By R Sampanthan –
Hon Speaker,
Sri Jayawardenapura, Kotte.
Standing Order 23(2) – proviso: Notice of question relating to matter of urgent public importance – to be made on 9th April 2013
I wish to make a statement on a most grave issue of national concern, relating to the safety, security and wellbeing of the Muslim people of this island. The Muslim people have been historical inhabitants of this island, and have contributed immensely to its development for many centuries. They have their own unique customs and traditions; food and dress; and are devout adherents of a very great religion. As the cultural benefactors of the Islamic Golden Age which spanned the 8th to the 13th centuries, the Muslim people of Sri Lanka have scaled the heights of the whole range of human endeavour – from art and music, to medicine and law, and science, enterprise, academics and so on.
Today however, the purveyors of hate are unleashing a bitter and spiteful campaign against the Muslim people. I do not need to recount the many acts of mob violence that have taken place in the last few months. Muslim women who choose to wear conservative religious dress have been molested and abused by strangers in broad daylight. Today the Muslim people are fearful; anxious and hurt by the invective surrounding them. As fellow minorities, the Tamil people feel the pain, the insecurity, the fear and the anxiety of our Muslim brothers and sisters. The relationship between the Tamils and Muslims has always been close – sometimes strained and to our perpetual shame, though very rarely, even violent and cruel – but always close. Our people are too closely intertwined for one to think that it can survive the fate of the other. We are connected to each other just as we are connected to the Sinhalese, the Malays and the Burghers; but the bonds of a common language and home cannot be broken easily. And so, when our Muslim brothers and sisters are harmed on the street; or attacked by mobs; or have their Mosques vandalized; we cannot unconcerned spectators.
Mr. Speaker, as Leader of the Tamil National Alliance, I demand that the violence against the Muslim people cease now. I demand an end to the repulsive hate speech that we hear every day. I demand an end to the collusion of the state in this campaign of hate. We are conscious that the vast majority of the Sinhalese Buddhist people do not condone such actions and that they would very much wish to live in peace and harmony paying due respect to the rights of other Peoples. As victims of the worst atrocities, we the Tamils have demanded that the country and the world heed our call for accountability, justice and the guarantee of non-recurrence. We wish to emphasize that the enforcement of law and order, and ensuring the safety and security of all Peoples including the Muslim People is primarily the responsibility of the State. Recent events have shown that the State has not discharged this responsibility in a manner beyond reproach.
We therefore call upon the government to refrain from acts of partisanship and discharge its constitutional duty be ensuring that equal protection of the law be afforded to all Peoples in this country including the Muslim People.
*R Sampanthan -Parliamentary Group Leader, Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (TNA)
Burt / April 9, 2013
It’s sad when a Hindu Tamil gentlemen has to standup and defend the Muslim culture and way of life and demand that violence against them cease while Muslim leaders are holding minister positions and cutting back room deals for more perks.
Ravi / April 9, 2013
Why only Tamil parliamentarians like Sambandan and Sumanthiran are speaking on behalf of the Muslims? What is wrong with the Muslim parliamentarians, why are they silent?
Not only that the Muslim parliamentarians are not talking about the plight of Muslims but they are also not letting the Tamils to talk, Aswar keeps on disturbing them in parliament.
whywhy / April 9, 2013
Ravi,Aswar always has been a DONKEY.
mike / April 9, 2013
Good question, Ravi. Rauf Hakeem, Fowzie, Mowlana, Badurdeen, Cader, Joker Asswer, to name a few – what are they doing??????
Lanka Liar / April 10, 2013
How can purchased commodities speak. They want to be purchased again Some jokers(I think it is Fowzie) who periodically interject Tamil speakers in the parliament should be scratching between his legs so that his brain can work. What are they doing? Good question. If they speak you know what will happen.
Mohamed Marzook / April 9, 2013
Is that the plight of the majority of the Parliamentarians, particularly of those with the Govt., be it Muslims, Sinhalese or Tamils they bound and either expected to join the ‘praise be to you’ chorus or made to be silent. Sampanthan and Sumanthiran are a different calibre. They cannot be forced to cow down.
Lanka liar / April 11, 2013
Muslims are doing what they are paid for.
