By Malinda Seneviratne –
Meanwhile In A Parallel Universe
If it is rumoured that former president Chandrika Kumaratunga was instrumental in getting Maithripal Sirisena to take on Mahinda Rajapaksa, the lady’s thinly disguised treatment of the candidate as though he was a serf in her ancestral estate almost turns it into fact. If that were the case then Maithripala should be grateful. For now. After all, he’s earned more brand-points over the last few weeks than he has accumulated over the last 40 plus years in active politics in the SLFP. If he loses, then he can’t exactly say ‘thank you, madam.’ He might think to himself, ‘I should have said, “thank you madam, but no”.’ But that’s all conjecture. For now.
Right now, in a parallel universe, Maithripala goes to see Chandrika (yes, not the other way about) to discuss the status of the campaign. Here’s the transcript of the animated discussion.
‘Good morning Madam,’ Maithripala was habitually respectful. He didn’t sit down until Chandrika said ‘Sit, sit…let’s talk.’
He sat. Waited. Respectfully. Chandrika was bubbling with enthusiasm.
‘Mahinda is finished!’
“There’s still a long way to go Madam,’ Maithripala was seasoned enough to know that it’s not over until it is over and wondered why his former boss was acting like a first time candidate for a Pradeshiya Sabha.
‘Oh! I know, I know. But the other day I finished him off. I took away his brag about winning the war!’
Maithripala remembering that in the press conference held to announce his presidential bid he had paid a glowing tribute to Mahinda Rajapaksa for his leadership in ridding the country of terrorism, looked at Chandrika without betraying incredulity but still showing a bit of skepticism. It took a fraction of a moment, too quick for Chandrika to notice. She went on. And on. And on.
‘I said what everyone knows. I said that I reclaimed 75% of LTTE-held areas while I was President. I said that I never bragged about it. I said I never put up huge cut-outs of myself or took credit for this victory. You see Maithree, when I say I reclaimed 75% territory it sounds like I did 75% of the work and people will think Mahindaya had to do only 25%. So he can’t make any claims about winning the war. This is how you must to politics. You must tell the truth but perhaps not the whole truth. The balance will be added by others!’
‘But Madam, how about Alimankada?’
‘Tosh. What’s the difference between Alimankada and Pamankada?’
‘Pooneryn, Mullaitivu?’ Maithripala couldn’t hide the incredulity now.
‘Just names. Details.’
‘How about demoralizing the troops with your various peace carnivals, caravans etc?’
‘You see Maithree, you are new to this game. In politics you never know how things could end. It is good to keep options open. So I did both. I asked the generals to fight even as I asked Mangala and my NGO friends like Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu and Jehan Perera to make a big song and dance about how the war couldn’t be won. If we won, I would get the credit. If we didn’t then I can say “I listened to the voice of reason!” Easy!’
‘You didn’t win. And you didn’t get any peace either, Madam.’
‘I did my best,’ Chandrika snapped, a tad annoyed. ‘I tried to appease. Remember PTOMs? Remember promising to lease out the North and East to Prabhakaran for 10 years?’
‘In other words conceding the 75% and offering three times as much?’ Maithripala was sounding a bit Presidential all of a sudden.
‘My! My! My! ගෙම්බෙක් උඩ ගිය තරමක් (Look how high a frog has jumped)!’ Chandrika said testily, but recovered enough composure to change the subject. ‘Anyway, you must admit that I was spot on about election malpractices, huh?’
Maithripala didn’t reply. He thought to himself.
‘She’s obviously forgetting the Wayamba Provincial Council. She’s forgetting a lot of things. She’s also forgotten that I said categorically that “computer jilmart” is not possible. There’s obvious abuse of state resources during a campaign and that given ruling party candidates a big advantage. There’s also intimidation of people who are believed to be loyal to the opponent, but nothing serious happens to the votes, ballot boxes etc.’
Aloud, he said, ‘Madam, I think you have made your point. You said it loud and clear. About the war, about election malpractices, fraud and nepotism. Madam, I think you’ve done more than we expected. I came here to thank you from the bottom of the heart. Madam, I think you should rest now. Leave it to us, we can manage it from here onwards.’
‘Thanks so much Maithree,’ Chandrika beamed and added, ‘Yes, I’m exhausted. I think I’ve done my part and now it’s all up to you. I will rest a bit. I want to be fully rested and ready to roll when you win. I can’t wait to become leader of the SLFP again. People wrote me off, but they are wrong. Ruling this country is my birthright. Thanks to you, I will return to power. Then we’ll see!’
