15 September, 2024


“Ministers Who Quit Govt., Joint Opposition Will Join SLFP May Day Rally” – Nimal Siripala

Senior Vice President of the SLFP and the man in charge of organizing the party’s May Day rally to be held in Chenkalady, Batticaloa, Nimal Siripala Silva, boasted that it will be ‘the biggest rally ever’.


Addressing a news conference Silva added that not only the 16 SLFPers who quit the Government recently, but even the Joint Opposition will take part in his party’s May Rally.

He pointed out that of the 16 dissidents S.B. Dissanayaka, Sarath Ekanayaka and Dr. Sudharshini Fernandopulle were members of the organizing committee.

Earlier, the group insisted that not only will they boycott the SLFP’s May Day rally but would organize a rally of its own if the party leadership did not institute radical reform including the replacement of key office bearers.

Members of the Joint Opposition, however, have openly supported the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLFP) and have not indicated any interest in the SLFP’s May Day celebrations.

“That is why we hold this year’s May Day with added enthusiasm, as SLFP members of the JO and the rebel group of 16, have pledged to participate in the main rally at Batticaloa,” he said.

The theme of the SLFP’s May Day rally is, ‘Promoting Reconciliation and Inter Communal Harmony’.

In addition to the main rally at the Chenkalady sports ground in Batticaloa, the SLFP will hold a photo exhibition at the BMICH to commemorate party stalwarts like, T.B. Illangaratne, Alavi Moulana, Ananda Dassanayaka and Bharatha Premachandra.

The minister declined to answer questions related to politics and said he would answer all political questions at another forum, at another time, because this news briefing was only for the SLFP May Day rally.

However, there was a quick dialog between journalists and the minister.

Daily Mirror: How can you ensure the success of the SLFP May Day rally in the East when the party has disintegrated into three sections?

Minister: Why are you talking only about the disintegration of the SLFP? Hasn’t the UNP and the JVP also fragmented? Don’t they have internal issues?

Daily Mirror: Yes, there are issues within the UNP, but they don’t fight outside the party. The SLFP’s fighting and divisions are quite obvious.

Minister: Why are you attempting to create problems in the SLFP, and glad about fragmentation?

Daily Mirror: No. What we want to see is unity and peace.

Minister: Ok, if that is the case, I am happy. I assure you that there will be a new journey by the SLFP after May 8. We are standing with our feet on both sides, with the aim of uniting all dissenting factions.

Daily Mirror: Will members of the rebel group of 16 participate in the May Day rally in Batticaloa?

Minister: Yes. I am the chairman of the organizing committee. There are members of the rebel group like S.B. Dissanayaka, Sarath Ekanayaka and Dr. Sudharshini Fernandopulle serving in the organizing committee. They will all participate.

Journalist: Why are you celebrating May Day while the country is facing an economic crisis? The rupee is depreciating daily and prices of all commodities have increased sharply.

Minister: Are there economic problems only in this country. Is it only Sri Lanka that holds May Day celebrations while having economic issues? Don’t be silly. May Day is a labour right and every worker has a right to celebrate it.

Journalist: Why are you having the SLFP May Day rally in Batticaloa.

Minister: There is nothing unusual about it. We have held May Day rallies in Galle, Kandy, Badulla and in Anuradhapura, in the recent past.

Journalist: As the Chairman of the organizing committee, are you confident of having a big crowd?

Minister: You will see it on May 7. This will be the biggest ever rally in Sri Lanka’s history.

Journalist: Would you be bringing people in buses and trains from other parts of the country.

Minister: Who will not do it? Does not the UNP and the JVP bring party supporters in buses for their rallies?

Journalist: How many buses have been reserved so far?

Minister De Silva: About 1,200 SLTB buses by yesterday. Four trains have also been reserved. The Sri Lanka Railways and the SLTB would release buses and trains only after they are paid their fares. There is no free transport in trains or SLTB buses to the rally. (Sandun A. Jayasekera)

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  • 6

    Isn’t this proof enough that may day is misused by political parties? Further proof can be had by looking at NSdeS in full western kit, a thorough mismatch if ever there was. He, SB Dissa, sarath eka and sudar fdopulle have never had anything to do with workers.

    • 3

      May Day is a TOTAL FARCE. Sri Lanka is cursed by these buffoons like Siripala, SB, Saree Pote Sarath E etc. Corrupt and useless thieves, we just cannot get rid. These clowns be they from SLFP, POO Jana Peramuna or UNP should have nothing to do with May Day. AT ALL! Period!
      PS: Siripala will arrive in his Inter-Cooler Turbo Super Luxury Jeep paid for by stupid Workers’ in Sri Lanka to fight for Workers’ rights. How stupid are you to attend a rally under the patronage of such deceptive, criminals?