Real Peace / April 9, 2013
Heartless Hakeem went all the way to Geneva and told the international community that the govt of Sri lanka DID NOT commit war crimes in the Vanni in 2009…….!! Hope Hakkem will learn from Samanthan….!!
DODU / April 9, 2013
PTTALA BOORUWA is cleaning the toilets at the WALAWWA!
DODU / April 9, 2013
mike / April 9, 2013
That is why Hitlerpaksha gave specific instructions to Sajin Vaas to “look after Hakeem’s needs”? Keep guessing folks!
Lanka Liar / April 10, 2013
It is Hakeem speaking nobody believes. So don’t worry.
Ben Hurling / April 9, 2013
Where are the Sinhalese politicians? Scared of Gota and BBS “Boru Balu Sena”?
Where are the leaders who can lead the ideological charge against racist, hatemongers of Balu Sena? In their absence, TNA is shedding crocodile tears for Sri Lanka’s Muslims.
mn / April 9, 2013
Well said i agree with Mr sampanthan..
sampanthan / April 9, 2013
He wants to be in limelight as he is also on a threat of imblasting the alliance; TNA. He carefully plays the role of hero for Muslims to win their hearts. Muslims cannot easily be cheated Mr Sampanthan.
Piranha / April 9, 2013
You are a moron. The Sinhalese leaders and the muslim leaders have been cheating the muslim people for yonks. At least Mr Sambandan has the courage and decency to protest against what the Sinhala fascists are doing against the muslim people in the absence of any support for them from their so called leaders.
Lanka liar / April 11, 2013
If he behaved like a Muslims he would have been a Deputy Prime Minister even Prime miniter years ago.
muslim / April 9, 2013
Thank you Mr Sampandam and Mr Sumanthiram for speaking on behalf of the muslims.
Rauf Hakeem azwar and the other selfish muslim ministers and mp s
who are only interested in warming their seats should be ashamed,of calling themselves muslims.Why are they not resigning from all their posts? Shame Shame on them.
Peace Lover / April 9, 2013
Rauf Hakeem and the rest are stooges interested only in being Ministers and greedy for money!
commando695 / April 9, 2013
On the matter of why a Hindu Tamil gentleman has to stand up and defend the Muslims, a recent analytical article by Kumar David will provide the necessary answer.
“Muslim politicos including the SLMC from top to bottom are obsessed with greed, loot and sinecures. They may be compelled to surrender their privileges and venality only after the community gets hit by a freight train”
The train has not arrived yet!!
Ravi / April 9, 2013
The hat flipping Muslims flipped their hat towards the Sinhalese when Tamils were under attack, now when the Sinhalese turned against them, they are trying to flip the hat to Tamils side. They should never be trusted.
When the Sinhalese were attacking the Tamils, the Muslims collaborated with the Sinhalese. In ’83, more than the Sinhalese, it was the Muslims who looted the Tamils. Why are the Tamils like Sambandan and Sumanthiran supporting the Muslims when their own Muslim parliamentarians are keeping silent?
DODU / April 9, 2013
When Muslims trusted Tamils and wants to be with them, Tamils chased them from Jafna. They looted their properties, killed them while praying!
Lanka Liar / April 10, 2013
It is LTTE and the Tamils have apologized and done everything possible to rectify the situations. Your Sinhalese masters should be able to resettle them. Have they done is or BBS is doing it.You have been playing opportunistic politics at least now you should learn. the country has become more intelligent to sort you out.
Peace Lover / April 9, 2013
Ravi ,it does not matter if the Muslims flip their hat according to which way the wind blows (which is true sadly),but lets stand up as citizens of Lanka and protest against racism
Truthful / April 9, 2013
Mr Ravi, I like to give you a lesson in history that Muslims have learned and find difficult to forget. Remember the year 1915. Sinhalese and Tamil were bed fellows. Sir Pon. Ramanathan went all the way to London to defend the culprits who carried out mass slaughter of Muslims and got them released. This single act of betrayal by the most eminent Tamil politician of that era has become ingrained in the hearts of Muslims and has left an indelible scar. Muslims learned the bitter lesson that they have to live with the Sinhalese and they would not have any external help. When two third of their population lives among the Sinhalese, supporting the Tamils who have advantage of geographical isolation, how can Muslims ever politically align themselves with the Tamils? It will be nothing but suicidal. Some such flirtations in the East were castigated by fellow Muslims in other provinces. As for your accusation Muslims looted Tamil properties, read the article by Dr Michael Roberts recently in the Colombo telegraph (14th March 2013) on the 1915 riots. He reveals how Tamils looted Muslim properties in various places. Muslims do not have the monoply for such despicable behaviour.
whywhy / April 9, 2013
Iraqis under invasion looted even their museum and they
were all Arab Muslims.One must understand that all
Muslims are not Saints in a world of crimes and
especially under anarchy let loose by very guardians
of law.
