16 January, 2025


Material Roots Of Racist Ideology

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

Last week I wrote about racist ideology and declared that the thesis “Bad leaders mislead the people, who are good, decent and free of prejudice, into evil ways’, was false. The good-people bad-politician thesis, I said, is more often than not, an inversion of the truth. The masses carry with them emotions and prejudices rooted in past history and experiences of recent decades. Politicians willing to align with mass sentiments rise to the crest as leaders; those who oppose, are relegated to the wilderness. The people chose Sinhala-Only-SWRD and rejected Parity-of-Status-NM; a tide of Hindu nativism assassinated Gandhi; black anger at centuries of deprivation and theft of land led implacable, white-hating Mugabe to the helm. VP did not create the antecedents; antecedents created VP and the war. On the whole, Colombo Telegraph readers seem not to have rejected this ‘thesis’. 

What was incomplete in my little column was that it does not explore the to-and-fro interaction between leaders and masses. While my thesis remains correct in dominance, I grant that the dialectic of interaction, renewal and modification also needs exploration. This cannot be done within the limits of the measly 750 words that my Editor grudgingly allows me. Nor am I going to take it up today.

I want to write about something else on a related topic today. Those who can bear to read my etchings would have gathered that I am an unrepentant Marxist whose berth in hell has been reserved. I have no intention, in this life or the next, of backing out on fundamentals. Chaps like me hold that it is the practical circumstances of social life, like property, income, land, production and distribution of material goods and sharing of the surpluses generated by social labour that affect how social animals think. Real-life issues influence social ideology more than the latter ricochets back. There are many fat tombs written on the topic, so no more from me.

You may challenge me: “If you say the emotions and ideology of the masses drives leaders more than the other way round, how do you square it with your previous paragraph (called materialism) that people’s ideology is what selects leaders?” How far back does the dialectic of interaction go? How do people get notions of identity in the first place? The answer comes in three parts; the first is self-evident. Early humans lived in tribes and clusters and jealously guarded their hunting grounds, lands and access to water from marauding “others”. The emergence of an overwhelming loyalty to the group, the earliest identity marker, is easy to appreciate. Therefore, identity goes back to the material circumstances of the earliest human clusters. 

The second is war; conquest, acquisition of wealth, natural resources and labour by plunder (slaves). Exploitation is pre-capitalist! OK, jokes apart, war is a form of production and acquisition of material goods intimately linked to identity. Genghis Khan did not plunder other Mongols, he went after the people of the Russian Steppe, the people of Anatolia and the miserable lot who eked out an existence in Central Asia. Rome exacted tribute from all over Eastern and Western Europe, Near East and North Africa. Belgians did not endear themselves to the inhabitants of the Congo (did they?) as Joseph Conrad tells us in one of the greatest short novels of our age. 

The third factor is recent history and competition. It’s not that Sinhalese and Tamil gonas have cockeyed DNA, though you can be forgiven for thinking so. Rather, they coveted each other’s employment, promotions, university placements and land in the norther-easterly provinces. Fortunately, except when the army went on rampage they don’t seem to have coveted each other’s wives too much. It was not culture (Buddhist versus Hindu, Devanagari versus Dravidian script, thala thel versus ambul thiyal) that drove S & T stupids to tear out each other’s jugulars; it was rooted in material interests and that sank down into racist ideology. 

The nexus between material reality and the ideology and prejudices of mass determining political leadership is obviously mediated in complex interactions but it is also logical; the structures are not difficult to assimilate. I am pleased that my Marxist partialities stand validated. 

(The terms race and racism as used here are intended to be global and include language, religion, colour, tribe or other identity markers that mediate social conflict).

