me but you who should be visited by MI5/FBI for this conspiracy theory :)

              Reeza – When I heard about 20 employees of Freescale Semiconductor was in the plane, I thought the same but immediately rubbished it!

              • 4

                Europeans are not Islamist!
                Material for semiconductior manufacture is our business not jungle folk.

          • 3

            “Imagination -CopyRight -JAVI”

            Even if it were imagination, it is SOOO original; Javi simply ceases to amaze me. Enjoy every bit of his writing even if it goes against my own sentiments coz he is such a storehouse of knowledge.

            • 4

              ‘Javi simply ceases to amaze me’

              He is part of the spanish tiki taka !

    • 1

      extremely offensive piece of sarcasm, things like this are just another example of intolerance

    • 2

      Darshanie Ratnawalli,

      “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn ” ― Alvin Toffler

      I am glad that you added this disclaimer because most of those who comment here are illiterate, they do not want to learn anything but simply believe in the age old myths.

      Btw, hats off to you, this is really a great stuff and I am enjoying every bit of it. Most of the questions I had in mind for a long time are being answered in your articles, unfortunately many people in this (South Asian) region (even well educated) still believes in all these myths as gospel truth. Thanks for all your efforts, the extensive research and the unbiased articles. I hope the academics and scholars (your intended target audience) would appreciate your erudite articles.

  • 3

    Beautifully written.

    Thank you DR.

    • 11

      ~゜・_・゜~ Beautifully written.  ~゜・_・゜~ Wowlo!!

      Meeting point of robots off female genital mutilation !!

      Dead Right- Fat, Fair, Female, Forty.- DR/FF


    • 3

      Here we go again [Edited out]
      Beautifully copy pasted indeed.

      [Edited out] what as Mara’s end is apparently approaching.[Edited out]

  • 3

    Yes , it is a beautifully writtrn lie

    • 3

      “Yes , it is a beautifully writtrn lie”

      A lie told many times over becomes the truth eventually; However, the end is achieved sooner by destroying the evidence like Gamini and Cyril did. Look now, no Library and yes indeed, the Buddha did come to Nagadipa.

  • 2

    What the F=hell I was reading. How could anyone write crap like this. Except the name of the writer everything else was copy paste? phew.

    I sincerely relieved because of Tisaranee for her article today.

    Coincidence or CT is slightly naughty?

    Whatever it is, must Thank CT & TG.

  • 3

    [viii] “Subsequent references to Nagadipa in the Mahavamsa and other Pali writings, coupled with certain archaeological and epigraphically discoveries, have conclusively established that Nagadipa of the Mahavamsa is the present Jaffna Peninsula.”-(p180, “The Arya Kingdom in North Ceylon”, S. Paranavitana, JRAS Ceylon- Vol. VII, Part 2- New Series, 1961-Full text)
    “Nagadipa of the Mahavamsa is the present Jaffna Peninsula”…ha ha lmao .what a load of bull…so why didn’t you title your artice “Lord Buddha Comes to Jaffana.”

    The Sri Lankan army is very busy burying and then discovering ancient sinhala civilization in a and around the army camps in the NE.
    why dodn you refer them as well in your articles.

    • 1


      Please refer to the following website. . Our archaeological department was recently become famous after mannar human burial site saga. Therefore I expect more archeological inventions from Nagadeepa soon!

      • 0

        Thanks for the link.
        The regime is rewriting the history no doubt

  • 5

    What I read is that Dharshanie applies modern thinking, modern terminology and modern concepts for what happened in the ancient past.

    At that time the same terminology that Dharshanie uses had been used in completely a different context.

    For example, while living in North America, I listened one Physician which means he is supposed to be educated describing third world people of developing countries as UNCIVILIZED COUNTRIES OR UNCIVILIZED PEOPLE.

    So, understand the theory behind it.

    Those days, too North Hindians who had fairer skins labelled south indians as monkies, yakshases etc., In your terminology, yaksha and Raksha mean two groups of humans and not the Yaksha or the Raksha that you seem to be visualizing in your mind. Deva and Nagas who were rulers thought that they were the only humans and not others.

