22 January, 2025


Making Sense Of The Bodu Bala Sena

By Izeth Hussain

 Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

According to the widely prevalent conventional wisdom of some time ago the Bodu Bala Sena was expected to fade away because of the internal dynamics of all such extremist organizations, and their lack of widespread appeal at the people’s level. Such, according to some reports, was the view of the President himself: don’t give it prominence, ignore it as much as possible, and it will vaporize after some time. That was the conventional wisdom even though it was known that the BBS had the backing of the second most powerful personage in the country, the Defense Secretary, and even though it was obvious that it had very powerful State backing as shown by its exceptionally privileged position in breaking the law with near total impunity. Nevertheless the conventional wisdom focused on the extremism, choosing to ignore the obviously important factor of State backing for it.

Today the BBS is widely seen as being just as virulent as ever, and as continuing to target the Muslims in particular to a very serious extent. The question of State backing for it could move to the forefront of public consciousness. An article written by a foreigner seems to assume that the President is in favour of it, and the question is posed whether the State backing for it is part of a wider political program. This question can be seen as arising, naturally enough, because the Government is seen as essentially Sinhala supremacist, racist, and quasi neo-Fascist while it is still quasi-democratic. We must also take into account the possibility that there could be a powerful nexus of forces working behind the scenes – something like Eisenhower’s military- industrial complex in the US.

In this situation we badly need to try to understand what the BBS is really all about. It is a large subject, and this article is no more than notes towards understanding the BBS. First, we must take note of its external dimension. It has been obviously very well-funded. A trip to Norway by some of its top notables suggested that there was a Norwegian connection. Islamophobes there and elsewhere could have noted the fact while Islamophobia has been rampant in the Christian and Hindu worlds, there has been none or hardly any of it in the Buddhist world. Norwegian Islamophobes could have been interested in using the BBS to fill up what they doubtless regard as a deplorable lacuna. There has been a nexus between Buddhists in Sri Lanka and Myanmar, an ancient historical one of course, but at present there seems to be an Islamophobic nexus between them. It was noticed that the T-shirts worn by anti-Muslim mobs in both countries looked identical except that the logos were different, and the rhetoric of Rev. Wirathu and others in Myanmar and the BBS had striking similarities. It has been reported that Rev. Wirathu, who seems to be widely regarded as the Buddhist Osama Bin Laden after having been featured on the front cover of Time magazine, has been invited to visit Sri Lanka by the BBS. I must mention also that Israel’s able assistance for the Islamophobic program could have been forthcoming as there is mutual visceral hatred between Muslims and Zionists all over the world. Our Defense Ministry is regarded by many SL Muslims, and others as well, as a pro-Israeli bastion.

I believe that the most important factor in the external dimension is that the Buddhist extremist assault on the Muslims and certain Christian sects now features in the UNHRC Resolution.  The Resolution will make the international community focus on the SL Muslim problem in a way that otherwise could have been avoided. Conclusions might be drawn that could be extremely unfavorable to the Sri Lanka Government because there are hard horrible facts that cannot be ignored. It is difficult to imagine a more submissive,  a more abjectly submissive minority, towards the Sinhalese or any other majority than the Muslims. For decades the Muslim political representatives have refused to speak up for the Muslims as that might displease the Sinhalese Lord and Master – a situation that is now in the process of changing. They always supported the Sinhalese against the Tamils, backing them wholeheartedly in every bit of ethnolunacy that led to the 30-year war. The Muslims had no substantial presence in the armed forces, but they contributed significantly to secret service activity against the LTTE. Their Home Guards got together with the STF and drove out Tamils from more than fifteen Eastern Province villages, which really was the prelude for the genocidal expulsion of Muslims from the North. During the war Pakistan and Iran gave help to the armed forces that was of crucial importance for Sri Lanka. These few details should suffice to show that the Sinhalese Buddhist campaign against the Muslims should be regarded as mind-boggling. True, every country can produce extremists but the anti-Muslim extremists in Sri Lanka have blatant State-backing. We are led ineluctably to one question:: If the Muslims are treated in this way, how can we imagine the Sinhalese racists will ever give fair and equal treatment to the Tamils? The anti-Muslim campaign can be seen as a resounding advertisement for Eelam or a confederal political solution.

I come now to the internal dimension of the BBS problem. Many Buddhists seem to be deeply agitated by the question of what the BBS version of Buddhism portends for Buddhism in Sri Lanka. This is a problem that can be resolved only by the Buddhists themselves. But I have an observation to make of a general order on the relationship between religion and the problem of coping with the pressures of modernity. No great world religion exists only in a single immutable form, and all of them have undergone variations in the course of the centuries. Probably all of them can be adapted to cope with the pressures of modernity, and it is probably wrong to assume that one or the other is better adapted to modernity. It is usually assumed – with might seem to be sound unprejudiced reasons – that Islam is of all the great world religions the most recalcitrant to modernity. But this is what Ernest Gellner – one of the brightest intellects of the last century, with a background of expertise in the sociology of Islam – had to say: “By various criteria – universalism, scripturalism, spiritual egalitarianism, the extension of full participation in the sacred community not one, or some, but to all, and the rational systematization of social life – Islam is, of the three great Western monotheisms, the one closest to modernity”. So we can assume that Buddhism will continue to flourish in Sri Lanka, probably under forms that we cannot envisage at present.

