One of Sri Lanka’s main Buddhist institutions, the Asgiriya Chapter, has protested regarding the appointment of the newly appointed Governor of the Central Province on the basis of gender.
President Maithripala Sirisena appointed Niluka Ekanayake to the post of Governor Central Province on the 17th, March 2016.
She is the first transgender person to hold such a high profile post in Sri Lanka’s history.
After the appointment of the new Governor, President Maithripala Sirisena tweeted “Congratulations to Niluka Ekanayake, Governor of Central Province. She replaces the eminent spokesperson for women, Surangani Ellawala“.
“Niluka Ekanakayake has no qualifications to justify her appointment to such a lucrative government position. Her only qualification is that she is the secret horoscope reader for President Maithripala Sirisena.”
” I’m not sure whether he is promoting a marginalised person or promoting his secret astrologer. I didn’t ask President about this since it is his choice and he has power to appoint anyone he wants, since this appointment didn’t want the approval of the Constitutional Council” one of the President’s close confidantes told Colombo Telegraph on the condition of anonymity.
Although she was born as a man and named Sattambige Don Neil Sriyaratne at birth, she behaved like a girl from her childhood days, Niluka’s father told media some time ago.
According to Colombo Telegraph research, as a transgender person, especially a transgender woman, she has been experiencing widespread prejudice, discrimination and other forms of stigma.
Earlier in 1997 a man named Sattambige Don Neil Sriyaratne pleaded guilty to a Criminal Investigation Department charge for impersonation.
In 1998 he was also charged for forgery.
According to court records from 1997, Niluka was produced before Doctor Nalaka Mendis at the national hospital Colombo who after inspection had confirmed in his report that the accused happened to be biologically male.
It is not clear whether Niluka Ekanayake is just wearing women’s clothes whilst being a man. However she now claims she is married and has a child.
According to existing Sri Lankan legislation Niluka Ekanayake then risks being guilty of being ‘male’ and operating under a female alias, with which she went on to obtain huge bank loans on the pretext of being a prawn farming businesswoman.
The details and verdict of that particular case hit world news headlines when it also stated that the same man Sattambige Don Neil Sriyaratne in Sri Lanka had earlier won the award for the “Woman Entrepreneur of the Year in 1995”.
On the 19th of April 1997 The Spokesman-Review carried a story “Honored Female Isn’t One After All“. On 13th April 1997 the New York Times carried a headline ” No Businesswoman, He“. According to the New York Times story she did obtain a bank loan of US $ 500,000.
It was in the Magistrate Court of Colombo Sri Lanka that President Counsel Tilak Marapana appeared for Niluka Ekanayake in her defence.
Sattambige Don Neil Sriyaratne the man was fined and warned when he pleaded guilty to the charge of impersonation.
A lawyer who also represented Niluka Ekanayake confirmed to Colombo Telegraph that the new Governor Central Province is the same man Sattambige Don Neil Sriyaratne that he appeared for in that case in 1997.
Sattambige Don Neil Sriyaratne’s legal team had even gone on to state that their client was born male. However a hormonal condition meant their cliententered adulthood with female features.
An LGBTQI rights activist when contacted said “this is a progressive step in our quest to have the Lesbianism, Gay, Bi- Sexual and the Transgender act implemented in Sri Lanka. Currently citizens of Sri Lanka can legally change their name but there is no law passed yet to change one’s gender. I applaud President Sirisena for this historical appointment” she said.
Sanga Protest
According to media reports in Colombo, two powerful Government Ministers S.B. Dissanayake and Mahinda Amaraweera who are close confidantes of President Maithripala Sirisena had visited the Anunayake of the Asgiriya Chapter Wendaruwe Upali in Kandy last morning. The High Priest had then gone on to vehemently oppose Niluka Ekanayake’s appointment as the new Governor of the Central Province. Leading buddhist monks of the Asgiri Chapter – Warakagoda Dhammaratana, Urulewatte Dhammarakkhitha, Anamaduve Dhammadhassi and Gallalle Sadhdhatissa were also present at the meeting.
