7 December, 2024


Major Humiliation For Sirisena – SC Issues Order To Suspend Executions

President Maithripala Sirisena’s diabolical plan to boost his image as a strong leader by resuming executions was dealt a grave blow and also met with major humiliation today, as the Supreme Court issued an interim order suspending the implementation of the death penalty until October 30, 2019.

Athough Sirisena was eager to carry out his murder plan before the elections are called, the SC order has thrown a damper on his plans.

The Supreme Court issued an interim order in consideration of a Fundamental Rights petition filed by a prisoner who is currently on death row.

Multiple parties have filed for action against Sirisena’s decision to authorize death penalty for four convicts.

During a meeting with heads of media institutions last week, Sirisena announced he has signed the death warrant of four prisoners and the executions will proceed as planned.

Meanwhile Transparency International Sri Lanka today tweeted out the letters issued by the President’s Secretariat and the Prisons Headquarters where both parties have refused to provide details, in response to Right to Information requests asking for details of the death warrants Sirisena claims he signed.

Latest comments

  • 58

    If Sira has even an iota of self-respect, he must go and hang himself.

    • 33

      Dear Supreme Court,

      Can you issue an order to execute Sirisena?

      Usually, Traitors ae executed..

      • 6


        “The Supreme Court issued an interim order in consideration of a Fundamental Rights petition filed by a prisoner who is currently on death row.”

        The Death Row Prisoner for president!

        • 2

          Looks a good independent decision. This is not normal because in Sri Lanka even the Supreme Court justices are politicized. How nice if this happens all the fraudulent Presidents, Prime Ministers and their cohorts can be brought to justice and the Country can prosper like Singapore.

        • 3

          Native Vedda,

          Can the Supreme Court approve castrating Sirisena, and give him life imprisonment? He would eventually die of natural causes. The SC should be fine with that. What do your elders think? Sirisena and the Paras have turned the land into a cesspit, according to the Chief.

    • 6

      The Supreme Court may not approve of it.

      • 3


        What about life imprisonment in death row, but tell Sirisena that he is in death row, like what he doing to others?

    • 6


      If he had an iota of self respect he would have hung himself long before. He would have hung himself when he had to eat his own words when whom he promised to charge him for crimes of murder, stealing money, and many more but had to offer him the premiership instead. But however, that was short lived. His greed for power had no bounds. Nothing more could be the best example of ‘hate speech’. Any ordinary person if would had said what he said would now be in jail and his entire family on the street with no money to pay for damages.

    • 3

      Someone ask Minister Mano Ganesan why he was hanging onto Maithripala Sirisena B*#@s during coupLk and how that helped Reconciliation or the Tamils of Sri Lanka in anyway!?

      He is fast becoming a traitor to democracy and is no longer the politician he used to be such an opportunistic politician chasing after a Minister post shame.

      He can learn a lot from the TNA gentlemen…

      • 2


        You are correct, Mano Ganesan had visited Gnansara thug when he was in jail.

      • 2

        Wine swarna says TNAs are opportunists as they’re after the ruling parties for their own benefits.
        I agree whole heartedly to that statement. In fact what the TNA or any other Tamil Politicians have done anything good since the ending of war. They’re all scroungers and sponges.
        They have not brought any industries or job opportunities for the war widows or widowers.
        What about the unemployed youths??
        Shame on them to speak.
        They’re useless OPPORTUNISTS.

        • 0

          Sorry. My computer glitch is doing its own phrasing.

      • 1

        Wine swarna says TNAs are opportunists as they’re after the ruling parties for their own benefits.
        I agree whole heartedly to that statement. In fact what the TNA or any other Tamil Politicians have done anything good since the ending of war. They’re all scroungers and sponges.
        They have not brought any industries or job opportunities for the war widows or widowers.
        What about the unemployed youths??
        Shame on them to speak.
        They’re useless OPPORTUNISTS.
        Please read above first line as Wigneswaran, so it op they’re all Scroungers and Spongers.

    • 6


      In as much it may sound inhumane, it would be fitting to have his pariah son hung by his balls first so the father could feel that trauma his son caused to others before he being hung.

      Next in line should be the entire Rajapakse family including the extended ones who milked the country dry.

    • 5


      Major or minor humiliations for Siriseba, makes no difference to him. After all, he is a Sealaya (sleaze).

    • 5

      What is the point in humiliating someone who does not understand shame?

    • 4

      Premadasa did it
      Mahinda Rajaakshe did it to all exaggerating levels.
      Now BP Sirisena has been doing it going an extra mile.
      All these men are rotten wolves in sheepish nature. They all put the BUDDHIST CLEARGY above the rule:
      They all licked the bo tree and put MAHANAYAKAS above the rule. And were seen collecting BLESSINGs even if they left an addition fart.

