By Darshanie Ratnawalli –
I will call him Jayaseelan because I can’t recall his name (Preposterous but bear with me). Jayaseelan is a Tamil speaking Vadda who is an ex-LTTE fighter. Sometime after 2009, Sunday Divaina had done a story on Jayaseelan. It had captured a retrospective inner conflict going on within the man. Jayaseelan confessed to asking himself the question, “I am a Vadda. Why did I fight for a separate Tamil state?” However, that was not what made the story stick in my mind. Jayaseelan had a grandfather who, while recounting the history of their community in the area, had let drop, almost casually, that they were Bandara Vannia’s[i] people.
Sharing the Wanni like they did the Vaddas and Vanniyas intermingled in interesting ways. They married each other, transformed into each other, and became “ruler” and the “ruled over” to each other in unidirectional ways with the Vanniyas ruling over bands of Vaddas. They even came to resemble each other in ways that caused certain 19th century British administrators to suspect a relationship[ii] (S. Fowler, Diary of 3rd May 1887).
In Sinhala consciousness of living memory the term “wanniya” (closed vowel) is a geographic term inalienably bound-up with “wanaya” and “wanantharaya” (meaning forest). “Wanni wanantharaya”, “wanni mukalana”, “hadda wanniya”, “heethala wanniya” are colloquial Sinhalese usages carrying strong subliminal associations of the Vadda. The Vaddas are of course carriers of the name “wanniyalettho”, the present Vadi chieftain being “Uruwarige Wanniyalettho”.
For Sri Lanka, the period between the 13th and 17th centuries was a time of resurgence and recovery. In-migrations were orchestrated from Bengal and diverse parts of South India. There were irrigation works to restore and de populated regions to reclaim. “The involvement of the Sinhala-dominated states in this process of in-migration is demonstrated in several sources.”- (Roberts: 2004, p72). South India, the source of most of these in-migrations was a land which had a well established Vanniya tradition. The earliest references to the Vanniya in South India predate Lankan references and go back to the 11th century inscriptions of the Colas. The earliest South Indian mention is the word “vanniya parru” occurring in the “inscription No. 556 of 1919, which appears to belong to the time of Rajaraja I (985-1014)”.-(Indrapala, 1970[iii]). “Vanniya-parru” means vanniya holding (ibid) and seems to find a corresponding echo in the Sinhalese term “vanni peruven” found in “Vanni Bandara Vitti Potak: Rate Attange Niti kandaya”. This manuscript, (Or 6606-182) in the Hugh Nevill Collection contains the Sinhalese folk historical tradition about the arrival of first immigrant group in the wanni region of Lanka and says that these seven “malavara” chieftains came from Kumara-valiyen (princely clan) ); Bndara-valiyen (from the families of dignitaries); and from Vanni-Peruven (Vanni class of Vanni land).-(D.G.B 1996[iv]).
The Malavar, by the way, were “chiefs of certain hill-tribes in the Karnata and Tamil areas of South India…Many Malavarayars find mention in the Pandya records of the thirteenth century”-(Indrapala 1965 thesis p296). Or 6606-182 uses a language throbbing with sentiment to describe the contribution of these seven chieftains from malavara desa; “Me Lankavata uruma vali-vahasi Vanni-rajje ayiti-kara Palamuvaniyonam me hat denaya” (these seven are the first possessors of the very own wanni kingdom belonging to this Lanka). “Mema Vanni rata elikara golla patkale me haddenaya…Kisivek nati avastavaka…rata elikara golla patkaleya” (It was these seven who cleared this vanni country and cut down the jungle at a time when there was no one else). “De himiyen –vada himiyen me Vanni rajjeta uruma valivahasi Karayoya” (By rights they are the real owners of this vanni kingdom).
The memory of these foremost owners is “retained to this day in the “Mutti-namima” ceremony observed in the Kala-balalu area to offer the first rice of the season to Aiyanayaka. The tasting of the first-lump of rice offered has to be performed by a Valivahasi karaya, a descendant of the original group of immigrant chieftains”- (D.G. B; 1996 referring to “Sirith Samgrahaya”, a collection of the oral tradition on Vanniyas and Rata Sabhas, C.L Wickramasinghe collection RASSL).
From “Vanni Bandara Vitti Potak”, we learn that these Malavaras had been given Sinhalese names along with specific tracts of territories to administer upon their entry into the milieu of this country. Ramge Bandara getting Minneriya, Illangasimha Bandara Hurrulla, Kadugat Bandara Kala-vava, Vannisimha Bandara Kaluvila and Kalukumara Bandara Vilacciya. (DGB; 1998; p171). As for their interaction with the Vaddas, VBVP tells us that these Malavaras were met on arrival by the “Vadi samuhaya” (Vadi tribe) of the “Raja Vadi Vanse”, which tribe DGB de Silva surmises must be so named due to inhabiting the lands of Raja rata. Apart from confirming what we already knew; that the Vaddas were traditionally employed as guardians of boundaries, this manuscript has nothing to add regarding Vadda-Vanniya interactions.
For the story of a Vanniya family who got far more entangled emotionally and territorially with the Vaddas, we must leave the VBVP and go into “Kandure Bandaravaliya” (Or 6606-77 III) and “Kandure Bandarage Niti Pota: Kiravalle Raja-Mula” (Or 6606-132). These introduce us to the arrival and fortunes of another family of immigrant chieftains whose place of origin is somewhat obscure. There were three Kandure Bandaras who were “proper” and entered service directly under the king (Bhuvanekabahu) of Kotte and four Kandure Bandaras who went rogue. The rogue Kandure Bandaras forcibly occupied land belonging to “Vadi chieftaincies in the Bintenna-Vellassa area which Hugh Nevill thinks extended to the eastern littoral”. – (DGB: 1996, p169). The rogue Bandaras also married Vadi women “perhaps with a view to legitimizing the land they seized” and “to enlist the services of the Vaddas to take care of the land”.-(ibid)
The historical significance of “Kandure Bandaravaliya” rests on three things. First, it points to the existence of Vadi chieftaincies in the east. Secondly it “as observed by Hugh Nevill, is the first reference to the establishment of principalities by immigrant Vanniyas” in the eastern parts of the island. Thirdly it reveals “the importance that Vadda chieftains had acquired in the later centuries of the island’s history”.-(DGB, 1996). It’s not only that there had been inter-marriage between Vadi chieftain families and immigrant nobles, but according to the Kandure Bandara chronicles, the King Buvanekabahu of Kotte had intervened to transfer the forcibly seized land back to the Vaddas. The KB tells of how the king intrigued with one of the rogue Kandures, married his younger sister as a concubine and gave him alternate land in Tamankaduva and Nuvara Kalaviya. The brother of the new concubine happily “took his four Vadi wives and his brother in law Kairappu with him to his extensive territory in Tamankaduwa”- (DGB: 1996, p169). KB also tells us that the Vadi chiefs affected by these land juggleries were given alternate land in Velikerata and Sabaragomuva rata.
The Vaddas for whom all these considerations were accorded were somewhat different from the present day Vaddas, who are extremely marginalized. For one thing, “the Vadda population in the late middle period was considerably more” (Roberts: 2004) and they had teeth. Some Vadi chieftains were then “on par with the highest of the Sinhalese nobility by reason of their importance”.-(DGB: 1996). There is a record in the Matale Maha Disave Kadaimpota (Or 6606- 141) that “the Disava of Matale lodged with the Hulangamuve Vadda when he went to recruit troops in the district”. To insert an anecdote, Michael Roberts recalls how there was one very fair Hulangamuve with them in Peradeniya, who had Vadi ancestry[v].
However it “does not appear that all Vadi chieftains came from Vadi clans. Sinhalese chieftains as well as immigrant chieftains appear to have assumed authority over the Vaddas as their chieftains. Hugh Nevill speaking of the Malala nobles observes that they were ancestors of the Vanni chiefs of Hurulu-rata and the eastern coast who were “undoubtedly Nayakas, and always recognized as “rajas” or princes over the Vaddas there”. Vaddas had become so important during warfare that holding chieftainship over them seems to have been a very lucrative proposition. The ms. of Vanni Puvata has a passage which says that these chiefs collected a great retinue of Vaddas and became very wealthy”. – (DGB: 1996).
