15 February, 2025


Mahinda Rajapaksa Is Loved And ‘Loved’

By Malinda Seneviratne

Malinda Seneviratne

Malinda Seneviratne

A group of essentially one-man parties have organized a rally. They’ve invited the 5.8 million who voted for Mahinda Rajapaksa in a losing cause on January 8, 2015 to attend. They have asked for a show of force.

Vasudeva Nanayakkara, Dinesh Gunawardena, Wimal Weerawansa and Udaya Gammanpila are all fiery speakers no doubt, but in terms of political endowments such as membership, party machinery and vote-getting ability outside of alignment with a major party, they are impoverished. Today, with all MPs from the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) pledging support to President Maithripala Sirisena and given their long standing antipathy to the United National Party (UNP), they do not have that political big tree so necessary for them to cling on to if they want to remain politically relevant.

They clearly need Mahinda Rajapaksa more than Mahinda Rajapaksa needs them. If one were to assess their chances at a general election contested as a coalition even under the present proportional representation system they would be lucky to get two seats. Even the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), clinging on to Sarath Fonseka could return only 3 members to Parliament (down from the 40 they had in 2004).

Ideally, therefore, as far as they are concerned Mahinda Rajapaksa would lead a coalition and help secure enough votes for them to squeeze in. Those votes would probably come from the SLFP and might end up gifting the bonus seats of relevant districts to the UNP, but it would not help Mahinda’s cause (whatever it may be) at this point. An all-powerful executive president who becomes a mere Member of Parliament (one out of 225) would look dwarfed. Why on earth should Mahinda wish such an eventuality on himself? He, more than anyone else, knows the true weight of an MP. ‘Lightweight’ would be an exaggeration.

Mahinda Pic courtesy Namal's FacebookIf Mahinda wants to be politically relevant he must remain outside the parliamentary equation. Today, having recovered a part of a persona that was so crucial in propelling him into the highest political office, the former president is basking in post-election adoration from those who credit him for putting an end to terrorism. People are going to Medamulana in their hundreds on a daily basis. This is a phenomenon that we did not see when either Chandrika Kumaratunga or Ranil Wickremesinghe left office. It would be naïve to count all these as ‘sure votes’ or as evidence of a massive demand for him to enter parliament. However, should he play a ‘distancing game’ such a demand may grow to a politically relevant magnitude.

He has made the politically astute move of pledging support to the SLFP and insisting that he will not be part of any moves that cause division in the party. In short he will not be a spoiler. He could go further. He could say for instance that if he has done wrong then let there be a proper investigation and that if found guilty be put behind bars. He can then add, ‘by the way, since this is all about the primacy of the law, let the principle of equality be applied and all wrongdoing be investigated and all wrongdoers charged in court’. That would not only make the many wrongdoers currently enjoying high office as well as the favor of the government squirm, it would position him strongly for any future political moves should he be so inclined.

The only way Mahinda Rajapaksa can remain relevant politically is for him to acknowledge and affirm at every turn that a) Maithripala Sirisena is not only the President of the country he is his (Mahinda’s) president as well, and b) Maithripala Sirisena is not only the leader of the SLFP, he is his (Mahinda’s) leader as well. He could add that just as he did what his predecessors could not (defeat the LTTE and end the war), his successor is attempting what he himself could not (constitutional reform), observing that both men are SLFP stalwarts. This would not only help the party but would enhance his stature which (he has to admit) too some severe hits thanks to his own errors.

Those who love Mahinda, then, should encourage him to remain where he is, which is also where he operates best – on the ground and far away from the cameras. Those who pretend to love him but are only concerned about their political futures would of course want to drag him out of that ‘better zone’ and into a campaign that is scripted to belittle the man.

Latest comments

  • 17

    Oohh Malinda Seneviratna, aka M\Shill and Whitewasher of Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa

    RE: Mahinda Rajapaksa Is Loved And ‘Loved’

    Yes. they Loved him, when the People did not know, and now being ‘loved”, and when all the information comes out this love will turn into ‘Not Loved’.

    Not even his former shills and cronies do not want much to do with him.

    Malinda, why are you still a MaRa Shill? Contractual obligations?

    Mahinda Rajapoaksa was misleading the people.

    “Hutta Puke”- Village Vedda Mahhataya, after examining “infertile” Couple.

    “The Earth Moves” Galileo whispers after the Inquisition on him.

    Once upon a time in rural Sri Lanka, a couple married. Many years passed and there were no children. Considerable pressure was brought to the couple, especially by the respective in-laws. Finally they were forced to see the Village Vedda Mahattaya, the Village traditional doctor. He listened to the couple and asked the standard questions, and based on the answers to his queries, figured out the problem. The “message” was not reaching the “right” audience. The Vedda Mahattaya, prescribed lime juice and requested to make a few changes to their routine when trying to make babies.