But I wonder whether the problem posed by the BBS and other extremist groups can be understood in terms of religion. Of the four great world religions, it is really only Christianity that had been intolerant through the centuries, while Buddhism has been much reputed for its wide ecumenical tolerance. What the BBS and other extremist groups are objecting to is not Islam but Muslims. In the case of the new Christian sects, what they are objecting to are not the new versions of the Christian belief-system, but unethical methods of conversion that can lead as in South Korea to a serious weakening of Buddhism and Buddhists in this country. In the case of Islam, they allege that there is a threat to Buddhism from Islamic fundamentalists, from the population growth rate of the Sri Lankan Muslims, and so on. These are essentially secular matters which have little or nothing to do with the religion of Islam.

I believe that the BBS and other extremist groups can best be understood in terms of a paradigm of racism. Since the military victory of 2009, a mood of Sinhala Buddhist triumphalism has taken over an important segment of the Buddhists, together with a fierce hierarchical drive to assert Sinhala Buddhist supremacy over all the others. The Tamils have been defeated though not yet subjugated, and now it is necessary to show the Muslims that they shouldn’t become uppity. As I have pointed out above, they have been an abjectly submissive minority, so that there has been no need at all to subjugate them. but the times they are a-changing. Three prominent Muslim politicians, namely Rauf Hakeem, Azad Sally, and Rishad Bathiudeen have been admirably outspoken on the subject of the BBS, which would have been unthinkable some time ago. The Sinhalese racists would regard their behavior as amounting to intolerable uppitiness, and many Muslims as amounting to dangerous foolhardiness.

But their behavior should be seen as symptomatic of the profound socio-economic changes that have been taking place in the Muslim community, catalyzed by their taking to mass secular education in a big way after the Second World War. The Muslim children of the great C.W.W. Kannangara have been coming of age. What I once wrote of as an “invisible minority” has been becoming visible and even audible. The crux of the problem is this: The Muslims who were once competitive only in trade have become competitive in practically every other field, and as they are a very substantial minority they have to be pushed down and kept down. That has to be expected in terms of the racist paradigm, and that is the profound meaning of the sudden eruption of the BBS and other extremist groups.

Latest comments

  • 5

    Muslims have made a big mistake in not speaking up for the Tamils and Cathloics when they were victims of persecution.Just as the author said they supported the Sinhalese governments and armed forces in their effort to suppress the Tamils.Nothing was said when 300 churches were burnt down.That is why Muslims are helpless today. Tomorrow some sectors of Sinhalese are going to be victims. Then there won’t be anyone to speak for them.Very soon the Sinhalese will realise this.

    • 4

      Where are those 300 churches that were burnt down? Give us the address or responsible reporting and the images of them without taking BS.

      • 5

        I am no Human

        “Where are those 300 churches that were burnt down?”

        If you are planning to burn down remaining churches you should ask for the existing ones, not the burned out churches you stupid man.

        • 0

          [Edited out]

        • 2

          Your IQ is amazingly low!

    • 6

      Civil society with the joint opposition must start a campaign to END THE CULTURE OF IMPUNITY OF THE BBS BALU SENA and to hold them accountable – joint opposition BOYCOTTING PARLIAMENT of Corrupt clowns would be a good start to reveal the circus that democracy is today!

      Civil Society with the Joint opposition must call for a BOYCOTT OF the UN World Youth Conference to be held in Hambantota in the context of the attacks. Holding a World Youth Conference in a region of the country where Government criminals, thugs, murderers and rapists rule and attack opposition parliamentarians undermines any positive messages to the world’s youth!

      • 2

        Opposition should boycott Parliament until 18th Amendment is Abolished.

        It is this draconian 18th Amendment that gives dictatorial powers to the President.

        President could be a dictator for life until this 18th Amendment in place.

        It’s time for opposition MPs to Boycott Parliament which consist with Bribe given and bough up over 60 UNP MPs who act like mere Rajapakse bone licking dogs.

    • 3

      The racism of the Sinhala Buddhist DIASPORA is worse than the Tamil diaspora!

      • 6


        “The racism of the Sinhala Buddhist DIASPORA is worse than the Tamil diaspora!”

        Could we have site of any comparative studies carried on your above observation.

      • 1

        So called Buddhist Sinhala governing wolves in sheep cloth who preach “Mathata Thitha” in the morning and import Ethenol, Cocain, Drugs and Casinos in the evening are much more worse than anybody in the world.

        We are trying to rescue our country from fake crook thugs and bogus Patriots. That’s all.

    • 2

      Rajan, how can the Muslims support the Tamils when they were killed and chased away from the Northern Province? The Muslims are helpless because our Muslim and Sinhalese politicians are corrupt.