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[i] On the doings of Bandara Wannia see A Description of Ceylon…By the Reverend James Cordiner, A.M . (Printed 1807), Vol. II, p243-246 (Candian Campaign in 1803):-
“The Bandara Wannian, a chief of one of the British provinces, who had once been pardoned for rebellion, again revolted, and, with the assistance of a large body of Candians, at one time, nearly overran all the northern districts.
On the approach of his troops towards the village of Cottiar, a small party of the Malay regiment, stationed there, found it necessary to retreat. But that important tract of country was almost immediately recovered, and the enemy driven beyond the frontier by the light company of His Majesty’s 19th regiment of foot, which was detached for that purpose from Trincomallee.
On the 25th of August, the Candians, in great force, attacked the Government-House at Moletivoe, which being untenable, Captain Driberg of the invalid Malays, withdrew the few soldiers, who were stationed at that post, in good order, to boats, which had been sent thither to secure his retreat, and carried them in safety to Jaffnapatam.
Two numerous parties of rebels and Candians penetrated into the province of Jaffna as far as Chundicolum, and the Elephants’ Pass. From the former place they were driven by a small party of the 34th regiment, commanded by Lieutenant Downing, who was detached from Jaffnapatam, and succeeded in burning and destroying the magazines collected by them.
The other party surrounded the small redoubt at Elephants’ Pass, and unfortunately surprised one European soldier, and two privates of the Jaffnapatam independent company, whom they barbarously murdered.
They remained there for a day and a night, but retired on the approach of Lieutenant Jewel of the 19th regiment, with a detachment from the garrison of Jaffnapatam, of which place he was then commandant. Next day the enemy entirely evacuated that valuable district.
The Bandara Wannian came down, in person, towards Vertivore, with a great force, but retreated almost immediately on the approach of Major William Vincent of His Majesty’s 19th regiment, with a part of the Mannar independent company.
……Captain Frederick-William Von Driberg of the invalid Malays …had the good fortune to surprise the Bandara Wannian’s troops at Cutchilamadu about five o’clock in the morning of the 31st: killed a great many of his people, took forty-six prisoners, and got possession of one Cingalese gun, mounted on a low carriage, carrying a ball of one pound and a half weight, fifty-five stand of arms, twelve pikes, two swords, two creeses, one bayonet, one barrel, and two baskets of ammunition. Sixteen houses, in which the chief of the Wanny had lodged his provisions, were burned, and his people were dispersed in different directions through the woods.”
[ii] “These people are the Wanniahs and are entirely dependent on hunting and occasional chena cultivation. They have no money and cannot buy land. These Wanniahs are a distinct caste, of which these men are the only representatives in the provice, (There are five or six villages in the North-Central Province, I believe). They still use the primitive bow and arrow and are well acquainted with the most remote jungles through which they wander in search of honey and game. There are some peculiarities in their dialect, which with their mode of life, suggest relationship with the Veddah, but they altogether repudiate the idea”-(S. Fowler, Diary of 3rd May 1887, quoted in the MLR & NQC, II, No. 5, May 1894, p.98).
[iii] K. Indrapala, “The Origin Of The Tamil Vanni Chieftaincies Of Ceylon”, Journal of the Humanities, July, 1970, Vol 1, No 2.
[iv] D. G. B de Silva, “New Light On Vanniyas And Their Chieftaincies Based On Folk Historical Tradition As Found In Palm-Leaf Mss. In The Hugh Nevill Collection, 1996: JRASSL, (New Series) Vol. XLI Special Number. (Published in 1998)
[v] Another incognito anecdote was communicated to me by D. G. B De Silva; “A very good friend of mine, the late XXX (Well known Kandyan aristocratic name) told me that his grandfather used to “boast” about their Vedi connection. All these he told me not in the hearing of his wife, YYY, who is from a very aristocratic background.”
Native Vedda / November 24, 2013
Irathina Valli (Darshanie Ratnawalli)
Your foot note [V]:
“Another incognito anecdote was communicated to me by D. G. B De Silva; “A very good friend of mine, the late XXX (Well known Kandyan aristocratic name) told me that his grandfather used to “boast” about their Vedi connection. All these he told me not in the hearing of his wife, YYY, who is from a very aristocratic background.”
Please read Prof Nira Wickramasinghe’s note(6) in her brilliant paper titled
Producing The Present
History as Heritage in Post War Patriotic Sri Lanka
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) 26 October 2013
She writes:
“In the popular press it is no longer historians who discuss matters relating to the past but amateur historians who write without abiding by the protocols of the profession. Among these are Bandu de Silva, a former diplomat who frequently contributes to the English language news papers Island and Daily News and Nuwera Eliya Hemapala and Ellawala Medananda who write for the Sinhala dailies.”
Readers you are free to make up your mind.
Gon Silva / November 24, 2013
You missed Nalin de Silva the most famous Pseudo historian.
Native Vedda / November 24, 2013
Gon Silva
“You missed Nalin de Silva the most famous Pseudo historian.”
I didn’t.
Prof Nira Wickramasinghe hasn’t included Nalin de Silva her note 6.
Please re read her note 6 carefully, though she has’t mentioned Nalin by name, she has indicated there are others who may fit her definition: “amateur historians who write without abiding by the protocols of the profession”.
If you wish you may include him in your list of best story tellers.
hela / November 25, 2013
So Nira W is the ultimate authority of history?
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
“So Nira W is the ultimate authority of history?”
Are you?
Seeni Bolay / November 24, 2013
“You missed Nalin de Silva the most famous Pseudo historian.”
Is this another of those de Silvas with a small “de”.?
Strange fellows, these descendents of Malabari Portuguese invaders who were bestowed titles unworthy of their status and looked after favourably by their masters for their loyal subservience and life-long obeisance to them.
This scenario is being re-enacted today by a different breed like the Seneviratnes, Jayatillekes, Abeynayakes, Wijesinghes and Jayasekaras for petty personal perks and cheap glory. Are they wont to re-write history? Of course they will oblige; Just for a cup of KAHATA.
Banda / November 24, 2013
Nalin has often quoted contents of Prof Indrapala’s thesis to supplement his writing when relating to history. Only, Indrapala says that such contents were erroneous. But he chose retain PhD earned with erroneous research. Which of Indrapala’s writing are we to trust if I may ask?
Suresh / November 25, 2013
What Indrapala wrote as a thesis when he was a PhD student in 1965 (with very limited resourses) and what Dr. Indrapala wrote in 2005 as a retired university professor after 40 years of research (after many discoveries and changes took place) definitely is different?
M.Sivananthan / November 25, 2013
Dr.Indrapala assumed all the non-Tamil features or place names were Sinhala. That is the big error he made. London whites knows nothing about these mistakes.
Indrapala or others never mention the majority of the Northern population are of Orissa extraction and not from Tamil nadu.
The Christian missionaries under Dutch brought TAMIL to the North and Tamilized the area.
Now the Tamil-Sinhala racist politics completely hide the past History.
Colombo and Jaffna were populated with Malayalee(Kerala) laborers by Portuguese. grand fathers or great great fathers of many Colombo Sinhalese were not having any Sinhala names.
Pure Portuguese names in the South are of Malayalee and Tamil or Kongani names.
Konganige Jackson is a Sinhala actor. How can this kongani trace his ancestry to Vijaya or Bengal?
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
Please go away and do your reading on Aryan Sinhala Hydraulic Civilisation.
Do you know what Indrapala wrote in his introduction? I have already summarised his difficulties and limitation that constrained his work. Ask your fellow Sinhala/Buddhist Ravi Perera.
Here is another home work, go and read his thesis.
You trust the latest, you stupid man. More information improves conclusion.
You have only a few days to read all of Leslie’s papers and Indrapala’s thesis.
John / November 24, 2013
Native Vedda,
Perhaps you may be mistaken, what really matters is cultural ties , i;e, language & traditions, here of course the language of Veddhas.
Isn’t the Veddha language is very close to Sinhala, subtract of Sanskrit ? Indo Aryan language ? nothing to do with Dravidian? & any Sinhalese can understand Vedda language ? Can any Tamil ( Dravidian) understand same, without any interpreter??
I rest my case.
PalmSquirrell / November 25, 2013
A distinct Veddah language sans Sinhala influence is not know of , but Veddah speech has a substratum that does not show commonality with either Sinhala or Tamil.
What happened was that Sinhala cultural hegemony gradually eroded a distinct Veddah language and created an amalgamated language.
The original Veddah prior to Sinhala colonisation and Tamil influence would have been a distinct ethnolinguistic group but over time they mixed with Dravidian and Indo-Aryan speakers.