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  • 1

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  • 11

    Why, why why are the most insignificant Sinhala Buddhists who only adorned in this tiny dot of the world’s atlas or globe fear called Sorry Lanka are psychologically affected by the mighty Tamil’s who live in many parts of the world and their mother tongue Tamil is one which has thrived for many a year is a classy lingo.
    The petty racists by their inferiority complexes love to show their cowardice by being nasty to us, the superior race who abode with their heads held high.
    The British found the Tamil community to be hardworking intelligent a pleasure to deal with and a reward for their traits set up school churches etc. By their educating my clan they till 1956 were able to run the then blossoming island in a clockwork-like manner which also made Ceylon as the granary of the east where rice was one of the major commodities exported.
    Now after the reversals which took place after the 1956 era now rice is an essential import and a major percentage of the hapless citizens are now malnourished and cannot even one square meal a day.
    A cup of plain tea is a luxury.
    How cruel and sad.
    Cheers, R. J.

    • 6

      rohan anthony johnpillai:-
      “The British found the Tamil community to be hardworking intelligent a pleasure to deal with and a reward for their traits set up school churches etc….”
      My Version:-
      “The British found the Tamil community to be..” easy to convert to Christianity, and Subservient in order to Gain their Own Ends!

      • 3

        No it was the Chingkallams who were subservient and gave everything to the British including their wives and daughters . This is why the British loved them and favoured them and gave the island to them on a platter in 1948 and nothing to the Thamizh. The Thamizh were hardworking . The British only used them but loved the Chingkallam.

        • 3

          Why do you accommodate such racist drivel?

          • 0

            Supra-above to all- Manager of CT Editors have a question.

            Can CT answer to this first without delays?

            (Some jobless souls trying to exert their fizzled out dream of authority over the media, under the new management of Lanakwe. Is that the same “Honey tell them I am back again” or this slogan is a different one this time?)

    • 1

      1944 saw the world was set up to favour the rich. It was not mere ‘hapless’ governance which depreciated sri lanka, but trade system which was set up in the midst of world war 2 (1944’s wiki/World_Currency.) The example of Lord Jesus (in John 4:32 where Jesus doesn’t want them to buy him food, and in John 6:2 where Jesus wants them to buy food for the homeless) shows perfectly the place of money in society, and we see that fact perfectly illustrated in the city of Jaffna’s central market. money is for the landless to buy some food.
      the Colonies of Europe by brittain, set up a homogenous society. everyone wants an iphone or smartphone, suitpants and tea.
      And the colonies got their goods, from other colonies. trading as it were, in agreement, commodity for commodity.
      But 1944, saw one currency the USD, that would solve any future jealousy felt by the likes of post-world-war-1 Germany, Every country would find value in the USD, a global paper currency, and only the communist second world, and India/Indonesia/ third-world countries refused to whole-sale surrender, unlike East Timor.
      there is no way , a island with %30 endemic species, can trade exports, in surplus to imports required to destroy like the west destroys.
      New Zealand’s wild-life is absolutely decimated, and the island’s shapes itself cry out for the invisible and nearly extinct fish and slug.
      It is better to appreciate, the richness of culture which Tamils have managed to preserve, and are evident too (wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamil_bell ) than try and pretend the portugeuse singalese did destroy Jaffna king’s library in 1500 with anything else in mind, other than german greed, jealousy . (wiki/Treaty_of_Tordesillas )

      • 2

        Rajkumar please leave Jesus out of this. He did not do anything for the Tamils last Easter. He is as helpless as they are.

    • 2

      Tamils especially from Sri Lanka live in many parts of the world begging asylum from their western masters! The British found the Tamil community as a ‘divide and rule’ tool. The Tamils ‘yes Sir, Yes Sir, three bags full sir for anything and everything was the reward for their traits of slavish boot licking of western masters. Under our great kings Sri Lanka exported rice to foreign countries as the granary of the east long time before the British. Do not worry about rice production in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka do have poor people but they are not malnourished like some of your Kith and kin in Tamil Nadu.