    Even Indian Brahmins thought that they had higher origins while others were not humans.

    Why, in Ramayana, they identified South indian King as VANARA (monkey) KING ?

    Just understand the theory behind it. Otherwise, what you are writing is rubbish.

    • 5

      Jim Softy, Lorenzo, KA Sumanasekera and Avtats,

      Is Amarasiri still giving Indigestion at Lankaweb We posts? They post other post before my posts. Can you get to buddies to put my posts. It has a lot of wisdom, Philosophy in Them. Look at the times

      AnuD Says:
      July 27th, 2014 at 10:20 am

      Amarasiri Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      July 27th, 2014 at 8:31 am

      Remember The Sun Does NOT go around the Earth! Let the truth be Known. Let us call a spade spade.

      One Response to “Are the Sri Lankan Education Authorities asleep : Teachers abusing children and rising children misbehavior”

      Amarasiri Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      July 27th, 2014 at 8:31 am
      Shenali D Waduge

      “Education authorities may like to when handing over appointment letters to teachers also give them a copy of the Sri Lanka Penal Code (Amended) wherein Section 308a states that cruelty against children causing hurt, grievous or simple as well as torture is a criminal offence.”

      I may add they should be given the 4 Noble “truths” and *-fold “Path” for digestion.

      Is this Buddhist Culture? Sinhala-”Buddhist Culture or Para-Sinhala Buddhist culture?

      AnuD Says:
      July 27th, 2014 at 10:20 am

      We understand what you say about every thing including the Sri Lankan education, pharmaceutical industry and….

      But, understand, Sri Lanka is governed by many very very experienced politicians.

      What do they do ?. they complain to the newspapers.

      Have they done anything else other than that ?

      But, they are filthy rich. See when they take their childrens’ weddings in seven Star hotels in Colombo, their mansions, their number of mansions and employment positions of their children and relatives.

      Is any one else in Sri Lanka qualified to do those jobs ?

      When will this change.

      In that back drop, Christians, Muslims and Tamils want of a piece of it too. Now, china is developing and China has influence on Sri Lanka, the democratic and human right respecting west also want a piece of Sri Lanka.

      So, it is a mess.

    • 8

      Darshanie Ratnawalli is displaying her ignorance. I am sure she has never read or knows anything about Varigapurnikava which describes the culture of the Yagu Kauranas of the Yaksha Gothra of ancient Lanka. She should start reading the series of articles written by the greatest historian of our times Prof. Nalin Silva who writes to the Island newspaper under the heading “Protect Sinhala Buddhism from the educated”. The right thinking and rational minded people should Protect Sinhala Buddhism from these western educated people like Darshanie Ratnawalli whose articles are against the well-established Hela Gothras and Hela Buddhism of Heladiva (ancient Sri Lanka).

  • 4

    There is a NAGland or the sinhalized version NAGA- LAND in India.

    What does Dharshanie think of Naga landians ?. Are they serpents ?

    • 1

      Jim Softy

      Who says there are no Nagas, they not only lived in the past but they are also living in the present. If you watch this video, the Naga priest looks very similar to our village Sri Lankans.


  • 7

    We have no time for this kind of crap.What do
    these historical stories mean.Absolutely nothing when it comes to burning issues of present day life.Majority of people live in this world believing Jesus was born without cohabitation and they every right to do so and be ignorant.History is history and we cannot change these chronicles.Can we.Just leave them as they are let us move on.World is burning on many fronts.Let us face it.No point harping about history which is dead and gone.

    • 5

      ”Majority of people live in this world believing Jesus was born without cohabitation and they every right to do so and be ignorant”.

      Why talk about other people’s religion when your own has very similar stories. Read your own Buddhist scriptures and you will be surprised. You are throwing stones while living in a house built by glass.

      Recently I read a Jataka story from the Buddhist scriptures, in the story of Kusa Fathakaya, where the Bodhisattva (before becoming Buddha) was born as Kusa, and married a beautiful princess Pabawathie.