JimSofty / November 25, 2013
Palm Squirrel
original Veddah prior to Sinhala colonisation and Tamil influence would have been a distinct ethnolinguistic group but over time they mixed with Dravidian and Indo-Aryan speakers.
You are mistaken.
PalmSquirrell / November 25, 2013
Sinhala is an Indo-Aryan language heavily influenced by Dravidian and Munda languages.
Indo-Aryan languages are not native to the SubCon and only arrived in Northern India around 1500-1700 B.C.
Veddah have been in Ceylon for as long as we can tell.
Veddah has a substratum that is neither Indo-Aryan nor Dravidian in origin.
All clearly pointing to the Veddah being neither Dravidian nor Indo-Aryan.
If you have proof that Veddah are and Sinhalese are one and the same, then provide link/s to peer reviewed journals.
John / November 25, 2013
“.Veddah being neither Dravidian nor Indo-Aryan..”,
Tell me are they Chinese ? Mongolian ? African ? or simply who are they ??
Language says the transformation & origins over the time , perhaps ten thousand years or more , for example Maldivian’s “Dhivehi” very much close to Sinhalese & they not only resembles Southern Sinhalese in physique & skin colour & catch up sinhala in no time. Why ?? & How ??
PalmSquirrell / November 26, 2013
Vedda are Veddah, the aboriginal people of Lanka, that’s who they are. Their origins are distinct from Sinhalese and Tamils but mixing has led to Tamil and Sinhala admixture, much like how many modern day Native Americans have European and or African admixture.
From a racial standpoint: Veddah, Tamils and Sinhalese are all predominantly of native SubContinent stock but Sinhalese speak language that is not native to the SubContinent.
Maldivians colonised Maldives from SL, what’s there to tell. How does Dhivehi prove Sinhalese originate in Lanka.
John / November 27, 2013
“Maldivians colonised Maldives from SL, what’s there to tell. How does Dhivehi prove Sinhalese originate in Lanka.”
In other words,
1.Dhivehi goes close to Sinhala, so it’s the proof Maldivians who colonized Maldives were in facts Sinhalese of SL & nothing to do with Tamil &
2.Veddha language too goes very close to Sinhala, nothing to do with Tamil,
..another proof ancient Lanka was Sinhala.
PalmSquirrell / November 28, 2013
Your so called proof would be laughed out of any college history class and wouldn’t even make it to the welcome mat of an academic journal.
1) No one is disputing that Maldivians who colonized Maldives are linguistically related to Sinhala . How does this still prove Sinhala aboriginal status to SL. Some time after Vijaya founded the Sinhala culture in Lanka, the descendents of this culture spread to Maldives.
2) Veddah language is close to Sinhala due to Sinhala cultural domination but being close does not mean it is the same or from the same origin. Veddah language has a substratum that is not Sinhala. This points to the original Veddah speech , which would have been distinct from Sinhala.
Sinhala is Indo-Aryan which itself is a subgroup of the Indo-European language family, a language family that originated in the Eurasian steppes, the region stretching from Ukraine to Western Kazakhstan. So your claim that Sinhala is the ancient language of Lanka is catergorically false unless you think the Indian SubContinent was vacant prior to Indo-Aryans invading and colonizing the region some time between 1500 BC – 1700 BC.
Suresh / November 26, 2013
In 1959, Senerath Paranavithana wrote ‘The higher culture, including the languages, brought to these regions by the Sinhalese as well as the Tamils, was adopted in varying degrees by the people of a stone age culture, who were there before their arrival. Thus the vast majority of the people who today speak Sinhalese or Tamil must have ultimately descended from those autochthonous people of whom we know next to nothing.’
The conclusion is that Sinhalese – Tamil divide is not a racial divide, but a linguistic divide.
The fact that I speak and write English does not mean that I came to Sri Lanka on the back of the English invaders. Similarly, the fact that people speak and write Tamil in Sri Lanka does not mean that they came to Sri Lanka on the back of a Tamil invader or some other invader. Both Tamil and Sinhalese speakers as Paranavithana states are the people of Sri Lanka, who have come under various linguistic influences over a period of time.
After that initial incursion by Vijaya and his men, waves of immigrants came mostly from South India and became assimilated as Sinhalese.
According to Kumari Jayawardena the Portuguese rulers encouraged their men to marry local females, so that many who today bear Portuguese names are partly of Portuguese descent. What those facts mean is that most of the TAMILS ARE MORE INDEGIGENOUS to the Sri Lankan soil, have a more authentic organic connection with it, than a SUBSTANSTIAL proportion of the Sinhalese.
Lakmal Fernando / November 29, 2013
From our historical records and the genetic studies it is clear that the people of Sri Lanka came from India (both North & South) from time to time and assimilated with the local population. However, the people of Sri Lanka becoming Sinhalese and Tamils looks like a totally different story. Sinhalese becoming Tamils and Tamils becoming Sinhalese, an adaptation of language and culture seems to be the hidden story. So far, most of the historians only talked about how the Sinhalese and Tamils came from India but nobody bothered to do a research on this. Thanks Darshanie for bringing these hidden stories. I am sure you will continue to shed some light on these hidden stories.
Agastiar / November 26, 2013
Veddahs are of Homo erectus species who intermingled with Homo Sapians in the neolithic age. They practised Shamanic rituals sacrificing Cro-Magnon Nitto people to their deity ‘Kurumba’ for they considered them were a lot practicing debauchery.
Hypotanuse / November 27, 2013
“Maldivian’s “Dhivehi” very much close to Sinhalese & they not only resembles Southern Sinhalese in physique & skin colour & catch up sinhala in no time. Why ?? & How ??”
It’s based on one’s individual prowess, which cannot be assimilated to the whole Maldivian population. Ask yourself, De Heer. Sri Wikum Rajasiha spoke pure Dutch without going to school or Holland, How & Why?
M.Sivananthan / November 25, 2013
Vedda language is the “original” Hela or Elu.
That is why Karnataka people classify their OLD Kannada as Hela Kannada.
Karnataka state have more forest tracts even today!
After the arrival of Pali and Sanskrit only the HELA/ELU language branched out as Tamil, Sinhala, Malayalam, Kannada, Thulu, and Telugu. But veddas still retain the original form of the language.
If Sinhalese talk about Hela diva, they must know the language of Veddas.
PalmSquirrell / November 25, 2013
Read the below article by Shenali D Waduge. It is just blatant Sinhala Nationalist lies, because she trying to claim that the Sinhala civilization in SL goes back 38000 years. She is trying to claim the Veddah as Sinhalese.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
Is Shenali D Waduge related to Ravana?
If so does she look like Surpanakha or Mandodari?
Please note I haven’t met any of Ravana’s descendants therefore I can only ask questions and cannot answer my own question.
Could any one verify with Ravana Balaya?
I will come back to you regarding her claim.
Piraña / November 25, 2013
Waduge is a Dravidian name. That said I don’t want to claim any relationship to this woman( I believe this creature is a female) who uses her rear end to speak like the other geriatric HLD M pala also living in Australia. Their writing even when you read give you a sense of going through a tube of excreament. They spew bile in the name of nationalism/ patriotism obviously misplaced.
To challenge some of this woman’s false claims: she says Sinhala is an ancient language dating back to before birth of Christ meaning it is 2300 years old. Sinhalese evolved from elu only in the 6 th century CE. Where as the Tamil language is considered to be the oldest living language of the world. Her contention that Sinhala is an Aryan language is also refuted . It is a fallacy , a myth and a figment of imagination of some of the Aryan supremacist theorist that Sinhala is an Aryan language . However Sinhala is essentially a Dravidian language which has been labelled as an Aryan language by these pseudo Sinhala linguists and historians to support their racial supremacist theory.
Shenali also had repeated ad nauseam in all her articles on the Lanka web that Tamilnadu is the homeland of all the Tamils. I say this is the biggest lie perpetuated by a rabid racist whose claim is ludicrous and devoid of any historic or anthropological basis.
Eelam Tamils who are a branch of the Hela race go back in time in fact to time immemorial than the Sinhala kallathonis who arrived only 2000 years ago to our mother land Eelam. Homeland for the Sinhalese is Bangaladesh and not Srilanka. Eelam is an integral part of Thamilakam as you will note even today from the NASA maps that the Adams bridge connects Srilanka physically to Tamilnadu. It therefore stands to reason that Eelam is an integral part of Thamilagam from time immemorial. Shenali needs to be sent for re education. Her mental disability is palpable in all her writings.
hela / November 25, 2013
Yet Sinhala became the most spoken language in Sri Lanka. It is the spoken language of the majority people including the so called Tamils like Waduge and Helas like me. Veddas too took Sinhala (not Tamil) as their inspiration in terms of language. How/Why?