“The Governor has to work with Buddhist monks in the central province and also has to participate in religious ceremonies at the ‘Temple of the Tooth Relic’ (Sri Dalada Maligawa). So she is not suitable for the post and President Maithripala Sirisena should appoint someone else” said the Maha Sanga who had been firm in their request to the two Ministers.
Prior to Niluka Ekanayake’s appointment the Governor Central Province was a female Surangani Ellawela. She passed away on the 14th, March 2016.
Sri Lanka had the world’s 1st female Prime Minister and 1st female Executive President. Both of them as well as the former Governor participated in religious ceremonies at Sri Dalada Maligawa in Kandy. At that time no Maha Nayaka Thera opposed their participation at those religious ceremonies then.
According to history the tooth relic belonging to Lord Buddha was smuggled from India to Sri Lanka by Princess Hemamala when she concealed it in her hair.
Transgender People
UK-based trans rights activist, blogger and comparative politics academic Dr Chaminda Weerawardhana noted; “Transgender people have existed in every society throughout history. The dominance of the male-female gender binary, which was reinforced across the world especially under the influence of Abrahamic traditions, long resulted in obliterating, and blatantly discriminating against, everybody who did not conform to the cisgender male and female identities. This repressive nature of the gender-binary is such that Trans and gender-fluid/plural people face tremendous levels of violence across the world. In the USA, over twenty transwomen, especially transwomen of colour, were murdered in 2015 alone. In Brazil, some 48 transwomen were killed in January 2016 alone. Despite these appalling circumstances, the right to affirm one’s gender identity has emerged as a crucial civil rights issue of the present time. Trans people have gained increased visibility, and quite a few countries now recognise the presence of trans people and their potential. In the USA, the Obama administration has appointed Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, a Latina public policy expert (and transgender woman) as its LGBTQI liaison. In Tamil Nadu, K. Prithika Yashini, a trans woman has been appointed as a police officer, and in the UK, a transwoman, Dr Victoria McCloud, is a high court judge.”
“In 2015, the Irish Republic introduced a Gender Recognition Act, which facilitates the legal formalities for trans people seeking to legally change their gender. A similar bill is currently being debated in the Norwegian parliament. In South Asia, Nepal and India have ‘third gender’ options on their passports. All this is complemented by an on-going struggle to recognise the civil rights of people who identify as ‘non-binary’. The bottom line is that it is up to each individual to ‘self-determine’ their gender identity. Governments and judiciaries cannot impose hormone replacement therapy or gender reassignment surgery on free citizens. It is up to each transgender person to decide how far they wish to go in terms of medical transition, decide which gender pronouns they use or whether they wish to change their name or not. Someone’s gender identity, whether cis or trans, should certainly not be an impediment to excel in a chosen profession, or assume governmental or diplomatic office. Sri Lanka has a vibrant trans community, with people making great contributions through their work, and it is high time that Colombo introduced gender recognition legislation, repealed sections 365 and 365A of the Penal Code, and put in place regulations against all forms of discrimination, including anti-trans discrimination.” Dr Weerawardhana told Colombo Telegraph.
paul / March 26, 2016
His/her gender is irrelevant but if he/she is corrupt he/she should not have been appointed.
Sinhala_Man / March 26, 2016
What is the “corruption” that she is guilty of? Reading between the lines, it appears to me that this charge of impersonation may have been bound up with her “gender-change”. It may be that “she” was charged with being a male impersonating as a woman.
If that is the case, then I feel that the sensible thing would be for us to leave this issue alone.
It is a bit confusing for us, but we should be able t live with that!
vishvajith / March 27, 2016
You have read between the lines and cleared it for the ordinary buggers like us.
Well done.
I echo your thoughts, let’s leave it alone.