    When the “patients’ were leaving, the Vedda Mahattaya, muttered to himself, “Hutta Puke”.

    Nine months later, the “patients” had their first baby, and everybody was “happy”

    10 years later, the people of sri Lanka realized the problem with mahinda Rajapakda “Mara Palanaya” of Robbers, Thieves and Criminals.

    • 5

      Malinda Seneviratna, aka M\Shill and Whitewasher of Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa

      RE: Mahinda Rajapaksa Is Loved And ‘Loved’

      Curtains or rebirth for thoththa babaa? Another Mahinda Shill, Tissa.


      My dear Tissa,

      I thought I must write to you, now that you are out on bail and I wouldn’t need to send this letter to Welikada anymore. It must have been a hectic few weeks for you, MP one week, minister the next week and remand prisoner a few weeks later! At least, they didn’t confiscate your passport!

      I heard you say that what happened to you was only an act of political revenge. Yes, there are many people who question this ‘yahapaalanaya’ strategy of letting worse criminals roam free while putting you behind bars when all you did was to display a letter with some ‘forged’ signatures on it.

      Here you are, telling us that you found that letter in a file on your table when you assumed office — and you thought it was genuine! And, why should we disbelieve you have been the general secretary of a political party for ten years and a minister, although for possibly the shortest time on record.

      You went around the country, sharing the platform with Mahinda maama and displaying this document for all to see and calling it a ‘hora givisuma’, though you forgot to tells us that it was no more than just a document lying on your table. It is no wonder that they call you ‘thoththa babaa’!

      Tissa, you are in good company: Prison is a place where many of our leaders have been to. Mahinda maama was there, Di Moo has been there, the General was sent there and even Maithri spent some time there. Ranil hasn’t been there — and maybe that is why he has never had the top job!

      You would have realised when you were behind bars, Tissa, that only a few people visited you. Even though you have been with the Greens for more than twenty five years, there were more Blues visiting you than Greens. Why, even Mahinda maama and Nimal visited you, didn’t they?

      Of course, there may be another reason why more Blues visited you than the Greens. Some of them may have wanted to check out the conditions at Welikada because at least a few more in the Blue camp would have to spend some time there, as more and more corruption charges are investigated.

      Anyway, I don’t think you should be worried about people not visiting you. Now that he has lost the election, only a few people visit Mahinda maama too. And, Maithri would tell you that those Blues who are now falling at his feet never visited him during the days when he defected from the party!

      Of course, Tissa, you did do a lot of good for the Greens. Some will say that you were instrumental in bringing Ranil and Sajith together — and that is true. The only problem was that you didn’t know you were being used by Mahinda maama to ensure that Ranil would be his rival at the elections!

      People tell me that the luck turned for the Greens after their performance at the Uva elections, but I knew that they would win, the moment I heard you had crossed over! Maybe the Blues took you because there is no one else in our country who can explain election defeats better than you do!

      We heard you telling us that you are still in the Green party. I think you need to be a bit more realistic than that, Tissa. I don’t think they really want you back. Maithri will also not allow you to join the Blues either, after everything you have said about him during the campaign.

      In a sense, Tissa, you remind me of Anura, the late Crown Prince. That chap, despite being the son of two Prime Ministers had to spend many years in the opposition. Then, just when his party was about to come into power, he crossed over to the Greens, his sister returned and she became Prime Minister!

      Of course, it must hurt you that after so many years in the opposition and with only a few weeks to go for the election, you crossed over to the losing side. If you hadn’t, you would have been a minister today. If you are looking at someone to blame for that, I guess it would be that Sumanadasa chap!

      But I don’t think you should be too disappointed that Tissa. Being a minister in this ‘yahapaalanaya’ government is not fun: You don’t get the ‘usual’ perks such as foreign trips, commissions and dozens of personal staff. Why, you can’t even have six vehicles and dozens of policemen escorting you!

      Anyway Tissa, I am sure you must be pondering your future these days. Now that a general election is around the corner you must be thinking of contesting, but that would be a real challenge because even at the last elections, you crept in through the National List. Retirement, maybe? Think about it, Tissa.

      Yours truly,
      Punchi Putha
      PS: If you are really in need of a party to contest the elections, Tissa, there is another option. I hear that Wimal sahodaraya, Vasu sahodaraya, Dinesh and ’100-rupee’ Udaya are forming a party and that their slogan would be to ask for a ‘Mahindaagamanaya’, again. And what better person to respond to a ‘Mahindaagamanaya’ than a Tissa, don’t you think?

