25 April, 2024


Make A Stop To Acrimonious ‘Ethnic Debates’

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

On 19 January a seminar had been held in Jaffna organized by the Swiss Institute for Federalism of Fribourg, Switzerland, on the invitation of the Chief Minister of the Northern Province, C. V. Wigneswaran. The local partner of the seminar was the Institute for Constitutional Studies (ICS) in Colombo. When the Chief Minister’s opening address was published in the Colombo Telegraph (20 January 2016), a rather acrimonious debate ensured in the form of comments and counter-comments.

To be fair by the Swiss Institute, it should be stated that it is not an institute which advocates federalism for other countries, but believes that ‘increasingly countries are incorporating elements of federalism into their structures in response to recent demands for increased regional autonomy and independence.’ Their focus is much wider and the following appears as the first paragraph of their ‘About Us.’

“The Institute of Federalism is recognised both nationally and internationally as a centre of expertise in the field of governance. For nearly 30 years the Institute has been producing academic analyses of the responsibilities which lie with a government and of the conflicts of interest it faces in performing its tasks. These include fulfilling the duties of a government in line with needs but economically, acting in accordance with democratic legitimacy, taking the different sections of society into account and protecting the rights of individuals and minorities.”

The Institute is attached to the Faculty of Law of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

The Trigger

The trigger for the debate appears to be the following statement, among others, made by the Chief Minister and I am quoting a full paragraph.

“Second fear expressed is that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country and the Tamils who are immigrants of recent yesteryears are asking more than they could and should. That is not so. History does not support the Mahawansa story. Also there is no ethnic group called the Sinhalese. The Sinhala language itself came into being only around 6th century AD. There was no Sinhala language before that. It is ideal to get a group of International Historians to investigate these facts. There is on the other hand contrary evidence of the existence of pre Buddhistic Hindu culture in the North and East available.”

Even if I ignore his other utterances, there is a clear statement that “there is no ethnic group called the Sinhalese,” a denial of the ‘other.’ There is a possibility that the CM was quite emotional at his address and his anger or acrimony led to the utterance. If that was the case, he should have carefully gone through the text and corrected or moderated it before sending it for publication.

If that was a statement by an ordinary person or even an ordinary politician, it could have been ignored. However, the person is the Chief Minister of the Northern Province. The statement comes at a time when there is much hope that a New Constitution could be inaugurated and a greater or clear autonomy could be given to the Northern and the Eastern Provinces along with the other provinces.

Then there was an immediate retribution from one Vibhushana, masquerading in a pseudonym, claiming that even the Tamils in the North were “brought for road and rail construction not to be sent back to India but settled in isolation of the Sinhalese in Jaffna.” It was claimed that the settlements were aimed at creating an exclusive Malabar region. There were other insults and the whole history was put upside down, like the Mahavamsa treatment by the CM. It is interesting to note that Vibhushana never came to the brawl thereafter.

Necessary Premises

It is a common sense premise to acknowledge that there should be ‘mutual respect for each other’ for any reconciliation between conflicting parties. It is more important in respect of an ethnic conflict. Referring to many conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, Franke Wilmer (“The Social Construction of Man, the State and War,” 2002) has said the following.

“There are 4,000 to 5,000 ethnic or identity groups in the world, living in fewer than 200 states. Virtually all societies are multi-ethnic, and even those less so are in theory open to immigration and thus potentially more multi-ethnic in the future. Restructuring the basis of civic obligation within the state from one based on a perception of sameness to one of mutual respect, of reciprocity and interchangeability even in light of differences is not a moral luxury, it is a necessity.” (p. 261).

There should be a change in ‘man and woman’ apart from restructuring of the state, to mean particularly constitutional changes at this stage. Not only rights, but also obligations should be emphasized. As Wilmer emphasised, restructuring or transforming ‘the basis of civic obligation from one based on sameness to one of mutual respect is a necessity.’

This is the same what was emphasized by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) during particularly the Kosovo crisis. Their mission was as follows.

“OSCE mission would be guided by the importance of bringing about mutual respect and reconciliation among all ethnic groups in Kosovo and of establishing a viable multi-ethnic society where the rights of each individual are fully and equally respected.”

There is no attempt in this article to equate or compare Kosovo with Sri Lanka. But most of the principles applicable to many ethnic conflicts are common at the base. The details have to be worked out on that bases and above them.

There shouldn’t be any intolerance or even unease on the part of the Sinhalese, in my opinion, if and when Tamil political leaders articulate their traditional demand of ‘federalism’ or even the ‘right to self-determination.’ These can be and should be discussed in a rational or even a ‘social-scientific’ manner. At the same time, the Tamil leaders or the Sinhala leaders should not come up with ‘outrageous’ or ‘farfetched’ statements that can hamper a proper and a constructive dialogue. The obligations are not only for the leaders, but also for the general public, activists, journalists and the academics.

Acrimonious Debate

When Vibhushana made his ‘outrageous’ comments, a moderate Tamil opinion asked the question: “What is the compulsion that makes you write such nonsense?” While he was dismissing Vibhushana’s claims as ‘nonsense,’ there was an admission that he must have been compelled by something which was in CM’s statement. This highlights what is lacking in many ‘ethnic debates’ which should in fact be dialogues. If Vibhushana had pointed out what was wrong or disagreeable in Wigneswaran’s statement, it could have been a constructive dialogue. But without that, it has led to an acrimonious debate.

There have been over 100 comments within two days and most of them were insulting communally, but not personally, thus escaped the ‘guillotine’ of the editors. Few were ‘edited out’ when they were clearly going beyond the guidelines. Some of the utterances were: ‘Tamils are primitive and backward race,’ ‘Mahavamsa is crap… Sinhalaya Modaya!’ I am not quoting full length of ‘imprudence’ not to aggravate the situation. Some of the postings appeared serious claims about history from both sides, but some others were simple fabrications just to annoy or frustrate ‘the other.’ Some referred to credible authorities on the subject of history, but often distorting them for their own arguments.

One James gave an elaborate explanation rather to justify Wigneswaran’s theory that ‘Sinhalese are not really an ethnicity.’ The claim was that many present day ‘Sinhalese’ in the South had originated in South India, which in fact can be a fact. No ethnicity could claim purity. Claim for ‘purity’ or ‘exclusivity’ could be an inhibition for reconciliation from anyone’s part. One ‘paul’ (not Paul!) asked, in my opinion correctly “How can the Tamils be a distinct people when every poster is claiming that the Sinhalese are from S. India or have Tamil origins or are Tamils themselves?” There were no insults or anything else in that positing. It is possible that some of the angry comments from the Tamil side came not only because of the past treatments or atrocities but also the new chauvinist trends like ‘Sinha-Le.’ However, none of them is a reason for Wigneswaran’s irresponsible statements.

There were however saner comments or arguments mostly coming from those who were appearing in their own names. When using their own names and taking responsibility for what they say, naturally, there was some moderation and rationality. But most unfortunate was that some who began arguments rationally soon caving in for emotions and joining the bandwagon of bigotry. It is important to quote Dr Rajasingham Narendran who tried his best to give some sense to the debate and keep a balance. I am reproducing only separating some paragraphs.

“Bigotry begets bigotry. Foolishness of old is being deliberately revived with intemperate, unnecessary and unwise words and similar responses. Where is the ‘uniqueness’ we are debating? Is it in our genes, conduct and thoughts?

We speak related languages, eat the same food and practice related religions. We have more in common than most other people’s. We have shared our foolishness several times over and paid a heavy price for this. We shared the pain too and have displayed similar bestiality. Modern genetic studies indicate that the indigenous Sinhalese and Tamils, have the same genetic base. Others have been invited-in, largely from South India and have become part of our mosaic.

Ultimately, all of us, including our aboriginal Veddas, stood up in East Africa and walked across to where we are now!

Please do not cook a Witch’s brew once again foolishly, when some solutions to our problems are being contemplated and actively pursued. Any solutions that will solve our post-war problems and pave the way for our economic resurgence would be good solutions in the circumstances we are currently in.

CVW, you will be blamed and cursed by history, for paving the way to acrimony and its consequences once again with unwise words, phrases and concepts. You are, deliberately or inadvertently, becoming part of a curse that has bedevilled Sinhalese, Tamils and this island for decades now. You are kindling fires that that were subsiding but yet smouldering. There are many waiting to use your words as an excuse to pour oil on smouldering fires, from both sides of the rather fragile fence. It was not to play this role that you were nominated by the TNA and elected by an overwhelming majority!”

No further comment is necessary.

Some Lessons

It is intriguing how people are obsessed with ‘history’ and ready to inflame emotions on the basis of their ‘bigoted history,’ from both sides of the divide. It is my view that those who do so belong to a particular social milieu (‘the bigoted leisure classes’ I may say) and not the suffering general masses. Both or the obviously ‘contradictory versions’ of history cannot be true. History of the ancient past should be taken with equanimity today. Most important is to place our history in the broader context of human history.

It is a simple fact that our lives are connected to that of our parents and grandparents and so on through a web of familial, cultural, linguistic and religious traditions that is difficult to disentangle (Ludwig Wittgenstein). That is how we have become who we are whether Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims. Those are our identities which are also interwoven with each other through history, politics, economic interdependence and common living. However, the relative differences are no reason to fight each other or argue with each other in an acrimonious manner.

Whatever Wigneswaran has stated, and whatever the retributory comments, those should not be utilized any longer to inflame emotions or create more controversies.

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  • 22

    Sri Lanka belongs to both Sinhalese and Tamils and they have to find a way to solve their own problems. Reading the Mahavamsa over and over again you will find that there are so many issues which are questionable including the date of Vijaya’s arrival, funnily on the same day as Sambuddha attaining Parinibbana. It has to be admitted though that it is the only document available.

    I wonder whether Ven. Mahanama expected it to be abused the way it had been in the present days. He, being a Buddhist monk, would have written from his own perspective and the sources available to him. He would have chosen what to use too. Furthermore he would not have been able to bring what’s happening in every corner of Sri Lanka even though he has tried to portray it as a complete history of Sri Lanka.

    I think neither country in the world has a single source of history to rely on nor they bother about. Sri Lankan people are going through the same crisis some countries in Europe would have gone through some years, decades or centuries ago. With economic prosperity and development, religion, history etc. have taken a back seat. Even India with its long Hindu history, culture & spirituality is now talking about secularism. This has happened as a result of economic development and their politicians identifying their priorities for the interest of their country.

    Countries with Short histories like USA, Canada & Australia are flourishing while the ego of the South Asians keeping them down talking about their rich past not the present and the future.

    I am sure the people of Sri Lanka will come to their senses one day. I wonder how many of the members who argue with each other in an acrimonious manner really live or would like to live in Sri Lanka?

    • 11

      Above all it is advisable not to follow up Mahawansa thinkingthat should be the guide book.

      Anyone with a bird brain would know that the mentioned book has not been updated in the course of years.

      • 8

        Dear Prof. Laksiri,
        You have misunderstood what the cheif minister said and have come to wrong conclusion. Ethnic groups are named after the language that they speak. What the chief minister said was that prior to 6th century there was no Sinhala language and therefore there were no Sinhala ethnic group. It is accepted that Sinhala is not an original language but a mixture of Elu or Hela, Sanskrit and Pali. Since Elu is a Dravidian language from which Tamil emerged, gives the reason why there are several Tamil words in Sinhala. Also Sinhala script is not original as it has a close resemblence to Malayalam script giving credence to the theory that Sinhalese came from Kerala. In counter to the Sinhala propaganda, Saivaism is the first religion to have been practiced in Srilanka and there have been several archaeological findings discovered in Northern and Eastern provinces as well as in Puttalam district. If the government permits, new archeological findings to prove the pressence of Tamils in Srilanka over 2000 years could be made.

        Your statement that Kosovo example has no parallel to Srilanka is wrong, because as in Kosovo international intervention is needed in Srilanka to deliver justice to Tamils and maintain peace. In the then Yugoslavia, Serbs committed murder and ethnic cleansing of Albanians in Kosovo refusing to grant them autonomy. It is due to the intervention of NATO militarily in the face of stiff Serb opposition that albanians were saved from Serb atrocities and granted a de-facto separation. After this Albanians in Kosvo started to commit murder and ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Kosovo, and European Union intervened in the face of stiff albanian opposition and have granted Serbs autonomy and NATO troops put down the Albanian rioters who were against autonomy to Serbs. This view of necessity of international intervention in Srilanka as Tamils will never get justice through any internal mechanism has been put forward by Eric Solheim, which view may be heard from many others in the future due to Sinhala intransigence.