    • 5

      The day this stupid man would have hung by his balls, the days we can start seeing it further.
      Defence Secretary the man to have held the position by the time bomb went up killing over 260 innocient people comprising infants to the elderly, articulated and revealed the nation as no others, that none other than the president Sirisena advised them not to allow Prime Minister or stateminister for Defence be kept away from any security council meetings.
      Can you imagine ?
      What more we need to talk about ?
      Why we just beat around the bush, hang this SIRISENA by the law prevaling in the country is the NEED of the hour.
      Not those listed for execution but SIRISENA and RAJAAKSHE should be hung as the first to be if gallo would be brought back: That can clear SO MANY things inthis country in current context.

    • 2


      Major humiliation?

      Do the Para-Sinhala President, Para-Monks and other Para-Sinhala have shame? They all are liars and are insults to Buddhism and Buddha.


      Just see what some Para-Sinhala journalists are creating lies, aided and abetted by the the Para- Monks.

      They have no shame.

      Fortunately, still some left with ethics and high enough IQs.

  • 25

    This an eyewash by Sirisena as he thinks it would bring him votes.

    • 16

      The SC should be congratulated for teaching a good lessons in retaliation to Sevelaya Sorisena for pardoning and releasing Boru Balusena Gnasara Thero before he severed his sentence of a full six year term of imprisonment.

      • 3

        President proposes. SC disposes. The new trend in Sri Lanka judicial system. Another inclusion for the world records.

  • 20

    This is not the first time, that the courts suspended his actions. See, how deep we the nation has been fallen, just because our CONSCIENCE was not grown enough to the profile of this b putha as the presidential candidate. Today, he just orders as a blacksmith or any bagboys would do, no matter the law and order according ot the constitution prevailing to this nation leave aside. That is how he just evasively responds to press conferences ” asked if he would take part in INVESTIGATING committee” .. mama yanne naehae.. I will not join them.. all those are just few episodes being trained at Temple trees. He has made him the most stupid president for the entire SOUTH asian regions. Can this man ever digest all these not being caught by any kind of sudden illnesses in next few weeks? This happens a leader would lack of leadership experience. I would never ask my dog trainer to go and train the horses. That is what we the folks did in this regard. One good thing happened to us was BP Rajapakshes were block from their authoritarian babaric performances.

  • 27

    He knows no shame.

    • 9


      Sirisena is a Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist”, and they have no shame insulting Buddhism or the Buddha. However, he does prostrate to Para-Monks.

    • 7

      Sirisena should remove his advisers as they are taking him down the garden path. All advice he gets from them makes him look like a fool. This is what happens when we appoint a partly educated villager as a President and gives him limitless powers. Just like giving a knife to a monkey.

  • 34

    I welcome this ruling by our SC. However, I wish to petition SC for an exception.
    Hang MY3! Just him. Just this one last hanging!
    At least, a mock hanging to scare the hell out of this kind of Homo Sapiens who have such utter disregard for human decency. After that one last hanging, we could abolish the death penalty from our constitution. FOREVER!
    PS: MY3 has blatantly duped 6,2 million voters in 2015. From Sobitha Thero down. That Crime is worse than high treason. MOCK HANGING ON GALLE FACE GREEN!

    • 10

      This s.o.b must be sent home along with butterfly Ranil. I am ashamed I voted for these two idiots.

    • 10

      Since two hangmen have been hired, can we throw in RW as well?

    • 2

      We 62M voters whole heartedly support your plea to the Hon.Supreme Court

  • 19

    You are too cracy, greedy and brainless. Mahinda lost his “greedom” because of greediness and craziness. It is only in Srilanka it is possible to cheat and lie and hold power because half of them are still live in dark.

  • 14

    In short, Siresena has been hanged once and for all – he deserves it as a pre-

    impeachment act by the Legislature that is not capable of it.

  • 7

    Sira try to get votes by saying this bogus , These are political gimmicks . He does not contest, If Gota comes he slowly go back and hide . Now he wants to respectable resign and enjoy with what he earn. He has newly built state Bungalow at Malalasekara Mawatha Colombo 7. He can be there with his siblings spending from state coffer. What else to GAMARALA.

  • 15

    All the Rajapakses, SLPP thugs, “Pinnata Seat guys” (like SB, Dilan, Sumathpala), Derana TV, Maharaja TV, Divayina etc who are saying the Yahapalana Govt has not done anything to this country should at least now realize (that is if they have brain) how independent the courts have become. I think the Parliament should start impeachment procedures against the President.

    • 5

      You are right, the SL courts are independent because now there are no more CJ’s like Sarah N Silva’s, Mohammed Pieris’s and a Justice Minister like Wijedasa Rajapakse
      Thank God for that.