    • 4

      Still Mahinda is love to go there with those one man parties. He may not attend the 18th meeting. But that doesn’t mean he will not go with them.

  • 15

    In reality The Mahinda may never accept a lipo-suction from a betel chewing halitose mouth.

    • 2

      Mahinda Rajapkahs is loved by Malinda, Mahindapala and Dayan Silva aka Jayathilaka. All others among the voters were cheated as they could not see it beyond. No conspiracy theory or other electric chair the like could place a role to win the last election – meaning growing numbers of the vote eligible community, not many would support him again.

  • 22


    Looks like you’re even more enamoured by Mahinda the hero than the pathetic foursome Vasudeva, Dinesh Gunawardena, Weerawansa and Kochi Gamman Pillay. It’s time to out yourself and seek therapy.

  • 14

    Yeah ofc, loved by those ducks who were eating out of his hands. You were one like that.

  • 11

    Some people love to keep dangerous snakes as pets.

    • 6

      I have one, but I am safe with it, but for womenfolks……. I don’t know.

  • 22


    MR is loved?! AReyou serious? Apparently, not even by his wife any more!

    • 2

      How would you know?

      • 5

        The more relevant question is “How would you not know”!

        You are a Diaspora guy, perhaps? Even then, possibly you are domiciled in timbuktu or some such?

  • 4

    Indeed they love him to death. Bensen

    • 3

      correction…. indeed they want him to die…ASAP better for SL as a whole…

  • 5

    “Mahinda Rajapaksa Is Loved And ‘Loved’”
    There are two batches of SillyLankans in the above sentence vis-à-vis Loved and “Loved”.
    Clearly, Malinda still belongs to the first batch. Such is the power of the free laptop. It makes devoted lapdogs of people like Malinda.

  • 6

    “Those who pretend to love him but are only concerned about their political futures would of course want to drag him out of that ‘better zone’ and into a campaign that is scripted to belittle the man.”

    Who are those- Vasudeva Nanayakkara, Dinesh Gunawardena, Wimal Weerawansa and Udaya Gammanpila-the fiery speakers but no substance?

    The only way Mahinda Rajapaksa can remain relevant politically is for him to acknowledge and affirm at every turn that:

    c, Maithripala Sirisena is not only the leader of the SLFP, obtaining votes from all sections of the society (UNP, SLFP, TNA, SLMC, JHU, JVP, Etc.) he is a true leader of all Sri Lankans, therefore I as a patron of the SLFP should provide support whole heartily to sort out all the issues that have been fasting this small but beautiful Island.

    d, Maithripala Sirisena has a mandate to eradicate corruption which sets the hall mark of my Government. For that I have make an appeal to my men to co-operate with investigation.

    However, although fair play warrants co-operation with investigation, what makes it harder is, I was unable to control it in the first place was Basil, my brother wants to match his income with the top executives who earns in his adopted country in US $$. I thought his was a reasonable and fair ambitions being a dual citizenship holder, but have had reprimanded him whenever he hit the ceiling, most of the times he did, he was a bit naughty. So was Gotta, he involved in setting up a private company with retired Navy men but purchasing high value arms and ammunitions from the allocated money for SL Navy. But when get the money in millions for chasing these bloody Somalian Pirates protecting big container and passenger ships, he declared the collection as a private income; there was no expense for this company all goes to SL Navy. You know the retired Navy men receive their pension and all that, they don’t need all he accumulates an amount he thought reasonable has been shared to the extent match his adopted country’s CEOs income like his brother Basil. You know these men do a yeomen service to the country, they deserved to be getting top $$. It looked like very attractive revenue collecting exercise and I knew the current Secretary of Defense convinced that it really is. I don’t understand all the dealings but you know Gotta is such a patriotic guy, ordering all the while flag men be gun down, I knew he can stand up for any kind of internal investigations. Namal…cars, watches..what you want me to do as a father?. So was these guys Sanjin, Wimal- I can keep on add on, but I can see Wimal is immediate danger as his foul mouth doesn’t help him as long as he think people think including Malinda think it has been spitting fiery tirade. He was a very poor guy literally, so I thought I cannot make old the poor folks to become richer but let leave him to see if he can make himself. He is still languishing in poverty but his wife…yes..she proved she can.

    So all these guys should hand over them rather than using stand over tactics. For me, yes I have some …but let us see if they can prove. If prove I will co-operate with new Government. This is what some times alarming me if I should take this Dinesh invitation so all we the wrong doers fight as one unit so it might practically untenable to put us all in jail- not enough space. I have been weighing all option. This is simple my quandary and this Malinda, I knew having received all the laptops and all will reciprocate kindly until he gets as double as he got from me from new Government, indications are he hasn’t got it now. That is an indication new government is on the ball.