Bob / April 10, 2013
No it is just the human nature. Be them Buddhists, Muslims OR Christians, when they have the chances to improve their standards – they the human beings do whatever they can. This was clearly seen in JULY 83 riots. I can name several among the all major adherents that have abused the opportunity and through the looted monies and materials raised their heads in the following years. That is the nature be it on lanken soil or any others also your example in Irak (muslim dominated) had shown. But living on the west, I see, people s standards are much higher, there even if you miss your purse with thousands of currencies – can be returned to you with missing nothing. I myself have experienced the latter, that is why I am in the opinion, when people are developed by every facets only- we the lankens raise the head to face the challenges before us. Many in SL, are not convinced Buddhists, they are just followers of their families. Even majority of Buddhist monks do the same, being saffron robed- only a minority of Buddhist monks can be respected for their saffron dress today. If BBS would tarnish the lanken Buddhist image, no doubt, lanka will end up with an another Pakistan or Somalia.
Now I agree with the fact that we need an educated common candidate to lead the island s folk. Crystal clear that MR is not a leader with capacities to run the country – when seeing all the unncessary problems that get to see today.
Lanka Liar / April 10, 2013
Why the hell they speak Tamil?. Ramanathan did what he did to remove the martial law and justice. He never advocated to deny justice for Muslims. Do you expect justice from a Muslim. You would be dreaming. Can you site one. Hakeem is the justice minister. What a joke.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / April 9, 2013
“And so, when our Muslim brothers and sisters are harmed on the street; or attacked by mobs; or have their Mosques vandalized; we cannot [remain] unconcerned spectators.”
So I suppose if I were to look I’d find records of similar pronouncements by the Hon Sampanthan following say, the Kattankudy massacre and the mass ethnic cleansing of Muslims carried out by the sole legitimate representatives of Tamils?
Native Vedda / April 9, 2013
Siva Sankaran Sarma
“the Kattankudy massacre and the mass ethnic cleansing of Muslims carried out by the sole legitimate representatives of Tamils?”
It was carried out by the national leader whereas Sampanthan is only TNA leader.
Given the history of LTTE, MR still went ahead with his deal with VP, a deal which brought MR political power and considerable family wealth. The deal (in case you haven’t heard about)involved cash for votes.
K.A Sumanasekera / April 9, 2013
Did Sambandan or any of his current mob ever make any speech in Parliament condemning Prabakaran and apologise for 300 innocent deaths?
Perhaps you believe in Angels too.
Native Vedda / April 9, 2013
K.A Sumanasekera
Had Sampanthan made a speech condemning LTTE, Gota’s intelligence operatives would have had an opportunity to kill him and blame it on LTTE.
Were you longing for an excuse to bump him off?
It was similar to 1987-91 golden period when JVP was pulling the trigger.
mutaliph / April 9, 2013
Dear Hon Hakeem, We shame of you. See what Tamil leaders are saying on Muslim Community. You will sacrifice even your mother to safeguard your portfolio.
Fair N Square / April 9, 2013
Honorable Hakeem? what has he done to be called as such? Nothing…. All he ever did was to seek more and more perks for personal benefit and Nothing whatsoever for the betterment of Muslims…
He is more on personal agenda than the benefit of the masses… So are all other Muslim Politicians… all on the bandwagon for the personal benefits.. UNLIKE the peers of Siddi Lebbe, T.B Jayah(May Almighty bless their souls) they had done yeoman service to the society at large, from which Muslims are still reaping the benefits viz a viz Muslim Marriage/divorce law.Inheritence law and the Right to wear a cap even in courts…to mention a few…
Senguttuvan / April 9, 2013
Probably the most powerful and most potent appeal in defence of the Muslims so far – that cannot be ignored, even by an uncaring Govt such as this. An appeal of this nature, professionally constructed in fine prose, will attract attention of those who shape policy within and outside. That is absolutely vital. This is why I commented the voice of the Tamils and other minorities should be written clearly and competently. I was, curiously, found fault with that. It was not the message I took exception to but the poor language in which it was made.