      • 1

        Lots of Chingkallams go around the west. begging for asylum too. The British found the Chingkallams very subservient , especially when it came to sharing their females with their white European colonial masters. The Portuguese, Dutch and then with them. Yes masta , yes masta, take my women for anything and everything. As a reward the British gave the entire island including the hapless Thamizh to them on a platter in 1948. This is a fact and not a fictional story. Around 1/3 to 40% of the Sri Lankan asylum seekers in the west are Chingkallams and Thullkans, not Thamizh. This is also a fact.

        • 1

          Piglet (Pandi Kutti) I know you don’t have a brain. It is well known 90% of asylum seekers were Thamizh and you can see them in all western toilets cleaning white man’s poopoo. Muslims never went as asylum seekers, may be little that belongs to you types went. Now there must be lot of Pandi Kutties in the west assuring the white man no dearth for many years. Better you chakli keep your mouth shut.

        • 0

          It’s history,that Tamils are cleaning toilets all over the world,since 15th century.most Tamils are Daliths/sub humans under the eyes of Indian.

    • 1

      Prof. Kumar David,,

      RE: Material Roots Of Racist Ideology

      Perhaps you meant, Material Roots Of Para- Racist Ideology.

      It has multiple forms, in addition to Para-racism, the unproven Para-beliefs and ideologies of Para-Buddhism and Para-Hinduism, Para-Christianity and Para-Islam.

      All they do is confuse the Para-imbeciles.

      Imbecile: a person affected with moderate intellectual disability

  • 5

    Mr. David I am not a follower of any political ideology. I believe in “working for living and having the right to keep my earnings. Service to the needy is provided through work (health care) and there is no need to penalize or burden the provider. I see , in this article , you agree with my opinion , voiced else where. Lankan politics is built on nothing but ” racist ideology” , hence it has not changed in seventy years.

  • 3

    Dr David,
    As you are claiming to be an unrepentant Marxist, do you agree with Kumari Jayawardena’s view of the existence of a Sri Lankan bourgeois at the base of nationalism, or is she misusing the French word as defined by Mark?

  • 2

    Kumar David appears to be a follower of Trotskyism or Maoism – perhaps he would clear this up for us?
    He reminds me of Jeremy Corbyn in my country – a dinosaur from the past! Unable to understand that he has become irrelevant and nobody wants what he is selling!
    Kumar David supported the actions of the PRC in Hong Kong – the PRC being one of the most Oppressive Regimes ever inflicted upon the human race.
    I will say that Kumar David is consistent – consistently wrong about everything!
    He makes a great Contrarian Indicator!
    Finally – I believe the word Kumar David is looking for is “Tomes” not “Tombs”.

    • 5


      Good to have you here in this forum as you could teach us one or two thing about democracy.

      “He reminds me of Jeremy Corbyn in my country – a dinosaur from the past! Unable to understand that he has become irrelevant and nobody wants what he is selling!”

      How so?
      Is it because your country people do not like to hear truth?
      Is it because your country men have become morons or Zombies?
      Is it because Jeremy Corbyn’s opponents have become clever liars?
      Is it because you have lost your marbles?

      • 5

        Hail! UK Citizen, whose nationality I once shared — from birth — but gave up after half a lifetime to become a Ceylon citizen at a time this country didnt permit dual citizenship.
        Tell me — if Corbyn is a dinosaur from the past does that mean Boris is a beacon beckoning to the future? Or maybe you’re a Lib-Dem.
        But interesting things are happening over there — like the emergence of young (24/25), Iranian-born, 20 years in England, Muslim, politics/international affairs graduate, Ali Milani, on a Labour ticket somewhere in working-class, greater London.
        And, though apparently guilty of anti-Semitic utterances (one never knows, of course, if this ws no more than criticism of Israel), he has regularly apologised for them; and a group of at least 30 young British Jews have stepped up to campaign for him!
        This is part of Labour’s younger generation. A hopeful response to anti-immigrant hostility and other racism.

      • 0

        @Native Vedda
        One of my goals in posting here is education.
        Please go to YouTube – Type in “Deplorables: Trump, Brexit and the Demonised Masses”
        Well worth your time and you will understand what is really going on – not what the Media is trying to promote.
        The above applies to Professor David as well – please watch and learn.