  • 9

    Malinda – Mahinda is probably more hated than “loved” – and for very good reasons too. Don’t you agree?

  • 5

    No need to flatter him and cross-fingers. Rajapaksa is going to come back Big…..Real Big!….. with SLFP!!!

    • 13

      ramona therese fernando

      “No need to flatter him and cross-fingers. Rajapaksa is going to come back Big…..Real Big!….. with SLFP!!!”

      If he didn’t how are you planning to eat your words?

      • 2

        Native Vedda,
        I’d say hello to the IMF loans, and watch in distress while the Marginalized Majority live, and live incarcerated like the American Blacks. As for you, IMF loans don’t tolerate forest -dwelling either – so, you’d have to become veeery productive in modern scale, or else.

        • 4

          umm more like loans from China…at HIGHER interests…would have to be bade Good Bye to after confiscating ALL assets of MR GR,BR,NR SajinVas,Johnston,Wimal,Keheliya,Rohan Abey and their ilk… CHINA here is a country and not CHINA= Come Honey I Need Action…

          • 2

            Nah! All were Lankan-investment accounts, and confiscated at the same rate all other politicos’ assets have been confiscated since independence- Chandrika’s and Ranil’s family-investment assets would be probably worth double the principle and interest on all IMF and Chinese loans by now.

        • 13

          ramona therese fernando

          “I’d say hello to the IMF loans, and watch in distress while the Marginalized Majority live, and live incarcerated like the American Blacks.”

          Well, well well

          Please bear with me as I am not familiar with what IMF, World Bank, International Finance Corporation, African Development Bank and Asian Development bank do or do not do. I have never heard of them until you mentioned it.

          In order to learn clan’s Kleptocracy under MR’s leadership please read the article below. It gives some idea of how this island was financially mismanaged by his extended family where the country was just before 8th January 2015.

          Here is the complete article:

          Sri Lanka Looks to IMF for Help as Debt Burden Climbs

          (Bloomberg) — Sri Lanka’s two-week-old government plans to start discussions with the International Monetary Fund on reducing a debt burden that grew under the previous administration, Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake said.

          Karunanayake, who will meet IMF officials today, said in an interview late yesterday that President Maithripala Sirisena wanted to reduce interest costs on the island nation’s 7.2 trillion rupees ($55 billion) in total debt. He ended Mahinda Rajapaksa’s 10-year rule in a Jan. 8 election.

          “We are initiating discussions on a new program,” Karunanayake, 51, said in his Colombo office yesterday. He declined to give further details, only saying that “we will not be dictated to by any of these multilateral agencies.”

          Sirisena is seeking to clean up Sri Lanka’s finances and review the nation’s growing ties with China, which has provided funding for large infrastructure projects. He plans to maintain fiscal discipline and eliminate corruption while taxing the “super rich” to benefit the poor, Karunanayake said.

          About 40 percent of government revenues go to repaying interest on borrowings, one of the highest among countries rated by Moody’s Investors Service. Sri Lanka’s debt burden of 78 percent of gross domestic product also remains higher than similarly rated peers such as Vietnam and Kenya, in which the median is 41 percent of GDP, the company said this month.

          Sirisena is reviewing all investment projects to ensure that they are done at a cheaper cost, Karunanayake said. That includes several China-backed projects, he said, adding that Sirisena and others have been in touch with Chinese President Xi Jinping over the investments.

          China Review

          China became Sri Lanka’s largest investor, top government lender and second-biggest trading partner under Rajapaksa. Projects include a proposed $1.4 billion complex the size of Monaco on reclaimed land in Colombo port.

          “What we are telling the Chinese is nobody is prevented from doing projects here,” Karunanayake said. “But basically we cannot be told to endorse projects where costs are inflated.”

          Sri Lanka is seeking to expand trade ties with the European Union, Karunanayake said. The bloc denied the island nation preferential trade access in 2010 due to human rights abuses during a 26-year civil war..

          The EU’s proportion of Sri Lanka’s total trade fell to 14 percent in 2013 from 23 percent a decade earlier, while China’s grew to 12 percent from 3 percent in that time, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

          ‘Real Situation’

          Sri Lanka last turned to the IMF after the civil war ended in 2009 to bolster its international reserves. It received the final tranche of a $2.6 billion IMF loan in 2012.

          The IMF projected that Sri Lanka’s $67 billion economy would grow 6.5 percent in 2015, compared with 7 percent the previous year. It had averaged more than 7 percent growth since 2009, one of the fastest rates in South Asia.