        • 6

          Actually Tamil was not derived from Elu. Elu was a semi Tamil Dialect that was spoken in the island and proper Tamil was the literary language. The advent of Buddhism and the introduction of Pali and Sanskrit changed all this in the south of the island. With a new dialect/language called Sinhalese gradually emerging from mixture of the indigenous Tamil dialects Pali and Sanskrit. This is the reason that even now modern Sinhalese has around 40% Tamil based vocabulary. Old Sinhalese was even more closer to it Tamil mother in pronunciation/vocabulary and structure. Like you stated the Sinhalese language and a people called Sinhalese only clearly emerged only around the 9Th/10th centuries. Prior to that they were just evolving as a people from the various the indigenous Tamils and other immigrants largely again from the then Tamil country in India ( modern day Kerala and Tamil Nadu)
          When the Sinhalese script evolved there was no Malayalam. Kerala was still Tamil. Sinhalese script actually evolved from the Tamil script it is based on the 11TCH century Tamil Buddhist grammatical treatise called Virasoliam. All Dravidian scripts are similar to each other. The original Tamil round script became square only later. Modern Malayalam script only became popular around the 1820s when the British banned the native (Malayalama )lingua Malabar Tamil language that was written in the Tamil script and spoken and written by the overwhelming Dravidian masses and even by the Pillais ,Pannickars and even used by the powerful Syrian Christian Churches. They banned this indigenous language and the usage of the Tamil script and introduced the Grantha language of the Namboothiri Brahmins, that was more or less 80% Sanskrit based and 20% native Malayalam/Tamil based written in the Tulunadu Tulu based script in Kerala. This was done deliberately and owing to this deliberate British action the Indigenous Malayalama lingua Malabar Tamil written in the Tamil script died off the current Namboothiri Brahmin higly Sanskritised Grantha language written in the Tulu based script has now become the current Malyalam language. However even now the simple Malayalam of the masses is very Tamil based. The irony is the British to quell the Malayalees , with the support of the Namboothiri Brahmins ,introduced this Brahmin language and Tulu based script in Kerala. However banned this same Tulu script in supressed the Tulu identity in Tulu Nadu( western coastal Karnataka. This was done to supress them too.

    • 4

      Dr. Laksiri Fernando

      RE: Make A Stop To Acrimonious ‘Ethnic Debates’

      “Ultimately, all of us, including our aboriginal Veddas, stood up in East Africa and walked across to where we are now!”

      It is refreshing to hear some truths. Thanks.

      However, please remind the Para-Sinhala, the Para-Tamils, the Para-Muslims, The Paranigios, the Para-Malays and the other Paras, this Land belongs to the Native Veddah Aethho.

      Would you consider writing a short Common sense Phamolet on he Paras of Lanka/

      You may be as famous as Thomas Paine was in America, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, and may do some good. Given below is some reference materials for you to get started.

      1. Common Sense (pamphlet)


      2. Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.


      • 8

        The problem in Sri Lanka is that, right from independence, the Sinhalese and Tamils were at each other’s necks with superiority complex. Both were laughing and ridiculing at each other’s language and culture and origin.

        Racist Tamil Politicians like GG Ponnambalam rejected the Mahavamsa saying that the Tamils are PROUD DRAVIDIANS who always ruled the Sinhalese. The anti-sinhala movement of G. G. Ponnambalam also propagated the idea among the NE Tamils that the Sinhalese are nothing but low caste Tamil converts.
        In his 1939 Nawalapitiya address, G. G. Ponnambalam said that ‘the Sinhalese are a hybrid mongrel race split from the aboriginal Tamils and mixed with Aryan invaders’. This was the spark that ignited the first Sinhala-Tamil riot in Sri Lanka in 1939 but the British were quick enough to put it down.
        A few other Tamil politicians who accepted the Mahavamsa called the Sinhalese as exiled criminals of India who came and landed in our Lanka (they believed it was a part of the ancient Tamil country).

        On the other hand, even the Sinhalese politicians like SWRD Bandaranayake and the Sinhala Maha Sabha were anti-Tamil racists who were not second to the Tamil politicians.

    • 6

      There is nothing wrong with Mahavamsa it is a book written in 5AD as a record of history and hence it is a good historical source. Like any book written in 5AD it has a its share of inaccuracies. However the place Mahavamsa has as a historical source is unquestionable and irreplaceable.

      But the bashing of the mahavamsa comes due to a different reason. Mahavamsa is the history of sinhalese. Even with its mythical legend stories in the beginning its reliability on latter part is huge. That is a fact acknowledged by many historians. Certianly the eelamist historians bash it because mahavamsa is an impediment to their political aim. That is the sole reason for mahavamsa bashing.

      Lets stop thinking about mahavamsa
      1. Why did all indian, chinese, Burmese, Thai, chronicals fail to mention any tamil civilisation in SL while they have referred to sinhala nation multiple times?
      2. Why did the european sources fail to mention any tamil nation in SL?
      3. Why do Dutch and Portugese maps call place names in N and E in Sinhala and not in Tamil.
      4. There are records of tamils migration during Dutch period and internal migration from estates.
      5. Tamils are very tribal while sinhalese do not stick to their ethnicity much. That can be observed by looking at sinhala and tamil diasporas. The first to mingle with the countries culture, take their names, and culture leaving their ethnicity is sinhalese. That is their trait. So can anyone believe Sinhalese forming a new identity among a very tribal tamil people? It can happen the vice versa.
      6. The Hindu epics talk about a Sinhala nation in SL while fail to mention any tamil nation in SL
      7. East was under Kandyan period until British capture Kandy
      8. Sinhala people has a lot of evidence for their civilisation in SL. Tamils in SL have none. Why?
      9. Had tamils lived in SL I dont think the cholas would be invading SL, even the chola records do not talk about any tamil country in SL rather the sinhala one.
      10. The locations of these poeple show that Tamils are people who came later and not sinhalese. It is the people who came first was pushed to south as a result of continuous invasions.

      I can list many. But I will stop at these 10.

      • 6

        You can read but can not understand. That is your problems.

        Please read Mahavamsa and find a reply to these three questions. Who is the only race in the world pray lord Muruga, from whom Dutugemunu got his sword at the country’s most South End temple of Kathirkamam? Who was King Dutugemunu defeated at the middle of the country Kingdom?
        Who was the race occupied north and bothered him and made him sleep not straight with opposite was blocked by sea.

        Dutugemunu told his mother that the Tamils are bothering from North. We stuck by the sea on south by no way to run and escape. So we have only one way that is go back and fight with Tamils. Father said to him fighting with Tamils can be dragging for ever, until all Tamils are wiped out that will not be solution, so be satisfied with what you have. Are these in the unreliable part of the Mahavamsa or appearing in the reliable part of the Mahavamsa?

        Ramayana and Panchiswarms are 5000 years old.

        Leave aside the modern history, that is beyond your ability to grasp.

      • 7


        #1. Why did all indian, Chinese, Burmese, Thai, chronicals fail to mention any tamil civilisation in SL while they have referred to sinhala nation multiple times?#

        Could you please tell us which Chinese Chronical talks about Sinhala Nation?
        Could you please tell us which Burmese Chronical talks about Sinhala Nation?
        Could you please tell us which Thai Chronical talks about Sinhala Nation?

        Only the Indian epic Mahabaratha (even Indians believe it as a Mythology) talks about a Sinhala tribe.
        Mahabharata talks of Sinhalas as the barbarous mlecchas, the natives of Lanka in its Book 1, Chapter 177, in Book 2, Chapter 33 & 51, and in Book 7, Chapter 20.

        When the Mahavihara monks (including Ven. Mahanama) created a tribe/race in the 5th/6th century AD to sustain the Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka, the term Sinhala may have been adopted (copied) from the Indian epic Mahabharata which predates the Mahavansa by many centuries. Later they also created a lion story to make it look true.

        #2. Why did the european sources fail to mention any tamil nation in SL?#

        Every European sources that mentioned Sinhala has also mentioned Malabar/Tamils. The reason why the Portuguese and the Dutch mistakenly identified the Tamils as Malabar was because they first landed in Malabar/Kerala before coming to Sri Lanka. The Tamil language is very similar to the Malabar Language.

        Could you please tell us which European source that mentioned Sinhala failed to mention Malabar/Tamil?

        #3. Why do Dutch and Portugese maps call place names in N and E in Sinhala and not in Tamil?#

        Who is saying it is Sinhala and not Tamil? Are they qualified Tamil/Sinhala linguists? Have they published any research paper on this subject? Some stupid Chemistry professor by the name Chandre Darmawardne who lives in Canada and knows nothing about Tamil language has created a web site to propagate lies. None of them are Sinhala names, they are all pure Jaffna Tamil names.

        #4. There are records of tamils migration during Dutch period and internal migration from estates.#

        Yes, there are records of Tamil migration from South India to South of Sri Lanka (Colombo to Galle) during the Portuguese and Dutch period mainly for Cinnamon cultivation. Today they are all Sinhala-Buddhists.

        #5. Tamils are very tribal while sinhalese do not stick to their ethnicity much. That can be observed by looking at sinhala and tamil diasporas. The first to mingle with the countries culture, take their names, and culture leaving their ethnicity is sinhalese. That is their trait. So can anyone believe Sinhalese forming a new identity among a very tribal tamil people? It can happen the vice versa.#

        Is that why the Europeans gave White collar jobs in the Ceylon civil service to the Jaffna Tamils and Blue collar jobs (peons & drivers) to the Sinhalese?

        # 6. The Hindu epics talk about a Sinhala nation in SL while fail to mention any tamil nation in SL #

        Which Hindu epic? I have already mentioned about the Mahabaratha in Qn. 1 above.

        #7. East was under Kandyan period until British capture Kandy#

        Do you know when the East came under the Kandyan Kingdom?

        The arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century and the fall of Jaffna Kingdom led to turbulence in the Northern and Eastern districts of Ceylon. The only kingdom that existed in Sri Lanka (both Kotte and Jaffna kingdoms fell into the hands of the Portuguese) was the Kandyan kingdom and many of the old Tamil Hindu principalities sought protection from the Kandyan king (a Tamil speaking South Indian). The king of Kandy invited the Dutch to fight the Portuguese. The Dutch captured some parts of the Eastern and Northern Province (including Trincomalee and Batticaloa) from the Portuguese and handed it over to the king of Kandy. (That was the period when Robert Knox landed in Trincomalee and was taken as a prisoner to Kandy). But the Kandyan rule does not deny the Tamil presence in those areas. Some parts of the Eastern and Northern Province coming under the Kandyan Kingdom made no difference to the Tamil position in regard to the inhabitancy.

        #8. Sinhala people has a lot of evidence for their civilisation in SL. Tamils in SL have none. Why?#

        Could you please tell us what evidence the Sinhalese have? How do you know they are Sinhalese and not Tamil? Where is it mentioned that it is Sinhalese?

        #9. Had tamils lived in SL I dont think the cholas would be invading SL, even the chola records do not talk about any tamil country in SL rather the sinhala one.#

        The Tamil kings (Chola & Pandya) have ruled Sri Lanka more than anybody else. Only because the Tamils lived in the island, they were able to come and capture the kingdom and rule for many years. Elara ruled for 44 years. Just after Dutugemunu died, the Tamils took over the kingdom again. In the 9th century AD, under Rajaraja Chola and his son Rajendra Chola, Sri Lanka became one of the nine provinces of the Chola Empire and was called Eelam Mandalam.

        #10. The locations of these poeple show that Tamils are people who came later and not sinhalese. It is the people who came first was pushed to south as a result of continuous invasions.#

        Known civilization started in the North central Anuradapura. Tamils always preferred the North because it was closer to the Tamil speaking Pandya and Chola kingdoms.

        If you read the Mahavamsa carefully, even Dutugemunu’s father King Kavantissa the king of Rohana (Kingdom in Southern Sri Lanka) had told Dutugemunu not to invade (Rajarata) the land of the Damilas. He had said, Rohana the region on this side of the river (Southern territory) has enough land. There is evidence in the Mahavamsa that the Northern territory (Rajarata) was occupied by the Tamils. It says, Dutugemunu had to conquer not just one Tamil king (Elara) but 32 Tamil Chieftains around the Anuradhapura principality alone.

        If you are lazy to read the Mahavamsa, go and watch the Sinhala movie “Maharaja Gemunu”, you can clearly see that the Northern kingdom and the Southern kingdom were separated not only by Tamils and Sinhalese but also by the river.

        • 3

          You also forgot to mention to him at the time when parts of the east came under the loose rule of the Kingdom of Kandy. The Kingdom of Kandy was ruled by Tamil speaking or Tamil Naicker kings from Maurai/Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu. SO far as these eastern Tamils were concerned their local rulers were the Tamil Vanimanai Chiefs and above them was a Tamil Hindu King. These Tamils saw and considered this King as a Hindu Tamil and not anything else. Further the Kandyan Kingdom was never a Sinhalese kingdom ( as again it now falesely portrayed) as it had many Tamil parts even within the central parts and in parts of the east. The court and official languages of the Kingdom was not just Sinhalese but both Sinhalese and Tamils as many of its subjects the King and nobles spoke Tamil. This is why around half of the Kanyan aristocrats signed the Kanyan convention handing the kingdom of Kandy to the British in 1815 in Tamil. These Sinhalese extremists with the encouragement of all Sinhalese led Sri Lankan governments since independence are now rewriting the island’s history to falsely portray to the world that island only had an exclusive Sinhalese Buddhist history and nothing else. They are trying to erase anything Tamil or Hindu from the island’s history and their ancient presence. All new school history books published during the Rajapakse era omitted any reference to the Tamil Jaffna kingdom in that ruled North, north western coastal belt and Trincomalee and the highly independent Tamil eastern Vannimanai chiefdoms that ruled the east. Everything from the go is Sinhalese and Buddhist. No wonder these clowns are so brain washed. Just like the Germans during the Nazi era.
          Lastly many Tamil kings and dynasties ruled the Sinhalese areas in the island for hundreds of years so this means these lands were not Sinhalese as a Tamil king ruled them just like some of them argue that because parts of the east times came under the rule of the Kandyan kingdom they are not Tamil. What is good for the Sinhalese is good for the Tamils too

          • 4


            This information is too much for his peanut brain to comprehend. Give him summarized replies where ever possible.