That tells me that Waduge must be right. i.e. Tamil Nadu is the homeland of Tamils.
PalmSquirrell / November 25, 2013
What makes you say Waduge is Tamil? Her name is not Tamil.
Some Vedda speak Tamil. The reason most speak Sinhala is because Vijaya and his co-horts embarked on a process of genocide and cultural hegemony in Lanka.
Piraña / November 26, 2013
Palm squirrel
Waduge originates from the Dravidian word vadukar a reference to Telugu/ Tamil speaking clan originally from Anthra but later from Madurai who settled in Srilanka primarily in Vanni and Kandyan territory.
PalmSquirrell / November 27, 2013
Naturally you have academic sources to back up your claim that Veddah are Homo Erectus?
Sinhalese have a lot of Tamil influence but Sinhalese today do not consider themselves Tamil. So what proof is there that Shinali is today considered as coming from the Tamil community?
manisekaran / November 25, 2013
utter stupidity.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
“Tamilnadu is the homeland of Tamils”
If my memory serves me right, this is the first time you have spoken truth. That is not the end of the story, Taminadu also the homeland of majority Sinhala/Buddhists.
Omission is as bad as commission.
Coppernickles / November 26, 2013
Waduge is from Malayalam “Wattuge” meaning “The one from the Crazy house”, else if retained the sinhala meaning probably still ‘Waduge’ could be a vulgar form evolved from the word ‘Badu-ge’.
M.Sivananthan / November 25, 2013
As per History Ravana was the son of Hindu sage Pulasthiya who was the father to Kubera also.
DMK made a claim to Ravana those days. Even C.N. Annadurai, the first DMK CM of Tamil nadu wrote a drama making Ravana as a dravida Hero and Rama was an Arya Villain. But both were Arya or connected to North India.
Hindu sages were the product of the Ganges valley civilization of the North Eastern India.
Waves of the North Indian arrivals destroyed the OLD Hela or Elu in the South. Then the HINDU concept of KING,QUEEN and Country also created the complete destruction of the culture of the South. I hope all these happened thousands of years ago.
Hindu Kshatriya caste ruled Hindu areas including Sri lanka. Later many non-Kshatriya rulers appeared but they too claimed highest order of the HINDU caste system
A non-Kshatriya caste rulers appeared in the South after the Muslim invasion. It was the Vijaya nagar empire. The Nayak rulers came from the empire of Vijayanagar.
Piraña / November 26, 2013
M. Sivanatgan
It is difficult to understand you. Some times you write sense as you have done here. There were times I felt you were a lunatic? Why is this jakel and Hyde personality?
Kepleripola / November 26, 2013
Amazingly the name ‘Pulastiya’ and ‘Kubera’ is still used by prominent Sinhala buddhists today in the form of ‘Pulasti’ & ‘Kabral’, finally Annadurai as ‘Amude’.
M.Sivananthan / November 26, 2013
Idiot! Kabral is a Portuguese name!
Kopakabana / November 27, 2013
Yem Sivanadan.
That portuguese Kabral is extracted from the word ‘Kabaragoya’.
Javi / November 27, 2013
Ila/Ilā married Budha
O pleasant smelling ketaki flower!
Cities gave rise to villages.
Tikiri tikiri kachede kachede. Isabela Kabaragoya.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
Thanks for the link.
Is Shenali D Waduge related to Ravana?
If so does she look like Surpanakha or Mandodari?
Please note I haven’t met any of Ravana’s descendants therefore I can only ask questions and cannot answer my own question.
Could any one verify with Ravana Balaya?
I will come back to you regarding her claim.
Piraña / November 26, 2013
Soorpanakai’s bumcheeks may have a better appearance than shenali’s face.
Jiu Jitsu / November 27, 2013
Thou art a mincer of words, O Piranha.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
You asked me to read Shenali’s article.
Do you know perpetrating mental cruelty also considered to be crime. I am going to sue you exactly for that.
If you feel like beating me up please let me know the time and place. I will be there on the dot.
The article contains nothing about my people.
PalmSquirrell / November 25, 2013
“The article contains nothing about my people.”
The headline alludes to the ancient roots of Sinhala people BUT the picture in the article is of Vedda elders. You can see the same picture in below link
Veddah elders from Dambana
Then look at the very first sentence in the article,
” Contrary to what is erroneously being promoted the Sinhela race did not descend from banished King Vijaya of India. The discovery of the Balangoda man depicts a rich civilization going back 38000 years. “
She is implying that the Sinhala people arose in Lanka and their history goes back 38000 years. This is categorically against conventional accepted wisdom that Vijaya invaded the Island around 2500 years ago , and from him and his followers started the Sinhala culture.
38000 years ago, if there was anyone in Lanka , it was likely the Vedda people.
How can S. Waduge claim Balangoda man for Sinhala civilization when said skeleton remains are about 30,000 years old.
So when you add the fact that she claims Balangoda Man for Sinhala civilization + claims that Sinhala civilization starts 38000 years ago + has a picture of Veddah in the article + denies that Vijaya was the founder of Sinhala culture, it seems rather like she is appropriating aboriginal Lankan history as Sinhala history.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
“denies that Vijaya was the founder of Sinhala culture,”
If she believes whatever story fits the current political climate then she has a lot of follow ups to do:
School text books should be revised.
Drop lion from the flag and other emblems
Historians should be told to review all their life time work based on the the myth.
That would be first step in the right direction.
As to her 38,000 years of her history, no one in their right mind would buy it.
By the way she also believes that the first ape spoke Sinhala and practised Buddhism.
Khalilio Khalili / November 26, 2013
I prefer an ‘egg'[ovum mutteyum] in place of the lion.
Javi / November 27, 2013
“|”It is just blatant Sinhala Nationalist lies, because she trying to”|”
Bi, straight, gay bitches Single, married, widowed bitches
Prasad / November 25, 2013
There is a world of difference between the true historian, academic and scholar Prof. Nira Wickramasinghe and the half baked pseudo historians (or rather his-story-ians) Bandu de Silva, Nalin de Silva and Darshanie Ratnawalli de Silva.
Jones / November 26, 2013
Vadda community is about 3000 and now they claim that they practice Buddhism as well.
Nakimiris / November 26, 2013
Like the Sinhala Buddhists playing English cricket?
Pasel / November 24, 2013
Everyone can write history the way they wants like fiction history
Ok could you fine out who is Kasiyappan and Mugalan?
Kotta Kelangu / November 24, 2013
My God; Our so-called historians! How they twist and turn actual facts to make their own local private agendas sound true and authentic. Even history books are re-written to make them and their ancestors look ‘nice’, admirable and respected. History is twisted to appear as HIS STORY. Why, even the Jaffna library was burnt by a powerful Minister and his trainload of thugs from Colombo just to erase off the achievemnts of the tamils on this island. Future generations would not be able to trust history as it is being told.
M.Sivananthan / November 25, 2013
Kasiyappa and Moggalana were the children of two Pallava princesses from Kanchi Puram. The author of the Maha Vamsa also from the Pallava royal house.
Kashiyap is a name of a Hindu sage.
Royals had nothing with the ordinary people but the ordinary people now make claims for those kings! That is the fun.
Tamils and many Sinhalese are still think they are part of the British royals. Another fun but they cant connect Brits as their relatives.
Wallmickey / November 26, 2013
Kasiyappar is the son of Muttusamy & Ratnavalli who was adopted by the then barren malay king Datusen. Eventually Kasiappar became a christian marrying a Vellala girl of his choice. He was killed by the biological son of Datusen, Mukkuvaalan on a petty potfight.
K.A Sumanasekera / November 24, 2013
Blimey, Never knew that our Bandas and Bandaras are blinking Indians.
And the Vaddas are their boundary umpires.
I thought our Native Veadda was joking whenever he tells us and our TNA brethren to piss off to Maha Baratha.
Native can now be a bit more precise and tell the Bandas and the TNA off ,leaving our Sinhalese alone.
Thanka Ms Rathnavalli.This is Gold .