    • 1

      From where did you get the data on 300 churches?
      It has to be from the pro terrorist diaspora!

  • 5

    BBS would flourish at least till the elections in 2015. Now SL govt has not many attractions for the voters. War against Tamils is no more. Now MR & co invented another sensitive issue of religious disharmony and fear in Sinhalese minds to attract votes. Unless BBS become a threat to MR&GR by deciding to participate in elections or pose a presidential candidate or support another presidential candidate against MR they will enjoy their violence. Poor Buddhists and Muslims will be left with hatred and disharmony. New police unit against religious disharmony won’t interfere with BBS activities but it’s an unit against Muslims. May God save the Muslim community and SL from these thugs.

  • 4

    Internally, why are the Muslim leaders so back boneless? Externally, why do the Muslims fail to solicit the support of so many Muslim countries including Pakistan to sponsor their protection?

    Sengodan. M

    • 3

      Absolutely right.
      Why the Muslim leaders openly ask Pakistan, Iran or other Muslims nations to intercede. I cannot understand the love affair that Pakistan has with Mara unless Pakistan is upto something. They very well know what BBS is doing. My hunch is that Mara & Gota surely gave some assurance to Pakistan that Muslims are not in danger, this is just a political game to divert other issues, you ignore these issues as we can stop it anytime. ISI knows everything. So they know this is the police of Mara & Gota. Thus Mara killing two birds with a stone. Pakistan anyway wouldnt give a damn if the Sri Lankan Muslims are effected or not as long as Sri Lanka lodge them to spy on India.

      What this uneducated uncultured rascals of one family doing is degrading Buddhism while making chaos to confuse the people so they can be in power until that Moran Namal is ready to take over from his Perci papa.

      The only way to succeed is that people must attack the BBS at every oppotunity they get. Oppositions must play the same dirty game that Mara is playing. People must join BBS, Ravana Balakaya, and other Senas and get all info as much as possible. Must bribe the members of these balu senas and other units which is involve with Nande master and get all vital informations about their movments. Enough patience has been shown. No point waiting any more. Mara has no brain to think or change. For heavens sake attack the buggers!
      Save the country from these Pigs, before its too late.

    • 0

      You mean of which bone, [Edited out]

  • 2

    Its somewhat disturbing when someone from the majority community does it really isn’t it?

    Although this is the kind of rhetoric used by TNA and SLMC to win elections repeatedly. Oddly no one in English media reports.

    Instead of moaning you need to take actions to stop it particularly when its done by Tamils because they always end up being violent.

  • 1

    BBS is practicing Jihad, their own way.

    Respect their right to do so.

    Look at Pakistan or any other our Muslim countries. Much worse. Bombs everyday. Hundreds of dead Muslim bodies everyday!

  • 2

    Izeth Hussain ,

    “A trip to Norway by some of its top notables suggested that there was a Norwegian connection. Islamophobes there and elsewhere could have noted the fact while Islamophobia has been rampant in the Christian and Hindu worlds, there has been none or hardly any of it in the Buddhist world. Norwegian Islamophobes could have been interested in using the BBS to fill up what they doubtless regard as a deplorable lacuna. There has been a nexus between Buddhists in Sri Lanka and Myanmar, an ancient historical one of course, but at present there seems to be an Islamophobic nexus between them. “

    Thank you. A good analysis.

    Should not discount the Norwegian Connection and Sinhala Buddhist Racism. Why?

    1. The Norwegians are well aware of the Sinhala Buddhist Racism, and the Role they played with LTTE, their client, to get EElam and a Tamil Christian State before they were defeated.

    The Norwegians being cunning, funded Christians, and is generally used by the Christian West as a forward scouting force to get their agenda. They were successful in East Timor, Sudan, but failed in Sri Lanka with LTTE. Britain and Norway are Christian Countries. Look at their constitution and flag.

    2. So What is to be done next by the Norwegians to destabilize Lanka?

    Use BBS, and the Sinhalaya Modayas, to go after the Muslims, and get the Sri Lankan society to be destabilized. So, the Tamils and Christians are silent while the Muslims ARE attacked.

    The Moda Sinhalays, the Moda Buddhist Sinhala are falling for this trap.

    Look at the UNHRC voting in Geneva. It was the Muslim countries that were supporting Lanka. The Western countries were against Sri Lanka. What does it tell you? Use common sense?

    Muslims do not convert the same way the Christian Evangelicals convert. However, the Wahhabis with their Myths have complicated the situation.

    This is one angle, I see.

    The Sinhala Buddhists are shooting themselves on their foot based on Christian West enticement.

    Are the Para-Sinhala Buddhists, still Para-Modayo?

    • 1

      Amaraya doesn’t know that BBS and Sinhala Buddhists are well aware of the duplicity of the Norwegians. Bugger doesn’t know that that’s why MR got rid of the buggers as a priority act.

      • 1

        Para I am no muslim, Lorenzo, Jim Softy and Avtars

        ‘Amaraya doesn’t know that BBS and Sinhala Buddhists are well aware of the duplicity of the Norwegians.”