      Sakra the king of Gods came unnoticed by any one while Pabawathie was asleep and rubbed her navel with his toe. This caused her to conceive without any intimacyual congress (conceive without cohabitation).

  • 3

    Irathinavalli ,
    Buddha never travelled below vindhya hills. Also aryan never landed my land indus valley prior 1600BC.

    • 8


      “Also aryan never landed my land indus valley prior 1600BC.”

      Even after

      Aryan Invasion theory (AIT)is another myth, which was very useful for the growth of Dravida movement. Max Müller needed the dichotomy to keep the natives down. It worked until Harappa & and Mohenjo Daro were rediscovered.

      • 1


        Then who wrote all vedic hymns in sanskrit, an alien from another planet, if indus valley people were of migarted negroid dravidian then who were these people at later wrote all veic hymns at river saraswathi settlement? You need to also well verse history of other country even before penning it.

        • 8


          There is no evidence to suggest Veda’s came from outside Bharat nor Vedic literature was written by Central Asian.

          Here is an article which might shed some light on Indian Civilisation, This is based on Marine Archaeology.

          Gulf of Cambay Cradle of Ancient Civilization
          By Badrinaryan Badrinaryan



          New Archaeological sites in the Gulf of Cambay, India


          National Institute of Ocean Technology

          Has published few articles on Marine Archaeology covering the shore lines of India.


          Questionable claims
          Archaeologists debunk the claim that underwater structures in the Gulf of Khambat point to the existence of a pre-Harappan civilisation.


          • 0

            Dear NV,

            Will get back to you with detailed study of your posts and my version of supporting evidences sometime later. Time is the constraint.

            • 7


              Aryan Invasion Theory is outdated and there is no archaeological evidence to support it nor it is conclusively confirmed.

              People continue to arrive from other parts of the world it does not mean Aryan as a race invaded Bharat and introduced their exclusive “superior culture” to the primitive indigenous inhabitants. Those who arrived, would have brought some of their culture which would have been fused into the indigenous culture over a long period of time.

              Hindi and Tamil music directors used to steal many tunes from west. Now it appears that the west is stealing from A R Rahman. Listen to this:

              will.i.am, Cody Wise – It’s My Birthday


              Please do read on this complex subject.

              • 0


                Keep all historical facts aside, British first came as trader in 1600 in few hundreds to erstwhile kingdoms of ancient India (??) and later invaded the entire India, don’t you think the same could have happened with the case of Aryan invasion

                • 2

                  They came before because part of bombay was given as dowry by the portugese.

                  You folk are in a rip van winkle mode. Its the refugee Parsis who were saying we are the original aryans – myth because of europena favour and naked fakir, Indira marriage- now bok me gaya)

                  Have you read Jane Jacobs- economy of cities- catal hudal close to greece before you folk.

                  Anyway Goo`ta the developer wont like it.
                  but then cultures are different- they argue but listen to reason at the end.

                  I met her once at Toronto before she died. (she was not qualified even as a grad. but substance)
                  Spend some time reading her you will live in the present then like her.


                • 7


                  Read the conclusion in this paper:

                  INDO-ARYAN AND SLAVIC
                  LINGUISTIC AND GENETIC
                  CEREAL FARMING

                  Joseph Skulj, Jagdish C. Sharda, Snejina Sonina,
                  Ratnakar Narale

                  The Hindu Institute of Learning, Toronto, Canada
                  Paper read at: The Sixth International Topical Conference: Origin of Europeans in Ljubljana,
                  Slovenia June 6th and 7th 2008.


              • 0

                Will I Am copied the music for this song from the Tamil song urvasi from the movie Kadhlan 1994

  • 1

    I guess the word ACADEMIC is applicable in this instance…

    So much of space and time wasted to narrate a bunch of unverifiable BS!

    Yes, yes…Monkeys could fly back then, and sex lasted for hours if not for days…and the Animal Kingdom and Humans simply cross-bred at will, particularly the superior beings.