Native Vedda / November 24, 2013
K.A Sumanasekera
“I thought our Native Veadda was joking whenever he tells us and our TNA brethren to piss off to Maha Baratha.”
I am not a racist nor do I discriminate.
Therefore all of you the descendants of Kallthonies “pi.. off” back to North/South India.
Avb / November 24, 2013
MR Veddas,
Out of curiosity of your comment saying you are NOT a racist ,
Have you ever met anybody who called himself or herself a RACIST…..??
Native Vedda / November 24, 2013
“Have you ever met anybody who called himself or herself a RACIST…..??”
I meet stupid Tamils and stupid Sinhalese on a regular basis.
They don’t admit being racists, however all of them are racist to their core. I know a racist when I see one, also I know there are 20 million of them in this island.
By tradition and grooming all these people are subliminally motivated to be bigots and racists, if not overtly.
If you are Tamil or Sinhalese you ought to be racist otherwise you will not be accepted in your societies. These people have already opted out from “Political Correctness”.
M.Sivananthan / November 25, 2013
You are right. The “mixed” people of Sri Lanka are struggling to get an identity. So, they make claims over the history of others as theirs.
“Groupings” is now based on the languages but Muslims who speak Tamil not classified as Tamils but a different “race” in Sri lanka only for the political benefit or political opportunism.
This kind of “politiking” creates the tensions but all of them compete for the material wealth.
Rhombus / November 27, 2013
Aren’t the so called bloodline Tamils opportunists? Of course, their infighting bred them a freaky situation for what they see is what they don’t get.
Janaka Fernando / November 26, 2013
The real division among Veddas is something based on their Warigaya. Among different Warigas of Veddas are Bandara Warigaya, Unaapaana Warigaya, Nabudhana Warigaya, Embalaana Warigaya, Kovila Wanameya Warigaya, and the famous Uru Warigaya. Bandara Warigaya again have several sub-Warigyayas, namely Rugam Bandara Warigaya, Daanigala Maha Bandara Warigaya, Thalaa Bandara Warigaya and the famous Morana Warigaya.
Which Warigaya do you belong? The Bandara Warigaya originally spoke Tamil.
Banda Ndele / November 27, 2013
And Chandrika speaks Sinhala.
Native Vedda / November 24, 2013
See below for Maveeran’s comment, this is not exception but the norm:
“Lol wdf are you talking about idiot? All you Sinhalese [Edited out]. Aryan means noble man in Sanskrit. I dont know what the hell do you mean by calling these [Edited out] Sinhalese an Aryan race. Vedda stop playing with your pecker and do some research you filthy bugger.
Cameron’s Way Is Not Our Way: New Delhi
November 24, 2013 at 5:30 pm”
Suresh / November 24, 2013
The Sinhalese family name with the prefix ‘Bandara’ derives from the medieval Hindu migrants from the Tamil Nadu belonging to the Pandaram clan (non-Brahmin priests), who opted to perform religious duties at the Hindu temples. The religious and political influence of this Pandaram clan in shaping the Sinhala Buddhist society during the past five centuries and how this originally Tamil-speaking clan merged themselves into the Sinhalese society as influence peddlers deserve a separate research.
M.Sivananthan / November 25, 2013
Pandarams are Hindu temple laborers and not priests.
Bandara is coming from the Sanskrit word and not Tamil.
Bandaras and pandarams were the TAX collectors during the days of the kings.
Beta Hones / December 12, 2013
Meanwhile, trace the lineage to the Desperado, Antonio Banderas who shows in celluloid his finesse in the other side of the world.
Bandicoot / November 26, 2013
Your Pandaram means ‘Beggers’. Bandas came from South Africa.
Pirana / November 24, 2013
Sinhalese must go back to Bangaladesh. The land ( Eelam/Srilanka)belongs to the Tamils.
Bondi / November 26, 2013
In which of the 2500 atolls in Maldive archipalego lies the one Eelam?
PalmSquirrell / November 25, 2013
It isn’t just the Bandas/Bandara who are Indian but all Sinhala people are essentially Indian.
Rajash / November 24, 2013
“Kulasegaram Vairamuthu Pandaravanniyan was the last Tamil king of Vanni”
He is known as Wanni Bandara among sinhalese
Gon Silva / November 24, 2013
There were also Tamils by the name Puviraja Pandara, Arasakesari Pandara and so on.
Bandu Vanniyan / November 27, 2013
And the prominent gossiper Veerakesari, and the Ambal Cafe’s semolina rice ‘Kesari’ are also from the Pandaram recipes.
Javi / November 28, 2013
You odd-toed ungulate!….
Macrocephalic baboon!…
What’s in a name it still smells a rose!
sam jayanishka / November 24, 2013
The only way to settle this debate is for Prof Nira Wickramasinghe to peruse through the Hugh Neville Collection in the British Library – studying the notes on the Vanni; Then penning a summary reveling her findings – then she can refute BdeSilva’s findings… having not studied this volume of literature, what is Prof Nira Wickramasinghe expertise in this area?
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / November 24, 2013
Again Darshani?
Don’t you See, when Miss Dharshani Gives every time, any Finding or other researched papers [may be her thesis for a Doctorate] to C T,
Our C T Commenters get crazy and find so many knots and loopholes to discredit her, getting each others necks.
Who can change the History????????.
The newly Elected con Artists, changed to Historians will find King Gemunu’s Descendant from Portuguese kudu Dealers and
Lord Buddha’s Descendants from Hamba thota Malabaris.
Can they change the Human history??????/.
PalmSquirrell / November 25, 2013
Does Dharshani’s claims hold up to peer review by Western Indologists?
There are lots of Indians creating historu out of whole cloth but fortunately Western Indologists like Asko Parpola, Michael Witzel, Stever Farmer and many others debunk this blatant Indian/Hindutva revisionism.
South Asia , especially India , is rife with revisionist racist claptrap masquerading as academic scholarship .
Continenza / November 26, 2013
Darshani spins her mama rags out of curiosity, “if dis is nut dat, den dis cud b dat”.
Kiri Yakka / November 24, 2013
Wrong Rajash,
Kiri Yaka was the last chief of the Vadhhas. It is unfortunate that the British considered him a “Sinhalese Pretender”.
Vaddhas are now extinct and Sinhalese are next in line. They are doing a very good Job accelerating the process.
Native Vedda / November 24, 2013
Kiri Yakka
“Vaddhas are now extinct and Sinhalese are next in line. They are doing a very good Job accelerating the process”
Once the registration is complete we will have 50,000 card carrying Veddahs.
“Kiri Yaka was the last chief of the Vadhhas.”
Please sight your source.
Vedda cousin / November 24, 2013
As I said, my Tamil cousin is getting mad. Just ignore him.
Javi / November 28, 2013
“|” Please sight your source.”|”
Bearing in mind life is a paradox.
Moment in Time is like the cold blooded “Butter-colored Fly”- pleases and pleases in search of the SUN. feet have taste receptors and wings ultraviolet reflectors- help to make our world more beautiful.
Simple Simon says: Yetti fooooot print on the Rock just above where beautiful, graceful, enchanting, butterflies from South Africa meet once again in spring.
ram / November 24, 2013
Thank you Dharshanie for filling up gaps in our knowledge. The falsehoods presented as fact by those who seek the fantasy Eelaam must be opposed on all fronts.
Rambowaya / November 26, 2013
You rammed on a rock named Darshanie.
ram / November 24, 2013
Thank you for filling the gaps in our knowledge, before we all succumb to the false claims of those who seek the fantasy Eelaam. What is also pertinent is the fact that the Veddahs lived amicably with the rest from the Anuradhapura period, and there certainly NO attempt was made exterminate them.
Prasad / November 25, 2013
Looks like there are too many gaps (empty spaces) in your brain to believe the fairy tales (her-story written as history)that our Walli amma writes. No problems, be happy, after all she is writing it for the Serene Joy and Emotions Of The Sinhala Modayass.
Kiri Yakka / November 24, 2013
Native Vedda,
Kiri Yakka, unlike you low cast Vedda I will not be quoting Sudda’s like Dharshanie does to authenticate my claims. I have asked Cameroon to re-instate me as the Sinhalese have culturally self exterminated themselves in the global stage. No body sensible except Tony Abott will want to party with them.
So not only the Vanni, bu the entire island needs to be resettled with some real people capable of understanding the tenets of 20th century life.