There is reference here as to why Mr Sampanthan and his colleagues have to raise their voices on behalf of the Muslims whereas their Ministers and MPs – more fastidious and unduly heavy with Western suit in our hot climates – exercising only roaring silence. The answer must be hallmark deception and hypocracy laced with greed and crass opportunism. Which is why in an earlier post I noted – ha! ha! ha!
K.A Sumanasekera / April 9, 2013
No one can beat your idol the Hon Mr Sambandan in” hypocracy.” stakes.
In fact he is elevating it to a new level here.
You guys seem to grasp at any straw at present, Don’t you ?.
Native Vedda / April 10, 2013
K.A Sumanasekera
“No one can beat your idol the Hon Mr Sambandan in” hypocracy.” stakes.”
The Sinhala/Buddhists constitute 75% of the inhabitants therefore they cannot own more than 75% of all hypocrisy in the island.
By the virtue of proportional representation that you promote your Demela sahodrayas should be allowed to enjoy at least 12% of island’s total hypocrisy.
Remember Sampanthan is one among the 12% and he is your Demela brethren.
Anything under 12% would be considered discrimination and will be held against you on your judgement day. You would be officially declared as the Racist Hypocrite or Hypocritical Racist.
Lanka Liar / April 10, 2013
Justice and human rights is not percentage game. You should know that.
Native Vedda / April 10, 2013
Lanka Liar
I was explaining to K.A Sumanasekera that total Sri Lankan hypocrisy should be shared according to population ratio and should not be monopolised by Sinhala/Buddhists alone hence Sampanthan should be given what is due to him.
I have not discussed human rights in % terms.
Lanka liar / April 11, 2013
Even hypo crazy is not a % game ok.
Naga / April 9, 2013
The anti-Muslim campaign carried out by some sections of the Buddhist clergy is wrong and should be condemned. Personally, I feel that Muslims should be left alone to continue with their religious practices. Though some what self centred, majority of the Muslims are law abiding citizens.
However, Muslims will not get much sympathy from many Tamils, particularly from the Tamils of Batticaloa and Ampara districts, because they still remember how the Muslims, mainly Muslim youths, joined hands with the STF and Army in killing innocent Tamils in the period 1990 and thereafter. Their attacks on innocent Tamils as reprisals for the LTTE attacks on Muslims were unpardonable.
Tamils in Veeramunai,a Tamil village in Ampara district, suffered the worst in the hands of Muslim thugs who were armed by the then SL government and enlisted as Muslim home guards. R.Thurairatnam, a former Batticaloa journalist who is now based in Switzerland, writing in his website states that in a two month period, between 20 June 1990 and 15 August 1990, 232 Tamils from Veeramunai alone were killed or disappeared by the Muslims of neigbouring Samanthurai village. Even Tamils who took shelter in the Veeramunai Pillaiyar Temple were massacred. Over 1600 Tamil homes were set on fire and destroyed. He says that the same Samanthurai Muslims are now polluting the Veeramunai village by throwing on their streets disgusting offals from Muslim slaughter houses. The other day BBC Tamil broadcast a documentary listing the damage and destruction caused to historic Hindu temples in Muslim areas of Ampara district.
During the same period, Muslim home guards from Kattankudy and Eravur carried out similar attacks on Tamils in neighbouring Tamil villages. If not for the presence of some good Sinhala Army officers like Brigadier Seneviratne, Colonel Halangoda and Colonel C.S. Fernando who were based in the Batticaloa Town and Kallady at that time, many more Tamils would have died in the hands of these Muslim home guards. In the aftermath of the dastardly LTTE massacre in a Kattankudy mosque, these Muslim home guards would have simply run riot and massacred the Tamils in greater Kallady area if not for the presence of these good Sinhala Army officers. Batticaloa Tamils will not forget or forgive the anti-Tamil agenda of Muslim politicians like Minister Hisbullah. Vanni Tamils are still fuming at the anti-Tamil deeds of Minister Rishad Badiuddin.
