President Maithripala Sirisena continued to follow the footsteps of his predecessor, Mahinda Rajapaksa, issuing a warning to the Joint Opposition Parliamentarians declaring that he will reveal all their ‘secrets’ if they went ahead and created a new party.
Addressing an event held in Matara on Friday to commemorate the first anniversary of the UNP-SLFP Government, Sirisena said that some people are dreaming of forming a new government. “I am telling them, if they even try to form a new party, I will reveal all their secrets and create a situation where they will have nowhere but to roam only on the streets,” Sirisena declared.
He also said that no one can topple this government and it will continue for the full five year term.
Sirisena said that the people who destroyed the country, who introduced the white van culture, and robbed the country, will never be allowed to return to form a new government.
He also said that his government will never be influenced by any foreign power and both Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and he will save the country from the present economic crisis.
In the run up to the Presidential Election in November 2014, Rajapaksa who was President at that time said that he had ‘files’ on all those who broke allegiance with him to support Sirisena who was the Presidential Candidate. “I have details about them all and also ‘files’ containing certain information about them. But I will not use them because I am not that type of a person – I do not seek revenge,” Rajapaksa said then.
KA Sumanasekera / August 20, 2016
He seems a bit agitated.. Isn’t he ?
When I just read the script only . I thought Bodhi Sira will be all cool , calm and collected as usual.
Because he was seeking solace in the caring bosom of Batanlada Ranil which is totally free of corruption , dope imports ,nepotism, mates dodgy bonds,customs dealings, and car permits.
Wonder what happened.
This is a totally different Sira on the screen.
Yahapalana UNP Cop catches opposition dudes even if Mervyn lodges a complaint.
How come Bodhi Sira publicly claims that he has the Dirt Files of all the JO dudes, and can force them to the streets, but Poojithya is not interested in interviewing him….
Antany Peter / August 20, 2016
“I have your file” I heard this in 2015. I wonder what happened to Good Governance? True colors are coming out….
len / August 21, 2016
Hi Antany “I have your file” this was your line was it not when you threaten every one who question you. Now they stole it funny.
Antany Peter / August 22, 2016
As I said earlier, your personal attack has no bounds in South Asian media. This shows why this region can’t get more gold medals in Olympics than most of the countries, even though South Asia has almost two billion people. Because, you spend more time to destroy others by gossiping and lying; instead of building yourself and others. No wonder why you have been fighting since the independence.
Native Vedda / August 20, 2016
KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera
“I thought Bodhi Sira will be all cool , calm and collected as usual.”
Didn’t you see an iron fist in a velvet glove before?
Analyst / August 21, 2016
@ Native Vedda
Have you changed colours lately??
Just wondering!!!
Native Vedda / August 22, 2016
“Have you changed colours lately??”
I just wanted to hear from KASmaalam in his own words if he had seen
such an iron fist in close quarters.
Dan Fernando / August 21, 2016
Whatever you MR applogists utter even today – President is right by his rhetorics… all these idiots have abused the nation as nothing could help… President and all others in power will have to reveal all these soon, if people to change their views on the Palhoru
bandito / August 21, 2016
fidooo pol geddi,
“President is right by his rhetorics…”
mirror mirror, his is monkey bummer of Obumer.
no investigation of persons involved in the financial scandal of 2008 USA.
made wall street protesters disappear.
prosecutes whistleblowers.
his thuggery is where the russians have no hold.
A loser of Libyan and Syrian wars.
Gamarala is a MAHADENAMUTTA who must run when Trump wins into the foxes hole at the Anuradhapura maha bodhi.
jim softy / August 20, 2016
Sri Lankan President should have exposed their files first. Then taking that as the excuse, should have fired them all.
Then, if UNP gives membership to them, UNP becomes a party which uses second hand, SLFP – discards.
Analyst / August 20, 2016
Well said President.
Of course you have some Balls to expose these crooks. That’s why we elected you ! Not to be Fudging around.
I would say All the crooks , thieves , murderers , and the white van man ALL OUT! OUT! OUT!
They have no business to be there. They are no good for the progress of our country or for our future generations,
They’re only interested in plundering from the state coffers , bribing and all kinds of illicit means.