        • 1


          What is the point of watching this clip?
          What are you trying to tell us?

          Do you agree with Trump and Johnson.
          Boris was never been a brexiteer until he found an opening leading to number 10.
          My friend an old codger who has lived in the UK for 40 years, a keen observer tells me that he is still waiting for Boris to argue his case with facts. I think he is disappointed though today is the elections.

          The man is a racist beyond any doubt even his former boss Max Hastings said this “I was Boris Johnson’s boss: he is utterly unfit to be prime minister” – https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jun/24/boris-johnson-prime-minister-tory-party-britain.
          The former Tory Prime minister John major and deputy prime minister Heseltine urged the people to vote other than Tories.

          If Brits are unhappy with EU they should exit so that the people will have the freedom to rule themselves, while the Tamils and Muslims should remain in the unitary state even if they are treated badly and should not be allowed to rule themselves in a Federal state.

          The Brexit project was there for the past 50 years. Only less than 30 nationalist MPs campaigned to leave. Others got into bandwagon later. When the people voted for Brexit they really didn’t know what they were asking for, even now they don’t.
          Please read online Guardian and independent.

          • 1

            @Native Vedda
            Just wanted to show you that people who voted for BREXIT and Trump are not the racists and bigots that the media make them out to be.
            Populism is not Fascism (as the Media implies) but the will of the people. That’s called Democracy.
            The documentary clearly shows the views of ordinary working people and how out of touch the self-appointed Elites are
            I have my issues with Boris but Corbyn would be a complete disaster. If Boris can deliver BREXIT (the will of the people) I will be very happy.
            In this age of information there is no excuse for people not knowing what they are voting for. I’ve done a lot of research into the EU and BREXIT is the right way forward imho.

      • 0

        “ Bourgeois Capitalism” is the one reply for the four questions you have posed to UK citizen is the main cause.

    • 1

      ” I believe the word Kumar David is looking for is “Tomes” not “Tombs”.”

      Its is ok; spelling mistakes happen. Please don’t hurt Prof. Kumar. We all like our Mr. Roger.

      It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Enjoy the day for its maximum!

    • 1

      Agree with UKCitizen’s assessment: “I will say that Kumar David is consistent – consistently wrong about everything!”
      UKCitizen is unkind to Jeremy Corbyn. With the Media against him, he prevented Blairites taking over the Labour party.

  • 0

    December 11, 2019
    author: Kumar David
    Material Roots Of Racist Ideology

    December 11, 2019
    author: Kumar David
    Material Roots Of Racist Ideology

    Prof Kumar David in this article says yet again {” The people chose Sinhala-Only- SWRD and rejected Parity-of-Status-NM…..”}
    SWRD B’s Sinhala-Only is easy to understand. The hyenas of the then SLFP sermonised that Sinhala-Only will save the Sinhalese from extinction.
    N M P’s Parity-of-Status leads to end of meritocracy and is difficult to understand
    Kumar David is desperately trying to sell himself in an SLPP market. His success will be temporary.
    The rest of this article is not worth reading.

    • 0

      Start reading from “Kumar David in this article says yet again….”

  • 1

    Of course Kumar has been very careful not to mention “homeland” and the resultant ethnic cleansing and destruction for 70 years+.

  • 1

    I hated Thala Thel because of the smell ,although now I use Sesame Oil all the time .
    Ambul Thiyal is the best invention before Mono Sodium Glutamate ..

    Our 7 Million votes must have been the reality pill Dr Kumar needed to get out of the illusion that Dr Ranil’s Neo Capitalism and Homeland Constitution is better than the equality among all Human Souls which Carl Marx and his Buddies wanted.

    Dr Kumar’s ‘s adoration of Dr Ranil and his UNP Ideology was so strong that Dr Kumar even backed the OL drop out from Royal to be the President with the help of the other ex commie JVP Prince..