Native Vedda / November 24, 2013
Kiri Yakka
You wrote in your previous comment:
“Kiri Yaka was the last chief of the Vadhhas. It is unfortunate that the British considered him a “Sinhalese Pretender”.
I asked you:
“Please sight your source.”
You haven’t responded to my request.
J.Muthu / November 24, 2013
HI Native how is weather in California…..hope u hav a good Barbie day….
Native Vedda / November 24, 2013
“HI Native how is weather in California…..hope u hav a good Barbie day….”
I am replying to you in Javi style.
J.Muthu / November 25, 2013
Oh native u run away from u r people, at least I am still my land ….enjoy u r California….do fight for u r people….I right behind u…
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
“Oh native u run away from u r people, at least I am still my land ….enjoy u r California….do fight for u r people….I right behind u…”
You are one year too early. Also you got the state wrong.
Apart from these two vital errors you are right I might consider going to USA to participate in the next International Indigenous Rights World Conference which is to be hosted in New York in September 2014.
Javi / November 25, 2013
“|”“amateur historians who write without abiding by the protocols
of the profession “|”
ஜஜஜஜஜ Bronco –itis – I don’t know why?? I really, really do. ;^) ;)
that isn’t pigeon English, who cares about plain when we are evolving??
`OOSOOM` Can any Concocter tell us how the Pyramids were built? Fashionable non-conformist historian’s scientist politicians, cowards! Cronies
***Parable ÖÖÖ `It’s all in the rain` :*|:*|:* Brodyquest
-Salude Honey,
Sharmini Serasinghe / November 25, 2013
Dear Javi,
I find this to be a very interesting comment thread, and I’m sure your contribution here is very enlightening.
But for the life of me I cant’s comprehend what you are trying to say.
Perhaps I’m too old and out of touch with modern commenting methods, so could you please bear with people like myself and comment in a manner that could be understood by simple folks like me?
Sharmini Serasinghe
Javi / November 26, 2013
“|”But for the life of me I cant’s comprehend what you are trying to say.”|” Sorry, I wish I knew!!
Once Tisaranee G quoted Aldous Huxley on CT- “We don’t know because we don’t want to know.” Rings Bells!! Some are great during times of war and others at peace time and very rarely have we witnessed both eg. late Bose CEO and head MIT Sound Acoustics.
I’m not a linguist, school teacher or pupil nor are there any SL winners of Booker prizes but there is one Sinhalese Lady Professor at Melbourne University who is an exception. Over here we like Tisaranee style.
We aren’t on ancient newsprint. We are using cloud technology on “Media”.We blog using 2D,3D,4D input.
India and China have got only closer to reality in the western catalysed power game. Even though we have spent decades in India and China we don’t know the multi-ethnic secular India or community China.
I have distaste for politics and politicians and rely on experience and reality. We experienced a better quality of life in Ceylon and it is a land of tears so I visit this site. Of course like in Yahoo like everybody else we have fun and try to get away from obnoxious pests too.
I only cautioned you in good faith not any fear because you looked very much like my late mum who never grew old no more no less. Best wishes and if there is anything else please don’t hesitate to ask.
Puspaka Valli / November 26, 2013
You looks like a western bred pankajam idiot.
Javi / November 26, 2013
no comments from the `grunted` gallery pls.
J.Muthu / November 24, 2013
Hi Native how is the weather in California…hope u have good Barbie day enjoy…
Rajash / November 24, 2013
why only The Vaddas howbout Dosa and Idly
aratai / November 24, 2013
So, it’s very clear… we cannot live together. We need white masters to come and rule us.
Javi / November 26, 2013
You need a werewolf carer ~゜・_・゜~
You know the begging bowl only too well. ;)
Walli-yaka / November 24, 2013
How is your dossier on Bandu de Silva progressing? Still compiling? This time you quote Nira Wickramasinghe, that begotted NGO Specialist of Colombo ICES to discredit him and bring him down to the level of Ven Medhankahara, and Hemapala, the Sinhalese writers. Why? You call her writing “brilliant”!Natural for a bili-vedda. Is that woman jealous about Bandu de Silva’s writing? I am sure Bandu can call her for a debate any time on history writing though he may not be an “accredited” historian, meaning carrying “puss” theses” presented to please Western supervisors.
Anyway, Native, How is the weather in California as someone asked? How are the grapes this time? Good Vintage? How is the Diaspora which finances you?
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
Walli-yaka/Bandu de Silva/no ethnologist/
“How is your dossier on Bandu de Silva progressing?”
Not well really, dozing off most of the time.
” I am sure Bandu can call her for a debate any time on history writing though he may not be an “accredited” historian, meaning carrying “puss” theses” presented to please Western supervisors.”
Here is Nira Wickramasinghe’s e mail address:
Can you arrange the debate with her.
I am sure Bandu will challenge her for a debate though I am not sure whether he would be present himself at the venue on that day.
He promised me a job at his household obviously as a domestic servant. I haven’t heard anything since. Therefore I am bit sceptical about his daring and delivery.
Bandu is an eccentric old chap. I like him a lot. This island does not produce such people any more. Thank heavens.
If Bandu needs a ghost writer please let me know.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
Colombo ICES also published work of other eminent scholars:
Buddhism, Identity and Conflict
By Prof Seneviratne, H. L.
Buddhism, Nationhood and Cultural Identity:
The Premodern and Pre-Colonial Formations
By Prof Obeyesekere, Gananath
Tamil Traders in Sri Lanka and Sinhalese Traders in Tamilnadu
By Prof Osmund Bopearachchi
Would you consider them being NGO specialists?
The Board of Directors include the following eminent scholars:
Prof. Sudarshan Senevirathne
Prof. Michael Roberts
Prof. Silva
Would consider them NGO specialists.
Dayan according to MR works for NGO.
Prasad / November 25, 2013
For you what is written by the half baked historian Bandu de Silva and that thuppai historian Robert may be gospel, looks like you read only these two old insane people and write only what they say as the ‘truth’ and nothing but the ‘truth’.
Pirana / November 24, 2013
Rathinavalli seemes to spin the Vanni history to suit her political agenda? Let us hear the true Vanni history from a direct descendant of the last Vanni chieftain and find out what he has to say about their own clan history .
I give below the link for an informative article written by Hon .V.P.Lingajothy the heriditary great Chieftain of Vanni:
Your constructive comments are welcome no abusive language,please.
K.A Sumanasekera / November 25, 2013
After this, Bandaranayakkars may ask for an ISGA in Wanni with Veddas combined.
Bullington Kid Cameron will set the precedent soon with Scotland and Berwick getting separate independent sort of Euro Eelaalms.
After all the Vaddas protected the boundaries from Vellalas well, according to Ms Rathnavalli until Mr Prabakaran temproraly resettled some there.
Vellalas, surely have to go back to the drawing board.
And the PM of the Diaspora has his work cut out too.
Can Ms Rathnavalli focus on our East next, on the history of Thoppogala and Trinco in particular and their tribes , I mean the real deal?.
Fathima Fukushima / November 25, 2013
Vanni belongs to the Vedda minority NOT to Tamils.
Give Vanni back to the Vedda people.
PalmSquirrell / November 25, 2013
All of SL should go back to the Veddah.
Molamure / November 26, 2013
Veddahs are the primary source of the concocting Sinhalese. Protect these endangered species.
Kiri Yakka / November 25, 2013
Dear Native Veddha,
My Native brother. You ask me to “Sight My Source”. How can you do this ? I am like Rathinavalli – a source on to myself. I now suspect that you are either an LTTE sympathizer or an NGO element -else why should you question my claims of kingship over my people ?
If you really want the source. I suggest you read the most authentic one. The Mahavamsa. You will learn that a boat load of boat people (with criminnal record) arrived in Sri Lanka and have made a mess of this pleasant island that we alone lived in. No wonder Tony Blair fears boat people and has donated two to stop them from commingling over and ruiningg Australia the same way.
So may I apeal to the late commers to get on those boats and get back to Orrisa. Because Man Mohan Sigh needs more votes. Most Tamils thankfully have left and doing well abroad able to direct the British PM. The Sinhalese are now working mostly as maid in the Middle East. So those who cannot get a maid Job should take that boat to India.
And leave this Island to the Vaddha people to whom it truly belongs.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
Kiri Yakka
Thanks for your exposition.
You too have to pack your bags.
When can you leave?
JimSofty / November 25, 2013
Kiri Yakka is a Tamil.
His name is the clue.