THERE ARE THIEVING SHARKS STILL HIDING!! Please expose ,and expose and syphon all the stolen wealth from these THIEVES.
President I know that slow and steady wins the race,
Sack the immoral politicians who sell the vehicle permits. Start from them. End with the mighty sharks.
All the inbred , crossbred, intertwined , by marriage or otherwise in the name of Buddhism have become a nation full of thieves and murderers.
They have no place politically or otherwise.
Mallaiyuran / August 20, 2016
So there is a new world going to dawn in Wildlife Sanctuary SinhaLE Lankawe?
So when New King reveal the secrets that everybody knows, but not the New Royal’s white vankaraya, the F word CID, then the F word CID is going to investigate and the Old Royals and put them in prison? New Royals are stealing from Old Royals and Old Royals are stealing from the New Royals & then they both get together and loot the Tamils.
This guy has given an election promise that “No Leader, No Commander No soldier will be investigated.” He can not release any secret that would not end in booking that promise at the end. Old Royals know what this guy can do and they would not dare a damn about this hollow threat.
Quiz Master / August 20, 2016
If there are such damning secrets, that are in all probability, criminal acts, why is Maithri concealing them?
Isn’t this illegal??
Or is this ‘par for the course’ with our Presidents???
sarrij / August 20, 2016
This president is all talk and no action and very “little”brains.
I wonder what really propelled him to contest MR in the last election and then win.
Is it sheer “balls” or some other influence ????
AVB / August 20, 2016
Sirisena who was a minister and SLFP party secretory of the last Gov complained about last Gov misconducts and says he was not part of it. What a lier?? This sort of people only couod thrive and be proporous only in a country like ours.. and because of fools like us and our foolish brothers and sisters..
Paddy / August 20, 2016
We, the public, are getting sick upto our eyeballs with all these allegations. In other words what the President is saying is that he’s blackmailing the JO to tow the line. So what’s the difference between MR and MS?
Mano / August 20, 2016
Dear My Lord, You; the present President of Sri Lanka ‘looks so great with a charming and humble face.and friendly face that is clean shaved and in this he looks His eyes are not red all the time, because he is always sober all the time unlike the previous demon. This Gentleman will allow those criminals to create a new party for their convenience.
len / August 20, 2016
Very big and noble of him to admit he is been sitting on secrets is he now he is admitting he is corrupt and been a enabler all this time by hiding secrets.News for MS majority know he is just as corrupt as his former boss MR and every day he is sounding like him and implementing MR’s play book.To quote from a popular TV flick “You learn well Grasshopper”.
Patriot / August 20, 2016
The only other leader who was in a similar predicament was Premadasa when he booted Lalith and Gamini from the UNP. The difference their though Premadasa won essentially with 100% UNP votes. In contrast Sirisena won on 100% anti SLFP and UPFA votes and later made himself the SLFP Chairman. His belligerence in the speech is the indication that he knows the level of rejection prevalent in the SLFP against his leadership of the party. Sadly what was supposed to be a rally the spell out the Ediri Dekma turned out to be a squib with Siresena ranting and raving against his predecessor. Well that pretty much sums up how his rest of the tenure will be spent anyway. Sad but true he is a truly lost cause. The guy should understand the basics of democracy (it is the people who decide the leaders fate not vice versa).
Native Vedda / August 21, 2016
Patriot the pathetic
“The difference their though Premadasa won essentially with 100% UNP votes.”
The UNP MP’s knew whom to support if indeed they wanted to survive Premadasa. M. H. Mohamed the then speaker was persuaded to change his mind on a crucial decision when three unidentified cars rammed his official vehicle. He admitted himself to a hospital, though he was not harmed.
By the way, LTTE which controlled about 13 MPs was ready to lend support to him.
New Vanguard / August 20, 2016
Dear Mr. President
If there are frauds the public needs to know now, not later.
Please do not used frauds for political blackmail. This is not Good Governance.
If you are going to rule for 5 more years there is no need to worry.
If your government is getting unpopular you can hold elections 2 years early.
Wishing you a bright future.