          • 1

            Cool story, bro :D But the fairy tale exhibition is actually that way :D

    • 4

      Janaka Fernando

      History is basically the capacity of the society in remembering the past. The mode of exerting this capacity differs from society to society. Archeology (ancient artifacts, ruins, potsherds, burials, coins, stone inscriptions, cave writings, rock edits, writings on Ola leaves, etc), ancient literature, chronicles, cultural anthropology, folk stories, historical linguists, etc. are some of the tools to understand the history of a society.

      The Mahavihara monks of Anuradapura maintained Pali chronicles in Sri Lanka which were intended primarily to record the activities of the Theravada Buddhists. The Mahavamsa (Great Chronicle of historical poem) was written not as a history of Sri Lanka (or Sinhalese) but as a history of the Mahavihara (Theravada Buddhists). The Mahavamsa and Dipavamsa speaks ONLY of Theravada Buddhists and NOT Sinhala Buddhists. The original Mahavamsa (Mahawansha), is a historical poem written in Pali, which covers a period starting from the arrival of Vijaya (543 BC) to the time of Mahasena’s rule (334-361 BC) written by the Venerable Mahanama Thero, an uncle of King Dhatusena.

      From the archeological/epigraphic evidence and the chronicles itself, it is clear that during the same period there also existed other religions such as Mahayana Buddhism, Saivism, Vaishnavism, Jainism, etc. but they were all left out. It is also clear that, not only Demadas and Kalingas, but also a few other tribes such as Kabojas/kambojas, Milekas, Muridis, Merayas and Jhavakas have also lived in the island during that period but right from Devanampiya Tissa to the end of Anuradapura period the Mahavamsa glorifies only the Theravada Buddhist kings, even though their ethnic background is never mentioned (an ethnic group or a dynasty called Hela/Sinhala is not at all mentioned accept twice in the beginning chapter about Vijaya/Lion myth). Only the non-Buddhist kings were identified in the Mahavamsa (even though not mentioned in any epigraphy) as Damelars (outsiders/invaders).

      The Pali chronicles were written long after the events described took place (some of them more than 1000 years). Therefore these cannot be considered as accurate records of the events. These were written by Theravada Buddhist priests who mainly tried to convey a religious message using the events to illustrate the importance of the Theravada Buddhist religion, hence a very biased version. The description of the events had a very heavy religious flavor and the history was modified to glorify those kings who patronized and supported Buddhism and those who did not were portrayed as “bad kings”, or “invaders”. There was also a tendency to remain silent on the issues which did not portray Buddhism in a favorable light.

      It is also clear that the Mahavamsa is biased towards North India against the South. This may be because Buddhism and Pali came from there. It has been trying to minimize the South Indian component of the Lankan culture, adopting an anti-Tamil attitude and trying to maximize on an imaginary North Indian component of Lankan culture.

      To create the Sinhala-Buddhist society in the 5th century AD, the Mahavihara monks have imagined/visualized a mass ‘Aryan migration’ from North India during the proto-historic period. This myth created the foundation for the authoritative history of the island, conditioning the minds of the people from generation to generation and it still continues to the future generation. In reality, there is no objective evidence of an Aryan migration from North India; the ethnic structure in Sri Lanka is quite South Indian with close affinities to Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andara and Orrisa.

      Therefore the Pali chronicles on which the authoritative history of the island is still based cannot be considered as a complete history of Sri Lanka or the history of the Sinhalese, and is also not much helpful to understand the Tamil history of Sri Lanka.

      • 6

        About the origin of Sinhala

        The North Indian Hindu epics written in Sanskrit were Ramayana and Mahabaratha. Both these epics are considered Myths (stories created for people to understand the Hindu Dharma). Both Ramayana and Mahabaratha predates Deepavamsa/Mahavamsa by many centuries. The terms Lanka, Ravana and Raksaha were mentioned for the very first time on earth in the Ramayana. The term Lanka and Raksaha were mentioned again for the second time only in the Mahabaratha. Similarly, the terms Simhala/Sinhala, Yaksha, Naga, Deva, etc. were mentioned for the very first time only in the Mahabaratha and the historians are not sure if they were true.

        However, many centuries later in the island known today as Sri Lanka, the Mahavihara monks who were very knowledgeable in the North Indian Sanskrit and Pali texts were foreseeing a threat to Theravada Buddhism from Saivism, Vaishnavism, Jainism and Mahayana Buddhism.

        If we see the first few chapters of the Mahavamsa, it is very clear that they have compiled the Mahavamsa by creating some stories taken straight from the North Indian epic Mahabaratha and modifying them to suit the situation in the island by including a new (Lion) story to it. In doing so, they have adopted the terms Sinhala, Lanka, Yaksha, Naga, Deva, Rakshasa, etc. straight from the Mahabaratha.

        There is NO archaeological/epigraphic evidence in the island known today as Sri Lanka to prove Sinhala, Lanka, Yaksha, Naga, Deva, Rakshasa, etc. existed before it was mentioned in the Pali Chronicles by the Mahavihara monks. Mahanama Thero who authored the Mahavamsa seems to be an expert on copy & paste. Historically it is from the Mahavamsa depiction the Sinhala race was originated somewhere in the 5th/6th century and later evolved into the present state.

        • 2

          Just like Wiggy, you are simply ignorant.

          Sinhala race was originated somewhere in the 5th/6th century

          Sinhalese are not a “Race”. They are an ethnicity. The language can be traced from beyond 3rd CE. There are examples at the Colombo Museum.

          The stages of Sinhala language evolution.

          Sinhalese Prakrit (until 3rd century AD)
          Proto-Sinhalese (3rd – 7th century AD)
          Medieval Sinhalese (7th – 12th century AD)
          Modern Sinhalese (12th century — present)

          • 3

            It was not Sinhalese Prakrit just Prakrit that the British as usual incorrectly labelled as Sinhalese Prakrit.

          • 7


            This is how the half-baked European Orientalist ‘scholars’ such as William Geiger classified/labeled the island’s developing language/script in the early 20th century CE. It was purely based on assumptions without understanding the actual ground situation in the island during that early period. They had no idea about the languages, scripts, religions, cultures, traditions, etc. of the people of Sri Lanka and India (both were inter-related) who lived during early historic period.

            There was NOTHING called Sinhala Prakrit or Old Sinhala or Sinhala Brahmi, such terms never existed in the early period. These are terms coined by these 20th century European Orientalist ‘scholars’. There was NOTHING what so ever called “Sinhalese” when the caves were inscribed. The European Orientalist ‘scholars’ named it ‘Sinhala’ Prakrit and ‘Sinhala’ Brahmi only very recently (20th century)? The Caves all over Sri Lanka are inscribed in one language – Prakrit and one script – Brahmi and both Prakrit and Brahmi are imported from India just like Buddhism.

            Other than these European Orientalists (so called scholars), could you tell us any reputed/qualified epigraphists/linguists, someone who knew the languages such as Sanskrit, Pali, Elu, Sinhala, and Tamil and someone who knew the different types of ancient Brahmi scripts, Grantha script, the present day North and South Indian scripts and the Sinhala scrip, someone who is more reliable and credible who has written a research paper on the above to say Sinhala language existed in the early historic period?

          • 0

            “Sinhala race was originated somewhere in the 5th/6th century”
            You try hard Vibushana to rewrite history.
            Cool Story Bro :R

    • 1

      unfortunately there is no point just saying we have to live together. we Sinhalese have to accept tamils are racist – its I think very much like the islamist tribal idealogy which need to be defeated. but I do not think sri lankans are sophisticated enough to recognize this or to counter it. v. unfortunate for our country. what future can there be for sri lanka with this minority that does not respect others ?

  • 13

    Let us take the present contextual realities more seriously and responsibly and create an atmosphere of more light and less heat,to work out a Modus vivendi of peaceful coexistence among those inhabiting the Island today.
    Instead of emotional discussions as to our historic origins and glorous pasts, let us come into grips with what we during the last 68 years after Independence have lived and suffered. By reflecting on the past sufferings and our own mistakes, we all can learn a lot and prepare for the future.
    The new Constitution is a sine qua non, a necessary step, towards a peaceful coexistence of all peoples on the Island. The present coalition Government seems to have the good will and Vision towards such a peaceful coexistence. But they Need the Courage and statesmanship to fight the racists and extremists to realise their Vision. Let us all help.

    • 7

      Father, We are fully aware that you have been bought over by the Srisena and Ranil group. We do not know why and how you have changed your views all of a sudden, especially after meeting the Foreign minister Samaraweera. There is no scope for the Tamils in future and will be treated as second class citizens but many of you are trying to benefit in the name of the Tamil people. It is better for you to go Church than to do politics. Dr.Laksiri Fernando is speaking of discussions. The Tamils and the Sinhala leaders have had discussions and agreements since Sri Lanka obtained independence but of no avail.

      • 2

        One time there were four bulls in a grazing land> No predators could challenge them. They were eating everyday and so appealing with fully grown flesh. The Lah Lah wild lion could not go near to them. They were united. The lion did a trick. When one of them were little away it went near to and pretended like saying something and ran away. Others thought that bull has become a traitor united with the Lah Lah lion chased him away from their group. So the lion ate him. You know what happened to the rest. It was the same old story.
        The main secret the Lah lah Lion told to Father Emanuel’s ears is removing from the list of banned persons. Father Emmanuel has to get back to group rather than feed fuel to the suspicions. If not he will be the one lead the destruction of the diaspora’s unity.

    • 3

      forget that I think you should be tried for war crimes against SL

    • 3

      Father S.J.Emmanuel

      “The new Constitution is a sine qua non, a necessary step, towards a peaceful coexistence of all peoples on the Island. The present coalition Government seems to have the good will and Vision towards such a peaceful coexistence. But they Need the Courage and statesmanship to fight the racists and extremists to realise their Vision. Let us all help.”


      The racists and extremists will always be there.

      Yes, a new Constitution is needed. It MUST have

      1. Separation of Temple, Church, Mosque and State.

      2. A New Flag. Too much Blood under the Old Flag.

      3. A New National Song. Too much blood under the old national song.

      4. Individual liberty and Citizens Rights.

      5. Law and order Guarantee.

      Of course, the vested interests will fight for it, bit get it through anyway.

    • 4

      Cardinal Malcom Ranjith was to address a prayer cum discussion meeting in London on 4th February. This has now been cancelled as British government has refused to give visa to him to enter UK. He has told the organisers that he will never be able to visit UK in the future. They say it may be due to his recent anti-Tamil statements as well as his canvassing abroad to cover up war crimes committed.

  • 5

    Well, my reaction was’t a knee jerk reaction to Wiggy.

    It was a well researched piece of information. Anyone can visit the British National archives and read for themselves. I did not see any reason to engage in further discussion.

    There is more to it than though.

    There was no demography called “Ceylon Tamil” before 1911. The Tamils were just known as “Malabar” or Tamil.

    In the 1911 census suddenly Ceylon and Indian Tamil demographics appear. The existing Malabar population have been neatly divided into two groups. Ceylon Tamil 12.9% and Indian Tamil 12.9% of the population. There was no citizenship test at all.

    The Ceylon Tamil is a precursor to the Donoughmore constitution. Here the Ceylon Tamils were artificially elevated to “Equal” to the Sinhala population. The introduction of Ceylon Tamils have weakened Sinhala representation.

    This is identical to what they did in India with the Moslems. India is overwhelmingly a Hindu country. The Moslems are however introduced as an “Equal” to weaken the Hindus.

    However when the British left they had no use for Tamils, so they take the artificial equality away. In the next Soulbury constitution the Tamils do not have the same powers.

    It was clear the British only used Tamils to weaken Sinhala leadership while they were here. When they leave they just drop the Tamils like a hot potato.

    This has been the 60 year Tamil problem. They want what they had with Donoughmore constitution.

    Although Tamils need to realise they were just being used by the British to check the natives. They never were really “Equal” to Sinhala.

    • 11


      For goodness sake parent your well researched materials on this forum rather than writing utter nonsense and when challenged you run away!

      The British did use the Tamils to check the Sinhala. There were abundance of well educated English speaking Tamils for the English to employ. Jaffna Tamils in particular took advantage of the schools established by the American missionaries. The Americal missionaries arrived in Sri Lanka during and immediately after the Americal civil war; at that time the relations between Britain and America was soured. This was why the British directed the Americal missionaries towards the north away colombo. This the fact.

      Your seek out materials to feed your bigotry.

      Dr LF,

      I agree with you that CM Wighneswaran is not helping. What people should realise is that he is not a career politician and as you said that he has allowed his emotions to rule him. I am sure the Sinhala leaders will give prominence to the stand that TNA have taken and take Wiggie with a pinge of salt.

      • 3

        The way it works you moron, you provide some kind of reliable unbiased source to prove what you say.

        For example I have provided the British National archives as a source.

        • 7

          Imbecile Vibhushana,

          This subject was debated on Groundviews and the Brits did not use the Tamils to check the Sinhala. Come on prove it if you disagree.

          British national archives what does it proof? You better do better than that you silly fool. You need to grow up. This is not a child’s game.

        • 11


          “It was a well researched piece of information. Anyone can visit the British National archives and read for themselves.”