Native Vedda / March 27, 2016
The saffron clad monks have not transformed themselves to accept the changing nature and concepts of religious and ethical practices.
I agree with you.
However the public scrutiny on her/his private part is unacceptable.
He/she can only be disqualified on the basis of his/her conduct or misconduct (criminal records).
Lack of qualification, experience, skills, …. expertise do not prevent others getting appointed to plum jobs. So why the fuss?
Please read the following para:
“The Governor has to work with Buddhist monks in the central province and also has to participate in religious ceremonies at the ‘Temple of the Tooth Relic’ (Sri Dalada Maligawa). So she is not suitable for the post and President Maithripala Sirisena should appoint someone else” said the Maha Sanga who had been firm in their request to the two Ministers.
Please read the comments made some weeks ago:
Asgiri Mahanayake speaks out on Gnanasara Thero
January 27, 2016 03:38 pm
The Chief Prelate of the Asgiri Chapter of the Siam Sect, Most Venerable Galagama Sri Aththadassi Thero, says that the Maha Sangha acted in a sacrificial manner during times perilous to the country and the people.
The senior Buddhist leader made these comments during a meeting with the State Minister of National Integration and Reconciliation, A. H. M. Fowzie, in Kandy this morning (27).
The Most Venerable Mahanayake Thero further said that the General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena organization, Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero, has been remanded and that the latter has also acted in a sacrificial manner with regard to the country and the people.
Therefore everything needs to be done properly, he said. Most Ven. Aththadassi Thero stated that unity between communities should develop.
He stated that something should be talked about with pure intent and that one must act with human compassion.
Now you understand the wisdom of the Sangha.
There are similarities with other religions as well:
Sabarimala temple: Kerala government defends ban on women’s entry
Safforanistas should be stopped at making their outdated judgement on morality and social justice.
They are aged, outdated, unpleasant, irrelevant, …..
Please ignore them.
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 27, 2016
This is funny.Why should the priests worry about one person’s sexuality.There are instances where Buddhist Priests have been charged and punished for violating boys.Did the High Priest comment or dare to disrobe the wearer of the safron robe.Years ago, a Sinhala paper reported that a boy who was ordained on one morning was found dead the next day.The paper alleged that the boy had been seduced mercilessly. Did the High Priest comment? Did they disrobe the offending monk/s?
Before commenting on the Governor, the High Priest should respond to the respond to the request of the people of Kandy and withdraw his objection to the road in front of the Dalada Maligawa being opened to the public, after all it is the public that pays for the maintenance of the road as well as the High Priest and his cahoots.
Medalankara de Choppe / March 28, 2016
Attadassi or Athedassi the slogger.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 27, 2016
Her face looks feminine and her voice too sounds quite feminine. She says she is married and has a child. Further, is there a need for her to expose her naked body to the cameras to prove she is female.
Ultimately, does it matter what she is, male, female, femalish-male or malish-female. We have various degrees of maleness and femaleness in us, regardless of our genetic sex. If she is capable of doing her job. If not rue the president’s judgement.
Ignorance indeed rules the roost in this country yet!
Dr.Rajsingham Narendran
SJ / March 27, 2016
“Ignorance indeed rules the roost in this country yet!” — Dr RN
I beg your pardon, is it much different elsewhere?
Prejudices are there and find expression at every possible turn.
For humanity, it will be a ceaseless struggle for reason.
Native Vedda / March 27, 2016
“I beg your pardon, is it much different elsewhere?”
Why should we care how other people are similar or different. Would that help us improving the chances of our own enlightenment?
In this country it is an endless quest for self destruction. They are blessed with infinite reasons to self destruct.
SJ / March 27, 2016
My query was not about whether there is a problem here or not, but about whether this land is unique in letting ignorance dominate.
It was not a case against combating prejudice, as my text has made amply clear, and certainly was no excuse of any kind.