  • 3

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than comment and remove all doubt.

  • 6

    “The theme of the SLFP’s May Day rally is, ‘Promoting Reconciliation and Inter Communal Harmony’.” Remarkable theme considering the fact that the Founder of the Party is responsible for just the opposite and for the state the Country at present.

  • 6

    Animal Siripala; what a disgrace. He was hammered naked by his own wife inside his ministry when found having sex with the steno typist. Everyone who were there saw the drama when he ran naked inside the bulding with wife followng him with a broom and filthy language. Now he is asking for PM post!

    What a joker, what a joker.

    What a crook, what a crook who has amassed billions.

    • 7

      These SLFP bastards do not have an ounce of shame. The rot started from banda the pathetic moron with his pancha Maha balavegaya an continued with Sirima chandrika the despot MR and lastly with Silly sena.

    • 6

      You may be right.

      He is no means a good politician.

      I wonder why Mr Sirisena has no balls to act as a leader

      He should not pave the way Rajapakshes to return.

      He promised a lot but to date, he has betrayed the mandate and stays as if he is deaf.

      We need to act against Sirisena than anyone else

      • 6

        Simon Agreed.

        Yesterday we saw MY3 opening the Sirasa Killi wesak at dawson street. Now it is 100percent confirmed that EP is behind all the dirty work against PM by using proxy.channel to oust the PM.

        • 3

          we still need to grateful to Mr Sirisena not ot have denied his common candidacy at the time, babarian leader was to be driven away.

          But that means we cant accept Mr Sirisena s all devious nature. He cant be better going by his past political life. He was one of the high men, who praised murderous rajapakshes for such a long time.
          Now it should be his turn, to punish Rajapakshes knowing all the hidden secrets of Rajapakshe.
          Just to stand against UNP, Mr Sirisena has become a puppet right at the mo,ment.
          DrDambare Amila explains it clearly

      • 2

        Sirisena has lost his balls… One is in MaRas hand and the other is with Kili….

        • 3

          From the begining of his appointment, he had no balls.

          He just acts as if he would bring reforms.

          Now with the time, he has turned out to be close to Rajapakshe rascals than to UNP.

          Latter strenghtened his hand, But he has now forgotten his appointment.

          It was an election pledge to appoint PM from UNP. That is not against constitutional WHOEVER whatever being said and spread.

          Had there been UNPrs, no SIRISENA WOULD EVER have got elected as PREZ.

          Telling something and doing totally different thing but nearing to MURDEROUS Rajapakshes is no means acceptable.
          Either Sirisena should leave the office or do what he is appointed for. So that people can see it in a larger picture.

    • 4

      During the period of Mahinda almost all the SLFP MP’s, Mahinda’s wife, children, local and US citizens (CIA agents), his friends, those he bought from other parties, and his relatives were given ministerial posts, embassy heads and other high posts and given all freedom to whatever they like including ransom, commissions, drug dealing, having sex, foreign trips, and murder is necessary.Even after losing the election they had the opportunity to enjoy most of the benefits. So, they are always with Mahinda and they can’t go against Mahinda even if they like. SLFP was dead when Mahinda took power and it is now Mahinda party.

  • 2

    “Ministers Who Quit Govt., Joint Opposition Will Join SLFP May Day Rally” – Nimal Siripala
    Blah blah blah ……………….
    May Day is no longer what it was intended for – the workers.
    Yet another way to exploit the workers with promises of glory and grandeur by the rapacious mafia.

  • 1

    What else can the 16 do? As my Grand Mother use to say “WALE PAYAI GODE PAYAI”

    • 1


      I agree with you more.

      But Mr Sirisena may have thought to pass the consitutional reforms by the support of them.
      Actually those 16 are no means better to the 50+ in JO right ? I am not living in the country, but I always found them as the most dangerous ever in lanken politcs. Except that so called Prof. GLP. He cant even stand right, but he has been caught by Rajapakshe BRUTAL groups as if some journos are caught by them. All is to run their sinsiter agendas.

  • 5

    We can call from now onwards the Dirty filthy shameless 16 SLFP Sillysena Wing.
    As Simon above mentioned he must be impeached at any cost.
    The Village baiya is much more dangerous than the medamulana meeharakapaksa

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