          Karunanayake, a former Sri Lankan commerce minister, said the finance ministry was also “collating the real situation” on Sri Lanka’s gross domestic product and debt. He had previously served in the cabinet in 2001 under a government led by the United National Party, the largest in Sirisena’s disparate coalition.
          Karunanayake is scheduled on Jan. 29 to announce an interim budget that’s in line with Sirisena’s campaign pledges. The president is expected to dissolve the current parliament in April and call for general elections.

          Budget Deficit
          Sirisena’s backers, including free-market capitalists, hard-line Buddhist parties and the island’s main Tamil and Muslim groupings, may prompt changes in fiscal and economic policies that could erode Sri Lanka’s credit standing, Standard & Poor’s said after the vote.

          “The overall budget deficit will not be increased,” Karunanayake said. “We will not burden the people. We are reducing costs, eradicating corruption.”

          He said the government hasn’t decided yet on whether to privatize more companies, a policy endorsed by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe during two previous stints in the role.

          “We will have a transparent environment for foreign investors,” Karunanayake said. “We will maintain macro-economic fundamentals conducive for investors.”

          To contact the reporters on this story: Asantha Sirimanne in Colombo at asirimanne@bloomberg.net; Anusha Ondaatjie in Colombo at anushao@bloomberg.net
          To contact the editors responsible for this story: Daniel Ten Kate at dtenkate@bloomberg.net Jeanette Rodrigues


          ramona therese fernando

          Don’t you see yourself living in a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto for marginal majority of their chosing in few years time while the rest of the world will have moved on?

          Being a champagne socialist you suffer from a false consciousness.

          Please stop being silly.

          • 1

            Native Vedda,
            Sigh…sigh………”Debt Burden” was actually : Chinese Investments in Lanka with the former Gosl’s Port-City Project in mind………you know: that Special Project that would have eliminated all interference from the West that thrives on electoral voting system to sustain their monetary systems (Tamil Diasporic votes included).

            So, this means that the adjustment of 0.5% for Lanka’s growth in 2015 was about investing in the Chinese potentiality of that “String-of-Pearls,” so from 2016 and onwards, Lanka would have been on par with 2nd to 1st World Nations (ME- cases reduced to a point percentage), and been able to also appease the West in their mad scramble to regulate their $$-reserves. Hey, don’t ever think the IMF doles out money as charity- theirs is a precarious balancing act for the US$$.

            So! Instead of the Port Deal to balance out that wonderful infrastructure built by Rajapaksas that connected up the Island for greater Prosperity-Potential, Ranil-Gosl will eliminate the Port-City Project, and instead get a whole new set of IMF micro-loans that will be on the onus of the small-business person to cut up the land into small-scale corporate offices, till and toil none-endingly to pay back the long drawn out interest and eventually, the principle on the loans (Native Veddas included would have had to feed steroids to their bees to produce the ever increase need for honey on the Global-Marketplace). And we ALL know what happened to the Disadvantaged and Marginalized Majority when UNP tried to implement the same schemes in the 70’s and 80’s.

            Port City Project, on the other hand, meant that the natural land would have been preserved, and those who worked in the ME would have retired early in their farms, green fields, together with the preservation of the Unique Heritage – those who wanted to work some more, would have gone to the Port City Project to involve in the Chinese String-Of-Pearls (which would have balanced out the US $$$ far better in the long run).

            Nonsense, I’m not a champagne socialist.

            • 12

              ~゜・_・゜~Nonsense, I’m not a champagne socialist~゜・_・゜~ 

              <")))))-< karola,phew!!Raspberry Tart.

              Senile felines, Soul in Denial..තරච්ඡයා."Saffron-Coloured One",

              Std. Hermaphrodite,HYENA, තරච්ඡයා Crocuta..freak of nature.

              You steal and murder Sihala speaking Tamils &
              Tamil speaking Tamil people.

              Just like Hitler for a limited truth till – absurdity.

              Brute your B.O. (@_@)


    • 7

      well, well..flattery is what got him his BIG ego and ultimately his downfall… Whatever that goes UP, has to come down… he came down with a THUD. !!making a sink hole and never to come back…

      • 1

        Not so bad…..not so bad.

    • 12

      ramona therese fernando , R.T.F.

      “”Rajapaksa is going to come back Big…..Real Big!….. with SLFP!!!””

      Turtle’s Head `Shit Intubated` and In The Sound_Box.”KEEPERS”
      like kippers.