        Amarasiri knows, the lies of the Para-Sinhala, Para-Tamils and Norwegians. ( Alt for Norge). So they get the Para-Sinhala “Buddist” BBA, Booru Balu Sena, get paid trips to Norway and USA?

        Now they are the Para-Ballo, lap dogs, of the regime, MR , Mafiosos.

        Why don’t you Paras get back to your South India, the land of the Enlightened Buddha, as shown by your DNA, and leave the Veddah Land.

  • 3

    Izeth Hussian wrote, “… there is mutual visceral hatred between Muslims and Zionists all over the world.” The truth is, Jews, Christians and Muslims had been fighting each other through their history. Yet all three pray for the same ‘One God’, Abraham first found in the desert for their salvation.

    If Abraham’s ‘One God’ had forgotten to make his adherents to be nonviolent at the point of his creation, he should have at least forced them not to fight each other later. But could not do that either.

    One God’s so-called last Prophet, Muhammad told his followers that scriptures of Christians and Jews are corrupt and they are worse than animals. Muhammad said to Muslims through his Koran that Muslims are the true believers and a single brotherhood. All others are non-believers and Muslims must not associate non-Muslims, tax them and kill them without mercy.

    Muslim scholars tells us; all such verses must be read in the correct context. I say, all verses meant for future as well because nowhere in the Koran says a particular verses is to face that situation only. Nowhere had Muhammad said not to repeat what’s said in a verse in the future.

    Jihadi watch says, Islamic terrorists have carried out more than 22,835 deadly terror attacks throughout the world since 9/11. If Norwegian are involved in promoting Islamophobes in Lanka through BBS or whatever as a tactic to arrest the killer attacks by Muslims, I doubt Sinhala Buddhists would oppose it.

    Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia etc were Buddhist nations. Muslims hadn’t proselytize the subjects in conquered land by peaceful means but by sward. In India, Muslims burned Nalanda the oldest university that housed tens of thousands of students from far and wide. Muslims killed men and raped women in their conquered land to breed more Muslims. That’s Muhammad’s Dhamma. Hussain brushing it as a secular matter is usual Muslim tactic to get out of tight corners.

    What Muslim Taliban of 100% Muslim Afghanistan did to ancient Bamiyan Buddha statues recently is an example of Muslim tolerance. It also shows Muslim attitude justice to come. On the midnight past 29 September 2012, in 95% Muslim Bangladesh, 25,000 Muslim mobs had destroyed 22 Buddhist temples and monasteries and 50 houses on account of image depicting in a fake Facebook account under the Buddhist male name. Contrary to wide belief that Buddhists are persecuting Rohingiya Muslims in Myanmar, it is a brutal rape and killing of a 27 year old named Ma Thida Htwe by three Muslim men on 28th of May 2012 that started anti-Muslim riots in Myanmar. We Sinhala Buddhists are not amused by these Muslim antics to say the least.

    In Sri Lanka killing of Sufi Muslims and destroying of Sufi mosques and burning of Sufi Muslim houses were all done by Wahabi and Salafi thugs backed by bigoted mullahs of ACJU.

    There is no BBS problem as Hussain says. He should know that Buddhists by far welcome it. What BBS had done or what it is doing currently is a verbal debate or harangue the most. BBS never told Sinhala Buddhists to do anything like the Koran verses told Muslims as above. Debate is not averse to Sinhala Buddhists. Buddha had many a discussion (debate) with his contemporary religious founders. Panadura Wadaya with Christians in the late eighteenth century is the best to emulate when Sinhala Buddhists are under threat. And we Sinhala Buddhists are under threat right now.

    • 2


      Let me know when you are ready to discuss Jane Russell’s book on Ceylon Racism.

    • 4


      “Muslims burned Nalanda the oldest university that housed tens of thousands of students from far and wide.”

      Sinhala/Buddhists burned Jaffna Library one of the finest in this island that housed tens of thousands of books and old ola manuscripts from far and wide.

      “Muslims killed men and raped women in their conquered land to breed more Muslims.”

      Sinhala/Buddhists killed men and raped women in their conquered land to breed more Sinhala/Buddhist thugs.

      “In Sri Lanka killing of Sufi Muslims and destroying of Sufi mosques and burning of Sufi Muslim houses were all done by Wahabi and Salafi thugs backed by bigoted mullahs of ACJU.”

      In Sri Lanka killing of Muslims and destroying of mosques and burning of Muslim houses were all done by Sinhala/Buddhist thugs backed by bigoted Sinhala/Buddhists saffron clad thugs.

      See how easy to substitute Sinhala/Buddhist atrocities to your bigoted observations and they fit in very well with what you continue to perceive others as perpetrators.

      Could we now discuss Jane Russell’s book.

      • 1

        What a ludicrous comparison as an answer by Kallathoni Vedda.