          Well researched by Who??? What is the name/title of the research paper???

          If the British National archives had any such information, definitely some Sinhala Historian would have written a book on it with full details. So far, we have NEVER come across any such research paper or book.

          Where did you see this British National archives??? Could you please give us a link to this so called British National archives without running away when we ask for details.

      • 4


        I meant to write “The British did not use the Tamils to check the Sinhala”

    • 11

      Vibushana the lier – learn history properly.

      • 15

        Vibushana once reveled that he comes from the Karava caste. He did not know that the Karavas were originally Dalits who came from Thoothtukudy in Tamil Nadu and settled in the South of Sri Lanka between 14th to 17th centuries and got converted to Sinhala-Buddhists. When his ancestry was revealed to him with evidence from well-known historians, he comes with a bogus story about British National archives and then he gets to know more about his great grandparents from us.

    • 8

      Hey Mr Vibushana, we Sinhalese did not need Tamils to “weaken Sinhala leadership” as you contend. Sinhalese had the infinite capacity to weaken themselves without any external assistance at all! Want an example? Take the case of the McCallum Reforms of 1912, when a seat was created for “Educated Ceylonese “The Sinhalese chaps in the Legislative Council preferred to support Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan, an ethnic Tamil, Vellalar rather than the Sinhala, Buddhist BUT Karawe Sir Marcus Fernando and the latter was humiliatingly defeated.

      We blame every Sampanthan,Hakeem and Kenunemen for our troubles. Stop it Or continue with it is the choice before the Sinhalese. At the moment we seem to be running around like a brood of headless chicken …. while dark clouds are gathering around us.

    • 10


      D.W.Wickremasinghe & D.C.Cameron (2005) had this to say about the influx of South Indian labour to serve the newly emerging plantation industry and the reasons for this during British colonial rule.

      This labour landed in Jaffna and marched 150 km into the hill country. No where have they sated that they settled in the north. Although I have no access to the British archives, all references I have access, confirm this fact.

      Kings of old, the Portuguese and the Dutch had also imported Indian labour who have merged with the local populations and are distinct communities,in many instances.

      Baldeous in his book on Dutch rule in Jaffna also avers and provided sketches of Dutchmen working as farmers in Jaffna, marrying Tamil women and having children. The fair complexion among sections of Vellalah Tamils in Jaffna may have arisen from such marriages.

      Wickremasinghe & Cameron have this to say in their well researched and argued article:

      Land without Labour: The problem of labour supply to the colonial plantations

      “T. W Baynes, a Judge in British Ceylon, wrote a letter, dated 10th February 1841, on behalf of his brother who was a planter in Ceylon, to Charles Dickens who was a trader in South India; “Labour here is somewhat scare and (at) high price and (is) not to be depended on. My brother is very anxious to have coolies from the coast. They will be hutted and get a small piece of ground for a garden. The Sinhalese coolies are very idle and owing to the scarcity of their numbers, they give themselves great airs.” (Quoted in Tinker 1974, p.70).

      J. Steuart, an English Writer, made a comparison between England and British Ceylon as follows; “In England the study of statesmen is to find employment for the poor; while in Ceylon the difficulty is to find poor to employ. England has not sufficient land to produce food for its manufacturing people; while Ceylon has not sufficient labouring population to cultivate the soil for English capitalists and has none to spare for manufacturing purposes” (quoted in Pieris 1952).

      Sir Henry Word, Governor of Ceylon (1855-1860), wrote in a despatch to the Colonial Office in June 1855; “The attempt to induce the native population to take part in those improvements that have converted the jungle into thriving coffee plantations upon which an enormous amount of British capital and Enterprise has been expanded, has so failed so entirely that the whole of the work of plantations is carried on by immigrants coolie labour (from South India). No amount of wages, no hopes of prospective advantages, no desire to improve their conditions by imitating habits of their European neighbours, have acted as yet upon the Singhalese mind, or roused the people from their apathy. With wants easily satisfied, and a fertile soil subdivided into small holdings, they can always command the absolute necessaries of life and seem to look no further.” (Sri Lanka National Archives).

      Governor Robinson at the opening session of the Ceylon Legislative Council in 1866; “The wants of the native population of the island are few and easily supplied by an occasional day’s work in their own gardens or paddy fields. Their philosophy, their love of ease and indolence or their limited ideas, whichever may be the cause, render them perfectly content with what the already possess.” (Quoted in Bandarage 1983, p.175).

      These quotations provide the British perception of ‘why Sri Lankan natives did not become plantation labourers’, in other words ‘why the emerging plantation system was unable to attract indigenous labour’. Pre-colonial Kandian social formation was simple in its styles but complex in social relations. “

      “The lifestyle of villagers was composed of daily routines related to their simple agricultural activities and engagement in some specific work related to caste which was the main form of social stratification in the Singhalese society. Definition of caste is indeed a difficult task and its implications for the society have been so vast. However, in it is narrow economic sense, a caste was a specific social stratification to which people belonged by heredity and to which some socio-economic activities were delegated and specialised. It was a form of ‘social charter’ assigned to a specific familial stratification in the society. It ensured that one’s child would be in the same craft or service as their parents. “

      “In search of labour for Land: How Indian Tamils were tied to Ceylonese Plantations.

      Due to insufficient institutional prerequisites for the release of indigenous labour for plantation work, British planters turned to India as a source of cheap labour supply. India was already such a source not only for planters but for the emerging industries in the metropolis (e.g. cotton and coal mining in UK). Conditions in the South Indian economy encouraged labour migration, and the transfer of labour was an organised business with capital outlay by shippers, recruiting agents and planters. “Sailing vessels (were) employed by the Government of Ceylon.” (Nadasan 1993, p.51). The government initially incurred the expenses of labourer transportation (up to the northern coast of Ceylon from where the workers had to walk over a 150 miles) which was subsequently recovered from the planters (Wesamperuma 1986).

      ” In India ‘ labour-hunting’ was a term used in government reports….A recruiting agent and several sub-agents scoured the villages, drumming up hopes of a bright future and using every possible stratagem to increase their catch” (De Silva 1982, pp.237, 239). 1982). The historical reasons for forming such a kangany system of strategy and control are dialectical in push and pull factors. On the pull side, the Sri Lankan plantation system experienced a severe shortage of labour due to the non-willingness of Singhalese to work on plantations. On the push side, the South Indian social formation of caste based feudalism created a huge landlessness and indebtness among low cast Tamils which they wanted to escape from. The scenario from the labourers side was simply a movement from debt bondage in a South Indian village to debt bondage on Sri Lankan plantations in the ‘hope of a better life.”


      The above link makes very interesting reading and provides much insight into the transformation of the Kandyan Kingdom demographically and economically.

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

      • 2

        Dr RN,

        This labour landed in Jaffna and marched 150 km into the hill country. No where have they sated that they settled in the north.

        This is a register from the “Parish of Pt Pedro”.


        Please confirm and acknowledge you have seen it. We can proceed from there afterwards.

        I appreciate the plethora of sources you have listed. This is why I prefer engaging with PhDs. Its quite a refreshing change.

        • 10

          “This is why I prefer engaging with PhDs.”

          This is the biggest joke ever, it kept me laughing for a very long time, I still cannot stop laughing.

          First of all, Vibhushana does not even know the meaning of PhD. When he cannot even fool the simpletons he is trying to fool the PhDs.

          Another biggest joke is, the website he has given here is a FAKE created most probably by a few Sinhala racists (his friends). When you ask him for authentic source he will always give this FAKE website. Even a moderately educated person will not do that.

          Vibhushana’s problem is, we already found out from where his ancersters came to Sri Lanka and got converted to Sinhala-Buddhists.

          He should be ignored. Dr. RN shouldn’t have bothered to respond to this joker but the information he has given here is worth reading.

          • 2

            Its from the Public Record Office – London, you [Edited out]. When you go there ask for document reference T.71/668.

            • 1

              According to “Suresh” the resident schizo/copy paste dullard even the Dutch National Archive was created by Sinhalam conspirators :D LOL We Thamizh and our desperate tales :D

              • 5

                Cool comment bro :D

              • 2

                Imposter Sarma,

                :D Vibhushana is in a hole and he id dicking it deeper and deeper; your appearance will hasten it :D You could not help yourself could you.

                • 1

                  Cool story, bro :D

                  • 6

                    Ballless Sarma… DB-
                    You are one another hypocrite – is marked by those who know you.

                    • 0

                      Cool story, bro :D
                      At least I assume it is – I’ll confirm once it’s translated from monkey to English :D

        • 3


          Your link only a one page list of ‘ Palla’ slaves. The problem may be due to WiFi overload at this hour. I shall recheck it later in the day and revert.’

          • 3

            Yes, you may observe the following.

            1 – The slaves were registered in 1820 – 5 years after British occupation.
            2 – The tea industry started in Circa 1860s. So Tamils in Jaffna were probably shipped here for infrastructure building and perhaps coffee.
            3 – The owner of the slave in Pt Pedoro and Palla slave is mentioned.
            4 – The caste system in Jaffna consists of agriculturalists (Vellala) and lower castes. There are no Brahmin or Khyastrias.
            5 – The full Tamil caste hierarchy does not exist because only a selective casts were shipped to Jaffna. Vellala for plantation work and other for menial labour.
            6 – The Brahmins are forbidden to cross water anyway so they would not have been sent.

            • 8

              ‘The Pallar are a caste category in Jaffna and were agricultural laborers serving the Velkahlas. They were considered ‘ Kudi Makkal’ ( those who serve the Velkahlas ). According to the customary laws of Jaffna, which were codified in the 1700s by the Dutch, slavery was sanctioned in Jaffna. The British abolished this aspect of the Thesawalamai laws. Please read my essay on the Thesavalamai laws and the discussion that it triggered in the following link.


              Your interpretations of what is .apparently a one page document donot hold water.

              I , however can say with some confidence that there were migrations of South Indian Tamils in small numbers over time. Vadamarachchy has more of this aspect reflected in its customs. Sir.P. rananathan and Sir.P. Arunachalam belonged to such a family. The Rayar families ( eg. The Makawarayars) who owned much land in Jaffna and wielded much power, were also migrants from South India.

              Further, Thenarachchi, especially around Chavakachcheri had an influx of migrants from Java( Saavagar) and this is reflected in their features even today. The Rajapakse family also has Javanese or Malay features, because of such cross breeding.

              The population in Jaffna though not homogenous, is yet distinct. The antipathy towards Tamils from South India, who are called Vadakathayar ( those from the north) yet in Jaffna and looked down upon, is an Indication that the Jaffna Tamils have considered themselves different from the Indian Tamils and were intent on preserving their distinct identity. This distictiveness was noted and recorded by by South Indian scholars and Hindu savants like Kirupaanthavariar. The latter has said the purest and most melodious Tamil was spoken in Jaffna. We are fast losing this attribute due to the pervasive influence of South Indian Tamil cinema.



        • 4


          You never fail to show in vivid colours that you are really an imbecile! You must think that the other people are fools to buy into your concocted stories and websites. Please grow up for goodness sake!

  • 6

    A convenient slip of Pro.Laksiri Fernando into Dayan De Silva’s hybrid patriotic camp.

    Prf. Laksiri is showing nothing but the usual Sinhala Intellectual PhD Syndrome (SIPS). He, now trying to making him appear rehabilitated, but with the Old King when, after the war, king was to told take care of the minorities issue, simply denied as there aren’t any minorities in Sri Lanka so he need not care anybody . The rehabilitated professor had never an intentions to postmortem that statement, because it was created by Sinhala PhDs which to give one meaning for the IC who was demanding the equal treatment for Tamil with the Sinhalese and another meaning to Tamils, reminding them Mullivaaikkaal to warn if they still have any claim, rest of them will be wiped out too. Here, without having any importance to ostensible language difference which came into existence in the recent history, CV had stated a biological fact that there are no racial differences between Tamils and Sinhalese. Unlike Prof. The PhD, to be fair to everybody, CV had already conditioned his statement with “It is ideal to get a group of International Historians to investigate these facts.” That is a decent man’s statement, “if I am wrong I am wrong, but you, my enemy don’t come out with the verdict for between us, let us have a real judge.”

    The Prof.PhD knows well where CV is coming from with that statement. The entire countries education has been molested by the Sinhala PhDs by enforcing even the Tamil kids to forcefully take Text books from the racist government and study the bestiality and incest stories. It is an extremely difficult situation for a sincere teacher, who might have or not have same aged children at home, to explain his/her students the ethics and logic behind studying this kunu. That is utter nonsense when Tamils have much superior stories like 63 Nayanmar’s stories, which are based on Saiva Sittantha, denounce any cast, any creed, any religion, any believes and damp things other than the real God. It is painful thing for him when man has a nice cake in his hand, his master beating him to eat the Kunu out of the master’s hand. That is where he calls to scrap the entire lousy Sinhala PhD’s kunu books and call the UNESCO to write the history books for Tamil kids. Can the Prof.PhD, if he is really a learned man, explain why the UNESCO should not study the current books and recommend some additions or deduction for these kids to study and grow up as useful citizens, instead of turned into SinhaLE PhDs?