Sampanthan and Sumanthiran may now speak on behalf of Muslims in Parliament. But the Tamils in the Batticaloa and Ampara districts who suffered and still continue to suffer in the hands of Muslims and their Muslim political leaders will have no sympathy for Muslims. When Tamils suffered persecution in the hands of the state forces, Muslims added insult to injury by joining hands with their oppressors as para-military forces. Tamils in the East are more fearful of the Muslim armed groups than the Sri Lankan Army. It is common knowledge among the Batticaloa Tamils that Muslim armed groups are now well stocked with weapons bought from former LTTE cadres disbanded by Karuna. That is the reason why knowledgeable Tamils in the Batticaloa district would not like to see the withdrawal of Sri Lankan Army from Batticaloa.
justice / April 9, 2013
I agree with you.
I knew tamil families who were killed by muslim homeguards recruited by the STF who themselves also commited many atrocities in the batticaloa district.
shankar / April 10, 2013
Naga,you yourself mentioned that muslim attacks were in reprisal for LTTE atrocities against the muslims.Why just kill muslims and also ethnically cleanse them from the north and then people like you have a long whinge when they hit back,albeit at innocent tamils.It is time you looked at the root cause of the problem we had,which is that madman Prabha.Now that he is gone this country will slowly but surely settle down and cool off.No point in blaming muslims when the tamils were the ones who first went on the rampage against them.
Not only Prabha,if my memory serves me right the chief culprit for the kattankudy mosque massacre was karuna.This money mad thief wanted more and more taxes from the muslim merchants i believe and was harassing them for money and when they refused tried his thuggery tactics to scare them.This man was plain and simple robber with no lofty ideological reasons behind his so called cause,and i believe he fell out with the LTTE too over money transactions he was covering up from them,but he later changed it to various other reasons because unlike moda 5th grade prabha,karuna is a intelligent fellow.He was the main cause of the problems with the muslims because he wanted their money.
kris / April 9, 2013
This guy is trying fish in mud water, this guy was backing up LTTE and killed thousands of muslims in north. now he is talking about friendship they have with muslims-Rubbish
caristo / April 9, 2013
I can see your frustration. Where were all these time?
Native Vedda / April 9, 2013
“this guy was backing up LTTE and killed thousands of muslims in north.”
Really, could you tell me as to how many Muslims were killed in the North.
Could you also tell us exactly how many Muslims did Sampanthan kill with his bare hands in the North.
kris / April 10, 2013
Moda vedda
Could you also tell us exactly how many Muslims did Sampanthan kill with his bare hands in the North.
Did I say this guy killed muslims, I said this guy backedup LTTE to killed muslims
Really, could you tell me as to how many Muslims were killed in the North
Go and check how many muslims killed in LTTE mosque attacks
don’t show to the world that you have dementia problem
Native Vedda / April 10, 2013
This what you wrote:
“This guy is trying fish in mud water, this guy was backing up LTTE and killed thousands of muslims in north.”
Please reread it.
“this guy was backing up LTTE and killed thousands of muslims in north.”
How would you interpret your comment?
When did East become North?
I was never informed of the geographical changes that took place in this island. Perhaps news reach me very late in the day as I live in the deep, deep deep jungle.
abdul / April 9, 2013
I feel that Muslims will think twice b4 they vote for a Muslim. (Imean for the old bunch) WE need fresh Muslim leaders to tackle such violence and to handle BBS or RAVANA or any blady Yello roob terrorist gangs in our country. Look what they’r doing, threatening the IPL Players, also now the tamil cinema… we can c daily such things coming out.
K.A Sumanasekera / April 9, 2013
Did Mr Sambandan call the LTTE purveyors of hatred and condemn Mr Prabakaran in Parliament. when his soldiers shot 300 Muslim men ‘youth ad boys in their Kathankaddy mosque while they were on their knees , praying to their Prophet?.
justice / April 9, 2013
The kattankudy massacre was a reprisal for killigs of many tamils by muslim homeguards – not that I think it was justified.
Lanka liar / April 11, 2013
Sampanthan is addressing the government. He is not addressing the LTTE. Unless you think LTTE is in government. Although it looks like LTTE is conducting all government policies that is to destroy Sri Lanka by Sri Lankans. Arent they real masters?