    I don’t know about his clan but my clan certainly wouldn’t like Dr Kumar calling them Gonas , specially after 7 Million of them finally came together for the first time, to save their Mahavamsa land from partition.

    Sinhala people never had any ill feelings towards their Tamil brethren , even when Mr Pirahaparan and his Boys were doing nasty things to them. .

    It is Dr Kumra’s people who are using Racism as their best weapon to do Politics.

    Talking about coveting, the ex CM who wants nothing but a Thamil Homeland has two Sinhala Girls as In Laws, according to my Elders.
    And I am very happy about it .
    What better way to promote reconciliation better than that kind of integration.

    I don’t mind Sampathar and Abraham getting their own Land if they want to live there.

    But I am not in favor of our 7 Million living in 7 Separate Lands under 7 separate Lots of Politikkas , like the one who was abducted in broad day light as recent as this week because he had taken 4 Lakhs of Rupiahs promising someone a Govt just before the Election.

    • 1


      “Sinhala people never had any ill feelings towards their Tamil brethren , even when Mr Pirahaparan and his Boys were doing nasty things to them. .”

      Of course Sinhala people never had any ill feelings towards their Tamil brethren, they sit tight until the racist get hold of power, turn a blind eye when innocent people are being hurt, the war criminals committing war crimes …………………… then come around and tell the world they saved many lives and properties. They should have diffused or stopped Sinhala/Buddhist Fascism building up its force, nipped in the bud, ……………….

      • 0

        Dear Native,

        Did Sinhala Buddhists ever chop lactating Mothers with Machettes?.
        Killed their Babies and frail Moms and Dads in the thick of the night in remote Villages.

        Now you may revisit Black 83′.
        But it was the UNP Sinhala Buddhits , urged on by their Leaders in Colombo , North , Colombo South and Colombo Central who did the damge..

        Ironically those are the same places where your buddy’s UNP reigned supreme .even at the Last Election.
        And guess who are their best mates , Now…

  • 5

    Racism was not a serious issue in Sinhale until Brits who are the worst racists on this planet promoted that along with their infamous ‘Divide and Rule’ policy using ‘Para’ Malabar Wellala elites who were licking the *** of White guys to obtain privileges and oppress Native Sinhalayo.

    • Chelvanayagam who was born in Malaya and entered Sinhale illegally is the father of racism and the ethnic conflict in this country. He is the one who asked for an ‘Exclusive Zone in North East’ for Demalu of Malabar origin who are the descendants of slaves brought to Sinhale by Portuguese and Dutch.
    • Ponnambalam who asked for 50:50 when Demalu was only 10% of the population is the other person responsible for promoting racism and the ethnic conflict.
    • Both these racist bigots gave the impression to ordinary Demala people that Sinhalayo are their main enemy. Wellala Demala politicians from Malabar continued with this fearmongering among Demala people for their political survival.
    • At the 1977 General Election campaign Mangayarkarasi Amirthalingam has told: “Until I have made shoes out of the skin of the last Sinhalese in the South, and worn it, I will have no sleep.”

    • 0

      Eagle eye (HLD Mahindapala),
      You say the british are racists. Yet it is the british descent whites in australia who let you migrate there and spew your sinhala supremacy from there, while enjoying all the benefits of living in a british created nation.

  • 1

    R.J. speaks of Ceylon being a ‘Granary of the East’. Even before Independence, Ceylon was importing Rice. Remember the controversial ‘ Rubber Rice Pact’ of the early 50s’ with then UNP Government and (Communist) China, which displeased the USA.

    • 0

      RJ was speaking through his hat! The country was known as the Granary of the East many years ago – during the time of the Sinhalese kings not in recent times.

  • 1

    Material Roots Of Racist Ideology – Yes. We read in the inputs appearing here and elsewhere.
    Even you have inherited or its within you.
    Its certainly within all Political Animals.

  • 2

    When talk of material ‘roots’ professor, are you talking about the material the Tamils and Muslims have been rooting?
    Pls clarify.