    • 4


      Here is

      QURAN A Reformist Translation

      Translated and Annotated by
      Edip Yuksel
      Layth Saleh al-Shaiban
      Martha Schulte-Nafeh


      Bigoted Sinhala/Buddhists never going to learn anything new, except the Mahanama version of myth, therefore I do not expect you to expand your horizon by reading alternative views on QURAN.

      Don’t forget the role of Asoka’s thought and religious police in enforcing Buddhism in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

      • 0

        Bebadu Asoka annihilated the whole of Vaishali in his haydays, and after satiating his blood thirst only he become a sil paduma showing his Just Chakraya to con the world himself to be a sadu.

        The meeharaka ‘Figer Necklace’ also did the same.

    • 1


      What Native Veddah said, is succinct, given below:

      “Bigoted Sinhala/Buddhists never going to learn anything new, except the Mahanama version of myth, therefore I do not expect you to expand your horizon by reading alternative views on QURAN. ”

      “Don’t forget the role of Asoka’s thought and religious police in enforcing Buddhism in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
      Native Vedda April 26, 2014 at 12:03 pm”

      Banda, to begin with Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia etc. were Hindu, Zoroastrian, Greek and Animist and nations. Buddhism grew at their expense, and later Islam grew at their expense.

      A good example id Bali, Indonesia, that is 44% Hindu, 0.5% Buddhist,
      Religion Hindu (84.5%), Muslim (13.3%), Christian (1.7%), Buddhist (0.5%)[4]


      Indonesia is peaceful because they have 8% Hindus, and 0.5% Buddhists.

      Sri Lanka is violent because Sri Lanka has 70% Sinhala “Buddhists” and 15% Hindus. Lanka used to be a peaceful Hindu country before Buddhism. It was Asoka, who introduced Buddhism with good intentions, but the Monk Mahanam version of racism in the MahawAnsa spoilt the Tfue Buddha Dhamma.

      The Wahhabi and Taliban are doing the same violence for True Islam. That is why they are called Devils Religion, Satan Religion. They hate Sufis , Shia and aha media more than nonbelievers.

      The BBS and Sinhala ‘Buddists’ are doing the same violence for True Buddhism. That is why they are called Devils BBS. Booru Balu Sena, Booru Mara Sena, Mara Religion. They hate Muslims, Hindus, Christians and even true Buddhists.

      • 1

        DNA mad Amaraya is rewriting history saying “Lanka used to be a peaceful Hindu country before Buddhism”. Bugger also says “The BBS and Sinhala ‘Buddists’ are doing the same (Wahhabi and Taliban) violence”. Banda listed killings in Sri Lanka by wahabis and salafis but Amaraya failed to name a single BBS killings. Yet he loves to call BBS terrorist.

        • 0

          Para I am no muslim, Lorenzo, Jim Softy and Avtars

          “Banda listed killings in Sri Lanka by wahabis and salafis but Amaraya failed to name a single BBS killings. Yet he loves to call BBS terrorist.”

          BBS is a continuation of the Monk Mahanama Sinhala “Buddhists”.

          The Monk Mahanama Sinhala “Buddhist” Racism and discrimination was followed by Sinhala Buddhists, even those who converted from Christianity (SWRD). The examples of

          “Buddhism” they, thew Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” followed, were

          1. 1950 Removing the Citizenship o the Para-Tamil Estate Workers

          2. 1958 Riots, killing of Para-Tamils by the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists”

          3. Sending part of the Para-Tamil Estate workers back to India, in the 1960’s, by the Srima-Shastri Pact, their Native Land, while ALL the other Paras stayed.

          4. 1971 Killing of Sinhala Youth, in order to maintain the Sinhala Buddhist non-Egalitarian Hegemony.

          5. 1977 Riots

          6. 1983 Black July-Sinhala Buddhism

          8. 2009, killing of non-combatant civilians,, and killing of surrendering combatants against the Geneva Convention

          9. Destroying the houses of Worship of Christians, Muslims and Hindus.

          This is a nutshell is Monk Mahanama Sinhala Buddhist Racism, that has nothing to do with the True Buddhism of Buddha.

          Both BBS and the Wahhabis are of the same coin, who are following their Mara and their Devil, Satan.

          They are an insult to the founders of Buddhism and Islam

  • 2


    Making Sense Of The Bodu Bala Sena

    MaRa is like a cobra. never fogives those who don’t support him.
    Muslims never voted for him from day 1. Wherever there is a muslim population he looses election there.

    So he set up this BBS to take care of muslims. Now BBS is doing it in grand style.

  • 0

    What I fail to understand is that if BBS has state backing, none of the Muslims Countries have said one word about
    the ill treatment of the Muslims in Sri Lanka. After all these Muslim Countries have their embassies in Sri Lanka and they know what is going on but not a hum. How does one explain this?.

    • 1

      Leon, MR has probably convinced the Muslim nations that the BBS are minor troublemakers who he will take care of after the next elections. And he probably will, as they would have served their purpose.

    • 2

      For most of Arabic countries, SL is poor country which is just a source of cheap housemiads… They don’t read or hear news from SL…

      • 1

        This is very right.
        But many in Srialnka feel that we are great nation. We are now a middle income earning nation… bla bla.