    The Prof.PhD is substantiating rubbish of a bigot, nick named as Vibhushana whose feeling had been broken by the statement of CV. But somewhere else he very commonly discounted that Tamil, who have been kept for 70 years in the burning own by these Sinhala Intellectuals, too may have reason to be hurt their feeling. What a kind of uplifting of Vibhushana status much above Tamils’ situation. Unfortunately, Vibhushana’s comments, including the one which was substantiated by the Prof.PhD is extreme bigotries. One time, the Prof.PhD, before his rehabilitation, has been substantiating the Old Kings statements. But it is a graceful heavenly deed comparing with what he is attempting here, a hellish deed, that is substantiating Vibhushana’s comments.

    Let’s look at who is CV and why he came out with this statement. Unlike the Guru of Dayan De Silva, CV is a principled man, contends that the Tamils and Sinhalese are wife and husbands. This is something he talked to Tamils Nadu people and explained to them that he would like to settle his problem with Sinhalese. This is a metaphor, he used, stems from natural behavior of a woman in a family when her brothers or parents attempts to solve her problems with her husband. This is not just an ad hoc metaphor he used, but it is what his private family life is too. In other words, it is not the Sinhala PhDs political statements read out by Old King.

    The meeting was not called on by Jaffna people to find a practical work out to implement their election manifest in which they asked for self-determination. . It is a wide arrangement from Colombo with the purpose of watering the claim that being put forward by Tamils for self-determination. These gentlemen, who visits to North are always fed with Appa diplomacy in Colombo and send to Jaffna. I do not see a reason if the international professors can put words into CV’s mouth what is wrong with they recommend what could be in the books of the Wildlife Sanctuary, Lankawe’s? I certainly guarantee that they will never, ever recommend anything more horrible than the Mahavamsa bestiality and incest stories to be included in the history and religion books. If the Sinhala Intellectual PhDs who vehemently attack CV on a nonsense point just because he had asked publicly the books have to be rewritten by foreign experts, who else going clean these Kunus out these books which are responsible to mold the young minds? Isn’t it because Sri Lankans learns these as their religion, when they went as UN peace keepers, they raped the women they went to protect? Isn’t this Mahavamsa Kunu is not just being force fed to Tamils, but it is being exported to International communities too?

    Time to call international experts, not to reprogram a well-known Supreme Court Justice, but to but provide Tamils with something beyond the Sinhala Justice, which substantiates Vibhushana’s comments but vehemently beats the man called for UNESCO researchists, but the man says Tamils and Sinhalese are wives and Husbands and there is not difference in between them.

    • 0

      Autonomous lunatic Mallaiyuran is going crazier!

  • 3

    “Ultimately, all of us, including our aboriginal Veddas, stood up in East Africa and walked across to where we are now!”

    Alash, so Mahanama is right after all! Is that right? Didn’t we stand with lions in the same wilderness just before that? What a nonsensical and overly standardized statement from a learned professor. Can he explain why did he mentioned this? Is he proving that the man is only an animal, with his follower Naren, who is still could not be rehabilitated from EPDP’s violent mentality?

    Let me ask him a question; is that, too, stated by Mahanama or experts like ones found in UNESCO? If it is by experts what is wrong on CV’s call to that experts? Why the Prof.PhD is retaliating?

    ” when some solutions to our problems are being contemplated and actively pursued.” please don’t play this type of foul game again. The entire world is condemning when the new King had expressed his intention in BBC.“There is no solution is being worked out anywhere in the land of Wildlife Sanctuary Lankawe” Here below, you telling the New King how to escape out of providing a solution and turn back and trap the Tamils in the same old buring own “There shouldn’t be any intolerance or even unease on the part of the Sinhalese, in my opinion, if and when Tamil political leaders articulate their traditional demand of ‘federalism’ or even the ‘right to self-determination.’ So the intolerance started because of Federalism? Why Federalism would create that kind of feeling? Is that the kind of feeling the visited experts of Swiss, a federal state came to Jaffna.

    Further you like to stress “To be fair by the Swiss Institute, it should be stated that it is not an institute which advocates federalism for other countries, but believes that ‘increasingly countries are incorporating elements of federalism into their structures in response to recent demands for increased regional autonomy and independence.’ Their focus is much wider..” Please don’t be a narrow thinking Sinhala Intellectuals. What they are saying ii, their advices is for governments not just to stuck in frame works and ignore people, but seek out better frame work first, then go beyond that and take care of the people more humanely. Don’t interpret, please, the object of Swiss Institute for Federalism as saying Federalism is only for somebody else and not for Wildlife Sanctuary Lankawe.

  • 11

    The Chief Minister of the Northern Province, C. V. Wigneswaran said,

    “Second fear expressed is that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country and the Tamils who are immigrants of recent yesteryears are asking more than they could and should. That is not so. History does not support the Mahawansa story. “

    Wigneswaran is absolutely correct.

    How dare the Sinhalese not only trying to claim the whole of Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist country but also have the audacity to ask the Tamils to accept this bogus Mahavamsa concept. The Tamils will NEVER accept this Mahavamsa mindset of the Sinhalese which is the most serious problem in Sri Lanka.

    C. V. Wigneswaran further said,

    “There was no ethnic group called the Sinhalese. The Sinhala language itself came into being only around 6th century AD. There was no Sinhala language before that.”

    YES, Wigneswaran is absolutely correct.

    There was nothing called Sinhala. Thousands of Prakrit (Sanskrit) stone inscriptions written in Brahmi script have been discovered during the early period, but not a single archaeological/epigraphical evidence has been found within or outside Sri Lanka to prove ‘Hela’ or ‘Sihala’ or ‘Sinhala’ existed until it was mentioned for the very first time by the Mahavihara monks in the 5th/6th century AD. Most probably, the Hela/Sinhala race would have started evolving (assimilating the Buddhist Damelas and others) only from the 5th/6th century AD after the foundation was laid by the Mahavihara Buddhist monks and the Theravada Buddhist kings. They may have created the Sinhala identity (to sustain Buddhism in Lanka) and the term Sinhala may have been adopted (copied) from the Indian epic Mahabharata which predates the Mahavansa by many centuries.

    • 6


      Whether Weggie is correct or not is not the issue. What he said is extremely sensitive and untimely. TNA is endeavouring to reach a consensus with the government and the new constitution is subject to winning the referendum. The majority of the Sinhala need to endorse it and the Tamils need to help and hinder.

      • 3

        Burning Issue

        Every Sinhala kid in SL is brought up making them believe the myth that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala-Buddhist country. It is called the Mahavamsa mindset of the Sinhalese which is the most serious problem in Sri Lanka. The Buddhist monk Mahanama in the 4th Century AD wrote what he thought occurred in the 5th Century BC. His Mahavamsa Myth created an imaginary link between Country-Race-Religion and made it into one unit, whereby Sri Lanka (Dhamma Deepa) and Buddhism (Buddha Sasana) will be protected by Buddha’s chosen people (Sinhalese) and therefore Sri Lanka is Sinhala-Buddhist.


        If the Sinhalese do not abandon this Mahavamsa mindset – that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala-Buddhist country, there is no alternative for the Sri Lankan Tamils other than establishing of a separate Tamil State with the support of International community by calling for a Kosovo type solution.

        • 3


          First and foremost, I must acknowledge your level of knowledge that you exhibit on the subject of Sri Lankan history. Years ago, I debated on this subject and found my knowledge was found wanting! Many educated Sinhala armed with convoluted and fabricated materials were bombarding the debates and ridiculing the likes of me for many years. They have systematically and calculatedly endeavoured to remove many references to the Tamil history in Sri Lanka. I came across many Sinhala Scholars articulated the connection between the Sinhala and Tamil languages. J.B. Dissanayake in his book of “Understanding the Sinhalese” stated in the earlier edition:

          “….Sinhala occupies a unique position among the languages of South Asia because of its close affinity, with two of the major linguistic families of the Indian sub continent Indo-Aryan and Dravidian…’ From this, one can conclude that Sinhala in written form could have been made by one or many, who knew both Dravidian and Aryan language. Thus early Dravidian Buddhist priests were scholars in Tamil, Pali and Sanskrit, to make Sinhala in spoken and written form possible.”

          Since his arm must have been twisted; he changed this in his later editions!

          The Sinhala Chauvinists have been well organised and set about to remove anything and everything that made reference to the Tamil or indeed India in order to inculcate and indoctrinate the Sinhala into believing that the Sinhala are the real natives of Sri Lanka and the Sinhala language was uniquely evolved in Sri Lanka with no connection with the Indian languages! They accept there is little connection but that did not influence fundamentally to alter the fabric of the language!

          All this point to one thing; that is that, the Sinhala Buddhists are chronically insecure. It has been drummed into them that, the 60 million Tamils across the Park Strait will walk across and takeover Sri Lanka anytime. Anagariga Dharmapala started this Sinhala Buddhist consciousness in response to the increasing trend of westernisation at that time. Since independence, the expedient Sinhala politicians have been exploiting this insecurity to gain power.

          “Every Sinhala kid in SL is brought up making them believe the myth that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala-Buddhist country. It is called the Mahavamsa mindset of the Sinhalese which is the most serious problem in Sri Lanka.”

          I completely agree with you on this. They have inculcated the Sinhala children from early age to believe that the Tamils are outsiders and Buddha had entrusted the Sinhala to foster Sri Lanka. Not only the Sinhala Kids but also the Tamil speaking kids are subjected to such nonsense!

          However, the reality is that the Sinhala constitute 75% of the total population of Sri Lanka. Apart from a few, our forefathers, at the time of independence, did not foresee the predicament that Tamils would find themselves in, in subsequent decades! We have to pick up the pieces now within the confinement of the present conditions. This is why I am critical of the CM Wiggie for uttering such sensitive aspects when there is a national government in place. There appears to be a consensus between the TNA and the Sinhala leaders as to a viable solution to the Tamil question. This is the last chance for the Sinhala leaders to resolve and atone the past mistakes and accommodate the Tamils on equal footings. We Tamils should give weight to this and help but not hinder. This is my point.

          • 3

            Burning Issue,

            Thank you for a very sensible comment. I agree with every word you have written. It is time we bent every sinew to find a solution. Let us give the TNA and the present government the space to find a long elusive solution.


          • 1

            Dear Burning Issue,
            You say,”There appears to be a consensus between the TNA and the Sinhala leaders as to a viable solution to the Tamil question”
            I hear that both Sampanthan and Sumanthiran are in London at present to study the Scotland devolution mechanism.
            If they had already come to an agreement about the solution with Sinhala leaders, what is the necessity to come to UK.
            Problem is Sinhala leaders have categorically told them that the solution will be under a unitary constitution and no devolution will be granted in Police and Land powers demanded by Tamils.
            I am not a politician or a political scientist, but I have been advocating for the last two years in Colombo Telegraph and other fora, that Srilanka must follow Scottish devolution mechanism to overcome the Unitary/Federal issue.
            For your information, UK does not have a written constitution, but for all intents and purposes have functioned as unitary. However now extensive devolution has been granted to Scotland, and thus be classified as federal, where Scottish people are in total control of their land as well as have absolute police powers. Even the laws passed by Parliament in London applies only to England and Wales, with Scotland having their own parliament to enact laws and administer justice.

            • 1

              Dr Gnana Sankaralingam,

              I am not privy to the insider information; I am only seeing from a distance. I see the body languages of both Sampanthan and Sumanthiran coupled with CBK’s portfolio and RW’s resolve to enact a constitution that is conducive to the 21st century. Central to the new constitution making is the ethnic question; hence, I believe that there is consensus in principle that a solution can be endeavoured on the basis decentralisation of power. I am sure that all concerned are at hard-work to find a way. The modality of power devolution and the future status of the country in terms of a unitary state or a united state is up in the air at the moment.

              I think that this is a unique opportunity, when the Sinhala have formed a national government to direct the country towards good-governance, for the Tamils to make the most of it. I think this is the last opportunity for Sri Lanka to atone her past mistakes and all actors are fully cognizant of this fact. Not only is a national government in place but also there is an insurmountable international pressure to see this through. With this in mind, the Tamils all over must give their full backing to the TNA to achieve something good for the Tamils and Sri Lanka as a whole.

              What is the alternative? CM Wiggie is naive to jettison such a unique opportunity and completely relying on the international community for something that will never materialise! India is central to everything that is afoot within the Indian sub-continent. This is the reality that VP never understood resulting in untold devastations for the Tamils. There will never be Eelam and the Tamils must find a way to live with the Sinhala. Everyone in Sri Lanka must have responsibility to harness peace. The Sri Lankan state has a big challenge in the form tacking the Mahavamsa mind-set; I see signs that there will be statute laws and actions towards hate-mongers. Then again the Sinhala may blow this unique opportunity and if that were to happen I would prefer that Tamils did not play any part in it!