  • 1

    War is crime against humanity. All colonial rulers committed war crime. They first destroyed the elite in 1817 so as to ensure that Ceylon will not have any intelligent leaders to rule thereafter.

    We boast of thousands of years of civilization. Is it civilization what you see in Sri Lanka today? Behavior what we see is not seen even among animals. One family holds all the powers and shakes the very foundation of the nature what feeds the entire population.Ex and the present military leaders playing to the tune of this family just to make a comfortable life at the cost of starving citizens. Maha Nayakes waiting for their comforts and worship. How can you regard these as civilization? Military uniform deserved to be soaked in cow dung for letting down the citizens rights to this low level be it minority or majority community.

  • 0

    The fundamental question is the Lankawe’s like political behavior is inbuilt or learned? The answer is “A combination of both”. We have said in these comments that there is say in Tamil that “Which path the king takes that is the path subjects’ takes too”. When the king is a disorderly tyrant, you can’t expect people to organize a peaceful life within them-selves. “Havoc” will be the result in that country. But we said too the inverse that is, “which the way people are that is the way a democratic country is” is the one apply for Democratic government. Democracy has only representative, no leaders to rule any one. Whoever tries to rule the people will face the disaster results at the end. Democracy needs not to be declared and written in the first line of constitution. It come into existence when the people wishing for it, like Britain. It will vanish when people abandon the job of ruling themselves and taking a retirement, like Lankawe. Remember the French King Louis XIV and Russian Tsar Alexandrovich? Their mistakes were they tried to rule the people beyond their civilization maturity. British politicians are very sensitive to this issue. So they gave out freedom to India, Pakistan, Africa…. yet they too made mistake, they set up universal franchise to Lankawe and freed it; it didn’t ask for that.
    “Learned” is a follower of the matters spited by teachers like Buddha or Jesus or Mohamed or Siva, Marx Roseau, Confucius, Kaniyan, Periyar…. who the thinkers for humanity, they need not to be servants of humanity, simultaneously (,as we the modern society believe in division of labor). These materials superimpose over the modern inventions and override them in the minds of the people. People cannot accept textbook science when they are reading bibles of religions.

  • 0

    What is inbuilt means? Fittest will survive; all living forms shows aptitude for competition; resources are limited so strictly FIFO is the distribution methods to be followed;……….. so so…..
    “Inbuilt” are physical needs based; “learned” are psychological needs based. Is there a question Buddha taught to Buddhists or Buddhists taught to Buddha? I don’t think so. Marxism assumes powerful brains can lead and unethically keeps the innocents in mist for the elites’ betterment. The innocent needs to be taught to rebel to unload the burden and live easy and with freedom. So he assumed, like him, even Buddha gave opium to keep his clients under control. When the world is only about the material world, preachers’ talks, religions, civilization, etiquettes are only another load to people’s life. It is said Swami Vivekananda one time said “if you don’t have anything to eat, eat beef and pass the sin to me; nobody has to go hungry”. This is the Marxism Ramakrishna and his disciple taught. It is not emotion based, rather basic need based.
    Let’s go back to inbuilt and learned. “Learned” has to supersede the “inbuilt” in politics, unlike in material life. The Child wants three times a day Chocolates. But Mother insists three times healthy meal. This is what science; this is what religion; this is what civilization; this is what learning over inbuilt basic need. The mother’s leadership comes from the learned behaviors. “Civilization” is learned adorable behaviors or way of life. It is not physical evolution.