Mano / August 20, 2016
What hope do we Sri Lankans have when our elected officials all turn out to dictate terms by threats and intimidation? This must be a sickness among our politicians, and we can have no confidence at this rate that our government can get things right – all regimes turn out to be the same, and resort to the same tactics.
Dinesh / August 20, 2016
Why will he bring these secrets out only if a new party is formed? What is stopping him from bringing it out now? If he is an honest leader he needs to come out with these facts immediately.
AshyD / August 20, 2016
An old story book in a brand new paperback?
Jayasingha / August 20, 2016
Looks like MS is desperate now as he and his govt has nothing to show by way of plans or let alone results in development for the last 20 mths. He has also messed up his party the UPFA/SLFP. Senior and popular party cadres are dissatisfied with the decision to join the UNP in the govt: SLFP’ers in govt have sacrificed party policies for continuing in the govt enjoying additional perks. The above speech was a hysterical one by a person who realizes that things have gone out of his control.This is not a good image of mature leader. Ranl is laughing from his rear side at the antics of MS handling/mishandling the UPFA/SLFP crisis which is definitely going to benefit him..
The Laughing Lebbe / August 20, 2016
Ha, ha, ha, ha
This is too hysterical for words !!
MR is fast emerging as the ‘model’ for MS in his role as President.
Is MS acknowledging that MR’s style was also a ‘Yahapalanaya’ of sorts ?
Oh dear !
MS has clearly pushed the JO to a corner. If the JO forms a separate party, all their ‘secrets’ will be revealed. On the other hand, if the JO do not form a separate party, will it then mean that there really are ‘dirty secrets’ that they wish to keep hidden from the voting public ?
If the JO does not have ‘dirty secrets’ of an unusual nature, what will MS do if they go ahead and form a separate party ? Will he actually carry out his threat ? Will it be a ‘pus vedilla’ ? Will MR retaliate by finally opening all the files he has on the supporters of MS and maybe on MS himself ?
Entertaining days ahead, folks.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaaa !!!
KA Sumanasekera / August 21, 2016
This is real & serious stuff, Lebbe,,,You should call yourself the Analyst..
Marrikar / August 21, 2016
monkey do Goo goo. (USA main export partner and emergency money)
MR2 is doing exactly what Obama is doing- not prosecuting the swindlers but prosecuting whistle blowers. CBK is hoping for Hillary win as much as governing UNP/SLFP – the known devil cheat will permit Yakoo dance and turn a blind eye. She is Wall Street and name is war and loser like obama.
They do not want Trump and if he wins you won’t laugh because Gotabaya will rule. it’s better to have quick relief or prolong it to swindle the bond market.
sr / August 20, 2016
Yours excellency should know that blackmailing is a crime.
If you know secrets of past regime (you’d also been a member) expose them without delay.
People don’t want you to make them trump cards.
Good Governance seems to be in jeopardy because of you.
len / August 21, 2016
“Yours excellency should know that blackmailing is a crime”
No honor among thieves.
Is RW on vacation, hiding or is he to busy lining up jobs for his brmoance pal Arajuna Mahendran.
Non PhD / August 20, 2016
President is becoming more wiser.He wants to treat mother Lanka sick for over 50 years with traditional medicines ( like Chinese, Ayurvedic ) first before going for Surgery based on Western Medicine.
Promising prognosis by the common people’s President MS.
Mother Lanka will defintely recover under MS – RW care.
Giabao / August 20, 2016
he seems desperate………. and pathetic.
This is clear blackmailing and i wonder any president in the world has ever done any blackmailing against political rights.
Spring Koha / August 20, 2016
El Presidente promises a squeaky clean government BUT it does not tie up with reality. First of all the Kudu King of Fishtown (no relation of singing sensation Mario Lanza) is given ministerial rights and favours in the broad acres north of the Kelani Ganga. Now we have MS bestowing seigneurial status and rights to the Clown Prince of Mahathota, the toy-gun-toting gangster Eraj Ravindra Fernando.
So what is MS up to? Has he NOT seen the files for the above, and the many others now flourishing in his government?
Native Vedda / August 20, 2016
Spring Koha
“Has he NOT seen the files for the above, and the many others now flourishing in his government?”