              • 1

                Burning Issue,
                You are too hasty in believing Sinhala politicians. I have lived among Sinhalese for 44 years since birth. Of my Sinhala class mates in Royal except a few others are not willing to devolve powers to Tamils. Wigneswararn also must have got the same input from his Sinhala class mates. There is pressure from India and International community to settle the problem amicably. Do not bring in what Prabaharan did. Tamil politicians must listen to the Tamil masses, especially the intelligentsia. I was working in Jaffna at the time of Indo-Lanka accord in 1987. Tamil civil society asked Prabaharan to accept it and build on it, but Prabaharan refused. Again in 2002, when Balasingam negotiated a federal solution, Tamil public was prepared to accept, but Prabaharan refused. So do not blame the Tamil civil society on whose advise, Wigneswaran is acting. With my experience with Sinhalese, Tamils will never get justice under any initiative by internal mechanism. Even if some Sinhala leaders are willing to grant justice to Tamils, they will backtrack when the fierce Sinhala opposition arrives. I agree with you that India controls the destiny of Tamils and will never allow creation of Ealam, even if Sinhalese are willing to grant. But India is not helping either for Tamils to get a just solution within Srilanka. I was told by a Sinhala friend 25 years ago that India will never allow peace to be established and will put spokes to destabilise as it does not want a prosperous Srilanka at it’s door step, which is still true. Sinhala racism can only contained by international intervention as had happened in other countries with similar problem. If India does not want others to interfere, then it must actively engage in the peace process. Even now you hear that the government wants to settle Sinhalese in lands from which Tamils were forced out by the armed forces. If one believes in freedom of expression, then he must accept one’s right to put forward possible suggestion for the constitution which may even include Con-federation. Supposing the final outcome will not be something that any self respecting Tamil will accept, then what do you want Tamils to do, just to resign to their fate and keep sulking.

          • 2

            Burning Issue

            I too share your sentiment.

            “There appears to be a consensus between the TNA and the Sinhala leaders as to a viable solution to the Tamil question.”

            Wait until the Sangha and the Sinhala/Buddhist noisy minority come with all guns blazing.

            All these people who sway opinions are incapable of seeing beyond their nose.

            The sad part is that these people are incapable of grasping the real issues.

            Keep hope alive.

    • 3

      see my point, wiggie is not the only one. Every tamil think like that. I am not exaggerating when I say ‘every’. Even BI fellow accepted that it is not wrong but would not help in this instance.

      Every tamil kid in SL is brought up making them believe that cr@p. That is the sole reason for SL issue.

      And Mr.Laksiri just stop fooling your self that there is something called moderate tamil exist

      • 5


        #Every tamil kid in SL is brought up making them believe that cr@p. That is the sole reason for SL issue.#

        It is actually the other way around.

        From a very young age, every innocent Sinhala Buddhist child is brainwashed by engraving the Mahavamsa Mindset and Sinhala Buddhist racism into their sub-conscious minds. They are taught to believe that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala-Buddhist country and the non-Sinhala Buddhists (Tamils) are invaders who do not belong to Sri Lanka. All the Tamils should be chased away to Tamil Nadu just the way their ancient Kings Dutugemunu did. The country (Sri Lanka), Sinhala race and Buddhism should be protected from the Tamils. Now, from recently, they have also included the Muslims and Christians in those needing to be thrown out. Due to the above conditioning, the Sinhala-Buddhist majority believes that the entire Sri Lanka belongs to them and the minorities are aliens.

        • 3

          But the so called Sinhalese hero Dutugemunu lived 2300 years ago, long before a language called Sinhalese or a people called Sinhalese evolved. So how can he be a Sinhalese hero, when there was no Sinhalese language or Sinhalese people who only came into definite existence from the 9Th/10h century onwards. Further his father was called Kakai Vanna Theesan which is a pure Tamil name meaning the king/great man the colour of the crow. The Black king( Sic a black pure Aryan king) So a Tamil Naga father has produced a Sinhalese Buddhist son, at a time when there was no Sinhalese language or people in existence! Dutugemmunu was a Buddhist Naga. This war had nothing to with Sinhalese ( who never existed at that time) and Tamils but a power struggle between the newly converted Buddhist population and the ones who remained Hindu and their ruling Tamil/Naga establishment based in Anuradhapura. That the descendants of these newly converted Tamil/Naga/Yakka Buddhists later evolved as Sinhalese is another story. But they never were there at the time of this war. None of the ancient kings in the island ever called themselves Aryan or Sinhalese as they were not. They were Buddhist or Hindu Tamils(Nagas) or from Indian dynasties. All their so called great Sinhalese hero were all from Tamil dynasties. Duttugemunu and king Paraamabahu. All the great ruins in the island both Buddhist and Hindu are in Polonarruwa and all these were built by the Cholas in the 11th century. Now they falesely twisting this history and parading this to world as proof of ancient Sinhalese greatness when there is nothing Sinhalese about this

          • 3

            The Buddhist kings who ruled the kingdom of Anuradhapura belong to either Tissa or Lambakarana dynasties. Dutugemunu, the hero of the Sinhalese and the national hero of Sri Lanka, was from the Tissa dynasty. His mother Vihara Maha Devi was the daughter of the king of Keleniya, and his father Kavan Tissa, was the great grandson of Maha Naga, who established a kingdom in Mahagama (modern Tissamaharama) in Rohana (ancient south Lanka). Maha Naga’s older brother, Devanampiya Tissa, a contemporary of Emperor Asoka, was the first king of the Tissa dynasty. We know for sure they were not Sinhalese but we do not know if they descend from North Indians or South Indians. (North Indians were considered friends but South Indians were considered enemies/invaders so definitely north).

            • 1

              They were all Tamil Nagas Hindu or Buddhist. Stop pathetically trying to claim North Indian origin. North Indians never went anywhere. Either to trade immigrate or conquer. They lands were constantly being invaded and subjugated by outsiders. It was the Tamils who used the sea and went trading invading immigrating to other places and it was the Tamils who spread the Indian culture the Buddhist and Hindu religion to the outside world and not North Indians. Now Sinhalese racists largely descended from low caste Indian Tamil immigrants are trying to rewrite history. You may be able to get away with this in the island, as all the governments are run by Sinhalese racists but not the rest of the world. There is enough and more written evidence

    • 2

      The brahmi akshara shows the evolution of Sinhala langauge. What does Tamils have to show for themselves?

      Has the tamils in SL develop a single cultural trait except the foreign TN ones, because the tamils have naver been native they had always been foreign

      • 3

        There is no so called evolution. When the Telugu Pundit Mahanama was chased from Kanchi, he came to Lanka with the hate to Tamil. So he just introduced Telugu letters that was just developing in Andra at that time. By that time Tamils had two styles, Squarey for palm leafs and curvy for stones. As he hated Tamil, to introduce for palm leafs he naturally selected the telegu letters. It is unsuitable for Palm leafs. Further even after that, Tamil letters were used in stone writings of Lankawe.

        • 3

          Really who told you that? so give me a source to your finding…because i have heard eelamists are famous for bring history analysis from their rare side

          • 3

            Buddhism brought to Lanka through Tamil Nadu during Manimehala time. During Asoka time the whole world was sent out messages with buddhist monks. Nowhere the relion picked up. Like everywhere else Sangamitta and Mahinda arrival did not establish anything in Eelam. Mahanama was an students in Kanchi. Kanchi monks were chased out from there when the Bakthi Markam revolution started in Tamil Nadu. It targeted towards North from where the Buddhism came to Tamil Nadu. Thirunavukkarasar and Thirugnasampanthar’s revolution wiped out the Buddhism from entire India. South was the only remaining safe haven for Buddhist. That is why most of the Monks came to Eelam and created Sinhala with their Pali. They used the Pali as a common language within themselves as all of them spoke different languages. That is what they taught to those Eelam people who were speaking vernacular Tamil. The vernacular speaking Tamils, the so called Sinhalese, unlike the Tamils in Eelam’s North, who were substantially Buddhist in number, mainly Hindus. Mahanama has repeated that Dutugemunu obtained his sword from Lord Muruga.

            The current Sinhala Language was created by the refugee monks from the Vernacular Tamil dialect mixing classical Sanskrit and Pali. All eventual Buddhist literates were moved to Sanskrit as it was the only classical religious Language. But the Sri Lankan Buddhism got stuck in Pali because it was created against rebelling Tamil Nadu Hindus, so never wanted sift to Sanskrit. Because they saw Sanskrit as Hindu Language, unlike the North India, where at the start Buddhism was only voluntary conversion, did not had that much antagonism against Hinduism, That is something unparallel to Lankawe.

            The proofs that you are going to show me is 1700s, 1600s. These more rubbish than the mythical Mahavamsa. Last twenty years there many inventions have been released. There are many inventions have brought out that South of Tamil Nadu there were many Tamil towns existed. Even BBC documentaries showing some of these. There are proofs of the 11,000 years old Tamil civilisation remains submerged in the sea, south of Tamil Nadu.

            The Old categorization by europeans that Sinhalese are ariyan is lower end science than Mahavamsa. This fallacy came out when they noticed there are words of Pali in Sinhala so they thought it directly came from North. Pali was a vernacular Language in the North unlike classical Sanskrit. So, the lower end logic they developed was if Sanskrit is in a language it is taught and if Pali in a language, it is migration. The Tamil nadu religious revolution changing the entire India and the educated monks bringing Pali to Lankawe from Tamil nadu is to much complexity for the foreign Europeans to sort out at that time. They did not do any reach themselves. But it is unfortunates, against the european conclusion , Sinhalese have been thinking that they are half animals. But these all have got knocked out for 30-40 years ago. Sinhalese cannot accept it.These are all over in the internet. You need to search these new inventions in the internet. You can not read the Tamil books. You can not accept Tamil books too. If you wants these evidenced and given to you in text books you have to join hand with CV and invite UNNECO. Now tell me are you ready get the real proof or keep praising Mahavamsa?

        • 3

          With the mixture of Tamil, Pali and Sanskrit languages, evolved that Sinhala language during 8 A.D. It was not Pali or Sanskrit, but the Tamil language that helped in the formation of the Sinhala alphabets. The alphabets of the Sinhala language are round in shape like the alphabets of the other Dravidian languages. Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and proto-Tamil. In the 10th century. Tamils changed the shape of their alphabets to the square shape.

          According to Dr. C.E. Godakmubara, the Sinhala Grammar Sidathsangarawa was based on the Tamil Grammar Virasolium in the 11th A.D. The term ‘Sihala (Lion in Pali) is seen for the first time in Sri Lankan sources in the Dipa Vamsa (4-5 A.D.) and in that chronicle, that term occurs only once, and in that cryptic verse it is stated that the Island was known as ‘Sinhala’ on account of the Lion – “Lanka Dipo Ayam ahu sihena sihalaitu”. In the maha Vamsa the term ‘Sihala’ – occurs only twice. In the epic Ramayana 420 B.C., this island was known as Lanka much earlier.

          Rev. S. Gnanapiragasam – “There are more than 4.000 Tamil words in the Sinhala vocabulary. If the Sinhala vocabulary is stripped of all the Tamil words there will be no Sinhala language.”

      • 2

        The Brahmi Akshara does not real anything. So stop lying. Other than borrowing huge amount of vocabulary from Pali and Sanskrit, every other aspect of the Sinhalese language evolved from its Tamil mother. Grammar, alphabet syntax and lexicon. No Tamil there is no Sinhalese. Old Sinhalese as well as the Vedda dialect approaches very close to Tamil in pronunciation. The Vedda dialect, their spoken language is identical with Elu which was the spoken language of ancient Sri Lanka, which is semi-Tamil; as to the grammatical structure it is essentially Dravidian and simple.
        What are the so call Sinhalese cultural traits you are talking about? Other than their hybrid hotchpotch language all their cultural traits from their dress religion, dance, food, festivals even the gods they worship reflect the population of ancient Tamilakam. That is modern day Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
        There were no Sinhalese in Lanka or in any part of the world until the Dipa Vamsa for the first time, referred to the descendants of Tamil (Hindus) who embraced Buddhism in 246 B.C. as Sihala on account of the Lion (no relevance). There is no culture called Sinhala culture. It is the Tamil culture that is projected as Sinhala culture. The 14th day of April is observed as New Year, day only by the Tamils and Sinhala people throughout the world.
        This fact is strong evidence that the Sinhala people inherited this practice from their Tamil ancestors who embraced Buddhism in 246 B.C. It is stupid to deny that fact. When there was no Sinhala language in Lanka or in any part of the world before 8th A.D., it is thuggery to claim that there were Sinhala people in Lanka prior to the 8th century A.D. Just as the descendants of Tamils who embraced Buddhism in 246 B.C. claim they are Arya Sinhalese; Tamils of the Western Coast, from Ragama to Kalpitiya, after adopting Sinhala as their mother tongue, (after the introduction of free education) claim thy are Arya Sinhalese. In Sri Lanka any person who adopts Sinhala as mother tongue ipso facto is an Aryan

      • 1

        So what are the Sinhalese then? Are they Aryans, if so why don’t they look like Pathans and fair skinned Sikhs. Why do Sinhalese look like Dravidians and other dark skinned peoples of India. There has been genetic testing done on Sri Lankans; both Sinhalese and Tamils are essentially the same. So tell me which is more plausible, that the dark skinned Sinhalese are just Dravidians and Munda people who switched over to an Aryan language or that Tamils are Aryans who switched over to a Dravidian language. Both Sinhalese and Tamils share the culture, genes and languages of south Indians.

        • 3

          The South Indian Kanarese (Pallavas), Tamils (Chola, Chera, Pandya), and Kalingas (Telugus) belonged to the Dravidian tribes Nagas, Moriyas, and Ilambakkannas.

          Kalinga was one of the earliest Dravidian countries to be Aryanised/Prakritised in speech. It is important to note that though Aryanised/Prakritised in speech they are Dravidian people. Similarly, Lanka or Tambapanni which was inhabited by the Dravidian tribes Yakkas (Veddahs) and Nagas also was Aryanised/Prakritised in speech. The people are Dravidian but the speech is Aryan.