It will be good for us, while we fight prejudice, to humbly remember every inch of the way that one is not particularly holier than another in the matter of prejudice.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 27, 2016
Further to my above comment:
Despite our genetic sex, males, in embryological development terms modified terms ‘ Midified Females’. The female model is on which the makes are fashioned and a play of hormones during embryological development that produce the manifestations of our sex in the various degrees I had listed.
Here is the link to the recent findings on the subject:
The biblical story that the first woman was created from the rib of the first man has been apparently stood on its head!
Arnold / March 26, 2016
Corruption may be the qualification for her appointment.
Amarasiri / March 27, 2016
President Maithripala Sirisena,
“One of Sri Lanka’s main Buddhist institutions, the Asgiriya Chapter, has protested regarding the appointment of the newly appointed Governor of the Central Province on the basis of gender.”
“She is the first transgender person to hold such a high profile post in Sri Lanka’s history.”
Congratulations, Mr. President for taking the initiative to Appoint independent of her Sex and Sexual orientation.
The so called “Maha Sangha” should ask Buddha, as to what he would have said.
They were silent when the Alutgama killings and riots were happening.
Time to circumcise all these Maha Sangha. At least will be able to get rid of their “Pol Kudu”, Coconut Refuse.
Hamlet / March 27, 2016
Agreed Amarasiri;
“The so called “Maha Sangha” should ask Buddha, as to what he would have said.
They were silent when the Alutgama killings and riots were happening”
Why are they also Silent on the Gandassara’s and Dhammaloka’s Illegal Activities?
Amarasiri / March 28, 2016
“Why are they also Silent on the Gandassara’s and Dhammaloka’s Illegal Activities?’
Because they follow Mara who opposed Buddha. Sinhala “Buddhism” frequently follow Mara.
Sometimes they also follow MaRa, MARA, MR, the former President of Sri Lanka.
Fathima Fukushima / March 27, 2016
On what basis?
That appointment may be OK by some religions but the government must respect Islamic values as well.
Bad move by the government.
sr / March 27, 2016
we hate to accept your idea, her transgender situation is natural occurrence, not her fault. Islam or any other religion can’t go against it, after all if you’re faithful to Islam why don’t you accept god’s will to make her/him like that. Anybody’s gender has nothing to do with her/his responsibilities.
Amarasiri / March 28, 2016
Fathima Fukushima
“Islam or any other religion can’t go against it, after all if you’re faithful to Islam why don’t you accept god’s will to make her/him like that.”
In Islam and Abrahamic Religions Life is given by God. If so she/her life was given by God, and irrespective of their personal feelings you have to accept it, because that was God’s will.
Of course the reasons are biological, but if believe in religions then you have to accept it. This is part of the evolutionary process.
Do you know that the humans used to have 48 chromosomes and now have 46, and the chromosome #2 was formed by the fusion of 2 chromosomes.
Ken Miller on Human Evolution
Uploaded on Feb 14, 2007
Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.
d / March 27, 2016
Know one cares about islamic values. If your so concerned about “muzlm values”, go to saudi arabia, it will please you.
Zaneera Farook / March 27, 2016
Don’t bring outdated arguments from Islam. If a person is born a transgender, It is Allah’s wish and she has to be respected. Do not discriminate
Kondhe_bandapu_Cheeno / March 28, 2016
You are a f…ing M7uslim impersonator, trying to bring it on and enjoy the Islam bashing through such comments. Your history in CT Forums says a lot about you.
Medalankara de Choppe / March 28, 2016
Why Mahasangha.call them what they are plain and simple sodomites.
Muhammed Fazl / March 26, 2016
Why should her gender be of any interest to anyone else??
Fahamed Mozi / March 26, 2016
[Edited out]
Jane / March 27, 2016
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Douglas / March 26, 2016
The Shit Has Hit The Fan.
shankar / March 26, 2016
or the fan has hit the shit.transgender is so confusing for some.
vishvajith / March 27, 2016
We will let it rest Douglas.