R.Thurairatnam / April 9, 2013
Pl.see this article about muslim http://www.thinakkathir.com/?p=49300
whywhy / April 9, 2013
I went through the article.Like all Tamils are not LTTE
all Muslims don’t own slaughterhouses and all Muslims
are not radicals or tolerate terror.Muslims were made
to go against Tamils because of the fear that otherwise
Tamils will win Muslim sympathy.Sampanthan wants to
play more matured politics and may be punish Rauf
Hakeem as well.
punchinilame / April 9, 2013
Over to you Hon. Hakeem…..
“An Afghan, upon landing at Colombo Airport, introduced himself to a Colombo Immigration Officer, as Ex-Minister of Ports & Shipping of Afghanistan.
The Immigration Officer was surprised, and asked: “But there is no sea in Afghanistan. How can you be the ex Minister of Ports & Shipping?”
The Afghan replied: “Oye Haramzaade ke aulad, don’t you have a Minister for Law & Justice in Sri lanka?”
Riza / April 9, 2013
Good one.
Park / April 9, 2013
This shows that the Muslim politicians and leaders, especially Rauff Hakim and the group that is supporting the ruling alliance has become a traitor to the Muslims. Sambandan’s speech in the Parliament shows that he is not only for Tamils but for all minorities, irrespective they are from a different race or religion. Time has come for all the minorities to join together and work as one force to get rid of the menace that is coming up in the form of Ravaya, Bodu Bala Sena and Ravana Sena etc.
Safa / April 9, 2013
The muslims are in quandry as to whom to vote for at election time. There is the SLMC which goes as a muslim party but has practically done nothing for the muslims. Then there are a host of splinter groups of Attaullah and Hisbullah. Are they to vote for the UPFA or UNP who also enter into pacts with the above parties as well as have some old stalwarts like Fowzie, MHM, Alavi Moulana etc? Also the clown in the red cap, Azwer? It is clear that all these people do not represent any clear policy for the muslims.
In the past muslims had emminent people like A H Macan Markar, Falil Cafoor, Sir Razik Fareed, Badiuddin Mahamud, Jabir Cader who were members of the mainsteam parties and were able to get something done for the muslims. But after the SLMC came into existance it has failed to meet the expectations. The only redeeming factor is that muslim politicians have been able unite across party politics in case of a common problem facing the community although they have not been effective.
With the EP elections the SLMC had a choice, whether to go with the TNA or the Govt. It chose the latter. Now its seems that the choice was not justified as Hakeem is a mere passenger in the govt. His request for a cabinet meeting on the BBS issue has been ignored by the president. Yet he remains as if cast by a spell? People like Rishard Badiuddin are being used to lure foreign investors from muslim countries. So muslims are generally politically rudderless community without clear leadership. Azad Sally has made some attempt to align with the tamil speaking community but has not met with much success. All are guilty of leap frogging around the political spectrum and sacrificing the needs of the community. Does the community have or can it produce proper leaders?
Lanka Liar / April 10, 2013
All did something for Muslims. can you list anything that Muslims did for Sri Lanka. Muslims is only for Muslim
Riza / April 9, 2013
Thank you Mr Sampandam and Mr Sumanthiram. Happily, we support you more than our so-called Muslim MPs.
manisekaran / April 9, 2013
At last you people realized true color of SL govt. Time to move, what is the problem for you people to unite with Tamils and jointly two minorities protect your rights together. That too I learnt that you share common language. Please learn from Muslims in TN and how we happily live united? Why can this be done? As long as you two are divided, both of you loose your rights.
AYMAN / April 9, 2013
Allah hath decreed: Lo! I verily shall conquer, I and My messengers.
Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty.
Thou wilt not find folk who believe in Allah and the Last Day,
Loving those who oppose Allah and His messenger,
Even though they be their fathers or their sons or their brethren or their clan.
As for such, He hath written faith upon their hearts,
And hath strengthened them with a Spirit from Him,
And He will bring them into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide.
Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him. They are Allah’s party.
Lo! is it not Allah’s party who are the successful?