      • 0


  • 5

    Why ruling party do not want to impeach sira, Ranil wants to keep him. Both should be accountable for disaster n must sent home without pension. They have no right to enjoy people’s money.

    • 7

      For impeachment you need 2/3 rd of MPs. Ranil has not got that many MPs in his coalition. So impeachment is a non-starter. The only thing is public rising but in Srilanka it is a non starter as well. So wait for Gota to take over and within his term as president there will be only one race in srilanka. All the minorities have to emigrate or convert to sinhale budhist as our former cricket captain dilshan did to become the captain.

  • 9

    The fiasco which left us with 2 prime Ministers, and we were the joke around the world, the inability to act on the intelligence information about extremists, which resulted in the terrible Easter day bombings, and now the SC has put him in his place.

    Any other decent human being would feel humiliated and resign. He is a miserable failure, and incapable of running this country, and keeping citizens safe.

  • 5

    We still live in the monkey age if we consider a caourt (legal) decision as a personal insult.
    The ruling probably means the court needed time to consider the issues involved and it is idiots with massive egos that will interpret the decision any other way!

  • 8

    chandirika kumarathunga must be wondering now why she choose this man MY3 for this position as he my3 is turning out to be so lunatic by his foolish actions and trying to be a hero among public of srilanaka .

  • 1

    The irony is that most of these sentences were confirmed by the Supreme Court itself. In such a context, how can the SC stop such sentences again? I am against Sirisena´s approach and timing to obtain political mileage by activating the death sentence. But according to the constitution, the President has the power to sign for activating death sentence as they are given as per the due legal procedure. This is an interference to the executive powers. However, I feel the decision of SC creates a constitutional issue. People forget this legal and constitutional issue because they are against Sirisena. But this is not an issue of Sirisena but the vested powers to the president by the constitution. The only remedy is to abolish the death sentence by passing an amendment to the constitution. I do not know whether such amendment requires a referendum as well.

    • 0

      The constitution does not give the president the power to sign death warrants

  • 4

    “Nettle Grub”

    Does our President heed the Counsel of the “Presidential Counsel”? They are abundant – and numerous enough – thanks to the authority given (or arrogated) by The President of our “Democratic, Socialist Republic”? He may find it useful to seek professional help before his insincere comments are spewed out at sundry ego promoting and meaningless “Uthsawayas”.

  • 3

    “Humiliation For Sirisena”

    For President MS getting humiliated is the ultimate badge of honor most probable he is working on his next humiliation right now like a beaver in a leaky dam.

  • 1

    What will happen to the hangmen. Will they be sent out as ambassadors.

  • 2

    President proposes, SC disposes. The latest Law and Order style in Sri Lanka . Another record to add.

  • 3

    Reading the many uninformed comments above brought the idiom ‘fools rush where angels fear to tread’ to mind. The President did not pass death sentence on these convicts, the learned Judges did. Where is the logic in the judgement passed by one bench of judges of the Supreme Court being overturned by another bench of judges of the Same court? Realistically speaking, the injunction is a slap by these three judges on the judges who passed original death sentence on the four drug peddlers. The Constitution need to be amended. Once final judgement is passed by Supreme Court, the President should not have any involvement other than with appeals for clemency.

    • 1

      Thank you Rajeewa Jayaweera for the calm comment.

  • 3

    Before Sirisena signs others death warrants, he should sign his own. According to Sri Lankans people’s court, Sirisena is guilty of failing to prevent the Easter Sunday massacre, which killed more than 250. In the next election, we should elect a man who will take him to courts and punish for this crime. We can’t let him go scot-free for criminal negligence. Sri Lankans should not rest until we punish this mass murderer.

  • 2

    Shameless fellow like Sira is won’t mind this. He won’t understand SC snubbing him as a monthly routine.

  • 3

    There is talk a Local Business Cartel /Network of members from all communities engaged in irregular , unethical and illegal business don’t want Sirisena to remain or be re-elected as President as he is making it almost impossible for this lot to continue their ilegal trading which has been destroying the economy , they are working day and night to divide the Yahapalana and block Sajith from becoming PM.
    Talk is out to establish special Pridential commtee to change the death penalty of past crimnals to life sentence and introduce the death penalty from next year only on Criminal guilty of committing crimes after 2020 jan.
    The Commision hopes to offer a one time amnesty to All Sri lankans to declare their assets, wealth and pay a reasonable Tax before 2020 jan and will not be required to decalare the source , as from 2020 when the amnesty ends ,The President hopes to appoint special collectors officers to visit
    homes and business of those who do not submit regular online Tax returns. Considerations are on for 2020 by the President for Import duty to be to be totally removed from Many essential goods , like Baby milk food, diary product , imported meat , books , medicines and Cosmatics approved by Ministry of health and replaced with only GST and a control on the quantity to import is to be regulated after completing the market/Consummer demand with a price control.
    As per information The President also plans to establish special Teams
    of retired Government personals in Middle east with a special office to help with the griviences of Housemaids.
    The Yahapalana hopes to restructure and re-enter into a national government with UNP and other parties and may be with the blessing of CBK.