          • 1

            Ravi actually the Pallavas are Tamil not Kannada. Great Pallava kingdoms and Mahabhalipuram are all in the Tamil country. They were ardent Tamils and Hindus. They are supposed to be of Iranian origin and migrated gradually to the Tamil country, however they got quickly Tamilised. They were a Tall longheaded people many with light eyes and did look Iranian. Their modern descendants are the Tamil Vellalars of Northern Tamil Nadu and the Telugu Redddy of Southern Andhra.

  • 8

    Mr Janaka Fernando you are right and so is Dr.Fernando.The Mahavamsa is not the result of well researched and well grounded effort that would in any sense be construed as been an authentic account.Prof KM de Silva in his monumental work” A History of Sri Lanka”after having quoted the Mahavamsa’s mythical arrival of Vijaya and his 700 men(mind you it was 700 and not 699 or 701!)goes on to subtly dismiss this description by stating ” Beneath this charming exercise of myth making…”(p.3)We Sinhalese seem to be blessed(cursed?)by an endless sense of the imagination.

    We claim that our so called race began when a lion mated with a woman! Now is this practically and biologically possible?Pehaps Prof.Carlo Fonseka may enlighten us. Secondly if it was entirely possible, it explains the animal behaviour of Ghandassara and his BBS gang adequately.

    I do not think that there is any other race other than we ethnic Sinhalese whose fate had been linked to the philosophy/religion that we claim to follow – Buddhism. When this link is challenged all hell breaks loose.When some one boldly arose to challenge the Mahavamsa fib, we go berserk! For instance when Prof Lyn Ludowye dared to state that “…for instance, the Buddha, so far as is known, never visited Ceylon”(“Foot Print of the Buddha p.12)or solid proof of “thera Mahinda’s visit to Ceylon”, ibid, or “In fact whatever record there is of Ceylon’s ancient history is intertwined with legend”, ibid, the book was banned(ONLY) in this country!We have a terrible time when myths are exploded.

    By nature we are more comfortable to look back rather than forward. Hence the ad nauseum reference to”2500 years of unbroken (Mahavamsa propagated)history and a utter disinclination to take reality in consideration and plan for the future. In fact we are prisoners of history; which is why as the majority community we are simply unable to come up with a compromise formula to the ethnic issue. We are so good at scuttling any such issue even when the more enlightened among us come up with innovative solutions e.g Bandaranaike/Chelvanayagam Pact or Senanayake /Chelvanayagam Pact.

    Until we realise the pluralistic and unalterable nature of the ethnic composition, we shall never have a peaceful existence. By not doing so will result in external intervention in increasing measure.

    So before thinking of mega polis horaa polis etc, lets get our common sense in order. Time indeed is running out…fast.

    • 4

      Hey, guys, if few rabid dogs would have gone on doing their job, why should we put the blame on entire Sanga. But here, we must not forget Rajapakshe regime did not react against Ghanasara rabid dog led violence. That is what we need to discuss. Mahavanse is not revised is a known fact. But I dont think that lanken monks in general take that as a their guide book. We also need to pose the questions as to why Mahanayakes stayed as if clay fed crocodiles at the time, Ghanasara s acts were above the law. All in all, we the larger fracton of silent buddhists in the country do believe, code for the behaviour for the sanga is timeworthy issue. We need to check it with Thailand and other countries too when these similar issues re being discussed.
      Believe or not, Sanga s behavoiurs has become to a headache across the country. Just prevaricating to the questions cant bring us further. Let alone, Ghanasara is scot free even today, is my top of the questions. EIther the man should be sent to rehab or to jail for all crimes arbitaorily carried out by his lead. BASTA

  • 6

    @ Vibushana here we go again with your Archives.
    How old is this Archives ? It looks like only since 1911 the Tamils appeared according to your stance. Are you a moron to believe that ??
    Nobody can change anything if you believe the chicken theory, which one came first ? The Egg or the Chicken??
    The thick skull need a bit of battering to understand the details of the evolution of Sinhala/ Sinhalese.

    I feel sorry for your half baked theory of holding the British Archives to Ransome.

    • 2

      Read Prof. Dharmawardene’s article on place names in North…..even upto 1910 Vadukkotai was known as Batakotta

      • 5

        The Chemistry Prof. Dharmawardene [Edited out]

      • 1

        Watch out, since he used documents from the Dutch National Archive to prove his claims the resident schizo/trained copy paste monkey Suresh is going to start hooting and howling about it was all made up by Sinhalam :D

  • 1

    Colebrook Commission is here.


    It does not contain most of what Vibushana has stated.

  • 1

    Frankly, CM.Wigneswaran may be the rightful Heir of SJV.Chelvanayagam Q.C.

    I admire his frank views,and judgement on the current political milieu.

    Is the TNA.sure of their complacent stand?

    Will Constitutions enacted by those who are not familiar with political conditions of those for whom it has been enacted will stand the test of Time?

  • 3

    Swiss must be scratching their heads and thinking: “Oh….so, Bunch of dark skinned races are attempting to sideline each other, are they?!…it’s only Whites that can do this as we are the superior ones. But never mind. Let’s exacerbate the issue and take their black money for our Swiss vaults.

  • 10

    I was in the second meeting of the Professors from Switzerland and South Africa. I was shocked when the Chief Minister in his introductory address said that there were no ethnic group called the Sinhalese. The CM had read the same speech the previous day when the Provincial Councillors from the North and East met them in the same venue – Jaffna Public Livrary auditorium. One does not have to check the Wikipedia to know he was wrong. Tt says:

    “An ethnic group or ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience. Unlike most other social groups, ethnicity is primarily an inherited status.”

    Common sense of people who has lived in this Island for a few years should know that the Sinhala and the Tamil people are ethnic and linguistic groups. Based on the above definition Muslims also qualify though they speak Tamil.

    I hope the CM thinks like a justice and not like a politician,when outrageous statements are in his written speech, and check evidence rather than accept whatever his advisers spew out.

    The CM should however be complemented for inviting those with experience and learning on federal constitutions as practiced in various countries. I hope the Sinhalese people, the Muslims and all the liberals, got the chance to listen and interact with them too.

    The learned professor also considered that the 13th Amendment was the worst piece of constitution writing. It was meant not to be understood and not to be practiced. One thing most extremist and liberal Tamils and Sinhalese agree to do away with the 13th Amendment. May be we can start there and move forward rather than distancing ourselves once again.

    • 3

      Just because you belong to a certain religion does not mean you belong to an ethnic group. All the major religions of the world like Buddhism Christianity Hinduism and Islam are followed by various racial linguistic and ethnic groups. These religions cut across all these barriers. Many people within the same ethnic tribal and family groups belong to different religions. It is only the minor religions that are largely confined to certain ethnic groups like Judaism to the Jews. Sikhism to the Punjabis. Zoroastrianism to people of Persian origin like the Iranians or Parsis of India. The Druse to the Arabs and the Yazidi to the Kurds. Therefore the Sri Lankan Muslims cannot be classified as a separate ethnic group, as contrary to what they claim. it has been proven they are not people of Arab/Moorish descent speaking Tamil ( unlike the Iranian origin Gujarathi speaking Parsis of India) but ethnic Indian Tamil immigrants who converted to Islam. A few of them may have some Arab blood, however this is minimal and does not suffice or justify to call the entire community of Arab descent. They are religious community and not ethnic. If they want to differentiate themselves from their fellow Hindu and Christian Tamil kin they can be classified as Sri Lankan Tamil Muslims definitely not Sri Lankan Moors as their ancestors never arrived from Morocco or from the deserts of Arabia. They are just plain Dravidian Tamil converted to Islam. A little bit of Arab does not make you Moorish or Arab. This what the Druse do call themselves Druse Arabs. The Slavic Muslims in Bosnia call them selves Bosinian or Slavic Muslims not Muslim Turk or Arab. Only in Sri Lanka has Muslim become ethnic just to divide the Tamils by religion caste region by the powers to be and make them weak and vulnerable to Sinhalese discrimination and racism. A good example of this is the Tamil and Muslim Tamil divide in the east that is now being exploited to the maximum to gain more power and land here.

    • 3

      “I hope the CM thinks like a justice and not like a politician, when outrages statements are in his written speech, and check evidence rather than whatever his advisers spew out”
      Do you think when the CM said that “there were no ethnic group called Sinhalese” he was deliberately telling an untruth?
      If that is so, then how can we move forward even if the 13th Amendment as the visiting professor said at the meeting was not meant to be understood or practiced?

    • 7

      He should also think, speak and act wisely like a King Solomon! Dr.Edirveerasingham, thanks for your comment based on what you witnessed.

      Dr. RN

  • 2

    /Even if I ignore his other utterances, there is a clear statement that “there is no ethnic group called the Sinhalese,” a denial of the ‘other.’ There is a possibility that the CM was quite emotional at his address and his anger or acrimony led to the utterance./

    This is not something unique to Wiggie. This was the same thing uttered by GG Ponnambalam, one of the biggest racists born in this country. It was him who triggered swabhasha movement led by SWRD.

    If you check carefully you will notice every tamil has the same idea Wiggie has..every tamil in this forum as well

    • 7


      G. G. Ponnambalam was right, the Sinhalese are nothing but Tamil converts. Even today low caste Tamils convert to Buddhism in India. All those aboriginal Tamil Buddhists who lived in Sri Lanka mixed with Aryan invaders and formed the Sinhala-Buddhist race.

      • 4

        There was no Aryan invasion or immigration of India. A few Prakrit speaking traders/ immigrants arriving from India does not make it an Aryan invasion. Anyway most North Indians are not Aryans but Dravidian or Dravidian hybrids speaking Aryan languages, especially the population from Bengal, Bihar or Orissa from where the Sinhalese claim their imaginary origin . The population here are Dravidians Dravidian Mongol Dravidian Australoid or just plain Australoid. There is no history of people from North India travelling along ships to trade migrate or to conquer. It was the Tamils who have done all these three from ancient times and spread the Indian culture Hinduism and Buddhism to the rest of Asia. Especially South East Asia. Mahanama must have been high on ganja when he wrote all these fairy tales. No wonder he was imagining all these depraved sexual bestiality of lions raping young damsels and producing some half lion half humans. The Sinhalese are descended from Indigenous Tamil Naga and Yakka tribes that converted to Buddhism and the later immigrants largely low castes from then Tamil parts of India. Kerala and Tamil Nadu

        • 1


          “The Sinhalese are descended from Indigenous Naga and Yakka tribes”

          Now you are telling the truth, thanks.

          That is why we say the Sinhalese are original indigenous natives of Sri Lanka descending from the Naga and Yakka tribes whereas the Tamils are foreigners to Sri Lanka, coming from India. Tamils are not original indigenous natives of Sri Lanka.

          • 1

            Sinhalese racist do not twist what I state to suit your racist genocidal agenda. Just like many religious bigots do. Yes the original Sinhalese and the indigenous Tamils are largely the lineal descendants of the islands Naga and Yakka population. these people were Dravidian and either spoke proper Tamil or Elu which is a semi Tamil Dravidian dialect got it. Elu was only a spoken dialect but the written language and the language or the elite was proper Tamil. This is why all the ancient Buddhist and Hindu Naga inscriptions found in the island even in the deep south are all written in the2nd century BCE Tamil Brahmi. So the original Sinhalese are descended from the islands Indigenous Tamil or Semi Tamil speaking Dravidian tribes mainly the Naga and the Yakka, wo converted to Buddhism and gradually corrupted their Tamil with the Pali and Sanskrit of Buddhism. The ones who did not convert or converted and reconverted back to their ancient Hindu faith remained Tamil and the present day Sri Lankan Tamils. This is why the Sri Lankan Tamils and the original Sinhalese, especially the ones living in the Kandyan areas are closely related. However most of the present day Sinhalese and not the indigenous Sri Lankans as you falsely try to imply, are descended from medieval and recently, largely low caste migrated Indian Tamil immigrants who converted to Buddhism and Catholicism and became Sinhalese. Do not try to twist history for your diabolical racist agenda. Either way the Sinhalese are largely descended Tamil Dravidians Indigenous or Indian who converted to Buddhism or in some cases to Catholicism

            • 0


              Again you are talking nonsense. The Hela tribes of Lanka were Yakkas and Nagas who spoke Elu (NOT Tamil). Later the Hela became Sinhala and Elu became Sinhala language. The Sinhalese are connected to that indigenous Hela people of Lanka and we claim full ownership of Sri Lanka.The Sinhalese did not come from India but the Tamils are foreigners who came from India. There was NO Hela or Elu in India. Hela, Elu and Sinhala are indigenous to Lanka whereas Tamil is indigenous to India. In your previous post you were saying the truth, now you are twisting. You are a real racist and bigot. You know that you are not telling the truth.

              • 2

                I totally disagree with both Paul and Nimal,

                The scholarly monks of the Mahavihara in Anuradapura who wrote the Pali chronicles must have been very fluent in Sanskrit and very thorough/well versed with the Indian Sanskrit texts (Epics, Puranas and the Jatakas) and must have adopted all these stories (including the names) from them.

                Most of the mythical/supernatural stories and legends in the Mahavamsa were derived either from the North Indian Buddhist Jataka Tales or from the North Indian Hindu Epics written in Sanskrit. For example, stories with names/terms such as Pandu, Vasudeva , Simhala, Sinhala, Lanka, Yaksha, Naga, Deva, Raksaha, etc. are found/mentioned for the very first time only in the Indian epics/mythology Mahabaratha, Ramayana, etc. and the historians are not sure if they were true.