The fact that she was appointed to a high post and the Maha Sangha has protested have brought the issue of sexuality to the front, rather than been kept in the cupboards. This shows quietly we are moving along. Challenging the status quo’s asking ask to view issues differently.
The ancient Upanishads’s have reference to sexuality, men in men, women in women, men in women, women in men and those in the in-between.
Nothing new, until Western rulers made things illegal.
One could say, we in the East were ahead of the curve when it came to sexuality.
Best Regards.
pablo / March 27, 2016
Is it to appease Hillary and Kerry??
– its what the present government is doing all along- dancing to the tune.
shankar / March 26, 2016
you can’t discriminate based on transgender. ask these old monks to go to hell.
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 27, 2016
Shankar : well said. Keep it up.
justice / March 26, 2016
As a matter of interest, there is now surgery available to complete the transformation of a male to a female.
shankar / March 28, 2016
what about female to a male?I like to try that.What inch penis should i have.i know my gender is very fickle about this.Anything less than 3 inches erect is considered a nuisance by them.can a 5 inch be fitted on.Can it go over 5 inches? what about 10 inches like hulk hogan?Will it dangle down like a elephant’s then cos i’am half the size of hogan.
Poof Poof / March 26, 2016
Why is Maha Sanga getting all poofed up? What about when small boy monks get sodomized by the senior ones? It is happening in all monasteries anyway irrespective of religion. So just let this queen of hearts be there men. After all the man the entire nation voted for and trusted to be President has made a decision. Lets respect that decision either good or bad.
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 27, 2016
Poof Poof, well said.These guys are humbugs
shankar / March 28, 2016
poof poof
“Why is Maha Sanga getting all poofed up”
because they are a bunch of poofters.
anotherbuddhist / March 26, 2016
This global ‘celebration ‘ of transgender individuals is mostly of men who have become women. The most notable is Bruce Jenner now Caitlyn Jenner! She even received the Glamour magazine’s Woman of the year 2015 award.
Would this extend to women who have become men? No.
Are we preparing for a world of humanoids and machines? And are the powers that shape opinion and gain profits from such enterprises getting us ready to accepts these forms of life?
Seriously the conservative religions are concerned. The Buddhist have spoken out, while others are cowards!
It is not the discrimination that is the issue now. But balance of power tilting towards gay, lesbian and transgender!
nazhad / March 26, 2016
What the hell is this? Appointing a degenerate, corrupt man/woman/creature to one of the most respected offices of the country?
Is this the fucking US? What next, “gender confirmation” surgery? Open your eyes, you blind fools who are condoning this. Has a child now? Get the hell outta here. So her male organs were replaced by a female reproductive system, and a womb?
I voted for Maithri. But this could cost him, and it should cost him.
Not to mention the attention grabbing stunts of this person.
vishvajith / March 27, 2016
Nazhad, easy now.
Our ancient writings, the Upanishads have reference to sexuality in people. We in the East have been ahead of the curve on this one. We will accept people to who they are. Shall we.
You TC.
Best Regards.
roger / March 27, 2016
They say people who are so critical like your self NAZHAD loves to be involved in a relatiobship of love with transgender.
So i beleive you might be one of them!!!
shameonuct / March 27, 2016
Colombo telegraph, how come you have authorised the f word by nazhad.
Is it because he is using it together with the the US.
Wake up wake up CT and be uniform in your editing or close your site down.
Native Vedda / March 27, 2016
nazhad the bigot
“Is this the fucking US?”
No this is Sri Lanka. Therefore we are different and willing to change on our own accord. If you don’t like the changes, you are welcome to leave this island, go and live in Middle East medieval kingdoms or a certain countries in Africa.
“I voted for Maithri. But this could cost him, and it should cost him.”
Thanks, there will be many votes from other quarters to make him stronger.
“Not to mention the attention grabbing stunts of this person.”