‘Of course Madam. You will get your නිසි තැන (suitable position).’ Maithripala said. Straight face.
Chandrika swallowed it. Maithripala bowed with perfect deference. Left.
*Malinda Seneviratne is the Chief Editor of ‘The Nation’ and his articles can be found at www.malindawords.blogspot.com
Native Vedda / December 26, 2014
K A Sumanasekere
I find many similarities between Malinda Seneviratne’s typing and yours. Are you by any chance, the same person, employ same script writer, share his brain(?) or related to him?
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / December 26, 2014
N V.
I had the same idea,
but I thought Malinda S will not come so low status as he is qualified from so called Western university.
“Maithripala And Chandrika Discuss Campaign Strategy”.
That Jarapassa clan can not even think of any Campaign Strategy or Discussion as they so morons and not Educated enough to do any thing.
Only thing they know is Thuggary, abduction, Heorin Business, Mud slinging and Pilfering from People.
Seelawathige Putha / December 27, 2014
This man Malinda would not utter a single word about the rule of law and order abuses in this country today -that I find very strange for a talented journalist sees in that way.
Irrespetive of warrant of arrenst, Muthuhettigama (Dy minister, learnt relative of Rajapakshe family)has left the country for S pore. Not sure, he would return or not… but Mahadanmutta has been resounding his wonders to have made during the past few years, but we have even prima facie evidence to prove other way around. Entire natiion is divided being unable to see what is going to be the case in case the man would be reelected. Anyway, may all gods be helpful to the island nation.
Amarasiri / December 27, 2014
Native Vedda
Are the Shills and whitewashes Malimda Seneviratna and Mahindapala, the same or just happens to be two recruits of Medamulana MaRa?
The Pictures are different..of the two cronies .. but one never knows…
The vested interests behind the Sri Lankan regime
The Rajapaksa regime is not in the interests of the workers and poor in Sri Lanka, including the Sinhalese majority. It is a defender of the rich and powerful, aiming to keep itself in power as long as possibl
The vested interests behind the Sri Lankan regime
WE ARE sickeningly familiar with the arrogant, cruel statements of Sri Lankan prime minister, Mahinda Rajapaksa, and his cronies. They dismiss any criticism of their brutal war against Tamil-speaking people and the horrific aftermath of mass internment camps, militarised zones and a clampdown on media freedoms and democratic rights. But how can Rajapaksa & Company get away with it?
The reality is that Sri Lanka is in demand. One of the reasons that quiet, diplomatic appeals to establishment governments and political parties have practically no impact is that all of these governments have their fingers in the Sri Lankan pie. They want a piece of the action. So, they cannot be too critical for fear of being frozen out of lucrative economic and strategic deals. The only time British and other governments act in the interests of workers and poor people is when they are put under massive pressure.
The major regional powers, China and India, are jostling for position in the Indian Ocean, where the US administration also has strategic economic and military interests. There can be no doubt that the provision of weapons by the Chinese regime, streaming into Sri Lanka from 2007, played a big part in the defeat of the LTTE. China increased its bilateral aid fivefold in a year to $1bn in 2008 to become Sri Lanka’s biggest donor. In return, it has been awarded the project to develop the important deep-sea port of Hambantota. This fits with China’s ‘string of pearls’ policy, whereby it seeks to control the Indian Ocean seaway, which carries nearly half of all global seaborne trade.
The Indian government opened up unlimited military credit for Sri Lanka. It also extended naval and intelligence cooperation and other support. The Malaysian operator, Dialog Telecom, is moving in to profit out of the war-ravaged north and east.
Australia has pledged $1bn, its representatives say, to help with Tamil resettlement. But one of the main concerns of the Australian government is to stop Tamil refugees leaving Sri Lanka for Australia. This money will go to Rajapaksa’s administration and will be used to control Tamil-speaking people. Aid should be in the hands of those it is intended to help. It should be administered by elected representatives accountable to the communities they serve.
As for the western powers, they are playing a particularly hypocritical role. At one time or another they have all issued statements mildly critical of the Rajapaska regime. But trade and military links are more important to these powers than the rights of workers and poor people.