    If it is the Buddha’s footprint on top of Adam’s peak, he must have been a giant not a human.

    When will we ever learn?

  • 7

    He also came to Adam’s Peak and left his giant footprint there and then went to Kandy and thoughtfully left one tooth there.

    • 5

      Ponkoh Sivakumaran

      “He also came to Adam’s Peak and left his giant footprint there and then went to Kandy and thoughtfully left one tooth there.”

      1. He flew to “Adam’s Peak”, “Samanala Kanda,”, Butterfly Mountain, using a Dandu Monera Yantraya, Giant Peacock Bird Flying Machine, then Jumped off the machine, and left his footsteps on top of the mountain. He was 40 ft tall, then,, based on the size of the footprint.

      May be on the way back, he may have lost a tooth. Did the tooth belong to the Natives, Veddah? The tooth is supposed to belong to a giant too.

      • 4

        Native Veddah Chief digs for yams and he finds Valli, instead. Valli grows up to marry Murugan. Good story depicting man’s search for Murguan in his heart. Inside it, he will find Valli the consort of Murugan.

        Our Rathina Valli digs but only finds shit.

    • 5

      Ponkoh Sivakumaran

      He then caught some Tilapia in the Kandy Lake, washed his robes in the Mahaveli at Peradeniya, took a cool dip in the swirling waters and then proceeded to Aukana where he stood for sometime gazing at the great land of the Sinhala Buddhists. Tired, he then went to Dambulla and slept under a rock, leaving the imprint of the sleeping Buddha. Nice story but it doesn’t end there.

  • 2

    Tamil homeland in hell!

  • 2

    If Raavana, the Raksa ruled the island, then why not call Raksadipa?


  • 4

    You are in HELL keep on walking.

  • 10

    Now lets talk about the Buddha! He was a man who could not shoulder the responsibility of fatherhood and abandoned his wife. He ran away in the middle of the night when his wife and new born son were asleep. He could not cope!

    Buddhism is sexist – only a male can be a Buddha. Buddhism is nihilist – Nirvana is extinction. It is pessimistic – Dukkha underpins all existence. It is world negating and life negating. Buddhist monasteries in Sri Lanka are dens of sodomy. All those little children under the age of 10 ordained as Bhikkus. Gimme a break! Talk about child rights.

    You now have the ex Prime Minister of Sri Lanka – Maitripala Sirisena mentioning that he wishes that all women are reborn as men and that his wife always kneels before him in true Buddhist fashion before he leaves for office in the morning.

    A Buddhist nun however old has to kneel between a Buddhist monk however young. Those were the Buddha’s words. He was what you would today call a sexist.

    All this confirms to me that my ancestors in Sinhale did the right thing – we adopted Christianity.

    Jesus is the only way. As John 14:6 quotes Jesus who said ‘I am the way, the truth and life. No man cometh to the father but through me’ John 1: 14 also records ‘The Word became Flesh and made His dwelling amongst us”.

    Jesus trumps Buddha hands down. South Korea now has more Christians than Buddhists. China is witnessing a surge in Christianity.


    The Myanmar hill tracts are also adopting Christianity, not the Buddhism of the Burmese lowlands.

    • 5

      I have know many a European catholic study Buddhism from Tibetan monks and some have got the robes from Dali lama himself get married (with permission like Karmapa the giant at Swiss) The other practice European Buddhism which is a sifted product off Zen to suit EU culture as at present- mindfulness in everything they do. Your problem is like the rest – everything for free like mugging past papers without understanding and that comes from greed.
      North East India is out of bounds for Christian preachers. The American preachers force their way at Delhi visa office to go there. There I met the chief of American Christian Hospital Delhi (Mizoram) and then on Saturday I went for breakfast to his home at Greater Kailash. There were almost a dozen women and children (all mizoramese) with wounds on their bodies- beaten by husbands. The reason being they are the new converts and the priest had distributed money to the man….
      C. Party China respects Buddhism and there are many practising Buddhist high up in the party- Buddha is not god for the objective folk who see reality. Christianity teaches charity and the nuns do it the best- like Carmelitas.. I have met them all on their own turf. Please don’t try more religious stunts Asia has enough and more due to conquest.