Kaling Dev / November 27, 2013
Why cannot you imagine instead that you are a progeny of those Orian criminals albeit it may hurt your vicissitude.
sbarrkum / November 25, 2013
The rogue Bandaras also married Vadi women “perhaps with a view to legitimizing the land they seized”
Genetics seem to confirm this (extrapolated to Sri Lanka)
An interesting point though is that the mtDNA, the female lineage, does not seem to diverge from other South Asians much at all. It seems that mtDNA lineages unite South Asians, while the Y (male) lineages separate them (by caste and region). (ref link)
From Illeperuma et al 2009
The actual size of the ‘‘pure blooded’’ Veddah has diminished over the last century and is much less than is described by early investigators such as the Seligmans in 1911.
However a 5.7% variation was observed between Veddah groups indicating the existence of a higher genetic divergence among them as compared to that of Sri
Lankan ethnic groups (0.08%),
Therefore the application of a single combined genetic database of Sri Lankans when identifying the Veddah people of Sri Lanka in both forensic identification and parentage testing should be done with great caution.
Side addition:Illeperuma et al 2009
the results of this study indicate that a single genetic database could be used for identification purposes in both forensic and paternity testing for Sri Lankans.
Our study further suggests that there is no significant genetic variation among the major ethnic groups in Sri Lanka.
ken robert / November 26, 2013
‘ no significant genetic variation between major ethnic groups in Sri Lanka’
1. The above fact demonstrates that racially it is difficult to say who was the first settlers (sinhalese or tamils). Although mahavamsa argues that buddhism brought decency and culture into the srilankan population. On the hand there has been a careful attempt to conceal the fact that There was hinduism present before the introduction of buddhism as evidenced by
a. worship of hindu gods in the sinhalese in the past and present.
b. Names of kings indicate that they were hindus eg mutta siva ot mootha sivan prior to the introduction of buddhism.
2. It is reasonable to say with confidence the myth that sinhalese came from north india has been debunked. This is because of genetic studies as well as south india being close proximity to srilanka certainly would have exerted genetic, religious, cultural as well as linguistic influence on srilankans.
3. This brings to the interesting question that how sinhalese language belonging to indoaryan family exists in amidst a plethora of dravidian language families. This has been Miss walli’s vantage point. There has been attempts to classify the origin of sinhalese by categorising into modern, medieval, and ancient sinhala. Furthermore language of natives before introduction of buddhism has not been adequately addressed according to my understanding.
4. This brings two questions to my mind
A. Is sinhalese is really an indoaryan language? This needs to be addressed in multiple dimensions of linguistics. (Phonetics, lexical grammar etc). I started to read on a book named link by W S Karunathilaka . At present it is accepted that sinhala is an indoaryan family but I am interested to know what prof suseenthararaja’s views (who is a colleague of prof karunathilaka an emiritus prof of linguistics)
2. Is it reasonable to accept that script brammi found in India and Srilanka lead to origin of sinhala language as trumpted by Miss Walli.
sbarrkum / November 26, 2013
Archeology, Linguistic studies does not prove ancestry, genetic composition does.
Couple of thousand years from now if they excavated Borella Kanatte they would find most of the Grave stones in English. One of the explanations could be that, the English took over Sri Lanka, either married the natives and took their names. Only genetic evidence would prove otherwise.
ken robert / November 27, 2013
‘Genetic composition proves ancestry’
Let us look how the genetic studies help in tracing human ancestry. All of us carry unique finger prints in our genes. As we reproduce the genetic make up changes resulting in new genetic finger prints and this could be seen for example different facial appearance between brothers.
However some of our finger prints does not change. This include what is called mitochondrial DNA which is transmitted from mother to daughter to her grand daughter unchanged; also known as matrilineal transmission.
This unchanged DNA holds a clue to track the ancestry by analysing genetic sequence in a population. Not only the unchanged DNA is important but also the changes/ errors (mutations) occur during the reproduction of genetic sequence help us to study ancestry.
While extrapolating genetic similarities or difference between races population etc one need to bear in mind that there could be errors for example sampling errors, poor study design, sensitivity and specificity of a particular haplotype which could be attributed to race. For example mitochondrial gene M is seen higher frequency in tamils but this M haplotype is not specific or sensitive to tamils only.
There lies the fact anthropological studies are still valid in tracking ancestry inspite of its inadequacies.
I mentioned languages in my previous comment to state the stupidity some our countryman and woman such as dharshanie. Because they does not seem to understand that studying origin of a language and human ancestry are different.
Having learnt basic tamil, english and sinhala grammar and languageI feel quite disgusted by dharshanie’s attempt to portray sinhalese as the original ancient language. That is why I we need more input into linguistics of sinhala and tamil which I feel is important for cultural point of view.
sbarrkum / November 28, 2013
mtDNA Haplogroup M is 70% including tribals in India.
It seems that mtDNA lineages unite South Asians, while the Y lineages separate them (by caste and region).
I expect similar in Sri Lanka.
See more analysis and research links at
ken robert / November 28, 2013
Thank you for the interesting comparison of genetic markers among south asian ethnic groups.
I found it very useful
Javi / November 28, 2013
Aryan died with Hitler and his brain dead Germans who stole the Swastioka. There was indus valley (fatepur sikkiri) and next indo European like the Iranians but interestingly the Mughals ie Turks are not European but Asian even to die hard socialist westerners. Go read percy brown hindu buddhist jain mughal architecture- the north was raped of hindu architecture by the Muguhals once you understand India where this Gautama came from Lanka comes to its birthday suit- the poppycock mahapache/mahavanya.
Sinhala is a mixture of Sanskrit=pali = Spanish; don’t go to far see the “Sinhala ulu” is Spanish tiles Almiria, mesa towaya (because they had only amude)etc. So the Sinhalese lived on trees before the Europeans took control its crazy. Can anyone build an identical Taj mahal even with todays tech NO! Valli is spreading the rumour to form an opinion like most his-storians.
Kiri Yakka / November 25, 2013
Jimmy according to learned Ratnawalli ; Yakka comes from the word Yakk and Kiri comes from the word Hara Kiri.
But then Yakks are only found in Nepal and Hara Kiri only happens in Japan so acoding to scholars, Kiri Yakka comes from the Mythological yarn in which a Yakk decided to swim to Japan followed by a series of native academics like the one who entertains us here.
Walli-yaka / November 25, 2013
How are the grapes in California his Summer? Too sunny and suagary? You haven’t answered that!Are there some vales in the shadow-side when the sunlight is controlled and the grapes could be soury. You like sour grapes don’t you? Keep some good vintage bottles for the pre-debate with Nira. California is not a bad place to meetwith you around as compere. The eccentric old chap has been visiting the Barossa valley (South Australia) recently and collecting the few left vintage Shiraz, his favourite. That might help you in the selection!.Do not look for the heady ones.Milder the better but with a lot of aroma/ bouqet. Nira too might like it that way!
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
Walli-yaka/Bandu de Silva/no ethnologist/
Please check Google for information or CNN or Al Jazeera for weather news.
Here is Nira Wickramasinghe’s e mail address:
Can you arrange the debate with her.
Barbarossa / November 26, 2013
You almost freak like the Dumbo Silva in Darshani skin.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
Kiri Yakka
“But then Yakks are only found in Nepal and Hara Kiri only happens in Japan so acoding to scholars,”
After reading Irathina Valli’s article are you tempted to commit Hara Kiri while sitting on a Yak?
M.Sivananthan / November 25, 2013
I see some non-Veddas are in discomfort when they read some thing positive to Veddas in the article.
In this case Tamil/Sinhala morons are united.
These people must see the malayala film PAZHASI RAJA. The actors were Mamooty, Manoj K Jeyan, Kanika and others.
It tells how the veddas helped a Hindu king against the Christian British! This is true history of Kerala.
I am wondering why Darshani mentioned nothing about the language of Veddas! I know they are speaking Sinhala with Sinhalese and Tamil with Tamils. They speak a different one among themselves. I hope it must be the oldest language of the region. They are the HELA or ELU speakers.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2013
You have some interesting stories to tell.
You should write an article or a book with all these information that you have been providing in this forum.
When can we expect to see it on print?
M.Sivananthan / November 26, 2013
Not in CT!
Native Vedda / November 27, 2013
“Not in CT!”
Why not?
Fathima Fukushima / November 25, 2013
There were no Tamils in SL before the Dutch brought them down as tobacco slaves from Kerala.
That was the start of Tamilian history in SL.