The US, for example, uses Sri Lankan ports as naval bases. The US is the only country with a veto in the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Yet, in July, the US abstained in the vote to agree a $2.8bn loan. If the US administration really cared about the Tamil-speaking people it could have stopped the money going through. The IMF loan is supposed to go towards the post-war ‘reconstruction effort’. One of the developments under way is for a string of luxury hotels along the east coast near Nilaveli – luxury hotels for the rich, prison camps with open sewers for the Tamil-speaking people.
Meanwhile, the British government – having supplied military equipment to Sri Lanka throughout the war – turns its back on the hundreds of thousands in the camps. It, too, is more worried about contracts for British companies, including military goods. So Des Browne, Britain’s special envoy to Sri Lanka, said: “We take the view that it is safe to return people, including Tamils, to Sri Lanka”. This was said in connection with the Tamil boat people stranded off the coast of Indonesia who have been refused entry into Australia. These powers stick together when they see it is in their own vested interests – and humanitarian concerns are quickly dropped.
Rajapaksa seems able to act with impunity. Last year, John Holmes, UN undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs, was accused of being in the pay of the LTTE after he stated the simple fact that Sri Lanka is one of the most dangerous places in the world for aid workers. The UN Children’s Fund communications chief was ordered to leave Sri Lanka after he raised the plight of children caught up in the conflict. Sadly, it matters little how well-meaning many in agencies such as the United Nations are, there is, in reality, little they can do when blocked by the major powers.
On top of this, the clampdown on reporting in Sri Lanka continues. Around 20 journalists have been murdered there over the last few years. Lawyers taking up sensitive cases have been threatened, public meetings cannot be held without advance government permission, and emergency regulations remain in place, including wide-ranging powers of search, arrest and seizure of property. Individuals can be arrested and held in unacknowledged detention for up to 18 months.
But the promise by Rajapaksa to the Sinhalese workers and poor that the declared end of the war will bring some kind of peace dividend is a rotten lie. Military spending in Sri Lanka swallows 5% of gross domestic product – one of the largest in the world. The regular army is five times bigger than it was in the late 1980s – now 200,000 strong, larger than the British (with three times the population) and Israeli armed forces. The Sri Lankan regime plans further increases to 300,000 – more troops than France, Japan or Germany.
Having crushed the Tamil Tigers, the Sri Lankan government has set up militarised zones throughout the north and east. It now occupies that area and will proceed to subjugate a whole people. This humanitarian catastrophe for Tamil-speaking people will also prove to be a massive financial drain. The living standards of all working class and poor people will be driven down even further. In time, this will lead to increasing resistance from Sinhalese workers. The oppression and poverty will also provide fertile ground for a new generation of Tamils raised on bitterness and hatred.
The Rajapaksa regime is not in the interests of the workers and poor in Sri Lanka, including the Sinhalese majority. It is a defender of the rich and powerful, aiming to keep itself in power as long as possible. That is why Tamil Solidarity supports united struggle by and in the interests of the working class and poor against this vicious regime, regardless of ethnic or religious background.
Manny Thain
Dom / December 26, 2014
How the hell did you get these transcripts?
Amarasiri / December 26, 2014
Malinda Seneviratne – Oh Medamulana MaRa Shill and Whitewasher
RE: Maithripala And Chandrika Discuss Campaign Strategy
A better topic would have been
Meamulana MaRa, His shills, Crobies are in disarry and And Discuss Campaign Strategy
Malinda Seneviratne is the Chief Editor of ‘The Nation’ and Chief Shill of Medamulana MaRa and his articles can be found at http://www.malindawords.blogspot.com
Samuel Jayaweera / December 26, 2014
This [Edited out] -Malinda see no way out now and makes every effort to send wrong messages acros the country. Intention is to twist the minds sets of the average people. People are not fools as Rajapakshes feel it to pass them only palatable refraining all facts and figures. Anyway, the days of Rajapakshe rule is numbered. Having watched Satana from Yesterday I thought almost over 70% of population will disagree with ruling thug:
Sylvia Haik / December 26, 2014
I think Malinda is just paying back for that Laptop and possibly the car loan.
Sun / December 26, 2014
How can a man got education of a world recognized uni to fall on the side of high profile thieves ? is the question my teenage daughter asked me this morning ? There I had to keep quiet – because almost everyone on the bunch (today s MR regime) is over corrupted. Anyway, let hope the best – guessing people would finally get it and vote for a change.