      Happily Agnostic.

    • 2

      Mark your ignorance of Buddhism is astounding.

    • 2

      ‘Now lets talk about the Buddha! He was a man who could not shoulder the responsibility of fatherhood and abandoned his wife. He ran away in the middle of the night when his wife and new born son were asleep. He could not cope!’ – Mark Siriwardene

      God what a moron you are. Don’t you know anything about Buddhism? Siddartha left his wife and son in search of a cure for a fatal illness. Learn something about Buddhism before you write your evangelical crap.

  • 5

    Damila Prince Prabakaran ran amok in Maha Bodi, Maligawa,and Somawathiya. which are all sacred Buddhist Places of worship, killing many hundreds if not thousands of innocent mostly poor pilgrims and devotees..

    But the Damila Prince couldn’t get to Nagadeepa from Nanthikadal. to mete out the same to the Naga descendants.

    Buddha must have blessed this Nagadeepa for sure by setting foot there.

    And the Nagas must be still looking after it well as they have done for the last two and a half Millenia , since Buddha.

    Hope the same Naga determination and Buddha’s the blessing will protect this holy place for another two and a half thousand years.


    • 3

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “Maha Bodi, Maligawa,and Somawathiya. which are all sacred Buddhist Places of worship,”

      Of course they are supposed to be sacred places for Buddhists. What has it got to do with you?

      Don’t forget Sinhala/Buddhist JVP “Deshapremi Janatha Viyaparaya)attack on Dalada Maligawa.

      What does it prove?

      Both the Sinhala and Tamils share the same stupid gene M20.

      • 1

        Dear Native.

        Not all Sinhala Buddhists and Tamils.

        Didn’t you see LTTE Praba’s God Father and his apprentice Abraham sitting next to JVP senior Handunnatta…

        • 3

          K.A Sumanasekera

          “Not all Sinhala Buddhists and Tamils.”

          You haven’t met them all. I can vouch for their stupidity.

          “Didn’t you see LTTE Praba’s God Father and his apprentice Abraham sitting next to JVP senior Handunnatta…”

          This proves my point.

  • 3

    buddha doesn’t belong to sri lanka. buddha’s skin colour is yellow. buddha’s physical features resembles of that of mongolians. his moon face with flat nose tells the whole story. why do black sinhala people prefer yellow skin i wouldn’t know.kali or durga would suit them. buddhism is a waste of time. buddha is a meaningless person. what business has he got in nainativu. absolute fcukall.

  • 1

    Tamil Elam in hell!!

    VP is the president of course.

    • 2


      “Tamil Elam in hell!!”

      When did you change the name from Sri Lanka to Tamil Eelam? No MR is still the president.

  • 2

    Article 9 of SL constitution is impotent. We need a more powerful statement to penetrate into the DUMB heads of Arab and south Endian extremists.

    SL name should be changed to BUDDHIST REPUBLIC OF SL.

    Everyone knows SL as a Buddhist country. I have spoken to thousands of foreigners who have never visited SL and they ALL know SL as a BUDDHIST country.

    Strange SLs in SL don’t know it as a Buddhist country!!

    Endia wants to be “secular”. So be it. But SL must be a Buddhist country.

    • 2

      oi lorenzo of lanka toilet web, what are you talking about. the fact of the matter is mongolian buddha has nothing to do with sinhala black country. by all means change the name as buddshit republic of shit lanka when the sinhala population are black skinned and kinky haired, it’s a bit odd to call it a buddshit country. oi ignorant fool sumanasekera, did buddha come by a banana boat to nainativu. all we know is nainativu belongs to nagapoosani amman. she is the supreme god and protector of her people. as we know buddha packed up his bags and left his wife and kid in the lurch and set up home with his mistress in north korea. buddhism is humbug and treating buddha as a god is even humiliating. send back buddha where he came from and don’t forget to round up bikku rogues and put them in gas chambers.