Have you been to Nugegoda and Hyde Park?
ruchira / March 26, 2016
[Edited out]
Funlover / March 26, 2016
[Edited out]
Douglas / March 26, 2016
My comment above viz. “Shit has hit the fan” should not be interpreted as an opinion against the “Gender Factor” of this person appointed as the Governor. I am aware of this “gender” matter; because I have come across many a persons of this category. Recently, a “son” of a very good friend of mine underwent this “Transition” through successful surgery. He, now a “SHE” married to a male, whom “she” met on social media lives happily in USA. I have like him, seen and met many others and has a good understanding of them.
In my “crude” comment, I wanted to show my utter disappointment and condemn the manner in which these people are selected to hold responsible position. Reading through the entire track record of this person, she should not have even seen by the President – the “First Citizen” of the country. Simple as that.
vishvajith / March 27, 2016
Thank you for clarifying Douglas.
Sunil Dahanayake / March 26, 2016
Dear Bootlickers of “Yahapalanaya” Government,
Where are you?
Can you please read the following paragraph;
Niluka Ekanakayake has no qualifications to justify her appointment to such a lucrative government position. Her only qualification is that she is the secret horoscope reader for President Maithripala Sirisena.”
Are we going to Yahapalanaya or Buruwa Palanaya. This act should be real embarrassment to the people who voted for “Yahapalanaya”.
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 27, 2016
Sunil Dahanayake: Interesting, what qualifications did the Dela bandara and the man who sings Divulgane, have other than being a favourite of the Govt.
pra / March 26, 2016
What is the law of the country? it is a transgender prohibitive legal regime. Then most positive and democratic way would be, having an open and constructive discussion of trans gender discrimination or LGBTQI discrimination in the SL society which may lead to changing of so called discriminatory laws and further, legally adopting of LGBTQI or transgender rights to our legal system.
If the People refuses, that is it and it ends there at least for a period of time.
But recognizing the individuals of trans gender format without changing the law is clearly breaking of that law even by the HE. This move never strengthens the minority rights but again and again prove that we are a society never want to change the system but only believe in glorification of individuals.
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 28, 2016
Pra,99% of the safron robed should be prosecuted for practising homosexuality. That is why the safron robed are banned from sleeping with their faces down and posteriors up.
What nonesense are these primitive animals of Asgiriya talking about.
vishvajith / March 27, 2016
My thoughts in this piece is not about the sexuality of the appointee.
Rather, why does Pres Sirisena go to Astrologers. In this era of science and reason, let us all be guided by reason. Not ” Horror-Scopes “.
ramona therese fernando / March 27, 2016
i mean….she would have been such a handsome man….in vain. i mean,…..when you see a person, you only think of persona and character……..but with this, one automatically starts wondering about….corporeal things………isn’t that bad for society?
AJ / March 27, 2016
Welcome to 2016
ramona therese fernando / March 27, 2016
It’s America at work with experimentation.
ANTON JAMES / March 28, 2016
After 5 year legal battle, proposition 8 was overturned in US by the supreme court and same sex marriage is legalized very recently. It took this long to settle the issue within US. Why would somebody experiment when they could not settle the issue in the first place in their own country? equal right is not experiment. You cant blame America for ignorance of third world countries.
ramona therese fernando / March 28, 2016
It’s still long term experimentation. Several generations later, we’d have to see the results.
AJ / March 28, 2016
Long term Nepalese experiment. That’s how ridiculous your baseless allegation sound like.
AJ / March 28, 2016
Who is the control group in the experiment ? Is it double blinded study ? Which statistical analysts will be used to analyse the results ? Results are going to be published in Remosa Journal of stupidity ?
ramona therese fernando / March 28, 2016
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 27, 2016
Ramona,Once you spoke about a Lion sexing a woman, now you are talking about a woman sexing another woman. I am amazed
ramona therese fernando / March 27, 2016
Moi? Never! I clarified that the Lion was actually a human man with blond hair. Aren’t you ashamed of attempting to tell lies?!