      R.T.F.: Rat-a-Tat-Fart, Dora Arala Balanava, (Looking-“\=o-o=/”)

      Sadahatama Oba Percy Gay Mage (*^o^*) (smelly for always fishy.)

      Aren’t you as constipated as Percy No Mercy,
      “Coalition of the Radical Left”,- Uduran Kanna Pakshaya??

      Buttare Biscuit_Boofer try sitting on a Box of Razor Blades,
      Let’s see that Moronic on cardboard across lamppost.
      Sando Bando Gass Gembo – Hum_bug_Tota.

  • 14


    Your days are over. Take a rest.

    Hopefully we will not see Mahinda again. Unfortunately Namal may be around and hopefully remains a back bencher for ever.

    Rajapakses have plundered so much wealth and a tiny example is Gamini Senarath. He was chairman of around 20 state owned companies including People’s Bank and SLIC and LITRO Gas and People’s Leasing PLC and new Hyatt Hotel etc etc. With what qualifications?

    All of us and the rest of the 5.7 million voters who were brain washed by the state media should get their brains examined if they want to vote for Mahinlda or any of his goons again.


  • 9

    Now, why is it that you people still talking about president Rajapaksa?? Isnt Sirisena the president now?? Why don’t you talk about how much people love sirisena???

  • 1

    What is your advise please for those who love themselves a lot ?

    • 2

      I loved this country and people throughout. I have a Successful record of service as an Engineer for 27 years with good reputation. I was always honest and have gunuine concern towards my duty. i gave resignation from employment last April. I have 7 years left for service and I am a widow with 15 year old son. I could not tolerate injustice done to me all around, Today all my communication interrupted, All people except one or two in the country left me alone, I cannot get a service reliably unlike others, Even my official letters are not answered, People are not angry I am a popular person. even my son is being harassed, My sitution never improved, Icommented on issues regarding the country openly in private than others. People consider me as mad, bad and wicked though I am not at all. I tried my best effort get things recovered but people never responded, I am really hurt.I am always dedicated to people. I know I am harassed by big people without reason. Attitudes of people have chaged badly recently.This is a country which do not want good people, I am not prepared to support activities detrimental to society whatever advantage I get,I feel I am pressuried to get what others want to do very unduely.I have no one for help.

    • 9

      “” for those who love themselves a lot””

      Let it be your privacy- the virtue of selfishness.

      Don’t step on the public with – altruism.

  • 8

    As all of us know Malinda is still trying to whitewashing Mahinda.

    The guys like Wimal,Udaya, Vasudeva,Dinesh etc do not have branch to hang on. They are all big talkers with very few votes by themselves. Now that picture is becoming clear SLFP would not give nomination to these guys they are desperate.

    In the meantime MR’s past deals at least some of them may be brought to legal action when all proofs are collected and presented. These will expose MR very badly in the eyes of the public, some of whom had great trust and confidence in him and are going to have great disappointment. Further, MR does not have the luxury of TV channels to keep promoting him as was done until the 8th January fooling the people.
    Therefore bankrupt Malinda’s statement that people love MR would diminish and fade away.

  • 5

    Trying to get Malinda to try and Contest General elections hoping for PM is only a Hope or plan by desperate wimal, Vasu, Dinesh,gamanpila etc who know as per new System their even remaining in parlliment is if MR Even tried to Contest.
    There is nö more 5.8 lovers or Should we Say People who made a mistake any more may be at Most some only, Look at the Good it has done to this Island just a month After the MR gang was dusplaced.

  • 3

    Hi Malinda

    Wouldn’t you see that this bandit is history. Like Bandit Queen who almost gave PTOM and Ranil who signed the PEACE DEAL and almost gave Eelam who, now with a great difficulty has added the word Unitary to his false armory, you are loosing the true admirers of your principles and uniqueness with that name MR. Bury him once and for all. If not there will be those Queens, Eelamists and Conquistadors looking for a foothold in this land which by an accident saw the light of minuscule freedom to build upon. Succinctly put, he should be stripped of the so called bogus war winning Prez motto and sent him with his stooges to The Hague. Your move justifies the reappearance of those dead vampires, Paskaralings et al.

  • 2

    Malinda, everybody knows you are a lover of MR and his regiment. So is Political Scientist Dr DJ.

    But advising MR to be on the ground and stay away from the cameras and asking MR to Accept MS as the President of SL and Chairman of SLFP, has a hidden agenda. That hidden agenda is for MR clans or dynasty to manipulate their way back into power. Malinda you are implying that Sumanadasa Abeygunawardne has fallen but not out yet. Resurrection of MR this way could happen.