    • 2


      “I have spoken to thousands of foreigners who have never visited SL and they ALL know SL as a BUDDHIST country.”

      Sri Lanka is popular among the foreigners (paedophiles) for its male and female child prostitution:

      Sri Lanka, State sponsored Child prostitution

      You are talking to the right people. Are you a beach boy?

      • 1

        That seems like a 100% genuine news report and not something put together by a bunch of disgruntled Tamil FOBs like you. The inclusion of a few random pictures of children is what convinced me, since they no doubt came from the [Edited out]

    • 3


      Read the article on this link:

      Sun-Surf-Sex Tourism

      Do you still believe this island is a Buddhist country?

      This is of course more than Buddhist country, a paradise only for sex tourists.

    • 2


      There are lots of western countries where Christians are the majority among the followers of a religion. Still those countries are not identified in the name of Religion. They don’t boast themselves that we are a Christian country.

      You boast that Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country. I doubt even 5% of the Buddhists in Sri Lanka true teachings of Buddha.

      For you guys Buddhism is an identification mark. Like wearing a tattoo in the body.

      You must be a MALE PROSTITUE that is how you managed to 1000s of foriegners!!

      • 2

        Western nations – we know who we are!
        Sharia law Pakistani male prostration is common in Lanka via the mulla/imam kabi.
        get reday for electric chair reinforce your wowla.

        • 1

          “Sharia law Pakistani male prostration is common in Lanka via the mulla/imam kabi”

          These days you comments make me laugh all the time – thank you for the great enjoyment :)

          • 2

            Cab_ee Bedouin,

            Laughter is the beat medicine for buy and sell only.

    • 4


      Sri Lanka is a FAKE Buddhist country where a fake Buddhism known as Sinhala-Buddhism (Barbaric in nature) is practised. The so called “thousands of foreigners” must be uneducated gypsies who do not know anything about Buddhism but the Endians know what Buddhism is because Buddha himself was an Endian.

    • 2

      You disappoint me. I thought you would have said the country should be named “Rajapakse socialist Chinese Buddhist Republic. “
      Drop Sri Lanka all together.. What Sri Lanka?

      • 2

        What Sri Lanka?

        The one that destroyed the Eelam dream

        • 3


          “The one that destroyed the Eelam dream”

          Probably the one which bent on destructing itself.

        • 0

          Ooh-Aahs!! hela buddhist with cat_o_lic prefix from the camels paw.

          Your parse pee kaya is your opium- that is `goo`ta your godfathers connection to arms and heroine.

          Your never know pee alu porata.- paul passe nool.

  • 1

    waste of time , who bothered Lord Buddha came to Sri Lanka or Not,In Nut Shell The Sri Lanka is belongs to who born in Sri Lanka

  • 1

    I saw Buddha coming to Nagadipa. It is true. Please believe me I am a Sri Lankan I don’t lie

  • 0

    Sinhalese originated from North India and Tamils originated from South India. North Indians hate and humiliate South Indians due to the fact they are very poor, ignorant, ill educated, hateful. They are a real threat to the Indian supremacy and once tried for a different country there. It is the same reason Sinhalese hate Tamils.

  • 0

    Sinhalese are the native people of the island who descend from the ancient tribes yaksha, naga, deva and raksha. Four native tribes, siwhela which became Sinhala. For those who say veddhas are native, guess what they are not, they are the descendants of Vijaya, through his children Jeewahatha and Disala. Veddhas are the indians, they are the indo-aryan. Sinhalese are NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE
    Go to north india and find me a sinhalese, actually i’ll make it easier find me a person with a sinhalese surname in north india whose ancestors didn’t immigrate there. I will be surprised if you do. If sinhalese came from india how come there aren’t any sinhalese there. If sinhalese is and indo aryan language how come sinhalese don’t understand hindi. What people say about sinhalese are all lies. Sinhalese are natives, veddhas are indians and so are tamils. You can find more tamils in india. Stop lying about sinhalese origins. Lorenzo Lord Buddha was nepalese not indian.

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