No, I’m talking about her accepting and remaining true her natural born physical state, so the rest of us won’t ponder too much on sexual this and that, and concentrate on bearing children, paying our taxes and debts, and looking after the aged.
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 28, 2016
Ramona the discussion was about the Sinhale Singhaya – Lion who is supposed to have seduced a human female and created the Sinhala race.When your misguided statement was exposed then you tried to make the lion a Russian.I have a copy of your comment which I keep to show the fools who believe in Mahawanse lies.
Do you believe that the Sigiriya frescoes were drawn by army personnel or by frustrated safron robed gentry to stimulate their sexuality.
ramona therese fernando / March 28, 2016
Upali Wickramasinghe,
There was a guy- you? – who was speaking about the Lion seducing the human female. It was so disgusting what he said. I replied that the Lion was actually a blond Russian. Yes, please do post the link. I can’t find it.
Sigiriya frescoes are pictures of beauty. Nowadays, the upper part of a woman is considered sexual – Europeans and Arabs covered themselves and anything that was uncovered was sexual for them. But in those days, in hot countries like Sri Lanka, women did not cover their upper halves. so it was not sexual.
AJ / March 28, 2016
I think your theory is correct. Because I read it in Ramona journal of stupidity
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 30, 2016
Ramona, you are again wrong. I have seen drawings similar to Sigiriya at a Church in Bordeaux France.The Church itself was underground, established during the revolution I believe to protect the Priests.What ever the religion, the wants of the Monastic personnel is the same.Old Buddhist temples in India carry such drawing Ajantha is one place where such drawings are found. I am told that Ellore also have such drawings.
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 30, 2016
Ramona, yes it was I who made that comment. Let me repeat the essentials of that comment.It was on the much repeated story that the Sinhala race was the result of a Zoophilia or Bestiality. This is an insult to all of us.
What I said to be clearly understood was that: the lion will not allow the woman to occupy the upper position, the lion himself will occupy that position.Could that woman, the originator of our race have carried the weight of the Lion. The second was that the Lion has a massive penis, could that so called ancestor of ours have accomodated the massive penis of the lion the third was that, if that act actually took place who sutured the woman’s vagina?
I was not attempting to be a pervert by wording the questions in that manner, what I was attempting to show was how absurd these sayings are Which you seem to believe.
In this modern world we should destroy all books with such false stories – Myths.
Daham / March 27, 2016
These same Buddhist monks are terrorizing the innocent people of Kandy by not letting the government to reopen the A-26 road in front of the Dalada Maligawa. They have no concern about the people. Even buddhist monks such as Uduwe Dhammaloka behave like women by using make-up and getting facials done. If the Alan Mathiniyaramaya can have such a transgender person as the head monk why can’t the country have a transgender woman as the governor of central province.
bo / March 27, 2016
Don’t really care about her transgender thing, but my concern is about her qualification, aptitude and capability to hold the post of Governor CP. Either the post of governor is no better than the post of a village astrologer, honest or dishonest, or if not, this astrologer could not foresee what was coming in his way.
kk / March 27, 2016
[Edited out] Please write instead of posting links- CT
moderate / March 27, 2016
I would echo with many on this issue! The gender is not the issue! Whether s/he is corrupt or not is THE issue! If CT has the proof on corruption one should apeal to the court system to resolve it! Forget MY3 or whoever made the appointment. When s/he claims to have a child s/he may be talking about an adopted child. If one talks of lying as Governor then it’s another matter. S/he can easily prove the gender and the maternity by by a simple genetic test! On the other had the sanga cannot complain! If ones rakes issues of homosexuality and child abuse, criminality will bound surface!!!
Lakshman / March 27, 2016
The Gender is the real issue!
Is this person now officially a Man or a woman?
As per medical examination report currently this person is biologically a man. Then if she is pretending a woman, it is a crime.
Sri Lankans have always been treating the transgenders equally unlike in the Americas, where they are simply murdered. However, we cannot allow a man to be in places allocated to womenfolk. Just imagine how the ladies would react when they have to share toilets.