Jamal / April 10, 2013
With the patronage extended to the BBS by MR & GR in their pursuit to destroy BUDDHISM and the other RELIGIONS in SL they have unwittingly exposed the so-called greedy leadership of the Muslim Community. As Ayman says there is absolutely no necessity for a separate political party for the Muslims now. They can enroll in the UNP, SLFP And in Mr.Sumanthirans and Sampanthan’s party. At least the Muslims will be spared the ridicule we are exposed to. To Hell with Rauf Hakeem and Asswer. They can apply for membership in the BBS or Champika’s party.
Ramzadeen / April 9, 2013
There is no need of a Muslim Party (eg. SLMC) for us in the future, if there’s need Muslims must join with the politicians or any nonmuslim parties who acted and spoke on behalf of the Muslims and let it be Sinhalese or Tamils. Not a single Muslim politician just for the sake of satisfying the Muslim community not a single Muslim politician got up in the Parliament to spoke on the prevailing incidents.
AYMAN / April 10, 2013
Mohamed Marzook / April 10, 2013
Muslims have bitter experience with the main two parties of not being treated fairly although they did a few good here and there but Muslims generally neglected, and the Muslims lived on their own in whatever way they could. Now the situation is becoming worse for them and if they (the Muslims) have solutions for their problems they need to engage with emerging new liberal political forces and the wider civil society which stands for justice and peace for all communities.
Mohamed Marzook / April 9, 2013
Dwelling on the past there are some Tamils accuse the Muslims of betraying their cause and Muslims accusing the Tamils citing various reasons. There are both Tamils and Muslims who point their fingers on the Sinhalese. What has to be understood is the divisive political culture that has inflicted Sri Lanka, master-minded by self-seeking politicians, is the main cause for these accusations. The politicians used language, education, employment, etc. etc. and intentionally created animosity between the communities. This politics led to the thirty-year war which, as a blessing to all the people ended under whatever circumstances be. Yet the politicians continue to manipulate tensions amongst the people for which they have invented new methods. However, people like Mr. Sampanthan, although coming coming the old traditions of politicians, are honest thinking. Mr. Sampanthan, as a MP for Trincomalee, has done quite a lot of service for the Muslims. The older generation of Trinco District Muslims will never forget his contribution. His good feelings for the Muslims, for that matter for the welfare of all the communities and the country, should be understood. Although he is deliberate on the rights of the Tamil people he does not undermine the rights of others. If any one community lives with the thinking of being denied of their rights other communities cannot expect to live in peace themselves. So Mr. Sampanthan while speaking for the Tamils speaks for the Muslims and for the country as whole. Leaders of such character is what Sri Lanka needs now if it has to come out of its continuing conflicts and tragedies. Whatever the Muslims politicians are doing or not for their community it is great the Mr. Sampanthan and Mr. Sumanthiran are raising their voices for the Muslims who now become the target of communal politics orchestrated by some Buddhist Monks who have become drum beaters of the divisive politics. People should understand that manipulation and it is that understanding that Mr. Sampanthan and Mr. Sumanthiran with their enlightening speeches attempting to expose forgetting past follies and espousing new directions. Let us welcome them and support their initiatives.
Jay / April 9, 2013
TNA should bring a motion in Eastern provincial council condemning religious fundamentalists (BBS), by doing this EPC may become a pivotal political forum for muslims than the jokers in parliment.
Unlike sinhalese and tamils, muslims political leaders prefer to play second fiddle
Rama / April 9, 2013
thatha, don’t worry about muslims. during the past 65 years they have always been on the wrong side. even though i don’t know the whole story, however, i know muslim leaders were with the tamil parties before jumping ship and joining sinhala parties. they are backstabbers no doubt. please don’t feel sorry for them. in any case all alien faiths should be driven out of indian sub continent.
K.A Sumanasekera / April 9, 2013
Last time our Sinhala inhabitants had a go at their Muslim brethren was nearly a century ago.
The plot was hatched by our old Colonianls and their loyal Colombo elite.
They had two agendas.
Colonials wanted to prevent the rural Buddhist Sinhalese getting ahead and becoming a nuisance.
Their well heeled Buddhist and Anglican Elite didn’t want too much competition from Sinhala Buddhist Mudalalis on their turf.
And they managed to hang an innocent Sinhaal Buddhist youth.
Sinhala Buddhists didn’t harm anyone even during 30 years of Eelaam, which Mr Sambandan and his TNA were associated with and defended , even in Parliament.