        I have met enough arabs in Europe, many of them have no good views towards lankens because they are just one another poor of the poor to them.
        I normally dont like the arabs knowing that their soils are oil rich but most o fthem are not rich by education or human values.

        When it goes for housemaids working arabs should immediately be banned.. since many of arab men that are sex hungry have been abusing those poor women. Statistically over 95% have been abused by those men in each family (Father, son, and all relative circles use those women as their sex fantasies)

        If we have a leader that really love our own folks, he should cancel sending women to middle east country.
        As one who love to help the poor – I wish I could enable all those poor women living in the camps of saudi and several other places in those countries being unable to return their motherland.
        (their grievances are only harboured to them, if president of the country could spend few days of his daily expenses in order to air lift these housemaid staying on camps there, would be the most admirable humanitarian task he could ever make for the nation)

  • 3

    The outrage against the BBS seems unprecedented in the country, far exceeding the outrage against the anti-Tamil feelings that have existed always.

    Why do Muslims consider themselves so precious, more than anyone else? Is it to do with their own questionable beliefs, as a group, about religious exclusitivity?

    BBS may be bad. But Muslims should be the last group that can afford to complain against religious extremism. Given the opportunity, they have proved to be the worst.

    All the carrying on CT by Muslims of various hue as victims of persecution comes across awfully hypocritical!

  • 7

    Rajapakse Brothers Business Oligarch is protected by many Proxy armies.

    BBS is one of them. Others are Rawaya, Rawana Balaya, White vans, Motor Bike gang squad, Mervin Silva and his gang, Duminda Silva and his gang, Thangalla and Hambanthota Mayors Gangs, Namal Rajapakse’s thugs and many more.

    These are all Rajapakse Brothers unofficial proxy armies who protect their business and political interests and they have more Powers than the Police, Judiciary and Armed forces. All of them have special Rajapakse immunity and are been protected by Rajapakses.

    The latest was how Ministry of Industries was invaded by BBS thugs without any disturbance and how UNP MPs were intimidated and harassed in Hambanthota.

    Also Rajapakse Brothers use these proxies to get away from UNHRC investigations on war crimes. Gota created BBS to guarantee a permanent Family Dynasty and to guarantee the Family winning next presidential and Parliament elections.

    BBS who boast on creating a two million man force is the latest announcement that shows how the Chickens are coming to roost. BBS says it is they who decide who the next President and the Parliament going to be. Quite exciting.

    Gobi and the LTTE revival is Gora’s newest creation for permenantly hold onto power and land grab in North and East and to delay UNHRC investigations.


    The latest was to proscribe 16 Tamil organizations and 425 odd Tamils who live in West as LTTE Proxies and to prosecute them and their immediate relatives and family members.

    Rajapakses gambling on Sri Lanka’s future, it’s economy, it’s boundaries, it’s social, religious and communal lives as well as it’s survival itself is at stake.

    Social and communal unrest could defenitely lead to another Sri Lankan Spring and eventual division of the country on racial and religion lines.

    It’s not a matter of how but a matter of When.

    War crimes.
    BBS is the only salvation Gota has to cling into power and avoid war crimes. The moment MR falls, BBS will be forced into get into power and it could lead for another Revolution in Sri Lanka. Yes there is already political cracks shown

    • 1

      This bugger Jayanthaya once wrote that he had supported the Sri Lanka Forces to defeat LTTE. Now he is worried about the government prosecuting LTTE proxies in the west.

      • 4

        I am no muslim,

        Of couse we Sinhalese supported our forces by even donating our blood to them to win and finish the war.

        We were so happy when the war ended and thought there’s going to be peace and development going to come after 30 years of suffering and struggle and the constant bomb scare.We also supported our troops from West.

        But soon after winning the war we saw more of Rajapakse praisings in the TV and media than anything else.

        Also suddnely we saw Presidential elections been drawn earlier than expected and then the white vans going after journalists and the computer Gilmarts and finally Gen.Sarath Fonseka and the grand mother of his son in law were jailed and many more.

        There after we saw the real Rajapakse drama unfolding…..upto now with Gobi or Gotapee and the pig eating shit.

        Hope you have a Brain to think and eyes to see, and not a tail and horns.

        I am no muslim,

        Please remember we are not Hambanthota “Mee Haraka” buffalos..but “Kolomba Kakkos”….Colombo crows. Yes we will send the Mee Harakas back to Hambanthota where they came from pretty soon if they try to play our asses. Yes Very soon.

        Good luck.

        • 1


          I am no muslim, Jom Softy and Many Avatars do not see how Rajapaksa grabbed power and marginalized Sarath Fonseka and many others

          So it it correct to call Para-I an no muslim, Jom Softy and Many Avatars, “Mee Haraka”. B”Gon Haraka”. “Gon Wassa”. and simply “Buruwo”.

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          JRJ had his war cum peace with LTTE for 12 years. LTTE was in control of the North by the time he retired. Premadasa had his peace cum war for four years and he didn’t know what had happenned to him. Wijethunge is the only Presidents who didn’t want peace with LTTE.