  • 2

    This is the second time a slap on his face Sirisena has no self-respect He will do maximum damage before he leaves the position of President Once he is out people will spat on his face

  • 0

    long live Our beloved President of Sri Lanka !????????????????
    2020 sure win and mahinda his PM
    next year “oh palayang palane “
    two families rule for 100 years ????????????

  • 0

    but if Gota becomes president then Country name also change same like Saudi Arabia .life time rule.
    Republic of Sri Rajapakshe.
    after all its an.old wise Owl’s saying Every Country will be ruled by a ruler the people deserve
    ??????????? must be funny in the rich man’s world

  • 0

    Until The power, resources and opportunities are snatched away from the one government ,one president one PM and equally distributed among all people exactly like Canadian constitution.
    Sri Lanka will never recover.
    If constitution of Canadian Federal.system is not introduced we are finished

  • 0

    This amazing personality who is the current President has been a humiliation from the very day of his birth.
    Since becoming a politician he has become a bigger humiliation. The man is a imbecile and a fool and the irony of the fact is that a imbecile and fool cannot be made to understand that he is both because he is what he was , he is and will be unto death.
    Even flowers will not grow over the bugger’s grave and if he is cremated the foul fumes will pollute the clean air. Sad but true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 0

    There is nothing to be humiliated
    Yahapalanistas must be proud of this President..

    He is doing the right thing by running everything past these Supremos in the High Court..

    Besides Dr Ranil and his mates, HR Ladies and Gentlemen ,Good Governors,UNP Cadres and a whole host of others do not want to see the Drug Dealers put to death.

    However Dr Ranil’s mate Dentist Dr Rajtha told the Media today that Marakande Madush has divulged the name of a SLPP MP who is a Drug Dealer.
    Wonder whether this might lead to a change of heart of the UNP and its Supporters.

    How cool would it be ,if the UNP can open the Election Campaign with a Slogan like ” Pohottuwa is also on the Death Row” alongside Pathalaya….

    BTW I saw a list which is circulating in Social Media with 14 names .
    Surprise Surprise..only 3 or 4 Sinhala Names there.
    All the others are Muslims and Tamils.

    Wonder whether Sampathar , Sambandan and Bathudeen, Sally, Kabir, Hakeem Hesbulla Haleem Conglomeration have expressed their stand on hanging the Drug Dealers and Child Rapists..

    • 0

      It is Sumanthiran who wrote the Constitution, Who were talking against the killing of that School girl in KAits, Saved Ranil from NCM, and now He is the BOSS in PSC and Ranil was careful to inform Sumanthiran, that the bomb blasts occurred. Now, even in this court case, sumanthiran is repenting the human rights, fundamental rights of these 18 Drug dealers. How many drug addicts these each Drug dealer killed because of their business. What are the statistics in Sri lanka related to drugs, It is Drug overdoses, killing because Drug duties were not paid, killings during thefts and robberies because they needed money to buy drugs. HOW MANY OF THESE COMMENTS ARE RELATED TO PROFITS LOSS BECAUSE OF THE ARRESTING OF DRUG DEALERS. AND DRUG BUSINESS FROM THE JAIL IS STOPPED NOW BECAUSE THEY WERE TRANSFERRED TO OTHER CELLS.

    • 1

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “How cool would it be ,if the UNP can open the Election Campaign with a Slogan like ” Pohottuwa is also on the Death Row” alongside Pathalaya….”

      In effect would you like convicts such as your mates Duminda, Sampath Vidanapathirana, ……………….. and similar murderers released?

      Lankan politician jailed for murdering Briton and raping partner”

  • 0

    If this is the person who was brought in from the Sinhala masses to usher a new kind of governance , then no one can save the country .
    May be the only hope is to hand over to the Tamils the entire responsibility of running the country .All saw how Prabaharan ran Eelam until it was destroyed by external forces.Tamils have always been good administrators and we need them to save the nation !

  • 0

    Suspending what exactly? The president has not even signed it yet. Also it’s just a stay order CT. Keep on lying . Sira will have the last laugh on this one. Under the Roman-Dutch law which we follow death penalty is perfectly acceptable.

    • 1

      Andare 2.0

      “Under the Roman-Dutch law which we follow death penalty is perfectly acceptable.”

      Are you being serious?
      I am sorry I am told Dutch left this island about 225 years ago. Romans never ruled us.
      Then how come Roman Dutch laws still used to govern this island.

      Who else is still using their laws to determine our life and death?
      And you are shamelessly letting the foreigners to govern this island even 71 years after UK granting independence.

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