Seelawathige Putha / December 26, 2014
Education alone at Haward cant bring you vision and wisdom <——————————- from this we learn it.
It is just the name of the prestgious institution make it like that. But from what he has always been trying to say – we all know …. where he is standing even at this very critical juncture of the country s politics. Apita Buduma Saranai.
Lalith / December 26, 2014
The writer and the ilk are the very ones who may have sung the praises of MS & CBK in the the not too distant past. Afterall, CBK was the SLFP President for two terms and MS was the logest serving Secretary of the SLFP. I am sure the writer may have voted for CBK both in 1994 & 2000 and also described her as the Saviour of the Nation. They were good only as long as they were in the party he supported. What hypocrites the writer and his ilk are!
BTW, all the mud that is being slung at MS would have been carried out under MR’s rule? Wonder why MR did not take any action then? Were the files kept hidden away?
Wonder what the writer gets paid by the regime to write this garbage?
Rarityminds / December 26, 2014
Today what is not expected is being done directly by Rajapakseh relatives.
Did you hear that irrespective of charges levelled against to Muthuhettigama (president s relative) has left the country this morning for S pore for few days. Poor srilanken police has to answer why this could happen if law and order under current regime is safeguarded.
Today as almost every average would see it – corruption has gone up to no go levels due to total ignoarnace of MR. He says someting and does somthing totally different. The man s true face is yet to reveal to the nation. Did we have any kind of leaders of this much of hypocracy/rascal minded/crminal minded in our entire history ? No.
Until recenlty, I thought the bugger must NOT brought before HAGUE. But today, I beleive he must be beheaded in an open place for all the crime and abuses he has delivered … to this day. Not only to innocient tamils, muslims but also to majority Sinhaalese, the born culprit has done all harm. All his henchmen should be hung by their balls after MY3 is won after 8th of Jan.
aratai / December 26, 2014
So it’s all about winning the war against Tamils, I mean your own people.
It’s so sad that Srilankans have become so narrow minded, they don’t care anything else just wanted to beat Tamils.
Rohan / December 26, 2014
Poor you, Malinda. Imagine a puppy that wakes up in the morning. It has to think about its meals. It looks around, runs up and down to draw the Master’s attention. The puppy gets into its routine. Master hardly bothers about the puppy when he is in trouble or is preoccupied with other things. Then, the puppy goes onto overdrive to somehow get the attention it seeks. It is a dog’s life for you, Malinda.
Prey tell us, what you do on a day like today. You know your Master is in trouble. You know you are in trouble. You are worried about your supper. Shame on you for supporting Mahinda’s regime. The great comfort we have is that nobody takes you seriously. Keep filling the pages. By the way, do you have a house in Maldives? Do you think Mahinda/Namal would offer you a seat when their planes flee from Matala airport?
Tamil from the north / December 26, 2014
The first and foremost strategy should be to lock down the airport, arrest the Horapakse thieves and murderers from escaping.
MNZ / December 26, 2014
What tosh you write with that laptop given for your servile patronage.
Seems like you are now on some hallucinatory “kudu” given by your handlers’ acolytes.
Come January 9th, be ready for Rehab treatment, that’s if you haven’t also boarded the escape plane from Mattala.
O tempora, o mores!
K.A Sumanasekera / December 26, 2014
..” Look Maithri, Your son is doomed even if you Win. I mean he has no chance to become the future PM or President…My Son and Daughter both can , They are clean cut kids with a clean sheet.., You have served us well all along. And imagine you allowing me to get one these kids the job going forward… It will be the ultimate, you can do for me, my family and your ex Madam, who looked after you like a family member , although you were a domestic,, Sorry.. a.. I mean an Aide.. Sorry again.. you know I am a bit tired “…
Aela / December 26, 2014
So Malinda has now gravitated to writing fairy tales. So much for a so called chief editor.
A Voter / December 26, 2014
Rather than apply the blow torch on their election promises , you’ve chosen to go down the gutter path and indulge in negative garbage stuff.
This is the last thing we voters need from our press.
What we want is , hard questions to be asked from both sides and see how they stand up under intense scrutiny.
your poor credibility on these forums is no surprise to me at all.
dcn / December 26, 2014
Malinda has his own agenda and may have a contract to accomplish. However, he has to realise the ground situation where a massive change is likely by the 9th. I am awaiting to see how he will change his colours and sing the song of Maithree/Ranil/Chandrika/Karl etc.