                Very much later, the Sri Lankan chronicles Deepavamsa and Mahavamsa have also adopted them (from North Indian epics) but with a different twist by including a new (Lion) story. The beginning chapters of the Mahavamsa stories which includes the names Sinhala, Lanka, and the four Deva, Naga, Yaksha, Rakshasa, tribes has NO archeological/epigraphic evidence in Sri Lanka and the present day historians do not accept any of them as true. The island was named ‘Lanka’ (influenced by Ramayana), the people were named ‘Sinhala’ (influenced by Mahabaratha), and the four tribes Deva, Naga, Yaksha, Rakshasa is nothing but a copy and paste from the Mahabaratha. Mahanama Thero who authored the Mahavamsa seems to be an expert on cut & paste. Historically it is from the Mahavamsa depiction the Sinhala race was originated.

                It should also be noted that even the early South Indian literary works Kaliththokai, Silappatikaram and Manimekalai have also done exactly what the Sri Lankan Pali chronicles did, a copy and paste job from Mahabaratha. Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Deva tribes living in SL from ancient time is a mystery because there is NO archeological/epigraphic evidence what so ever to prove it. For example, Naga Place names and Naga people name does not prove that Naga tribes existed in South India/Sri Lanka. There are plenty of Naga names in both North Indian Hindu and Buddhist texts. People around the world always adopt names for self and places from their religious texts.

                From the archeological/epigraphic evidence it is clear that during the early historic period the tribes that lived in the island of Lanka were Demadas, Kabojas/kambojas, Milekas, Muridis, Merayas and Jhavakas (not Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Deva) and the ruling clan was Lambakannas and Moriyas.

              • 2


                “The Hela tribes of Lanka were Yakkas and Nagas who spoke Elu (NOT Tamil).”

                Who says so, cite evidence.

                Yaksas and Nagas are names associated with Indian mythology. Mahawamsa inadvertently imported this myth and appropriated it to the Sinhala/Buddhists.

                “Hela, Elu and Sinhala are indigenous to Lanka whereas Tamil is indigenous to India.”

                Buddhism, Pali, Sanskrit, rituals, kavun, saree, Kandyan dress, Aryan Amude, Jataka Katha and many myths are essentially Indian in origin and nature yet the Sinhala/Buddhist celebrate them as theirs and went on to say they genetically engineered the first ever beast and a beauty cross breeding and some tend to claim their Sinhala/Buddhist forefathers discovered Zero, fire, wheel and founded the first ever kingdom in this world with the oldest language to communicate with each other. What is the new year day for Sinhala/Buddhists? Incidentally I am told Tamils of Tamilnadu usually celebrate their new year day on 14th April of every year.

                It is one reason as to why the Sinhala/Buddhists must return to their ancestoral land, Tamilaham, just across Palk Strait .

                You are free to dream anything you want to but don’t forced it in other’s throat.

                If myths help you to survive so be it.

                Could you cite Elu words found in Sinhala?

            • 0

              Cool story, bro :D
              Again ‘Paul’ seems to have mixed up CT with a fairy tale convention :D

    • 1

      The tales We Thamizh have to concoct to try and maintain our version of history are hilarious :D According to We Thamizh even the Dutch National Archive which proves nearly all We Thamizh are recently imported coolie slaves was set up by Sinhalam Buddhist extremist nationalist racist chauvinist BBS white van driving grease yakkas :D

      • 2

        Cool story, bro :D

  • 2

    It is hilarious you all Sri Lankans do the impossible and not able to do the possible! Looks like you all love to ignite racism and loathe humanity. In this universe humanity includes all of you. The human race undergoes change every minute. You change due to your necessity or opportunity or sometimes helplessness. Lots of people change names, religion, and place of dueling. This is normal and is going on for centuries. Why do you take to insulting each other for this! You and your races will soon disappear from the face of this world just like the kings of the past, the Mayan race, the Vikings, the Romans, the Nazis and several other violent races disappeared! You all came to live a very short time on Earth. Why do you believe in creating agony and hardship on your kind of people?

  • 2

    Let’s call a spade a spade.

    The agenda of Laksiri Fernando and S.J. Emmanuel is not different to Jehan Perer’s. [Edited out]

  • 2

    It looks like I am the only Sinhalese who supports the idea of a federal unit for North and East which entails +50% Tamil speaking people presently occupying areas outside North and East willingly accepting their status as second class citizens. Sinhalese should be happy to inherit a large receivoir of cheap labour.


    • 4

      Dear Somass there are more Scots and Welsh living outside Scotland and Wakes, even more Irish live outside Ireland. That does not mean the Scottish and the Welsh did not deserve their autonomy in their own lands or the Irish their nation. It did not prevent the British government doing the correct thing by these people.
      For your information the vast majority of the Tamils living in the Sinhalese areas other than in greater Colombo are the estate Tamils of Indian origin and not the actual indigenous Eelam Tamils from the north and east. They had always lived there and will be still living there, without them your precious tea industry will not exist, as you lazy Sinhalese will never be able to that hard work. They were first imported and exploited by the British and now by the Sinhalese as a cheap reservoir of labour. Even the few who tried to escape their misery and fled to the north and east, were forcibly taken back to their central highlands hellholes by the Sri Lankan authorities. Funny thing, Tamils cannot flee to the Tamil north and east but Sinhalese are brought in their hundreds of thousands and settled illegally in Tamil lands.
      Do not try use them and show them as an excuse to deny the Tamils in the north their just rights and federal autonomy in their lands, by threatening them with the lives of the largely Indian origin Tamils living in the south. It is a very cheap third rate low down racist gimmick that most Sinhalese resort to justify denial of Tamil rights. ” If we ever give you some rights we will treat the remaining Tamils living outside the north and east like third rates.” As if the Tamils are now being treated any better.
      Whether you grant the Tamils their just rights or not the condition of this people will never improve, you will never treat any Tamils within your clutch well at all.
      Your third rate low class threats, reminds me of some medieval master threatening their slaves or menials ,” If you ask for any rights or privileges remember what will happen to your kith and kin within my grasp so do not ask to leave or for your freedom”. Shows the third rate racist Sinhalese mindset of yours. ” Don’t you dare to ask for rights in the Tamil areas as we will treat the rest of the Tamils very badly.
      The English do not treat the Scots and the Welsh living amongst them badly just because there is federal autonomy in Scotland and Wales and neither should the Sinhalese or Tamils treat the minorities living amongst them badly if there is a federal setup. You and the rest of Sinhalese are trying to find lame excuses to justify and threaten the Tamils. to deny granting their rights.

  • 3

    Sir Ivor Jennings,the first Vice-Chancellor of the old University of Ceylon had famously remarked that the Sinhalese and the Tamils are essentially Language groups. This of-course,was when English was the Language used for all purposes.

    Also,several years ago,[1970?] I attended a Lecture at Peradeniya under the title Sinhala-Tamil relationships in the 19th Century,by that able Historian Dr.C.R.de Silva.
    He made a point that still rings in my ears.
    Constitutions by itself will not solve problems; It is the change of attitude of each group with respect to the other that will diffuse Ethnic Tensions.

    • 3


      “Constitutions by itself will not solve problems; It is the change of attitude of each group with respect to the other that will diffuse Ethnic Tensions.”

      Come on.

      Both Sinhalese and Tamils thrive on exaggerating differences and conflicts, keep confrontation going, …………….

      If none existed they have their own creative one. No conflict both will die. By the way, during major conflicts they die too.

      It is embedded in their gene.

  • 2


    Agreed. For a moment I forgot that both had the same genes.

    I am sure you would say that your genes are different. Now I know what made you to adopt your pseudonym!

    • 2


      I agree with what C R De Silva, an honourable scholar.

      Please compare his study on standardisation with that of K M D Silva. You will see a vast difference in quality and honesty.

      Here is the detail:

      Weightage in University Admissions Standardisation and District Quotas in Sri Lanka

      Pages 152 to 197

      By C R De Silva Modern Ceylon Studies Volume 5 Number 2 1974 Published in 1975.

      You should be able to access it on noolaham.org.

  • 2

    It’s Elites from both sides who would like to see the conflict going on forever. This way, they can each distance themselves from the masses, and use country resources to contribute to their ever growing individualized success story (usually in the West).

    If ever the conflict ever ceases, then will come the restructuring of country resources, and the implementation of robust taxation for country success. Therefore, the Elite would use everything in their power (either subconsciously or deliberately…..usually with an effusive sense of righteousness), to perpetuate the status quo.

  • 1

    Tamil is the oldest language in the world. There is now evidence that Tamil was the first and only language spoken in the world many millennium ago.

    There is trace of Tamil language Hindu religion all over the world.

    Tamil Language does not need any such modern evidence.

    It is accepted as the oldest and possibly the first language of the world

    Beastiality is the word for having sex with animals, I will leave it to your imaginations Vibushana.

    • 1

      Rajash, how come Tamils still live as sub groups in societies dominated by non Tamils?

    • 6

      Tamil is undoubtedly a classical language. But the claim that it is the most ancient or the first language is subject to much controversy and remains unproven.

      However , how does the antiquity of Tamil or for that matter Sinhalese impact on the political structures and solutions we are seeking to resolve long festering problems. We are here in the now. The present ground realities are those that are relevant in finding solutions.


  • 1

    Laksiri I read your articles in CT with lot of respect and anticipation.
    However I never expected you to take racist Vibushana’s cheap comments seriously.
    The fact that CM Wiggy’s remark about Sinhala ethnicity drives you in to the arms of racist Vibushana clearly demonstrates that we as humans are not different to the animal kingdom from which the Sinhala race apparently originated

    • 0


      “….we as humans are no different to the animal kingdom from which the Sinhala race apparently originated.

      Thank you for implying that we Tamils are humans having the same origin as Sinhalese.
      Actually, the problem between the S’s & T’s is that they are unable to decide if they are animals or humans!
      That is why they need the UN.
      Prof. LF is saying just that in his own inimitable way by reminding us how our ancestors stood up straight and walked out of Africa in different directions eons ago to where we are now.

  • 0


    I do remember reading Dr.C.R.de Silva on the standardization issue. I admired his open and frank views.On the contrary Prof:K.M.de Silva,unfortunately,with his association of Politics and Politicians had clouded his views.

    Anyway,thanks again for the Link.
    I will now take a walk along the corridors of History!

    • 2


      “I will now take a walk along the corridors of History!”

      Please do so whenever you find the time and share it with us.

  • 0

    This Professor is one of the leaders of the Cannon Brigade which kept firing at the previous regime purportedly claiming that the Rajapaksa were imposing Sinhala Buddhist hegemony, when they were just trying to give the great majority of the inhabitants a fair go, after liberating the nation from 30 year Thamil Terrorism.

    The professor probably didn’t know or didn’t want to know that the Yahapalanaya was designed in the West to break up the previous regime, in order to get the Christian Faction of the UNP to govern, send the War Heroes to Jail and give Vellalas the Federal Homeland.

    Now that the great majority who are the poor and the oppressed are waking up to protect whatever little they got, the Yahapalana rulers are becoming nervous.

    They can’t beat the corruption drum and shout Hora Hora any more.

    Because some Yahapalana dudes are A listers like Ronald Briggs class when it comes to the value of the loot.

    Of course adjusted to accommodate inflation..

    So the next best is to call the the great majority racists and whip up the others to demand that they be silenced.

    Norway, UK , US and Suren Surendran are good strategy planners.. Aren’t they ?..

    • 2

      KASMaa K.A Sumanasekera (Dr No)

      “when they were just trying to give the great majority of the inhabitants a fair go,”

      How, pocketing billions of dollars in commission which belong to the people.

      “after liberating the nation from 30 year Thamil Terrorism.”

      After breaking into VP’s Fort Knox Gota and his boys stole billions worth in cash and gold, which also belonged to the people.

      Could you ask them to return all those stolen cash and gold which I have no doubt could feed the entire country for many years.

      • 1

        Dear Native,

        Now you sound more and more like Yahapalana Rajitha and his mongrel pup..

        The latter swears that he saw with his own eyes LKR 48 500 Million in an account under Rajapaksas.

        Swiss Private Bankers or is it HSBC must have personally accompanied the pup in to the vault to see this hoard of cash.

        May be they took his Dialog phone before he was lead inside.

        Or pup doesn’t know there is a Camera in the phone.

        I don’t think he is capable of comprehending such large numbers off a Computer Screen or a Balance Sheet..

        Probably that is why Batalanada’s F******CID hasn’t enlisted the pup as the main eye witness to nail Rajapaksas.

        Perhaps you should take the pup for a drink ar OZO and ask him whether he has seen Pirahaparan’s Gold Rod as well.

  • 0

    STOP talking about the past. The Tamils are subjucated lot. Hence find ways and means of solving it. Various agreements were reached Banda/Chelva, Dudley/Chelva,ISGA etc. All were abrogated unilaterally by the government.
    Now see whether you can repair the damage.
    Stop state aided colonization of the Tamil areas ,North and East. Share power with the Tamils and eradicate their fear one cent for all. When I say share share it with definite written/irrevocable understanding with the Tamils. Like the understanding reached between the Sons of Vigneswaran and their Sinhala wives.

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