Muslims especially Easterners suffered as much or even more than Sinhalese.
That is where real genocide and ethnic cleansing occured.
And Mr Sambandan was mum.
Now he has become the saviour of Muslim inhabitants to the great delight of the anti Govt elements all over.
Has Mr Sambandan developed a special love and affection for our Muslim cousins?.
And want to take them to the promised land?.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / April 10, 2013
At that point in history , Anagarika Dharmapala lamented that if not for Sir. P. Ramanathan, the Sinhala- Buddhists would be orphans. Sir. P . Ramanathan and his brother, Sir P. Runachalam were not the acknowledged leaders of the Tamils, but also of all Sri Lankans at that time. Unfortunately, this aspect of our history was forgotten within their life time and they died is appointed men.
It is important that we recollect that phase of our history and how we look the first missteps in our our modern history.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Lanka Liar / April 10, 2013
Sin Ha La Buddhist didn’t harm anybody during the 30 years they were reading the books in human rights. Sampanthans love is his own business. After all it is love not hate. Any more mosques churches temples to burn and blame it on cats dogs and crows.
shankar / April 10, 2013
Sampanthan says that today the muslims are anxious fearful and hurt.I did not hear him say this when they were ethnically cleansed from the north or after massacres such as the kattankudy mosque.Probably at that time they would have been 100 times more anxious,fearful and hurt than now after a few stone throwing incidents.
Anyway nice to know that Sampanthan has had a change of heart now and his now bleeding heart will be greatly appreciated by the muslims,I’am sure.Better late than never they say and rest in peace samba as you have very little of your life span left anyway,make some amend before going to meet your maker.
Afker Hussain / April 10, 2013
Hats of to Mr Sampanthan and Mr Sumanthiran for Standing up for the Muslim Community . I am proud to say that my Family protected our Tamil Neighbors at Wellwatte by giving them Refuge in our House during the 1983 Riots . There was a mob outside our House with Knives and Petrol and my Mother bravely went out to speak to them and she told them we are Muslims and there are no Tamils in the House and they left . Ravi is blind to the fact that Many Singhalese and Muslims Protected Tamils while risking there own Lives from Murderous Mobs ,
Lanka Liar / April 10, 2013
Thansk you bro. Forgot to mention many Sinhalease and Muslims attacking the Tamils
Sri Sangabo / April 10, 2013
So, it was arse licker Azwer and commission loving Cader,
both MPs, who heckled and tried to stop Sampanthan from
making that speech on Muslims.
Why talk of Jews and Zionists? You have two in the Muslim
community who got votes on the religious card and are now
infidels of kafirs?
I would be very interested to say what CT Muslim readers
would say about this. Do you endorse it? If not, what would
you say are the reasons why this public boot licking in the
halls of Parliament.
I await to hear about the two new crusaders for the Rajapaksas.
muslim / April 10, 2013
Sri sangabo
Azwer and Cader are shamelessly licking Rajapussa s boots for their bread and butter,Shameless idiots.
Senguttuvan / April 10, 2013
Sri Sangabo might remember what Sir John is reported to have told a friend, who visited him at Kandawela after the 1956 electoral washout. The friend said some of Sir John’s friends are now visiting SWRD and his Ministers. “I say ” Sir John is said to have thundered “I know! I know! I say. All these a…se lickers are the same. They won’t change – although the a…ses have changed” or something to that effect.
K.A Sumanasekera / April 10, 2013
So two Muslim MPS heckled the Hon Mr Sambandan.
The posters here who constantly call Sinhalaya modayas surely can’t pin that Tag on our Muslim cousins.
Do the Muslims in the North and the East need reminders about how they suffered most from the forerunners of Mr Sambandan?.
Looks like the “Jonny Mines” that Mr Sambandan is trying to plant in Sinhala Muslim territory is going to prematurly explode on the TNA turf.
Native Vedda / April 10, 2013
K.A Sumanasekera
“The posters here who constantly call Sinhalaya modayas surely can’t pin that Tag on our Muslim cousins”.
Tamil and Sinhala speaking people are indeed stupid.
Bensen Burner / April 11, 2013
It was time that the Tamil parties stand up for the Muslims who are being repressed and harassed while the opportunist leaders from the Muslim community continue to lick the boots of the Rajapaksas.