Puhul Dosi / December 26, 2014
Aiyo Malinda, please go away, stuff yourself and spare us your drivel….. your venom is a lot more suave than that other idiot Raj-Pattapal-Visabeejaya, but it is really on the same plane of intellectual mediocrity.
Uditha Devapriya / December 26, 2014
Stupid article. malinda should start writing things of importance to a voter not trash like this.
george jilmart / December 26, 2014
Another pathetic article from the puppet journo with no substance whatsoever. The brain is dead and muddled with the poison that flows from his master. MS is now worried about his next meal knowing that the raja will be booking a flight out of the country on the 8th. He may find a new job as the raja’s backwasher when the exodus takes place. Pakistan will be a nice country of refuge for these thieves and murderers – I believe Osama Bin Ladens place is now vacant in Pakistan.
shankar / December 26, 2014
Anyway regardless of the nasty comments i found it hilarious.however there is a serious point too in all this.For Chandrika to go and claim 75% of the war victory is a joke and also for all the projects that were completed under mahinda which she says the planning and design stage everything was done by her.people will say if you were given a third term too it would have been still in the planning and design stage without the chinese money which is the main difference for mahinda’s success.
It is better for her not to talk like a fool and instead promote Fonseka to take credit for the war victory.Instead of opening her big fat mouth and praising herself if she had praised fonseka then the war victory votes will leave mahinda and go to maithri because people know that he is the one who contributed the most on a individual basis to the the victory though on a collective basis the whole armed forces come first,the army second,the rank and file third and goes on like that.However it is too much to expect srilankans to give credit where credit is due and mahinda and chandrika are in the same mould.
The Last Dinosaur / December 26, 2014
Dear Ma_linda,
Please write some erotic stories for a change. All the pieces of writing are same… and same again…
Navin / December 26, 2014
[Edited out]
Ajith / December 26, 2014
Mahinda – Money – Malinda
9th January
Malinda: Sir, I am here to give back your laptop.
Mahinda: Why did you come here to Mattla Airport Modaya?
Malinda: No Sir, I am now onthe other side sir. I can’t write in this laptop. I am waiting for a new laptop.
Mahinda: I have to get into the flight before dawn. I can’t tkae this Go bullshit!
Malinda: Sir, Can I come with you?
Mahinda: Modaya? Go and die with all Sinhalese modays. I am now a US citizen.
Abimanu / December 26, 2014
What a trash Malinda and that too incredulously coming from the pen of the supposedly the Chief Editor of ‘Nation’. It is not only you are casting shame on yourself but also on the noble profession of all Editors, let alone Chief Editors. This is clearly a reflection of the low levels to which the sycophant media men have sunk into , particularly during the regime of Rajapakse and his brothers as they usurped their powers and made the media either kneel to them or criminally got rid of those who decided to stand strong to defend their noble profession.
Sensible Thinking / December 26, 2014
Mahinda came with the tsunami 10 years ago and he goes with the floods now affecting the country.
De ja vu!
Park / December 26, 2014
Malinda what is wrong in Maithree going to meet Chandrika? Are you expecting Maithree to be thankless like Mahinda Rajapakse. Chandrika is a senior politician and was one time President of Sri Lanka. Even Bark Obama went to see President Clinton during his election campaign. Its a show of respect. There is nothing wrong in getting advice and not being pig headed like Rajapakse. Most of us, unlike paid servant like you, want Maithree to meet and get advice from all those who can advice him to win the election.
Malinda, you have to soon find a deep LINDA to hide yourself after the election.
Seelawathige Putha / December 27, 2014
Malinda will take many more months to get this. Malinda and the like lag being unable to call a spade a spade, but even 10 year olds are brave today when talking about the high abusive actions being taken by MR and thugs.
Sulaiman / December 27, 2014
I’m just waiting for the piece where Mali boy will try to sell his daughters like he did with fonseka. I can see his editorial saying that if maithree’s son can take a photograph with some guy’s wife in the background all of Sri Lanka’s women should be worried if maithree wins. a few sobs and a sentimental piece about how as a father he just cannot countenance his daughter being photographed and that for that noble reason he will support mahinda. Perhaps this time he may use his wife or his mother or all of them – as a son, husband and father he will announce that mahinda is the only hope. he may throw in a line or two about the war. stability perhaps. oh the wily Mali boy.