    Malinda, If you are a patriot you should advise MR to retire from active politics and serve the country through other avenues like philanthropy work in the South, Rajarata, Wanni , Ampara and Colombo.
    Another way you can suggest to MR is to breakaway from SLFP , found a new party and groom young politicians under MR leadership and DJ’ s preachings on Political Science. That way MR can give the power to the people, in a way similar to what SWRD did by breaking away from the UNP in 1953.

  • 3

    “Mahinda Rajapesky is loved and ilavu’d (corpsed)”.

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    Malinda loves Mahinda.

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    5.7 Million inhabitants voted against Ranil and his hired CC.

    This great majority were betrayed by the naive 600,000 odd followers of the Jathika Hela Urumaya which is lead by the the self claimed Upasaka Champika whose only mission is to eliminate Sinhala Buddhists who have taken any bribes.

    He has done exceptionally well so far, with two Sinhalese being replaced from the Central Bank and the Supreme Court.

    Ranil has gone even that extra distance to please Champika by recruiting one Paskaralingam to rum the PM’s Office.

    Obviously there are no Sinhala Buddhists who can pass the JHU due diligence test.

    And he was aided by the Venerable Bikkus Rathna and Sobitha who even themselves to be more patriotic than the Late Ven Rahula.

    Now PresRdent Sirisean and the SLFP MPs are in a desperate struggle to gather the 5,7 Million patriotic voters to keep their current privileged position at the coming Election.

    Sira is safe for another 6 Years .

    And he has written in the manifesto that 6 years are enough,

    At the current rate of diversifying the Wealth creation for the Siblings and Off Springs, 6 years will be ample time to lift the whole clan to Elite level at least in Dosh.

    Chandrika is more interested in getting the big Gig for the Son, going forward.

    Ranil and the Christian Faction on the other hand are dead set determined to finish off the SLFP..

    With the Free Kick awarded by the JHU, they want to ensure the Elite and Anglican rule for decades to come.

    That is after rewarding the erstwhile partner the Vellala TNA , the Homeland which they couldn’t get even from the father of the UNP.

    These are the issues which our 5.7 Million patriotic supporters of the ex President are faced , going in to the next Election.

    But UNP will not want them to know any of these issues for obvious reasons.

    SLFP may explain the issues with a bit of spin to portray them as the saviours.

    But winning enough seats to get the PM ship is their main game..

    UNP will be going out all the way to prevent it.

    Either way Sira is not going to lose although he may be disabled a bit.

    But then Sira e has promised Ranil all the Presidential Powers,

    Who ever gets the prize, there wouldn’t be much good for the lives of Dalits who make up the great majority. among the 5.7 Million,

    But a SLFP Government will stop the dismantling of Srilanka.

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      K.A Sumanasekera

      “He has done exceptionally well so far, with two Sinhalese being replaced from the Central Bank and the Supreme Court.”

      Let me get this clear.

      Are you confirming that you are not only racist but stupid as well? I am sure you are both built into one. Stupid is what stupid does. However a stupid is not necessarily a racist but a racist is definitely a stupid.

      Are those key offices the preserve of the Sinhala/Buddhists? If so can you cite the article and provision in the constitution which grant such privileges to stupid Sinhala/Buddhists.

      Even the Mahawansa your bible does not dictate Governor of Central Bank and Chief justice of Supreme Court should be appointed from Sinhala/Buddhists stupid community.

      The Sinhala/Buddhist have recourse to justice, set up kangaroo court, appoint Mohan Peris/Mervyn Silva on the bench and file a case against the government for discrimination on the basis of greater stupidity.

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        Dear Native,

        Didn’t your mates whom you think are the smarter ones ,elect Sand Sira’s brother?.

        May be they thought Sira was a Anglican Vellla or a Vellala Anglican ….

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          K.A Sumanasekera

          An old codger tells me that according to JVPnews Mrs Jayanthi Sirisena is a Jaffna Tamil.

          Is she from a Vellala Anglican Elite too?

          If true Maithiri must have sold his soul and Sinhala/Buddhist pride to a Tamil woman. Its like Vasu’s son selling his soul and socialist revolutionary ideals to Wiggie’s Jaffna Vellala Anglican Elites.

          What is going on here in this island?

          Aren’t you going to stop this madness? Like old days there must be a deeper political conspiracy behind all these madness.

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    This meeting on 18th Feb, is a good move. The conveners themselves will get a good opportunity to make an “Assessment” of themselves. But I doubt that happening, because these “Politicians” are a different breed of animals who cannot at all make an assessment of themselves and how the general public assess them. Most of these “self proclaimed” political leaders have, over the past history, thought that people of this country are a set of “pawns” on a chess board. NOT THAT ANY MORE. If they refuse to admit that reality, definitely the “YOUNG GENERATION” that “NEW BREED OF A POLITICAL FORCE” will teach them that lesson. So, Weerawansa, Vasu, Dinesh, Udaya and others involved in this “PLOT” to HANG ON to Ex President and secure a Parliamentary seat; resolve now itself to work out a different strategy if your sole idea is to get into the Legislature.