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    A civilized society is loaded with beliefs and wrong and right scientific ways of living. A leader has the capacity to guide the people’s thinking into and out of these cobwebs. But democratic politics’ maxim is different. In Anna’s words “Ellorum Innattu Mannargal” (All are king of this land). Further, Yaathum is Oore and Yavarum are Kelirs. So there is no one to rule and no land to rule and nobody there to be ruled over. Evolution has created many different animals (not brutal meant here) based on many attributes, like geographical environment. But democracy does recognize those differences. When the birds of a feather flock together the democracy is torn off. Yet, we cannot have leaders to rule people in democracy. They all are representatives. So to put is back democracy, we need teachers. The teacher has no interest in securing ruler-ship for him/her. His/her interest is creating text material and explaining it to the people. What we need is Buddha, Marx, Vivekananda, Jesus, Periyaar, Gandhi, Roseau, and Kaniyan Poongundran…… Teacher should not impose control over the minds of people. His/her job is shedding light on a matter to see it clearly.
    In democracy too you may see leaders appear and they become teachers too. This is what you see in Lincoln, Mandela and Lee Kwan Yew. But remember they will turn out to be anti-democratic dictators. Don’t confuse democracy with anarchy. In democracy, there is no leader. But, as Anna said, all are leaders. So it is the teachers’ duty prepares them all for that role.
    So what we see here is two types 1) learned- Civilized and 2) the not. The form of racial or bigotry is only a subheading under unlearned-uncivilized type. We have seen many countries struggling to catch up to democracy. China, Cuba, Lankawe, Libya, Sudan, Zimbabwe all are in this, but on their own dimension. In Lankawe or Palestine the bigotry is so deep at an unbridgeable fissure so the two states is the solution

    • 0

      Mally, So .Swami Vivekananda told the followers to eat Bovine Meat… Buddha gave Opium to calm down his followers.

      After reading those three diatribes I am totally confused , Mate..
      Are studying for a PhD or Are you are unnecessarily stressing about our new Journey Towards prosperity in Lankawe. under Nandasena?.

      Have you caught up how cool the Nandasena is running the ship now.
      He is asking for all the Power & Energy Agreements singed by Ravi Karunanayaka to be reviewed , And also asked the Ministers to terminate all the private premises which the UNP Land Lords gave Dr Ranil at Inflated Prices,

      Now Chamapaka Ranawaka can’t go overseas , along with Shryalataha Barister from Kelaniya and Dr Rajitha from Panadura.

      BTW Dr Rajitha has given one Mohammed the sole authority to use APESHHKA as the name of his Charity to Collect One Billion Rupias for the MAHARAGAM Cancer Hospital.

      But all Momamed has done is bought them a few second hand equipment.
      And Dr Rajitha had told the Director of the Hospital not to even talk to Mohammed.

      Anyway I know you are not worried about trivia like that.. Are You?.

      Talking about UK , Boris did a Nandasena .. Didn’t he ?.
      I think all the real Poms got behind Boris to prevent the Labor dude entertaining an Independent Scotland, and future Homelands to Urdu Speaking People and the Thamil Speaking people..

      • 0


        ” So .Swami Vivekananda told the followers to eat Bovine Meat… Buddha gave Opium to calm down his followers. “

        ” We marvel not at the greatness of the great;
        Still less despise we men of low estate.”

        There is no mudslinging on Buddha or Vivekananda or on Prof. Kumar. Only criticism!

        Our point is guidance has to come in the form teaching; not in the form leading-a form of ruling. Teaching shouldn’t lead. Otherwise it is Buddha or Mohammed, Siva, Marx or Socrates is causing the straying not on the own accord of Hindus or Buddhist or Islamists or leftist.

        We have no idea what is the mind of American citizen, Nandasena. System moves on its path. Prof. Kumar is willing to provide solution to the problem. Neither Tamils, nor Sinhalese has the capacity to understand the language, English nor the logic presented there. Our comments too suffer in language and clarity. We cannot offer reader to ask question and clarify anything appears to be inconsistencies, while writing something. Writing is limited by space, unlike talking, which limitation is by life, as in the case of Socrates.

        In Tamil they say “Visaranin Pittai Paithiyakaran Parichu Thindanaam!” (Lunatic plugged the mad’s pudding and ate.) That is the end to the human suffering on this earth.

        Thanks for your reply.

  • 1

    In Short,The Jealousy For Material Things From Different Ethnics And Religious Beliefs Bought Us Wars, Hatred And Downfall.

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