Native Vedda / March 27, 2016
“As per medical examination report currently this person is biologically a man. “
Most of the politicians, bureaucrats, members of the armed forces, judiciary, … are biologically fitted with human private parts and claim to possess a human brain. They behave like animals, most of them are akin to donkeys. Some claim to have been injected with Sinha Le, does that preclude them from participating in public life?
Shamil / March 27, 2016
we had a president called mahinda rajapaksa do not forget that. He was born female and changed later.
Naga / March 27, 2016
Thanks to CT for providing background information on the new CP Governor.
For once I will applaud the President for appointing a transgender person to such a high profile position if he had done so purely to demonstrate non-discrimination in relation to gender.
She perhaps pleaded guilty to the charge of impersonation because there was no legal provision for change of gender. Her plight is understandable.
Sri Lanka should legislate permitting change of gender and same sex marriages.More and more countries are now legalizing sex change and same sex marriage.
In the attached video to this story Niluka certainly sounds like a female. We should accept her story of sex change and leave her alone.
Dilan / March 27, 2016
Most Sri Lankan monks are gay men.
AJ / March 27, 2016
As a psychologist specialising in gender identity, and other behavioural disorders, I could confirm existing literature is consistent that gay men who are in a closest ( not openly gay ) more likely to be homophobic and against other sexually deviant minority groups.
Jude Fernando / March 27, 2016
Proud to be a Sri Lankan.
A Real Buddhist / March 27, 2016
Another example of the skewered values of the so-called ‘guardians of Theravada Buddhism who can’t even keep their own responsibilities in order.
Instead of disciplining their own renegades who are busy desecrating the Buddha’s teachings, they are venturing into areas that is no business of theirs.
Time that true Buddhists take steps to clan them out.
mal / March 27, 2016
Transgender is not her fault. It has happened to her naturally. Please respect her as a woman. But it is important that to appoint qualified people for such important positions.
xlntgson / March 27, 2016
Chaos! Even the third gender will show male dominant or female dominant tendencies therefore binary rule is better, not confusing or it will lead to sheer impersonation. The general norm should be applied without proliferating!
AJ / March 27, 2016
What is between her legs is neither state or temple’s business. What is in her head is more important to hold this important position. If the same comment was made by a Hindu priest or Mannar bishop, the blog will be talking about terrorism, LTTE, caste system, get out of Sri Lanka etc. Double standards.
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 27, 2016
A.J.Well said. Let us give these humbugs a share of our liberal thinking.They do not grumble when they sodomize young priests.
Selvam Adikaram / March 27, 2016
Native Vedda / March 27, 2016
Selvam Adikaram
If you believe in God you also better believe in equality of all creatures that he created.
Nothing should worry you as long as your posterior is safe.
The country is definitely heading towards equality of all men, women and transgender. It shouldn’t bother you if you believe in right of all human beings.
sekara / March 27, 2016
Transgender people are treated with much respect in several parts of India.
According to mythology, Arjuna was transgender during the year in which the Pandavas were obliged to go ‘underground’.
Chinese eunuchs wielded much power in the last Chinese dynasty.
Marriage is a man-made institution. Knowing why a good number of people marry— certainly not for love or as social responsibility —I see no harm in same-sex marriage, unless the purpose of marriage is only yo produce offspring.
If one’s choice does not harm people individually or collectively, we should learn to respect it— or at least tolerate it.
This country has other bigger things to worry about.
ANTON JAMES / March 28, 2016
Same Sex marriage is legalized in South Africa 5 years ago. This is evidence Sri Lanka is still backward in social equality compared to an African country.
chinthaka / March 27, 2016
[Edited out]
gamini / March 27, 2016
Please check whether in fact she gave birth to the child she claims is her’s or whether he is adopted? Apart from the Gender issue she is a Fraud, convicted in Court. Once a bambuwa always a bambuwa.