          Dona Katherine had her war with LTTE for 8 of her 11 presidancy. Don Juan had his ‘no peace no war’ for 3 years. Not just Fonseka but Janaka was there as well under her, but we have lost all our wars to LTTE, because Chandrika had confused soldiers with ‘sudu nelums’ and ‘peace thavalams’. But more soldiers were killed during Chandrika presidency than entire Rajapakse war that finished LTTE. Did you Jayantha give blood to our soldiers then as well.

          And LTTE was stronger than ever by the time Chandrika was forced out by court. When Rajapakse became President, he worked out the political strategy and put the country on war footing. And four forces commanders planned the war strategy and lead the battle fronts. And Gota did the vital political and war coordinations.

          Those were the days that Jayanthaya, Raviya and co went to Pamankada and not Alimankada and Kiriellaya said ‘any fool can fight a war’ and JVP tried their general strikes and Man-gala tried regime change. Somehow Rajapakses had drowned LTTE in Nanthikadal lagoon in just three years.

          LTTE fought for nothing but Eelam. TNA has been LTTE proxy through out. Jayantha must be a real idiot to think people want Rajapakses to hand over what they won hard way to some white arse licking gal-punks in a platter. Read dbsjayaraj.com to know the truth about Gobi and co and the dilemma of of LTTE rump and their backer, Norway.

  • 3


    Obviously BBS, a Johnny-come-lately outfit, is a Regime Project.

    What is not obvious is that BBS was born out of a bigger international project and tailored by its local patrons to serve it’s Perpetual Dynastic Rule Agenda.

    And there will be casualties along the way, but that would be termed “collateral damage”. The dogs may continue to bark but the BBS caravan will roll on!

    There are several complex dimensions involved in the local BBS Project, some religious, some social, but mostly political.

    Covert funding and strategic advice both locally and internationally is easily garnered from the abundant proliferation of Islamophobes and anti-Muslim constituencies. You have mentioned Europe(being over-run by rabid Muslim migrants who don’t practice birth control)and Israel. There may be other covert sources for all we know.

    The international anti-Islam/Muslim Project began with 9/11 and has manifested itself globally in the gradual but perceptible destruction of Muslim peoples and nations.

    Sri Lanka has now been added to the list using BBS as the vehicle of choice.

    The point I am making is that as long as the covert international anti Islam/Muslim project persists BBS will not be going anywhere!

    So we are in for the long haul unless the Rajapaksa clan disappears altogether from the political scene.

    Sadly, that won’t happen in a very, very long time…. and therefore I humbly advise you to wake up and smell the coffee!

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    It would be difficult to make sense of the nonsensical. The irrational behaviour of Gandasara can only be classified as Islamophobic ie. the mere mention of the word Muslim or Islam is enough to raise the hackles of this inveterate liar. His main occupation is to spy on Muslims and ogle their womenfolk.

    In Gandasara the Govt has found a mad monk to carry out its hidden agenda against the minorities. It is very convenient to allow this madman to run loose and pretend that he is out of control. This is just a side show of the govt to divert attention and attack the minorities.

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      When the CoL, Workers agitations and other issues go out of control soon these Mad Monk brigades, goon squads of the drug-gangs will be
      let loose on the people to confuse the country and the world the “popular, democratic and sovereign Govt” is under attack from agents of the Tamil-LTTE diaspora, the UN and the West, India, Islamists and so on. Our yakkos will swallow the guli, as usual, and continue to decline. They will have few people to speak for them.


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    If what IH says is true, it portends a scary future for all in Sri Lanka. One of the main appeals of Buddhism is its universalism – a factor that lead to its spread across India under Ashoka and then further all over Asia. Buddhism, like Islam, advocated equality among peoples – irrespective of caste/race; that is why it could spread across Asia which is the most ethnically diverse region in the world.

    So it’s with a heavy heart that I note the sad abuse of the Sangha by opportunistic politicians and what seems to be a project to further militarize Sri Lankan society.

    Why can’t the groups that do not support BBS and the militarization on Sri Lanka unite in one opposition to prevent their -and their patrons’- abuse of the religion and the institution of the Sangha? Who gains by the actions of bbs? Who loses?

    Obviously the minorities are the first victims of the vicious invective and violence of the BBS. But will it stop there? I doubt it. Think Taliban. Although they started out as a group opposed to the foreign (Soviet) occupation of Afghanistan, they ended up as vicious murderers who exacted revenge on not only other muslims (albeit of different ethnicities from them), but also on their OWN Pathan tribal leaders and elders.

    In a similar vein, the BBS may have gotten started by anti-muslim campaigns such as anti-Halal or anti-hijab, but soon they will agitate against Sinhala girls wearing western dresses and the like, and try to impose their extremely narrow-minded and ill-informed cultural ideology.