Piraña / November 26, 2013
You need to have your head checked. Brainless 3/4 moron. Get lost you sob.
M.Sivananthan / November 26, 2013
before them the Herath Mudiyanselages arrived to Sri lanka from the same Kerala! Now more than one third of the Sinhalese are Herath or herath mudiyanse or mudiyanse!
Suresh / November 27, 2013
What about Kodippili, Samarappili, Samarakkodi, Kuruppu, Samaradivakara, Jayasuriya, and so on. Even today there are people by the names Kuruppu, Jayasuriya and so on in Kerela.
Kiri Yakka / November 25, 2013
Fathima you are spot on with the Dutch Incorporation of Tamil Slaves.I am sure that Rathanvalli would trace her ancestry to them. Because once they landed they became Sinhalese Pretenders.
Native Veddha, I do not have to do HaraKiri when Rathina Valli is doing it – I am just watching it, sitting in that Yakk.
JimSofty / November 25, 2013
This article summarizes that Sri lankans are not bred but It is the Veddas who own wanni and the tamils.
When Ravana’s dynastry ruled, Sri lanka was a developed country. Only after the Rama-Ravana war sri lanka became a desolate and poor country.
Veddhas were supposed to be the people in that region who moved to the forest in order to escape constant incursions by South indian invasions. Generally speaking, rural Sinhala language, when villagers speak, the word VANNI implies the sparsely inhabited rural dry zone Sri lanka. Those days’s GAM-Veddas have completely incorporated into the mainstream villagers and they are no longer to be found.
Drowpatty / November 27, 2013
“When Ravana’s dynastry ruled, Sri lanka was a developed country.”
Yea, Ravan womanapped ‘Seet’ by a precedent model of Wright Brother’s fly machine.
Native Vedda / November 27, 2013
“Yea, Ravan womanapped ‘Seet’ by a precedent model of Wright Brother’s fly machine.”
Pushpak Viman
Papadapoulos / November 28, 2013
[Edited out]
Kiri Yakka / November 26, 2013
Jim, Quite right. The real problem is that every one pretending to be the Sinhalese (except the Tamils). But given the current context most Sinhalese like the Tamils of yesteryear want to dump ship and immigrate. The president is on record saying that even his ambassador would like to.
I think what Rathnvalli is struggling the emphasis here is the need for the Sinhalese to de Sinhalize themselves and shed an identity that is so so messed up and too closely associated with war criminality.
But the other here are not getting her point. Because it is unacceptable for the Sinhalese to accept their real Tamil/Kerala identity she has brought the poor Vedas into the picture.
Please be sympathetic towards her good hearten endeavor.
Native Vedda / November 26, 2013
Kiri Yakka
“No Hara Kiri on Yakka”
” Because it is unacceptable for the Sinhalese to accept their real Tamil/Kerala identity she has brought the poor Vedas into the picture.”
Now you know why I always distant myself from these two stupid peoples. I assure you she is not going to succeed in her cunning plan.
It does not mean that I am going to let you live on my ancestral land.
Shenali, Champika, Nalin, Kamalika, and hordes of other amateur story tellers believe they can getaway with murder.
ken robert / November 26, 2013
Kiri yakka
‘Be sympathetic towards her good heartened behaviour’
Come on! Is it feeding jam to professors Sittampalam and pathmanathan about linguistics and history or psycho analysis on the effects flat chest on female psyche?
R.L.Stepmomson / November 26, 2013
6 men sits on a psycho’s chest, yo ho ho and a bottle to pump.
Native Vedda / November 26, 2013
ken robert
“Come on! Is it feeding jam to professors Sittampalam and pathmanathan about linguistics and history or psycho analysis on the effects flat chest on female psyche?”
In the past you presented yourself as a person who is in search of knowledge and wisdom. Sorry I didn’t know your study also includes looking into flat mammary glands.
Please let us know your conclusions
ken robert / November 27, 2013
Studying fat mammary glands is hard wired into male psyche which my conscious mind cannot control. Have you read the book” thinking fast and slow” by Nobel laureate Daniel Haenemann?
I am following my academic pursuits by starting to read on the book on linguistics ( LINK) you suggested in the previous comments.
Incidentally I came across two books namely illustrated history of Srilanka by Dr Anton Sebastian and new vistas of early history of srilanka by prof Wijaya Dissanayake. These two books are written by medical doctors like myself.
I hope you have reached your own conclusions about my academic pursuits inspite of my busy medical practice.
Native Vedda / November 27, 2013
ken robert
“I hope you have reached your own conclusions about my academic pursuits inspite of my busy medical practice.”
Since you are interested in history too, would you consider medical professions can/will contribute immensely to unravel Race Myth by detail studies of DNA, Dental archaeology, and other newer disciplines?
Please consider studying the common stupid genes of both Sinhalese and Tamils.
“Have you read the book” thinking fast and slow” by Nobel laureate Daniel Haenemann?”
Unfortunately no.
Javi / November 29, 2013
“|” of early history of srilanka by prof Wijaya Dissanayake. These two books are written by medical doctors like myself.”|”
Banndi paining! You are unable to keep the sick alive even with multiple tablets meant for statistical averages. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
But here you are investigating folk who died over a millennium which looks ridiculous because even DNA needs more refining according to judicial evidence in the west since of late.
History/rumours have/has been written since 48 with the assistance of free education. Yes with that free education Lanka had its first inserection where the sinhalese wanted to do away with the elderly for the above reason- stupid people who don’t realise there are artifacts world over eg. the looting that the facist Japenese committed at Loyang Grottos the largest Buddha on earth 100k statues is only partly exhibited in Japanese museums- therefore reason Zen is the only true Buddhist something like Mormons saying Jesus was born in the usa.
Sengodan. M / November 26, 2013
Around 10,000 years ago the present day island of Sri Lanka was land linked to the sub continent. So, Balangoda man was only part of the ‘Adivasis’ inhabiting the sub continent. Anyone can deduce the rest of ancient history.
Sengodan. M
Pangea / November 26, 2013
What was the sub-continent called, surely not India?
Native Vedda / November 26, 2013
Akhand Bharat
Crowrapathi / November 27, 2013
Akanda & Manjusava are words our national lottery mania frequently use.
Javi / November 29, 2013
Borrowed feathers don’t shine! Sanskrit originated in the mystic north.
Sengodan. M / November 26, 2013
An attitude of ‘Sinhala Only’ by some is understandable. But it will never follow as a corollary, that there could be an ancient history that could apply to the Sinhalese only as that would be illogical. Dharshanie Ratnawali continues to write some articles of pseudo history as though the island of Sri Lanka is a world by itself far dissociated from the huge mass of the adjoining sub continents and the historical and pre historical events there. She must be doing this because of her over anxiety to make an exclusive claim of the Sinhalese to the ownership of the island if not fo the establishment of a Sinhala supremacy. She pretends that nothing existed to the North of the island and perhaps is ignorant of an ancient community of people referred to as Vanniyas in Tamilnadu.
Sengodan. M
Kiri Yakka / November 26, 2013
I condemn all sexist remarks in this thread. Pls avoid them. The important question is this.
Is this forum suitable for high caliber academic activity ?
It is certainly not. Then if it is of such quality with all its references it should be sent to a journal for review and other scholars of native history will then take it to part. But that is not what is done here.
It is presented to a bunch of racist, highly educated under developed and jobless folks who are taking it a part – because they can relate to racist versions of history – of which we have had enough.
Petrokali / November 27, 2013
Eastern KiriYakka!
Where does lie the Kiri in a Yaka?
sbarrkum / November 28, 2013
One of the problems with Archaeology is that it not possible to definitely link the ancient population to the current population.
e.g. In Syria 4 individuals from about 2500 BC to 500 BC were found to have mtDNA M haplogroup. However mtDNA M haplogroup is not found in current Syrian populations whereas it is present in about 70% of the population in India.
It all well and good about reading old literature. That said to make any real analysis a multi disciplinary approach specially Anthropological/Genetic analysis needs to be incorporated into the research. Unhappily Darshanie Ratnawalli is stuck in early 19th century type analysis.
Native Vedda / November 28, 2013
“Unhappily Darshanie Ratnawalli is stuck in early 19th century type analysis.”……………………………………………………..
Like her Guru, Bandu de Silva, she is motivated only by an unexplained urge to establish the ancientness of Sinhalese in this island which both think may justify their exclusive right to own my ancestral land.