    The Ex President Mr. Mahinda Rajpakse has too many things to sort out in the coming months and perhaps years. He knows very well, the LOAD he carried home after leaving Temple Trees in those containers is “MUCH,MUCH MORE HEAVIER” than anyone could appraise him. The “hundreds” or “thousands” who reportedly visit him on a daily basis and cry at his feet cannot “RELIEVE” him of that HUGE BURDEN. So what these politicians who want to hold meetings with him and really love him, must do is to GET READY to prepare the DEFENSE on those “ACCOUNTABILITY” issues that would be thrown at him in the very near future.

    They also must bear in mind and realize that the PRESENT DAY POLITICAL FORCE – that YOUNG GENERATION of this country will never ever in anyway be ready to grant any sort of PARDON, on those RESPONSIBILITY ISSUES thrown at him, however much an attempt is made to “Sell” them “War Winnings”; “Development” ; “Concocted Imperial Involvements”; ” Existence of a Cry for Separation of the Country” etc. It is no time for “FEASTING”.

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    Bloody HILAUW !

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    Malinda Seneviratne, what has happened to you. You never used to be this devoted to Mahinda Rajapakse that you have become the proverbial deaf and blind in Paul Simon’s song “None so blind as those not wanting to see and none so deaf as those not wanting to hear.” Don’t worry, he cannot take those Laptops back. I am surprised at the gibberish coming from a highly educated, worldy wise, person like you that I once admired for his writing and poetry.

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    I am not a MR supporter but making the hypocritical usual CT readership read this is a joy.

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    Malinda Seneviratne,

    You note that, “People are going to Medamulana in their hundreds on a daily basis. This is a phenomenon that we did not see when either Chandrika Kumaratunge or Ranil Wickremasinghe left office”. So, what’s the big deal? Surely, you cannot fail to see the difference in the circumstances. Or is it that you are too blinkered to see the bleeding obvious?

    In case it has escaped your attention, many people look to MR as THE man who won the war, and that is what makes the difference, that is what accounts for his popularity. Many of those who hold him in such awe perhaps don’t pause to think that MR did not end the war, on his own. The credit for defeating the Tigers does not belong to MR alone – it is his good fortune that it was under his watch that the Tigers were defeated but the credit has to be shared. MR has got a disproportionate credit for ending the war, perhaps, his brother Gothabaya deserves the same degree of credit, if not more.

    You are right, though, that those who want him to head a coalition to fight the present administration, have their own interests more at heart. But regardless of that, I am of the firm view that MR should NOT accept their invitation, and that, in fact, he should stay away from active politics altogether. I’d like to see the same from CBK.
    The Presidency is the highest office to which the country can elect someone. Those who occupy that position should be conscious of that and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the dignity that should go with the highest office in the land. Sadly, MR, in common with others before him, did not conduct himself accordingly. They devalued the office of President by their conduct. And, once out of office, ex Presidents should withdraw from active political life.
    Besides, for an ex President to re-enter parliament as an MP or even as the PM is surely devaluing the office of President even further.

    MR was thwarted in his plans to secure a third term as President when he was beaten at the polls but he was beaten fair and square. He should at least now show enough good sense to retire gracefully from the political scene.

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    Mahinda, do not be fooled because crowds come to see you every day. You have become a curiosity just like dinosaurs are. That is why most of them come. Even I would drop in at Carlton to see you on our next trip to Kataragama. But if you think that anyone in our family, all of whom voted against you, want you to dabble in the politics in this country again, you had better think again.

    You brought disrepute to our motherland by behaving like a thug and allowed other cowns of your team to do the same. When the Western countries used the same tactics against you, you were crying foul, forgetting that your behavior towards your own countrymen was no better than that. In other words, you were reaping what you sowed. Unfortunately, it was not you who suffered as a result – it was the downtrodden masses of this country.

    Yes, you are right. 5.8 million voted for you. And each of those vote cost us (not you) Rs 43,000 in bribes, ads and what not. Surely, that cannot be counted as a fair defeat, let alone a victory of sort. Even I may be able to garner a few lakhs of votes, if I had such resources paid by others. It was a super bargain sale. Not an election.
    We shall come because we like to you as a person but not as a politician. The game is over and you lost. Accept defeat and leave the field. Let the new players play.

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