Or have all those files gone walkies?
Ansar / August 20, 2016
No Mr.President, we did not expect this from you. We expected sincerity and honesty from you. Not to withhold files and secrets like your predecessor.
Just because you are threatened now, you decide to expose and holding us ransom for your survival.
Does it include Thajudeen’s murder secrets also. No President it really stinks, expose all, regardless of they forming a new party or walking down the streets.
We voted you for truth and justice and you do not have the luxury of playing politics with that solemn pledge, you gave us.
Sunil / August 20, 2016
It is starting to look like this government is protecting the criminals and trying to find a way to let them get away Scot-free!
Mr. President Maithripala Sirisena when you make such threats to these criminals you are also telling the Nation and World that you are holding back information that can be used to put these criminals away! Instead of using this evidence to blackmail these criminals use it to put them away like you promised the people of this Nation!
This doctrine of “Shape (Sri Lankan term for cover up)” practiced in this country is going to end up leading to International Intervention sooner rather than later!
SLFP Supporter / August 20, 2016
If you want to be the PM darling come the proper way.
Silva / August 20, 2016
It is RW’s voice, mouth My3’s!
Raj / August 20, 2016
The President of SL’s blackmail threat.
He is so dumb that he doesn’t realize its his civic duty to expose law breakers. Blackmail in any form is illegal & by knowingly holding back information that is of importance to tackle corruption by Govt. officials & politicians, isn’t he adding & abetting as well? By keeping such knowledge to himself for personal gain & resorting to black mail threats in public, he has shown his level of education & intelligence, just like his predecessor who did the same. This what can we expect when we elect uneducated people to govern the country.
Kugan / August 20, 2016
Prez is SLFP
Official opp is TNA (another mess Sam Vicky etc in different direction )
Then comes JO SLFP/UMP
The entire political system is in
What have we achieved in the 100 day program.all gimmicks never change.
Then comes foreign missions …LTTE rumps….
God bless mother lanka.pls survive while the orther neighbouring countries far ahead of us.
NAK / August 20, 2016
He looks shaken to the roots.
Writing is on the wall now and resorting to his usual self.The dirty low character that he is!
It’s an eye opener to ‘Jahapalana’toyya’s. How can these idiotic toyya’s be so naive to think that a man who has been nearly 10 000 days with the so called rouges be a nice clean sweet man they expected him to be?
He lied from the very beginning and those who were blinded by their hatred of Rajapakses didn’t even bother about those lies.
lellamay malu mudalali. / August 20, 2016
if SLFP split Sirisena may be the happiest man on earth.that may present him golden opportunity to pay his gratitude to UNP That together with minority groups Tamils and Muslims seated him in president chair under so called yahapalanaya banner.Though he is the president and leader of SLFP Government run by Ranil with his personal policies not even with UNP collective principles. Sirisena’s final goal may be to migrate to UNP with handful of SLFP supporters who might remain with him. then they may contest next all elections under the swan symbol in order to give chance to Ranil at next presidential election.that may be sirisena’s untold agenda.
soma / August 20, 2016
What’s does want to keep the secrets secret?
Native Vedda / August 20, 2016
” What’s does want to keep the secrets secret?”
Here is a secret you never knew about:
Destroy India Says Rajapakse in Interview – 1988
Shaken and stirred, a scared MR hiding behind terrorists while stupid LTTE was fighting the IPKF. Where was the patriotic Sri Lankan army when IPKF occupied this island? Where were you hiding? Who did protect your Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto?
Dining with terrorists – Divided Island – 21 Feb 09 – Pa…
Amarasiri / August 21, 2016
Thanks for the links.
Lanka Watch / August 20, 2016
Looks like the govt. is getting jittery as they may feel that what they have done so far is not enough to satisfy the voters, specially
soft peddling on the corruption cases pending court proceedings. Why should the govt. fear formation of a third party if they are doing their job properly to the satisfaction of the people.It is unbecoming of the President to have issued such a warning and this amounts to frustration but doubt whether his speech was misquoted as he does not use harsh words like this in his speeches. His fear may be that Ranil
could become the next President if SLFP gets split as Ranil has a better chance to get the support of the minorities.