    I think part of the problem is the culture-clash between the mostly urban and liberal-minded Sinhalese and the rural lower and lower middle classes who are increasingly gaining social capital thanks to a better economy and the gainful employment provided to a significant percentage of rural youth by the military. After serving in the war zone, most of these youth come out with a mentality of might-is-right and given the fear-psychosis imposed by the higher-ups, these young men are taking the law unto their own hands with impunity. The proliferation of “security agencies” and the brazen home/business invasions, theft and murder are probably not far removed from
    military- trained culprits.

    These are the fruits of war! In the US, the government went to work putting the returning soldiers from WWII to work and sending them to university for free. That strategy worked to keep them out of trouble and get them re-integrated into society, thus preventing the militarization of the society. Recently such integration has been more difficult and consequently there’s much concern about the increasing number of instances of violence committed by former and current military men (mass shootings, spousal abuse and suicides). If the Tamils of the North could speak openly, they too would acknowledge similar problems among the former Tiger cadres.

    I sincerely hope that level-headed leaders of the various constituencies in Sri Lanka (UNP,muslim parties, TNA, pro-peace monks, Catholic officials, TNA etc) can unite to fight the forces of religious extremism. It affects everyone in Sri Lanka – not just the minority ethnic and religious groups.

    Where are the Sinhalese who can loudly and fearlessly articulate the danger of religious disharmony to the Sinhala-speaking masses?

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      Buddhist Sinhalese, I salute You!

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      Buddhist Sinhalese – like Afzal in his reply I can say, I salute you! Your response provides much food for thought.I hope you write articles. We can learn from you.

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      I am with the peace-centric thoughts of the reader who prefers to go as Buddhist Sinhalese. I regret, however, he misdirects
      himself in some of his comments. His following comments are in accord with history “One of the main appeals of Buddhism is its universalism – a factor that lead to its spread across India under Ashoka and then further all over Asia” However, he errs as he maintains “like Islam, advocated equality among peoples – irrespective of caste/race; that is why it could spread across Asia which is the most ethnically diverse region in the world” Buddhism, then and now, is a tolerant, inclusive religion based on Compassion and Non-violence and hence its universal appeal and acceptance. It does not resort to physical force in conversion. Islam, on the other hand, is a religion of intolerance. It depends on violent compulsion, blood and the sword – then and now.

      When the Mughals invaded India they converted millions of Hindus by the sword. Kashmir that was pre-dominantly Muslim then today is a majority Muslim State. As their religion commands, all other religious beliefs must be destroyed for the survival of Islam. It continues to the day. Look at Boko Haram in Nigeria that has kidnapped and killed a large number of school children in the name of religion. In what goes as modern Saudi Arabia – the leader of the Islamic world – and lands around women are discouraged from learning. I note it is improving in some areas there now – on pressure from the civilised world. It is on the implicit compulsion of the West, Saudis are now permitting more women in their socio-political structure. Women were allowed the basic right of driving cars only recently.

      Fortunately, the Islamic world – lead by modern thinkers and reformers in Egypt – is changing the face of the medieval Arabic society.
      Hopefully, very soon, the intolerant, violent and anti-social features of Islam will give away.

      Comparing the peaceful way of Buddhism and Islam is no more than comparing Apples and Oranges.


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    A fairly reasoned analysis. Bensen

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    Izeth, [Edited out]

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    Mr, Banda,

    I’m a muslim of this country, am I saw your comment, I don’t know how all these countries became Islamic countries, I like to ask you, if the Islam came to these countries by killing the inhabitant of these counties and they breed to fill the county by them self, why all these countries are not filled with Arabs, why still they are it’s own native peoples?

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    At least this piece of Izeth Hussain provides, further evidence from a regular analyst, what many Muslims and their leaders continue to brazenly deny. There are other scholars from across the ethnic divide who argue the Muslims, at least the more politically active amongst them, asked for it. The less political in the community had to suffer.
    Here’s Izeth Hussain :-

    “…The Muslims had no substantial presence in the armed forces, but they contributed significantly to secret service activity against the LTTE. Their Home Guards got together with the STF and drove out Tamils from more than fifteen Eastern Province villages, which really was the prelude for the genocidal expulsion of Muslims from the North…”

    Read that together with the massacre of the Tamil volunteer workers under the French NGO ACF banner and many such carnages and you come out with the picture why VP and his lieutenants, at the height of the battle against SL forces, decided why they did not want the additional burden of a fifth column in their limited territory then.


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    Dear all,
    Chronicles of political Sri Lanka transparently pinpoints that the stabilization,ethnic integrity, social unity and peace of the country
    have been the trumps of the power hungry politicians who wanted to heat the political chairs and cool their life to generations.This is the plain truth for that ill-happenings in the country right now. Even an insane can realize the fact that the positive and negative current politicians have fired the ballot guns with bullet shots to take their dynasty for generations.
    In this part of world, it has been proved that all those who had the evil intentions and goals as mentioned above were finally ended with nothing but burnt or buried according to their religious faith leaving the country being continued to burn and this truth, without doubt, will
    continue forever.
    There is an end for everybody and everything.The time will teach them all as everything is predestined by the Supreme Being.

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